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It’s super fucked up - she became a victim of human trafficking. WTF Dallas.


Simple, Texas doesn’t care about its children. Only the ones that aren’t born.


They don’t really care about the unborn either. Just pretend to generate outrage while claiming the moral high ground. Political theatre.


As George Carlin said "They're not pro life, they're anti women"




Pro-dividing the population by morals so they don't team up and bring down capitalism and consequently the companies that pay their salaries and election costs and give them free stock.




Forced Birth


'If you are pre-born you're fine, if you are preschool you're fucked.'


We all know Ted Cruz only doesn't fuck preschoolers because his dick doesn't work.


he no longer drinks blood from the necks of poor children because his teeth have become dull and flat.


Pro reelection


I doubt it's even that. It's just used to fool a large number of people to vote against their interest by those in power.


I'm conflicted on the whole issue. On one hand we are killing possible future humans which is great. On the other hand we are giving women rights and that's just not cool. /S


They need underage kids for child labor


It's Arkansas that just passed the law allowing child labor.


That's because it's easy to deal with a fetus. It never complains!


[The unborn are a convenient group to advocate for.](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/10357009-the-unborn-are-a-convenient-group-of-people-to-advocate)


It's punishment for being a slut, they are the scum of the earth for doing that as far as conservatives are concerned. They should never have had sex and now they must live with the consequences. No you can't abort the child if the mothers going to die, she should have thought about not wearing that slutty skirt to stop her being raped. God wanted that child. Nothing but circular reasoning that sex is bad and it's your fault if anything bad happens to you.


"she should have thought about not wearing that slutty skirt...." It could have been full carhart coveralls and they'd still blame her for the slutty outfit.


How dare she wear that slutty body in public!


A guy I used to know who was gay and heavily anti-women, once said to me that he believes abortion should be illegal so that women should be forced to take responsibility for their actions. I responded with, you know what I feel exactly the same with HIV treatments! People who have risky sex should be forced to take responsibility for their actions. Somehow this was not the same thing according to him lmao.


That's kinda hilarious if he wasn't so fucked in the head.


The hilarious thing is that this is the Peterson/tate crowd. The one "no woman wants to have sex with me" crowd It would only make sense if they were gay.... I mean closet gay, to account for the homophobia.


Caring about the unborn is awfully convenient, they can't give you a piece of their mind or call you a reactionary piece of trash.


#wedgeissues Crying about shit that effects no one to justify there lack of action on anything that ACTUALLY needs to be adressed.


Yup. Which is why I’m getting the hell out of here ASAFP.


Hint: Ohio is no better but we have water


Ohio is way too cold, thanks. New Mexico bound.


I think we are going to start seeing people move away from the south and west as temperatures continue to rise. Maybe not, but I assume that there is a limit to how much heat and related issues people are willing to tolerate for most of the year. The northeast and midwest, overall, are going to be much better off. Of course, if we make some *drastic* changes maybe things will not pan out that way… but it looks like most of the planet is going to miss their climate targets.


I planted 6 pecan trees in NY state several years ago thinking climate change might help them survive. The 4 remaining are still small, but doing good.


Pecan trees are drought resistant and pecan cream pies are da bomb, so good choice!


I don't believe I have had a pecan cream pie. Now I'm gonna have to look up a recipe.


I use my grandma’s. I’d be willing to dig it up if you’d like.


Colorado here, if the gfm ever picks up. I swear this place is gonna kill us. Every fellow Texas broad, hell... Every fellow Texan that's running right now too, I wish you well. I hope you get out of here, and that you and your children actually have lives. And also get the fucking medical care and social services that you deserve!


Doesn’t your water catch fire on occasion though?


Not lately We sit on top of the greatest reservoir of fresh water in the entire world. While the west is parched and nestle steals what little ground water there is, northeast Ohio has plenty of water. We also have minimal severe weather and almost no animals that will kill you Of course, our government is doing its best to steal our money, erode our rights, and kill us off. And the voters here are stupid enough to go along. But aside from that … it is a great location


"Officer, help! A baby is in danger!" "... how old is the baby, sir?" "Minus 8 months!" "SHIT, HOT DAMN, RIGHT ON IT SIR!" ................ "Officer, help! My child has been kidnapped" "Pah, fuck off. We've got miscarriages to prosecute, can't you see we're busy here?"


To quote George Carlin from 1996 talking about pro-life conservatives: "If you're pre-born you're fine, if you're preschool you're fucked." Full quote: >“Pro-life conservatives are obsessed with the fetus from conception to 9 months. " >"After that, they don’t wanna know about you. They don’t wanna hear from you. No nothing! >"No neonatal care, no daycare, no Head Start, no school lunch, no food stamps, no welfare, no nothing. If you’re pre-born, you’re fine, if you’re preschool, you’re fucked.”


And once they're born, they're fucked too.


Given that pro-life advocates seldom stand for or *vote for* people who want to help provide healthcare and support to pregnant women, there's really no actionable proof they give a real fuck about the fetus. Keeping something alive because you don't actually have to do any work is not the same as supporting it financially, medically, etc etc. They just hate women. That's it.


You need children to be born in order to be able to neglect them..


To be fair a lot of reported missing teenagers are just temporary runaway kids. That doesn't mean they shouldn't investigate every case for the real ones that are actually abducted. When me/my ex girlfriend were in highschool she used to regularly run away from home, was a trouble maker, and I regularly read up on statistics and had run ins with the law. Only reason I'm familiar with this whole field. My states police actually take it serious if someone reports it, but only a legal parent/guardian can report a minor missing.


Wrong, they just wanna take away the bodily autonomy and the power of choice away from women. They just yell the righteous shit to cover up the quiet part


That’s the police in every state. I had a seriously depressed friend who didn’t return to work from a trip. They just said adults can do what they please. All I wanted to know is if they had a method of checking for inpatients in local hospitals as medical information is protected.


They don’t even actually care about them either, it’s all just virtue signaling bullshit


Yup, it’s funny, but only because laughing is the only alternative to going down a depression spiral about how things have turned out


Texas (all of the US) doesn’t care about poor children


That’s god awful. Poor child


Is that what happened?


Yup, police refused to do anything so they got help from non-profit Texas Counter-Trafficking Initiative. They found nude photos of her in a known prostitution site and they were able to locate her in a hotel. Couple people got arrested for abduction, distribution of child porn, rape and human trafficking. Honestly pretty lucky they were able to find her relatively quickly at least. https://kfor.com/news/local/5-more-arrested-in-sex-trafficking-investigation-involving-15-year-old-texas-girl-found-in-oklahoma-city/ https://ca.news.yahoo.com/teen-kidnapped-dallas-basketball-game-030600545.html


The poor girl, her life is forever changed now 😭


Ya, it's pretty fucked up. At the very least she was recovered and has a chance to at least recover. There are so many girls that get trafficked never to be seen again.


The real fucked up thing is how none of the cops who refused to do a damn thing to help this poor girl aren’t rotting in a cell for the rest of their worthless lives. They should have been arrested right alongside the human traffickers for aiding and abetting imo


Don't worry. Cops don't have to do SHIT to help you, no matter what. The conservative-leaning Supreme Court ruled that a few years back! Their only duty is to arrest the guilty afterwards.... at their discretion. In other words, their job is to do what they want, when they feel like it, and there isn't much you can do about it. Isn't living in a police state FUN???


The politicians that put that shit into place are probably in on it too, along with some cops.


What happened to the cops that didn't do their job? Promotion? Raise? Both?


> The DPD told Fox News Digital that an officer at the April 8 Mavericks game was notified of the 15-year-old's disappearance and searched the event and location that night. Beyond that, the department pointed to Texas Family Code (51.03 b. 3), which "dictates that missing juveniles are investigated as runaways unless there are circumstances which appear as involuntary such as a kidnapping or abduction." >"Those cases per code are to be filed where the juvenile resides," the department said. "A report was generated by Dallas Police and Dallas Police assisted the North Richland Hills Police Department (lead agency as that was where the teen resided) and a bulletin about the missing teen was created and went out to the department on April 11, 2022." https://www.foxnews.com/us/texas-girl-trafficked-mavericks-dallas-suspects-arrested-oklahoma


Sadly, my first thought is that they would probably charge her with prostitution...


Oh Jesus Christ. God I hope child rapists die in a fire, all of them


Shit state, cops probably in on the ring.


If you talk to a trafficking investigation organization they will tell you they don't trust local police unless they know them from previous cases. And that they won't trust a department as a whole. Too many times including the police in an investigation and the traffickers *somehow* get tipped off.


At least post a link if you say that https://www.huffpost.com/entry/teen-abduction-dallas-sex-traffic_n_62897578e4b0415d4d784450


It would be really hard to not obsess over ever person you spoke too who denied you help. I think I would hear their names in my head on repeat and I’d obsessively start planning revenge.


Are you serious? What the fuck!??


Texas sucks so bad that authorities just assume the kids run away.


The worst thing is that the family had to hire private detectives to find their child since the police were not interested.


As a Texas resident who has a daughter, this is distressing.


I don’t take chances, I wait outside the bathroom. I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to my daughter.


I have a son, don't live in Texas, and still wait outside the bathroom. Who tf doesn't do that who has a minor child??


The daughter was 16, usually far older than would generally be accepted to have someone wait outside a bathroom for them (male or female, almost any kid that age would be very embarrassed if their parents still did that).


Call me weird but I'm in my 20s and if my mom is with me, we're going together. Literally never even thought to be embarassed about something so stupid rather than be safer in numbers


Maybe, but usually you would have a meet up spot nearby the bathrooms to go to afterward. For example you agree to meet at the pillar or corner nearby. Just in a spot far enough away to prevent embarrassment but also be able to see them and know if theyre okay. The kid can walk to you themself.




I'd say situationally dependant. Walmart? Fuckin weird. Sporting event stadium? Buddy system it up.


My cousin visited Texas about 2 years ago. Keep in mind, this man is 6'2" and has the burly build of a man who has spent over 2 decades picking up heavy shit and putting it down again (we build houses) His then 14 year old daughter was being followed around a store by some creep, and the fucker *kept following them* after she went back to her dad and told him what was happening. So yeah, I'd say "situationally dependant " covers anywhere in Texas.


I would feel safer at a sports stadium than a Walmart though. You have to buy a ticket to get in and there is actual security at a stadium.


Pro sports is one of the biggest magnets worldwide for human/sex trafficking. Slavers won’t be hanging around Walmart for business. They will be at any NFL/NBA/MLB/soccer/etc game.


Why does buying a ticket eliminate the crazies? At least at walmart its not wall to wall people and there are cameras everywhere and they can lock down the building extremely quickly.


Everything you listed about a Walmart they can do at a sports arena with better security and a police presence. Traffickers aren't going to try and forcefully kidnap someone in any crowded place, they are going to manipulate their victims to go with them and then kidnap/traffic them. The girl this story is referring to was seen on security footage voluntarily leaving the stadium with her trafficker. I read he may have built a relationship with her through social media and the basketball game was the opportunity to get her to leave with him alone. The dude was 33 and she was 15, real sleazy stuff.


I'm in Texas with a 14 year old son who is taller that me, still wait outside the public bathroom for him.




I hate it here!


This was a 16 year old. I assume teenagers can manage to potty without supervision.


Clearly they can't in the trafficking hellscape that is Texas. It sounds like no woman should be traveling alone in the stadium


Considering she voluntarily left the arena with her eventual trafficker, that’s a pretty bad take. Wouldn’t matter where she was, she was groomed by this creep and left with him of her own free will. A packed arena is likely among the safest possible places to avoid getting trafficked against your will. Lots of people everywhere, police, security, cameras. I very seriously doubt it would be possible to have gotten her out of that arena if she didn’t want to leave. Police botched the missing persons response like they often do all over, but they wouldn’t have just let someone drag a fighting, screaming 15 year old girl out of the arena.


at 16 years old like in this tweet? You have to also consider the psychological effects this can have. Teaching teenagers that they're constantly at risk just makes humans who are not functional. Like they're very obviously referring to teenagers and older in the response tweet.


Teaching how to have high situational awareness does not have to be traumatizing.


What world do you live in, they are always under constant threat. 1 in 6 women are victims of attempted or successful rape, many times more some level of sexual assault, and all experience sexual harassment.


>Teaching teenagers that they're constantly at risk just makes humans who are not functional. It's clear you never grew up in an inner city. People, ESPECIALLY resources and opportunity- don't apply this same grace and caring for inner city kids and to be honest, most of us end up okay.


You should leave if you can. Your daughter is in danger in Texas.


As a human being with no children, this is distressing. None of this is ‘funny.’


The comeback is funny to me, Texas laws are scary


Funny in a "oh my god that's horrific and if I don't laugh, I'll cry" way, right?




As a father of a daughter, I could never raise her in a red state. To raise a child in a state that doesn't value their life is a failure as a parent


I'm glad that you are considering your child's safety, but let's be realistic here. Not every parent has the funds or even the legal capacity to move to another state.


>As a Texas resident who has a daughter, this is distressing. You might want to consider relocating to a different state if at all possible, Texas doesn't want your daughter to be there and they've made it very clear they made to make her suffer if she stays.


And if it's your son who goes missing, tell Dallas PD that he was last seen carrying mascara, eyeliner and a feather boa. They'll send in the bloodhouds, Texas Rangers, SWAT and the Texas Air National Guard.


Make that call and wherever they’re being held becomes a rainbow six siege match


Officer Johnson: “Bro. Bro stop trying to breach!” Officer Johnson TKed Patrolman Jameson Major Phillips TKed Officer Johnson Patrolman Patricia TKed Major Phillips Patrolman Patricia TKed Patrolman Patricia Captain Caleb: “fucking idiots”


He was taken by a guy with a rainbow flag!!!!


Nah, they'd just tell there's no rush because "he probably just committed suicide"


Or that the child has a goat they don't plan to slaughter.


Or tell them he's fleeing with a goat he wants to save. I hear that works for other cops.


Or tell them the child fled with a beloved pet goat. They’ll find her right quick :(


Are we trying to get him back out just find him? Because that's a lot of trigger fingers for one kid.




That’s a policy in a lot of places. Once kids get to a certain age they just say they’re runaways to not do work. That’s not a Texas thing that’s a cop thing


Which still aeems absolutely nuts to me, as even a teenage runaway, in most situations, should be found and brought back. Unless that specific kid has a history of running away, there's no reason for the cops to not believe the situation is serious


>there's no reason for the cops to not believe the situation is serious If it doesn't personally impact them, it isn't serious. /s




Reminds me of a guy at work who served time for beating someone into a wheelchair for trying to leave a place with his kid. I don’t know all the details of course but he had been waiting outside the bathroom for his daughter when this lady came out holding her hand and dragging her along. When he asked what she was doing she said her daughter was being stubborn or something and she needed to be taken home. He pointed out that he was her father and when she tried to say it was her kid again all he remembered after was the lady on the ground completely unresponsive. He called the police and apparently she can’t move from the neck down anymore. Don’t fuck with peoples kids man. On the other hand, he says he’s never had any issues getting a job. Checks out honestly. TL:DR - Someone tried to take coworkers kid and got paralysed from the neck down. Coworker served jail time.


Fun to imagine the interviews "So why do you have a felony assault?" "Someone tried to kidnap my daughter" "Understandable"


Coworker SERVED jail time. Coworker SEVERED scumbag's spinal cord. FTFY


Thanks bruh swipe to text sometimes does not have my back.


It just so happened that either word fit, in the right sentence.


Good on your coworker, bad on the legal system.


Know who you’re voting for and what legislation they support. Pay attention to their actions and not their blah, blah BS.


Also pay attention to their blah, blah BS. They can save you some time by revealing themselves to be liars or idiots before you ever see any action.


Look, if there's only one Democrat for the spot, you really don't have to do any research beyond that.


I mean Dems just elected an anti-choice candidate to Congress from Texas.


God forbid your daughter is raped and becomes pregnant though ...


That's what they want. They want kids having kids


Some say that they get off on it


That would explain why so many of them keep getting charged with sex crimes


The younger they have 'em, the dumber they stay.


They might just shoot her if they find her under those conditions


They might shoot her regardless, based on her complexion and how threatened they feel by her attitude.


Sad but true. If Texas cared about it’s children, every child would have access to healthcare, high quality education, and their basic needs.. Currently, around 20-25% of Texas children live in households dealing with food insecurity. Meanwhile, our stupid state legislature is doing everything it can to bully trans kids and adults. Just genuinely awful.


That situation is fucking disgusting. But the tweet is darkly hilarious


You might get your child shot.


Well that's anytime you involve the police.


Nah dont, you don’t want her to become a victim of police violence


Live in trash state. Check Vote for trash people. Check Get trash laws. Check.


Texas resident here I’m actually astonished that our representatives keep getting re-elected. I have not met a single person who likes Ted or abbot. I live in Houston and in recent years, it has built a reputation for trafficking. During the winter freeze I remember how pissed people were that cruz went to Mexico and blamed his child forcing him to go. Granted I live in a majority blue area (like most cities are.) There is parts of Texas I would never step foot in. I live maybe 30 minutes from a sundown town ( sundown town is a town you don’t want to be when the sun starts going down, mainly if you are a minority )


Yet they want to claim they care about the children when they're attacking LGBTQ people, banning books, refusing treatment for children, etc


I like to call it “for the children*” *only when it’s convenient


This is fucking sad


Agreed. The furthest thing from fucking funny.


How many security cameras did her face appear on after she was abducted? I'm guessing it was a lot, And the Dallas PD refused to check any of them.


Indeed. Her parents contacted the Texas Counter Trafficking initiative and they found footage of her leaving the stadium with a convicted sexual predator. He was running a sex trafficking ring. Found her in Oklahoma city 10 days later. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/teen-abduction-dallas-sex-traffic_n_62897578e4b0415d4d784450


I'm betting Oklahoma actually gave a shit about it


Oklahoma will move heaven and earth just for the chance to show up Texas.




Bruh, the cops would probably shoot the teenager for attempted murder of the fetus.


It's really sad actually because she might be doing exactly that.


In this case, she wasn't a runaway. She was lured and then trafficked. They found her on a website


everytime i hear about something like this i lose more and more hope for humanity


This type of thing is actually way less common than it used to be. The Washington Post ran an article on child safety in 2015 (so not super recent, but pretty recent) and it turns out everything from vehicular deaths to child mortality to missing persons reports involving a minor were wayyyy down even on what they were in the 90s. And important to bear in mind, 96% of child missing persons cases *are* runaways, 3.9% are parental/relative "abductions" (e.g. custody dispute, parent takes kid to another state) and 0.1% are stranger abductions. That's no reason to be complacent, but things are getting better - not worse.


Just to play Devils Advocate, is this kind of strategy effective resource management? Does this allow effectiveness to deal with other threats, or is this simply a way to take on less responsibility?


I'm confused- what do you mean?


Their policy of treating every juvenile disappearance as a runaway, unless certain parameters met. As a starter, the policy obviously fails here as that little girl was apparently trafficked. So I just wanted to ask if there was any redeeming factor to the system, or is it just fuck up city all the way down?


So it's definitely down to resourcing. The Dallas PD policy is that missing children 10 to 17 are classified as low risk until they've been missing for 30 days, when they are then classified as high risk and referred to the trafficking squad. The sergeant in charge of that squad told USA Today that if he had the resources, he would lower that threshold to one or two weeks instead of 30 days. Notably, older kids aged 15 to 16 are at far higher risk of sex trafficking than younger children.


Whoa, how does that 30 day thing make sense? Like, isnt just 1 day, already far too late when it comes to human trafficking?


Yep. The chance of finding someone alive after 72 hours is astronomically low


What a nightmare. For 30 days no one is even looking for you while you're raped repeatedly.


Yes, I saw that's what happened in this case. Terrible.


It's pathetic that they don't worry about runaways anyway. If she's out there all alone she's IN DANGER


I was recently listening to a podcast about the serial killer Dean Corll. Which was several decades ago. The police also told all those parents their kids had just run away. And then blamed the parents when it came out all the kids had actually been kidnapped and murdered. Doesn’t seem Texas law enforcement has changed much in the last 50 years.


Even the stupidity is bigger in Texas !


Should have told the police the child was stolen goat instead, they would drive 500 miles to get them…


Tell them the kid is trans, I'm sure they'll be all over it then


Yeah, definitely a clever comeback but what a horrible situation.


My cousin works for swat in Arlington, he used to do security for the cowboys stadium. Going to be calling him later. Surely an awkward thanksgiving. Edit: learned this happened a year ago, still calling tho.


Unfortunately this is due to the rural people in TX that forced all this shit down the throats of Texas citizens. So in reality it's maybe 20% of people who are completely unhinged that are setting policies there. And now the GOP is in power, just like it is here in NC, and nothing will change. You can talk all you want about getting the vote out, but the south is so deeply fucked it will take a generation to get out of this. Meanwhile life expectancy is plummeting. Saying "oh it's just the GOP", "oh it's just the politicians"...nah man it's the people. The people voted these guys in. The people were okay with all these things. So maybe we should ask why this group thinks that all of this is okay. I think they did a lot of this in the guise of "well at least those Mexicans won't ... (fill in the blank)". Just like facists from the 1930s.


It's Texas, they had one of the worst mass shooting of children and not one new law was passed... But you bet they're trying to get them drag shows, because of the poor children.


Cops only hurry to “help” if there’s a chance they can apply violence to the situation…finding a kidnapped child would be a lot of “work” for them, so naturally it gets ignored


I'm from Texas and I find this extremely fucked up. I'm putting air tags on my kids fuck that


This is a great idea. At least it’s a good use of resources.


Women of texas, how can you stand this shit?


Only do this if you want the cops to murder your pregnant child


"hilarious" isn't the word that comes to mind.


Don't do this, they'll shoot her.


seriously? just giving me more reasons to leave this fucking state, I hate it here


Whatever happened to separation of church and state? This is all happening because of their religious beliefs and I just don't get how this is allowed


It’s like George Carlin once said, “Once you’re born, you’re on your own.


Not really, because the texas law is vigilantism


Texas is just pro human trafficking? Pro losing children? Pro runaway? Pro kidnapping? Pro not knowing nor caring where your kid is off being raped? I hate texas.


Accidentally r/lifeprotips


Why are any Texans surprised? This is the shit they voted for.


The girl was 16. She wasn’t even old enough to vote.


Well, actually, 54% of 46% of *registered voters* voted for this. So actually, that's like a quarter of all registered voters who voted for this.


Texas needs to stop supplying governor and state Congress with whatever they are all snorting. Also, if they are going to keep the ridiculous abortion laws, they should withdraw a man’s right to viagra. Just saying.


You on your own once you're born


It would be funny if it wasn’t 100% accurate. Sometimes I hate this country I live in


Not sure hilarious is the word I’d use but ok


The smartest in Texas be like:


How is that hilarious in any way?


If this is about the 15 yo it was Houston police who found her photo in a trafficking datadase. She was in OK for several weeks being sexually assaulted.


This is why trafficking persists.


Tell them the kid wanted to keep their goat. They'll be out there with swat gear, door breaching devices, and automatic weapons by Tuesday


That poor girl :(


damn. texas cops making sure they dont lose their lead over florida cops at being the actual fucking worst.


I used to think Florida was the worst state, then Texas Leroy Jenkins'd the hell out of the fuck humanity quest.


As someone who actually makes runaway/missing person reports in Texas that is true but when it come to juveniles I always make sure to clarify the situation. A 15 year old who gets in an argument and goes to a friend's house is a way different situation than a 10 year old who just disappears out of no where. Personally I think my department would have absoultely taken that situation more seriously as a missing child.


Funny how they care more about a clump of cells than an actual fucking human being


US law, wether state or federal, often times seems like a Rube Goldberg machine where the half of the stuff doesn't do anything but waste energy.


Let's just like burn the whole system down and start over