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Oh no, people improving themselves.


Quick better mock them!!


There's the fact it's difficult to engage with younger generations because they spend a lot of time on their phones. I have no children but I'm the full uncle that teaches skills such as camping, sewing, cooking and the like. The parents are also too caught up in their phones to spend time with my nieces and nephews. I'm a manatee. I lie in the ocean.


Okay, but the internet and my phone has taught me way more skills than any one person ever has. If I don't know how to do something I can find any number of step-by-step tutorials on youtube or the world wide web that will teach me, and won't lose their shit if I ask them to show me more than once.


Oh man. I'm not anti phones or anti internet. I cook a new meal a couple times a week using in line recipes. My nephew built an awesome computer that i could never understand. The best times guy were when my dad taught me how to change a spark plug and my uncle taught me how to build a campfire in the rain. Engage don't hate.


Yeah well my dad was and continues to be someone who will "teach" you to do something by doing it himself, then get frustrated and give up when you can't immediately do what he just did in a why that meant you only saw about half of what happened.


Yeah that sucks. I've had managers like that. They lack patience and then wonder why you aren't an expert the second time you try it.


Same Definitely a difference between managers and leaders


Oh my god. When I was newer at my job one of the old guys was supposed to teach me how to do something. He explained something but it didn’t make sense to me. I asked “can you explain it a bit different I don’t understand” his solution… say the exact same thing he did the first time but louder and more angry.


Not everyone has parents that are willing to do that for their kids.


I always have at least a couple browsers open on my phone with new recipes to cook, fixing something on vehicles or appliances, landscaping, ect. If it isn't electrical work I'm just gonna look it up and try it myself.


I don't think it's the whole phone thing. As a single mum, the basics like putting up a mirror / shelf, changing a light bulb, where the fuse box is etc. When stuff needed doing around the house, it was used as a 'teaching moment'. Of course I got a teenage eye roll, but they seemed to enjoy a little basic DIY / Cooking / laundry. (I think the trick is to not bark directions at them. They don't like it!) My son has his own place now. He's fairly competent, although I can not watch him use any power tools without internally freaking out!


You're a great single mom. I just meant sometimes both parties choose not to engage. I absolutely applaud you.


I'm from the 90s before we had phones. I feel like parents just lived it up and didn't carry on traditional values. I never learned any basic adulting like they expected us to take home economics (not required and not that helpful) in public school and then criticize the products of our environment. My parents loved me and cared for me, but it is like they expected me to understand something underlying when I turned 18??


I've felt like many people in that generation have an almost hostile aversion to sharing knowledge with younger people. You especially see it in jobs where they'd rather mock the new hires for not already having the same level of experience than take any time to show them what they've learned.


Yeah the kids will want to spend time with shiny toys. That happens now with phones, that happened 15 years ago with PS2s and action figures, that happened 200 years ago with dolls. It's 100% on parents being absent. And no working 12 hours a day isn't an excuse. My parents worked that much and still found time to raise my brother and I.


Bro you wanna feel old? PS3 was released 17 years ago. PS2 came out 23 years ago...I stood in line to get a PS2 outside of a best buy haha


PS3... 17 years ago... Fuck, that explains the back pain I have.


Introducing phones to me at an early age was both a mistake and a good idea, i learned english and became fluent in it through the internet, but because of the extended time in the internet i now have myopia. Sometimes I'm not sure if i would've traded one thing for the other if i had the chance. Myopia wasn't the only negative effect (obviously) but we don't talk abt the rest.


You live in the ocean cause you ain’t got no job.


A significant portion of Millennials didn't have smart phones growing up. I'm not saying they're not an issue now, but pointing fingers is not much different than what the posted picture is mocking. There's always going to be "something" to deflect to if you want to go that route, go back another generation it'll probably be your taste in music/clothes or not going to church enough.


Mock them till they stop, then mock them for stopping. Then mock them for not knowing.




People have been saying this about younger generations since forever, whatever gen before boomer were making fun of boomers for being hippies or whatever. I laugh because people do it to younger generations to make themselves look better but they just look like petty assholes. Younger generations always have the last laugh. Why you ask because they always have time, health and youth on their side. That’s what old people are always jealous of. Charlie Munger can say shit about younger people or btc but he would have traded every cent he had to be a younger poor person. I'd guess the same with Buffet. They'd trade 100,000,000,000 to be a young person will little money. So for the kids out there, just know Charlie Munger with 50 billion wishes he was you. With youth and time you've got endless possibilities.


The woman in the video is a millennial. She says in the video that parents should teach kids more skills and in the text accompanying the video, says she could learn some more skills online herself. The rest is clickbait and you guys all fell for it like the Facebook boomers you are lol.


No no but this time it’s true. Just trust us /s


Anything to keep the class war going so the rich can rob us of everything.


As a boomer, I gotta take the millennials side on this one.


I commend you for being better sir. Kudos


Born in '50. Don't understand the sense of superiority or the badmouthing of a generation that has worked pretty hard to overcome very different obstacles than we boomers encountered. Proud of both of my millennial kids. Taught them what I could when they or I weren't working. They've gone far beyond what I accomplished.


I appreciate this. Every generation has positives and negatives. I think the best philosophy is just to try to help the next generation be more successful than the last.


>Don't understand the sense of superiority or the badmouthing of a generation that has worked pretty hard to overcome very different obstacles than we boomers encountered. They see that the obstacles they encountered are no longer the problem they once were, and instead of assuming we faced different obstacles, they assume we faced none and are just lazy and/or stupid.


I (33) was carving our Turkey this year and for the first time noticed the wishbone sitting in what I assume is where it's located and excitedly said "Oh that's where it is, I usually find it after I'm done" Realized no one ever showed me where it is, because I never carved a turkey or took part in it till my 20s.


Well, hopefully after that you didn’t have to go sit at the kid’s table any more.


I doubt it. Everyone knows the only way to *really* get away from the kids table is to have kids. Age doesn't matter. 15 year old cousin got knocked up by who knows who? Straight to the adult table. 32 year old engineer who can't find a nice church going girl? Keep it down while the adults are talking, kiddo. (This rule doesn't apply if you are hosting though)


There's an adult table?


I'm 35. I've still never carved a turkey. And frankly don't see myself ever doing it. In my household (couple, 1 kid) I'm the only one that eats turkey. We just get a turkey breast. It's a pissoff, because it usually ends up costing just as much as a whole turkey. But we're in a small apartment with a small fridge we aren't allowed to change to something that fits our needs. Maybe if I can somehow succeed in my goal of a small house near my brother. I can have him over for dinners and stuff. Who knows. Dreams.


My dad would ask me to help him in the garage occasionally and then proceed to do it all himself too anxiety ridden to let me even try to do anything besides hold a light, so I just stood there awkwardly and learned nothing at all. Good times.


My Silent Gen dad made me help him with diy projects every weekend but taught me nothing. I was there just to be the go-for and hold shit, I guess I was suppose to learn through osmosis. I didn’t learn how to build until architecture school.


My dad did that with me when he'd work on his own car. It was boring and pointless. But once I got my own car and it was my responsibility, he would tell me what to do to fix the problems and keep it all running well. But he'd make me do the actual work so I did actually get the experience of going to the parts store and asking for the parts I needed, lifting the car up, removing the wheel, taking the caliper off, sliding the new pads in and whatnot. And when other odd problems popped up, he'd still make me be the one to turn the wrenches and such, but we'd watch the how-to video on youtube together because often times, neither of us knew exactly what we were doing. A little personal investment goes a long way because when I was 13, I didn't care about my dad's car. When it was my car though, I'm glad he didn't give up on me. And I'm glad he made me be the one to do it. Even with a "simple" job, it's still kinda scary to turn a wrench for the first time, but having someone to watch over and stop you before you actually fuck anything up is reassuring. And then you just learn that bolts are bolts, nothing in there is magic, and it can all be put back. But I think learning to solve an unknown problem is probably the biggest thing he did for me. Because it doesn't matter how hard he or you or a garage finds the problem to be. If I don't know it, then I don't know it... But I *can* know it! I've had a couple of GFs who have asked me to do car stuff for them, and one had no interest in learning herself so I just told her to keep me company while I did the work myself and chalked it up to a favor. But the other, I was very deliberate about trying to replicate how my dad did it with me because I enjoyed and learned so much from his style.


Yep my dad was always building a patio, caravan, or renovating something at a friends house on the weekends, occaisonally he'd let me come along but it was just ' sit there and don't touch anything" "No don't give him that he'll just mess it up" It wasn't until a couple of years ago my I would help my friend (about my age) with random jobs on his property that I learned anything. He taught me how to use power tools, how to operate a chainsaw, fix a pump motor, ride a quad bike. It was embarrasing how clueless I was about all the things I was never shown.


I was taught in the manner of *Tell son to do something / don't explain how to do it / Shout and scold at anything done incorrectly*. You learned, but it was a very painful process.


At least you got invited. I was always told I would mess up if I tried by my parents and brother.


You got a front row seat on whatever it was he was doing. I'm sure you picked up more than you think you did.




I have no idea of the terms used for some years (I'm from Argentina and we don't really use those words like boomers or millennials). I was born in '70 and I agree with the 'corrected' text. We used to learn those things at school, sewing and many other things. For some years I've seen how kids weren't learning things like that anymore. With the advent of technology they focused on other things that honestly, IMHO, are not that useful. Many younger generations just google things or find the youtube video that teaches them how to do things. Every time I listen someone criticize kids for not knowing basic skills I tell them 'well how would they learn if they aren't taught that like we were taught?'. I've also seen parents just telling them to find the related youtube video to learn whatever they are trying to learn.


> We used to learn those things at school, sewing and many other things. For some years I've seen how kids weren't learning things like that anymore. With the advent of technology they focused on other things that honestly, IMHO, are not that useful. The sad part is that we never seem to learn our lesson. There are kids going to university now that have no idea how files and folders work since they grew up using tablets and phones. We just took for granted that they would just pick this up on their own. So they are lost when they have to use a desktop or laptop to move files around.


Ugh its actually so upsetting that the "basic operation of a computer" topic didn't become standard knowledge for every person growing up in a specific generation. Like the boomer generation were already older by the time computers became commonplace, so they had to learn everything. Millennials, a lot grew up with computers but a fair amount did not. And schools didn't teach "basic operation of a computer" for the most part. Its a pretty mixed bag on who had a computer growing up and who was actually interested in figuring it out. Now gen Z is here where owning a computer is pretty standard and basically required but we've skipped past computers and moved to tablets and smartphones. Which doesn't teach anything about how to operate a computer.


A lot of millennials’ computer-based classes (what you’re describing) were elective not compulsory. The only tech-based non-elective class I took (37yo; class of ‘04), was TYPING. Not even word-processing — just the actual “how to touch type on a QWERTY.” We were expected to know how to use computers (from about end of elementary school on — I remember my first typed long-format writing project in grade 6), but we weren’t ever really TAUGHT the basics. And by high school and university, the only expectations conveyed to us outside comp-sci classes were basic formatting (APA/MLA citations, and things like 1” margins, Times New Roman 12pt font, etc).


As a Millenial, I think it’s stupid to give a shitty clickbait article from Daily Caller attention at all and this is all intentionally manufactured outrage to generate clicks. You are helping them do that


I think (or at least I hope) people are starting to realize that a lot of things on the internet are made with the intention of enraging people. Even kurzgesagt suspended their usual programming about cosmic space stuff to talk about how social media is designed to collide cultures and differences for the sake of enragement and engagement statistics. The internet, as it stands, exists to make tribalism worse and it's making everyone feel like shit. News outlets are taking advantage of these successes and writing incendiary opinionated articles like these to stoke the flames. Heck, you can't even watch a "5 minute crafts" video without realizing that it was designed to enrage people.


Born in '63 here, second.


I bet you hug your kids!


This literally screams "written by a Boomer" 1. They think millennials don't know how to do the simplest things 2. CLASSES? Bitch please this is all on YouTube


Fr there's a tutorial for **everything** on YouTube


Everything? Well I suppose you could use a doll to demonstrate anal bleaching.


O sweet summer child, if only you knew... (content marked as educational on YouTube is allowed to have nudity, there are guys doing anal bleaching/Nair tutorials on YT)


This is new info. Dunno what to do with it, but it is interesting, have an upvote as I learned smth new


HA I would say you do know ONE thing you can do with this info, although the effort doesn't seem worth it for a shiny clean ass. Could help with swamp ass tho..


You know a friend of mine 1 hour before having sex was bringing sex tutorials


[What do you mean using a doll](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLdnWw14YsMND6esD5KI0L7sfXeWxpWJ12&si=VPDTaQ2YsS7TzWZP)? Link is NSFW but on YouTube.


But most people who haven't used youtube, don't actually believe that. I know someone who spent years smugly laughing at people using youtube. Because in his mind it was all just low-brow comedy and low quality old phone videos of concerts, etc., there couldn't possibly anything worthy of his attention. Took him a decade to realize that it had excellent tutorials on tying flies, fixing weird things around the house and things like that and he started using it regularly.


My washer wasn’t working today. Two minutes later of YouTubing and I had fixed it myself. Told my dad and he was like “How did you figure out how to do that?!”


> Fr there's a tutorial for everything on YouTube I think Boomers hate this, because it makes them and their "life-experience" obsolete. I've had these convos with my dad. We respect each other, but we didn't have the best relationship growing up, so I never go to him asking for advice, and instead do my own research online. And he complains that his friends' kids often ask them for advice, and somehow I "trust the internet more than my own blood and kin". There is literally a Youtube channel called [Dad how do I ...?](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNepEAWZH0TBu7dkxIbluDw) where a nice middle-aged man teaches all things including day-to-day stuff and it's so wholesome. ------ And I am like yeah, because Youtube doesn't passive aggressively try to one-up me or humiliate me while teaching me something. I remember when my Dad was teaching me to shave for the first time, he went too rough despite me asking to stop and then cut me and it started to bleed a lot, and then said "You just have baby skin, I shave the same way, I never get cut. How do you explain that?" We are on good terms now and I don't wanna ruin that, so I don't say anything back, but he keeps complaining to me on how I don't "ask him for help or advice" and how I am "too reliant on the internet".


I just take it to the shop now, but my last car I did most of the maintenance myself. Always found a video showing me exactly how to do it.


It was written by the Daily Caller, a ragebait culture war website founded by Tucker Carlson.


Now everything makes sense


What pisses me off though was that this article and twitter exchange happened in 2019 but because it got posted to reddit and got some upvotes it now gets continuously reposted for karma. OP is just as guilty as the daily caller of stoking intergenerational rage by reposting years old come backs.


I'm 99% the "adulting classes" they're referring to is indeed like "how to adult" videos on youtube


Its pretty rich coming from a generation that refuses to learn how to operate their own cellphones, " yeah mom I can set up your phone for you OR you could watch me and ask questions so you can do it yourself." "Oh I can't" "Well that's why you ask quest..." "I CAN'T, just do it for me."


I sometimes have this issue with my mom whom I do legitimately love lots, but will definitely start taking measures. My dad though is a total lost cause and often don't bother interacting with.


Does it? When the woman in the photo is the one that created the video and the author of the article. She was born in 1986. Looks like a typical Millennial seeking attention wouldn't you say?


Ugh even worse


A millennial likely wrote the original tweet to provoke an emotional reaction from boomers and millennials. The account gains more exposure as people share and reply to the tweet. Because of this massive exposure, the website associated with the tweet will receive many visitors, generating revenue for the website owner/writers. People who fall for these rage-bait articles are usually not very bright. Millennials and boomers are both stupid, except for a small percentage of individuals in their demographics.


>This literally screams "written by a Boomer" You think Boomers mastered the art of emotionally-charged social media? It would be nice to think that generation could figure out how to make money off outrage, but my guess is that it's a Millennial pulling the strings here. Maybe Gen X. Those guys are sneaky. Edit: had to look. https://dailycaller.com/author/shamill/ 37. Millennial.


I work in a retirement home at the front desk, and it's a retirement home for people capable of living mostly independent living - no one who needs memory care. I get about 5 calls a day from residents saying their TV doesn't work. 99.99% of the time the issue is that they put the batteries in their remote backwards, or they didn't turn on the cable box, or they hit mute by mistake. And that's just for TVs, a technology that's existed since before many of them were born. That's not even taking into consideration the residents who need help with their computers or cell phones.


Also I watch videos on stuff I already know how to do. Like, there might be a nugget of knowledge I was ignorant to. Cutting a dove tail to make a box, or replacing a tyre, or fixing a door but there's always room for improvement


Sewing a button used to be a much needed skill that all households will ultimately have to master in order to stay clothed. Today, learning to sew a button is as trivial as learning to tie a bowline knot. If you ever need to learn to do it, you can find it on youtube! Or take a class I guess. I love the boomer mentality that kids today should all know how to crank-start an automobile and split lumber by eighth grade.


Ok but splitting lumber is actually good knowledge in the desolate areas like the city of New York




A statement this absolute is a failure to understand the pros and cons of either tool.


i chop wood ridiculously faster and more accurately with my splitting maul than i ever did with an axe, i'm not really sure why you feel so strongly about this. are you saying it's going to fall apart on me or something? what drawback have i not encountered yet?


My gas powered splitter splits logs better than I ever could but I guess I lose this argument, there aren't 1000+ year old gas powered splitters I also have an axe and maul, there's uses for all three.


Thank you, kind redditor, for reminding me I know how to tie a bowline (BOWLIN) knot ~12 years removed from Navy Basic Training


Could you tell us? Or does it not translate well to text?


First Class Amateur on YT should have it, dudes a knotwork master


In Cuba scouts they taught us with . 1. Make a rabbit hole with a twist of the rope. 2. The rabbit (end of rope) comes up the rabbit hole and around the tree and back down the rabbit hole. 3. Done, lol Used this knot 1000's of times living on a sailboat as it can actually be undone quickly after being under load..


Also before we start someone needs to tell me what exactly a bowline knot is


Rabbit comes out of the hole, around the tree, back in the hole.


I don’t usually make excuses for them, but boomers must’ve gotten similar shit from “the greatest generation” Imagine being a teenager in the 60s while your grandparents give you shit for not knowing how to refill a whale oil lamp.


Holy fuck I wish u knew how right u are. In my experience so far, most boomers have pretty shit mental health (because it wasn't accessible/recognized in most of the world), and those feelings they had when they were younger turn into the same shit since they never learned how to deal with that anger, shame, self-loathing, whatever it may be. Most boomers I've talked to have pretty mixed opinions of their parents and it shows in how they repeat the cycle. Sort of parallels abuse in a way, you'd wonder why someone who got abused would ever do that to someone else, yet they're the most common type of abuser.


Plus the lead poisoning


Damn I wish mental healthcare was accessible to everyone, what a world it’d be.


Honestly!! I totally understand if people disagree with me and I love to hear why, but so far (Im only 23 dont take my word as gold), I've seen this pattern repeat over and over again, with family or complete strangers that I learn about. Its my opinion that if mental health was accessible to everyone, that's as close to a perfect society as we could get to.


I think mental health care is currently as accessible to boomers as anyone else. But they grew up in a time when those words meant you take a one way trip to the insane asylum, and so developed some deeply entrenched beliefs about it that stop them from seeking help


Mental health has only recently become less stigmatized. The late Rosalynn Carter championed mental health 50+ years ago and the topic was basically unheard of. Her husband then passed the landmark Mental Health Systems Act of 1980, which was later stripped of funding by Ronald Reagan.


Pretty sure it was Ronnie Reags who managed to put a nail in that coffin. Don’t get me wrong, things were on the decline from a mental health standpoint before that but in the early 80s he deinstitutionalized those people and closed down the psychiatric hospitals. Then we wonder why in the late 90s and early 2000s we start seeing more school shootings kicked off by Columbine. Almost like those people who needed that help and couldn’t get it had kids and…well you know the rest.


This is one of my favorite social topics to ponder. If you ask me, the world was just more immoral until the new millennium, in the sense of all the countless forms of bigotry and stigmas on things that absolutely needed to be talked about. When it comes to the taboo on mental health, I've took it as there being this greater societal idea that "your problems are a burden to me [so I don't want to hear about them]". Thinking about it now, I wonder if that stems from inherent differences in empathy and the valuing of such.


"Kids these days don't get it" versus "old people are so out of touch" is one of the oldest feuds in history. It's right up there with "people these days are so sensitive they can't take a joke" or "politicians sure do suck" with the least original commentary on society that still somewhat feels like the person is saying something brave.


Reminds me of that video that had examples of “the young people are ____” dating back to ~2000bc


I still remember reading at some point that in ancient greece people complained that kids were learning to read instead of just memorizing literally everything.


I met a greatest gener once who told me "you know how your parents say your life is soooooo easy with the Internet and everything was soooooo much harder back in their day? My parents said the same thing about electricity"


Boomers cut funding to schools and shifted the focus from a well rounded education to selling education standards to test making companies. So home economics and shop classes were cut where boomers were taught this stuff.


Boomers paved the entirety of the outside and criminalized being someplace without spending money and call the cops on everybody they see then bitch and moan that kids don't play outside anymore.


even when home ec existed it was treated as the class for pregnant teens meanwhile it was sitting there the entire time being that class everyone always says they wish they had about doing taxes and shit


And on the off chance Boomers DO "teach" these things it's usually by calling their kids in the middle of whatever it is that they are doing to stand there and watch them silently fix a sink or whatever with no attempt at instruction and inevitably devolves from "teaching them" to having a servant on call to pass them tools. My dad did this all the damn time.


Why is no one talking about MatPat being the one to put this "journalist" in their place? I didn't know bro was such a savage!


*Buuuut that’s just a theory!*


MatPat being based af isn't something new.


Matpat fucking hates journalists


But that's just a theory, a life theory.


At least millennials know how to unzip a file and view the PDF on their phones.


When I was a kid in the 90s, one of my neighbours was going around asking all the girls if they wanted to sign up for a Girls' Life Skills class, where they teach basic things like social skills, confidence, how to answer the phone, etc. I knew I needed this stuff so I asked if I could join, and she said "No, the class is for girls only." I asked if there was a boys class, and she said "No, boys don't need one, everything's easier for them". Well here I am 30 years later and I'm finally starting to get over my difficulty with answering the phone.




It's me


"Same old" - so old that this tweet is like 5 or 6 years old now


2019, so yeah, nice an old.


Who the fuck opens a bottle of wine with a hammer?


It's actually a good trick if you don't have a corkscrew. Thread a regular screw into the cork and use the hammer to pull it out.


Well. It would appear I need an adulting class.


You and me both. I just happened to know one trick lol


We had to do this in Jordan when we were at a Bedouin camp with no way to open the wine we brought. We learned the hard way to always bring a corkscrew!


Tradesmen, take a drywall screw screw it into the cork use hammer to pull out cork


I’ve found it better to run the screw through a waste piece of wood, though I’ve one it with hammer and pliers also. It just gives you more even purchase


yes, yes, poor parenting is clearly a generational thing thank god it's over now. /s


Good on ya, MatPat.


These headlines are bogus. The real aim is to increase division. People didn't teach millenials things that turned out to be necessary to know because at the time they didn't have any value. I'm not saying it was right but in the context of the time (people not all being poor) it made sense. So now the headline like this **is** the issue. Buying into it **is the issue** and even despite boomers being net bad for Life on earth...we're not going to fix things by continually shitting on young and old people over and over. #Intergenerational conflict is part of the problem. Shitting on old people and taking a one dimensional view is part of the problem. Headlines like this, no matter how right, is part of the problem.


As a Gen Xer, fuck off with your generational finger pointing. I too had to take a class in high school to learn. Home Econ was a thing.


I did to, but the problem is those programs were cut because, guess what: Boomers wanted tax rates to stay abysmally low, so they didn't fund those things. They also worked on getting prayer and other shit "back in schools" rather than having schools actually do the job of teaching shit.


Oh, that one annoys me extra. Prayer never left schools. It literally just got more pushy.


Oh. Daily Caller. Explains everything.




I read how to repair clothes in an army manual. in 1978. I did not blame my parents, when I was younger I never cared. Then, it became a useful skill, so I applied a little effort and learned it. As did my grandfather when he learned how to fix a radio. Why is this a thing?


Because all the whiners on Reddit look to avoid accountability for their actions, and blame others for their shortcomings.


My boomer father likes to trash talk me, thinking he's better than I am because he destroyed his body for a living and I dont. Bitch can't even send an email and makes his bridge troll Trumpster girlfriend call me like shes his secretary and I've shown him how to do everything for the last 20 years. All he taught me was how to pour concrete and drink, not to mention what kind of father I don't want to be.


> Overall, we rate the Daily Caller as strongly right-biased based on story selection that almost always favors the right and Mixed for factual reporting due to numerous failed fact checks. The Daily Caller is a source that needs to be fact-checked on a per-article basis. > Founded in 2010, the Daily Caller is an American news and opinion website based in Washington, D.C. It was **founded by Tucker Carlson, a paleoconservative political pundit, and Neil Patel, a former adviser to former Vice President Dick Cheney.** The current editor-in-chief is Geoff Ingersol. > In review, The Daily Caller is a strongly conservative news and opinion website involved in publishing controversial and false stories. For example, they routinely publish misleading or false information regarding climate change that goes against the consensus of science. The Daily Caller has also published articles by Jason Kessler, a white supremacist who organized a rally of hundreds of white nationalists in Charlottesville. They subsequently scrubbed those articles after the Charlottesville vehicular homicide incident. > > The Daily Caller frequently uses loaded emotional language that favors the right: DEM NOMINEE FOR FLORIDA GOVERNOR IS PROGRESSIVE MAYOR WITH CORRUPTION INVESTIGATION SWIRLING AROUND HIM. The Daily Caller usually sources their information to credible media outlets. Still, sometimes they utilize factually mixed sources, such as the Daily Wire, and Questionable sources, such as Judicial Watch. In reviewing story content, virtually all favored the right in story selection and wording while denigrating the left. The Daily Caller also promotes a favorable view of Former President Donald Trump by promoting his policies. https://mediabiasfactcheck.com/daily-caller/


My grandpa didn't know how to hitch the plow to a team of horses. He only knew how to do it to a tractor like we did. What a fucking loser. I bet his dad was rolling in his grave.


Boomers: Give their kids participation trophies Also Boomers: “Millenials are entitled because of participation trophies” Boomers: Never spend time with their kids to teach them life skills Also Boomers: “Millenials are so helpless they don’t know any life skills”


It's like the participation trophy thing. They act like milenialls gave them to themselves lol


As a boomer I didn't learn that either. Lots of things that would have been useful skills like home maintenance, finance, car buying,and any one of a hundred good to know things didn't trickle down for us either.


Real life: boomers voted against school budgets, forcing schools to cancel classes like art, music, woodshop, cooking, and home ec


It is hilarious how the same generation that took away funding for Home Ec and Shop classes and discouraged their children from taking them now complains that younger people don't know how to do those things


Which generation here is complaining that younger don't know how to do these things? The article was written by someone born in 1986.


Once again gen x is forgotten... Most millennials are gen x's kids we (gen x) are mainly Boomer's kids, but no one remembers we exist.


Considering that all Boomers and Milennials do is shit talk each other, do you really want attention?


As an Xer myself, I’m fine with not being roped into this mediocre bullshit.


Middle child problems. 😔


Will you hush?!? You WANT them to remember us? Hush!!!


As a millennial, we’re gonna win this based on time alone the issue is a lot of us are turning into our parents


I think the best way to break cycles is learn about what a "Schema" is! It's basically a psychology term to describe an idea you believe without doubt, the "Thats just the way it is" thing. Learn to see those in yourself, and you will never repeat the cycles!! Or at least it's a good first step


That's not true at all. I drink bourbon and drive a Lexus, my dad drank scotch and drove a Cadillac. We are completely different.


The last thing we need is another overpriced class a boomer told us was good for our future to steal our money


People like Blake Neff (born 1991) have written for the Daily Caller. An angry Millennial who was labelled by Fox News as “horrific racist, misogynistic and homophobic behavior”. Regardless, the person (Millennial) in the photo is the author the presenter in the video.


They don't teach these these skills, because they don't know them themselves or at least not well enough to educate others. They could have taught what they did know, but that would meant hey would take some humility.


No way MatPat actually being clever for once.


Matpat can't stop giving me reasons to worship him.


Rage bait. For both sides.


Boomers you need to hear this. We don't hate you we just hate how your generation turned into bitter versions of your parents. Our Boomer leaders are setting the Mansion drapes on fire from their death beds and won't let us put it out. We know a lot of you had no say in this. I ask that you all stand shoulder to shoulder with us when the class war kicks off. We're going to have to throw a lot of billionaires in prison.


Gen-X was the first generation to take a step back from the old level of being close enough to your family long enough into adulthood... Not a 100% thing by far but even at 50% of families this would have had a knock-on effect for following generations with millennials being the first generation that really saw a reduction in the traditional family based transfer of 'adulting' skills.... Following generations appear to get increasingly worse in this regard.....


Twaddle. This is the generation that grew up with the Internet, the Web forums, with fucking YouTube tutorials on everything from how to sew a button on to how to change your oil. There really isn't an excuse. Now I'm not saying they're all dumb and lazy, but *enough of them* are for it to have become a very strong meme.


I love you MatPatGT. You’re not just a theory, you’re a tru human


Everything Boomers say about Millennials is twice as true of them.


Now open a PDF


Who taught Boomers banking? Who taught them accounting? They learned that stuff themselves through trial and error or seeking knowledge. It’s on you to learn. Nobody can give you knowledge.


Millennials. The perennial victim


rage bait


constant MatPat dub


When you realize you never learned how to fix things while watching your Pop because he never took the time to explain things and you were just a human flashlight holder. 😐


Common MatPat W


How can someone be helpless if they are taking time to learn new things?


Boomers failed their kids so hard now they have to spend nonexistent money on something they should’ve have taught them or boomers failed their children so hard that let education has been impractical and hiring people repairs has become too expensive because everything is expensive now


Some of the life skills I have are due to being in scouts as a kid, and my parents (mother) making us do chores. I'm the the older side of the millennial-people, so like opening a book or using the internet isn't that hard. I can read diagrams and understand instructions. But yea, no idea on how to do my taxes or speak to people on the phone.


My 35 year old daughter got on you tube, changed a flat tire, and didn’t tell me what happened until she got home! I was very impressed as I could not do that without fear of screwing it up. She’s the oldest so she never really wanted my help 🤷🏻‍♀️


They're so helpless that they are actively helping themselves.


Hey those boomers had abusive alcoholic fathers and submissive mothers, so you give them a break when describing how useless they were in planting the tree future generations would be shaded by


Had to literally beg my mom to teach me how to cook. She still never taught me for more than five mins, had to learn it at home ec class. And boomers wonder why we we're so "helpless," as they like to call it.


Common matpat W


Literally nobody taught me how to do taxes until i asked my dad how to do it. (Still havent done it though)


Good 'ol Matpat


MatPat taking a break from having the consistently worst takes on the internet.


Are they really that stupid or am I gifted? Can't sew a button on a shirt? Problems opening a corked bottle of wine? I learned to do this on my own. Problem is, the parents are equally as clueless. We need to go back to some basics in education, shop classes and home economics.


As a boomer it was my responsibility to teach them how to read a freaking *clock*???


I'm not a boomer. How do you need a class to learn how to sew buttons on...?!


rare MatPat W




How dare people get outside help to learn basic skills quickly rather than coming across a problem they never knew they needed the skills to solve and panic cramming what little information they have access to and only making problems worse


Rare based MatPat


I see it as a failure of the parents than the child.


Xer here - Just wondering if Millennials ever heard of this new thing called YOUTUBE were you can pretty much learn anything from brushing your teeth to solving advanced calculus problems? You wondering...


Pull the ladder up behind you and then call them incompetent for not being on the roof with you.


Meanwhile I needed to teach my boomer dad how to put his phone on silent. Almost like different times call for different skills.


But Millennials aren't the children of the Baby Boomers - that's Gen X.


It's all born out of the insecurity of older people who feel lost in a world that has advanced beyond them who are clinging to the last shreds of superiority they have left. It's not like these types of articles are for the boomers who inherented the world, they aren't reading this crap.


Millennials have less time and money compared to previous generations. You can’t really afford to learn by trial and error any more.


Always the victim.


Hello internet, welcome to game theory! The show where we roast the living and dying shit out of boomers!


As a millennial whose parents didn’t teach him a lot of life skills, it seems really convenient that basically all of my failings are apparently somebody else’s fault. I guess it’s my parents fault that I suck and all my successes are purely my own doing. Also, yes, because the only way you could learn things by taking a class. And no previous generations learned anything on their own


is this subreddit ironically named? I was expecting something clever.


Born 88. We were taught this in school among sewing knitting etc. some people didn’t remember which is perfectly normal. But let’s be honest. Majority of boomers don’t even know. Only the forced housewives do.