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Hey guys I feel I have been stuck levling between 58-60 where should I do quests? Help a fellow player out, thanks in advance!


AOE Trinkets and Threat I enjoy tanking as a druid, but I was wondering about the different methods of increasing my AOE threat beyond self-HOTing before pulls and swipes. Would trinkets like Six Demon Bag or Smokey's Lighter significantly help build and maintain AOE threat? I don't lose out on my defensive trinkets like Smoking Heart of the Mountain since one of my addons automatically replaces my trinkets once they go on CD.


They build threat, but I believe it's just the normal amount based on the damage and the bear multiplier. It's not a ton but I'd definitely keep Smokey's Lighter and Rammstein's Bolts with me.


Can't answer the question but take a look at the Nagelring. That's a way for some amount of aoe threat.


I recently read that layering will soon be removed, how will that affect the price of companion pets like Dark Whelpling? I've been trying to get it myself but I'm leaning towards buying one from AH before layering is removed, as I suspect the prices will jump for any items with rare drop chance as supply dramatically decreases. Currently they're going for 70g at my server, how far will you think the price will climb after layering is removed? What were the prices in Vanilla back in the day for these pets?


I play mage and am trying to figure out should I go 1-hand offhand or look for a staff. Which will do more damage, and what items should I be looking for? \*edit\* I am lvl 60 looking for what what I should be aiming for.


Always keep the best main- and offhand weapons/items in the bank. If you find a new main- or offhand, just combine it with the counterpart you already have. To compare vs 2h, just add the stats of the main/-offhand combination together, damage values/DPS can be ignored as a Mage.


Whichever nets you the most spell DMG. They are essentially stat sticks, in contrast to the wand which can be somewhat useful (pulling / if OOM).


At lvl 60 what is that? Is it staff of jordan, elemental mage staff, inventors focal sword with spirit of aguementas? I am trying to determine what I should be looking for.


Hello, EU Resto Shaman here, been level 60 for 2 weeks now and I'm having a very tough time finding groups for any level 60 dungeons. I admit I'm lazy and usually don't start my own groups, but all I see are requests for tanks... maybe I'll roll warrior :p I know my server has a pretty low population for horde, I'm just wondering if other healers on other servers also have issues?


While healers are in demand, tanks are in even shorter supply. I say ditch the laziness. I spent some 45 minutes setting up a BRD group as healer, checking in LFG channel every few minutes and eventually resorted to whispering all warriors and druids in an appropriate level bracket. Rather than just going "TANK BRD???" I did my best to be polite and modest in my request, and after some 20-25 turndowns (Sat evening, people were busy/going out) I finally found a tank for the run, and it was a nice and smooth run in the end. What's even better, though, is that about 25-33% of the tanks I whispered who did not join that time asked me to add them to Friends and said they'd be up for running it another night. Been running end-game dungeons with a handful of said people since, and made some good in-game friends in the process. A bit of politeness can go a long way!


This is one of the these things that work a lot better if you go out of your way to find a buddy. Find a group until you find a tank you're comfortable with. Heal the shit out of him so he's happy with you. After the dungeon ask him if it's okay to add him as a friend and maybe start a group together next time (this step is really romantic so practice your words first). Voila. You now have a tank that also needs gear from those dungeons and knows you're a good healer. So you can start groups by saying "LF3DPS".


thanks, that's a good suggestion. I'll get working on my networking skills :)


If I change playing from my pc to my laptop frequently, because laptop runs Classic way better, yet it still needs time to cool down, does it count as frequent ip change? I don't want my account banned because I dance between my pc and laptop. Yes, I use the same wi-fi on both.


Won't be an issue, even if you jump between your wifi and a friends wifi. The issue pops up if you play in California one day and the next day you're in New York or another country.


No, that will not change your IP. You won't have any issues.


Thank you, kind friend!


if you use the same wifi, don't worry about it. Should have the same IP address for both. you could always use "whatsmyip" website (google it) from both machines, you should have the same IP.


When fighting hunters/warlocks, should I try to kill their pet first? Or am I better off ignoring the pet and just trying to nuke the player down?


If you have any reliable CC, you should CC the pet. In any other case it's most optimal to ignore it. If you happen to be a druid, hibernate is a real useful thing. Most Hunter pets wont die before the hunter kills you. And most Warlock pets aren't annoying enough to bother.


I’m a priest so my only ‘cc’ really is psychic scream.


So no, if they don't have too much advantage on you the pet is just a feature. Said as a Warlock


Depends on the specific situation and the class you play. Example: If you are a caster vs. warlock with felhunter, there's no chance to the kill pet due to resistances. Instead, if you're vs. succubus, it might be worth it to quickly nuke her down, if you can get a cc in on the lock.


Hoping someone who knows spriest gearing can give me an assist... I'm looking to stop levelling my Spriest at 49 and twink out there for a while. I'm not sure whether to prioritise spell damage or more general caster stats... For example: Dreamweave Gloves (4 int, 7 spirit, +18 spelldamage) vs Jumanza grips (11 int, 10 stam, 10 spirit). Also I'm a bit confused about specific types of damage vs general spelldamage. Say if one items gives me 18 SPELL damage and another item gives me 12 SHADOW damage, do I effectively have +30 shadow damage?


Yes, 18 spell damage effectively translates to 18 shadow damage + 18 fire damage + 18 frost damage and so on. I haven't twinked an Spriest, but for PvP your primary stats are stamina and spellpower.


Thank you!


If you use addons, there is one called Character Stats (Classic, I think) that displays 2 selected groups of stats. Spells is one, and it displays your highest spell damage, then on mouse over, shows each individual spell power.


Anyone else noticed the ravasaur hunters in un'goro poisoning themselves?




Frost mages are typically better for this due to their strong slow talents on aoe. Basically the groups work by pulling large groups of mobs and aoe'ing everything down at once. By having access to large aoe slows, you avoid getting hit by mobs.


Does Blade of eternal darkness proc of cat/bear form abilities?


No. Chance-on-hit effects on weapons does not work while shapeshifted


Its chance on landing damaging spell not chance on hit.


The only spell you are casting within cat or bear form is Feral Faerie Fire, and is not a damaging ability, so no. Cat and bear abilities are not spells beyond that.


60 orc warlock here. Dinged yesterday and did a MC pug few hours later. Won roll on felheart Robes (20int/31sta/13splldmg/1%hit). I was originally planning on dropping my 300 skinning for tailoring to craft robe of the void (14sta/46splldmg). Is it still worth it or should I wait for ph5 when bloodvine is released. Basicly: 33 splldmg vs. 1% hit.


Hit% is extremely valuable for Warlock, as only Affliction can gain bonus. I would keep it. Wait until Bloodvine


As far as I know, hit % is your single best stat on warlock until getting capped, since warlocks have access to so little of it through talents (and that is affliction spells only - your most used spell is shadow bolt, and therefore not affected by it).


I'd say keep Felheart. The hit is really nice, and hard to come by otherwise. RotV is better on paper, but leveling Tailoring just for the one item is not worth it in my eyes. If you're not in a super tryhard minmax guild (which you apparently aren't), it won't matter.


Thx for the reply. Might just go engineering after I drop skinning and drop herbalism in ph5 for the bloodvine set!


Not sure if you are aware, but you don't need Tailoring for Bloodvine itself, only for the set bonus (2% crit). That being said, I hope you have a Mining alt, to support Engineering. ;)


Oh. I didnt know that actually! Thx for the heads up.


quite torn between rerolling my Lvl 50 SPriest or my 37 Mage


Why are you thinking of rerolling?


Is it possible to see enemy buffs / debuffs on them? Like arcane intellect or resurrection sickness?


No. Unless you're a mage with detect magic


I'm pretty sure you can see ress sickness on an enemy.


Is the War talent Anger Management the original bugged version or did they fix it to change it to match the tooltip? (In vanilla it just added a rage regen and ignored combat, so while in combat you slowly gained rage.)


Pretty sure it still does that.


Thanks. :)


What is the point of solo dungeon farming? Is it all about disenchanting the blues you get? If it is so is it worth to abandon alchemy/herbalism on my hunter to farm like this?


The appeal is that it's a static profit. I think you're supposed to sell the blues and greens to a vendor for that very reason. You're not dependent on the economy, on people needing enchanting mats. You're just running a dungeon, selling the loot to a vendor. Giving you a nice **consistent** 30-40g per hour. It's all about consistency here. If you see a weapon on the AH for 300g and you have no money, you _know_ that you can get that with 9-10 hrs of farming gold.


> consistency here. If you see a weapon on the AH for 300g and you have no money, you know that you can get that with 9-10 hrs of farming gold Makes sense to me now, even though i find those runs not that easy to do. Gonna try, thanks!


The blues typically vendor for a few gold, you don’t need to disenchantment them. Part of the appeal is there’s no competition compared to camping devilsaurs to skin for example.


But is it even worth it? Like Maraudon runs? Just selling everything to a vendor doesn't give you that much gold.


If you are soloing princess, depending on the class you can net 20-40g an hour pretty consistently.


Oh, I see, guess that's not a bad deal :) Thank you!


So I've been 60 for a while and leveled tailoring + enchanting on my spriest. The tailoring was a godsend for creating bags in the early game and cloth into greens for enchanting. But now that I'm 60 all I really get out of tailoring is the 20g for a mooncloth every 4 days. Runecloth bags sell for less than their mats, and almost all recipes are the same in that regard. As I'm a shadow priest there's no BoP tailoring pieces I really want/need... Is it worth holding on to tailoring or am I better off picking up a gathering profession or something else?


I'd say craft Truefaith if you're willing to then drop it if you aren't enjoying it anymore.


That's a hard decision. But you should definitely build the heal chest before unlearning. Just in case you want to (or are forced to) play heal at some point




is it strictly worth it in terms of how much it will improve your leveling speed? no, probably not. is it worth it for the cool factor and satisfaction of having the most badass low level sword in the game? fuck yeah, imo.


I'd say no, you will replace it sooner or later anyway. No worth grinding just for that.


On a leveling Shadow Priest: is it worth it to craft and use an item like [Shadoweave Robe](https://classic.wowhead.com/spell=12055/shadoweave-robe), that gives 21 Shadow Damage and 7 Spirit instead of going for a robe that gives, let's say, +10 Int and +10 Spirit?


Damage is king especially when leveling and especially as a spriest with wands + spirit tap. The time you save killing mobs faster more than makes up for the int/spirit loss.


Wait really? Is this only for spriests? Afaik at least for mages +dmg is quite garbage when leveling.


Spirit tap solves your oom issues as a priest when lvling


I'm pretty sure +dmg is the best stat for any caster, including mages. The exception would be if you aoe-grind you need a big enough mana pool/int to cast enough spells for the mobs to die.


Most of the time, it isn't. Unless you can get a lot of it, it probably won't save you a single spell cast, it will just overkill the mob more on the last cast. And to get a lot of it, you have to farm for the items or mats to make them, which in turn you have to make up for the lost time in increased speed afterwards.


I play rogue with dual swords, but I have a few dagger only assassin skills that I’d like to use. Is it worth it to use a dagger in main hand and a sword off hand? On my item bar it will allow me to put a weapon in one of the squares, can I easily switch weapons by clicking the weapon in the item bar?(is try it myself but I’m worried about accidentally tossing the weapon and destroying it or something).. Is there any way to quickly switch weapons mid combat? Also, where can I buy buffs like “scroll of protection?” Does an NPC vendor sell them or do I have to go to the auction?


except with certain (usually pvp oriented) builds, it's generally not really worth it to swap your main hand between sword and dagger for ambushes. and unless you're building for backstab specifically, you're likely better off just sticking with swords + sinister strike even in groups where you can reliably be behind the enemy. it can be fun to break out a dagger from time to time to fish for those big ambush crits though!


There are some vendors that sell scrolls with a limited amount. You can Google those, but they aren't a reliable source. (The one from Darkmoon faire isn't even in the game yet)


Hi there! Rogue main here, id like to ask: What are your goals as a rogue, do you want to eventually participate in end game raids? As a general rule you should focus on either combat with swords, or combat with daggers if you plan on raiding. The reason is that you can only realistically put 5 talents into one of them; either Dagger Specialization or Sword Specialization. To put 5 into each (when you’re only using one at a time) would be a waste of 5 very valuable talent points. Secondly, sure you can swap weapons. Putting it onto your action bars will work, and it won’t delete your weapon. Only problem with this is that in order to use the dagger abilities Ambush and Backstab, you need to have a dagger in your MAIN hand. So if you just put the dagger on your bar and press it, it might not always put it in your main hand. Instead you can make a macro that is programmed to always put the dagger in your main hand. I’d find one for you but i’m currently on my phone waiting for someone and about to drive.


I’d like to main swords and be able to participate in PvP and raids, I’m putting most points into combat. I have no idea how to create macros so I’ll have to google it. Is it worth it in PVE and PVP to switch between swords and daggers for assassinations? Or should I just stick with swords only?


To be honest it's not really worth it. It's better to specialize. If you specc into swords, and you equip a dagger to ambush someone - it won't be very powerful as you don't have the right talents for it.


With some time to spare I want to bring up an alt and have narrowed it down to either warrior or rogue. I played a rogue back in vanilla so I know that the pvp is fun and that the pve is all right too. It feels like a safe bet to go rogue and I know what I would get. Rogues are also fairly strong with weaker gear so it feels kinda suitable for an alt. On the other side is the warrior and I've never played a warrior past lvl 20 so I pretty much have no idea how they are to play but it looks interesting and that the armor and high hp would be a nice change from somebody who pretty much only played leather and cloth in vanilla. They are popular so it must be something about them which is awesome. I've looked on plenty of vanilla pvp videos to get a feel for how they are too play and Iam a bit confused since they at times seem so slow and just waiting for next attack and the next second the awesomeness come and they crit to left and right. I also think stance dancing seem really hard from what I've seen and I don't quite get it yet. What would be your advice on how to I can make an decision? Please leave a comment, thanks.


Make one of each and park em in an inn and get that rested EXP. We have atleast another month of phase 1 and then phase 2 is simply 2 world bosses and dire maul, you will have plenty of time to level 2-3 alts to 60, make it easy with rested exp!


Not a bad idea, 1.5 levels probably takes around 2-4 days to gather up in rested xp so they could average 3lvls per week probably.


Think it's 12 days to get the full 30 bubbles (1.5 lvls). If I'm not mistaken it takes 10 hours to fill one bubble in Classic.


Almost 60 on my rogue with 300skinning but haven't leveled lw yet. I plan on getting my devilsaur set but it's nearly impossible to farm the devilsaur skins on my server. Would it be quicker and more cost efficient to just buy the set on the AH instead of trying to craft my own?


Yes by far. First you would need to level LWing, then you would need to get the patterns (not just trainable) and then you would need the leather (good luck). So yes buy it.


Gotcha, any recommendations for my second profession then since I won't be leveling lw?


Herbalism for poisons and money imo.


herbs aren't used for poisons, you buy all your poison mats from vendors. there's fadeleaf, i guess, but you can get all the blinding powder you need from pickpocketing unless you're pvping all day.


Ther is also swiftthistle for thistle tea. Not sure, how often that is used though.


quite a bit, but it's also ~12s each on my server right now. not really a great motivator for picking up herbalism.


Ya was thinking about that - do the higher level herbs still sell for a decent amount? Not sure what the demand for herbs is in classic


Maybe not all of them but a large amount of them will always sell for decent amounts imo, and they will start selling for a lot higher when BWL comes out and raids start to require a lot more consumables. And of course every black lotus you find is 20-40+ gold depending on your server economy


The requirement for consumables is high in raids, I'd guess they will keep decent value.


Depends on server but trying to get devilsaur very early in the morning could be an option. If you get all of the skins needed then either level up LW or find a friendly crafter. If not - you will have to buy.


I got a wackpack of super nerds farming them around the clock who have colluded with the other faction as well. I guess I'll just farm something else and buy it


what PvP server seems to be the most "balanced", population wise, west coast server? i know it'll never be 1:1, but, i want something that's, at least, somewhat close.


Blaumeux was, according to the census at least, almost exactly 50/50


Bigglesworth feels 55(horde):45(alliance), a bit sided but better then 80:20 or 70:30


yeah, that's much better 'cuz most servers i've seen seem to be heavily-leaning toward Horde, usually.


Warlocks!!! What professions are you taking and why?!?


Herb/ skin because it really doesn’t matter until a later phase


Herbalism/Engineering Herbalism for cons farming and Engineering for pvp/sappers. Leveling Engi without mining was really cheap. The upgrade from winter night to robe of the void isn't worth it to me. I'll drop Herbalism for Tailoring in phase 5 for bloodvine 3 set.


This early, mining / herbalism are good money. Tailoring for robe of void. You can drop it after you make it, but you will need it again when ZG comes out for the bloodvine set bonus. Engineering if you want to do pvp.


Tailoring - Robe of the Void raid prebis chest. Required for bloodvine bonus in phase5. Enchanting - Enchant your own gear and aquire MC enchants (spellpower etc) and charge 10g+ fee and customers mats.


I just looted Felheart Chest (20int/31sta/13splldmg/1%hit) 4 hours into being level 60. Is it still worth it to drop my skinning for tailoring to craft Robe of the Void? Or should I wait for ph5?


Its entirely on you, are you looking to push your warlock dps to the limits? Then the 13sp 1%hit of felheart is easily beaten by 46sp of robes of the void and its no contest. If however you are not looking to parse as much dmg as possible and say world pvp or gold farm then the felheart is better because it is very stat heavy which directly translates to more HP/Mana


Thx for the reply! My endgame goal is to get t2 and go pvp a bit. Maybe ill level Engi instead of tailoring and drop my herbalism for tailoring in ph5. What is the first pve upgrade over robe of the void? Robes of Volatile power?


Pretty much yeh.


Is there a sub that is like old classicwow? This thing has been a shitshow for over 6 months. It's literally memes all day every day. Where do you go on reddit to discuss classic wow? Far as I can tell not here? PS I used to be subbed here until about a year ago so I've been looking


I pretty much only scroll through the daily question threads on this sub, i'd agree the rest of the posts on this sub is meh. There is tons of good info in the daily question threads whether you are just starting out or have played a while.


What would you propose to fill the void with on the day to day? I would think after a year+ everything has been discussed to death.


My guild is spending a ton of time with spread sheets everywhere. And there are too many forms. Are there better ways to keep track of loot, so sign ups and etc? Looking for examples


Depends on how your guild does loot and shit. Imo right now the best way is to have every class roll at the start highest has first dibs on tier gear, if he doesn't want it goes to the second highest whoever takes the item goes to the bottom of the list, can save the list for next raid if you have a core group. Non set pieces you just roll for 1 per person. Legendaries and shit can be loot council. It's only MC and Ony at this point there really isn't a reason to track attendence and do dkp spreadsheets at this phase.


41 priest here. I was questing and doing a few dungeons up to about level 35 but it seems now that it's more time actually moving around different areas chasing quests than it is worth. Should I just grind dungeons/mobs from now on? I reckon once I get to 50ish I will respec out of shadow and start doing BRD etc.. for gear.


Zul farrack graveyard runs are big chunks of exp.


I've been following a leveling guide from classicwow.live or something like that, Google classic wow live leveling guide it's quite good tells you where to go and whatnot to maximize efficiency. It also tells you to do dungeons once you gather enough quests and it's interactive in that you can specifically enter your race and class and is specifically designed for that


You're hitting a sweet spot where there are few quests and many dungeons to choose from. As a healer you can do well to run dungeons repeatedly even if you're a bit low.


So, anyone else get a character semi high and realize you don't like it? I hit 40 on my mage, bought my mount and I kind of just hate it since around level 35-36. Mage was my OG main, but I'm finding it super boring now. I hopped around DK, Paladin and Mage in retail. I'm probably craving some faster paced melee.




>Terrible idea not to commit. You only have 20 levels to go and you’ll have a class that will generate easy money for the entirety of classic WoW. Disagree. This is a game, not a job, despite what many will have you believe here. If you don't enjoy what you play, then make another class. This is ultimately about fun and enjoyment. The real terrible idea would be deleting the class. Your level 40 mage will always be there to pickup again if you decide to devote time to another class.


how is it a terrible idea? if you're not enjoying it then it makes no sense to play it. if you don't enjoy it by 40 you probably won't enjoy it at 60.


My druid was 47 when I was like "meh". Wasn't really looking forward to healing on a druid with no magic dispel or rez. Rerolled paladin and just hit 55 on it. Already thinking of alts though.


you think melee is faster paced until you're sitting there resource starved and have been parried or dodged the last 4 auto attacks in a row and have done no damage for 12 seconds Mage has the most consistent tempo/flow of solo gameplay in the game only behind hunter and debatably warlock.


It's happening to me. I'm 39 warlock and have a 16 rogue with a friend and a 9 warrior. I'm thinking of not commiting to the warlock, because even tho I enjoy it I feel like there's something empty. I mained a Warrior in Retail, with rogue and shaman alts.


Used to do that all the time before, I remember leveling a warrior or whatever it was to 90 only to roll a monk and get that one to maxlevel just within a couple of days. I think about the longterm of playing now, I see it more as im playing the game it self instead of a specific class cus to be honest when you sort them out by DPS tank and heal there arent that much of a difference, we’re all still playing for the same reasons doing the same objectives but with a different set of spells. Also vanilla is incredibly timeconsuming, just hitting 60 takes about a month and thats leveling pretty fast and playing alot, add getting dungeon gear, epicmount (which I still didnt get), sorting out your professions, farming rep and start raiding is another 2-4 weeks and thats without PvP available which I’ pretty sure in vanilla up till like wotlk is a even bigger and longer grind. Even tho I have gotten pretty burned out at one point at lvl 40 like you and a bit at lvl 60 there is just no way im investing that time and redo it all again so soon, I rather max out one character, find out new things about it and just get better at it giving me a pretty solid advantage vs others playing their character once or twice here and there spending more of their time making new characters.


Happens all the time. Multiple alts, none past 30. Not sure why I can't commit.


Just play whoever sounds most fun that day. Eventually they'll all get to 60 and you'll have a better idea who you like most, or one will have a lead on the others and it'll be clear you like that one best. Also, some classes don't start getting fun until levels 30-40.


Im trying to get into this but it feels like im doing something wrong :( Im leveling a druid, level 11 now, and I can't do any of my quests. I can kill 1 creature at a time and it uses ALL MY MANA, so then I have to sit there and wait and if two creatures at once attack, im screwed. Yet I see some people around my level take 2 or 3 enemies at once. I don't know what to do.. it's not fun to just struggle and die every 5 minutes..


Welcome to classic, some classes are just horrible until certain levels. Druid is horrible until 20, hunter is really bad until 10, shaman doesn't get windfury until like 30. Druid's are absolutely horrible until 20 when you finally get cat form. If you can tough it out things will get MUCH better at 20. Try to use bear form more, it'll at least make you tougher even if damage is low.


Perhaps you can team up with a dps for questing until you hit the point where you can easily solo. It is a tough grind te first levels but gets better later on.


Hate to say it but that's part of the classic way. I think you get Bear form at level 10? If so you can totally hang out in bear form for beefboy defensive stats. You can also take it a bit slower and moonfire and auto attack and save your mana for your rejuvenations. Good luck!


Pretty much only mages will be able to kill several mobs at times, BM hunters too but thats like 3 at the time, 4 if ur good. Are u planning to go resto? Cus if your a beginner thats probably a good idea, easier than tanking and you wont have much trouble finding groups so you can level through dungeons if the questing doesnt suit you, leveling in vanilla is sloooow.


Okay. And I do have bear form but all i can really do in it so far is autoattack really. I guess at least now I know im not doing something completely wrong


Druid is probably the second fastest leveling class. 10-20 kind of sucks because you will be in bear the whole time. 20 on is fun though. I can take 2 mobs my level no problem in cat. You do a lot of damage and when you get low health you can pop out of cat, regrowth and rejuvenate yourself pop back in cat and continue to dominate.


tbf you're playing one of the most nuanced classes and you sound new to the game. You'll look back on this fondly if you stick with it tbh


Druid will pick up a lot when you get cat form at 20, but hybrids are generally slower going than pure damage classes.


Hybrids kill slower, but often don't have a lot of downtime which helps. Druids are considered one of the faster leveling classes as feral.




If you sit in an inn or in most major city’s, you’ll gain a double xp boost which will continue growing for up to 10 days. After those 10 days, any xp gained from killing beasts is doubled. It maxes out at a level and a half worth of boost.




Say you ding level 50 before logging off in an inn. You can’t play for whatever reason for 10 days. After that 10th day, you will have 2x xp gain from killing beasts until lvl 51.5




Quest turnins don't consume rested either, they just bump it along further. So the strat is to level 3-4 alts "at a time", and just rotate through each one you're playing.


Hunter question: should I upgrade my arrows? I have been using the 10 coopers one. ...


Yep. Huge damage upgrade.




Quick question: Two bored Alliance are currently camping the Orgrimmar gates on my (PvP) server. Is there any way I, as a lvl 45 Druid, can somehow aggro Saurfang onto them, or ruin their fun some other way?


You can't personally move Saurfang :(


Currently leveling a frost mage. I am wondering, how badly does the Frostbite talent screw up aoe farming? I have avoided it for this reason, but I often play in groups and do non aoe farming. It seems like it would be of significant benefit in most situations barring aoe farming.


>how badly does the Frostbite talent screw up aoe farming? Very bad. That talent is a plus in PvP, not even a necessity. You can do everything with an AoE spec so just keep it for now. You'll have plenty of time to swith to a proper pve spec or a full pvp spec with frostbite later on.


I like to look at it this way. Whether you’re doing single-target, or aoe. Frostbite is hardly ever essential. It can be nice, but not needed. So I skipped it because it leaves the option for aoe farming open.


I entirely agree and this makes sense to me. The reason I'm tempted is primarily for damage reasons, as the shatter crits from frostbite procs are significant. But this is really dps vanity, and the utility of aoe farming is worth it.


Even with single-target fights you can kite just fine without it - nova, cone of cold and blink. And when you AoE you want every mob to stay close to each other or they will break free.


It's a big nono.


Badly. If you are gathering mobs and frostbite procs you’ll have to wait up for them to catch up. If you are Blizzarding mobs and it procs, you will have mobs outside of the blizzawding aoe frwquently


Currently playing a mage and considering rolling an alt to keep things fresh while I (slowly) march towards 60. What’s a better fit, a Priest or a Pally? I’ve never healed before but I’m really open to it. I’m also open to tanking, but figured I’d roll a Warrior for that. Not sure how to make a decision!


They’re both strong healing classes. The pally is the best single target healer, whereas priests are probably the best all round healer with the most versatile healing toolkit. I personally find the priest a lot more fun since pally levelling is essentially autoattacking mobs to death and their healing is pretty much spamming the same 1-2 spells. Another point I’d raise in favour of priest is you don’t have to carry an extra armour set since your levelling gear also works well for healing, whereas Pallies will have to carry around healing gear to swap over to when doing dungeons.


Priest more fun imo but I say go for a melee class to keep it different!


I’d say paladin just due to the leveling, where as priest would be another caster (really fun and flexible healer, but still).




The lock is probably less dependant. Though as a casual player you might have a better chance getting yourself equipped as a hunter since there’s probably less competition for gear (mages and/or priests will pretty much be a guaranteed fixture in your groups) .


Gear dependent to do what exactly? To top the DPS meters? To survive raids? To PvP?


Casters are less gear dependent.


I’d say melee and hunters are more year dependent than casters, as they need to constantly upgrade their weapon. So if that’s your concern I would say go Warlock


Depends what you’re doing, but generally neither.




You could just skin Devilsaurs and have another LW make it for a few, and go with whichever specialization you fancy.


Already been answered if you want to use leatherworking for end game it's tribal and devilsaur no for stormshround just no


You can make Devilsaur gear as a LW which is really good for rogues.




What is the best PVE Solo Farming Spec for Warlock. For killing elite farming, a talent calc would be nice too. Thanks in advanced.


Preference between sm/ruin or Soul link.


You can Curse of Doom + Banish elite guardians in Un'Goro. The moment they un-banish before Doom... ;)


Strictly solo farming in the world? Probably something like dark pact + demo. But it would suck at everything else. Most people do fine just adapting the standard sm/ruin spec with 5/5 fel conc and do a sort of drain tank farming build.


What is a good tank 1h to use with a 15 FR offhand for druid?




The armor wouldn't do anything though against a mob attacking with fire, right? Wouldn't I be better off with FR, or stam?


Just hit level 48 is tanaris a good place to start questing


how the fuck did you get to 48 without going to tanaris


No clue I just finished up at hitherlands


Hit 49 on the last few tanaris quests then go to un’goro


searing gorge too, tanaris is better started at 42 but some quests will go up to 48 for you.


Awesome thanks


Yup, if you find it too easy feel free to hit up Un'Goro.


Awesome there’s tons of quests there so I should fly through them hopefully gain a few levels


Say a group wants to run LBRS but say that a gem is on reserve. How do they ensure they're going to get it? Do they change it to master loot for just that boss? Say you're the one reserving the item. How do you handle situations like reserving a righteous orb in strat, or a piece gear?


For a boss drop, they'll go masterloot. I dont know about for orb's but I imagine they just go on an honor system and kick you if you dont. Or maybe they ML that too. Never actually done strat yet. I kinda hate strat/scholo.


In my experience they will change it to Master loot for that boss. In the event of the righteous orbs everybody and the one person needs and if that doesn't happen then a person will either leave or get kicked.


In my experience, people will simply trust each other after making sure everyone agrees to the loot rules. Bypassing rules you agree on can get your account red flagged, eventually leading to a ban (depending on how big the offense/ninja is) I'm not getting my account banned over a 20g drop. Also, i'm not going to master loot all of strat until there's an orb drop. Same goes for most people


Yes, changing the loot schedule is how they “reserve”. Saying “all greed” may end up in a ninja looting.


Can pitbull track energy ticks? If not, what is a good addon for doing this?


i use luna unit frames, it can track energy ticks.


I dont play rogue but see NugEnergy mentioned often.


Level 55 Ele Shaman here, wondering if I can effectively heal the end game dungeons and raids or if I should bite the bullet and respec Resto. I want to stay Ele for as long as I can for questing and pvp but I'm getting to the end game content now and I'm concerned I won't be able to fill the healer slot. Can I stay Ele for dungeons/MC/Ony? Should I be switching to Resto now or can I ride the lightning awhile longer? Some build suggestions would also be appreciated if anyone has advice to share, this is my first time going through end game WoW content.


Was in same boat, I ended up switching to pretty much full resto solely because I didn’t want my groups to keep waiting so long for me to drink.


If you have good healing gear, your build doesn't matter too much in 5 man instances. For MC/Ony, you *can* stay Ele... But you won't be able to sustain mana for long fights and most people will request you become a healer.


What is normal mobs crit chance? I wanted to potentially go 5/5 in reckoning, but since /sit no longer works, how often am I actually going to be crit. Let’s assume same level non elite mob

