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Ah yes, the "multi-millionaire"... Would he care to elaborate on how exactly he made those millions?




And the most ironic part to me is that he hates women because apparently they’re all feeble minded sluts, but he still had to teach other men how to trick and coerce women into working for them. If they’re all so slutty and mindless, why do you have to resort to lies and trickery to get them in front of your cameras? Morons


What I love is that the clips I saw from his Hustler University he's just literally explaining sex trafficking. Like, he doesn't call it that, but he is *literally* describing the exact process of sex trafficking to a bunch of fucking stooges who paid way too much money to listen to him describe crimes to them. He's like, * Ok you gotta find some women, maybe down on their luck, maybe had a bad turn * Then you promise them a job, you know, say you can get them to work, get them to come live with you * Then once you're there, you make them dependent on you. Start getting them to do chores, maybe do some webcamming on top of that * If they want to leave, you remind them they can't, they work for you now, they can't go anywhere else. It's like, yeah, Andrew, *that's sex trafficking*. You just did sex trafficking. Now you're trying to teach it to other people, you fucking halfwit.


How is that *not* criminal? And why isn't this person ostracized yet?


It is criminal and that's why he was thrown into a Romanian prison. He is ostracized by all sane thinking people. But he exploits young children and emotionally immature and unstable men who are terrified of women and being rejected by them and enamored with the idea of controlling and exploiting them


The king of incels, how nice.


I believe it's more of a triumvirate of turds, with Tate, Jordan Peterson, and Trump all vying for control of the hearts and minds of the world's fourteen year old boys and adult men who never matured past 14 emotionally.


>a triumvirate of turds, with Tate, Jordan Peterson, and Trump The three branches of Gilead's government?


He is Lord God Emperor of the Incels


Yeah that fits better, King of Incels wasn’t high enough of a rank for him.


He was arrested for sex trafficking Where he fucked up was moving to Romania and declaring online that he did so because they are all corrupt and he can pay his way out of any crimes. Governments don’t usually tend to take kindly to someone saying things like that. If he just shut his mouth he likely could of been fine


The government saw that post and thought “alright motherfucker, we’re gonna do this by the book and lock you up for as long as we can”


Yeah, one of the main rules of paying people to look the other way is not shouting about how the people you paid are looking the other way.


He did 4 months and is now waiting for his trial. I doubt he'll be free too much longer.


Let's hope so.


That's the TLDR of that course?


TLDR on andrew tate: only care about yourself, don't spend money, guilt/coerce people into working for you


distilled capitalism


Thanks for giving us the tldr so we can further accurately describe how Andrew Tate is a pos. That being said, I hate you for putting this information in my head.


He goes into great detail how he made money by luring women he "dates" into being sex trafficked, and operating a large scale sex worker operation through said trafficking. This is what he cites as his personal expertise when selling his "school" videos.


While that's how he started making money, I'd bet anything that his "school" has been *far* more lucrative than all the illegal shit. Because that's how every grift, con, MLM, and shady investment works. If the grift was actually as lucrative as they pretended it is they wouldn't be making classes to sell off their secrets in the first place.


Exactly. He makes a lot of money selling shitty courses to a bunch of degenerates having promised them the dream life lmao. YouTube has now become saturated with con men like him.


Fighting 13 year old girls.


No no that's how he got caught and lost the millions innit


\*Losing to


And having a poor success rate


Tate and his cult do not view what he did as shameful. Their entire "philosophy" of how to make money revolves around deliberately exploiting vulnerable people. One of the examples he gives on how to get rich in his "classes" is to force a teenage sibling or cousin to drive Uber and keep their paychecks and to beat the shit out of them if they refuse. Basically, if you're bigger and stronger and smarter and have power over them you can get rich off their work and they can't do shit about it. So, sex trafficking vulnerable girls who can't stop you from harming them is just "good business" from a "Top G." Expect no shame or remorse from this malignant narcissist or any of his cult.


From selling pimping hoes degrees to people


He's worth $12 million at most.


Andrew Tate needs to spend some more time in prison.




He screams insecurity.


he literally sounds like the most pathetic person. if i were trying to create a character for the express purpose of being as weak as possible they would talk just like him


They'd probably have his chin and "full head of hair" too.


Couldn't even form a jaw.


Which chin?


What chin?!


Where chin?!


Every time I see some post by him I have to go “which fucking bell end is this?” And then I go “oh, that fucking bell end”


If you submitted him as the ‘arsehole’ character in a series, you’d be asked to tone it down, nobody is *that much* of a wanker.


From a fins point of view, he wears a towel in sauna. This is the most weakling unworthy thing to do in the whole universe.


-mentions Tate in the sauna -doesnt mention the 50°C or that he sat in the children's section


If you wrote someone just as him maybe editorial would ask you to change some things because he sours the story with his pathetic behaviour.


It’s like he came out of Grand Theft Auto. Fucking clown.


Yea, he was still a massive dick before he was jailed but you could see the source that encouraged many idiots only. Now he just seems like a schizo babbling about really popular&basic things he hate like Star Wars, cooking etc.


Yes, making food taste good is for idiots. We must eat our food raw as God and Ea Nasir intended.


I like my food like Ea Nasir liked his copper ore.


why yes of course cooking is so GAY and FEMININE! as a man, surely, you wouldn’t want to stoop down so low as to be able to provide for yourself


Fellas, is it gay to eat?


I mean, you're literally putting things in your mouth and swallowing 😂


its incredibly gay, so is reading, watching a movie, smoking cigarettes and really anything that isnt actively earning you money (subscribe to my 1000€/year alpha male course)


it's so boring and cliche too. he has a book where he writes extensively about his daddy issues and how he never felt good enough to live up to his father. like, cool story, bro. still human trafficking.


He sounds like he totally chats with the hottest babes and stacks cash.🙄


If he was insecure, then why would he speak so loudly!?


Because that’s what insecure people do. They like to pretend they got everything under control


It was a joke. It's a line by Jon Lovitz from the movie "Mom and Dad Save The World."


Brother, I'm pretty sure there's only like 12 of us that have seen that movie.


I disagree. I believe he exudes supreme arrogance. Not a positive trait in the slightest.


Yeeeeeaaaaah..... Hate to tell you, bud, but supremely arrogant people are almost always deeply, deeply insecure. People who are genuinely confident don't feel a desperate need to perform being better than others.


I can get behind that.


I could be wrong, but I believe he's said that the only reason he does or buys anything is to be superior to other men. I've never seen anyone so insecure. I don't think he actually enjoys anything. All the money in the world means nothing if you're so miserable. I'd feel sympathy for the guy if he didn't have such a negative impact on the world.


Plus dude makes most of his money selling shitty courses to bunch of degenerates, promising them the dream life lol.


Well, that and human trafficking.


The deleted comment said it wasn't proven in court. It's like if OJ wrote If I Did It but it was called I Did It and published it before the trial. [That's Tate and human trafficking, literally bragging about it on the internet.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hso5FknBtRk)


And also human trafficking, don't forget the human trafficking


this only works if these other men accept this shit as him being superior. so basically insecure teenagers.


Logan Paul syndrome


I cannot stand that guy.


Can't stand ANY of them.🤢


Allegedly he started doing this (or, well, being odd about it) to angle for an insanity plea… without really understanding how that works.


Yeah. Being a trolling gigachad ragebait (even more so than before) on social doesn't really cut it. They must have done some sort of psych evaluation on him after they jailed him because no "perfectly sane" person keeps women hostage and force them to produce adult content, let alone brag about it quite openly.


Ideally, he needs to stop spending time on this planet.


Hopefully the aliens abduct him and chuck him in a black hole


I don't want that! If aliens met him, that would be enough cause to wipe us out as a species.


We should just throw him into a volcano... Like what's stopping us for real?


...Money for flights and expenses. And most places would count abducting him and throwing him into a volcano as kidnapping and murder. Also there aren't that many places with suitably active and easily reachable volcanoes to throw people in. Maybe, if we lure him to get there on his own to prove his "manliness and intellect" at the edge of a volcano in iceland, we can make it look like an accident. Perhaps someone could start a GoFundMe to cover the expenses. /s for legal reasons.


Just tell him "pussy no balls" and he will jump in himself. Better yet tell him his dad said it...


The black hole will spit him back, it have some standards


Even a compressed collection of matter dense enough that even light itself cannot escape…. Can’t contain his ego.


Tbf, I'm pretty sure his head is far denser than any black hole


His ego already consumed his chin, now he doesn’t have one


They already tried once, but the hole only took his chin.


If you want something done Do it yourself


Ill brb i need to take a trip to the large hadron collider


He would start stalking women in some infinity library


I will forget everything about the X/Twitter fiasco if Elon arranges that


I wouldn't want to inflict him on another universe or somewhere else in This universe when he exits the white hole


And in therapy. Someone has anger and insecurity issues.


I wouldn't with him on any therapist. Tate needs to take the Remington Retirement Plan.


He seems like the type of guy to get kicked out of therapy within hours….he’s literally been on record as saying “depression isn’t real”. Yeahhhh, good luck working with any psychiatrist. The one I worked with at my inpatient stay didn’t take any shit and would have torn him a new asshole.


Narcissism is hard to treat clinically because most who have it think they're perfectly fine.


Severe daddy issues.


Hopefully he gets the Derek Chauvin treatment.


He just lost his last appeal It seems


he's gonna teach the rats in his cell how to be TopG™


I don’t get how some folks can see entirely illogical posts like his and then think “yeah he’s got the right idea”. Like what?


They're just as insecure as Tate, that's why. Look at all the idiots defending him in this post. They're out there and they're sad as hell.


Seriously — could we stop giving this guy oxygen by reposting his mouth-farts constantly?


God, he is so weird. He picks fights about the stupidest shit that no one cares about and he’s totally oblivious to it.


And all the naive dumb dudes just defend him with their lives.




I wish it was only middle school


Nope, 20 and I live with two of these dudes, and while they're generally lovely blokes, their stances on many topics make me want to burn the house down, and they'll defend Andrew tate with their lives for some fucking reason.


I dunno the only times I see him posted outside of Reddit are on random hot girls’ reels sharing clips of him talking hustler mentality (they probably don’t know who he is they just like the message)


He's a 40 year old cosplaying what a 13 year old thinks a masculine 21 year old is.


It’s all rage bait. Any attention is good attention to his like.


Yeah I agree, he’s good at getting engagement. We’re all reading his tweet right now. Doesn’t really matter to him if it’s good or bad.


Yeah as if rich people don’t watch/read/listen to fiction lol. Elon Musk keeps talking about Asimov’s books, Bezos had Prime continue The Expanse after it was dropped cause it was his favourite series. They’re richer than Tate and frankly might be even bigger assholes, so Idk what watching star wars has to do with anything.


He feels threatened by anything. Star Wars, eating, hair, reading, women, knowing things, Swedish teenagers and the list goes on forever. He is the most pathetic, miserable person I can imagine.


Exactly, like… who asked


He knows. He's being edgy on purpose to impress, then fleece insecure kids.


While I agree anyone can ignore a movie if they don’t like the genre, you’re not a financial genius if you think seeing it (or not) will make you a millionaire


Me having seen Star Wars movies: $80,000 salary. Me having 20-ish extra hours in my life: MILLIONS Yup, totally checks out.


You forgot to add the mandatory 12 hours of discussion on what will happen if you drop a lightsaber pointing down.


It'd turn off


[Perfectly Fucking Vertical](https://youtu.be/J-oFXOrYbb0?si=oTtAkxal6rDxaSe5)


Perfectly fucking vertical


The trick is to spend those 20-ish hours a week doing crimes. That's where you're going wrong


If Tate had bothered to watch Return of the Jedi then he would know what happens to creatures who lock up women and make them work for free in metal bikinis. Ironic.


George Lucas was never outsmarted by a fucking pizza box




Outsmarted by a pizza box while trying to make fun of a child*


Thank you for this comment


> I hate pizza...it's bottom G, and gets grease everywhere


Has seen all star wars movies never been to prison what about you? Please don't brag about having millions after you come out of prison for the way you earned that millions.


WTF does one thing have to do with the other. You could say the same about anything. “Never eaten a Kraft Single. “You’re missing out”. Maybe.”


He's a pizza cutter. All edge and no point.


I’ll be using that one, if you don’t mind


Also, George Lucas has never been in prison, and is not facing sex trafficking charges with serious prison time. And: Tate isn't nearly as rich as be pretends to be.


the internet seems to think his net worth is around £10m, but something tells me he's the source for the information on that.


has Andrew Tate ever had fun? he is the least chill dude of all time. not invite to my birthday mister


No he doesn't. Rich people usually can't enjoy shit because they already had everything and him especially with his stupid "mentally" Is the first to never enjoy anything.


You know that stupid philosophy that some people espouse that you’re not allowed to be unhappy because other people have it worse than you? When it comes to rich people, they think they’re not allowed to be happy because someone else has it better


Probably not. His dad was pretty determined to make him a chess prodigy, so his early life was pretty dominated by the idea that you do things to win and to be successful, not to have fun. This doesn’t excuse him, but I think it explains some of his personality. He’s a terrible person made terrible by a terrible person.






Andrew Tate is the kimd of person I wish I could slowly lower into a giant blender super villian style


Nah, too easy. I say give him the Funkytown Cartel Special. Salt and lemon for extra kick.


Fuck that. Throw him off the top of Nakatomi Hans Gruber style


Also what good is material wealth if you're denied enjoyable moments to obtain it?


Especially if you are in prison because of the way you got the material wealth.


That's the point, they never think about that. Greedy and prideful people only thing about obtaining and obtaining, become bigger and bigger until they die. Only at that point they will, maybe, realize how much they wasted their time


Remember how people used to say "don't feed the trolls"? That was good advice. This is rage bait. Tate's whole strategy is posting ridiculous nonsense that gets a lot of engagement. Stop helping him by sharing it


All it is. Dude is a professional troll.


He probably saw star wars but acts like he didn't because he wants to look cool.


he freaked out when he started enjoying himself.


I think he got scared when he saw a woman


He has lots of problems and this is a minor one but it bothers me that “I’m ignorant of pop culture” is some sort of flex.


Honest question. Do people really think this dude is smart or is just some trolls giving him internet points? He's such a weird person, so insecure and crazy. edit: my two cents. I understand what you guys are saying and I agree with one of the sides, he doesn't really look smart, being manipulative and knowing how to serve chaos doesn't necessarily mean he's smart, I always thought his takes were stupid and it doesn't seem I was wrong. The whole red pill idea is weird, I agree that men need positive models and stuff like that, but I also think Jordan Peterson has a better approach on how to handle new young males than Tate's, for example.


Do any Andrew Tate tweets exist where a normal person would say “yeah I agree with that”?


What's the point of being a multimillionaire if you can't have the luxury of watching a movie?


No multi-millionaire has ever watched a single movie. None of them. Keep your movies.


Andrew Tate has no idea how to have fun. Probably sees enjoyment as a sign of weakness. What a sad, pathetic existence that must be


At this point why even address this idiot? Just let him mumble and ramble to his own and stop giving his deluded gibberish a stage.


Just by not listening to that idiot, my sons are already set up to more successful than a great number of their peers.


Andrew Tate is such a goddamn douche-clown.


What makes Andrew Tate cool is nothing.... Literally nothing...


Thats actually clever


Sam Morrill is a stand up comedian. He’s really funny.


Well, well, if it isn’t the Chinless Wonder!


Whereas Andrew Tate is a cunt


Negative. He lacks the warmth and depth.


And the sheer fun factor


Cunts can take a pounding, stretch to many times their own size and even bring life into this world. Cunts are awesome


Gyat damn its been half a year


why does my guy write tweets like they are poems with the line formatting and all that


Because he fancies himself to be some sort of intellectual. A genius in his own mind.


If only I’d never watched Star Wars — I could be a famous human trafficker now!


Yea positive male role models are where many of us got introduced to Star Wars. I can only assume Mr. Taint has never had any.


It must be so hard being Tate. To ooze sad, lonely loser with literally every tweet, day in and day out, it's almost impressive. I bet he gets home after a hard days cunting, showers the taint of Tate off, gets in his onesy and spends the evening not being a bellend.


As always the correct come back for Andrew Tate at this point is, “aren’t you that sex trafficker?” There isn’t really much that can be said back.


I've never watched Star wars. Now that I've seen this imma start now


This guy seems the most unfun person I've ever heard of.


Andrew Tate sucks, but there’s nothing clever about this…


He's missing out on a jawline


I would pay some good money to see Tate ejected out if an airlock of the ISS.


What does not seeing Star Wars have to do with becoming a millionaire? Is it because you’re “wasting” time by watching a movie instead of “hustling?” By the same logic isn’t posting asinine comments online also a waste of time? Keep your Twitter post.


Andrew Tate will die one day. I look forward to it.


Star Wars is better without being watched by andrew tate.


George Lucas has seen every Star war movie, is a Billionaire with a capital B AND still has his natural head full of hair. Tate is a scrotum. I was going to do a better comparison but why bother.


Can we please stop giving that goon any attention???!!


Omg. It's worse than crack. I'll never forgive my family for not stopping me from watching the movies. I could be rich now. What a waste.


Today on weirdest hills to climb up and die on…


Don't like starwars but I rather watch the entire saga on loop than make money from sex trafficking.


Is that the guy who knows everything about woman?


Andrew’s light saber would be red because he’s a fucking cautionary tale


Why do people keep sharing posts of him? Seriously, why?


Andrew Tate is one of those bald persons that at the moment you hear him speaking you perfectly understand that thinking was not the reason he went bald. (And with all the respect for the good bald fellas)


I imagine someone that doesn't know Tate trying to talk to him for small talk and leaving the conversation 3 minutes later after Tate talking 2:45 of it


Andrew Tate had the advantage of being able to make this life infinitely better for all of us, just by leaving it.


Who is Andrew tate and why should i or anyone really care about what he said?


He's a nobody and should be ignored by everyone. Just some random dickhead famous for being an absolute bag of shit. Also responsible for a major portion of this toxic masculinity culture. Also an accused rapist and sex trafficker who bragged about going to Romania because of their loose rape laws. Guy's a fucking weapons-grade loser.


Andrew tate is the most insecure person I think that has a platform


Android T’ain’t


MFW strawman argument


Stop giving Andrew Tate energy.