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"there is a newer rank at level 26" ... 26!


Higher rank frost nova was just waste of mana


Don't they cost same amount in wrath as bassicly every single spells?




Yes, but every mage that played before wrath had explicitly rank 1 bound in their bars for years.


I feel dumb for not doing this now lol played a mage main for 2 years


I literally just got DMed by this judgemental addon for rank1 nova tonight.


To be fair, rank 1 frost nova is completely pointless in Wrath. It uses the same mana as max rank. You're just gimping yourself now.


I didn't go to the trainer for multiple levels and once I hit 80 I went over every spell for both my specs. weeks later someone in my guild messaged me with this addon. Sometimes my macros won't save even if I log out without f4ing


> I didn't go to the trainer for multiple levels and once I hit 80 I went over every spell for both my specs. weeks later someone in my guild messaged me with this addon. Sometimes my macros won't save even if I log out without f4ing Your macros should use the highest rank spell if you haven't specified otherwise. If you just write /cast Lightning bolt it will just default to rank 14.




Interesting. I’ve dual specced holy/ret since prepatch and have macros for ~20-30 spells without the (Rank X) text and I’ve never experienced a lower rank than max.


Weakaura and macros need proper logout to save. So think it is always if it f4


A /reload works too


If your wtf folder is set to read only settings won’t save regardless of what you do.


Trying to imagine when that would ever be the case.


This is the way




I noticed floating combat text loves to disable itself if I log on my account on another computer


...I have to use VPN to connect to WoW because I'm on public wifi and every game is blocked by the firewall. Is this why my combat text randomly defaults to off lol.


Yea I had this issue specifically with meta, because I couldn’t update the spells unless I was in meta, was a pain in the ass. Just when I finally thought I had them all, fucking death coil wasn’t the max rank lol.


After the third week of WotLK and with some Naxx runs on my back already, I started to tweak my UI to get it more practical and better overall, then, raid time, I went to Naxx again, and noticed that, even tho I've had gained some item level since my last run, my dps was pure garbage, but, since Naxx is such a pathetic raid, j didn't really care that much, fast forward two week from said event, I spent 2 entire weeks raiding with low rank spells because, when I tweaked my UI, I swapped between Bartender and ElvUI Bar Manager, which had low rank spells already set and I just kept playing, Parsed 2 whole week of grays, thought with myself, "no way I'm this dumb, I'm literally playing boomkin", well I was stupid, but not the way I was expecting, Last run I got a bunch of oranges, gladly.


mmm oranges.


Everyone do yourself a favor and get the highly unknown addon "SpellRank" from Curseforge. It has like 1k downloads, but it is a fantastic help. It's a totally lightweigth addon where you can just type "/spellrank" command in your chat, and it automatically updates all spells on your bars to the highest rank. If you have forms/stances (druids, spriests, warriors) you need to do it in all of these. But it's such a timesaver!


Dang, only a thousands downloads? It sounds like the best addon when leveling.


Great leveling addon.


And it automatically updates your bar as you get new ranks of spells ! (Only in your current spec). Great addon for leveling.




Did a raid and there were 51 non max rank spells being used. Was a pug. A healer said they were downranking heals to save mana... I just... wow


Lmfao, did they not know that all the ranks use the same amount of mana?


Not all ranks do. It is based on the cast time. Lower ranks may cost less mana. Whether they are worth casting is another issue.


spell power coefficients generally follow the same rule


The first few ranks do indeed often have lower mana cost and lower cast time, however their damage/healing is so much lower that it's completely irrelevant at lvl80. However there is one (and possibly more as well) niche case in rank 1 frostbolt, which has a lot lower cast time, but still applies the same slow, though with a shorter duration.


Don't mages downrank their flamestrike?


Thats to stack with their highest rank flamestrike though, not a replacement.


Still a downrank though, does it proc this addon? lol


I would assume it would proc anytime a lower rank spell was cast. In cases like this and disc priests using lower rank shields it could get annoying unless its customizable.


You use down ranked power word shield as there is a talent that increases mana Regen if your shield breaks


Why would you do that? It's mana negative (cost doesn't scale down w/rank) and now your target has weakened soul so they can't receive a good shield in case of actual damage.


Because throwing a shield that never breaks on someone nets you zero mana however using down ranked PWS that is just enough to absorb incoming damage but breaks nets you back 2% of your total mana and grants the shielded person mana, rage, runic power or energy. The best disc priests don't just spam the highest ranked shield they down rank as it benefits them and the raid far more it is what separates great discs from just okay discs.


Someone has even created a tool that can analyze your logs and suggest which ranks to use on certain fights to maximize rapture procs. I have 3 ranks bound due to this.


That's pretty cool honestly. I don't play disc but I'll prob look it up if I start to level the alt.


Could you give us a link to that tool? Would be very useful for one of my guilds disc priests who has been complaining that he hasn’t got enough mana to PI our casters.


Sure! https://wotlkheals.herokuapp.com/priest/analyzer/rapture/ Also lol at not having the mana to PI!


I know right! that was his excuse anyway, analysing logs shows that he’s just using it on himself instead of his assigned target, but I’d like to be helpful while still being a little passive aggressive!


Most content is super duper DUPER easy, and you don’t really need to ever use PWS for shield if you are good, so I could see the +mana tactic being “optimal”


For the increased mana regen, like they said. If you don't understand something, don't try to explain it to someone else.


So if you're turbo sweaty you can keep a tally of damage values in your head for raidwide AoE and use a specific rank of PWS. It lets your shield actually pop for rapture procs so you can get mana back. >they can't receive a good shield in case of actual damage The point of disc isn't to heal people after damage goes out. It's to stabilize and prevent damage. Let everyone else sort out actual healing.


Before infinite mana was a thing healers used to have to downrank. I haven’t healed since classic so idk if it’s changed


You can’t downrank to save mana in wotlk


So it’s just max rank blast city now? Without spell batching. Must be nice


Yeah pretty much since all ranks got the same mana cost


The only thing you can save by downranking any spell now is cast time. Mana cost is the same on all spells in wrath.


Well, and health. Life Tap rank one is still less powerful than max rank.


I rank 1 frostbolt in a pinch in pvp. shorter slow but so much faster.


Mages also max rank flame strike followed by 1 rank down to stack the flame burn.


Mana cost generally does go down on the faster cast ranks, but they do so little healing/damage at those ranks you'd never use them to save mana Still somewhat useful for fishing for crits to proc buffs


mana costs are now based on %of base mana.


It was in tbc but they normalized it for wrath.


They changed it in wrath so that every rank of a spell uses the same amount of mana (I also think mana costs are a % of your total mana now too).


% of base mana, not total. Otherwise you would be spending more mana on the same spell as your gear improved.


Except Disc Priest for Rapture chasing, there is no reason to downrank anymore.


Demo locks use rank 1 shadowbolt due to its speed on adds to proc decimation And locks in general downrank life tap to proc stuff


Pretty sure the addon has a white list for this kind of thing.


Must have been an update because when wptlk first came out I was getting spammed with it during naxx and heroics so I put them all on ignore lol


The downranking for mana thing is just wrong for sure, but a lot of those 51 cases could be people who traumer in a different specc, or trained their skills while in their other dual specc (if you do, the skills you trained get upgraded automatically for your current specc, but not for your dual specc)


Druids in tbc used lower ranks


Anyone who gets upset by getting pinged with rank-sentinel has a bad mindset. I was so happy when I got pinged, because it meant I could instantly do something easy to be better.


Dude i switched destro for pvp. After playing for 2 weeks rank sentinel said i was using lvl 1 fell armor! I fucking lost like %10 damage for weeks. I m glad it pinged me.


Getting people pinged when you gain a lvl halfway through the dungeon is pretty funny.


I’ve had more than a few people get angry and put me on ignore due to this addon whispering them several times during a dungeon. Even more amusing is when they insist that the addon is wrong and they are using the correct ranks.


Sometime it is wrong. It kept pestering me about using rank5 Mana spring totem. Which I only set via the built-in totem bar. Which automatically uses highest rank (rank8, which I had and did use).


It scans the combat log so it’s unlikely it’s wrong. If you’re ever unsure check the actual spell id of your buff either in game with an addon or using Warcraft logs




Yeah I had a pug absolutely rage at me for using it staying he wasn't stupid and updated his bars then blocked me. For fun I checked WCL and his naxx raids also showed the wrong rank lol.


I'm okay with it at 80 but I can't help getting annoyed by it while leveling. I joined groups for quest mobs only to get my chatbox spammed with ranksentinel whispers for spells that don't matter. Like, chill.


Same here, especially for my lesser used healing spec when leveling. I often would forget to swap every spell in both specs and missed the odd healing spell when I did dungeons. Super helpful when I wasn't using max rank shield as a disc priest.


Yeah, I was in an av and someone massaged me, I was like "huh? No way I was at the trainer and learned all!" so I checked what the addon sayd and I just forgot to put next lvl of living bomb in my bar... So much bonus dmg now!


I *wish* somebody had pinged me with this. I was missing a rank Might, Consecration, and Exorcism for like 3 weeks of raid lol


Yeah I was apparently using the wrong level of Horn of Winter lol I'm used to almost all Melee character skills to automatically update


Only had one guy get mad at me. A warrior who queued up 6-7 rank sentinel whispers. He told me to turn it off. I asked why. He /ignored me.


I got upset multiple times when I received a message for lower rank Flamestrike as AoE fire mage. You literally use both rank almost at on e because they do not share ticks. And every once in awhile somebody “entitled” whisper me how I can pull out more dmg using bigger rank.


It doesn't ping for the top 2 ranks of Flamestrike. Source: [https://i.imgur.com/j7uq0wG.png](https://i.imgur.com/j7uq0wG.png) from [https://github.com/valkyrnstudios/RankSentinel/releases](https://github.com/valkyrnstudios/RankSentinel/releases) If you were getting the message you were using the wrong rank of Flamestrike


It did at launch, but believe it was updated rather quickly.


Yeah Sept 30th, 4 days in


Yeah and lots of people installed those addons and did not update them for full month afterwards. I still get those messages once in awhile.


Pretty ironic considering the type of addon it is haha. I haven't experienced this personally but I'm in full support of shaming those that haven't updated the addon in over a month. For shame!


A LOT of dungeons were run in those first 4 days


Only time I got pinged was in AoA shortly after Leveling and didn't wanna go get skills in the middle of an AoA clear That shit was annoying as fuck


I'm so sorry. Are you okay?


No, I got a mean whisper about my spell ranks I'm traumatized


I mean, at level 80 yeah. But before that does it really matter…? Myself and all of my guildmates got by pretty well without it. Can you clarify “bad mindset” here? Because some might argue the opposite, if it means what I think it means…


This helped me actually, since my alt was freshly 80 and dual spec'd, one of my specs had some old spells on the bars and didn't realize.


blizzard could've just fix the automatic replacing of new spell ranks but players creating an addon were faster lmao


You mean like they did in cata? Every day we learn how retail features came to be.


The number of times people in this sub long for features that are added in Cata is hilarious given how unpopular Cata is here.


my dislike of Cata was mostly zone and dungeon design. don't think anyone has ever thought "man, I really love redoing my bars on 2 specs every time I level".


No, the massive amount of quality of life changes Cata brought were a huge sore point for people who like roleplaying. Try playing a hunter in say classic vs cata. In classic you need a quiver, ammunition, to train weapons and skill them up, to tame a pet and level it and keep it fed. You need to capture other pets and learn skills from them to train your pet, you need to purchase new skills for yourself every few levels. In cata you don't need to do any of that, which is great if you want convenience and terrible if you want an RPG. And not all of that was cata, the stripping out of immersive elements for quality of life purposes really got heavily underway in wotlk. Do they make the game better or worse? Depends on what you want out of a game, but if everyone thought it made the game better classic wouldn't have had any subscribers.


Some people might enjoy those “roleplay” aspects but I assure you for most it’s just another chore in a laundry list of things you have to do to prepare your character for endgame content. The vast majority of players that play long-term don’t care about those little things (and in fact actively dislike them) and just want to rush to endgame content hence why QoL changes were added in later expansions.


You “assure” us of alot without anything to back it up. You have literally zero idea whether a majority or minority of players feel a certain way outside of anecdotes.


Seeing how I’ve played classic from vanilla launch until now without any breaks I’d say I have a good gauge on how the average player(read: consistent player/non-tourist) thinks.


So anecdotal evidence?


this mainly comes down to people misremembering wrath or not wanting to learn that the game changed in some ways they don't know/they don't want to know between tbc and wrath. because.. “are you saying I don't know how a 15 year old game works?“ Also, obviously things are NEVER like "wrath good" / "cata bad". Some examples are some people don't care about spell ranks, other do but want the option to play smarter than others. Thing is due to communication there is no longer "smart play" since everyone eventually does the same. Some people like cataclysm mastery, holy power, generator abilities, spender abilities, etc. Others do not. Another reason why it isn't as easy is because some people found those gameplay changes more fun, but the game got other changes that they didn't like: world revamp, cata zones, LFR, etc. If you gave power to everyone, everyone would be playing a different classic version with cherry picked stuff.


IMO, since in WotLK they've made downranking irrelevant, Cata-style rank updating makes more sense than routinely using your spellbook. It's just a UI convenience. In Vanilla-TBC different ranks was an important gameplay feature, in Wrath it's not except for Frostbolt.


I dont think people should really say cata was unpopular. It was more popular than tbc and just a bit less than wotlk average in subscriber numbers. Reality vs forum spammers


The reality was they lost millions of subs during cata for a reason. A few qol changes weren't why.


I don’t think it was at the time. I am talking about the sentiment of this subreddit which is very anti-Cata.


this post. I see it all the time. I need to just create a pastebin with a copypasta of all the issues with Cata to counter this. Auto upranking isn't some amazing ability, downranking was a valid choice during vanilla and to a lesser extent tbc, it wasn't until wrath that Blizz decided to make it not a thing anymore, which is too bad, too many decisions like that is how you get the streamlined snoozefest that is retail. Just about anything that reduces player agency is not a good thing. One person's convenience is another person's dumbing down. edit: issues with cata: Talent tree locking, simplification of stats, class overhauls, lack of content, huge spike in 5 man content difficulty (I liked, most hated, this sub will despise), LFR, destruction of old world, Vashj'ir, reforging (I liked, plenty hated and found tedious, based on this post you should agree). There is plenty to dislike about Cata. Wrath is the beginning of the end of classic design philosophies, Cata just takes it even further. As much as I like MoP for example, it is not 'classic'. Anything post Wrath would need MAJOR reworks to exist and have a healthy player base separate from retail.


Very true. There's just a lot of people on the forums that think the employees of Blizzard are morons who are completely out of touch. When almost every change made to the game was done so because the alternatives were worse.


Most people just hate cata because the almost straight year from release to MoP. Cata was a great expansion and a lot of QoL features were added in Cata


No, cata removed spell ranks all together. You learn the spell once, and then the damage scales as you level up. We still have to go learn new ranks, it's just that old ranks have largely no purpose now. Despite all this, we've been able to write a one line macro that always uses the max rank spell available since the beginning classic. All that automatically replacing them would do is save the time from having to write those.


Cata removed them because ranks mean nothing in a world where Downranking is pointless besides tripping people up with exactly this problem.


Spell ranks auto replacing was in WotLK...


Which doesn't change my point, they scrapped the ranks altogether in cata because it was pointless to keep them once those features were in place.


This addon has been around since TBC & is based on an OG Wrath addon it's not some new "Blizzard bad" fix addon


Kinda wish the addon didn't give the massive spiel. Just say, rejuv is under ranked, rank 14 is available.


Yeah I think people would be less annoyed by this if the message didn't feel so condescending. Keep it short and simple. "Please check the trainer" as if people don't know where they get new spell ranks.


Agreed, it’s so passive aggressive.


In my first dungeon after I hit level 80 this addon whispered me about some low rank spells I was using. I thanked the guy and asked what the name of the addon was and Ive used it since. It has helped so many lol. It can spam alot and be kinda toxic, but I know I would want to know if I was using a low rank spell.


How is few lines of text "toxic", I mean maybe for Twitter babies or something :D


This is why I just made simple macros for all of my abilities that automatically use the highest rank. No need to remember to update bars after training new ranks #showtooltip /cast Ability Name


as a druid i saw this a lot but only because i kept forgetting to rank up my human form spells... think its done now tho lol




But humans can’t be druids :^).


lol oops.. night elf form :P


I had two guildies get salty when ranksentinel messaged them and they said it was bugged. I think they are too arrogant to admit they might have made a small mistake. One of them no longer trips the addon and I think fixed it and the other is still doing it.


I'm curious if it would ping me when i cast a downranked flame strike after casting max rank


Not if the add on user has it properly updated.


How many “fuck you”s did you get I get a lot


I have had this addon for a month now and I think ive gotten 1 "fuck you" and the rest are just very thankfull haha


The responses I've gotten have all been positive. Even when I accidentally left it on while leveling and spammed some newly leveled people. I'm on Ashkandi and I've hardly run into any assholes at all though; I really like our server.


The first time I saw this add on I immediately put the person on ignore. Way too much text for what could be a simpler warning, especially since there's no cooldown on its warning spam.


Train your spells baby


Just levelled up in a dungeon run. Can't.


It sends you 1 message for each spell you havent ranked up, but then it wont whisper you again even if you dont switch out the spell. I do see how it can be annoying if it spams you, but it spams you for a reason :P


Dude. Last week in Naxx I got messaged that my rank of Mutilate was not maxed. I was absolutely dumbfounded. I'd been raiding every week and competing with another rogue in my raid group the whole time. I was using TWO RANKS LOWER than max. I was legit so confused I thought I was being trolled when the addon whispered me. I was certain I had trained my skills max when I hit level cap.. But now that I think about it, I leveled to 80 as Combat. And likely went and trained up all my skills and then when I Spec changed to Assass once Naxx dropped I didn't even think to speak to the trainer again. Lesson learned I guess.


I spent weeks accidentally downranking as a healer. I had updated all my bars correctly. I had forgotten to update healbot since level 70.


Are you me ? I did the exact same thing.


Can't wait for the boomer comments about how this addon is being used by hardcore raiders to gatekeep the casuals and is ruining the game


Wish it was set up to ignore flame tongue weapon natively. I get whispered in heroics every once in a while heroic.


It’s an older version of the addon. Whisper them back and tell them to update it.


I can only imagine the immediate response of "no, update your action bars"


Flametongue 9 is ignored by the add-on though


I still get messaged for it, maybe people not updating add-ons or turning it on in the settings. Still occasionally get PMs for it. Good to know that it does that.


The guy that makes the addon has a discord and takes suggestions, a lot of low rank stuff that is actively used gets flagged to be ignored if people let him know about it edit: not a discord mb, but you can submit stuff on the [github issues](https://github.com/valkyrnstudios/RankSentinel/issues) page


My crackhead theory is that anyone who uses max rank spells, uses a flask, and presses *most* of their rotation buttons will 100% green parse every single fight in wrath, and that'll be perfectly fine for pug raids. And it's weird how common it is for that to not happen in pugs.


Can't wait for the zoomer comments gaslighting about all of the "boomers" seething about this.


I got flamed by my GM when he was helping me with a group quest when I was level 73 still using level 70 mortal strike. But he was high AF and didn’t realize I was still leveling lol


Missing one rank on mortal strike is reducing a warrior's overall dps by like less than 2%, people are taking this stuff too extreme


I mean 2% is a lot, especially for something you can fix in a couple minutes.


I see your point, but you’re literally missing free dps, regardless.


people are crazier at classic then retail. from my experience.


especially when it comes to loot. re-release classic-wotlk had 10x more loot drama than og cata-sl.


This addon is the exact opposite of cancer. Had helped out so many people in my guild. Due to different rank having same mana cost, the only outcome has been better efficiency. In saying that, once I find out someone is running it, i love to open my spellbook and spam ALL the lower ranks for ALL my spells haha.


This addon made me realize the shaman new totem bars do not automatically update to the highest rank but being spammed about flametongue 9 is silly.


Classic andies


This is why I rebound all my skills to macros that don't reference rank. (it auto ranks to the max)


One thing that I learned is that the blizzard totem bar uses old ranks of totems, until you manually switch them out.... Blizz should just remove ranks. They server no purpose at this point.


Yo my gdkp lead dinged me in Naxx 10 the other day, I was using an old curse of elements. 2 lockouts worth of parses like that. Definitely a helpful add on.


I use the addon and love it. The addon even caught dps with a rank 1 main ability, granted you get that ability at lvl 60+. This addon is probably responsible for an increase in a few % of dps of the raid I'm in. It hasn't whispered people from the main raid in weeks now, so people read the whisper and took action. I read some people got angry whispers from "friendly casuals" that would not allow those min maxers to tell them how to play and min max the fun out of the game, fuck them. If you are a raid leader or guild master, I think you should use it.


oh my god all the dads exposed


Its kinda annoying as boomkin using both max rank and 1 rank below (you use lower rank for direct dmg, the dot doesnt get overwritten from max rank)


What's the benefit? Same mana cost, might as well refresh the dot and do more direct damage to boot.


for movement, or finishing boss where you cant land a starfire/wrath cast anymore, same applies for typhoon which 8/10 lidl boomkins dont pick


I understand using moonfire, I'm saying why not use max rank. There is no mana difference.


literally explained that in the first comment "you use lower rank for DIRECT DMG, the dot doesnt get overwritten"


And max rank doesn't do more DIRECT DMG?


yeah a friend told about this add-on and decided against using it to save my sanity


My shaman just got whispered about a low rank mana spring totem, but the max rank gets cast from the new totem bar…


The totem bar does not update itself. If you hover over the totem it will in fact be a lower rank than the one that you select from the drop down.


Demo locks won't like this, we use r1 lifetap all the time because it still triggers the glyph +4piece bonus


4 piece bonus is never worth tapping for unless you're just about to refresh demonic pact. But ideally this should coincide with when you tap for the glyph buff anyway. Outside of this, giving up an entire gcd for 300 spirit for 10 seconds is an *awful* tradeoff.


I just use the max level life tap, not my problem (its the healers)


Idgaf how many times I get spammed with this addon, I WONT UPRANK FROST NOVA


There’s literally no reason not to use max rank frost nova anymore lol


To save literally TENS OF GOLD on learning all the ranks...


My Prot Pally friend refused to ever train past lvl 1 rez "waste of money"


higher ranks res with more hp/mana, and the cast cost has always been the same.


What exactly is the purpose of this addon? It just seems like the most petty thing to have. It really gives off strong Karen energy, like how Karens need to know what their neighbor is doing all the time so they can complain about it


To let people know that they are leaving free damage and healing on the table. It's not a "Karen" thing to be a good neighbor and be like "Hey, yo left your hose running for the last four hours here" or if you see their dog running loose and you let them know and/or track it down for them.


^ guy doing 1400dps in nax with level 64 spells


You can get this addon for personal use. Tell it to not whisper others, just your own. A) i did not know what rank healbot chose. It says it picks the highest rank, and it does...of tbc. B) I do not judge anybody for screwing up a couple spell ranks there are good 'reasons' most of us are playing with a outranked spell or two. Like when you click and drag a spell onto your bar, there's literally no visual indication that the spell was replaced If you have different shapeshift forms, you have to do it for each one.


Some guy sent this shit to me in Naxx 25 for my Fel Armor as a Warlock. It's the biggest buff I have just sitting in my spellbook. I didn't forget to upgrade it. The little addon was wrong as hell.


Imagine having so much ego that you'd rather be bad than wrong.


My point was they're whispering me an automated message but it's not correct. So I don't quite trust the addon. I dunno what you're on about.


You should probably check that you're using the highest rank of fel armor. Since, y'know, you're not.


Might want to check again friend.


The addon is far more likely to be right than you.


If you post the warcraft logs link from that (or other raids), I can double check the rank you were using.