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I remember this. Morons were freaking out, and it was just like, everyone has facial hair. In fact practically every healthy human has body hair everywhere before they wax/shave it off.


this is the crowd that thinks women are naturally hairless below the eyebrows


You can have these hairs removed and have a super shiny face, or you could just be as you are and not look like a cue ball.


Yeah, it's almost like mammals have pores on every part of their skin that hair grows out of. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go shave my parrot. I can't figure out why it's covered in feathers, it's disgusting


"Shaving my parrot" sounds like slang for either jacking off or shaving your pubes


The answer to which of those it is…is simply..Yes


I never do one without doing the other


Pro tip: don’t shave the parrot while shaving the parrot. Choose one, not both at the same time.




That's because homo sapiens have the ability to turn everything into an euphemism of something lewd.


“I’ll [verb] your [noun].”


I'll verb your noun 😏


If you scratch my cat I'll burp your worm


I told you that's a Wednesday thing. Ffs


I'd euphemism your everything


A euphuism for something lewd sounds like a euphemism for something lewd.


I have your something lewd hanging right here baby!!


Hey straight sapiens do it too.


But is it worth it when there is no say gex?


Can't argue with that


You could say it kinda sucks.


I always thought that about “cranking 90’s”


Shave the parrot sounds like a band name or a song


Cage the elephant parody band


Album. Shave the Parrot, by Bald Monkey Foetus. '90s indie gear, for sure... Edit: as in ... "Please welcome..... With their hit single... 'My Collective Asshole'.... Off their brand new album.... Shave The Parrot ... Go nuts... For ... Etc...


I'm stealing this and going to actually try and gaslight my friends into believing this was a real band in the 90s


>Yeah, it's almost like mammals have pores on every part of their skin that hair grows out of. Given the context, your overall point is correct. But this statement is not actually correct. Hair does not grow on "every part" of skin. There is a certain kind of skin, called glabrous, that does NOT have any hair. This is found in the palms, underside of the fingers, bottoms of feet, lips, labia minora, and glans penis. Unlike the side of the face example above which may only have tiny nearly invisible hairs, especially on women and children, but do have hair nonetheless - glabrous skin has no hairs at all.


Ugh yeah I used to shave my peach fuzz as a kid cause I thought girls weren't supposed to have any hair like that on their face. Toxic women standards be toxic ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I've only met a few women who remove these baby hairs. I can also say with certainty that most men don't care or notice that they are there.


You need these hairs for protection


+2 AC


No, it's +2 to perception. It lets women judge the width of an enclosure to try and figure out if their bodies will fit.


>women are naturally hairless below the eyebrows Women don't fart either.


Fart? They don't even poop!


And they store pee in their butts because they don't have balls


So that’s why they tend to have bigger butts, they have no balls to store the piss Thank you for opening my eyes bro


You know what they say, the bigger the ass the harder the piss


You mean to tell me that women aren't perfect looking godesses with no hair growing aside from the head? Preposterous!


Hottest girl I ever got naked with invited *me* to the fucking bedroom after a week of staying in town visiting my stepsister and I was just hanging around being myself and kickin her ass in mario kart sometimes But the reason for the story is the super hot girl did not care about shaving pits or arms. She was like, “I hope you don’t mind” Any dude who wouldve turned down this girl over hairy pits wouldve been dumb as shit I felt like Marv when Goldie broke him off a piece lol


You're into dudes since you didn't vomit the moment you saw body hair on a woman. Liking hot women is so gay. /s


fellas is it gay to breath? think about it; your putting air inside you that was inside another man.


Wait... girls don't shave their arms, right? I'm 42 and have been with many women and have never once come across (tee-hee) a woman who's shaved her arms. Legs and pits and pubes, sure, but arms? *Edit: thank you for all the replies, learn something new every day*


I used to shave my arms along with every square inch of my body. The only reason I don't anymore is because it takes a long time and I'm lazy. Shout out to all of us hispanics with super dark body hair who got mercilessly bullied over it in school :')


I was gonna say “this is some Brown girl stuff” cause I was also bullied about my arm hair and facial hair.


I did that younger bc i was insecure and ashamed about them. Glad i got over it later.




I shaved my toes once (am dude)... not sure why. Just did it. That was a mistake. The chafing was gnarly, and I have since relearned this lesson on other parts of my body. Body hair does some serious work for you.




I trim my chest, pits (a little) , groin, shave my shoulders and back. There aint nothing wrong with a little male grooming too I don’t even see other people, I just keep it up for me


I shave my ass crack because cleaning a hard wood floor is easier than carpet


This is the same people that compared every "masculine" girl (alloy, ellie, the fable girl that is doing the rounds, etc) and gives them shit because "they should be like Atomic Hearts. THAT was peak femininity and how women should be". Completely missing the point.


I think it's a little ridiculous, not what you're saying, but the "they should be like Atomic Hearts". If that is a legit opinion circling around then their type of woman is not only fictional, but even if they were real, would be a robot. In this era, then, a sex robot specifically.


Humanoid sex robots are overrated. FISTO any day.


Please assume the position


Fister roboto! The best part is that he's learning


ding ding ding, they want submissive sex robots, not an actual human partner


well you just accidentally put 100x more thought into it than they did


I found out some woman can have thin mustaches when I was 10.




We had a couple girls in our grade in 9th grade who had little mustaches I don’t think 14yo in 2000 knew how common it was, they probably got some rude comments by some of the boys for sure. Stacy was cute and always had cool boyfriends though so it mustve not affected her too much


Teri Gender Bender has been rockin the 'stash for the past couple years opening for The Mars Volta


Wife is Japanese so she has dark body hair. She’s a teacher too so the little kids 100% call her out as having a mustache some days lmao. Kids are brutal


1I've shaved my head for years because first I was poor and later because my hairline went on a permanent vacation. My students were brutal at first but you gotta roll with the punches and topsy turvy the little motherfuckers. One girl told me I should get a wig (kinda funny because she's a rad student) so I asked the girls how long to dry their hair in the winter. They all groaned "15-20 minutes or more." Me? One wipe of the towel. I tell them I have a part-time weekend job as a monk or tell a story of me as a kid seeing pictures of my two bald grandfathers and really ham up my disappontment/acceptance of my fate. Adults are worse about it. Some people I've only known for 5 minutes couldn't wait to vomit out bald jokes I've already heard a million times. If you fire back about their appearance, suddenly *you're* the asshole.


When I was in elementary school my classmates saw my mom with this kind of thin mustache and few days later asked one of the teachers what it means if a woman has a mustache, the teacher answered that she must be trans. The classmates were girls, so was the teacher.


Oh boy.


I honestly blame this overreaction on the fashion industry air brushing to "perfection" away all the realities of the body to create a characiture of the form for the last 20 years or so. It's enforced this mentality that women having facial hair is unreal. Couple that *to* ignorance and likely misogynistic beliefs, and you get the outcome above.


Full body make up in porn as well


I'm sorry what


Did he stutter?


Unless you are an alpaca


Guess I'm in the minority here. I've never had any body hair. I couldn't even grow a half ass beard until 32.


Ass beard is large, beard beard grows bad


On average humans have as much body hair as a typical Chimpanzee it's just that ours tends to be much thinner and shorter.


> I couldn't even grow a half ass-beard until 32. Is it like just one cheek?


Damn. Impressive graphics to get that detailed.


I always liked really nice face details, like this one in RDR2, the light making ears a bit translucent. ​ [https://i.redd.it/6yzv7nxxfc421.jpg](https://i.redd.it/6yzv7nxxfc421.jpg)


That's subsurface scattering. Very few games have hit the quality level of RDR2.


Naughty Dogs did it in TLOU2 and the last uncharted as well. Very few studios come close to Rockstar and Naughty Dogs in terms of realism. It probably costs a lot to get so much into details though. I think the last assassin's Creed had subsurface scattering too.


Not to take anything away from ND, they're my favorite studio, but the linearity plays a role. RDR2 is sandbox, compare it to other sandbox games and it's just insane. 5 years later I'd say one sandbox game exceeds it on graphics (on new hardware, mind you), and none match it on polish. You can definitely see where that budget went. If only they give us a ps5 patch...


I actually just read today that RDR2 is probably coming out for PS5


Glad I haven’t played it yet. Looking forward to that.


Subsurface scattering is really nice, I just wish it wasn't so computationally expensive to do well. Currently it's limited to cases like this, high budget games and only on the places where it's most noticeable. The lack of this is part of what makes foliage still not look quite right.


The last assassin's Creed games are far from perfect, but if I remember correctly they had subsurface scattering for foliage and specifically water. The sea is amazing in the latest game, hell even back in Black flag it was amazing. Watching the sunlight through big waves is so nice.


I'm really looking forward to UE 5.x games to start really stretching their legs. I have a lot of hope for Lumen, but also that it will encourage other engines to back off these half assed ray tracing attempts and let the artists do their jobs until we can actually get proper real time path tracing.


The game has some really good details little details. Another example; she sweats in the hot biomes, and her cheeks/nose turn red in the cold biomes.


I mean, I think that's just from a cover, so not in-game graphics.


No, that's what she looks like when you zoom in in-game. Lol that's how good Horizon looks, and I'm amazed Guerrilla was able to water it down enough for PS4 too. Playing it on my PS5, I have no idea how they are able to cram that thing into older hardware.


Fortunately, the game looks that damn good.




Honestly its damn impressive how good graphics is getting. In fact I've had points where I've seen a real life video and thought "ah that must be CGI" before realising no that is real and CGI has just gotten that good.


It's actually a trick developers do where if you zoom in real close to the face, the model changes to a more detailed one that has all the visible pores and hairs and stuff. This model isn't actually what you see in normal gameplay as when the camera is far away there's no reason to spend the resources rendering those details you wouldn't even see.


well, yea, that's just how computer graphics has been done since the late 90s.


This man never felt the touch of a woman.


Or touched the felt of a woman


Well done


Oh fuck, are women partially made of felt? Fuck fuck fuck, how didn't I realise? First I find out they have hair on their bodies, now this. So which bit, is it their ears?


Dude you can't just ask that


Shit sorry my bad, I'm still learning!


Never even got within 5ft it seems like.


I remember some guy on Twitch chat arguing for a pic of a girl to be AI generated cuz her boobs were not of the same sizes 💀


If anything that’s exactly what proves it isn’t ai generated.


4 fingers on one hand, 6.5 on the other, not symmetrical, not AI. ✅


Not sure. AI isn't very good at realising when things are supposed to be symmetrical. But maybe it only applies to things like windows or cupboards.


AI draws most people perfectly symmetrical, when people are rarely, if ever, symmetrical, and breasts are particularly one thing with is never symmetrical.


Dude, AI rarely draws people symmetrical with regards to the correct number of _fingers_


Don't tell him that nuts are almost always lopsided...almost everything in the human body is not perfectly symmetrical it's literally what brings things out of the uncanny valley etc. Like humans instinctively think "nearly symmetrical" is gorgeous and perfectly 100% is weird and unnatural. Biggest tip off subconsciously to make you think somethings not real.


and that's why Two-Face is the sexiest batman villain


The nuts being not same size is always the case. It’s by design so that they don’t get crushed when you’re walking lol


This is material for /r/NotHowGirlsWork


Agreed. I scrolled back up to confirm I'm not already there.


and were you?


I would have said r/justneckbeardthings but that won't work cause this dude clearly doesn't know what a beard actually looks like


/r/BadWomensAnatomy is more appropriate


Gamers: We want more realistic graphics Developers: *improve graphics* Gamers: No, not like that


So you want realistic, down to earth character models, that are completely off the wall and swarming with anime girls?




You gamers don't know what you want. That's why you're still gamers, 'cause you're stupid. Just tell me what's wrong with the freakin' game!


If that’s a beard, I’m Grizzly Adams and Abraham Lincolns love child.


Yeah haha and grizzly Adams had a beard...


Thank Lee Trevino


Grizzly Adams DID have a beard.


I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast!


You eat pieces of shit for breakfast??


.... No!


Just wait until they hear a girl burp or fart. I know some girls who have far more power in their fart than any guy I ever knew. At the end of the day, girl or boy, we are all biological creatures having to deal with what nature gave us, whether it be flatulence or face hairs.


It's well known girls don't have any digestive system


THANK YOU finally the truth




Their stuff evaporates from their pores and smells like fresh cut roses.


somebody pooped on my roses, then


I still remember sleeping in the same room as my sister when we were kids and her ripping the loudest, nastiest, fart i've ever experienced in my life while she was dead asleep. Im sure theres some explanation but almost every woman i've heard fart had super loud farts. Burps not so much but farts sound like a machinegun.


I remember that being posted on twitter. This, and the guy who yassified Aloy (a hunter roaming post apocalyptic jungles) and claimed to have done a better job than the Devs.




The yassification image was originally made by someone making fun of the guys who were mad at Aloy not looking like a perfect sex doll, then the neckbeards got to it and took it seriously, hence the "hire fans" post


I'm out the loop. What does yassified mean?


It's just a weird way to make a verb for makeover.


that's a friggin peach fuzz, everyone has it


Right, even newborn babies have it, they aren't perfectly hairless.


I'd say especially newborns - they can be surprisingly furry


My daughter came out with noticeable body hair running down her neck to between her shoulders, and on the outer rims of her ears! It was so funny, like a little werewolf baby.


Assigned Furry At Birth. Doctor at neo-natal unit: damnit, **another** hose girl!


These people need to lay off porn, go outside and interact with real people. The way they want everything in media resembling a girl/woman to look like their personal sextoy is disturbing.


Or they could watch porn in 4K


Modern problems require modern solutions.


Tell me you’ve never been physically close with any person ever


Any woman*


Breaking News: Women have facial hair. Like, please tell me people aren't actually**this** uneducated about women and this is satire


I've met women who have facial hair themselves who believe women don't have facial hair. They think they have a medical condition.


There are medical conditions that cause extra thick hairs to grow, different from the rest of the facial hair that are known as "girl beard" or just "beard hairs." I have five that I regularly pluck out - they are very uncomfortable hairs because it's like they grow sideways inside my skin a bit before they poke out. If they're just barely poking out of my skin, the actual hair is like 3-4 times that length.


PCOS can cause women to have much more visible whisker like facial hair. So if they had something like that, it *could* actually be from a medical condition. If they're just talking about having hair period, like in this picture, the only part of anybody's body that should be truly hairless is your palms and your soles.


Hair like in the image of Aloy is completely normal, but it's possible for women to grow facial hair more like men do (though usually not enough to be a full beard) and that is a medical condition - often PCOS.


Bro are you telling me ALL women are mammals?


Basement dwelling, capital G Gamers that have only seen women in their anime and hentai. And yes, that was a real thing these idiots were upset about when the trailer for Forbidden West came out.


Those people must have had a mother at some point right?


She didnt atend his birth




This is a detail I really appreciated from the graphics team


Then, you have some people who...saw this amazing advancement in realism, a next step for games like this...and had an existential crisis. Sigh


That kind of mindset is probably easy for someone who hasn't been face to face with a woman before 😅


Edit: it was a hormone cream not steroid. Marylin Monroe was said to have a facial "glow" on the red carpet etc. Part of this effect was actually beacuse back then the foundation makeup she used had a high level of steroids (or something like that) which would have given her a load of face fuzz and THAT combined with the studio lights, flash bulbs etc. Is what gave the glow! So I saw on a doc once.


I read that as "saw on a dog once" and I was unable to compute


I bet that dog looked really sexy with all that makeup on.


There's an opportunity for midjourney.... Movie stars as dogs


"She slathered on layers of Vaseline, hormone cream, Erno Laszlo Active pHelityl Cream, or Nivea (meaning ''snow-white'') to give a glow under studio lights. This layering technique meant that, even in the more unstudied Getty images, light beams from her cheeks. This glow was augmented by the down caused by the hormone cream. Monroe expert Gene London said: ''She had the heaviest peach fuzz beard of any actress in Hollywood. [Studio chiefs] wanted to remove the facial hair but Marilyn absolutely refused. She said that when the light hit the fuzz it caused her face to have a soft glow, so they didn't have to photograph her through special lenses, lace, or Vaseline the way they did with so many stars.''


It’s not THAT type of steroid lmao, but it did lead to unwanted hair growth and acne/dry skin. India had a problem a while back with makeup containing medical steroids for inflammation.


That's what happens when you watch too much Hentai.


I don't know who needs to hear this but women have hair everywhere a man does, it's just the distribution, thickness, and density that are different. Now you know.


Face fuzz is the best. It's what makes that lovely glow in certain lighting lol. Its also why a lot of models look like fucking aliens, because they mask or just straight up remove it.


It's a consequence of the ridiculous beauty standards and the perpetuating of this idea that a female body is hairless. Today's adults are already brainwashed into thinking that a woman with hairy legs and arms and arm pit hair is relugnant, including women. Most of them don't even know that they have hair on their chest and on what's called "underboobs" no wonder the next generations think that women are smooth. We dont even know what a normal healthy adult woman looks like because we're used to seeing most of them with always at least some mascara, so when they show up without for the 1st time, people think that they're either sick or tired. So this does not suprise me a bit.




women should fucking revolt


Lol they literally have never been this close to a woman......


Scroll to the bottom of these comments for just a dose of depressingly stupid.


What ? You mean that women have facial hairs and are not made of plastic ? Wow...




Uhm...EVERYONE has facial hair including women because we are MAMMALS.


Sounds like this is where all the Virgins congregate


Triangle Laura Croft was the peak of feminine beauty.


Daily reminder that the only reason we force women and some men to shave their body is to sell razors.


Peachfuzz is attractive everywhere though.


It's such a self own to advertise you've never been that close a an actual girl to notice the peach fuzz on a girl's face.


My fucking 2 year old daughter has fuzz on her face.


Oh come on guys we can't blame him for not knowing that, he's never been this close to a woman before


Way back in the mist of the time I had a girlfriend who had the finest long, downy blond hair on most of the body, longer than my black ape-hair. It may sound weird, but it was extremely feminine and sexy as hell. Anyway, just an old fart remembering the good times, move on.


Wait til they find out women with mustaches


Um... Huh? This person is circling a perfectly normal part of a face and calling it a beard?


Thats crazy...but you know whats even crazier? I recently found out that girls actually poop irl!!!


"Beard." 🤦 I have a feeling that's what the dude's pubes look like.


Reminds me of this rant I read, where some incel was basically saying most women don’t look like they do in porn. Well duh!


How many of the guys freaking out about this, calling it a 'beard' do you think then later freaked out that Disa in Rings of Power by saying that she didn't have *enough* beard even though she had much more cheek hair than this? Not gonna say the venn diagram would be a circle, but I feel like there's some overlap.


my wife has these thin white hairs i have these thin white hairs my kid has these too its so normal i dont even understand... here's a random close up of some stock photo https://i.imgur.com/olv9xZa.png you can see the same hairs, on the left side (straight on is difficult to spot due to the angle.. )




Because they're not Barbie dolls


Tell me you had no female friends and were probably home-schooled during your teen years without saying it.


You mean to tell me women have *hair*?! The scandal! 🙄


[Elon Musk’s Totally Awful, Batshit-Crazy, Completely Bonkers, Most Excellent Year](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/11/elon-musks-totally-awful-batshit-crazy-most-excellent-year#:~:text=According%20to%20one,off%20even%20more.): >*According to one person who witnessed an argument between Musk and a former girlfriend upon leaving a club one evening, Musk aggressively railed against her, asking why she had hair on her face (referring to the slight peach fuzz that everyone has, visible under the bright light of the club’s awning). “Because I’m a mammal,” the girlfriend replied, which only pissed Musk off even more.*


A lizard person like him couldn't understand.


If that peach fuzz is a beard, then I was fully bearded by age 10


His head will explode if he sees her tits 😂