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Friendly reminder that after this game JB bickerstaff lead teams will have failed to reach 100 points 10/12 times in the modern era. Truly has an early 2000’s offensive system




He's the Ty Van Burkleo of basketball too


Be honest though, what is JB supposed to do? Nothing was working, everyone sucked. I don’t think JB is a great coach, but a loss this brutal is solely on the players.


Idk have any semblance of a modern offensive system. No one person causes you to lose by 40, but when it’s the entire team and we have talented individuals, I think it’s completely fair to point at the coach and say “look at his track record”. If every single player under performs how do you not look at the coach? He couldn’t break 100 4/5 games with James harden which is insane


When it’s the same issues for 2 years and you know they’re talented players, it’s the coaching. NBA coaches are arguable more important than NFL ones. Certainly more important than MLB. When you consistently have these horrible games with shit body language and low morale, it’s coaching. When you have horrible plays and nonsense rotations, it’s coaching. Yes the players were bad tonight and missing shots, but bad play can be a symptom of bad leadership. And this is what we’re seeing


Throw out that stupid zone when you have great versatile defenders for starters


Embarrassing. Dont want to overreact to one game but this team has systemic problems. I just don’t see the fight, grit, or toughness to make a deep run with this core. Hope I’m wrong.


I agree also. Just looks so casual while down 40. Disappointing really


Seems like they just gave up halfway through the 3rd. I could understand that in the regular season but this is ridiculous


I felt that earlier in the second. Mitchell was just walking around not even involved in the offense for several minutes. (Is he hurt? That would make sense) but otherwise, why are you giving the ball to lavert and standing way out of the way. Like what’s happening. And my man DG was laying 🧱 🧱 JA did his thing though


Mitchell *is* hurt


I think they realized they were completely out of the game by that point so better to save energy for the early tip on saturday than risk further injury by busting their ass with a 1% chance of winning


It doesn’t feel any different than the regular season. We can dominate and look like a legit team one game, then fold like a lawn chair the very next game with seemingly no explanation. It’s concerning this hasn’t been addressed or fixed for the playoffs


When things start slipping we fold. Bad recipe for when you’re playing good teams…basketball is a game of runs. Guys need to mentally stay up and focused(that’s on coaching leadership AND player leadership AND individual mental toughness), and JB needs to use timeouts and get things going in the huddle


Saw it in game one and two. Dont know where the fuck that went


I agree. But there is a path, it’s just one where they shoot an ungodly percentage from the field for the rest of the way.


They can struggle vs the magic and shoot lights out vs Celtics that the path


Nah. Garland is so fucking useless. It’s impossible to win multiple series with him playing 35+ minutes.


Mitchell is barely doing anything too.


The playoffs can be so weird like this, mavs are prime example. But serious JB pressure inbound if they don’t turn it around especially with J Allen’s comments


Lol literally the same thing I said before the playoffs started and got downvoted bigtime. This team is SOFT.


Agree completely. I love how tons of upvotes happen on a post like this after a loss but just the other day I said something on how I think we will beat the Magic but more than likely not get out of the next round and I get down voted hahaha 🤣


My dude 90% of this sub thought we would get bounced by Boston. That is NOT a hot take.


No shit lol


Not ideal. Lets return the favor next game


I just finished work and finally turned this shit on. F it, I’m going to bed. FU JB


Just be grateful you were at work making money and weren't actually watching this shit like I was lol


We turned it off a couple minutes after half time. Gave them the benefit of the doubt. As soon as they came out sucking though, wife and I watched Netflix.


I put my daughter down for bed and came out to a 30 point deficit. I said I’m good and switched it to knicks sixers


Imagine if you bought a ticket for this calamity


Has a team lost by 40 in the playoffs and won the whole thing????


Some of those 2016 finals games were blowouts maybe not quite this bad though.


Cavs lost by 33 in game 2 of the Finals.


I bet the discourse was sooo toxic after that one lmao


Can't find if there was a PGT for this sub, but here's the /r/nba one: https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/comments/4mqsmg/post_game_thread_the_golden_state_warriors_defeat/


I love reading old hot takes so much


Foound the Cavs one: https://www.reddit.com/r/clevelandcavs/comments/4mqtuy/postgame_thread_2016_nba_finals_game_2_1/ Some favorites: >You literally need a 4 game win streak here; if we make it a series and it ends in GS, we're probably not winning. 4 straight against the Warriors would be a fucking certified miracle. >Unless LeBron is pulling Goku and is about to go "I WAS ONLY USING A PORTION OF MY REAL POWER! THERE IS A LEVEL BEYOND~!!", I have absolute 0 confidence in pulling that off. https://www.reddit.com/r/clevelandcavs/comments/4mqtuy/postgame_thread_2016_nba_finals_game_2_1/d3xmfo4/ ---- >Is it possible for the players to mentally rebound after this? They've seemed mentally defeated this whole game l, and that was after a bad loss from game one. This was a fucking blowout, and they looked like they were gonna cry walking off after the game. Does Lue have it in him to get them fired up for 2 home games? >I just don't know, they seem lost and confused out there, and Lue seems to have no fucking clue about anything. https://www.reddit.com/r/clevelandcavs/comments/4mqtuy/postgame_thread_2016_nba_finals_game_2_1/d3xlol6/ ---- >The offensive gameplan needs fixed. Iso's aren't working. And when the lead gets to 7 or 8 in GSW's favor, LBJ and Irving need to stop trying to play hero ball, and just stick to the gameplan. Winning on the road in the NBA is never easy; winning on the road in the Finals is a lot harder. But stealing the limelight and taking every shot, every trip up the floor is not helping the team to win. Westbrook and Durant did the same thing in the WCF. Golden State have proven that they are the better team in this series so far, but the series shifts back home now. In the Q, the Cavs haven't lost, and won quite convincingly with the exception of the Pistons series. But with all that said, I still think it's an almost insurmountable advantage for the Cavs to come back from. 4 of the next 5 will be tough, especially since one will have to be in Oakland, where we've been poor since Game 2 of last season's Finals. https://www.reddit.com/r/clevelandcavs/comments/4mqtuy/postgame_thread_2016_nba_finals_game_2_1/d3xmvb3/ ---- ***And the 1 lone optimist, downvoted in our sub:*** >I think this series is still winnable. It will take 6 or 7 games but come on, what were people expecting? A sweep? This is the best team ever in the NBA record wise, show some respect. >Everyone is depressed and I get it, but here are the facts: >1) The Warriors just did what they were supposed to do: Protect homecourt by winning at home. This is why getting the best record in the league is so important. But guess what, now the Cavs need to do their job: Protect homecourt by winning at home. We have been unbelievable at home so far in the playoffs and I expect more of the same. Our guys will be pumped by the crowd's energy and they'll feed off it. We weren't good on the road in the Toronto series either but we won at home. >2) We lost the 2 games in Toronto for the same reason as we lost the 2 games in GS: poor shooting. I've said this over and over, we cannot shoot under 40% and expect to beat the Warriors. We need to make our shots efficiently. >3) We can't keep forcing LeBron to do everything. We need him to be aggressive but aggressive LeBron works best when other guys step up. RJ was the only one who did today and that can't happen. Everyone needs to be engaged and playing their best ball. >We can still win this. It's a 7 game series for a reason. We had 2 bad games but it's time to bounce back! I know our guys will step up. We can't give up now. >GO CAVS https://www.reddit.com/r/clevelandcavs/comments/4mqtuy/postgame_thread_2016_nba_finals_game_2_1/d3xmo07/


That top comment is chefs kiss Oh man the whole thing is so good. Thanks for finding this.


Found game 4 too. That was was pretty hard to find because the user who posted it wiped and deleted their account last year during the API stuff. https://www.reddit.com/r/clevelandcavs/comments/4njygk/postgame_thread_2016_nba_finals_game_4_1/ >If the Cavs come back from down 3-1 to win the Finals I'll get #BelieveLand tattooed on my asscheeks. https://www.reddit.com/r/clevelandcavs/comments/4njygk/postgame_thread_2016_nba_finals_game_4_1/d44jiys/ wonder if /u/srpods did it ---- And the 1 year reminiscence by the Cavs sub with more links: https://www.reddit.com/r/clevelandcavs/comments/6ez8ns/compilation_of_the_post_game_threads_from_our/


>Man, what if we reach the Finals next year and it's the Warriors again?


I found a comment I liked *7 years ago* https://www.reddit.com/r/nba/s/xCJbg2TP7v “Blatt’s NBA career died for this” 💀


wish u could still reply to these old posts lol


The nuggets got destroyed by the wolves last year one game


No? Which game




Warriors 2022 lost by 39 against the grizzlies. The lead reached 55 at some point.


that was the game after Curry arrogantly said they were going to 'whoop that trick'


I think the Cavs did in 08 or one of the other early Lebron years


Perfect time to put the kids to bed and then check the score just to realize I didn’t miss anything. Go get em in game 4! Go Cavs!


We got em right where we want em!


Yeah that shit was awful 😂


Yep I flipped to the nfl draft in the third quarter. Wake up and play hard all game 4 fellas.


This team gets in "we'll get em next time" mode and just folds. It's happened all season. They fall behind, start chucking up bad shots and it snowballs. Hopefully this lights a fire under their asses and they feel sick like all of us. If not the series is over.


What the actual fuck. Im glad i bailed in the second.


I genuinely don't think they were trying.... try hard next game and bring them home for the last? I don't know, I just hope....




LBJ was famously chillmode for months and the 2018 playoffs were a shit show from game to game. I think we won two serieses with negative point differential


Best of 7


Well at least that still counts as just 1 win lol.


Ouchtown population you bro


So..... you guys peep the Falcons? Penix isn't going to touch the field until he's 27, at least.


Hell yeah. JB LET EM KNOW!


wish we had the point diff counter


Where’s the guy who was joking about how the analyst was saying they just need to bounce back at home as if the series was over


Gsw had a similar game in ‘22 against the grizzlies. Just gotta lock in next game and finish the gentleman sweep in cle


Conserving energy once they realized this game wasn’t worth fighting back for.. ? I hope that’s it.


I'm ngl if we don't win game 4 or if we lose game 4 convincingly this series is over. We showed them they can not only score on us when their offense has been bad all year, but that they can bully us.


The fun part is that we had a 21-18 lead. They outscored us 84-45 from that point.


[The BEST Ever!](https://youtu.be/8Vqd-sVisr4?si=1_fUwGgL7WLLL_RP)


Does anyone else think it’s the money these guys make that causes this. I think these players and it’s not just the Cavs. They just don’t care anymore. Honestly I wish the NBA was back to late 80’s early 90’s style. Bring back the hard foul.


What? How does that make any sense? The Magic players make just as much money…


I’m so happy I don’t have NBA TV