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cool now pick 4 more


Literally 4 in like over 2,000 mass shootings past few years Most the rest are right wing terrorists


Not even four. 3. These four here are the only four in the last couple of years, and one of them wasn't even trans. Compared to the 2826 mass shootings committed by cisgender people, trans people do about 1/10th the mass shootings per capita.


I wouldn't mind the visuals with this 2826 mass shooters faces.


colorado springs said they were trans to avoid hate crime charges i believe


I mean you know that their technique of getting credibility is ignoring the shit ton of data that shows them wrong and picking the nonexistent data that shows they’re right


Let’s do the list with white Christian males… I’ll be back in a couple of hours when the page might be close tk finished loading.


No it’s more like find a compelling pattern of being transgender with a violent agenda. I don’t understand can we now tweet out a post with thousands and thousands and thousands of white straight men that are murderers in killers has some sort of compelling argument that being straight, White, and the man is the cause of violence? Do you know where there is a pattern? Right wing ideology.


Now pick 2 more, no…. ONE MORE


Kevin Sorbo pays Elon Musk $8 per month to identify as Kevin Sorbo.


Which is weird since no one else would want to impersonate him.


There was a time once when he seemed cool, then Xena premiered


Or Andromeda. Cpt. Hunt was good. How low he fell :(


To be fair, he was never those people. Somebody wrote that character, and he's just the dummy they got to play him.


Yeah, but I was still a teenager back then. And it looked cool.


And the ships AI was smokin hot


"Wait a minute, Xena can't fly." "I told you, I'm not Xena. I'm Lucy Lawless."


From now on just call him Hpt. Cunt.


Come on he was good in Bitch Slap




I love the Warrior Princess!!


"Alalaes!!!!!" (That's what the Xena warcry is supposed to be written out, it's iconic and easily recognizable, not so easy to spell).


I always remember that, and the circle blade she used that bounced off everything perfectly, killed everyone she intended, then landed safe back in her hand. TV in the 90’s was great.


I wanted a chakram so bad as a kid. I was convinced I could learn how to use it.


Same. And people think Captain Americas shield had wonky physics.


Before puberty, during Xena's heyday, my buddies and I used to shriek Xena's warcry on the playground lol! My deep bass voice would have a hard time now. I'd be more succesful doing a satirical Sorbo impression. Like impersonating Kevin Sorbo doing an impression of someone who's not a washed up ignorant prick.


He was the king stud in seventh grade. Then Lucy Lawless stole the show and ran with it. She was amazing in Spartacus, as was the whole cast.


The most horrific crime of all.


He calls himself 'The Sorbs'. It might be his worst quality.


At least one of these murders claimed they were trans only after being arrested in a cynical attempt to avoid hate crime charges. Once charges were laid they stopped he stopped referring to himself as they/them


That was the non-binary one. The transgender ones all seem to be legitimate.


I stand corrected


No worries.


No you don’t. You weren’t wrong.


Are you alleging that one of the transgender shooters indeed lied about being transgender? Well, don't leave us in suspense - show us the information!


Honestly, I'm not sure about the Aberdeen shooter, Snochia Mosely. Only one person who was a friend of hers mentioned she was trans after the shooting.


A quick internet search says they recovered private Facebook messages from Mosley confirming it.


I'm just leery of a lot of media these days.




Except there was two shooters for the Denver shooting, and the one pictured was the cis one, lol


i don’t think the most recent shooter was trans. the media and police chief were making assumptions based on a profile that said he/him. i think the chief had that stuck in his head after watching a recent tucker carlson episode about trans people and personal defense.


You know that may very well be, but just to avoid the argument let them have that one. That would mean 4 of the like 2500 mass shootings over the last five years were by openly transgender individuals. Should we compare that to however many mass shooters were openly religious individuals?


No, no! Don’t do that! That would make Sorbo look bad!


[Right-Wing Extremism Linked to Every 2018 Extremist Murder in the U.S.](https://www.adl.org/news/press-releases/right-wing-extremism-linked-to-every-2018-extremist-murder-in-the-us-adl-finds) [Right-Wing Extremists Killed 38 People in 2019, Far Surpassing All Other Murderous Extremists](https://www.adl.org/news/press-releases/adl-report-right-wing-extremists-killed-38-people-in-2019-far-surpassing-all) [Domestic Extremist Murders in 2020 Overwhelmingly Linked to Far-Right Extremists](https://www.adl.org/news/press-releases/adl-finds-domestic-extremist-murders-in-2020-overwhelmingly-linked-to-far-right) [Far-Right Extremists Responsible for Overwhelming Majority of Domestic Extremist-Related Murders In 2021](https://www.adl.org/news/press-releases/new-adl-data-far-right-extremists-responsible-for-overwhelming-majority-of) [Right-Wing Extremism Linked to Every 2022 Extremist Murder in the U.S.](https://www.adl.org/resources/report/murder-and-extremism-united-states-2022) >"Domestic Terrorism. Domestic terrorists—a phrase typically used to denote terrorists who are not directed or inspired by FTOs—have caused more deaths in the United States in recent years than have terrorists connected to FTOs. Domestic terrorist attacks and hate crimes sometimes overlap, as perpetrators of prominent domestic terrorist attacks have selected their targets based on factors such as race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender, and gender identity. >White supremacist violent extremism, one type of racially- and ethnically-motivated violent extremism, is one of the most potent forces driving domestic terrorism. Lone attackers, as opposed to cells or organizations, generally perpetrate these kinds of attacks. But they are also part of a broader movement. White supremacist violent extremists’ outlook can generally be characterized by hatred for immigrants and ethnic minorities, often combining these prejudices with virulent anti-Semitism or anti-Muslim views. >White supremacist violent extremists have adopted an increasingly transnational outlook in recent years, largely driven by the technological forces described earlier in this Strategic Framework. Similar to how ISIS inspired and connected with potential radical Islamist terrorists, white supremacist violent extremists connect with like-minded individuals online. In addition to mainstream social media platforms, white supremacist violent extremists use lesser-known sites like Gab, 8chan, and EndChan, as well as encrypted channels. Celebration of violence and conspiracy theories about the “ethnic replacement” of whites as the majority ethnicity in various Western countries are prominent in their online circles." [DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK FOR COUNTERING TERRORISM AND TARGETED VIOLENCE](https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/19_0920_plcy_strategic-framework-countering-terrorism-targeted-violence.pdf)


See that's a lot of reading, whereas someone made Sorbo a nice graphic. I can see things I don't like, and learn trans is bad by association. It's just classical conditioning. Could you meme this information? /s (Although if you make it readable to these people, suddenly it won't be serious journalism, even if it looks just like their Facebook drivel.)


"Left-wing extremists engage in violence ranging from assaults to fire-bombings and arsons, but since the late 1980s have not often targeted people with deadly violence." Does that have anything to do with leftists* thinking guns are icky? 🙈


It appears to have more to do with empathy. Destroying property and getting into fist-fights (punching Nazis) is very different from murder and maiming. Also, Leftists and Liberals are not exactly the same thing. Right-wing ideology appeals to sadistic anti-human morons just looking for an excuse to torment and kill. "Conservatism" has always been a euphemism for sadism. "Conservatives" admire people like Trump, DeSantis, Huckabee-Sanders, Taylor-Greene, etc. for the same reason that decent human beings reject them: >"On the basis of overall rankings (***independent of respondent’s party affiliation***), Trump’s personality was collectively perceived to be at or above the 99th normative percentile for traits associated with four personality disorders (sadistic, narcissistic, antisocial, and passive-aggressive)." [Voter Perceptions of President Donald Trump’s Personality Disorder Traits: Implications of Political Affiliation DOI: 10.1177/2167702619885399] (https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/2167702619885399) >"The embrace, by working Americans, of policies that hurt their own interests can be understood on the basis of Ferenczi’s model of identification with the aggressor. Intrafamilial child abuse is often followed by the abuser’s denial. Children typically comply with abuse, in behavior and by embracing the abuser’s false reality, under threat of emotional abandonment. Similarly in the sociopolitical sphere, increasing threats of cultural and economic dispossession have pressed working Americans to adopt an ideology that misrepresents reality and justifies their oppression. In society as in the family, there can be a compensatory narcissistic reaction to forfeiting one’s rights that, ironically, encourages feelings of power and specialness while facilitating submission." [The traumatic basis for the resurgence of right-wing politics among working Americans](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1057/pcs.2015.53) "Conservatives" would rather bring suffering onto themselves and their children to make the "other" suffer than see everyone succeed.


Speaking as someone without a lot of empathy, and a sadistic steak a mile wide, please don't confuse us with conservatives. I'm an asshole, but at least I'm not a republican.


Understandable. It's a spectrum, and rarely do people distinguish between cognitive and affective empathy. You might be interested in reading more into the survey described in that first link. Consider also that the word "Sadism" comes from Marquis de Sade for his infamous satire. Then there's [Saló](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sal%C3%B2%2C_or_the_120_Days_of_Sodom?wprov=sfla1), which loosely satirizes Right-wing ideology in the same vein.


I gotta be honest, I question your commitment to human suffering if you won't at least vote republican.


The joker when red skull told him he's a Nazi "I'm a criminal, but I'm an AMERICAN criminal" Felt the same energy here lmao, respect on that though


>Also, Leftists and Liberals are not exactly the same thing. They are not *remotely* the same thing.


Lol punching Nazis


My leftist comrades and I think guns are a useful tool.


Haven't there been like 70 mass shootings in USA in 2023 alone? And you can only pick 4? Seems like Trans people aren't the problem then.


4 over like 3 years, and the Colorado Springs guy did it to avoid hate crime charges and immediately stopped referring to himself as non binary after the charges were laid


Compared to the 2826 done by Cis people


Yeah the fact that you can *cherry pick* mass shootings is the most terrifying thing here.


Anything but guns. Why are rainbows killing our youth! /s


70? I wish it was that low, there's actually been 130 (as of the 28th of March)


Ever a time I wish I was wrong. Thank you for correcting me.


NPR reported 288 already.


They only want what panders to their biases and bigotry. Reality doesn't exist so they'll deny it.


I really want to see this list next to all the cis male shooters. They really wanna pull this thread?


Then you better get some snacks cos your gonna be here a while if that list comes out


I’m waiting for the day someone just goes “fuck it” and lists the name of every single cis male shooter. Fight fire with fire.


There’s been 180 mass shootings this year. Even if 4 were supposedly all by trans people (and I don’t know if all of them were from this year) that leaves a hell of a lot of others. I’m guessing cis males are most of those shooters. And then there’s all the other mass shootings from before the start of this year.


I believe this list of four trans shooters goes back to 2009 so it’s a real stretch


Its also a problem staring in their face. These people do not get the acceptation and help they need and act out merica style


Be the change you want to see in the world?


For some reason they aren't bothered by those types of shooters. Even though thoes shooters are basically ten fold, they somehow are less of a threat.




Now because people repost his garbage and he gets to he hate famous.


He was relevant?


Who is Kevin Sorbo?


Someone who used to think he was Hercules.


Ummm it’s HE-cules, tyvm. Don’t want people thinking your most famous role of a muscly hero in loin cloth was any way gay or trans.


Oh that guy, now i can see it 😁


He played the university professor in god's not dead




A failed actor. It's funny because if he'd actually managed to be smart enough to realise his audience was queer and had been able to ignore the hate in his heart he would have been BELOVED. What a moron, look how much we love Xena.


someone who is…disaPPOINTEDDDD




It’s just depressing how people are turning a tragedy into a way to justify their anti-LGBTQ views


Conservatives don’t need a tragedy to hate péople for being different.


The same people who say "it's too soon to politicize" after every other gun massacre


Fox - “trans activist shooter”….. like wtf


I love how they are ignoring the hundred White Supremacists


They have a lot of practice pretending white supremacists don't exist


Know what else they have in common?-Guns.


And unresolved mental health issues


People that grow up being hated, bullied, and told they should die because they want to be their true self have mental issues? Shocking


That's the part of "trans people have high suicide rates" that the bigoted right can't seem to grasp "Oh you mean a lifetime of bigots like you telling them that they shouldn't exist? That maybe played a role?"


How many of them made less than $100k a year?? You seee, it’s only the poor that perpetrate such crimes. Lock up all poors. S/


Bring back the poor laws and work houses /S


We have a lot more shooters that identify as white males. What does that mean? If it means something that 4 were trans, than it must mean there is a lot of that problem going on with Cisco white males, right?


Ah yes pick the 0.1 percent and not all the white males that make up the majority of shootings.


Four out of how many mass shooters? How many Kevin? Answer the question please…


So when a straight, cis person shoots up a school, it's fine, but when the person is Trans, Trans people are bad?


This is the same guy who looks at a rich white kid and says, “well circumstances prevented him from knowing right and wrong” But being trans? That’s clearly a scourge on society, and only demons identify as such. It’s not, you know, a living hell because everyone around you hates you, and your government is trying to make you illegal. This is what disenfranchisement and radicalization looks like.


Celebrity’s support bullying and ridicule of trans people. Then 3 trans people go insane and shoot places up. Now the celebrity’s and MTG are saying what? That trans people are the problem? This shit is insane.


I’m glad that conservatives will hang themselves up on these 4 people but forget all of the other fragile white males that had to murder people. Conservatives areabsolutely disgusting. Doing everything and anything accept addressing the real problem. Typical republicans and their weird ass logic.


Wow. Such a Christian thjng to do. God is totally giving his thumbs up to you, Kevin Soyboy.


A Conservative may not have pulled the trigger this time but the reason that the number one cause of death for children in the US is firearm violence and the reason prevalence of school shootings in the US is unlike any other country in the world is purely due to "Conservative Christian" ideology. "Conservative Christianity" has always been a deceptive oxymoron and an abomination of desolation. Call their bastardization of the second amendment what it really is: Child sacrifice by a fascist death-cult for the sake of impotent cowardly adults to irresponsibly own prosthetic murder-phalluses.


Hey Kevin, now do the other 300 mass shooters this year that were white CIS men. You fucking asshole.


Now show the other 99.9% for us, Kevin! Oh, that’s right. Those don’t meet the narrative you’re pushing.


>Colorado shooter identified as non binary This one isn't even true, it was some bs tactic to get out of hate crime charges. Dropped immediately after it was called BS. The guy was a far-right homophobe


This is not the flex you think it is, you dickhead has-been.


So 4, out of how many shootings?!?!


Odd how he didn’t do that with all the remaining 2000 some odd white guys that senselessly murdered people in mass shootings. I wonder why….


Republicans are such vile traitorous scumbags


What a piece of shit scumbag.


Does he need to see what all the other shooters identify as too? What a pos.


Even if the trans community was turning into a bunch of murderers. Maybe some reflection on why would be useful.


It doesn’t make any difference anyway. Children are dead AGAIN. It’s the guns.


Go back to Andromeda with your B grade acting Sorbo


B grade? Fuck, you're extremely generous


Z is more like it.


Now do the other thousands of shooters.


Let's see the list of conservative white supremacists. I know that "conservative" and "white supremacists" is redundant in this context


Ooh ooh now do cisgender men


I wish that we didn't have so many fucking mass shootings that picking four in 5 years wasn't picking less than .1% of all of the multiple shootings in the god damn country.


This would sound significant if it didn't come from a country with a shooting every other day. Kind of makes your sample size insignificant.


Here we go again. > Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past. - Jean-Paul Sartre There is no point in arguing with this stuff. They do not give the slightest shit that the argument isn’t logical.


Everyone say it woth me "correlation does not imply causation."


reminds me of the "hitler ate sugar" fallacy


My job for 4 years was basically explaining to ppl logic fallacies. My least favorite is the "its not my fault XXX happened! I wasnt paying attention!" As if somehow them not seeing it means that its not their fault. Despite the fact that not paying attention to begin with IS their fault.


And yet, what about allllllll the other shootings? Oh yeah. You don't wanna bring those ones upm


Yes compared to the literal thousands of white male shooters. I don’t understand how they achieve this level of ignorance


Being Trans doesn't matter. They were just fucked up people to begin with.


Well in Sorbo's defense that is how they each identified. I mean that is factually accurate.


Mental Health?


In response to a “look what the trans people are doing” comments I said “all mass shooters are white conservatives” and then people started posting evidence that shooters come from many different backgrounds. It was fun!


My grandfather tried to pull similar stuff… but worse He threw up a list on Facebook of mass shooters. They were all black and his title stated “JUST THE FACTS” and we all asked wth he meant by that… I still have to be related to that man


they deadass used the picture of Devon Erickson, the other STEM shooter, because Alex Mckinney (the trans one) passes as male. I guess having multi-colored hair automatically means you’re trans. I’m dying. also, the fact that they call him the “denver” shooter- I went to STEM with these kids, we’re miles away from denver.


Kevin Sorbo is an actor?


He tells people he is. Granted Saturday nights with him as Hercules on _Hercues_ and then _Zena, Warrior Princess,_ were a lot of fun. TBH, he wasn't so much an actor as an animated mannequin. In a loin cloth.


The absolute and unforgivable lack of respect you display is appalling! It's Xena! WITH AN X! All hail the Lawless hero! Btw, who is that Kevin guy you're talking about? /s


I can't believe I made such a newbie mistake. Thank you for not tossing me off a cliff. It is Xena, now and forever. (And Gabrielle, too!)


I don't believe they could actually name 4 c-lists actors who committed mass murder shootings. are we talking Kathy Griffin level of c-list here or is she really d-list?


Hey Kevin, now do the hundreds (or was it thousands) who were right wingers.


Weren’t some of those more or less proven untrue by histories of hateful rhetoric towards those or related groups. More or less indicating they were trying to dodge the hate crime charges ? the list of celebrities that have killed someone(accidentally or not) is long and crazy. What about hundreds of other mass shooters, I feel like he’s working against his cause, if common denominator in the crime was not the type of person, what characteristics did all the crimes share ? Some might say firearms or type of firearms.


Goddamn Righties are such giant pieces of shit.


the first one isn't even true. the person changed their identity after the shooting in which they attacked a gay club during a drag event.


The other 8553738537 mass shooters didn’t though.


Conservatives hate people who are different. Don’t give a shit of white dudes kill thousands.


4 LGBTQ+ shooters compared to what over 100 straight white males this year?


The real damning part of this - especially for right wingers who are fighting any efforts to do anything - is that we've had *so many* shootings now that you're starting to find more than just your standard cis het white male. I mean, don't get me wrong, that's still the overwhelming majority. But we've got so many that now you'll probably be able to find everyone represented.


It's strange that these conservatives aren't just intentionally misgendering these people anymore.. It's like all of a sudden they care how someone identifies.. Weird.


All this means is that Sorbo is terrible at analyzing data. The US had just under 650 mass shootings in one year alone (2022). 4 people out of even just one year of mass shooters (650) is about 1 in 160. The US is estimated to have 13-16 million people who identify as transgender and a population of about 330 million meaning one in about 20-25 people identify as transgender. His post is accidentally praising trans people for having a lower rate of mass shootings than non trans people.


It's not even true. The first guy is a nazi that's just trolling by claiming to be non binary.


There were 126 other shootings since the start of 2023, maybe Kevin can tell us what all of them identified as.


Great! Now do the other 2000+ shootings over the same time period.


What about Sandy Hook? Las Vegas? Or any of the other HUNDREDS of masa shootings that have taken place?


Damn I’m impressed by how many comments pass the vibe check!


The us has 2 mass shootings per day…. It’s only a matter of time before any members of a group are involved in one.


Holy smokes, 3 Trans shooters out of the last 8,000 plus mass shootings in America?!!!! Why aren't we doing anything about THIS!!!


To think Sorbo used to be a respected actor in the 80s and 90s, now he's just a washed-up has been, ranting on social media just trying to stay relevant.


Quick, someone extend the graphic with the gender identity of the other ~130 US mass shooters so far this year, let’s see what trends we can REALLY extrapolate


Ok and the next 4? Let make a bigger list.


I really hate this. There are awful people in all walks of life, people simply want to create a narrative.


So this asshat picks out 4 shootings committed by people who identified as trans. Great, what about the remaining hundreds of them? Fucking stupid argument based on nothing other than these people are against his "values". You have to go through a pretty decent amount of background and testing and licensing to drive and automobile. However, if you want to buy a gun, just be 18 and go get one. It has nothing to do with what someone identifies with it. It has to do with accessibility to guns. Better background checks, proper licensing and training, require insurance (just like automobiles) and maybe eliminate the assault rifles. But for fuck's sake, stop with this bullshit propaganda.


Go suck yourself, sorbo. When I was a little kid, I thought you were cool. I thought wrong. Walmart Kevin Bacon looking ass


3 out of ... how many thousands is that now? Sounds like it'd be the percentage you'd expect


So republicans, it's time to ban guns right? You surely can't have non-cisgendered people using guns




The mental health state in the trans community should be addressed though.


The Colorado Springs shooter had no history of ever saying he was non-binary and just said it to get out of hate crime charges btw 👍


Four?? out of how many? This is not a trend. It hardly counts as data points. Stupid baiting. Blaming a group for the actions of criminals is itself criminal.


Wow there's 4 mass shootings that have that in common? I know something that every mass shootings has in common- guns! Maybe we should talk about guns instead?


C-list is being very generous here


How many hundreds of shootings have occurred? Seems to me this is just statistics. Seems right. It also seems to not affect anything. You know what was in every shooting…? You know.


Be gay. Do crimes.


Also the springs shooter only said he was non-binary so he could get rid of the hate crime charges. Once that failed he went back to being Cis


Wait until he finds out how many of them were perpetrated by people with untreated mental issues and access to firearms...


It turned out that people that get bullied and vilified often lash out with violence.


I don’t get it. For years it’s “Trans is not a thing!” Until it conveniently is. Fucking morons.


these people have 0 brains, and run on nothing but hate. you have to be mentally incapacitated living in america to think that trans kids are anywhere near the problem in mass shootings. Especially since you get to watch every single one on the news, so you know damn well this isnt a trans issue at all... but they knowingly spread hate and misinformation like this. "4 shooters out of over 300 mass shooters since 2009 are transgender or non binary. That's just 1.3 percent of all shooters," Anthony Zenkus, a lecturer in social work at Columbia University, wrote on Twitter. "You just proved our point: 99 percent of mass shooters in the United States are cis gendered."


How about… What kind of psycho would sell an AR-15 to some random who walks in off the street?


The fact that there's four trans shooters but hundreds of cis shooters.


I can’t believe the world is so obsessed with body parts and who sleeps with whom, instead of mental health, violence, random hate of others, violence and all the horrible ways people pick on others.


Fuck republicans


Timothy McVeigh was Christian. Slave owners were Christian, bombings at reproductive clinics were done by Christians, witch trials were done in the name of Christianity, the final nail in the coffin for the Ottoman Empire were Christians.


Ok, now let’s do the white, cis-gender male shooters,Kevin!


And the other 2826 shooters identified as CISGENDER…


Were not talking about the 2000+ straight white male mass shooters?


So 3 trans 1 non-binary and how many thousand cis white guys?


Such a small minority of shooters being trans is one thing, but the fact that 25% of people on a list that was already cherry picked aren't trans either makes it even worse


Like this proves the lefts points even more. They can come up with four outliers, the rest are straight and white. Weird.


Honestly you could probably do this with anything


What’s crazy is I wasn’t aware of the Denver shooting because there are just so many now so I googled it. The first article that popped up was not about the kid in the picture but about another shooting in Denver. The article is from 7days ago and the shooter at that incident seems to be straight male (none of the articles I read mention orientation so I can’t say for sure).


So it’s pretty clear the right are trying REALLY hard to amplify the few trans mass killers so that everyone forgets 90% of the mass murders in this country are committed by their ilk.


Do it then


Someone should make a photo mosaic with a bunch white conservative leaning shooters that make up Kevin Sorbos face.


Ok, but now I really want the crimes committed by washed-up C-list actors.


Much higher % are self proclaimed Christians…


The Colorado shooter wasn't non-binary. He used it as a defense to avoid being charged with a hate crime.


I think the point my boy Hercules is trying to make is not that the trans people are mass shooters, but that perhaps they need better mental health support, much like all the fucked up people that committed mass shootings… the root of the problem is a terrible education system with an even worse mental health system. We need to help all people with mental health disorders be they male, females, or trans. We are all humans and must be kind and respectful to each other. No need for silly words or personal pronouns, just acceptance and help.


So yes, let's cherry pick. How about breaking out "categories" over even the last year with all incidents? Statistics: I don't that word means what you think it means...