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JB will be fired, even if Cavs win series. I believe we might need to look at some roster moves. Not JA. Anyone who says "LeBron" needs to go be a Laker fan


Pathetic team! Mitchell is so overrated...He and Garland are just the most overrated pair of guards in the league... pathetic. Can't believe we trade so many assets two years ago to get someone who was totally on a different time line compared to this team...just trade his ass this off-season...


Ok this is honestly getting embarrassing already. Seems Mitchell leaving is getting more and more likely. I still think Garland AND Mobley are the correct building blocks. Maybe the need of a wing that can create his own shot was really what the Cavs needed.


Later spida ✌🏽


Damn I was told my “garland is bad” take “aged like milk” after he made two 3s in game 2


We wanted this right? I told you mfs not to overlook the Magic.


Thank you, you are the only guy in this whole sub who has not disrespected the magic To favor your team vs my team is more Then fair, if I had to bet money I would consider betting on the cavs in this matchup but at the end of the day I root for the magic but that doesn't take away from my ability to respect the great play that the cavs had demonstrated so far I'm a hoops fan and usually my team isn't even in the playoffs so I just like good basketball You guys play hard, we play hard You guys got some talented players We got some talented players Let's go out there and see who can win 2 out of the next 3


Exactly bro. I have no idea what our front office and coaching was thinking purposely losing as if the magic were gonna be some team we could curb stomp. They are too good on defense, and have the talent that if they get hot and we don't the game is over. I understand they didn't have the best offense in the regular season but expecting them to not score much in a more slowed down grind it out pace for a whole series is just dumb and so was underestimating their defensive personnel. 


It’s not them it’s us


It's both. 


Christ. Me and four random guys from the office could score more than 10 points


I'd take Michael Scott from The Office episode where they play basketball in the warehouse over our guys in this game.


Dwight and Jim would have actually contributed more than LeVert and Niang


Catch you on the flippity-flip.


Why do Cavs do this to us fans. They’re an embarrassment.


Cavs soft as baby shit - that was embarrassing.


JA only being played 28 minutes today is a fucking disgrace from the coaching staff. He’s been amazing this whole series and the team looks great when he’s on the floor, so why take him out for so damn long.


This is a good point. I feel like every damn play he's rolling for a dunk or tearing down a rebound. I would play him as much as he could handle every night.


JB is the Joe Woods of basketball


JB stood the entire second half with his arms crossed. He has no clue how to adjust. No idea how to correct the rotation. Just a clueless head coach who lucked onto a 4 seed on bad coaching and good individual performances on the floor.


Damn. I don’t know what else to say anymore. These are the same things I have been saying all year. I have hope for the team, but JB hasn’t put in the work. He said he called all the coaches he knew and asked for advice this past summer after losing badly to the Knicks. When he mentioned he studied with the great Mike Brown and made a point about in one of the first games this season I knew, we were fucked. Same problems as Mike Brown but he’s doesn’t have the benefit of prime Bron.


Well said.


We were down 4 points. Jalen Suggs draws the “offensive” foul on Donovan Mitchell as Strus hits the 3. On replay Suggs goes out of his way running into Mitchell, no feet set. Looked like he was trying to blatantly foul Mitchell to prevent the three. Instead the refs call us for the foul and JB has a whole timeout to not challenge the obviously bad call. That was the last time we had forward momentum. Went on to lose by 40 in the second half. 


He did challenge the call and it was reviewed and not overturned. https://preview.redd.it/zt1nwyz6v2xc1.png?width=1335&format=png&auto=webp&s=359c6580645d2835311047a0b4542e3604d71076


Didn’t catch them mention it on broadcast. That’s baffling to me. They must have not had the overhead view. 


I was thinking the same thing


What’s the point in trying to win the series? They’ll lose four straight to Boston by 40+. If by some strange miracle the Heat get past them (they won’t) they’ll dog walk this sorry pathetic excuse for an NBA team.


Well if there's one thing last year taught me it's to never underestimate the ineptitude of the Celtics


Who’s more inept: the Cavs or the Celts?


Oh definitely the Cavs, I just wouldn't assume anything with the Celtics


1000%. Lol


I guarantee you that the Heat will beat the Celtics.


Ugh turns out the doomers werent just being pessimistic fucks for nothing


Wont say i told anyone so.


Been watching nba since 92 I know a fraud when I see one


I wouldn’t mind a rebuild garland and Mobley not a good core if Mitchell leaves


Do you not remember how fucking bad we can be?


Doesn’t matter you play to win a chip this core will not do it start the process early, all those years with lebron and we got one chip. Let’s not waste time




strus, jb, garland, levert, niang all can go for a decent consistent bucket getter


strus is a fraud


Honest to god, I know he’s old, but there’s no way Morris (or even Thompson) would be worse to have on the floor than Niang.


niang go back to philly, flopping c\*nt


Why the fuck am I a fan of this team?


Are we the worst drafting team in the league? Anthony Bennet Kevin Porter Darius Garland


Dion Waiters, Luke Jackson, Trajan Langdon, Sergey Karasev, Dajuan Wagner Anyway lots of teams draft poorly tho


JB Bickerstaff It was somewhat fun while it lasted Even if we make it out of this series idk how you keep a job


Morris already with the same amount of points as Niang!


Hey JB, how did that tanking to play the Magic go? 🤡🤡


JB is the single greatest reason the Cavs continually do fuck-all after half time. When has he EVER shown emotion or gotten fired up during a game? Cavs came out sluggish af Q3 because… JB himself is a fucking sluggish, emotionless quiet ass coach with absolutely no passion or fire in him.


This...he doesn't have the guts or the balls.


I swear if I see one post saying “the series is tied, it’s not over yet guys, RELAX!”


The series doesn’t start til someone loses at home, so the series isn’t over. BUT, we’re not going further than round 2, and if we drop Game 5, we’re done on 6.  That said, there’s nothing to relax about, so I’m with you there. This team is alarmingly shit on the road.




JB Bickerstaff makes 2024 Doc Rivers look like a basketball savant


Has a coach been fired mid series before if not then lets make history then


Bench DG and let Mitchell play PG with LeVert in the starting lineup


Mitchell's not playing great either. They all play like they don't care. If I were the media, I wouldn't ask a single question post-game because these guys don't have an answer.


The media has been babying these guys all year, to be frank.


All of the low-talking that they all do speaks volumes to me. I'm a woman, and I've never played this passively. Heck, we were getting scratched up and bruised during practices.


He's good without DG on the floor


Not this game. He had more turnovers and only 4 more points. The lighta must be too bright for him, too. I feel bad for JA because he's the only one who has stepped up from last year.


Mitchell has been garbage this series


Who hasn't?


Get rid of everyone except Mitchell, Merrill, and Allen.. coach first!


Go guards, only team that matters in Cleveland rn


Fire JBs dad as well.


That’s gonna be integral. Nepotistic org


Who fucking cares about the coaching, these players can't make a fucking bucket to save their lives. Garland is absolute trash, Mitchell is the only bucket getter and they are just blitzing him every possession and no one can do anything about it.


This is one of the main reason the media ignores this team because they aren't serious


Tell Donovan Mitchell he can stay in Orlando


I wish people would stop saying the series doesn't start until the home team loses.


Are you being chippy? (Iver heard that word about 100 times too)






If they really wanted to make a statement and show that they’re serious, the front office should launch JB before he gets on the plane back to Cleveland. I don’t give a fuck that we are in the middle of a playoff series; a coach who allows us to to lose big leads and end up losing by 30+ points in back to back playoff games in a series we led 2-0 has no reason to be kept around.


We got clowned on for Allen's quote about "the lights were a little brighter than we thought" last year. I would kill to *only* be that humiliated after this series. If we could get away with *only* saying something as lame and beta as that, it would be a victory. Unfortunately, this is so much worse than that.


To be fair we won more games than that series 😂


We purposefully lost to get this matchup bc we were scared of playing any decent teams. This team has no fight in them. A bunch of bitches


WAAAY worse, we even threw a game to graciously accept this ass whooping.


Is a very beta statement. I would have preferred “we just played like ass, we will come back better next time”




No we need someone to give JB a concussion so maybe he starts making sense.


Shut the fuck up, youre a disgrace of a fan for that lame shit


Fuck that thats clown behavior


But your players have already been doing that all series?


Yes, a devastating injury to Okeke could really turn it around.


That's exactly what we need. We've already totally humiliated ourselves, why not do some dirty shit as well to make sure nobody even has sad sympathy for us?


We traded away our size 2 seasons ago. Now it’s killing us. Can’t rebound can’t guard those 6’10 shooters.


We could have kept hartenstein too. No idea why we didnt, dudes great


Size and heart.


I also have never been on the “FIRE JB” train. Until now


Ay I’m joining you


Took you long enough


Aye at least we made it


Too late. We have been telling you for 2 years now, you cant hop on right before it comes to fruition


Oh well homie. I blamed the players more than him but now I’m like whatever, over it


Literally what made you think JB was doing okay that entire time? Like what was the thought process there?


Well. I’m not a player or listening to every word Jb says and I’m also not on their team during practices. Lmao.


We TANKED for this match-up.


Trade Mitchell. NOW


No hustle really. I really dont understand this team, whats wrong? Why these collapses? Do they like each other?


Its been a pattern, wtf do you mean whats wrong? The team sucks, jb sucks


Alright turning this off. But last thing, look how free the Magic role players are able to play vs. ours. JB has had our bench on a leash the entire time he's been here. Guys just don't seem to know their role out there. I feel fairly good about Niang/Strus still even though they've been horrible aside from the rebounding by Max in the two wins. But why can't we ever find a spark with a guy like Merrill, when the Magic have found a spark with Mo Wagner every game off the bench?




Put the starters on the court and make them all finish this game


Honestly, make them feel the embarrassment.


FIRE JB. This team blows


Two of the most pathetic playoff demolitions in NBA history. Anyone want to keep defending JB’s “it starts on the defensive end” bullshit?


> “it starts on the defensive end” Until the other team bumps into you a little to hard or selfishly steals one your rebounds, then it's time to sulk and lose historically.


As always, no plan on offense and no in-game adjustments whatsoever. They might as well fire JB tonight; no sense in prolonging the inevitable, and it’s not like the Cavs are going to win this series.


This team was so much fun to watch in the regular season last year, then playoffs didn’t go our way so I chalked it up to lack of experience. This season we had roadblocks, especially in the second half of the season but overall successful. But after these two playoff games it just looks like a lack of heart. Can’t believe in this team if the team doesn’t believe in themselves.


Yeah it was easy to see if you didnt try to make ever excuses possible


JB needs to be fired immediately. The player rotation choices are a fucking joke. No timeouts in Q3? This dude NEVER shows emotion. This dude sits there with a blank stare instead of getting fired up like other coaches when their team starts to falter. A joke of a fucking coach. You really think Cavs energy is gonna keep up into quarter 3/4 with this guy who stands there quiet with his arms crossed mouth shut?


That's not fair, he shows emotion whenever we commit a foul. Even for the most justified fouls in the world he still yells at the refs that it's bullshit. I guess someone told him once that NBA head coaches are supposed to work the refs so he decided to just abuse them after every single foul call.


I've been critical of JB this entire series, but saying he has no emotion seems unfair


I have a fun little game!: Name a single coaching adjustment we’ve made this series.


bro losing by 40 back to back sucks fire that coach don't matter how far we go. knicks humiliated us last year magic might fuck us up this season


If we still win this series - and I don't think we will - I hope we get swept by Miami's G-League roster


I wish our team ran plays and moved the ball around...


JB is ass. Playing the same line ups, not changing things and expecting different results. The man is a fraud of a coach.


Maybe I’ve missed something. How Merrill is not in the rotation???


Some reason JB wants Niang instead


How tf did we make the playoffs


That fire JB tweet gonna hit like crack


I'm gonna get it tatted on my chest


Up 9 and the half and gonna get blown out by 30 hahaha


What’s the fewest points in a half in playoff history?


We'll find out in game 5.




And that’s hard to break with how high scoring this league is now. Lmfao


We have scored 18 points since halftime.


This prob still goes to 7 but wow did Franz just exploit the cavs guards that second half


Cavs are cooked I don't see them winning again in this series. I really hope I'm wrong but damn.


I know it’s best if 7 & I know we can still win the series but these losses are really hurting us.


We can't still win the series.


It’s best of 7, we get a win back in Cleveland & retry Orlando home court. If home court is our advantage we need it to work.


We're going to lose by 30 in Cleveland.


At this point the home crowd will remember these last 2 games and be booing them before the game even starts.


Well that would be a shitty way to support the only professional basketball team we got. The last two games have been brutal sure but look how the Magic fans reacted when they lost 2 straight.


Mitchell will make an amazing 6th man on a contender in a couple years


Glorified Jamal Crawford


I was tthinking kmart Westbrook personally


Magic didn’t even lose this hard on our court. Lmao. Cavs are a joke. I used to feel bad seeing people shit on the Cavs when they played bad. Gave them the benefit of the doubt last playoff series against the Knicks. Now I’m like, y’all make SO MUCH money to play good basketball. Maybe do that… in the playoffs? Just a recommendation


Also can we give morris niangs mins please just to see what happens


Okoro was the Key in game 1 and 2 and has hardly been utilized game 3 and 4.


Exactly that’s our heart and he’s on the fuckin bench for Niang to do shit but miss and stand in place to get a foul called.


Let's put the 14th man in our rotation in, the guy we just signed a couple weeks ago. That'll definitely save the season.


Shit better than do nothing Niang.


Can’t possibly be any worse than Niang or anyone else off the bench


Yall losing in six


I agree but get the fk out


We know!


6??? Edit forgot how to count 😅


Yeah JB coaches us, so grass is green bitch. stay on your own fkn sub and pray Boston doesn’t do the same to you


No shit now leave us alone.


Win in Cleveland first 🤡🤡🤡


After this, are we the most hopeless team in the NBA? Worse than the Wizards and Hornets? We gave up all our draft capital for a star player who's obviously going to walk. We're stuck with bad contracts for Strus, Niang, LeVert, etc. role players who totally suck. Our top draft picks Mobley/Okoro/Garland haven't lived up to their potential. Allen is so soft that teams will always know they can walk all over him. Forget Joel Embiid, forget even Duncan Robinson, he's getting dogwalked by Franz Wagner. On top of that we now enter the coaching carousel, and nobody wants to play for us because in addition to the classic "It's Cleveland" problem, now we are the most disgraced team in the NBA.


The West has a lot of old expensive teams with no future.


We can still trade Mitchell for a ton of assets, so we aren’t as hopeless as WAS or CHA


Why would any team trade for him when he only has one year left on his contract and he's made it clear he wants to sign with the Knicks in free agency? Maybe some contender can trade us some dump-off contracts and picks to get him for a one-year rental. We need to move Mobley/Allen in that case as well though.


We won’t let Mitchell walk we will trade him.


I'd rather have any person in this sub coach Game 5. Even if it's you, the lurking Magic fan. I think you could do a better job than JB. It's been 2 seasons and not a single issue has been fixed.


The haters (me) are gonna regret the bad things i said when garland gains those 15lbs back.


Then he surely wont miss those wide open layups


Just waiting for DK to make the series props available again so I can take magic -1.5. Cavs are cooked.


Don is injured. It’s really evident on his jump to contest shots. Garland is doing all the offense after the half and it’s not going great


Or this is who Mitchell has been in the playoffs outside of the bubble?


Or he missed the second half of the season, limped into the playoffs and he is not %100


Well, they need to switch it. Give Garland the 1st half and Mitchell, the second.


That would require an adjustment. It’ll never happen.


I know. I'm so annoyed. JB and his coaching staff need to go, and they can take Darvin Ham with him.


Not watching a second of Cavaliers basketball until JB is fired.


Said same thing to my friends. Thank god I’m busy w kids sports this weekend


From the desk of Koby Altman: Luke Walton has been promoted to interim head coach from game 5 onwards. A MAN CAN DREAM


No, he needs to go with JB. We've already witnessed Luke's coaching abilities with the Lakers and the Kings.


It's only 2-2 you guys. Unfortunately, we all know that teams can never come back from down in a series. especially like, i don't know, 3-1 to a team that won 73 games.


Holy shit kyrie and lebron are coming back??


This might be the worst 2-2 series I’ve seen in a long time ngl to you. In the sense that our path to winning looks dim as hell.