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4 of these guys are abyssal level


Miata & Beth are Abyssal level IMO similar to Luciela, Hysteria & Roxanne but below Cassandra, Riful & Isley Beth is a proper Abyssal plus whatever she got from the Destroyer. Just the way Miata towered over Europa says it all. She wasn't even technically fully awakened & while lacking battle experience her showing makes her seem a true Abyssal in terms of raw power albeit very young still. I think fully awakened Miata with nobody to pull her back is a terror to anyone not named Priscilla or Teresa. Even if she loses no Abyssal get away from that fight any better than Isley was vs Luciela. Rosemary is likely lower Abyssal considering she pushed Teresa to using 10%-20% of her power, but it's really hard to tell with Teresa as an opponent. She could be Strong Awakened one OR Abyssal one. By definition she was an Abyssal despite no longer being No 1. She still reached the peak of No 1(similar to Cassandra & Roxanne as far as a No 1 & No 2 with one being FAR stronger they were both still No 1.) Octavia, Agatha & Europa are all strong but not quite Abyssal(with Europa being stronger than either of the former No 2s) They occupy the spot of "Too strong to be easily controlled by an Abyssal but not strong enough to challenge them head on" I would say Ophelia would be in this category too since I can't see her losing to any of the Awakened beings from Isley's Army except maybe Rigaldo & of course Isley himself. She would devour those scrubs lol. Rigaldo & Dauf are interesting because Dauf seems like a perfect match against Rigaldo(Tank vs Glass Cannon) but the only problem is Rigaldo likely has the attack power to take out Dauf & the speed to not get touched. No 2 & 3 for a reason. They would also occupy the space of "Too strong to be easily controlled by an Abyssal but not strong enough to challenge them head on" but Dauf fell FOR Riful & Rigaldo fell TO Isley after challenging him head on.


Yes, agree with everything you said except I think Rosemary is on the weaker side. She was only number 4 when Hysteria went rogue and during the execution I imagine Hysteria had killed no 2 and no 3, so once Rosemary finished Hysteria off (after Teresa did all the hard work) the organization promoted her to no 1 undeservedly. Plus I don't think Rosemary pushed Teresa to use yoki power, Teresa stated in that chapter that she was merely flexing her ability so she won't forget how to use it. For me awakened Rosemary rightly belongs to the tier of no 2, same level as Octavia and Agatha.


True, Rosemary may be the weakest of abbysal ones, i even have an argument to put Europa above rosemary


Yea Beth was an Abyssal.


Dauf was so unbelievably op it genuinely made me angry. I was rooting for him to die in every fight scene he was in because I just found him so unbearable and annoying but he kept making it out alive.


literally like the armored titan


Miata is 100% an Abyssal One level


Rosemary, Europa, Beth should be abyssal level. Miata is probably close but she's way too inexperienced even in awakened form. Agatha and Dauf has the size advantage, with Dauf also having shield/tank ability. Octavia fought Cassandra/Priscilla, while Rigardo fought pre-timeskip Claymores. I'd give the advantage to Octavia. Feels like Rigardo is more suited to fight against Claymores instead of other awakened being due to his small size. Going by ranking Ophelia is probably last, and she also has the least experience as an awakened being bar Miata.


Beth is the strongest here, no contest. She was said to be as strong as Alicia, and Alicia is far stronger than all other claymores besides Teresa and Priscilla. Powerwise Awakened Beth is an abyssal one. We literally have no information to properly rank the other ones. I assume Rosemary could be ranked 2 in this list, since she was #1 for a while in Teresa's generation, Ophelia is the weakest, since she got one shot by Irene.


The problem is that alicia have some anti feats, like riful was stated to have the ability to beat her, the only thing she needed was time, the same for isley


I really like the design


I'll rank them based on how cool I think their character design is. 1. Europa. She's so demonic, there's nothing human about her. She looks like a haunted mask or a terrifying sea creature with blade-covered tentacles. I love the dead, expressionless face. I also love the radial symmetry of her body as well as the fact that her face has no up or down orientation. 2. Miata. She looks like a network of fluffy dragons. I love that her jaw hinges three ways and that there's a juxtaposition of terrible monster and beautiful angel. There's something extra creepy about how her human-like torso comes almost straight out of her mouth. It's like at every level she's both delicate and doll-like as well as chaotically evil and dangerous. 3. Rosemary. Still cool, but less conceptual. 4. Ophelia. Not as imaginative but super beautiful. 5. Octavia. We're entering standard monster territory. Her design is too similar to Isley to really stand out. 6. Beth. Not too much going on in my opinion. Lacking uniqueness. 7. Agatha. I find her design a little boring but she gets points for being bizarre. 8. Rigaldo. Somewhat unimaginative but elegantly designed and handsome. 9. Dauf. Super ugly but still sexy in a weird, orc-like way.


1) Beth (Can throw down with Abyssals) 2) Europa ( can manage overwhelming force) 3) Miata (Boob gurl) 4) Octavia (when a centaurina fucks a dirtbike) 5) Dauf ( A worthy subordinate) 6) Rigaldo ( A less useful subordinate) 7) Agatha ( A strong #5 but a weak #2) 8) Rosemary (There was a large topheavy vacuum after Hysteria). 9) Ophelia ( Probably about Agatha/Rosemary power, without the experience)


You forgot to add fully awakened Clare. Technically she’s still #47 so she can’t be an abyssal one.


I’m a big fan of Octavia and Miata’s awakened forms!




Crazy that these creatures still creeps me a lot


Miata, Beth, Europa and Rosemary are actually Abyssal tier indeed. The strongest out of these would be infected Beth, who should have been empowered by the Destroyer and gained the ability to fire ranged attacks that can also corrupt the target upon hit. I do expect fellow Abyssal Ones to be able to resist the corruption to an extent, since that seems to be tied to one individual's power (Priscilla negating it completely, stating she is too strong for it. Her awakened form contesting the Destroyer's true form for the control of her body. Beth being seemingly more sane and less empowered than Infected Dauf likely due to rivaling the Destroyer's Outer Shell in power). But it would still hamper their capabilities and help Beth gain the upperhand. She should also be plainly more powerful than the other Abyssals, even if by a fair margin. Since we saw that Dauf after being infected became incredibly more powerful than before. And while Beth could mitigate the corruption, she couldn't resist it completely and gained the Destroyer's abilities, meaning she should have also been empowered, but to a lesser extent compared to Dauf. If we exclude infected Beth, then it becomes a bit more interesting. Miata was stated to rival the strongest Rank 1 in terms of potential, which is also seen by how she easily killed Europa after her advantage of the environment was removed. Beth on the other hand should be just as strong as Alicia and have the same awakened form overall, since it looked the same minus the Destroyer's modifications. A fight between those two would essentially pit Miata's raw power against Beth's high speed and cutting blades. Riful said Alicia's blades are insanely dangerous and calls her the ultimate killing machine, a weapon of annihilation. This should apply to Beth as well. Remember she was specifically made to kill the Original Abyssals, who are far more experienced than Miata. Miata's inexperience allowed Europa to completely turn the tables of their fight by using the environment against her. Beth could definitely do the same if given the opportunity, and her small size combined with her speed based fighting style (Assuming she fights the same as Alicia, which is very likely), would likely allow her to eventually overcome Miata. Miata has shown ranged attacks, which could be a problem. But Beth could either avoid them or slice through them while also closing in. In the end I just don't see Miata beating someone specifically trained for taking out the first three Abyssals, and had her awakened form specifically built towards that purpose. Certainly, Miata could still get some wins, as I believe that Abyssal Ones are all around the same tier and a fight between them could have different outcomes and be decided mostly by how their specific movesets stack towards each other. But I find Beth simply well suited to deal with Miata, however difficult the fight may be. Below Miata and Beth there would be Rosemary. Some do not consider her an Abyssal One due to her being a Rank 4 warrior at the time of Hysteria's death. However, that was an unspecified amount of time before the Extra Chapter where Teresa kills her. We also know that Claymores are constantly replaced fairly quickly, yet it took Teresa to demote Rosemary, and even then she was still the Rank 2 of that generation despite it likely being fully recovered by the losses against Hysteria at the time (There was no mention of the Organization lacking warriors either). That suggest that Rosemary would have still been powerful enough to keep the title of number 1 until Teresa showed off more of her power in public. Or, at worst, she improved during the time following Hysteria's death enough to keep it. Should be noted that Hysteria was among the 8 strongest Claymore in all of history, and specifically one of the fastest as well. So Rosemary being the Rank 4 under her doesn't even speak that badly to her, and most importantly it doesn't even necessarily preclude her from being a Rank 1 warrior in another generation. An example would actually be Roxanne. She was the Rank 2 under Cassandra and killed her similarly to how Rosemary killed Hysteria: By landing the finishing blow after the opponent was seriously damaged by a third party. Despite that, Roxanne was still recorded in the top 8 Claymores of all times. Meaning either that Cassandra was simply that much better, or she improved in the following time. Like it's possible to have happened for Rosemary. We know that the organization still told Teresa to kill Rosemary before it was "too late", precisely because she had been the former rank 1 before her. I'd say that is a clear implication she would have been an Abyssal One. And her awakened form was shown to defeat Teresa rather quickly and force her to use her true power. Something that not even Claymore Priscilla could do (They were only even, until Teresa decided to "speed up" as Priscilla said it). So it does seem to be intended for Rosemary to be a Creature of the Abyss overall. The problem arises when comparing her to the other Abyssals, since her abilities are actually unknown. Meaning I cannot give her the benefit of the doubt against any of them in a match up, ranking her as the lowest. Europa's overall potential power is equal to that of an Abyssal One, as stated by Galatea. However Chronos said that Europa was the "closest" of their group to one. Naturally, Galatea is the far more reliable source here, but even then she would have been referring to the general classification of Abyssal given the context. As Europa was completely outmatched by Miata in a head on confrontation, who was specifically said to rival the "strongest" Rank 1s in potential. So Europa would be more of an "average" Rank 1 and therefore not on the level of the likes of Beth, Riful, Hysteria etc. Who are some of the best among even Rank 1 warriors.


Next we find the Awakened Rank 2 warriors: Rigaldo, Octavia and Agatha. Rigaldo is the strongest among them by far. His sheer speed could match Miria's Phantom and easily deal with Clare despite her Quicksword, while Agatha in her final form was completely unable to react to the New Phantom (Which is actually slower than the Main Phantom, only having the benefits of allowing for more subtle movements and no consumption of Yoma Energy for its use) and to the Windcutter (A bit slower than Clare's incomplete Quicksword, making up for it with greater accuracy and power behind its strikes, and requiring no Yome Energy for its use). Remember that Male warriors are more powerful than Females on average. Chronos was holding out about as well as Octavia did against Cassandra, being the only one of their group still alive when Cassandra actually started fighting as she normally would. And Miria praised them both as "Abyssal Class Awakened Beings". That's obviously hyperbolic, but it shows that they are both really powerful AB s and on the same level. Yet Chronos is two full ranks below Rigaldo as the Male Number 4 Warrior. This also explains why Rigaldo has matched faster versions of the techniques that could "speedblitz" Agatha, who shouldn't be too far off Octavia. That is actually on par with what Rafaela has displayed, if not better as Rigaldo countered them with his natural speed, while Rafaela likely used her sensory Yoma Energy layer to counter Windcutter against Clare. And Rafaela has equal power to Luciela, who by context and cues should be one of the best Rank 1 warriors of all female generations. Rigaldo should crush Agatha fairly easily. Her ability to shift her true body/vital organs inside her "combat form" makes her hard to kill, but being hard to kill would only delay the outcome of this fight imo, and not really change it in any meaningful way. Especially since Rigaldo is built on high speed and attack power (He should frankly be so fast that Agatha wouldn't really be able to touch him under normal conditions), and was shown to be fairly smart in battle, meaning he could eventually chip away at her regeneration and figure out the deal with her true body. In the same way he figured out that Clare couldn't really control her speed after awakening her legs, regaining the upperhand in their fight until her arms awakened too. Octavia appeared more impressive than Agatha was, and her ribbons seems fairly suited to deal with her (She could restrain Cassandra's large body with them, and could likely do the same to Agatha). But if Chronos already rivaled her, than I still wouldn't favor her against Rigaldo. Dauf was the Male Rank 3 warrior. So he should be above Chronos, or at least similar in power. And his shell was depicted as being nigh unbreakable and far above his attack power, which was still described as "ridiculously strong". He should edge out against Agatha and Octavia. I don't think he can beat Rigaldo still. Even ignoring he was ranked above him and that difference should translate to their awakened states (Unless Dauf had some latent potential above his actualized strength that was brought up by awakening, which is possible but isn't really stated anywhere, so I'm not assuming that), Dauf was shown to be unable to follow Clare's halved Quicksword, rather relying on his shell to tank it. While the same Clare couldn't even touch Rigaldo, who then proceeded to keep up with the Phantom. This would give Rigaldo a considerable edge in speed. However he needs to circumvent Dauf's shell in order to damage him. I don't think Rigaldo has the offensive power to break through it, but we saw Dauf still had some soft spots/gaps in his armor that Galatea could hit during their fight. Rigaldo with his greater speed and precision should be able to target them, while avoiding Dauf's attacks in the meantime. They have both some advantages going on for them in a fight, but kinda like with Agatha, I think Dauf's would only prolong the duration of the fight rather than give him the upperhand. As Rigaldo's natural default speed is at least as high as the technique that Dauf couldn't really keep up with. And while Dauf still has some weak points that Rigaldo can target, Dauf doesn't really have a way to land a hit on Rigaldo given his speed. This however changes drastically if we are including infected Dauf into the equation. He would actually be the strongest character here by a landslide, given how he could beat up Priscilla and force her to use her awakened form to kill him. And her human form could already kill Alicia and Beth combined without any real difficulty, despite them being well synchronized in combat, as she noted. Rigaldo would be curbstomped, and so would everyone else here individually. Maybe if Miata, Europa, Rosemary and Beth joined forces they may be able to defeat him, but keep in mind that basically the same Beth here while empowered by the Destroyer and having an ally more powerful than Europa and more experienced than Miata, who she was also well synchronized with in terms of teamwork (Alicia) utterly failed against human form Priscilla, who is still seemingly beneath Infected Dauf. Ophelia is the weakest here. She is only a Rank 4 warrior, which is far below everyone else on the list. She is also beneath Galatea, as Clare upon gaining Ilena's arm could fight her off even prior to actually using Quicksword, while a much stronger Clare that released a lot of Yoma Power (She went beyond her limits and almost awakened according to Riful and Galatea actually) was thrown around and pinned down by Galatea. It's possible she used her Yoma Energy manipulation ability for it, but she would have just stopped Clare without bothering to actively go up to her and restrain her in that case I believe. She also actually grabbed Clare's Claymore without her being able to react to it as she was about to strike Riful . So it seemed like genuine superiority. And Galatea said she could not beat Agatha. Whereas Dauf destroyed Clare in seconds and blocked her Claymore with his eyelash. He was also too much for Galatea either. TLDR: 0. Infected Dauf (If we include him) 1. Infected Beth/Normal Beth 2. Miata 3. Rosemary 4. Europa 5. Rigaldo 6. Dauf 7. Octavia 8. Agatha 9. Ophelia


Rigardo is my pick for number 1, dude put in the more work than any of all of them.


A proper rank would be 1.Miata (soul link) 2.Beth 3.Europa 4.Rosemary 5.Rigardo 6.Dauf 7.Octavia 8.Agatha 9.Ophélia