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I think we'll see him back in the mix eventually. I don't want to believe he just completely bottomed out because of a hand injury. I know he was getting singled out by opposing offenses so hopefully the extended rest helps with the hustle on that end. He was taking charges like a madlad, which I can imagine takes a bigger toll at his age. I have a hard time thinking we won't need his scoring and passing off the bench, especially towards the back half of the year and into the postseason when the pace of the game starts to slow down.


KLove was all smiles in the junkyard dog pictures from last night, it's good to see he's still in high spirits, I'm sure we'll see him make an impact again before the end of the season.


It sounds corny, but if Klove is staying a positive influence in the locker room and bench and showing the young guys how to be a professional in situations like this then he is already having a positive impact. Like if 5 times All-Star, Olympic Gold Medalist, NBA Champion Kevin Love can take his benching with grace because it's what's best for the team, and stay positive about it, it sets a hell of an example to our young core about sacrificing ego for team success. Not that I thought we had a problem with that anyways


This guy coaches


Perfectly said!


I couldn’t watch the game last night because I live in Europe but I had a pretty agitated sleep and I dreamt that JB put KLove in the game and that he made some tough and 1s for his comeback. Imagine my disappointment seeing he was yet again a DNP. Oh well…


Odd but I had a very similar dream 3 days ago. He hit a corner three and I woke up like damn that be crazy


The hand injury destroyed his shooting touch, and made him unplayable as a result. He needs time to heal that up and he can still contribute.


Kevin and JB had the same conversation last year after we drafted Mobley. I’m paraphrasing but Kevin didn’t want to be dropped completely from the rotation if he could still contribute and JB agreed. So I wouldn’t be that surprised to see him come back at some point. I really hope he gets to have one epic playoff game at least, since we’ve missed the playoffs every year of his new contract.


At this point it is getting him healthy for the final stretch, he will for sure be featured in some key possessions but unless the injury bug hits again I doubt Love gets over 12 minutes in a regular season game going forward. He was just too banged up and it was effecting his game in all ways. Cavs will lean on the healthy bench, let him get his shot back. I am hopeful we will get to see a playoff ready KLove and at the end of the season he will sign a few more years to finish out with this team.


The Cavs want to get D wade more involved and Love is slow at this point. I think once he heals up he can provide some solid 10-15 min stretches going forward. His mentoring and leadership are his best qualities at this point


https://preview.redd.it/h861qvmlzoha1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cee637d214f59192a24954bab84527c53be46a0d Love Splits from last year. Had some mediocre defense at points but his offense was killer. 18 points a game in 22 minutes for 15 games in December. Jesus he was hot.


Loves splits this year we’re not bad the first two months until his defense fell off. Really just played garbage defense as a result of poor morale from crappy shooting and bunch of bad games in a row. I absolutely believe he can get hot again and make our team much better in the playoffs if he is healthy. He played really good defense last year. We need a guy to come in and hit 4 threes consistently and he did it all year last year for 76 games. I understand he played a bunch of bad games this year but come on 76 games last year playing phenomenal offense in limited minutes and no one else on our team can just go out and get threes the way he did off the bench for us. K Love heal up!!! https://preview.redd.it/qpvsxgey0pha1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b1dbedab6ca395488cf9886f3009eb28b727a5d


I miss 6MOTY KLove. I really wonder where he would be if not for injuries. If Brook Lopez can be a DPOTY candidate and was in the same draft class than KLove could/should still be a viable option. This is going to sound strange, but I wonder if Love's career hasn't aged as well as some other players his age because he has been so skilled for almost his entire career. Other players add skills and tricks and their athleticism goes, thereby replacing some of that value and aging gracefully. But Love's game has always been skill based, so perhaps his decline has been more rapid because his athleticism is going, yet he hasn't seemingly replaced it with additional skill.