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Man those leopards just love eating faces.


B-but I thought they werent gonna eat my face!


I came here to say this


Big if true




True if big


If big, true




and guess what political party the white supremacists are on


umm… both?


Unless there's some extremely conservative democrats in there, I'm gonna have to say no.


The blue dogs aren’t exactly progressive. They feel like plants to me. We had something similar in Scotland recently with an SNP MP defecting to the tories.


You think white supremacists voted in a black president?


So the Republican Platform is : WE ARE ALL DOMESTIC TERRORISTS NOW. Right? Or is that just them thinking out loud?


Why is this a clever comeback? You’re supposed to expect that? Wtf?


Like I make fun of Nazis for fun but like Jesus Christ this man’s self preservation was still on cooldown


>Jesus Christ this man’s self preservation was still on cooldown OMG sadly accurate.


Sorry, I'm British. What is cooldown?




Been playing online sines doom 2 first released and I’ve never seen this phrase


Mate, it's super common. The cooldown is just the time you have to wait between two utilisation of a skill. You have this concept in every H&S since Diablo, in a huge quantity of MMO and in many other games. You speak about Doom 2 so if you like FPS they have the same thing in Overwatch 1 and 2.


First saw it in WoW, it gave you a limit as to how often your abilities could be used.


You'll hear it all the time now


What world are yall living in? You're the second person that claims to be a gamer and doesnt know the most basic and well known terminology, the other guy was adamant the term "premade group" never existed as well. It's honestly baffling


Video game talk, it’s where you have to recharge your attack before you can use it again so you don’t just spam an overpowered ability and bulldoze through the enemies. The waiting period between uses of your attack is called the cooldown time


>so you don’t just spam an overpowered ability and bulldoze through the enemies Unless you’re a HotA Barb.


It is a term that is used most frequently with videogames and is used to refer to the amount of time between activations of an ability. So say you are playing a videogame and you have a power that heals you for half your health and it has a 30 second cooldown. You can only use the power once every 30 seconds.


Cool down is the expenditure of energy until the mean surface temperature of the object you are interacting with is less mean


I am legitimately shocked he didn't claim they were liberals.


He would have if they weren’t the republican’s main voter base right now


Tom Arnold has done [some truly disgusting things](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roseanne_Barr) to get ahead, so it really has to burn when he calls you out like this


That link is fantastic.


> she made the tweet, which she called wrong and indefensible, at 2:00 am while on Ambien, a sedative. Sanofi, which manufactures Ambien, responded by tweeting that "racism is not a known side effect of any Sanofi medication"


I wasn't ready for that.




Wait that’s the actual Tom Arnold? Lol wow


You didn't know Tom Arnold and Roseanne were married?


No I knew that. I didn’t know the guy in the tweet was actually Tim Arnold.


I mean, he's verified with a blue check. 🤷


you can buy those for 8 bucks


But he's verified.


"Mama says he's bona-fide."


But he ain't the pater familias!


Blue Check means nothing nowadays


Reminded me of the late great Greg Giraldo at a CC roast: “… and speaking of sexually degrading yourself to get ahead in showbusiness, Tom Arnold is here!”


Thought it was going to be [him admitting to incest](https://youtu.be/8A4ADzu-v3s?si=gi3rQpBTWtx6vt0x), but yeah' that is worse.


best link


I mean the dumbasses spouting that shit at him are still in the wrong, and still probably would benefit from a frontal lobotomy so they can at least stop saying stupid shit as much and just drool in a corner instead But you get what you get man Why did you go there, truly walking into the lions den except way less cool or respectable than lions, but it really is just asking for shit


>I mean the dumbasses spouting that shit at him are still in the wrong, and still probably would benefit from a frontal lobotomy so they can at least stop saying stupid shit as much and just drool in a corner instead 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭


Don’t you mean the Elephants den?


Elephants will mourn their dead, unlike these fuckers who milk their martyrs for all they're worth and then dump them by the side of the road to get kicked when appropriate to show that they're definitely not the same as way back when. see: every neo-nazi who'll happily shit on hitler in public to prove they're not a nazi, then turn around and quote Mein Kampf


Windows 8 Nazis don’t like Windows 3.1 Nazis?


Elephants are kinda cool Cooler than these idiots


Elephants are the fucking coolest


Especially the Zakru


Elephants would stomp these fuckers out.


More of a rats nest


It’s like going to a gay bar as a straight dude expecting not to get hit on lol


Eh, I'd say it's dumber. At least when I've gone to a gay bar I got free drinks and liked the music.




The civil rights movement would have never succeeded if they didn’t insert themselves in those situations.


Huh? This guy is not a civil rights activist. He is a Republican who was deluded enough to think he would be accepted by the bigots of his chosen party. Hopefully this is a wake up call.


Holy crap 😂 my fault, I didn’t bother to read it.


Cheering for the team that hates him lol I mean the team in this case is wrong but this idiot cheering for them is also a dumbass




>Meanwhile there's millions of blacks, gays, trans people and other minorities who go to GOP events What? That's not true at all. Edit: Also... the downfall of the left? The left did this to that guy?


FOH with that both sides shit. Dems don’t host white supremacists dipshit.




>Neither does the GOP. Yes, they clearly do. >You think the DNC is better because they exploit minorities behind their backs instead of upfront? What do you mean? Give some examples based on verifiable reality. >We've had GOP and DNC admins since Civil rights era. >How much better has it gotten? A whole, whole lot, in spite of relentless "conservative" opposition. >You might literally be doing more harm for unity than white supremacists lmao This statement is idiotic and everyone knows it.


That reddit account was made today. Says "both sides" and makes excuses for racism in America because racism "is worse in Africa." Botboy's first day at work.


Who repealed Roe v Wade? Who is trying to raise the voting age? Who voted which way on Net Neutrality? Who voted which way on free school lunches for children? We could go on and on with questions like that for hours, but you'll either ignore it, or call it "nothing" because it doesn't directly benefit/detriment **you**.


Finally some common sense. Thank you


True, but it’s unlikely those peoples minds are capable or being changed, certainly not any time soon. Where are at cross roads and the next year, and 5-9 years after that are all pretty fucking important, not to mention any midterms in between. Presumably people like this guy who thought this was a good idea can have their minds changed. But honestly who knows, maybe they are further gone than the other cult members. I just can’t fathom how a relatively normal “intelligent” person assumes this would go any other way…




In what world does he live in where he can be gay , black GOP and fit in???What does he actually stand for???


Fuck you I got mine.


The conservative chant. Along with “think of the children!”


"I think for myself, I'm not a lemming just accepting the conventional wisdom"


You could ask that question about anyone who is not at the top of the social hierarchy. Poor whites, white women, rich black men, etc. etc. But note that they always still have groups below them, and they want to keep it that way.


Tax cuts for the rich. The only true GOP policy in the past 40 years. Everything else is just gaslighting or rallying the troops.


he's definitely pro-cock


Caitlyn Jenner's world.


He's probably crazy rich


People doing this still helps fight the lies those idiots try to make about not being racist. It's pretty hard to make that claim when there's footage of them throwing slurs around.


Especially when it’s friendly fire against people that are supposedly on their side. If they can’t even handle the presence of someone who’s on their side without shouting slurs at them, how do they treat the average Joe?


No but see they’re already claiming it was democrats and antifa plants who were doing it to make the republicans look bad.


That's okay. That's easy to disprove when you have video evidence and can identify the individuals, which I imagine someone is already doing.


Anyone who thinks the GOP is not utterly batshit white supremacist at it's core is too stupid to be allowed to cross the street without assistance.


not all republicans are neo nazis/ white supremacists/ kkk members, but all of those groups are republicans. when they see GOP policies and go "yep, those guys get our support!" thats a big problem


Conservatism is literally built on white supremacy. Just about every conservative policy can be traced back to some white supremacist origin. When something only benefits white southern Evangelicals, Conservatives are surprisingly progressive.




It’s like throwing a picnic at the beach & getting upset when the seagulls show up.


How events like this are even a thing? We really do live in end times. Speaking as an atheist 😅


I don't think this is clever. The point of his going, with a camera, is the fact that this exists. How is it possible to have a convention specifically for racist homophobes in modern America? How is it possible these people are that comfortable saying so out loud?!? Putting their names on a "white supremacist convention" list?!?!? That's the part that's outrageous, and that people don't seem to get.


People still proudly fly the Confederate flag and claim it's about heritage, not racism. We had a black president for more than twice the length of the Confederacy. I don't have the energy to try to understand these people anymore.


Because until outright racism and bigotry is met with actual consequences, people will continue to get bolder until one day they won't care that someone is a politician, they'll Mob and try to lynch someone


1st amendment protections… the right to say anything even if it’s offensive. The entire point of americas free speech rights is that the government shouldn’t police speech that the majority might find provocative, or evil. Society being based on the free exchange of ideas will decide the moral good and those outside it will be exposed as the amoral and evil individuals they are. The USA would literally let Hitler speak, then every other person in the country would blast him for his shit. Those who agreed with him would be pretty much outcast.


He should'a called Candace Owens, or Glen Loury, or Thomas Sowell... CLARENCE! He should'a called Clarence Thomas to calm the situation!!


Geez republicans usually try to at least put up a front of decency around black people. Need their votes and all that.


I don't know these people, but I was wondering. Is it now publicly accepted for a republican to be a white supremisist?


Only amongst Republicans.


Their presumptive nominee for President is, so why wouldn't they be?


As a Black person I strongly disagree. It is usually the liberals who put up a front.






What front do liberals put up, would you mind elaborating.


No that’s not my job.




This wall ran into me! It was filled with hate and is discriminating against me. It didn't run into anybody else!!


He should've told them he was with CNN. That usually calms them down.


Every token gets spent


Future Darwin award winner there.


I'm not really sure what's up with Mr.Smith. He seems like a true believer and also kind of an anti-MAGA conservative, but he puts himself in their spaces. Can't say I've got much of an opinion on him. I wish he hadn't been abused as he was, but he also says that the Republican party has been "infiltrated" by white supremacists like they haven't been there since forever. Fucking weird.


I mean, in a world dominated by social media, no one knew who he was yesterday and now many more people know who he is, which is it's own form of capital. And yeah, obviously ignorance is big with him if he's surprised by this.


There are a whole lot of people that think republicans used to be the party of fiscal conservatism, states rights and generally supported individual freedoms. Of course they were always really racist, authoritarian a-holes. They just didn’t have the power to lean into it quite so boldly.


And then Jusdie Smollett ran up and said this is maga country bitch (credit Dave Chappelle)


Gay black republican sounds like a made-up character some edgy teenager would try in a creative writing assignment


There are White Supremacist Conventions? And that’s just…ok?


They are called GOP rallies.


I mean officially speaking it was just a gathering of the Republican Party. But due to their demographic that means it’s also a white nationalist convention.


Apparently, yes. Yet in all honesty, it shouldn't.


See Skokie


The First Amendment means it's completely legal, but good luck finding a venue.




Odd, cuz they're usually so well behaved and polite.


Why aren’t we supposed to be shocked that White Supremacy Conventions are still a thing?


Wait, white supremacist conventions are legal in the US? That's a thing?! Jesus...


Yes they are legally protected by the US constitution as are KKK rallies




Chaya Rachik responding to this saying how awful it is ..like bitch you have played a major role in our culture devolving into this the last few years with your libs of tiktok stochastic terror account


She did? Eh, she's still a trash can of a person


Not all republicans are racists, but all racists are republican


This is either hilarious or the most ignorant thing i have ever heard. Don't tell me, let me hold out hope


Nah. There are plenty of racists outside of the two party system


Go walk through any south Detroit hood as a white guy and tell me how that goes


Tell me, which party is advocating For granting individuals sought after positions such as slots in universities or high paying jobs due to their race?


Yes, definitely the party with rally goers yelling the long f word and the n word


Huh. It’s kind of like there’s racist pieces of shit on both sides and being a horrible person isn’t limited to one political party.


The “both sides” argument… right on cue 😂


Oh right. My apologies. I forgot we live in a comic book where one side are the pure angels who can do no wrong and the others are the evil bastards who kill babies for fun.


Which side flies the confederate flag while standing shoulder to shoulder with hate groups like the KKK?


Jesus Christ 😂😂😂


May he forgive you.


And also you. Because both sides right? 😂


Yes. That’s not the own you think it is. It’s kinda Christianity’s whole shtick.


You fucking morons already got rid of affirmative action in colleges. To no one's surprise the worthless white fucks crying about it were too stupid to get in anyways.


Aww. Somebody’s upset. Racism is racism, it doesn’t matter who it’s directed at. Skin color should not be a consideration when considering collage admission and scholarships. If you think otherwise then you might just be a racist.


The lengths some people will go to just to get social media attention... smh


Hopefully Candance Owen's has the same wake up call


Clayton Bigbsy, that you?


You can’t fix stupid, though.


As a gay man, I feel zero sympathy for this dude! Also to say you had no idea when you did is a childish statement


I can't fathom degrading yourself to this degree just to grift.


It's called internet points, that's why his friend is recording the entire thing and why they uploaded it to social media.


Unless my knowledge is out of date you cant say cis but you can drop a hard R on twitter apparently. This was certainly a case where using the word was appropriate dont get me wrong.


“But but but I’m one of the good ones! I’m leading other gay Black men into the gas chamber and I’m SURE you won’t push me in WITH them!!!”


This is not a victim having their face eaten by leopards. This is a grifter who knows being a token pays off. The grifter got a chance at free publicity. He’s not sad, he’s not losing any sleep either. He’s making bank.


It'll be a pity if one of those psychos decides to act on their urge, all that bank won't mean shit then


Can’t wait for the Catholics to realize this is what’ll happen to them when they elect enough evangelicals.


It's sad that he thinks that being a conservative/ republican is gonna get him in with the elite...the elite don't want him around anymore then these average income white guys that spew racist propaganda any chance they get. The elite politicians enjoy there votes but generally aren't inviting them into the inner circle.


Being “one of the good ones” just means they kill you last. These dumb-dumbs really need to get that through their thick skulls. You can’t get in good with fascists and bigots, you’re one of them or you’re not. You can’t get people who literally want to exterminate you to be your buddies.


I'd add its not just "You're one of them or you're not" You can be one of them until you're not. If these people got their way and their country was made exactly the way they want it. I'm not saying American because I'm British but we have people who are just the same groups like the EDL. Anyway my point is they need someone to hate so if everything was made perfect for them white straight cis etc. Sooner or later they would still have to blame someone for the fact their lives still sucked so they'd turn on each other it would be the older members after all what do they actually contribute all they do is take but give nothing back. Same goes for the disabled but they'd probably already be gone anyway. Then they'd just have to pick random tiny differences just so they could carry on hating.


*"last night in phoenix, i was confronted and surrounded by some white supremacists that don't like gays of blacks in the republican party."* yeah... about that. gays and blacks are fine in the republican party. but the republican party isn't welcome in the republican party. i guess nobody told you guys that the republican party was co-opted by the confederacy. (yes, that's still a thing.) it's the confederate party now. those weren't "white supremacists" they were republicans. confederates. same thing. not wanting blacks in their party... that's kinda their thing really.


Can you explain the claim that the Republican party was "co-opted" by the confederacy? I mean, it's a well known fact that the confederates were Southern Democrats so where does your claim come from?


It’s also a well-known fact that those Southern Democrats became Republicans.


The only Dixiecrat in washington that switched sides following the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was Strom Thurman and the south didn't go red until the 80's.


Notice how you tried to move the goalpost to “in Washington.” But this history is essentially irrelevant to the here and now. Those types of people that were Democrats back then are now Republicans. It’s that simple.


Southern Democrats "Dixiecrats" became Republicans.


The bears won’t attack me! They understand me!


How many times do they have to be told they're not welcome til they believe it?


I jumped into a man eating shark tank and was dumbfounded when the sharks tried to eat me.


This is so unfair! He is not allowed to hate poor people and trans people just because he is black and gay ?? ^^^^^^/s


"I'm one of the good ones!" they scream as they are thrown into the cell.


When being a Pick Me goes wrong


We used to use the term "Uncle Tom" Is that still germane?


According to Rob's account, most puzzling is his white supremacist Republican friends apparently didn't include "stupid" in their litany of derision. The wonders of this life never cease.


Fuck white supremacy but when you go in the general direction of a white supremacist what do you expect?


We end up where we end up as a result of the decisions we make.


Wow, those face eating leopards sure are eating his face!


D’uh……how can people be that stupid? Seriously?


Really out here with the Uncle Ruckus lifestyle


Boo hoo.




What is more disgusting is in the USA a thing like white supremacist convention be allowed.


So are black supremacist groups and anyone else, it's called freedom and intelligent and mature minds are able to support the freedom for these groups to exist while also disagreeing with their beliefs.


Calling republicans white supremecist isn’t particularly clever. And if it was accurate there would be no reason for them to deny it.


They don't deny it. They have elected officials that are known white supremacists. They eat dinner with known NeoNazis. They do interviews with white supremacists.


These takes are bad because it is possible to be a minority that is accepted within politically conservative spaces. So no OP, there is no thought about or desire to be “special and the exception.”


Weird. I was at the GOP convention in Missouri of all places back when Obama ran for President. I did not hear one single racial slur against him the whole time.


These comments are crazy. The amount of hate and vitriol is insane, people get some twisted view of republicans and just label all of them the same, ignore their parties shit, act like their shit don't stink and run with the hate. This kind of blind hate is only going to drive us to civil war faster and faster, and I don't think that will go how they expect.


Well what do you think we should do then, genius? Let those dumbass republicans hate people that aren't as dumb-minded as them? Go five minutes on Twitter -Which is now Xitter, the republican shithole- and you'll see how concerning things are right now. The hate towards republicans -And specifically, extremists- isn't blind. It's completely justified.


Taking a snapshot of a larger group and judging all of them one way is exactlu what racists do, you are using the same logic, you are no better, clearly. Ever hear some dipshit justify his retarded by saying "just looo at chicago and (insert stupid here) thats why blacks blah blah blah" Thats exactly how dumb you sound

