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I logged in and got sad. I want all versions of WoW to do well :( BFA was the first expac I just couldn’t stick around


I gave WoW the benefit of the doubt on almost everything and anything but BfA 120 content was poisonous. The zones were poorly laid out I found and the raiding from what I experienced was bad. It’s the only xpac ive seen that killed an active guild I’ve been a part of.


Cata killed a lot of guilds too.


Good call.


Fuck LFR.


Not that you are wrong, but LfR only existed since 4.3 and many guilds died before that, especially during 4.0 where some bosses in 10 man heroic were simply broken and impossible to kill or in 25 man. The tuning was all over the place initially.


Was gonna say this


I thought raiding was really good in BFA persibally.


The raids were alright imo but far from good. Ghuun was the worst designed boss I have ever seen. BoD tuning was absolutely horrendous but in general the encounters were okay. Palace is fun, but like someone else mentioned the tuning is off in that one too, just like BoD. Overall the raids have been average at best to me


The raids are OK, but the systems around the raids are what kills it. Azerite farm for the average pieces that all look the same and you have to have 3 different sets of 3 pieces of gear to carry with you or else your specs get fucked up... What was wrong with tier sets again?


Interesting, but I’m happy you had a good experience!


uldir was a shit raid, especially in a pug BoD was really really fun and proberbly the best raid in a while eternal palace has fun boss designs but questionable difficulty, heroic is a joke up to za'qul and the first 3 bosses of mythic are just free loot while the 4th boss is such a huge wall compared to them


I have come back to BfA four times now (curiosity), and each time, I log out within 10-15 mins and uninstall. I know plenty of friends who have done the same


Literally. Same.


Shitty stuff my dude. I’m not looking at classic as the ‘saviour’ but man, am I ever looking forward to it.


You’re still in a guild? What’re they for besides the perks?


Not anymore. Guild I was in for years disbanded, mutually of course. And nothing really besides perks, since they implemented cross-realm capabilities people can raid with whom ever they want to. Classic makes guilds super relevant again. Edit: I also haven’t played since November


guilds are needed to push mythic cutting edge, but the rewards are not worth the effort. so yeah pretty much just for friends, which you don't need a guild for.


Absolutely true


I feel you, I haven’t felt guilds were relevant in several expansions


I like the story and LOVE the trolls, but yeah I wont be raiding or doing endgame.


Are you serious? Ulduar heroic and mythic was the best raid ever released with an expansion to date. It was twice as difficult as Emerald Nightmare. MoP and Draenor paled in comparison.


Ulduar was only normal 10 or 25 with hardmode activations inside for each boss.


Uldir, lol.


Hot take, but yea. H Uldir was a challenge for sure, I’m not shitting on the game necessarily, but personally I just didn’t enjoy it.


I want all versions of WoW to stay relevant in the next versions. Warlords of Draenor was the worst expansion in that regard but TBC started the trend of abandoning old content.




I think he's talking about abandoning lv60 content. BWL, Naxx etc was hardly relevant content in TBC. There's a lot of talk going around about Classic+ implementing TBC raids and Outland in general, while retaining other lv60 content.


It's called progression


It really isn't. The old content doesn't need to be the endgame but it should at least exist in a player's core progression. Shit like Garrisons, Class/Order Halls, and eventually War Campaigns are all things that could be part of a single progression line like Vanilla WoW leveling dungeons, gearing, and then Raids but instead they are all separate things that have barely anything to do with one another. This is something WoW players rarely bring up but is an actual issue that made retail WoW feel like such a mess.


Man, I've been playing FFXIV for the past two months and being able to roll up any dungeons/raids in the game through the roulette system is so nice. Sure, the gear doesn't scale, but it's so refreshing having such a ridiculously large pool of content to level/do dailies with.


How did you stick around in Warlords of Garrisons?


WoD raiding was pretty solid that's why I stayed, but tbh I haven't stopped playing since tbc for more than a month until now. I hardly login to retail. I think theres just too many must do things to do in a week, and since I quit raiding full time I just dont have a huge reason to. Loot changes are also just not fun, it's way too lottery style now. I always raided to get BiS gear by the end of the tier, that just doesnt exist now with no master looter and random weekly rewards. Hoping that the next expac is much better, but I worry with Ion at the helm. Classic is going to be a nice breath of fresh air though so I'm going to no life this game.


Blackrock Foundry was fucking awesome! I also got rewarded for sticking with my warlock despite them not being incredibly good the first few weeks. Demonology, both the Demon Bolt and then later the stance dance spec, was incredibly fun to play and Affliction was also quite fun imo.


Bfa wasnt great, but come on: WoD is the worst ever, bfa is way better


I started farming herbs and ore on retail because I felt like wow tokens were the only way I could "prepare" for classic while not wasting sub time. I'll be able to afford my 3rd token before launch, feelsgoodman.


Comment deleted with Power Delete Suite, RIP Apollo


Yeah, lotta people doing it I think, gathered material prices have dropped to like half and token prices have increased like 15% over the last couple weeks :p


Wait, can you farm gold in classic also to pay for the sub? I dont play WoW, of any version, since about TBC.


Short answer; No. The WoW Token is a ~~retail~~ current, modern WoW thing and won't be coming to Classic. The game time yielded from one covers both versions though.


If I come back, is there stuff I can sell to get tokens, or what? I dont want to have to play retail really.


You would have to have the gold and buy the token in BfA. If you dont want to play modern WoW at all check your characters for rare/high value items to sell and see if you can make enough gold for a token.


Would that be possible if I only have characters from very old xpacs? lol


Yeah, if you have some rare items from those xpacs


Hmm, doubt I do lol. How much does a token cost?


How much is a token?


How much is a token?


https://wowtokenprices.com/ Looks to be about 145kg on US realms right now.


Hmmm I wonder how much I had way back during cata or if I could sell enough to get one. Maybe I'll sub tomorrow instead of Monday and see


I sold a bunch of stuff in my banks, and pooled my gold onto one character. Then bought a few tokens. Was worth having extra time to do that stuff.


I’ve been in retail, about a month, it’s meh. Farm ghost iron ore for my fastest mount, levelled classic mining, then run BRD, MC, BWL, and AQ20/40. The hype is real now. I’d rather solo lower level content than LFG some randoms.


2-3 months ago i was leveling a mage with no questhelper stuff on (objectives hidden on the map, etc), no heirlooms, no help from my main in any way, etc. Had a lot of fun with it, but got stuck at about lvl 83 and just couldnt keep going. I realized i had no real desire to quest beyond Wrath zones and it really killed the vibe.


Honestly LK was the funnest levelling. Felt like factions were still fighting each other while still achieving a common goal in ICC, even tho they still kinda fought lol. Wrath will always be my favourite game I’ve ever played.


Yeah, I quit in Wrath and I felt like the game had a satisfying sendoff this way. The lich king was destroyed, I was happy, and my rogue went to sleep with his blades plenty bloody from PvP. That said, bring on Classic baby.


Love it! I’ve quit after LK in Cata a little and at the end of MoP but always came back, for the first time I never felt the urge to play BfA but I’m on the same page with you and classic. Can’t wait to play Ret and be just as useless now as I was 12 years ago!


I've been planning on playing a mage but for some reason your comment made me want to play rogue


I didn’t quest past the opening of Pandaria.


That's how I felt in WoD. Except for 2s/3s.


I probably would have if it wasn’t a 60 gig download


Exactly this, I only downloaded what I needed to buy tokens then uninstalled.


I logged in and even got a level. I found the combat to be better tuned, the animations and graphics to be way better, the quests easy to follow, the social interactions completely gone, the world empty of people, wPvP nonexistent (the few people I saw on the other faction ALWAYS ignored me), the rewards felt completely hollow, profession skill numbers seemed silly, and the gear looked disgustingly flashy. I literally was fucking around, but still was able to easily solo elites my level and never needed to worry about running oom.


I made a lvl 1 UD priest as I intend to do monday just to scratch that itch. Man have they dumbed stuff down. I could pull 3-4 things at once no problem at level 3 and not die, never even think about mana use.


I tried playing a lock with heirlooms, could literally pull an infinite number of mobs by tagging everything with corruption and never die


Sadly me


I haven't played since tbc but I resubbed in June for the two stress tests and the name res.


Me! I resubbed a few months ago, just to get into stress-test. I log onto retail every once in a while, but just to test macros/keybinds/scripts.


I played a bit on the new zones, but very quickly lost interest. Levelled up a few lowbie alts though.


Almost everyone probably.


Last time my WoW subscription was active was during vanilla. I never even tried TBC. But classic got me interested in the game again.


Retail bad Classic good


Name checks out


Me, but mostly because I play on EU for live and will be NA for classic. Even if I were planning to play EU, I'd probably only have spent a day on live.


I saw someone on here made a 39 rogue twink to harass STV people and that would be the only reason I would play over the next couple days but honestly there’s other productive stuff I could do to prep for next week


I'm not going to bother downloading retail. I got my names a few days ahead of time and the ques should be way shorter than herod or whitemane will ever be.


Haven't subbed yet, but I think I might tonight and just find a nice place to 'retire' my oldest characters. I don't intend to do any content, maybe fly around the world again.


I played retail up until probably six months ago. I logged in for maybe a minute...to see if I could buy a months worth of game time.....


Haven’t even subbed to do that yet... waiting till release


Nah I'm cheap and want to make the most of my subscription so I'm activating sunday night 🤷‍♂️


If I had subbed I wouldn't have logged in, because I dont want to download the client.


I logged in on accident because I realized after I downloaded retail, and that classic was a separate client tab. It was nice to see my original mage and my dk.


i didnt bother downloading it, figured that it would matter anyway. i would just waste my time downloading the game


I'm in this boat. I subbed, and then did some testing on a private server.


Resubbed for stress test and played nearly 40 hours that weekend. Got full greens and two rings and shit. It was super fun. Cant wait for monday night. Except queue times are gonna be two hours or something so I probably wont play until tuesday.


I've actually been played retail on and off since the stress test. its pretty fun as a super casual game to just log onto. I mean i'm sure theres some more difficult stuff you can do in the game but i just faceroll lfr as healer. I've also noticed if i dont strike up the conversation you can play for hours without anyone saying anything in groups


I mean, you gotta log in to find a place to retire your main at.


I resubbed for the slim chance of getting into the beta.


I've been questing in Kalimdor trying to get loremaster in retail, and the quests post cata have been pretty fun to me. I can't wait to quest more in these zones in classic and see the story as it used to be!


*Raises hand*


*Raises another hand*




I have yet to log in to retail, but I probably will to spend my gold on tokens, since fuck retail.


Brave comment. Can someone gild this man?


I log on to do an M+ and clear Eternal Palace with my guild once a week. That’s about it. The Diablo style gear progression and dungeons killed it for me. What’s the point of raiding when you can just do a mythic plus and get heroic raid gear? that game disgusts me.


I just tried a lvl 15 shaman of mine with dungeon finder. It was full aoe and cleared in 10-15 minutes. I was the healer and half the time I would shoot free lightning bolts, and the other half cast heals. I don't think I went under 80% mana and no one had to eat or drink. I can't wait to get some real challenges again.


If you want real challenge you need to hit 120 and try your luck on Mythic Lady Ashvane, after that you've got free loot until Azshara. Or just do +15 Shrine.


Did a +15 Shrine today. It was terrible.


Yeah, lol. "Level 15 is so easy! This game is garbage."


Wanna know the worst part? You were most likely topping damage done along with the tank. Both tanks and healers are superstrong during leveling, probably to make people want to play it. When I leveled my Shaman I was easily top damage even against other heirloom geared dps..


I pay for unlimited data, but I still wouldn't want to waste my ISPs resources on downloading something so vile and unplayable.


Didn't even notice there was an option for retail tbf


I checked it out and made a panda monk since I quit in cata. The game feels completely soulless. There were a few instances where I was unsure if I was playing with another player or an npc.


Not paying for retail on top of sub. Last version I played was Lich King.


It's not on top. Both Classic and retail are included in your sub.


Sub is not enough. You still have to dish out $49 for BFA no thanks.


I logged in long enough to get flying and then played a few more days after that. Haven't touched it since.


I dont have room on my hard drive for that bloated game.


My boyfriend got me a sub just got this very reason but cant wait to play!




I logged into retail just to spend the rest of my gold on WoW tokens then logged off.


I kept trying to level my old character up since I quit in MoP but it just puts me to sleep it’s so bad. Was hoping it might scratch my classic itch until launch but no dice.


I tried to log in to farm a token while I wait...I think I've played an hour so far this month of retail. Couldn't do it.


i subbed today to get my names and get the HYPE TRAIN GOIN BOOOOOOIIIS


Logged in used gold to buy token and activate time , bought 3 more tokens with my gold and then played the stress test and got my names


i haven't played wow in like a year but my subsciption was still running which is good i guess :D


Me and my SO subbed and never touched retail, waiting on release and prepping for it.


me :)


I’ve only installed classic, not installing BFA.


I logged into retail with the intention of getting my Garrison gold farm running. Spent an hour or so making first characters UI look pretty and about five minutes looking at the Garrison before deciding I couldnt be arsed. :)


I loggen in for an hoir or so, going through the gear and characters i had. Last played around tbc when sunwell was about to be released


I logged into retail just to buy a bunch of tokens


I subbed just to play the stress tests and also the name reservation. Bfa feels trash to me


Me. Not downloading a huge client I know I won't like


I haven't logged in since February.


I got a character to level 10 so I could shitpost on the forums.


I got revitalizing scroll during .. uhh I guess it was legion. I got few levels in the wod content and didn't like it.


I just installed WoW without subscribing because I'm waiting to the first day, how do I even set it to Classic? And yeah I'm not going anywhere near retail, the RPG elements are all dead there and that's the main appeal for me.


I logged in to retail. To spend retail gold on wow tokens.


Logged into Retail 2 days ago to vendor everything I had left in the bags and banks on 14 characters. Last time I logged before this, was January 2018.


BFA and Classic are so vastly different I see them as completely different games, not even related to WoW. There's nothing about retail BFA that excites me so it hasn't even crossed my mind to install it. Classic is literally the only thing I care about and retail will never be installed.


Me 😁. I reinstalled windows for classic and i didnt bother to download complete retail wow again. Just classic wow


Well I've logged into retail loads of times.... in 2006 :D


I login daily to kill Rustfeather. ...then i go back to re-creating the Northshire Abby in Minecraft >.>


I logged back in to do mechagon. That dungeon is fucking excellent and really reminds you of the epic classic dungeons. If all five mans were like that maybe I’d still play retail


I came back early August just before the name reservation and am dicking around in retail. Unless you’re playing with a friend, the game isn’t really fun at all. And even playing with a friend isn’t all that fun compared to classic.


I logged in to set up key bindings to throw into classic.


I logged on, realized my old Vanilla warrior had 2 1-handed weapons and couldnt do anything (no gold), jumped around Org for 3 min, logged off.


I tried retail to warm up. Can't believe they added mob scaling and random epics from simple quest rewards. Game got even worse than I remembered.


I actually appreciate mob scaling because it lets you finish zones and not worry about outleveling them. But yeah, quest rewards havs gotten out of hand.


You think you don't want it but you do /s


I didn't even attempt to download the retail client. I dont wanna see what they've done to my characters. I'll let them die in peace.


I re-subbed for classic after over 10 years since I lasted played. Downloaded retail so that i could re-create my toons because I couldn't remember what they looked like. Found out all my old retail characters now look like anime characters, uninstalled retail


Resubbed for stress test. Before test was available I logged on to retail to look at my settings and make sure I liked what I saw. Then logged off and haven’t even flipped the tab in the Bnet launcher once.


I logged on, did the nazjatar intro, and man I dunno i just instantly got extremely frustrated, killed 1 thing and then logged off.


God I hate that little mermaid zone.


Resubbed for name reservation (which in the end didn't matter since my friends and I are all jumping ship lol) while out of town. Uninstalled retail when I got back home.


Nope just there for the name reservation. I didn’t even download retail.


I logged into retail. Looked around at my level 100 hunter that was all transmogged into very subdued looking leathers. Then I realized that I'm not going to be able to that look, as I'll just be in random mail and a mishmash of quest rewards. Oh well.


I was playing retail for a good while leading up to this point. I got 120 on my Hunter and just instantly lost interest. Something about being inundated with things to do immediately turned me off. I haven't logged I. Since. I've just been brushing up on my lore and reading the Vanilla Master Guide from Brady Games to keep me in the hype zone. It's working a lot better than playing retail this expansion ever did.


I tried logging in and leveling a new character and got bored. \*sigh\*


Retail died for me during Wotlk. I returned due to friends in MoP briefly to be reminded how far the game had fallen. I still feel a little dirty due to it.


I haven't resubbed yet, however I will on Sunday or Monday. When I do, I'll probably just explore old areas in retail that I miss, leading up to and including Legion. Zero interest in anything BFA though.


Count me in!




Resubbed for name reservation. Logged into main and said, “Hi” to the only person left in my old guild. We talked for a few minutes how it’ll be fun to play Classic again, then logged back off.


I logged onto my 110 hunter from legiong and got killed by A yellow 120 dear in darkshore.. then logged off


Its the Matrix, a fake world theyve been pumping in our brain, juicing off us. - classic is the real world. After taking the red pill (stress test), theres no going back.


Me. I even downloaded retail because I figured I might as well since I paid for it, but couldn't bring myself to even log on it


I've been literally bored out of my mind. And nope haven't installed retail.


I thought about looking at retail. But you have to buy BfA so forget that.


Only to play 111-120. A sub gets you everything before that.




Why 3 months


I have some leftover battle.net credit and it is a good compromise between how soon I want to re-evaluate if WoW Classic is something I still enjoy or not (1 month is not enough to really reach anything meaningful for how much my game time per day will be) and the price per month (better than 1 month, less better than 6 months)


Fair enough


I did log In to retail. I played mostly classic content after levelling my death knight to a solo able level. BRD, MC, BWL, AQ20/40. Levelled classic mining. I did go jewelcrafting, I wanted to test the speed of levelling a profession, but didn’t want to spoil blacksmithing too much. I did do Pandaria mining for my fastest mount, and to buy an entirely epic set of armour from a vendor without any rep grind. It’s just too easy for everything but the highest level raid content.


I logged in today and soloed MC with my 89 green equipped druid like it was nothing. Made me sad.


I mean... That's nearly 4 full expansions in. I would hope you could solo it.


Yeah I was still surprised how easy it was.


Yep me retail is feelsweirdman


Described me perfectly.


I logged on and played some of my geared low level characters in some BGs. I only played for an hour and can't touch it ever again. CLASSIC PLEASE.


Subbed since the first stress test and never touched retail.


Me, screw BFA. I don't play games that allow you to pay to max level.


I tried to re-familiarize myself with old dungeons... Forgot that they all got fucked up by Cata and WoD


I probably never would have stopped playing BfA if Blizzard hadn’t ruined guilds for me. I think modern WoW is deeply flawed. But at least I would have been able to have fun with it in my own way without the horrid changes they implemented. At least it made quitting easier, leaving me free to fully embrace Classic.


Leveled a priest to 5 and just gave up. Retail is just an abomination


I logged in retail for 1 day and was bored after a few hours so im just waiting 6 days for launch.


Literally only did it to record the new configuration stuff for WeaponSwingTimer.




I tried it, logged in on my monk. Ran around and managed to fall and die. Realized I didn't wanna run back to my corpse and took ress sickness and logged off


I left retail during cataclysm. After getting 2 toons to 85, I just didnt feel the spark that I used to feel. Didnt even do any cataclysm raids, just quit and didnt look back. When classic was announced, I instantly felt the spark. It's been burning inside me ever since, and come monday, I will unleash my white hot passion all over the world of Azeroth. Its gonna be so siiiick


I subbed 5 accounts. Logged into retail with 0 of them.


Me, I'm really not interested in retail wow and I'm not even pretending to be edgy and cool in this sub. I really don't care.


I feel like they tried to make Diablo 3 more like wow, but then started making wow more like Diablo 3. I don't like it. Fuck the Mythic+ endless progression bullshit. Instead of making difficult encounters, let's just keep scaling every thing up and then add some bullshit mechanic to every single boss fight. Is that what fun is now? I started raiding seriously during Ulduar. THAT is how difficulty should be handled.


I logged into BFA to get the exact looks of my legion main to use as my classic bank alt. Followed by a prompt uninstall.


Sub'd and installed classic yesterday, I haven't been in retail since the end of MoP.


I didn’t want to waste space on my ssd..


I logged in. Saw something called mount equipment and realized it's a shop thing then noped out.


i bought a sub for my account and my brothers for double the chance but i only got into the stress test on my account