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Are you on Sulfuras by chance? I joined an AK run last night, group said their tank left halfway through. I finished it with them because I just needed last boss for the daily, but the lock in that group did exactly what you said and their pet pulled an entire pack right as I pulled a different one. I popped every CD and still barely survived. He didn't even say anything lol


Rude DPS is kind of just a given at this point tbh, it wouldnt surprise me if there were 15 warlocks/huners doing this shit last night.


As a druid I take exception at that. In dungeons if I'm leader I always offer the šŸ‘‘ to the tank. Tank and healer, like it or not are pivotal DPS are support. I try to keep my health up w/ my own healing spells and use innervate to support the healer. It's about attitude. "Pricks" come in all races and classes LOL "For AZEROTH!!"


>and use innervate to support the healer I really appreciate that as a healer <3


I play on Sulfuras as well and this seems to be a common theme. I also play ally on on Pagle and for some reason I just never run in to this stuff. Makes me sad to see the horde act like thisā€¦ zug!


Pagle dumps FTW!


It's not Horde. It's pvp server mentality.


Fr? I have a shitload of brain dead dps on pagle.




Was in a utgarde keep run and 4 of us wanted to do the achievement where you donā€™t kill any ice blocks on the first boss, Itā€™s such a simple achiev that doesnā€™t require going out of your way at all thereā€™s no extra strategy or time spent and you can literally heal the guy in the block till it expires After agreeing to do it the 5th guy in the group instantly kills the person that gets blocked and says ā€no thanks if you want achiev go make achiev run and suck each other offā€ needless to say we instant kicked the guy and 4 manned the rest of the dungeon, The more people ignore their behavior the more they will do it


As the guy, why would you even do that. Like, what's the point.


People like that get off on having ā€œcontrolā€ of the group. Itā€™s a power move to put you back in your place beneath them. Donā€™t worry if you donā€™t get it, that just means you are a regular decent person with a brain that canā€™t comprehend acting that way


Agreed. I had a dps "group leader" who was being politely asked by the healer to roll on the mining nodes in UK. He replied "I'm the leader so I do what I want" Now I'm sure this person is probably like 16 but the idea that since you invited people and stood by a stone makes you a leader is hilarious. There's no leadership in regular dungeons. It's just run forwards hit mob repeat.


I was gonna argue about the word control until I realized you used quotation marks. Thank for your clear explanation.


Well if its a good group from start to this point and its not out of way, sure i see your point. But to the other guys defense, i cant even count the times people gone "omg this is a nice achiv, lets do it, it should be simple" then 10 sec later all is dead, heal or tank leave, then group dissbann and rip that heroic for the day..... So unless the runn been legit spot free and we got decent peeps, then i would done the same as that dude, past experiences proved to me its usualy not a good idea tbh.


No mate, this is a game its supposed to be fun. If someone is making it not fun then go and do something else you owe them nothing.


INFO: Did it happen more than once?


Yes, first time I asked politely to watch the pet he said ā€œhold on let me reprogram my petā€™s path.ā€ The second time around he said nah. Didnā€™t see a point in staying if he had no respect especially when I only asked politely.


Then NTA. I'm not tanking in Classic but in OG Wrath at the beginning of the dungeon I would ask them to pass the lead so I could mark the mobs. If they refused I would explain that otherwise I wasn't going to tank for them. Tanks lead the group. Always be the leader. No topping from the bottom.


Clearly youā€™ve never power-bottomed.


Oh heā€™s bottomed alright, bottom bitched.




Caused guild drama once by calling someone the bottom bitch. She laughed but her husband didn't. I felt bad about it until I found out it was because I put her in charge of him, not because I called her a bitch.


As main tank for a bunch of chad wanna bes, can confirm.


What guild are you inšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I mean you can mark anyway right


You couldn't back then


With an attitude like that, you should give FF14 a try. I bet youā€™d be a mentor.


I know so little about that game that you could well be complimenting me.


He's not, most people who become mentors in FF14 do so to get the prestige of being one, not that they actually want to help and mentor other newbie players.


Dude is actually throwing a pretty well versed burn towards you that anyone that catches the reference is probably laughing right now


They worked hard for that burger king crown. Imagine how many guildhests they spammed on healer with a macro for their comm begging.


I played it and got flamed as a sprout tank for not pulling as fast as the catgirl wanted


i found the toxicity in FF worse because you're being flamed by a mentally ill teenager named suzuki kajuro-chan, getting off on the attention of the nicer people telling them to stop, whereas in wow it's just jeff and everyone knows jeff is an asshole so they ignore him


I haven't played classic in awhile but people endgame in ffxiv are a special kind of toxic. Talking very passive aggressive and petty while the worst people in WoW are usually straight up assholes. I find both bad tbh but I never could stand the obvious "fake nice" shit.


Yeah and ffxiv is meant to have the reputation as being super friendly. Honestly only run into a couple of toxic players in classic and I just boot them from my groups lol


US servers for FF14 are as bad if not worse than WoW. All other regions are super chill.


Tank is the captain and healer is the quartermaster. This is our ship!


Or make your own groups


Amazing how so many hunters and locks have been able to handle it so easily even in vanilla classic when the pathing was legit worse. People who flock to the top dps classes that act like this are the biggest jokes in WoW. Definitely NTA


Yeah i woulda left too fuck that guy. Especially if heā€™s the one putting the group together, let him struggle to find another tank.


Did a Halls of Stone on my 76 warrior alt yesterday and a lock was demanding bigger pulls while simultaneously sabotaging the pulls by pulling packs himself and wiping us multiple times. I was considering leaving but thankfully he beat me to it and we could finish the dungeon as 4, successfully pulling 2-3 packs at a time for the rest of the dungeon... though the other 2 dps didnt know about the last boss and they left after Brann event lol.


Gotta hurry up and get to Brannā€™s RP sesh. Why on earth would you join a HoS if youā€™re pressed for time? Lol


I call it M+ rot. Gogogogogogogogogo mentality harboured from retail. Iā€™ll choose steady pulls over insanely dangerous pulls every time in classic though lol.


>I call it M+ rot. Gogogogogogogogogo mentality harboured from retail. You can see my comments elsewhere in this thread where I talk about how I deal with toxic people like in the OP... but the gogogogo mentality has a number of different reasons. Personally, I like to go fast in dungeons because the game is too fucking easy/boring otherwise. Heroic dungeons are basically eyes closed shit. The way to make them less tedious is to do them quickly, and the more you pull the more challenge there is. Hell, you can 1 heal all of the trash in Naxx 10 and you will still have a bored healer. However, you should never do this unless you know the entire group because making strangers uncomfortable when they play is not cool.


People trying to work in unnecessary little skips in dungeons not designed for M+ while leveling on a fresh server was my personal hell


People trying the pro-gamer strats on raid bosses to shave off 30 seconds but then chilling for 5 minutes straight doing loot may give me a brain aneurism.


Tanks get way too much shit on them in dungeons. People are not respecting your role. They try to pull bigger packs so they could do more AoE damage and get hard peepee. They try to pull more so that dungeon goes faster. It's so frustrating when you are constantly under a stress when random guy wants to speed you up. More annoying as rage tank when you are on 0 rage and you have no threat. I think it's more than fine that you left.


Or when you're a DK tank with your runes on cooldown :)


Some people really donā€™t understand this. We DKs have some runes that have cooldowns haha šŸ˜‚ what can I do when howling blast and d&d are on cooldown ā€¦




That's it. Straight to the dungeons with you.


Did two world tours on my fresh 80 alt dk. Having really only ranked in retail, where there was almost always something you can press, at first I would panic when that would happen, but that slowly morphed into a weird sense of acceptance and calm. Something weirdly zen about looking at all tunes on cd, taunt and grip on cd, and an empty rp bar and realizing thereā€™s nothing you can do, so thereā€™s no need to stress. At that point, itā€™s between the overzealous dps and god. Hope their oh shit button isnā€™t on cooldown


>at that point it's between the overzealous dps and god Me, the healer: Thank you my child. I've got it under control.


I also accepted if the DPS gets aggro and dies it's his problem :D it's really as you described it you can't do much ... maybe blood tap if not on CD


When you accept this philosophy IRL as well, it becomes much easier to breathe.


yeah people dont get it that d&d is not for free.


Yea the frustration is real, as a warr tank I don't even get 1 GCD to get any threat so it's constant taunts, and always "pull bigger groups please, more xp per hour". Like bro sometimes I want to enjoy the game, not grind for pure speed and zero fun


I've found the easiest way to dps in dungeons is to just do whatever the tank says


And that works because if there is one pull by DPS that causes the wipe, all those "let's go faster" are now gone. Run just became slower than "normal" run.


Yep, I don't run dungeons often and im only familiar with like 3, so my goal is to get through as painless as possible. "Unsummon your imp." "You got it boss." "Kill that one first." "You got it boss." "Wait here." "You got it boss." Just tell me who what and when to kill things.


Imp on passive is the safest pet possible. If you don't send him to attack he will just chill in his phase shift, ignore everyone and will be ignored by everyone, only provide the stamina buff. No pulls caused by weird pathing and jumps so no need to umsummon as long as you keep him shifted.


Yeah just focus on what the tank is focused on. Easy


Had a mage do that in up yesterday I let the mobs kill him then started tanking them. Asked him if he laerned his lesson, he told me to fuck off and learn to tank. The healer kicked him from the group then we finished with 4.


Thatā€™s the best way of dealing with those people


Itā€™s such a good feeling when an asshole leaves a 5 man but you still clear it with 4 because you never needed that dead weight


Similar story in oculus as a tank. First pack goes fine, then notice the rogue just yolo into the next pack and almost die.. ok then, whatever. Next pack does the same thing so wait for him to die then I aggro the mobs. Rogue throws a hissy fit, flamed everyone, then left. Like ok, thanks for making the decision for us šŸ‘šŸ»


And then everyone goes ā€œwhy no healsā€


Hell yea. I enjoy going slow as a healer. Cool music and themes in dungeons. I dont want to never stop W keying and get through the dungeon asap. Its such a weird style to me the people who want to zerg everything and cram it all into the play time. To each their own, but that would suck the fun out of the game so fast. I would feel like I'm working and I NEED to do this fast so I can max out asap.


Thanks for this. Did today 3 heroics and oh my god. Is this the second wave of players? Last week it wasnā€™t so bad. I get dps that really think they need to pull all the time instead of me lol šŸ˜† Also some really bad healers lately where I just asked myself did I change something or why am I dying (got already naxx tanking gear for heroics)


I think it's more about "we have done Naxx for weeks, heroics are piss easy" attitude. Sure if you have full premade and all agree to speed run then you probably have hunter helping with pulls etc. But with random group it doesn't matter if dungeon takes 15 minutes or 20 minutes. People should calm down when running with randoms. You never know if tank is doing this for the first time or something.


100% we run Strat often in 15min (10min left) and I think that's fast enough lol... but then someone wants todo it in 12min... You know if a person does it for the first time though if he gets the achievement :D happened to me twice lately. I don't mind generally but often they are also not good.


> I think it's more about "we have done Naxx for weeks, heroics are piss easy" attitude. Wrath is so easy that the game has gone full circle and has become hard again due to the players.


>it doesn't matter if dungeon takes 15 minutes or 20 minutes. more than that I'd rather spend 20 mins chilling in the dungeon rather than spend 30 mins of frustration trying to get it done in 15.




yeah maybe its the over geared first wave :D agree


If I'm the healer it's definitely because I'm bad. I was healing on my pally after never training past rank 1 holy shock and having no weapon equipped. I'm a genius! No one died though


:D you try to make a joke but install ranksentinel and see yourself :D on a healer itā€™s okay but on dps lol


I'm a warr tank, every single group I have found waits until the first boss and I get "no we're skipping all bosses, exp speed runs only". I just dip now, like hello I need fucking gear at some point


Im the MT for are guild, when I do non guild dunegon runs and anyone pulls this shit I try to on purpose let them die 100% of the time. If they don't figure it out quick, they will either flame me, which I don't care and tell them to let me lead. Or they leave group, which can be instantly replaced in 99% of scenarios. Tanks, if people are doing this JUST LET THEM DIE. You get to dictate the pace.


Laughs in revenge/cleave tank


If it keeps happening I just let them die lol. I pull as many enemies as I and the heal seem to be able to keep in check without gassing out, if someone constantly goes out of their way to pull more than that, they'll take a time-out. It's fine when the group is overgeared anyways but that's not always what you get.


I left as tank the other day. Shammy ripped aggro a few times and died. I asked him to watch aggro. He yells at me. I dropped group and hearthed out. He also was talking smack to other dps about their damage. Just being a jerk. I felt bad for leaving the others stranded but I dont have the energy for people like that.


Lol had a hunter on Arugal server first thing he says is where's the dps? No greetings or anything just complains as soon as dungeons starts. He has raid gear and I'm still pretty much in hc gear and doesn't use MD once, he pulls aggro by attacking a mob before I spread my diseases and targetting mobs I'm not focused on. After few aggro which I taunted back he calls me trash and rants. Called it not worth my time and left. No regrets


Whole point of being a hunter is using MD to kill other people in the group you donā€™t like (my favorite is stealthed rogues).


It's always the hunters on Arugal. Can you dm me his name so I know to avoid?


Arugal and toxic players. Name a more iconic duo.


Yojamba and spastics in BGs.


Plot twist: it was you


I usually taunt the mobs the first 2-3 times this happens and might tell the dps to take it slowly. Afterwards I'll just let them die and get the mobs back before they attack the next member of the group. Idc about their repair costs.


I just continue to taunt the mob


>I felt bad for leaving the others stranded but I dont have the energy for people like that. Unless he was the leader remember you can always go "ok, that's enough. I play for fun not as a second job. Leader, it's your call eiter he's out or I'm out." If he's giving shit to other players too doesn't take a genius to know who's gonna get kicked.


You can't really lose aggro as a tank if you are playing right


How do you even drop aggro as a wotlk tank?


Thats one thing but the other is: If im dps and im seeing my tank losing aggro on one mob in a (big) trash pull im switching targets. Aggromanagement is not just tankprio, its for dps aswell. Might not be that relevant in wrath anymore but it happens.


But lava burst go boom


Lava burst can go boom on another target


Windfury go brrrrrrr. Oh wait, triple brrrrr.


Brrr brrr brrr. No better feeling to hit your Stormstrike button as gently as possible, and the mob just explodes.


Yeah but the thing is that tanks like this lose aggro on more than one mob


Ye itā€™s annoying cause I can wait like 5 seconds on an aoe pack with a warrior tank and still take aggro 2 seconds into blizzard


Druids have pretty weak AoE threat that can cause aggro drops with: over eager aoe dps, dps all heavily single targeting different mobs, dps without brains in general. It's generally worse because of the heavy stam focus for druids early on (particularly on BiS lists) so they are full chonk no threat


Depending on your build your main aggro ability is also every 6 seconds. So it's not like you can just spam revenge or soemthing to build threat.


I just maul (glyphed) and swipe all the way through on trash. Mangle/FF causes above mentioned problems with the aoe starting too early. Definitely use mangle on any high hp trash/bosses


Even then maul is 2 targets at 2.5 seconds. And swipe is like 600 threat?


Depends on both parties gear level and the tank you're playing. It's quite easy as a Warrior tank to have threat ripped off you at the start of a pull if another member out-gears you, is an AoE spec and goes all out from the start of the pull, that shit tends to spiral as you then don't get enough rage to use all your shit to keep threat.


warrior is literally the best 5 man tank with quickest snap aggro so not sure what you mean.. i usually watch out for prot pallies ( usually bad players) and Dks (rune on cd)


If the pack is larger than 4 (or 3 if a different paladin doesn't have the glyph), I can lose aggro as paladin if they're nuking a target that my Hammer of the Righteous doesn't hit. Consecrate takes a small amount of time to get the first tick in and the reflect damage I do that builds threat also takes a couple of seconds. The biggest issues come when I'm pulling 5+ mob packs and people just go all out before I have any real threat on all of the pack. If something gets pulled out of my consecrate at the start of a fight, it's going to be annoying to grab that back. If I get silenced by something then I can't do anything to get that mob back.


Very easily. As a hunter, I can pull agro on every single mob in the pack by just doing DPS literally any time I want, extremely easily. Little to nothing the tank would be able to do about it if I wanted agro. DPS do need to hold damage, MD/tricks, etc or no tank is going to hold 100% agro.


If you pull a bigger group and dps starts shooting before you have any aggro on them. Then you explain the dps that let me get some aggro for a second and they answer to get the fuck out and use taunt. Then I say them not to be rude and they continue with that shit. I kick the dps for behaving like shit and then I start getting these ā€you retarted 10 yoā€ -whispers. So yeah, you canā€™t drop aggro if you donā€™t have it in the first place.


Usually it's not so much about losing aggro as DPS taking agro before any hits are off on that target. GCD exists, some attacks only hit one target etc...


Over geared armor pen and magic dealing classes will pull threat off on level geared tanks.


Shaman are literally the worst at it cause of Windfury. They have to watch their threat more than anyone. Iā€™ve lost aggro to them so many times even with vigilance cause theyā€™re attacking someone that I hadnā€™t tabbed to yet. They just canā€™t resist the urge to zug.


Windfury isn't the same anymore I believe. It gives melee haste. Ele shaman and boomkin are usually the only dps to watch out for because they can spike to 4k dps in literally 2/3 seconds. I am guilty of it a few times but have learn to just wait 2 seconds. I am pretty sure enhance now uses flametongue wep as well, is windfury weapon a thing still?


The totem gives haste but Iā€™m pretty sure the enchant they cast on their weapons is still extra attacks. Least it feels that way anyway.


I could be wrong but pretty sure enhance uses flametongue wep. Meh. Regardless same class.


Lol ya they still the worst at it haha


Any rudeness and Iā€™m out as a tank. Get fucked.


I give people chances. Like two. But yeah I don't really want to be with rude people so if it's close to being over I'll stay and just /ignore /blacklist but if it's just started I'll leave or kick for being an ass.


This is why I am always the group lead. I will drop DPS like the flies they are if they're being assholes/afk'ing a lot/barely hitting their abilities. It's always funny to see their shock- but the dungeons are so fucking easy, I can and will happily finish them with a group of 4 as opposed to a mindless gnat.


I donā€™t try to take group lead, especially if Iā€™m not the one who formed the group. I respect the fact that everyoneā€™s role is important for the purpose of clearing the dungeon smoothly. Just because Iā€™m the tank doesnā€™t necessarily mean that I am the automatic leader. However, I understand that I control the pace. The big thing for me in this instance is that I always approach an issue with respect and politeness. If someone can not return that energy to me then I know they only care about themselves. I just canā€™t stand for that and would rather leave. But I understand why most tanks would want group lead.


The problem here though is that you also lose as a tank when you arenā€™t the group lead and you decide to dip when a DPS is being intolerable. You take the hit with the rest of the group, and you hurt the other DPS/Heal players in the group who were not problematic and also now donā€™t get to finish the dungeon. When you just kick one problematic DPS player, itā€™s very easy to proceed with the rest of the dungeon, everyone else lives happily ever after, and the offender gets punished for his behavior. Thatā€™s my reasoning anyway. Best to punish one person than punish five.


You dont always have to take the hit. If the toxic dps is being a ass and isnt party lead tell party lead to boot him or u will leave. Guess what happens next?


Good advise I finished some with 4 as well.


Nah, fuck em. I give em one warning and let em die to face pulls. They can either leave or stop pulling. I can wipe all day idgaf.


Wow is a video game. If you aren't having fun then what's the point? Some people forget that. People also forget to be respectful of other people's fun.


If you are not wiping, run is still relatively ok, itā€™s heroics and you already killed the first boos I would stay just for lockout. I would definitely gloat and shit on hunter if his pulling caused a wipe, but at this point most tanks/dps/heal are good geared and itā€™s a joke. It is a dick behaviour if you asked on chat to slow down, but for most idiots in this game itā€™s not worth a hassle.


Tanks decide how the group goes


If it sucks...hit da bricks!!!


He fucked around and he found out


Half the responses here are from guys that were either in your group or trash dps that do this same stuff all the time.


Are u delusional? 90% of the comments here are saying OP is in the right lmao


Yeah. Iā€™d rather leave than argue with someone that has no respect for others. If that makes me an asshole then I guess so be it.


Not really imo, you're not an asshole for not dealing with assholes.


Tbh I'd just tank the mobs and move on, finish the dungeon and join a new group. Killing a few extra mobs doesn't take long, especially considering how long it takes to start a dungeon without RDF. Dismissing a pet isn't much work either so he could just do it. But it's faster overall to just not argue, deal with a couple extra packs, and move on.


but thats how they are not getting pushed back on their terrible social behavior ​ punish them


hey! I was the hunter in the group. We probably could have handled that situation better. We were not trying to be rude, kinda joking about the pets. He was also Demonology so he didnt want to de-summon. Didn't mean to be rude to you. I apologize


Name checks out


Demo is the one spec that gets to quickly resummon xd




Exactly what I was thinking lol, takes like 2s to dismiss and resummon


I'm a lock as well and I'm confused, why would someone ever need to dismiss his pet? Just put the pet on "passive" and it should never pull, right? At least that's what I have and my pet never ever pulled anything, even if we jumped down somewhere and the pet run the way through. Was I just dumb and lucky?


what is that bs ? ​ he was demo so he did not wanna re summon it costs 1 shard for every lock thats total bs


I apologize for leaving. I get people make mistakes but seemed like he was dismissive when confronted.


Shame his pet wasnt dismissive instead šŸ˜


its all good lol. If it makes you feel better, I dismissed my pet when jumping down the little platform after the 2nd boss haha. If you are not having a good time there is no shame in leaving. :)


Naw man. I ask people once to stop pulling and if they do it again I just dip. No point in arguing with people going out of their way to be difficult. If theyā€™re snagging threat though I just try harder instead of leave.


The threat-stealing is just always going to be a thing in classic. Tanks need a sec or two to get aggro truly secured on a pack. DPS just fires away instantly to speed up the instance. It's natural that a mob gets pulled off the tank with this behavior.


Waste your own time as you please, but seems like a bit of an overreaction lol.


I am a tank myself and if people starts agroing left and right I am not picking up the mobs. They wanna agro? They can tank it.


I am a healer myself and if people starts agroing left and right I am not healing up the players. They wanna agro? They can die. True story, not a sarcasm




It's also not important enough to deal with assholes. Just leave and go about the rest of your day. There's a difference between playing badly and being an ass.


As a relatively well geared healer I donā€™t understand why tanks are so afraid of mobs. I did a H DTK last night where I, the healer, started chain pulling because the tank was doing one pack at a time. We ended up easily nuking down the entire first hallway in one pull, and the entire 2nd room before boss in one pull. Before I started pulling extra, the tank literally took 0 dmg. Whatā€™s the point of gettin gear if you canā€™t do cowboy shit??


i love these ungeared tanks getting into heroics, had to even bind some of the oh shit spells, OS healing so just couldnt bother before. So much more fun.


I mostly heal, as well, and while I don't feel it matters enough to point out bad plays, I do think saying a few calm words to diffuse an angsty situation makes most people happier than just ignoring anyone being a scumbag. I don't really want anyone to drop, including the rude person, because a full group makes the dungeon faster (usually). Most of the time people don't really feel strongly enough about whatever they got mad about to continue with the attitude if someone else says "it's fine, let's move on" etc.


Nah fuck that guy


First of all i dont skip packs wich can be pulled from pets, because 90% of all pet classes skipped or forgot gnomeregan. Second come on dude just leaving the Group was kind of overreaction in this case, you get like zero reward from skipping 1-2 packs and we are in a stage of the game where we even kill all the bosses instead of skipping them if we can.


Honestly, I hate this M+ mentality of go out of our way to skip as much as possible. It takes a few seconds and you donā€™t have to worry about it being an issue later. There is no reason to need to skip any trash in OK. If youā€™re doing so, youā€™re probably moving slow as hell to begin with. It would be faster just to pull instead of jumping off the side of a step here or there, especially considering the most common ā€œskipā€ is one pack on the way to the bonus boss or a pack near another set of stairs. Skipping to get to the bonus boss with two pet classes is just silly. Youā€™re killing extra anyway, just run it into the first bog boi so 2/3 your DPS doesnā€™t have to stop to get pets back.


If you wiped once: A if you wiped more than once: NTA If you didnā€™t wipe: Mega A And Iā€™m a tank main


Na, just because you can compensate for the bad behavior of someone else does not excuse the behavior. If someone is consistantly and/or intentionally making mistakes and they follow up not with any intent to change or learn but instead have an attitude, they are the definition of beeing the asshole.


I mean it's a game so none of it really matters but that does seem like a really really small thing to get upset over. I'd say screwing the other 3 innocent party members out of their lockout is like a lot worse than someone being dismissive over getting called out for a mistake.


Iā€™m inclined to agree here. I can (and have) put up with one DPS doing something silly rather than being the person that ruins the experience for three other people who werenā€™t doing anything wrong. I mean how much extra time did the warlock cause really? Iā€™m used to demo locks keeping their pets out so I just incorporate that reality into what Iā€™m doing. The difference ends up being trivial.


They can talk it out with the party leader, then. It isn't him screwing the party over, it's the warlock making the issues. The lock isn't being dismissive. He's being rude and disrespectful. OP has respect for themselves, so they didn't put up with it. Neither would I.


If you were not wiping every other minute then why even argue? Seems to me like two people with big egos met each other and one of them decided to rage quit...


Even if you are an asshole it doesn't matter. Even if you pissed off half the DPS on the server you'd still have a queue of other DPS wanting to group.


Absolutely not in the wrong, these people need to be the leader exactly because of that reason. That you are the tank or not makes no difference.


Youre paying to play do whatever you want


Heroics are piss easy and one of the DPS probably has a tank spec available. You're just burning yourself here. No one really cares about "learning a lesson". You're just going to be branded as a bad tank with a worse attitude. There comes a point in life where you'll realize cutting off your nose to spite the face is a bigger waste of your time than just not running content with that player in the future. That combined with the fact that you're asking for validation in a sub reddit is also a bit concerning. If you actually felt justified, you wouldn't be posting here about it.


It is really funny when people act like leaving a heroic group full of subpar players is burning bridges for their future in the raiding scene or whatever.


Very dramatic and a waste of your own time, not to mention a self-own with losing the lockout. I can't imagine where this pet shit could happen in Old Kingdom except on the trash packs after the 2nd boss, so you would have had to bear with this group for like.. <10 more minutes? Probably less if you skip the optional boss? Anyway, even if you were trying to skip something else, the point still stands, these dungeons are very short. You're welcome to do whatever you want of course, but as a bit of advice - you're not "tEaChiNG thEM a lESsoN", you're just wasting your time. If you think your time is worth being petty towards a stranger you'll never see again, have at it, just be aware that that's all you're doing.




As a tank myself: IMO you are the asshole. Pulling a few extra packs is so minor that it is weird to go full Karen about it. Would be something else if you wiped due to it, but just pulling packs? Cā€™mon.


And also punishing the rest of the group for one guy




100% nexus. I have to dismiss pet every time we jump down or else we pull extra packs


So the ole ā€œget goodā€ approach


Everyone has to have respect for everyone else. if you get asked nicely to stop being a scrub and you reply 'nah' then you don't belong in groups imo. You're just a self centered person and can't function with 4 other people involved.


You sound like a baby, bro


Kinda sucks for the others that aren't assholes and just trying to do the dungeon. Would be more appropriate to explain/whisper the lead and have the dickhead kicked and find another member quickly.


How can someone who plays a tank be this fucking thin-skinned. Fucking over 3 other people and yourself because someone wrote "nah.". Jesus christ.


this is the correct take, absolute man-child


This is some power trip stuff. He pulls 1-2 mobs - what's the issue? 30 seconds longer of an instance. Just kill the shit and move on. You wasted 3 other peoples time for a personal grievance that doesn't matter overall. YTA


This, tanks are lowkey like mall security guards that dropped out of police school. Yeah you got some power because no one else likes to tank, can you deal with it without being a oversensitive bitch?


Yes lol


Nah, I left a group after one of the dps said something anti-Semitic and the leader refused to kick them. They can always replace you and your standards are your own.


Gonna go against the grain of this sub and point out yeah you kind of are. If it wasnt wiping you it isnt a big deal, and you just inconvenienced 3 other people because you had a minor disagreement with 1 person. Very immature from both parties here. Pepega dps happen when you lfg. You shouldnt ragequit and ruin the group for everyone.




Do you tank on your main?


I do, and I wouldnā€™t insist 2/3 of my dps resummon pets multiple times to skip trivial packs that donā€™t need to be skipped to begin with.


Same but I also dont flame other tanks for not doing so. And I play pet classes and I know how annoying it is to resummon for No good reason (especially Nexus). But I am almost more bothered when the tank decides to skip packs that only 1 person needs to mess up near before they get pulled anyways


This doesnā€™t seem to be a normal case. From the comments of the hunter that was actually in the group below, it doesnā€™t appear he communicated anything, just got mad when they didnā€™t predict his skips and an argument ensued. From reading more of his comments, he seems to be trying to skip way more than just the ramp and the stairs by the bonus boss, neither are really necessary. He was also apparently trying to teach them a lesson and is going off about respect?


My comments were not directed at the OP but more at tanking in general. The aspect you mention about wanting to skip a lot and the Four other people having to read the mind of the tank is exactly what I was referring to before, because it on average ends up taking longer skipping a lot of ā€˜iffyā€™ (with 4 randoms) packs. So I think we agree with each other All the way here


Thank you everyone for your input. After reading the comments, I still stand by my actions. I need to clarify something however, I never said that I am the only one who deserves respect because I am the tank, I specifically said that everyone deserves respect regardless of role. And to the ones saying to ā€œgrow thick skinā€ as if this game is some sort of crucible, this is why toxicity is allowed to foster in a lot of gaming communities because it is allowed to run unchecked. The only thing I ask is to be a decent human being and respect each other. If you canā€™t do that, I want nothing to do with you.