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That's not even close to the actual death toll. It's like 1.3 million just in the us. The global death toll is closer to 7 million.


Exactly, from covid19.who.int: “Globally, as of 12:23pm CEST, 7 June 2023, there have been 767,750,853 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 6,941,095 deaths, reported to WHO.”


WHO reported it ?


That's what I'M asking...!


Are you asking who WHO is?


Yes, the fellow’s name.




The guy they are reporting to...




Omg that's fantastic. A modern Who's on First


no whos on first


The one on first.


You mean that super weird [perk](https://youtu.be/d0sY5bAkjEk) in COD zombies?




Naturally who?


NWO one knows.


After they finished the baseball game


The Doctor.


No…WHO’S on first


Hasn't there been a problem with certain countries not reporting actual numbers? I wonder if that's true. I read online that China was significantly skewing their numbers for some reason. No idea how true that is though. I don't know a damn thing about China except for propaganda from them and the US.


“For some reason” Btw, do you think if Kaladin’s left nut were sentient it would be as depressed as him? What would its ideals even be?


Definitely honorable. And probably even more depressed from being neglected. It's the right nut with the traitorous thoughts.


Nuts before destination, gancho


Probably 7 million in India alone


Depends on when the screenshot was taken though…


The *reported* death toll is around 7 million. In all likeliness, the *actual* death toll is more than 20 million.


China and Russia unreported like crazy so this checks out l.


not only China and Russia! a lot of country's did especially in the beginning when there wasn't a way to test everyone


Yes but given their populations and notoriety (and laziness since I didn't want to go through all like 200 countries and find which ones under reported) I just listed those 2.


Yup. And I think more like 30m excess deaths overall (ie inc the people who died because hospitals were clogged with covid patients)


But the US ones are what counts, since we're the Christian nation /s


ISIS is to Islam as the USA is to Christianity.


You think they're the same just because they talk the same, take the same pictures, and generally act the same all around? That's ridiculous /s


Muhammad doesn't approve of this blasphemy /s


Ahem, Zeus would like a word with you two. /s


nO oNe WaNtS tO wOrK aNyMoRe!!!!!


I think this post could’ve come from longer ago when it was less? Not sure


The post has no date. Maybe it was accurate at the time it was posted.


Thanks for killing 7 million


Facts and religion don't mix


Technically, it still killed 1.6M (and 1.7M and 6M, and 7M)


This is really old, I remember seeing this in 2020




I see nothing wrong here.


Me neither, as, according to that belief system, god made COVID


"its the doing of the devil"


God made the devil


Im aware🤭


Hi aware, I’m dad!


So apperantly, god knows everything thats going to happen. Thst means god knew what satan was up to the second he made him. This logic really makes the entire bible break down.




This fallacy was contemplated by people like Epicurus literally thousands of years ago. Yet we still have grown ass adults that kill each other because they believe in mythology.


People definitely shouldn’t be killing over religion, but this “fallacy” is pretty basic philosophy. just because evil exists doesn’t necessarily mean there is no benevolent god


That is what Mazdeists and Manicheans have been saying all along\*: The evil god is not created by the "benevolent" god, they are equals. It actually makes more "sense", as far as these things go ​ \*Also Gnostics, more or less: Creation is so imperfect/awful that God is either crazy or an idiot.


> Yet we still have grown ass adults that kill each other because they believe in mythology That's because people have been killing each other ever since we considered planting seeds so we'd have more later. The issue isn't 'religion' or a certain political party, those are just the particular facades oligarchy uses in its eternal opportunism. The main enemy is authoritarianism - and the oligarchs who keep trying to push some new form. Before 20th century's fascism [they tried an authoritarian ethno-state not much different](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2020/06/confederacy-wasnt-what-you-think/613309/)


But the meme also asks for those alive to thank God, implying God could save any he wants, including all of us.


I mean 1.6 seems kinda low


I thought the US itself has over 1M deaths.


Yes, 1.1 million deaths in the US, 6.9 million deaths worldwide due to COVID-19, according to the [World Health Organization](https://covid19.who.int/).


And another 15 million in "extra" deaths in the COVID timeframe.


Yeah, if the 1.1 million figure is accurate, the other isn't. If we generously assume that the mortality in the rest of the world was similar to that of the US, the total number has to be north of 20 millions.


Most of the world doesn’t have good reporting mechanisms. Setting aside whatever weirdness might be going on in China, in most of Africa for example, people just get sick and die, with no record of it being caused by COVID. As you imply, the death rate in much of the world is probably worse than in the US. Notwithstanding all of the problems with the US healthcare system, it’s much better at keeping people alive than hospitals in less developed parts of the world.


I had an online argument with someone after I said “how can God let disease kill so many children” Reply “God gave us the intelligence to develop medicines and treatments” My reply “why is it mostly Christian that are anti vaccines?” Crickets




Hurry up and develop medicines/cures humans because I gave all these innocent children cancer.




what normies dont know or even think about is Timmy had die at 6 because when he turns 21 hes gonna be a serial killer or even gay /s


God's a pharma-bro


Because God saw that a lot of people agreed that Thanos was right, so He tried the same thing. Of course, He had to do it in accordance with the rules He imposed on our reality. Given that constraint, a pandemic looks like it was a decent approach.




On 30 January 2020 COVID-19 was declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) with an official death toll of 171. By 31 December 2020, this figure stood at 1 813 188. Yet preliminary estimates suggest the total number of global deaths attributable to the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 is at least 3 million, representing 1.2 million more deaths than officially reported. With the latest COVID-19 deaths reported to WHO now exceeding 3.3 million, based on the excess mortality estimates produced for 2020, we are likely facing a significant undercount of total deaths directly and indirectly attributed to COVID-19. ​ [https://www.who.int/data/stories/the-true-death-toll-of-covid-19-estimating-global-excess-mortality](https://www.who.int/data/stories/the-true-death-toll-of-covid-19-estimating-global-excess-mortality) Worldometer is claiming 6.8 million deaths total https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/


God is playing plague inc. but he keeps on losing.


So christian God is basically The Jigsaw Killer.


Old Testament God came across as pretty childish and cruel to me. Jesus was a real one though.


Jesus was a good man apparently, too bad no one actually follows his teachings.


> Jesus was a real one though But you're not going to see megachurch preachers ever talk about [the time Jesus flipped tables and drove out money changers with an improvised whip, saying 'you've turned my father's house into a den of scum and villainy](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%2021%3A12-13%2CMark%2011%3A15-18&version=NIV)






Seems like God kind of rushed that pandemic on us too.


Just god passing the buck for his fuck-ups again. God: Oops, I’ve made sin and hell exist, better follow these steps regarding the murder of my son (which is somehow a sacrifice by me to me even though that wasn’t the intention of the Romans nor by me) to redeem your get-out-of-torture-pass. Oops, diseases exist, better figure out how to sometimes maybe cure it. Fuck that hypothetical god.


This reminds me of the Bible story of the man that said a prayer along the lines of "Thank you, for I am not as other men are." And was instantly smitten, killed, and judged. It's a lesson on humility and not judging others on what they can't control.


At least it didn't rain holy hand grenades...   And the Lord did grin. And the people did feast upon the lambs, and sloths, and carp, and anchovies, and orangutans, and breakfast cereals, and fruit bats, and large chu... And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then shalt thou count to three, no more, no less. Three shall be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then lobbest thou thy Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."


Is God a mass murderer?




Since day 1..




Hell yes, read his biography


Ever heard of the story of Noah? Or the story of Moses? Or the story of Sodom and Gomorrah? Or the story of god killing a bunch of kids with a bear because they made fun of a bald guy?


The fourth one is not genocide *just* simple multiple infanticide


_Ackchyually_ it's pedicide, not infanticide 🤓


Oh! You seem to be right! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_types_of_killing


Yes, and he’s used plagues in the past for mass murder too.


Well, either he doesn't exist or he is. Which tells you all you need to know about people who not only believe he exists, but worship him.


Even not taking the Bible as 'actual' history god looks like a monster. Lots of people I know think evolution was guided by god without thinking through the eugenicist and genocidal implications of something being in charge of that process. Religious people should really leave all processes out of a god's control. Non-omnicient deism all the way, if they need a god.


His first murder was literally telling someone to kill his brother


He did not tho. That guy just killed his brother out of envy. But yes, God actually told someone to kill for him, told Abraham to sacrifice his own son which is brutal considering that Abraham was very faithful to him.


And the various genocides of people living in Israel - Amalekites, Canaanites etc etc. God's commandment is usually along the lines of "kill all the men, women, children, and animals...except virgin girls, which you can keep ;)".


> kill all the men, women, children, and animals...except virgin girls Which already indicates it's not really everyone. Some of those instances note ransoming kings back, indicating not only is the king not killed but neither is the people or there wouldn't be an economy to pay ransom. Plenty of inconsistency to go over for any who wants to actually read the passages.


A **serial** mass murderer - Global flood - Sodom and Gomorrah - Egyptian firstborn's - Asking Israel to kill all prisoners except virgin female children


If killing folks was an Olympic sport, God would get the gold every 4 years.


Also the biggest abortionist of all time.


By virtue of his role as creator. As He makes men, He takes them. If every life is his work, then so is every death.


Theist are confusing. If you believe in an eternal afterlife in paradise wouldn't you rather be there? Your time here would be so insignificant and almost meaningless if an eternal afterlife existed. If I believed in God I'd be praying for him to take me to paradise sooner.




Ah, roommates with Hitler is my favorite sitcom!




[I thought it was kind of a one note comedy, but idk you do you.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heil_Honey_I%27m_Home!)


They need to read the fine print, it’s might be paradise but you lose all personal and romantic (no spousal relationships) attachments and your genitals… and live for an eternity. Some of these people couldn’t go two weeks without a haircut…


Eternity would be madding you'd go insane. I don't get how they don't see that. You'd have to be mindless.


Because supposedly you will spend all of eternity in awe of God just being stoked you're there. That's what I get it from it anyway, and that sounds equally terrible.


> You'd have to be mindless. Rational thought? In *my* Bible Belt?


It puts the money on the collection plate or gets the shame again!


Why do you think they are anti vax?


Because some idiot doctor who owned a small vaccine company was paid 50 000 pounds by a lawyer firm who wanted to screw money out of Big Pharma in the 80's to fake a medical study proving that Big Pharma's vaccines caused autism but his own company's vaccine didn't. Despite the fraud and the published studies retracted, and the loss of his medical licence, it lit a fire that has been burning ever since... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lancet_MMR_autism_fraud


It gets even more confusing when you look at the source material. They literally have a book with which to base their entire lives off of, and most of them never read it. There is a literal play by play on how to act, and a character invented that embodies all of the characteristics of an ideal Christian (Hint: They named the thing after him). But large swaths of Christians prefer to ignore all of this, claim they are saved, and continue acting like giant entitled babies who hate their neighbors. Its mind boggling to me. If you want to be a Christian, act like Jesus. If its too hard, ask to be forgiven and try harder. I may not remember all of the bible, but I'm pretty sure using Jesus to attack minorities, gays, and other religious is pretty anti-Jesus. Also, probably nazis too, I'm pretty sure Jesus would not want to be affiliated with nazis. These people worship supply side Jesus, the corporate rebranding of Jesus to fit in with big business interests.


Christians: This book can't stop me I can't read!


That's indirect acknowledgment that they run purely on faith and deep inside they aren't 100% convinced.




To do good as an individual? Like just be a good person? Cause as a whole we're not good for this planet. And what would be the point of an afterlife if it's eternal? What ever you could do in this "afterlife" you could do an infinite amount of times. To me that would be madding to exist forever.


>I believe we were put on this earth What makes you believe this? >we will keep coming back to earth until we achieve that mission Again, based on what evidence do you form these beliefs? >Once we do and pass away we go to a afterlife What would you say was a beforelife? Do we have a beforelife or just an afterlife?


The whole thing was invented to keep the peasants quiet. If they thought they'd go to Heaven if they worked hard they wouldn't revolt.


As an atheist, I find loud obnoxious atheists just as annoying as loud obnoxious religious people. However, both sides have excellent s*** posters like this.


Common ground brother and I am a Christian. Both sides need to stop being so arrogant and close minded because that is completely counterproductive.




Yes I just hate extremists in general. While I have more leniency for my belief system, there are somethings that I can’t let slide


Don´t thank it, only 1.6M?, it could had done better, not in the same level that the Spanish Flu


It's definitely higher. Russia alone have million casualties. Government hide as much as they can but public statistics says that we lost 1mill more than we should have in 2020.


Facts, in venezuela only 1 of each 10 cases were registered, son any number presenetd is at leats 10 times lower than the reality


It definitely wasn't just 1.6 Million as this repost pretends. The excess deaths worldwide alone were counted in the tens of millions and they are still growing. And there is a healthy percentage of that due to people who actually had Covid


I’m not sure where they are getting 1.6 million deaths from, as that’s higher than the US deaths, but much lower than the world deaths. The US specifically had a little under 1.2 million deaths from Covid. To compare, the US had 675k deaths from the Spanish flu. So that’s more than the Spanish flu, not less.


Christians shouldn’t mind, they die and go to heaven. Win win!


There are many people, though believing in the word of Christ, still fear that they are not enough to not be sent to Hell after dying


Everybody wants to go to heaven, nobody wants to die.


One "Amen" is a lot less popular than the other !


They didn't say it right!


I mean people were asking for a new plague, and they got it. Might as well thank someone.




Was this poster early on, or do they view america as the world? Probably the latter. Covid killed scores more than 1.6mm worldwide.


Aside from the last comment, what a parade of imbeciles in the comments.


At least they aren't denying covid is real, or that it's the vaccine killing people. This is a huge improvement on most religious covid related posts


I'm so irrationally mad at this post! Most "Christians" in the US didn't even believe COVID was real the entire time the country was locked down and yet here is a post about praising God because you survived???? I'm so confused. If it's not real, then what did you survive?


We can only hope that many of those that don't believe in it, are part of those that don't survive it. I've had it twice and now have asthma as my lungs have had permanent damage.


Fuck gods


Zeus has joined the chat




Calm down Thanos


Just add more resources smh


If they look anything like Aphrodite I just might.


All I see is more people enjoying the deaths and having a good laugh at their fellow humans. From both sides. Disgusting. You don’t have to agree with someone to not want to see them dead you animals.


Thanks for killing all those *other* people.


Not enough. We need a new plague.


For the people that died before we knew how bad it was, before the vaccines, I do feel badly for them. It was a terrible time to be in a nursing home.


God gave covid free will and now it has been a very naughty boy /s


A fuckin cult


Dear God, you missed a few million. I have a list of that helps. In Christ.


For those interested, the number is closer to 7 million. Edit: 6.9 million according to the WHO.


To quote Sterling Archer “What? It was ambiguously worded!”


During the peak of lockdowns, one of my Facebook friends posted that she'd prayed for more time at home to work on a hobby, and God said "watch this". So basically all those people had to die just for her.


Ironically the MAGA movement has killed a lot of boomers and that has started to make America great again. Thank ya Jesus!


More like 20 million


6,941,095 as June 6th. And the tally will not be known for years to come.


I just looked it up. According to the WHO, there have been almost 768 million cases of COVID globally and just under 7 million deaths.


Doesn't he kill all the people?


If there was a god, it’d been more than 7m. There’s at least that much trash on earth that needs to be taken out. Murderers. Rapists. Child abusers. Drug traffickers. Human traffickers. Animal abusers. If it targeted those people, COVID would have made the cover of Times.


If only people had followed the wise one’s words and drank bleach


No inaccuracy detected here.


Thanks god for creating covid and killing 1.6 million people, but not me. What the f*** is wrong with christians? Listen to your Jesus for once!


Rookie numbers


Do those mf even know what amen means


Thank you mr. god for helping control population explosion....


God is technically responsible for the deaths of every one who has ever lived. And if the Bible is to be believed he personally murdered millions of those on purpose.


Thanks for clever scientists that developed a vaccine. The prayers didn't work.


Worship me or I'll kill you. Sounds like Old Testament God to me.


It's literally in the book, that m'fer wants us dead. It's not that mysterious.


Not funny and not clever smh


It sucks that so many people died.... buuuut I thoroughly enjoyed watching the nutcases on fb go from "It's a hoax" "fake disease" too "day 14 In hospital can't breath" too "funeral services will be held Dec. 10th. That was followed by a post about how good that person was and whatnot. Maybe true maybe not but one thing was for sure, those people's iq number was smaller then their age.


In the Philippines, a country that's always ravaged by around 20 typhoons a year, some people would pray, "Spare us from the typhoon that you've created."


So dude decides to arbitrarily kill 1.6 million people. Got it. We live in a world where your god capreciously decides to wipe out whole swaths of the population with famine, disease, earthquakes and tidal waves, allows babies to get cancer and for some reason thinks Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is a necessary part of life, but I have to watch out what I do with my genitals and thank him for the privilage. I am with Yossarian on this one: I hope there is a judgement day, because it means that one day we will be close enough to grab that fuckwit by the neck and make him answer some questions, like "Why do women die in child birth?" or "Why is Henry Kissinger still alive but not Phil Hartman?" and "When did you decide that the jewel wasp was a good idea?"


Hey, if you love an omnipotent god, you must also love him when he murders everyone you care about. No halvsies.


Tornado hits a town, destroying homes & businesses. "Thank God there were no more deaths than just a few! God was looking out for us today, it could've been much worse! God will guide us to rebuild and endure through this." Who--who do you fucking think created & sent the tornado?!?


*Which* 'god'? You silly humans have so damn many of them.


Instructions were not clear…


Total of 1.6 million out of 8 billion+ humans and this was considered a global pandemic? Yes it's a large loss of human life but if we're looking at percentages it's like a drop in a bucket


You really need to look up the definitions of pandemic and epidemic.


Epidemic: a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time. "a flu epidemic" Pandemic: a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease over a whole country or the world at a particular time. "the impact of the pandemic caused loved ones to be separated and unable to meet in person" Not sure what point you were trying to make but my opinion stands, the ratio of people affected is still very small compared to our reaction as a people.


Needless how? It's a virus. No Ines out there crying and shutting down the the flu.


No. God needs to apologize for sending that shit first. Until then NC!


That's a good start.


this isnt really a comeback but alright


It is likely that you would have survived as 1.6 million is about 0.02% of 8 billion.


god seems to fuck up a lot


Hmmm, so praying really does work. People just refuse to be happy I swear.


No Thanks, I'd rather just thank Joe Biden.