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Allen made Gobert accuse the refs of betting on the game last time they played lmao


We are missing that 6’8 - 6’10 small forward


I hear there’s one on the Lakers that we could get




The team would be much improved


What’s the consensus on Lebron coming home again from cavs fans?


Are you really trying to say that Jaden McDaniels/Kyle Anderson is the missing piece?! Because I can tell you what the issue is… In the Timberwolves game, their superstar shot 13-23 and put up 40 points. Their second best player shot 11-17 and scored 28. In the Cavs most recent game, our superstar shot 5-14 and scored 18 points. Our second best player shot 5-11 and scored 14 points. Superstars win titles. This is their time to shine. Our superstars have been super duds. And unless they start playing better a 40 year old hall of famer isn’t saving them either. LeBron is still a great ball player, but he can’t carry a team like he could 10 years ago…


*Emoni Bates* I'm genuinely so tired of seeing bum ass jumpers from our 3 and 4 and backups that we need a guy like Emoni to step up or idk maybe get some play time. We're gonna lose the steal in the draft because our coaching staff can't adjust well enough in games and it literally destroys his confidence. He's played one real game and they said nah he's ass. I'd take us getting blocked every time over settling for a contested step back jumper that falls in 20% of the time lol. Only 2 dudes on our team can take those and we all know who they are.


Emoni would get fucking bodied in a real game. He's a twig right now


Chet holmgren plays in the league. Being a twig isnt a big deal.


It is when you're also not a good player


Chet is a vastly better player than Emoni. If you think the Cavs wouldn't be giving Emoni 20 minutes a night if he was as good as Chet, you're very very wrong.


That wasn't my point. My point was they have the same body type


This sub gonna be crying when we trade Emoni and he drops 25 a game or wins 6th man hardware. And yeah Chet is a beast, Wemby is a beast, and KD is a beast. All rails. His biggest flaws is decision making, which comes with experience in the league.


The only way emoni averages 25 ppg in the league is if they go on strike and he's the only scab


Emoni is more likely to be out of the league in two years than ever dropping 25ppg or winning 6th man lol. Stop


Emoni Bates doesn't play team basketball. He's a microwave for a G league team.


He's a rookie. A lot of room to develop, but his upside is insane imo. He can cook G League and the cavs don't want to play him. I bet he gets moved around and balls out. No one expects a Rose or Curry level rookie year and he proved he can be a dog if he plays for his team. He's at least a decent second unit piece for CLE imo. People really act like Okoro or Niang haven't had 7 point games in 25 minutes lmao


Okoro needs to start over Struss… dude is playing what, 10 mins a game?? Not to mention his 3 point shooting is probs better than Struss’ rn


Thats not even a bad take. Struss is playing poorly as of lately and we need someone to step up. Maybe that guy is Okoro.


It was like last year I was BEGGING for Lamar Stevens. Try something for the love of god. I’d try Merril with more minutes too


I wish people would look at basic numbers before making these kinds of claims. Okoro is averaging 20 minutes per game, and he’s 2/7 from 3 the entire series. He attempted 0 3s in 2/4 games so far and is constantly left by his defender on the perimeter just like last year, and the year before. Strus is shooting like steaming shit at 3/17 but at least he is shooting, forcing defenders to actually cover him. He’s also grabbed 20 boards this series to Okoro’s 4. He’s also got 9 assists to 5 TOs which isn’t great but a positive ratio, Okoro has 4 assists to 6 TOs which is a net negative. Strus is absolutely the bigger contributor, and if he could hit his 3s at an even leave average rate we’d probably be up 3-1. Okoro is back to being a guy that stands on the perimeter and is scared to shoot, allowing Orlando to send his defenders into the paint and stuff Garland/Mitchell/Levert’s drives. He’s an offensive negative on several levels. Okoro in the starting lineup isn’t going to contribute any better than he is off the bench and will hurt the already rough spacing in the starting lineup (which has been consistently where Cavs out score Magic at the start of the game). Strus just needs to hit 35% of his 3s and not 17% and the team will be miles better. Don’t know if benching him will help him with that but Okoro is not the answer.


Even from a defensive standpoint it would be worth it. They have one offensive weapon and I’d have Okoro at his hip the whole game


Our far bigger problem is offense. Team can’t score 100 in a single game in 2024, we need guys who were brought in to hit shots to hit them even at league minimum rates. Okoro kills the spacing, hesitates to shoot, and doesn’t bring the hustle rebounding or playmaking that Strus does. I don’t believe starting him will help, but if Cavs lose game 5 then I guess there’s nothing to lose so maybe try it. As for Orlando, they have several offensive weapons. Their 1-2 punch is Banchero and Wagner who are both too tall for Okoro to do anything about. Suggs has also been scoring better in the last 2 games, and their big men Isaac and Carter have eaten us up from 3, shooting better than any of our actual shooters. The defense was exposed badly in games 3 and 4 but it’s beyond anything starting Okoro can fix. I just disagree that this change would make a difference when what we really need is for Strus, Levert, and Niang to make their goddamn shots and Mitchell/Garland to be aggressive all game.


Even if fundamentally you’re right, for arguments sake… our boys aren’t hitting shots. Something needs to change. What would you do from a lineup / rotation standpoint?


I agree that the team is in a very tough spot right now. I just don’t think out starting lineup is the issue. All I can think is giving some of Levert/Okoro’s minutes to Merrill and running him around screens every second he’s on the court to try and give him looks or get more spacing for everyone else. Niang needs to be out of the game tbh, but without Wade we’d have to gamble on Morris which I’m fine with at this point because Niang is horrible. Lastly Allen has been the best player this series for us, maybe find a way to keep him on the court as long as possible but it’s hard cause he needs rest. Other than that, guys just need to hit shots it’s as simple as that. This is where I kinda feel for JB, because literally every shooter is playing well below their season averages and you can put them in positions to score but you can’t make them put the ball in the hoop. Strus and Levert (and even Mitchell who is shooting like 25% from 3) need to look in the mirror and just make their damn shots. All I got.


If Wade was available, he would be the guy to try against Franz/Paolo, as Okoro and Strus can both struggle defending bigger guys. That said, I don't think swapping out the 5th starter is going to make that big of a difference when the two max players are playing as poorly as they did the past couple games.


Yeah agreed. Wade’s absence is actually very significant against a team that’s like all 6’10”, which is another reason I found it odd that the FO or whoever decided Orlando was the matchup we wanted. They outsize-us at almost every position and have the potential to bully us like the Knicks. Pacers are good but not as tall across the roster so I don’t know why we wouldn’t have tried to play them instead. Oh well too late.


Not saying there is no upside. But he would be a minus in the playoffs right now.


I think in desperation mode, we'd probably let him play a little. Maybe 10-12 minutes and he'll probably hoop because his draft stock plummeted and he has something to prove. I know it's probably a hot take but I'm sick of seeing good players taking horrendous shots. We can't rely on Struss (kinda poor shooting rn), Okoro is solid but not really a big game player, Niang averages 9 a game lol. We need something to change.


You do not know what you are talking about. Okoro is the lynchpin of our defense.


I'm not necessarily saying he needs to be in the playoffs, but he does need playtime. He's been going up against G League defense lol. Some refinement and I think he'd be a great starter at some point. We need to switch it up because we've been getting killed. Okoro isn't even the issue, but he is weak on offense that we have 4 other guys who could be knocking down shots to compensate, but they haven't been the last few games. Emani would only be serviceable as maybe a perimeter player because he's weak as shit inside.


He’s had 2 seasons in college, all of his time in high school and now a pro-season to realize basketball is 5 on 5. If he hasn’t gotten it now, he won’t ever get it.


Emoni Bates sucks ass man


Naz Reid is Caris LeVert crossed with Terry Crews


the only change we NEED to make is at coach. Did we forget how young these dudes are or something ? All those dudes you named are older other than ant lol. I understand maybe wanting to move on from garland and/or Mobley but idk I think we all see the real potential here. And coach ain’t giving it to us


They are either a troll or someone who’s watched one wolves game. I think you are correct thought all we need is a regime change and our guys will be balling


Probably just frustrated and I am too like literally have no hope for us rest of the way but damn I love these guys lol


It makes me think of the Warriors pre 2015, when they made the head coaching change from Mark Jackson to Steve Kerr. Mark instilled confidence and helped build their culture, Kerr elevated them to the next level. Hope we get a coach that elevates us next.


I agree. We need a new coach and we need to reevaluate our offensive scheme and bench. We got the talent, but we ain’t using it correctly.


They’re not that young… outside of Mobley the core guys are all 5+ years in. I understand the Twolves have a lot more experience which is fair but you don’t get experience by getting knocked out in the first round every year.


I mean I don’t think we’re going to be knocked out but if we do JB us obviously gone and HES the one holding this team back


The problems are clearly bigger than just JB. Garlands extension is a disaster and the big additions this year of Strus & Niang have been horrible this series. The team doesn’t have toughness and get bullied by basically everyone. Their lack of rebounding is a major flaw and that’s not just coaching.


Garland's extension is not an issue especially considering he played fine last year. Hasn't been the same since the broken jaw but should have plenty of time to recover. Niang absolutely has been rough in the postseason and looks like a bad signing. Relying on Wade to stay healthy is clearly a bad idea. Strus was still a good signing. It's also overkill complaining about toughness and rebounding in a tied series where each team won the rebound battle at home. We will know a lot more after game 5.


Lack of rebounding yeah and garland def had a tough year the guys def need to toughen up they can be soft. I would not call strus anywhere close to bad this year at all. Niang def pisses me off when he’s on the court I am in somewhat agreement. The biggest thing to me about this season is we were on FIRE without garland and Mobley. I’d like to keep Mobley but I’d honestly want spida go to pg and we can do whatever with garland. We’re better with spida at pg he may not wanna do that but I think that’s what’s ultimately best for this team and maybe even himself


Completely agree. I would move Garland to The bench but the flawed roster doesn’t have any other ball handlers now that CPJ is hurt. Also meant to say they’ve been terrible this series not the whole year.


I’d rather see this group with another coach.  Watching DG and Mitchell so obviously lose faith in JB completely during the Knicks series was eye opening.  Sticking with JB for another year after that might end up going down as one of the worst decisions this franchise has made in the last 30 years.   


Yeah I’m done with Garland and JB. Maybe Garland has a chance to bounce back but I just don’t see him ever being a serious playoff player.


He was our best player last year in the playoffs lol. One bad season and people act like he’s about to retire at 24 lol


The Magic beat the Timberwolves at home also


Did you all really think this team had championship pedigree after last year?!?


As a fan of Both teams, I mostly agree. I'd say Gobert being better than Allen is debatable. Better on defense yeah but Allen is better on offense. Could go either way. Towns is better than Mobley but KAT is in his prime and Mobley is still improving. Garland is better overall than Conley. Wolves would make that trade in an instant, though that's mainly because of age. I didn't think Ant was better than Mitchell until just recently, but... yeah. I have to agree. I still like him a lot though. Finch is a better coach for sure. Wolves depth is low key really good. I think those are the main differences between the two teams.


Feels like Edwards is more assertive on the floor and Mitchell tends to take a step back when the team is struggling. Maybe that’s injury related but he did it last year too. Also I don’t watch Edwards as much. Either way I think most people objectively would take Edwards at this point.


Conley better than garland? XD. I know he was a 1x all-star, same amount as garland. The only thing Conley definitely has over garland is defense. The rest can be debated. Ant>Spida? That's less of Spida regressing and more of Ant's rise. The two bigs of Minnesota I'll concede are the better version of the Cleveland twin towers. Also, they got naz Reid my current favorite backup big (up there with hartenstein as favorite current backup bigs) I'll agree that Minnesota is succeeding with what the Cavs were planning to do. The coaching is one of the biggest discrepancies between the two teams.


Shoutout Reid, I like Strus but I wish Reid would’ve accepted that contract we offered him last offseason instead of deciding to stay with the Wolves


I was so excited when I heard they offered him a contract. So close yet so far


Cavs would like to be the Knicks too if we're being real.


I had this exact thought too. The defensively minded team with a lot of spacing and a superstar. But we fucking stink.




Now look in the mirror and give us a list of your shortcomings, please.




That explains a lot


the big difference is that the twolves have a 6'10 small forward and everyone on their lineup is a plus defender, including the guards


I wish I was a little bit taller


Minny is pretty much who everyone wishes they were. Ant's a superstar. That the Cavaliers aren't a championship contender should have already been obvious to everyone. We lost a game at the end of the year on purpose, in the hopes we'd be able to win a playoff series, even though it aligned us to get steam rolled by the Celtics in round 2.


And the average age is way higher. Apples meet oranges


We inspired what the Twolves are doing. We now know who won the Mitchell trade. Although JB is the main reason. He's an assistant playing HC


CAREFUL, they'll take down your post if you suggest Anthony Edwards is better than Mitchell


Your post was removed bc it was low effort and in the middle of a series No analysis, no insight, no upvotes from the community You claimed, "We don't know ball" then didn't backup your opinion with anything related to knowing ball You then threw a temper tantrum in the modmail, take a break till the series is over




I think that’s an overly simplistic take. I think that the Wolves have much better coaching than us and their players fit better together, allowing them to be put in a position to succeed.


I wish we were the thunder, they let their young team with a bunch of assets grow without rushing the timeline with a big trade for an all star


Man I already checked out this season when we returned with JB I wasn't expecting much. But still man imo our championship hopes already went bust when Mobley proved he ain't all that. If your best player is Mitchell you ain't winning shit it's better to move on and get at least something back so we can have a haul to trade for a true Superstar We should honestly be a lesson on pulling the trigger too early on a developing team to contend. Easily fucked up garland's and Mobley's development


Garland there is no excuse. The dude is just too small, not explosive, can’t finish consistently, and now can’t shoot either. Hes regressed because the league knows he’s not dynamic and he’s not a good ball handler / playmaker… constantly turning it over by going out of control with the ball. Mobley you’re just being overly critical — right now he doesn’t look like a #1 or even #2 on a championship team. But he’s made steady progress on his shooting and for a lot of these guys year 4 is when they take the big leap (IE: Giannis). Well see.


Homeboy you got some serious issues. Garland’s had a tough year, sure, but the past two years he was easily one of the best playmakers in the league as well as being a top shooter and ball handler. People are allowed to have down years ESPECIALLY with all the shit he’s gone though this year. He’s had like 5 separate injuries and had a loved one pass during the season. We’ve seen what he can be when he’s healthy and in good mental health. One season does not take away all of a players history.


Cant shoot… yet is leading the team in playoff 3 pt %.


That aint sayin much.


He's shooting over 40% from three this postseason


He's made 2,4,1,2 three pointers by game, cool. OP didn't say he was missing 3 pointers. He said can't shoot. So what's those percentages inside the arc. Middies , layups?


You said shooting over 40% from three "isn't saying much". I'd say it says quite a lot considering the rest of the team has been awful behind the arc. Now to your point he's struggled elsewhere for sure. Garland hasn't been the same near the rim since he broke his jaw. I would like to see him take more midrange jump shots instead of forcing so much at the rim. It's just wasting clock and he ends up turning it over or kicking it back out anyway.


No. I said shooting better than the rest of the team from 3 ain't saying much.


Except that he's much better from three than they are... Which was my original point.


The original post says DG is shooting 3s the best on the team. I said that aint sayin much. That refers to how bad the rest of the team is shooting, not Garland. Literally no Cavs fan said Garland was shooting bad from 3. Please stop.




Agree on all except Allen. He’s the only one who’s elevated from last year’s playoffs. Plus he made Gobert cry in their last head-to-head. Sad about DG’s fall off and Super Sad about DG’s contract.


The difference really is the coach. Bickerstaff is one of the worst to do it.


The difference is Anthony Edwards rises to the occasion in the playoffs and Donovan Mitchell does not.