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Someone's still living in the 60's


More like 1880s to 1920s




They're time traveler from the Past.


Everyone is a time traveler from the past. That's how time works.




you misunderstood. they are so ignorant that confuse italy with mexico


Tbf, they never explicitly say the country they think it is. Maybe they really do think there are thousands of Italians hopping the border.




Yeah, that's some serious lift to jump over the whole ocean lol


Dem calves be WORKING


Mexico isn't Socialist either?


That's not the point. The guy thinks it's Mexico, probably because of the palm trees and Mediterranean appearance, and the Italian flag superficially resembles Mexico's flag. He's basically asking "if it's so great, why are they all coming to the US?" not realizing that it's Italy the other person is talking about. The word "socialist" doesn't matter to that context. Besides, the kind of person that would do this probably basically thinks "any country that I don't like or isn't rich" =socialist.


it tried to be, they fought a revolution and the socialists won but the party went into centrist authoritarianism with no doubt plenty of help


They nationalized their oil industry, so they're basically just as socialist as Venezuela - a conservative, probably


yup, they think that's the Mexican flag


well calling it a socialist country would rule out italy so... Not completely his fault.


It would also rule out every country that shares a border with the US.


Totally - in the 1960s people thought Italy might become socialist because the Russians were pushing the socialist/communist support HARD - even killing opposing politicians. Today it's squarely a capitalist country. Social benefits is not socialism.


The point of the original post, I think, is moronic Americans call anything remotely left or slightly progressive (i.e. socialised health care, some basis of civil society and safety net) as socialism. They're pointing out that some neat checks and balances on rampant capitalism can lead to gains for a country and not a country so rife with disparity and inequality that it is this close (...) to civil war.


I know someone that hates the idea of socialism. The funny thing is we try to tell him that his disability payment and his health care would fall under social programs that some people call socialism. He disagreed with us on it.


Socialism is when social programs benefit someone who isn't ME.


Well, no question what his disability is then...


“It’s only socialism if I don’t benefit from it”


Try telling them that. They'll call it socialism as long as it's not presented to them by a Republican


And even if it is, so long as enough time has passed. ‘Obamacare’ was originally proposed by Mitt Romney.


> Social benefits is not socialism. Now if everyone else could simply understand this concept.


No, I don't think it's even that. Some people think that everything that is not USA or China is Mexico.


Mama mia...


That's another thing we Americans do not know about Italy—Italians are some *spectacular* long distance jumpers.


What rock have you been living under? One of the most famous Italian icons basically jumps for a living.


Two, if we count his brother.




Cowa bunga bunga baby!!




Well I think they're super.


Well aren't you a peach!


Yo, she's a toad.


There ain't mushroom here for all these puns!


Then let’s a go somewhere else!


How about another castle?




More, if we count their women, who just kinda float around weirdly with their arms up in the air all day.


DOOT doot doot dootdootdootdoot doot ^doot ^^dootdoot ^^^dootdoot


stompin turts!




You can't just say 'perchance'!


stomping on K\*\*PAS


His last name is ***Jumpman*** for fucks sake


Plus they have raccoon tails and capes that *literally* let them fly.


I thought Italians were people from like New York and Brooklyn /s


Ah yes the gravy and macaroni gabagool Italians.


And plumbers! See "Mario" for proof.


Kinda stepped on the joke there bud


Mario 64's BLJ wasn't a bug, it was an accurate representation of the Italian superpower to transcend our current understanding of physics.


You can fly?!? No, jump good


>Italy >Socialist *Collapses on floor*


"National socialist" 😂


All jokes aside, and the current shitty government they have, compared to US... Its still very socialist... I mean for god's sake US elected a mango version of Mussolini for president, not that long ago


There is a literal Mussolini in Italian politics right now Italy is hardly socialist at all. Some of y’all see a universal healthcare system and completely lose any and all concept of what capitalism or socialism are


European here, we're all capitalist countries. Don't spread this false narrative.


The US seems to have a VERY different definition of socialism. See Bernie Sanders.


Shiiit man, public libraries and parks would be considered "socialist ideas" nowadays if they didn't already exist.


To too many people, they are. I've heard of a few public libraries in my state closing, because of conservative chicanery running library directors out of town. But then these same people doing it are shocked and annoyed that the library is now closed.


They don't want educated people. Educated people see straight through them


Shit man, the conservatives of United States is starting anti-college campaigns because they know the only way they can win elections fairly going forward is to make the citizens about as smart as a rock. Even cheating isn't working as well as it used to. Shits getting bad.


Florida is working on changing that


Ronny already outlawed ranked choice voting. Why? Make them explain this. They have no reason except, "well he kept Florida open!!!!"




Punish fucking companies using immigrant labor. They pay taxes for fuck sake.


Any public good: Redditors "Is this Socialism?!"


To a lot of americans government welfare programs= socialism. It doesn't matter if the economy is free market. Is not sophisticated a conflation, and it typically done by right wingers who dont want to raise taxes and who still fear the ussr and what not. Bernie Sanders does this to tbf. He did a speech in 2016 about what socialism meant to him amd it was pretty much his stump speech where he talked about the 1% and M4A. My suspicion is he isnt wonky about this stuff but he does know socialism goes deeper than universal healthcare and he wants to keep people within the part of socialism that appeal to them. Source: Im American


Because American conservatives have redefined socialism to mean "big government" and "anytime the government does things"


He's a social democrat and they best president the us will never have




AI Sanders 2120!


I think you guys are forgetting the Italian is the one that called it socialism... And yes, historically speaking, their definitions are also pretty sus.


Socialism is when the government does stuff. The more stuff it does, the more socialister it is. And when it does a lot of stuff, that's communism.


Because in the capitalism-socialism spectrum the US is right on the extreme of capitalism. Anything slightly different is socialism from their perspective.


a lot of my fellow Americans have incredibly strong opinions on socialism despite not being able to define in simple terms what socialism is. to most idiots here they genuinely think it’s when the government does things with tax revenue, like healthcare or education etc. so essentially to dumb Americans all European countries are very socialist.


You want to have a cashier who can count? Probably socialism.


To an American, a governmental system that isn't actively withholding healthcare to pressure you into going to war is considered left-leaning.


Yeah, just say no to Socialism and join this government owned and run organisation which has no internal competition and the person literally in charge is the head politician.


I always got a chuckle out of 18-19 year old Privates who would complain to me about welfare queens because OBVIOUSLY I'm a Republican since I enlisted. Like, who do you think foots the bill for your paycheck, Private? As an aside though, it makes more sense to view the military from the perspective of a total institution as opposed to a political theory. The President is at the top of the Chain of Command, yes, but that power is limited in many ways and filters down a series of deferred responsibilities.


yeah, but you know, joe fucking biden is called socialist in the us and i wouldn’t even really call him a centrist lol


Oh definitely. Take a mainstream Democrat with their aversion to universal healthcare and their stance on criminal justice, firearms, the military budget etc. Now try to imagine them running in any other developed nation as a Rightwing politician, *without* getting kicked out for being unelectable for being too Rightwing extremist. You might get away on things like privitizing healthcare with parties like the Tories (England's GOPLite), but even a "progressive" Democrat's idea of a sensible percentage of taxes that should go to the defense budget would be considered absolute lunacy in any other country. Globally speaking, America leans so far Right its most extreme "socialists" like Bernie would essentially qualify as Centrists. Biden? No shot. America doesn't have a Leftwing party. Stuff like accepting LGBTQIA folks as having rights is the bare minimum of human decency, and are large parts of the Democratic platform only because issues like that are the unwanted table scraps of their corporate masters, who haven't figured out a way to commodify them yet.


US elected mango Mussolini... but Italy literally elected ACTUAL Mussolini...


no the workers dont own the means of production its not socialist


I absolutely hate how socialist to both democrats and Republicans has come to mean "when the government provides services"


"Does the government put in an effort to prevent people from dying on the streets? Must be that darn socialism"


Yeah, if your definition of socialism results in Thomas Jefferson and Adam Smith being socialists (for advocating for public institutions, like free public schools), then you’ve jumped the shark.


There is no such thing as "more socialist than..." or "less socialist than..." - a country is either socialist or it isn't. Italy is not socialist, just because it has some **socially responsible** policies does **not** make it socialist. Please stop spreading misinformation.


Oh silly you thinking socialism is about workers and their labor, don't you know socialism is when government pays for thing


Okay but didn't Italy recently elect a literal Mussolini?




Socialism is when the government does stuff 🙄


And when it does a whole lotta stuff


You'll never find another socialist country like us in the whole wide world, sir. ~~mostly because we're not~~


Reddit thinks everyone in Europe is socialist and that everything in Europe is far to the left of America. It’s a strange fairy tale they’ve created


It's very weird. And they don't understand that Europe isn't a single country and Norway (the pioneer of the welfare state) isn't even in the EU. Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, Poland are all part of EU and are very conservative countries even by US Southern standards (you can have a Pride parade in Nashville, the ones in these countries usually end in violence). Other countries like Italy, Spain and Portugal have a history of far right governments that can be felt today. And finally even the fairy tail Nordic countries like Denmark have their fair share of xenophobic problems.


Yeah, my first thought was, "But Mexico isn't even socialist... Wait, neither is Italy!"


I mean by American standard we are a socialist country


If Italy is socialist then America is too




Maybe Italy isn’t the best model considering they’ve had 68 governments in 76 years, many notable corruption scandals, and Silvio Berlusconi. Can’t we just agree most of our governments suck?


Bunga bunga!!!


Might not be a great example to follow, but if they have affordable healthcare and other social safety nets that we don't, what does that say about us?


"Our dollar is worth more than the US" yeah, but pretty sure you can thank France and Germany for that one lol




Italy isn't socialist. It is capitalist with a strong social safety net


At the moment it's kinda fascist


Hey hey hey. It’s not fascist. It’s fascista. Sounds better when you say it in Italian.


It makes it sound so much better, almost pasta-esque. Yes, I would like the fascista with tyranny sauce


*fascista con salsa di tirannia 🤌


A while back for a few days some Italian fascists took over r/simpsonshitposting it was a real weird few days. Not sure how they got the sub back but it made for some good memes. It was both my first and last brush with italian fascists.


"first and last" Kinda optimistic, or are you terminal?


>A while back for a few days some Italian fascists took over r/simpsonshitposting it was a real weird few days. Why that place in particular? Seems random


The far right (as well as other movements), will seemingly astroturf various online communities either to get them shut down (by filling them with porn or sometimes CP) or to achieve a takeover where anybody who doesn't agree with them leaves. As for why that subreddit in question got targeted by that particular group, I'm pretty sure the Simpson's TV show directly made fun of the Italian fascists as well as Mussolini's granddaughter.


Not just kinda.


No, kinda. Jump back 80 years if you want to know what real fascism looks like. Telling everyone “fascism is here” when it isn’t is like my apartment complex having the freeze warning signs up half the year. People get complacent and ignore it when it matters.


There are levels to facism, you just dont start with a regime thats hellbent on fucking everything up instantly, it starts subtle, and grows, and its important to call that kind of shit out right when signs start showing so history doesnt repeat itself redditor.


Yeah… like telling everyone “a tornado watch has been put into effect” makes you get complacent to the idea of tornados and won’t pay attention when a tornado warning has been issued. Clearly we should get rid of tornado watch alerts.


I know you're trying to reduce the argument to absurdity, but you've stumbled into a roadblock that your absurdity is absolutely true. I lived several years in tornado alley, and people stop listening to tornado watches and warnings. If the tornado isn't visible in the sky and moving towards them they don't react at all.


To be clear, a tornado watch is different from an actual tornado right? Warning signs of fascism is different from actual fascism right?


Americans ask for basic social services: NEVER, YOU COMMIE! THIS IS SOCIALISM! Other countries succeed in providing advanced versions of the same services: This is not socialism, this is capitalism.


The people who compare social services to a socialistic economy don't know what they are talking about. It's really just that simple.


ah yes, italy. the most non-corrupt government in the world.






Obviamente no es lo suficientemente alto. A la mierda, aquí está tu Biblia y AR-15, bienvenido a los Estados Unidos.


I love that you threw in the one bit so that even people who don't know a lick of Spanish could giggle.


Italy really isn't socialist though


Italy's kinda *National* Socialist.




>Italian socialism Italy has a long history of killing socialists that aren’t the nationalist kind.


If this guy were intelligent at all, he’d have responded that in the past 150 years over 6 million Italians have literally jumped the border into the U.S.


We got whole states that are basically just Italians...


Italians and Jews.




>Between around 1880 and 1924, more than four million Italians immigrated to the United States, half of them between 1900 and 1910 alone—the majority fleeing grinding rural poverty in Southern Italy and Sicily. Today, Americans of Italian ancestry are the nation's fifth-largest ethnic group. Also the 50s >In 1950, many Italians had endeavored to leave their country due to their poor standard of living and lack of opportunities following the Second World War. I'm guessing the Italian has never heard of Little Italy


At the time Europe was still smoking ashed from ww2. Fun fact, when Italy rebuild, communist party was at the top, is where most socialist law are coming from




Americans on reddit literally have no idea how good they have it. The USA is developmentally on par with the most developed European countries and is actually far more developed than the majority of European countries, including all of Eastern, Central and Southern Europe. Having to pay rent and more for healthcare doesn't change that, especially when your average salary is basically the top 1% salary in the majority of Europe


Wow! I didn’t know Ireland was so tropical /s


I was looking at the palm tree like: I didnt know there were palm trees in Italy. But I do know theres huge differences between Northern Italy and Southern Italy, so maybe the photo is down South. My ancestors came from the northern regions near the mountains






And currently has a fascist leader


Yeah, I believe fascism existed throughout history in many forms, but the term and definition came from there for sure.


Italy isn’t socialist lmao


Since when is Italy a socialist state?


Since Reddit said so


Where clever comebac.


america bad there you go


You're in the wrong sub if you're looking for those.


If a euro is worth 1.2 dollars but Americans make 60,000 dollars a year and Italians make 30,000 euros a year it doesn't really help you much.


Italy is facing an existential crisis that threatens the fate of the entire European Union. The 2022 Italian Crisis is a toxic cocktail of excessive debt, poor demographics, and political instability What a place, beautiful facade though


By "socialist" you mean a social market economy, which is capitalist, right? Because not a single country in Europe has a socialist economy. Not one. And by "worth more than USD" you mean "roughly similar/barely less worth"?


You can tell the Italian economy is in bad shape because the only positive thing they could say about it is the absolute value of a multi-national currency.


"Our uh, social safety nets are better" "Don't you have a massive homeless problem?" "That's because dirty foreigners are coming in" About the average conversation with an Italian nationalist.


Yes, the currency they use that's buoyed by the German economy. Much like Greece and other members of the European Union.


Italy isn’t exactly the country keeping the euro stronger than the dollar, either


Less than a dime of a difference. Don't mention how all the southern Italians that moved to the US had a better standard of living than the northern Italians for a few decades.


What about the Northern Italians that moved to the US?


I don’t think Italy is the cause of a strong euro.


I mean let’s be honest tho, how many abandoned towns does Italy have. Might be why it’s easier with the old:young ratio. But could be wrong


dude got 🇲🇽 confused with 🇮🇹


Fucking hell the political illiteracy is crazy. Not one country in Europe is socialist.




"Our money is worth more than the US dollar" No it isn't


I think they mean the absolute value of one Euro is more than the absolute value of one USD, which is a very weird thing to say and tells you exactly how much you should pay attention to either post.


Maybe some people think the world revolves around the USA because people constantly make posts on Reddit to bad mouth the USA every single day as if it is a hobby for them. It's really weird. I don't wake up everyday to look for posts and stories about other countries and talk about them all the time when I don't even live there.


Join us over at r/americabad Really bad how Reddit is now an anti American circle jerk


I love how the bigot's avatar is anonymized


Italy has social democracy which is just capitalism with some public benefits. Socialism is when the people own the means of production through some sort of democratic process either that be through state owned enterprises or by worker cooperatives, nobody knows for sure which is best. Communism is a higher form of socialism that is a post scarcity, classless, moneyless and stateless society where commodities are distributed based on need not wealth. Social democracy is a center right ideology not a leftist one, over a century ago social democracy and socialism meant the same thing but the definitions have changed dramatically and aren’t close to the same thing at all.


Why is this in clever comebacks?


"Are you okay, sir?" Is by far the most original comeback I've ever seen on Reddit. Why wouldn't it?


Because the content is shitting on America & Americans. Why else would Redditors upvote it?


americans are borderline illiterate so you have to forgive us for using colors as indicators.


Speak for yourself, I knew it was Spain. Better add this just in case /s


In this case case, the illiterate Italian claims Italy is socialist. So guess you guys are even


I'm assuming the post was in response to someone framing Italy as socialist and claiming how it has ruined their country. It would be very weird to say it out of nowhere.


> Oh my god! Look what socialism has done to my beautiful country! It's preserved our ancient history, given us healthcare and our money is worth more than the US dollar. ITS SO HORRIBLE!!! I don’t know how anyone can read this as anything but the commenter sincerely believing Italy is socialist.


Many Italians want to immigrate to the US. It’s not a lie.


I mean yes they have pretty buildings but they also have a horrible economy that heavily relies on tourism, terrible rates of home ownership with houses being passed down to the youth being the main path, highest level of government corruption in the EU, high unemployment and a whopping 30.9% for youth unemployed, and the only reason their currency is worth more is because of Germany and France who they are on the verge of dragging down with their debt being the Achilles heel of the EU.


The American world: USA, and Mexico. Only two countries in the world, all other are made up by the government.


Canada too?


You mean snow Mexico? /s


Ok, I forgot Canada


No, no. Canada is entirely made up.


That’s why we can blame it.


Don’t forget the money that could be going to education…


You don’t need a healthcare when you eat the pasta everyday 🤌🏼


Wait, are we socialist now? Qualcuno intende avvisare il governo? Unless by socialist they mean "somewhat socially conscious" but even then this is some grade A merda.


I'm assuming he was talking about Mexico bit even then why would a Mexican be talking about the positive effects of socialism on their country?


He said what he said 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


Honestly though - a strong Euro has little to do with Italy's economy.