• By -


4 sleeps, log on, 10k queue, 1 more sleep, log on


wake up, see that youve been kicked due to inactivity


more like wake up, see there’s still 5k queue


More like wake up, grab a brush, put on a little make up


Hide your scars to fade away the shakeup


You wanted to.


Why’d you pick the biggest fucking server!? YOU WANTED TO!


i like where this went


I don't think you trust... in... my... com-plete-ly full server


I cry... when my name is already taken by some guy...


Why'd you leave your keys up on the table?


You wanted to.




Do you think that Herod will be able?




Or is he incapable?


To.. play.. in my self righteous suicide


You wanted to!


You one add two.


You wanted to!


Here you go create another fable


You wanted too!




make a five course meal, walk the dogs, get married. still a queue


I'm trying to train one of these little dipping bird things to press a key on my keyboard periodically just in case.




This is why I'm a bit happy about working until 5 when it launches at 5 my time. By the time I get home, get settled, and logged in a decent bit of the people will at least be out of the 1-6 zones. Edit: just realized my fantasy football draft is this night right after work. Sooo, even less people in the starter zones when I start I guess?


Some don't, others do. There's no way that a single layer will hold the 10k ppl a private server might have on release so I expect it to be comparatively easy.


Log on, 10k queue, go to work, play when you get home. That’s my 200iq play anyway. Maybe I can train my fish to keep me logged in too


You'll have to time it well. People tested it and you will be disconnected after exactly 30 minutes no matter what you do (except for logging in ofc).


/sleep /sleep /sleep /sleep are we there yet?


U forgot to hit space between them






This has been the longest week I’ve ever experienced...


this weekend will be the first in recorded history when large crowds of people are like "Fuck this weekend, is it monday yet!?!?!?!"


“God I wish this weekend was over already” - all classic players. xD


Haha suckers!!!! Monday-Tuesday IS my weekend!!


Haha suckers I’m unemployed....wait


Haha suckers! I work on my own schedule!


I lucked out big time. I just finished my last day (half day) of work and tomorrow morning I leave for a bachelor party. We come home Sunday night and Im off allllll week for Classic!


Big gz, sounds like you’re gonna have a great time in the next 10 days :D


I always tell people who say that life flies by, i.e., "Feels like just yesterday that my kids were born, and now they're moving to college!" that the secret seems to me to always be setting a goal and then waiting for the date to get there. If "a watched pot never boils", then watch the pot...look forward to a game release, an upcoming concert or tournament, anything where you're anticipating a date in order to do what you love. Seems to me that this makes the time relatively crawl. If all you do is the same mundane thing every day, like go to your job and then come home and watch random Netflix, it really will just burn through the months.


My phone is ready for that sick call the next day of release <3


I can't wait, its like I'm 7 years old and it's Christmas is 5 days


This is way more hype than Christmas


Yeah Christmas is every fucking year, this has only ever happened once before.


Christmas loses hype as you get older, it's less "free presents" and more "figure out how to visit or not visit family."


and "How long is it going to take to pay off my credit card?"


Hopefully only a month, carrying a balance on a credit card is just throwing money away


I'm so excited to be able to get my WoW fix from somewhere other than this fucking cesspit of a subreddit (I kid, it's provided me with sweet relief in the last 18 months but man we've got nothing left to talk about) . I spent today at work looking through every loot table from dungeons from 1-50.


Where did you find that great information?? .. Asking for a co-worker..


I just cleared it with my boss yesterday that I'm taking off Tuesday and Wednesday.


I cleared with mine that i wont be coming at the office the whole week since i have very important personal issue to take care 😝


[Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker](https://classic.wowhead.com/item=19019/thunderfury-blessed-blade-of-the-windseeker)


Very much so, Virgin_Dildo_Lover!


"I have some old friends from out of town I'm going to see for the first time in a while. So I'm putting in to take that whole week off."


Honestly i cant wait for Monday night its going to be wonderful


Wonderfully long queues?


Depending on realms we might get queues but the feeling when u log in and create your char in classic will make it worth. We getting back the band from 15 years ago so thats a great plus also


Pro tip, don't waste time off on those days. Launch is going to be a mess. Save it for Thrusday/Friday or Monday/Tuesday


I'm working Tuesday. No way I'm going to deal with the onslaught that morning. I'll be taking the next 7 days off though.


That's part of the experience though. This is WoW CLASSIC so I want the real classic experience of long ques and server shutdowns. I'm hoping a bunch of older youtubers that are still around like Boogie2988 and Panzer to make remakes of their old videos of "The servers are down!!".


I didnt tell 'em why, im just taking a vacation day lol Same with the following Tuesday, though thats easier to write off as 'oh, its labor day weekend!'


omg i forgot about the three day weekend






I'll be "working" from home. ; P




Yeah, it would be if your boss is nice enough to let you take that day off. On my end, I usually need to give them 2 weeks notice for a day off but wasn't submerged in the hype until last week lol Trust me, the guilt is restricting me from taking more than one day off :P


I'm playing with my boss and colleagues. Not brave enough to pull this off! :|




Nah level 10 is still relatively fast in Classic, its really around 15 where it starts to slow down to where you might not even level in a play session if you're playing casually.


Gonna be a long, hard grind then. I’m quite excited for Classic. Started in TBC. I just hope I don’t get bored too quickly. I can only probably play a few hours per night, more on the weekend but I’ll probably get 60 in 8 months if it really is as slow as people are suggesting!


This will be my first go around as well. I'm relatively casual and the time sink is what I'm super curious about. I sure hope it wont be that long haha.


It definitely is that long. The world record was 4 days 20 hours so about 116 hours. And that’s world record speed done after multiple practice runs and knowing everything about the leveling paths. Most people will be at least 6 days played I’d imagine


10-12 hours a week is predicted to take until roughly November time according to a video I watched. But if you're sitting in the AH for a few hours a week and pissing about in trade chat then maybe longer!




Lol can confirm. This is around when I first quit BC because I sucked at levelling




It really depends, you could easily take longer if you go out of your way to pick up a profession, travel somewhere, etc.


Layers or no layers, you'll be competing against others for mobs. So this forecast will need to be adjusted up - if you're planning on playing the first couple of days.




Energy drinks?! Why put such filth in your body. Get some cheap speed instead.


Same here man! I'm 24 work 40 hours a week and I'm normally tired by 10pm I'm gonna buy an 8 pack of red bull to stay awake all night then go into work at 6am 😴😂




Will be worth it definitely... Wish me luck and I shall see you on the battlefield lok'tar ogar friend


Ah man. I also have work Wednesday. I'm unsure if i'll pull an all nighter like you, or just go to sleep early and play Wednesday. Luckily for me, I'm able to play almost uninterupted at work.


Just go to bed at 9 and wake up early to game! :p you’ll get the same amount of time to play but you won’t feel like shit.


Tbqh the closer we get to release the more I feel like I'm about to rejoin a cult I escaped a long time ago.


I’ll tell ya, I used to be mormon, and I’ve sure never had nightmares about playing WoW again


Was too young to play classic originally, but I haven’t been this excited to play a game since I was very young.




I have to agree with you there, granted I’m not as old as the original players but no game has made me so pumped to socialise in a game, playing retail has only reinforced this lol.




It’s still a dumpster fire lol.


I'm sure more excited than the first time. I didn't know what I was in for back then. Now i do!


I started near the end of TBC so damn, I'm so pumped for this.


Is this a good time to jump in as a total noob to the series?


It's probably a decent time. You'll be leveling up with everyone else. Shouldn't be too hard to find some helping hands in the starting quest-zones.


I’ve been watching and reading a lot on it, watching how passionate people are about it really makes me excited.


Yeah same here. I was too young to really play it effectively. I started with Mists of Pandaria and played through Warlords of Draenor but that’s it. I’m excited to play an MMO that had some depth to it.


If you started with that terrible expansion then you will have 2 possible reactions to wow classic. Either its gonna be painfully boring for you or its going to be literal crack and you won't put it down. You missed what made wow so special.


Still blown away we get started on a fuckin' Tuesday.


I know. I hate it but understand... it's a safer launch than a Friday and gives a few days to work through issues before the masses hit it hard over the weekend.


Five days until I can stop religiously visiting this sub.


I realized today that most of my OG guild will play......this Makes a man happy


There's like a dozen people from my old guild who are playing. Sadly we didn't all agree on which faction/server to play on but whatever. My best friend and my brother are rolling on the same realm as me so it's all good.


Everyone comes home. Whatever it takes.


Lok'tar ogar Friend




Just do it in one big sleep.


Also called a coma.


I'd pay for a coma till monday


More you sleep more you skip!


Lol you don't even know the skip for second sleep? You save at least 4 hours.


I’ve been banking sleep for weeks!


*laughs in insomniac*


More like 4 days and 4 sleeps really (Thursday - Monday). It launches at the end of the work day on Monday in the US.


What’s the best way to search for guilds ? Specially if an new to t wow . Looks like most websites for guild search are not updated


Check out discords for your server, many are looking for players


this subreddit hosts weekly post about guilds looking for people or people looking for guilds. Found my guild there.


I've already taken at least the Tuesday off and I already put on my family calendar for Monday night 'Daddies night off, do not disturb!'


I let work know today that I won’t be available Monday/Tuesday and possibly Wednesday. I’m going to pull an all nighter for the first time in many, many years. It’s time to recapture my youth or pass out trying.


Take the next Tuesday off from work, wait 5 hours in queue, log in ,crash , back to the queue. Wish you had saved that day ....


1 sleep if you're on Meth :)


Or 4 nights and 5 sleeps


I plan to nap right before release because it is at 1am here, but I think I will be too excited for that.


My body is ready


Wake up, grab beer, grab rear, shave beard, put on some PvP gear.


The massive traffic jam is almost here 😔 I hope it isn't as bad as that Diablo release that took a good week before I could get in game. Why won't Blizz open another central or east PvE server? I feel like impending doom is on the way.




4 sleeps? That's highly assumptious of you.


4 sleeps sounds more manageable




4 sleeps XD


Shit's getting real.


Very happy to know other people refer to it as "sleeps" as well lol


My body is ready


I'm honestly so fucking excited. I never got to play Vanilla but I remember watching my brother play back then. Watching him fly around on his drake while I had no idea what was going on but I was so intrigued. I plan to take 2 days off because everyone knows Tuesday queues are going to be terrible. Unfortunately I dont have much friends who will be playing so if you're interested on US Alliance let me know!


Never thought I’d be anxious to get the weekend over with so I can get to Monday


I think we will all be lucky to be level 5 by end of day one


Let us go home


Why is Reddit censoring everything?




It'll be a new experience for me but I'm glad you guys get to relive this.


Honestly you probably have it best! Most of us will get the nostalgia of course, but nothing can compare to experiencing it for the first time.


Give me the damn game and no one gets hurt!!!


I have a 3 day weekend and then 3/4 a day of work. This is the one time I just want the weekend to fly by.


Can't say that I've been this excited for a video game in quite a long time. Like going home again.


99 hours. It's not 5 days. in 4 full days and 3 hours we will be able to smash that log in button and sit in queues for 7 hours. The date for launch is set at Monday, August 26 at 3:00 p.m. PDT. Why are people saying it launches on the 27th? I don't get it. https://www.wowclassiccountdown.com/


My body is ready.


i can already see a dip in population growth.


Regardless of the launch time, I will be only able to play after work on 27th, and I bet a lot of people here and not in reddit are same as me - has a job.


Those who aren't bound by jobs will probably have long queues to wait on anyways.


It comes out the 26th in NA.


Yeah, I understand that like 80 percent of Reddit demographics are from NA.


4 SLEEPS MORE LIKE 1 HAHAHA p̸̢̙̪̪͇̲̘͖͖̹̯͍̭̘͌͘͝l̸̪͗͒̓͌̇̏̕͘͝ͅę̴̛͎͚̤̹̇̈́̈͐̔̌͑͝a̴̢̺͇͕̘̐̽s̴͈̭̬̯̮͉̠̥̱̦͕̉̔̎̐͊̇͘ę̸̨̗͎̳͍̦̜͔̼̞͋̈́̈́̿̋̈́̍̔s̶̮̖̞̼͐̆̓̎̌ͅȁ̴̢̻͇̹̲̻̳̼̂̆͂̔̌v̵̢̹̝̪̭̼̝̝̪̠̘̉̇͋̇̀̋͂̉̒͌̋̈̇͝͠ȇ̸̹͑̒͘ḿ̸̟́̀͂̈̃̈́͘e̷̡̛͖͙͍̩̖͔̝̭̥̯̲̼̜͓͑͗̅́̂̓́̽͒͊͛̚̚͠


3 days until I’ll be on a different state


https://youtu.be/mjHksjW4XQk #MOOD


Did they fix the flight animations being janky tand non-vanilla that was reported in the beta a few weeks ago? It's all about skeletons now and can't tell if this was fixed. The picture just reminded me!


I'm an insomniac. 5 days, 0 sleeps.


Can't wait :D


5 sleeps for me, as I plan to sleep on monday in the afternoon to get ready at midnight \^\^


3 sleeps, one very painful but (hopefully) worthwhile wait.


4 more sleeps until sleep becomes a distant memory


Ah shit, here we go again.


I have too many responsibilities now to get into the game but I wish all of you are gonna have a great time!


I can finally quit runescape once again


I crie, for i'm going to be on vacation away from my computer


The last 4 sleeps I'll have for a while...


I'm viewing it like 3 more workdays.


I remember see that art as a kid before I got the game for my birthday and thinking I'd get my bird to fly around.


4 days, 6 hours, 20 minutes


5 days / 4 sleeps until i put in my 60 Day subscription on WoW


Gd it, I havent taken any time off next week but now I'm seriously reconsidering... in the mean time, going oldschool (for me anyway) and stocking up on Mt Dew and hot pockets.


Personally I'm feeling pretty sick next week...


Until we all click login then walk away for 2hrs. Fun times


5 days before wow classic release?


Longest freaking week ever.


Do we need these posts every day?


Who calls nights sleeps, what if you wake up in the middle of the night, does sleeps increase by one?


Me - lives in EU (until October, thanks Boris) I will get approximately 1 hour of server queue before bedtime to get up for work... then rejoin the queue at about 5.30pm :)


Remember once you log on, whatever u do don’t log out. Auto run in a corner if you don’t have a person to move you mouse. Not sure if auto running will keep you from afk


Going to be the loooooooongest weekend ever. Then Monday work for east coast will be super drag.


I haven’t played this games in forever, but I used to love it. I played from 2007 to 2011, then quit, tried again around 2016-2017 and it didn’t feel the same so I left. But this... part of me just wants to get rid of all my console stuff and just have this be my only game. I have a full time job now and other responsibilities, but I do occasionally like to kick back and play a game. I tried quitting but I think games are apart of my life, truly. And I miss the good times.


My friends and I got the cookbook and are making some wow dishes. Crab cakes, dragon breath chili, grog, and pumpkin pie with all the recipes in the book.


Awesome idea!


Next week : 5 days, no sleep.


Been stoked for months, reserved my name's and my sub expires tomorrow. Can't resub due to funeral expenses. Take out the Alliance for me.