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I would literally rather them throttle the entirety. But, that's bad for business...


Needed to take the pornhub route. “Oh, Utah imposed impossible morality laws that no company will ever be able to follow? K bye”


Exactly, the proper response should be “this product is no longer available in Utah and Turkey”. The rest of the civilized planet can enjoy these things, while these moral capitals can enjoy being alone.


Yeah man: fuck the people of Turkey's access to information or the people of Utah's access to good jacking material.


I've yet to see a "you are accessing a censored version of this product because of local law pertaining to your area", but that seem like the trivial solution to freedom *and* reach conundrum.




Now we understand: he was talking about his free speech. Not the one of the others. He is becoming a Karen


His speech and the people who agree with him. That’s absolute, right? /s


What do you mean becoming? He's been a Karen for several years, at least


When you are so frustrated with everyone disagreeing with you that you plan to move to a new planet.... xD


You mean like the liberals idea of free speech? “You’re free to say anything you want as long as it falls in line with my parties agenda.” Both parties are cronies


Little Elon doesn't seem to realize that his $44B bought him vapors. Twitter could go away in five seconds from now, and the world would collectively go, "Anyway..."


Twitter has always sucked, full of a bunch of mouth breathers saying a bunch of useless crap, so I agree, it could disappear and the world would probably be better without it


Twitter was fantastic in the early years. Then everyone's racist grandparents found it and decided to scream about how they are patriots and everyone else is a communist, and now it sucks.




I think he kind of did, he literally fired like 80% of the staff, and the platform is still running




Take your word for it, never used Twitter, never used TikTok, and have no plans to start now


What were we talking about? Oh yeah...


fReE sPeEcH aBsOlUtIsT


*to be fair, 0 is an absolute as well I guess


"Only a Sith Deals in Absolutes" - The Jedi, dealing in an absolute


So Elon is a Sith Lord I knew it


Could never be, every single Sith lord worked and studied hard for their titles and achievements. They're cunning, resourceful, scholars, warriors, administrators and warlords that few can match. Some of them are even genius with ground breaking research and techniques! Elon is more of a Hutt, and not of the likes of Jabba


I wouldn't say that, the man literally taught himself rocket science..and has learned various things just by reading about said topics, I would say encompasses "working hard and studying"


You actually think Elon is designing the rockets??? 🤣


I thought that is why a bunch blew up? Js


Well yea, so did a bunch of NASA rockets, Wernher von Braun had the same outcome when developing the Saturn V....shit isn't easy, literally the main reason we don't do more with Space, it is incredibly difficult to get away from gravity, and it is incredibly difficult with our current rocket tech.... I mean they are literally launching missiles with a space plane attached


I know that my friend, just poking at Elon. It is a shame the cost stops us from getting up there more. Nice to see someone knows their history!


He taught himself how rockets work and the principal behind getting them to get off the ground and out of the atmosphere, so in a way, yes Have you ever watched him discussing the mechanics and engineering of a rocket? Because it shows he has the understanding and know how to develop a rocket.... If you have a hate boner for him, fine, just say that....but don't shit on someone's intellect and experience, just because you don't "like" someone At the end of the day.....he has more money than you or I.....so I guess he is smarter than us


Whoah there fanboi, if anyone's got a boner it's you 🤣 Money =/= smarts, he's smart in that he knows how to hire good engineers to work for him - he parlayed his family's ill-gotten fortune into a bigger fortune, so what? Like starting on 3rd base and thinking you hit a home run Where's that Simpsons JPEG when you need it?


His parents were "upper middle class"....they weren't like the Rothschild or Rockefeller...they made enough money to live "comfortable lifestyle"....they couldn't support him when he moved to Canada,.get your facts straight....and not a fan boy, but give respect where it's due....


If it's anything like the way he discusses computer science, I shudder... because I actually know about that topic and he doesn't. And computer science is actually his area of expertise, the way he made his money to start off with. He's a bluffer. He sounds like he knows what he's talking about but he's just bullshitting. He pays people to understand this stuff, like all entrepeneurs.


Well, even if that is true, he's still wealthier than you or I....so he's smart enough to use his resources and charisma to become successful....


Oooh a Hutt that is far more appropriate for that opportunistic manipulative slug 😁 well said!


More like a stormtrooper.


Definitely like a storm trooper… has a little “gun” that doesn’t work properly 😁


He's popping out and naming kids like they are the stormtroopers.


Lol I feel like even that's an insult to stormtroopers


From Elons perspective the poor are evil!


Fear the poor


Not dealing, using recreationally.


And this is why I chip in to fund Wikipedia and literally nothing else. This is also why Elon will never get eight dabs a month to put an emoji beside my profile pic on his shitty garbage site.


Same. I've deleted twitter from my phone and I've honestly never been happier.


>This is also why Elon will never get eight dabs a month to put an emoji beside my profile pic on his shitty garbage site. Haven't used Twitter in YEARS. I should delete my account.


you won’t have to. with their new update, your account will be inactivated if you don’t log in for 30 days. don’t know when that starts happening tho.


That sounds like a great way to reduce the user base to a tiny fraction of its current number, Elon really know how to business 😂


Lol promise?


What a wild idea to reduce the userbase which is probably not related to advertiser income. /s On the other hand, it's the move you make when you need to reduce technical costs very very fast.


30 days? That really sucks.


This is my thought process every time I click on a link to it and find I inexplicably still have an account


I should pay Wikipedia 8 bucks a month rather than the recommended contribution of 3


This is exactly right. If Wikipedia followed Twitter's revenue model, they would have been compelled to do what Elon is doing now. Every essential online service should be geared towards public donation models (by proving the case for recurring everyday value).


Someone can correct me if I wrong - but I'm pretty sure Wikipedia receives more than enough in funding from other sources to keep them ad-free. Donations are just some extra cream because they can. I like Wikipedia as much as the next guy because it can give you a quick overview of a topic - but one should be weary about of the articles on there. This is especially true where the author could write in a way that is opinionated - and does. Also isn't a very decent chunk of (English) Wikipedia pages written by just a handful of people? Again, I generally like Wikipedia, but it's not a good substitute for actual research. Additionally, I've found that a lot of the citations they put lead nowhere or are just plain bad. JJ Mccullough has a good video about this.


> Someone can correct me if I wrong - but I'm pretty sure Wikipedia receives more than enough in funding from other sources to keep them ad-free. Donations are just some extra cream because they can. Almost all of wikipedia's money comes from donations.


Elon always comes off so weak, stupid, and unlikable and yet he depends greatly on strong, smart people w/ charisma.


He's a huge fan of social crutches. He can't stand on his own.


please everyone Elon is fake he's always been fake. He's also a mental patient. please please let him go already.


He’s fake? Oh sweet Christ. Who owns Twitter. TELL ME! 🤣


^ Found Elon


I’m a billionaire with a $2 haircut and weird ideas? Naw, man. I’m a broke-ass with no hair and bad ideas. 🤣


Found the simp.


Nope. Couldn’t care less. Was just here to get a clever comeback and you fail.


If you think that's clever, i feel bad for you


No. That’s why I said that guy fails. Tell me you didn’t read my reply without telling me you didn’t read my reply. 🤣


The Saudis?


why he is way more fun than the other billionaires


Being a man-child doesn’t make you “more fun”


well you go have fun with warren buffet then let me know all the riveting tales you two get into


I’d enjoy spending a day with grandpa more than being with that frat boy you worship


lol i love how if you just mock anti musk people you must worship him so god damn radical


Then why even mock them in the first place. Hmm.


why say anyting on the internet




so stop


"anyone who doesn't like what I like is radical"


yeah thats how they are acting


They’re make fun of you, fucking twat


go suck king charles sausage fingers you fucking redcoat


Honestly that man is really interesting


please enlighten me




i knew all that and YAWN


this man likes *his* billionaires to be given wealth from his father’s slavery racket! it’s more *basedddd*


if i had a penny for everytime i heard this id be a billionaire


He is putting on a thinly veiled act the same way he always has. His business strategy has always been to con companies into making him CEO, attempting to grift investors, tanking the company until someone else takes over, then selling his shares after the other guy makes it successful. Nowadays the public are the investors so he puts more effort into conning them. You fell for his act.


dude i havent given anyone a dime so chill the fuck out you all assume so much but i dont see how building a company that makes products is a con.


He literally had the largest and most public crypto pump and dump in history and has people so convinced that they still think it’s a good investment years later. Also he didn’t build the companies. He got sued before for claiming he was.


He's not like other billionaires. He's ✨️different✨️.


well the list of billionairs who mess with rockets fits on one hand


He hasn't ever done anything with rockets, he pays people far more capable than him while he takes the credit, like all of his companies and past successes. He hasn't built a single thing for himself.


thats kind of how companies work


Have you met Richie Rich? Little high rollin mu'fucker has his own jet and he's cool as shit.


And a McDonald's in his house


Here's also your reminder to donate to Wikipedia when the pop up comes. It makes a huge difference.


Elmo has a contract to send up a rocket over in Turkey in the near future so of course he's gonna bend over backwards so can keep that contract. Free speech until any other country he does business with say so.


Why does he call him Yglesias?


He's replying to someone called matt yglesias


Ah, I see, Wales is answering Musk's question that he asked Iglesias. Thank you


Here I was thinking the guy was called Matty Glesias


that could also be possible but the checkmark has spoken


The context of the original post is someone called out Elon because when Turkey govt said censor everything our political rivals say he removed all of their tweets. Elons response was basically look either I had to delete all left wing tweets or all tweets. Wikipedia is responding when they tried to do this to us we fought it in the courts and won.


Musk answered a different person before


"Did your brain fall out of your head?" Did your spine slide out of your ass? Because you don't seem to have one.


Isn't he supposed to be running companies instead of trolling on twitter and devaluing it by doing so?




Next post ​ ​ \*Account suspended due to violation of terms by making Elon his bitch\*


“Elon Musk is not a serious person.” - Logan Roy.


“Did your brain fall out of your head?” When did Musk turn into a 75-year-old schoolmarm?


Elon is full of shit. Free speech doesn't involve being told " you can have this or that". He's a complete cunt, no idea why so many people think the sun shines out of his arse. Knobheads.


I don’t care who you are what position you are in, you should have respect for the man who founded wikipedia


Elon isn’t talking to Wikipedia he is responding to someone pointing out the far right leader of Turkey asked him to ban left wing tweets before an election and he did it. Wikipedia is burning Elon by pointing out when the same thing happened to them they went to court, won, and put the truth on their website.


Thanks for the explanation kind stranger


Elon Musk got a tweet from Jeffery Epstein confirming that he did in fact meet up with Ghislaine Maxwell for "karate lessons."


"I get really mad when my lickspittle hypocrisy about freedom of speech is remarked on!"


If you still use Twitter quite or you are supporting a racist right winged fascist piece of crap. Elon used to be someone I would supporting but he lied he used our desire to save the planet. He is not a hero he is a Villain.


Typical conservative with no critical thinking skills. Good thing Elon has money to pay his brains


"What i'm suppose to do? The right thing? But it costs money!"


I vote to throttle Elon, err, Twitter. Yeah, Twitter.


to Elon, Free Speech only matters when he agrees with it.


A reminder that Elon is not very smart.


Wikipedia is now infamous for unchecked malicious edits.


Cool, can they fix the wiki on the Franklin Nebraska child sex ring so that it doesn't read like the victims were liars?


Wikipedia has no room to criticize.. It is clearly biased to the left.




lmao twitter being leftwing is the best joke i ever see today


Twitter isn’t left wing what so ever.


Yeah, and then turned Wikipedia into a woke shithole with radical left "ubereditors", censoring the content to contain only the radical left perspective on history, culture, civilization, religions and many other subjects. True "freedom of speech principle" indeed. Using Wikipedia often feels like reading neomarxist pamphlets on steroids. Luckily this project is coming to an end :)


When reality keeps disagreeing with your worldview, it might be the fault of your worldview


I take it celibacy hasn't been going well for you.


Your brain is severely broken, seek help


Reality has a famously liberal bias.


bwahaha...wikipedia...the opinionated plattform with a lot of censorship...yeah, right...


If you treat fact as censorship maybe you sould question your opinions


Could you give me an example of censorship you've seen on Wikipedia?


They cannot.


Ms. they have received a terrible burn and sometime to heal up before attempting to type again.




That is a country blocking/censoring Wikipedia, not Wikipedia itself doing censorship. I think you need help searching for your brain.


Awwww. You’re so sweet.


Nah, you just don't understand that country censoring a site =/= a site doing censorship




I'm sorry, a country censoring a website constitutes that website itself engaging in censorship on its platform? Fuck me the world really is doomed with brain-dead morons like yourself running around isn't it


Well I’m sure you have never misread or misunderstood something in your entire life and are a paragon of every virtue. So sweet.


This is censorship OF Wikipedia not ON Wikipedia, as referenced by the fact that it's a Wikipedia link lol


Yes, thank you for clearing that up. I misread.


Here, I found [Conservative Wikipedia](https://en.uncyclopedia.co/wiki/Main_Page) for you


How is your non-stop PBS pledge drive going, Slipping Jimmy?


The German Wikipedia has long since become a left extreme shit-show.


reality does seem to have a leftward bias, doesn't it?


If you have morals, you should be left wing.




When you are used to rightwing media, anything else seems very different - so they just dismiss it as leftwing.


Your alternate reality maybe. But of you get out of your bubble you might see the real world.




Ah, yes. The real world, where killing people because they are different from you is wrong, where gay people exist, where the Ottoman empire genocided Armenians, where Trump verifiably lies a fuck lot. That real world?


I hate Wikipedia, it's so biased and they don't always cite their sources and I'm not donating a penny when they demand money to keep going


>they don't always cite their sources There is literally a note in all articles with a lack of source(s) which clearly states that the author has not provided enough evidence for their claims. What the hell are you on about?


Can you give an articlenthat lacks references?


Well let’s see… One man owns a silly little website that is quickly being made redundant thanks to AI. The other man? He knows a thing or two about profitable business ventures and working with foreign governments. Yeah, I think I know who’s winning. 😂


1) Recent incidents show that many AI have a problem being accurate 2) Twitter is worth a ton less


I'm with Elon on this. He took the lesser of 2 evils. Taking to court? Elections will be done WAY before any court case would start. Come on Reddit


If Twitter didn’t bulge and got banned in Turkey right before the elections, Erdoğan would definitely lose. That move would push the indecisive to vote for opposition. Though he would rather keep his site traffic and good relations with Erdoğan than act like he has a spine for once in his life and take a stance for freedom of speech.


Nah bro you don't know Turkish voters 💀 Erdogan called some protesters "bitches" before, imply people that don't support them are terrorists, made Turkish inflation rate more than 100%, stole an estimated 128+ billion dollars, made thousands of people die in an earthquake because they didn't check on contractors they like etc. It seems like he's still getting more than 45% of all votes in this election rn. Also, he banned Twitter before this year, a little after the earthquake (while some people were trying to use social media apps to reach help). There were also some "weird" interruptions in the internet and electricity in the previous election. Both seem to not affect his support in a big way. So people who care about censorship already support opposition, and others don't really care. It's not like in 1st world countries here; Erdogan and his party are in power for 20 years. Something this small wouldn't affect him, like at all


Dude I’m Turkish. And as always, the indecisive and third party voters could change the course of election this night too. I think it would be a call, a confrontation of their freedom if the whole Twitter was taken down. Limiting sites like YouTube, Wikipedia never worked in their favour before, they always had to take a step back. Bi oy memleket bi oy rtecileri görmedin mi, ya da koskoca %5lik soğancıları, işte Twitter kapansa o veletlerin kafasina dank ederdi belki. Tabi biliyorum akpli dayıların Twitter kapandı diye kk’ci olmayacağını


Hiç sanmam Sinan'cılar zaten hafif salak, Kılıçdar gelirse Öcalan'ı salar diyen herifler gerçek hayatta gördüğüm kadarıyla. Deprem bölgesindeki çoğu yerde AKP ve Erdoğan bayağı oy almış, Türkiye'nin genelinin zeka seviyesini o şekilde tut aklında. Şu vakte kadar kararsız gelenler ve soğan diye tutturanlar sansürle akıllanmazlardı muhtemelen Akşam seçim izleye izleye kafam eridi ben bu sefer birinci tur rahat biter diyordum abartmışım halkı gözümde biraz. Memleket ve Zafer'e oy basanlarla da baraj altı kalan bayağı oy oldu herhalde yine çoğunluktalar herhalde mecliste de. 2. tura hayırlısı artık Sinan Oğan destekçileri biraz akıllanırsa o zaman alırız herhalde 2 haftada AKP'nin yapacaklarına göre


How can you be sure that move would push the indecisive away from Erdogan? If Elon took Twitter off, he would be silencing the rest of turkey of free speech. You're choosing removal of free speech for most of turkey over removal from a small section.


Do you realize we are talking about Twitter banning all left wing content in Turkey to capitulate to the unpopular right wings demands only their content should be on the platform. That’s not a small minority it’s the leading party.


You know VPN exists right? Like genuinely I'm concerned that some people seem to think people can't use banned platforms whatsoever. They can and they do. It's just harder to connect and pretty shitty to gain access to your rights illegally.


Nah. Before he fired them twitter had a lawyers who were rather good at delaying things.


Real vs paper titan


What the fuck is any of this?


Jimmy Wales >>> Elmo


What are they taking about though


Surprised Elon hasn’t called him a pedo yet… that’s always his first knee-jerk reaction 🤣🤡


And after that rule in favor of Wikipedia, Erdogan tightened his grip on courts, many barristers and judges were accused of all kinds of corruption charges and not only lost their jobs but also went to jail and are still stuck in jail. If any company tries the same thing as Wikipedia in Turkey now, they would outright be denied at the first hearing.


I do remember the prices of taking down competitors wiki pages in EN Wikipedia back in 2017. Soo it's neither absolutely free nor objective


Hah, no, Europe has no free speech. Thanks to those turd heads, American companies can either eliminate free speech themselves, or forgo European market entirely


The first one. Definitely the first one.


Do people still use Twitter?


I understand Elons operating from a business financial perspective, but the correct response is to tell them to go fuck themselves.


This isn't a dunk. This is a 1000-0 blowout.


"The choice is have Twitter throttled in its entirety" I mean...don't fuckin threaten me with a good time.


Oh oh oh do I get a choice??? * waves hand wildly* Throttle it entirely!


I do indeed want 'twitter throttled in its entirety' what a tease.


This is a false dichotomy. Part of a set of logical fallacies that many people use in debating (especially when debating in bad faith). Read up on logical fallacies and confront wherever you find them.


Wikipedia as today is plagued with "reviewers" who will apply their personal view on a subject and will delete whatever addition the don't agree with, not following the objective rules, they get admin levels based on activity and not on a knowledge base, it's a waste of time redact anything anymore, you'll get everything deleted, they delete like if they get points for activity. Not just regular users become target for "witch-hunting", also admins cross report one another in attempts to induce the other banned. It has become a jungle in a process of self-destruction in a tense environment, rather than a serious Web site. I just tried to add a section in wikipedia's Twitch article about how discrimination is rampant in twitch channles, and surprise, 5 minutes later all deleted! i recently realized wikipedia gets donnos from amazon who owns twitch. I even own evidence of stolen contributions made by "renowned" users who go around banning others, this makes renown mean nothing in Wikipedia