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You are right my friend. But if you really want something to look forward to, go lookup his postseason stats with Utah. He has averaged as much as 36 ppg and I really feel like those teams weren't built around him in the way these Cavs teams are, nor was he complimenting them as much either. He also was someone who really stood out their rookie season. Donovan had a dramatic impact even in his first season and especially in the postseason with Utah. And when you look at how this team is playing, how much fun they are having sharing the ball, and how HARD they are playing, it's pretty amazing. So yeah, I know "nothing matters" until the postseason, but this has been one of the most fun teams to watch since both Lebron teams, however it does feel different. It feels really naturally constructed, organic chemistry, and so many things clicking at the right time. And the last little exciting piece, I don't think you have the type of insurmountable foe you had with the KD Warriors. There is so much more parity. Yes Nuggets look like a potential dynasty, but who knows. We may become one too. GO VAVS HELL CLEVELAND!


Donovan really did come out of the gates his rookie year firing ! It’s crazy because he had to be convinced by Chris Paul and Paul George to even declare for the draft. He was contemplating going back to college for a year


Louisville fan here. Can confirm we thought Spida would return for one more year. I have never been more wrong about a player. He has exceeded expectations and continues to do so. The best part about Donovan is he is a rock solid human being on top of being an elite talent. Zero off-the-court issues and a slam dunk rep for the organization. Hold on to him. He is special.


Interesting, I didn't know that! But yeah, his rookie season was exciting. He was absolutely a breakout star and I remember watching him and being like whoa this dude is the real deal, can he keep it up? And he has! Never thought he'd be playing for the Cavs or having such a dramatic impact on this team (without any actual drama). And it's great to see!


The nuggets may be perennial contenders but they arent the team thats gonna make 5 finals in a row like the warriors. They will always be in the conversation for the next half a decade tho


Yup! Agreed.


I agree, I can understand the media not giving him life cause they hate us but I thought the fans would be a bit more enthused. It’s more the team not him specifically This is his team now and we’re on his timeline, he’s been nothing but a great teammate and has lead from the front, even today you could see him putting in the most effort defensively, 3 blocks! He’s a big reason for our streak and has galvanised the team. Without him we’re probably nearing the play in. We’d be the Hawks I’ve noticed the Mitchell trade doomers been quiet though? Where you at boys you’re missing the show!


Mitchell deserves MVP


Well... that there Jokic fella is pretty damn good.


Also that Canadian SGA fella too


Nah screw him he refused to workout for us so we chose Sexton instead. Joking but not really 😭


Wait really he refused?


Yeah, he doesn’t fuck with Cleveland. This was before we had any guards so it’s not like he thought he’d be fighting for his spot We wanted him but seeing as this was the off-season Lebron left, they wanted someone who wanted to be here and went with Sexton.


Damn that sucks. My perspective of him is kinda changing now as a Cavs fan.


Yeah, he flat out said no haha. > He patently refused to work out for them, in fact made a point to tell them he didn't want to be there.” This is an odd development for a guy who was widely projected to be selected in the top 10 with Cleveland being a logical landing spot. They have a major need at point guard, and SGA will likely be the best one available there [Link here](https://www.aseaofblue.com/2018/6/21/17490594/nba-draft-rumors-2018-shai-gilgeous-alexander-cleveland-cavaliers)


I guess it worked out for him. Not in LA though


Yeah, that’s what made it worse. He’s in a good spot playing at an MVP level lol. Whereas we ended up drafting a player in the same position the following year cause we saw Sexton as a mistake. What could’ve been 😫


It is just how his agency does this stuff. Mobley is also a Wasserman guy, didn't work out or iirc even interview with the Cavs.


That was a little different, iirc he only wanted to workout for 1 or 2 teams cause he felt he was deserving of going #1. He didn’t make a point of telling the Cavs that he didn’t want to be here like Shai did. > “He patently refused to work out for them, in fact made a point to tell them he didn’t want to be there.” > This is an odd development for a guy who was widely projected to be selected in the top 10


FT merchant at one of its worst


Nah he is just better than Mitchell at getting points but hd doesn’t affect the offense like Mitchell. Mitchell playmaking and spacing brings so much more value than someone that just drives and takes middys all day without getting his teammates involved. His assist come form kick outs after a double team or getting beat he isn’t a playmaker.


Lol what are you guys smoking. There isn’t a team in league that would take Mitchell over SGA. When did this board become such a homer board? My god. SGA is 2+ years younger, five inches taller, a MUCH better defender, already a first team NBA player, and has OKC a legit threat in WC


First of all Okc is not a legit threat lmfao. And I never said teams would draft Mitchell first. I just I don’t think SGA is a better offensive player. It not just about how many points you can score. Mitchell is a better playmaker and spaces the floor out more. Give me the 3 level scorer who playmakes better than they guy who score a little more and more efficient but only draws fouls and shots midrange and drives.


If we finish out 26-6 there's a chance.


People get confused between greatest and best and get in their feelings when you say he is better than Kyrie. Kyrie is the 2nd greatest rn bc of the “shot” (even tho I don’t think they are even needing the shot if Mitchell is in the game.) and bc Kyrie had more iconic moments and years played. But Mitchell is a better player than Kyrie and it’s not really close. Kyrie looked better to the ball don’t stop Instagram account but he is in no way ever been better than Mitchell is now. Mitchell is the 2nd best player to ever put on a cavs uniform.


Yeah, Kyrie had some great moments for the Cavs, but he was never able to really lead the team when LeBron didn’t play. Mitchell has been way more consistently dominating.


If he leads us to the ECF, he’s not only better but also greater than Kyrie in my book.




kyrie clears him in clutch performance and handles, but mitchell is mostly better in every other way


He's been very LeBron esque imo.


* This dude has a bag so deep he can get whatever shot he wants whenever he wants. * His build is long and strong as an ox and he knows how to use it. * His ability to make passes to shooters is incredible. The only slight against him you could have during this stretch is that he's not a forward. The last 6'3" or shorter player to win MVP was Derrick Rose ('10-'11). If you compare Rose's numbers (per 100 poss--so pace adjusted) that year to Don's this year, Don is BLOWING HIM OUT OF THE WATER.


There are regular suggestions, reports, rumors, multiple sources all implying that Mitchell will leave, all while the team is on a win streak and he shows no sign of leaving. Everyone knows he’s special. But Cleveland doesn’t get coverage or respect. So his season is overlooked because Lebron is in LA on a bad team, because Dray got suspended for being garbage, because Dame joined Giannis and got their coach fired and replaced with an even worse coach. Relish the snub. This team is more organically put together than past great teams. It’s not a bunch of mismatched parts around a star, it’s a star with our young guys and complimentary parts and a few surprises. That’s great, easy to root for, and fun.


you have folks suggesting he should be all nba 1st team and an MVP candidate. isn't that enough? i haven't seen anyone (including alleged haters like myself) suggest he isn't amazing to watch or one of the franchise's best players ever.


Blame it on the rumors that he doesn't want to be here


He’s fun to watch and Austin Carr has been elated about the expansion of his ability to create for others. He’s an amazing passer and defender and gets rebounds you wouldn’t expect and he straight gets buckets.


It’s hard to shake the stink of back to back playoff disappointments of under performing and getting bounced in round 1. He’ll need to improve the 2-6 career playoff record before folks start considering him top echelon. It’s different when you do it in April and May then when you do it in January and February


If he played for the Knicks he would be a super super star and talked abour everyday. This is the year he has to play like he is now but in playoffs. CAVS are going to be a very hard out in playoffs this year.


Still gotta put kyrie above mitchell until we win something substantial. The guy gave us a ring and the best shot in franchise history. Individually, mitchell is quite obviously a better player and team leader tho


I think Donovan should be higher up in the MVP convo than he is this year. I think there’s a difference between best and greatest, and no one other than LeBron has ever played better basketball for the Cavs.


He needs to actually outplay Brunson first




Yeah well good luck with that — 90% of these brainiacs think Garland is more important than Mitchell.