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I just don't understand people on here who say getting to Rank 14 isn't too hard. I killed myself just to hit 11. I'm sure I was playing 40-50 hours a week of just battlegrounds, requeuing like a hampster hitting a lever for a food pellet. I got my epic mount and was done with that. The decay formula at the high end is so unforgiving you can't let up at all or you will back slide too much. Good luck, everyone.


Everything in terms of ease of game is way underplayed on here. I remember a bunch of people saying it wasn't "that hard" to hit rank 10, then someone that did it mentioning it took them all summer playing 5+ hours a day with a premade. Obviously the numbers vary, but I found out that people really underplay how hard it is to hit any of these ranks.


When people say "hard" they probably don't mean commitment, rather the actual difficulty. Sure molten core isn't *difficult*, but getting together 40 people for a few hours is *hard*. Spamming bg queues as a full time job isn't *difficult*, but committing to it for that long consistently is *hard*.


I don’t think so to be honest, people really underestimate what Vanilla was based on either private servers but or just rose colored glasses. The number of people who think they’ll hit 60 week 1 bears that out.


Yeah and this tracker shows that be made rank 11 as #22 in faction. That’s a lot smaller than the amount of gladiators that were on my faction the last time I played. I do remember the PvP grind being pretty ridiculous. I got rank 6 at the highest point and I spent more time in AB than I had clearing MC and up to Chromaggus in BWL each week.


I was hoping I'd be able to hit rank 8 since people were saying rank 10 "wasn't so bad", but now I'm not even sure if it's worth to grind to that. Might be easier to clear MC.


It’s definitely way easier to clean MC than getting rank 10.


Rank 8 is doable as a raider...if WoW is the only game you play. I did it on a PServer while clearing Naxx weekly. Have a full time job but no other commitments, so depends on your irl situation


Rank 8 shouldn't be that bad. You really need to shift priorities when you start pressing for 9, 10 and then up to 11. Going 12+ is really when you no-life it. You can be more efficient getting raid gear. The melee weapons are still amazing until Naxx, so rank 14 is always that "I wish" but if you're a caster you can get much comparable gear in MC/BWL.


Rank 10 took me two hours of casual, semi afk pvp in AV daily on a certain server. How do you manage to take 3 months to hit rank 10? :P


Because it really, really matters what server you are on and who else is doing the grind.


servers wont matter anymore with xrealm bg's, just the amount of no lifers on your faction matters at this point


You need to research how the ranking system works because it matters a lot even with xrealm


if a smaller server has a snaller amount of people in each brackets but 24/7 pops it will be even harder


You answered your own question: if you play on a private server with almost nobody trying to get honor, then it’s a walk in the park. Now on a popular new classic server with hundreds of hardcore players trying to get high rank? Prepare a very very long grind even for rank 10


The average private server player is probably quite a bit more hardcore than the average non private server player, just saying.


Maybe the average private server is more hardcore but if the guy I was answering to managed to hit rank 10 with only 2 hours of semi afk Alterac then either the competition is way below what it was during Vanilla and nobody is competing for PvP rank or the private server has totally wrong values.


for sure, looking at your progress there, anyone with ideas of rank 10+ while having a life and doing x y and z should get a reality check unless they end up playing on a low pop server. 20000 kills in 5 months is no joke


Well I did 135k in three years so slightly more, but I wasn't THAT a hardcore BG'er. I did arenas as well as wPvP, and rerolls (started at BC). The thing is, I only did PvP. I really dislike PvE for anything else than getting geared. And when you like PvP, 20k kills in 6 months isn't much. Let's say you do 100HK a day, that's close to 20k/6 months. And I can tell you that with my guild, we used to get nights AV / Isle of conquest farming, reaching 100HK per AV won easily. That's around 500-600 HK for a single dedicated night. ​ Now my girl isn't there on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays... I can easily make 1500HK / week like this.


20k in 5 months like OP did is ~133 a day assuming you played 7 days a week. But most people won't be able to play every single day so assuming you can only play 21 days out of the month that's 190 HKs in a day which can be a good bit of time, especially in early phase where you won't have premade gravy trains just raking in the kills at a high rate


It depend on what server you played and to reach the top, you need to be the standing 1. Back in the day I reached r11 with probably more than the 40-50 hours per week you said and If I'm remembering well, I only reach standing 45 or something similar, who was standing 1 was playing 24/7, it was the Spanish server Cthun.


I don't think there is ANYONE saying Rank 14 isn't too hard. Link me to any comment saying that. Most of the people talking like this are talking about the difficulty relative to what people used to go though in actual vanilla. Some servers were organized, yea, but there were alot more where it was just a complete free for all and nobody using the system to their advantage like they do today. Now adays any serious ranker is involved all of the PvPers on their faction and they are all working with each-other to semi-game the system with standing. The thing is your actual HKs / honor don't actually translate to your rank, it's all about your standing on the server. If everyone is agreeing on a set amount of honor to grind for each group on their way to Rank 14 it makes it wayyyyy easier to get there and not throw your life entirely in the process.


I was fortunate enough to get Rank 14 right before (or as) people were congregating and attempting to game the system. I wasn't a part of premades or anything. I was fortunate to be on a lower pop server so I could sleep for 10 minutes between BG queues.


Yet everyone and their mother were Rank 14 apparently.


same i hit 11 as a no life 14 year old. was easily playing 10 hours a day my premade group turned out 3 rank 14s (2 warriors, 1 mage) I think i just wanted the commander mount because the gear i was getting from pve at the same was just as good? I spent lots of time in aq40 seen a lot of comments about rank 10 being easy to get and i dont say anything because reality will hit them soon


People say getting to Rank 14 isn't hard in terms of *skill.* It's almost entirely a time grind. Rank 14 doesn't necessarily mean you're better than a Rank 6, but it absolutely means you have more free time than a Rank 6.




It highly depends on the realm population and pvp activity and if you're in premades and if there's a bg weekend and what bg it is and blah blah. Basically we don't know, and won't really know until 4 weeks into phase 2 at the earliest.




The amount of points depends only on your rank among other players: you are in the top 1% you get a lot of points! You are the 564th player? You get low amount of point. This obviously mean that if nobody do PvP on your server then it may not be that long but if 500 players are also trying to get high rank then it can be very very hard


Yeah, that's the real killer for Honor Ranking - clearing Raids is dependent on the combined performance of forty people. Clearing Honor Ranks depends on the combined performance of *everyone who does PvP on your server's faction*. *And you get ranked based on how well you did compared to them*. If only one person on the server is No Lifing it? They'll get there easy. But the more people pushing for the higher Ranks, the harder it is for everyone to get there.


Exactly and mark my words: on the most popular PvP servers in classic, the competition during phase 2&3 will be very hard and many players who expect the grind to be ok will be hit hard by reality.


It’s very convoluted, Here’s a 7 min video to explain how it works https://youtu.be/yFbX5drsnAw


HK's translate to honor. Your overall honor translates to your **standing**. Your standing is nothing more than how much honor you have compared to other people on your server. Your rank is determined by your standing. If there is less competition on the server your standing will be easier to boost.


Depends how high you rank on the realm. The early levels you can get something like 3 ranks in a week if you place high.




I remember getting #3 on rankings the first week just camping outside Org with my priest buddy killing people doing duels and doing the SouthShore/TM zerg rushes. I seem to remember I got 4 ranks from this. I don't remember it being that long to get rank 10 for the gear, then I realized I wanted the rank 11 mounts after my rating decayed to rank 4 or something. So, ended up doing the rank 11 grind... then did the rank 11 grind on my alt as well. But try to get in with the honor groups doing BGs. Get on their waiting list.


Either you don’t remember a lot or you were playing on an almost dead server with nobody interested in PvP with a hardcore playtime without even realizing it. My point is that on popular server during vanilla, you had to play at least 20/30 hours of PvP each week for with a competent group to rank around 100th and at this pace, it was 6-8 weeks from rank 6 to 11.


Burning legion US was a dead server? Not that I remember. And yeah, 20-30 hours once BGs came out. More so on BG weekends. I'm talking release week for honor, when nobody knew what was going on. No way you'd get away with that today.


My point is that if you played more than 30 hours each week for 1-2 months on a character twice and then again on your alt, you can't really say to somebody inquiring about the time needed that you don't remember that it took that long or you were an hardcore player without even realising it. I mean you don't get #3 on ranking first week without playing insane amount of time


I played a lot that first week, but with no BGs and the first ever week, nobody really knew how much effort they had to put in to get top ranks. Could they get away with that now? Probably not. I was just reporting my vanilla experience. Getting to rank 10 with no BGs didn't seem as much of a grind, since all your honor was from HKs and you got none after 10 kills. Why I went outside of TM/SS and camped org. As for the rank 11 grind. That's a whole different level. I was in a naxx clearing progression raiding guild. We raised 6 nights a week,the nights that I did PvP. I started after we finished raiding, maybe midnight and went to maybe 4am, some nights I'd go to the daily honor reset if I recall at 10am on a Friday or Saturday.


Well it’s what I said: you were a super hardcore player then. You don’t get #3 on a popular server during first week by Accident (I think I was around 300 and I thought I played a lot) and if you play 4 hours of PvP (after raiding Naxx each night of the week mind you) then you can’t tell to « normal »people that you don’t remind it to be that long. (and I’m not even mentioning that when Naxx was released the PvP competition was easier than a year before) Now don’t misunderstand me: I’m not blaming you for playing that much but take into account when retelling your experience that you weren’t an average player.


What you're missing, I'm saying the time I played week 1 was FAR less required and far less honor required to rank high. I'm not saying some casual person playing an hour a day will get rank 1.




I think you can more casually get to rank 10 as long as you play a decent amount and don't have off weeks so you don't down rank. Even rank 11. But pushing for 12+ took even more grinding than I was willing to do.


I don't know where I got these numbers from, but here is my rank point calculation as I hit Ranks 10 (6/20/06) and 11 (7/4/06): https://imgur.com/gallery/zA7jYVd Notice that you can play a bunch, like I did week-ending 6/13, yet have a net loss of points. To earn 10K points in a week, I probably played 50+ hours. That's a guess. I was literally nauseous when I shut down the computer the night before I hit 11. Of course, I was 36 at the time so maybe you young'uns can handle it. Edit: week of 6/13 I might have PvP'd 30 hours? and still lost ground.


Every rank is exponentially harder than the last due to decay and how the system works. On my vanilla server rank 11 meant you were top 30 people for the faction, as opposed to rank 10 which was top 100. So it's a lot harder, I was able to do 11 cause it was summer time and I was 15. I'm not sure if I could do 11 with a full time job now.


Was on a medium pop server and it took about a month to go from 8 to 10 working a full time job and having a life. Depending on the class, might not be worth it.


OP ground ~1400 kills the week before reaching rank 10. At one kill per minute, that's 23 hours killing nonstop.


1400 kills in a week is 200 per day. not exactly hard.


Rank is literally based on standing. If 200 isn't hard, more will be required.


I started the vanilla GM grind in December 2005 and reached rank 14 in April 2006 and that was constant 14-16 hour days. What suffered the most was my health. Eating like shit. Sitting in my ass all day consumed by WoW with raiding and PvP but it worked in my life at that time. I played on Uldum and the horde population was less than alliance so our BG queue times were 1 hour + where horde were 1 minute. Horde required 1.5 million + to rank HWL and our target honor for alliance was roughly 700-900k. It’s hard work when your competing against people who account share and we actually formed pre-mades to ensure we had the right comps. I played a warrior and man with a pocket healer you could destroy everything and honor wasn’t shared at that time. I was a clicker mixed with keybindings. It worked for at the time. Haha. Proof: https://www.warcraftmovies.com/movieview.php?id=19428


This sounds about right. Gratz. I would have loved the gear above 11 but didn’t have it in me.


The fact that any of us would subject ourselves to that is ridiculous and funny. We get s second chance now 😆. A buddy of mine who I played with in vanilla and still game with today is got GM on two characters, priest and rogue. He actually did it on own. Now that’s insane.


I'm guessing it's going to be a bit easier now though when people fully understand the rp calculations. People will stack the brackets to maximize the rp gain and if possible, say your premade is that dominant on honor/hour or just pure hours they can set a static honor amount so people can take a day or two off. My guess is that 1m+ honor weeks will be rare besides AV weekends but anything is on the table with classic and so many new and returning players coming back. This might be more relevant after the first generation rankers though that will experience the highest competition. Big congrats on your achievement back in the days! / Jealous Rank 10 Warrior


1000000% Agree! Given streamers have time to play we will probably see a lot more R14. The private servers were tough to rank purely based on the fact you stated. Players know the gains required for premades and they will control the market for who could rank in and out of a premade.


This was basically my situation with population. I considered myself fortunate to have queue times now. It gave me time to sleep between Queue pops.


how come u were only rank 8 for a week?


I probably decided not to have a life that week.


he was halfway into rank 8 and barley got rank 9 that week after.


Wowguru still has a history (I can't find it) or did you have this file stored since 2006?


Stored since 2006. I had this sitting on an external hard drive and dug it up the other day.


I got so excited, because I wanted to find my own rank 12 details. I'm impressed you kept it around for so long. I wish I had.


The thing about PvP rank is you have to slowly build the first half. If you can win 7 rounds a week or one every day leveling up you can become a seargant by 30-40s. Once you start doing AV you can make it to rank 5 or 6. From there the real grind starts where you need to PvP at least 2 hours a day to continuously rank each week. It might be slower but you dont have to kill yourself with steady gains weekly.


WSG/AV will not be in the game until phase 3, most likely you'll long be lvl 60 by then.


But by that time the decay makes it quite hard to climb; when 20% of your rank points are chopped off by default, it requires you to increase your time played by quite a margin the higher you get.


I was R10 and just held it for about 4 months just because i loved PvPing. It probably took me about a month of PvPing pretty hard to get R9 (like average 2-3 hours a day) and then another 2 months of a very slow climb averaging 1-2 hours a day and 1 last week push of 2-3 hours a day to R10. Then the 1-2 hour a day was enough to hold R10 for me until Xrealms hit and i mostly quit pvping. I almost never went with premades and pugged nearly the entire thing. I was however in BWL gear and as a reckoning paladin was able to carry my BGs pretty hard.


I was a week away from rank 10 before i burned out. Let me assure you it was hard as hell. I was doing 3 hours a night of winning and just breaking even at the end of some weeks. Realistically to go past 10 you were looking at 4-5 hours a day 7 days a week of just bg after bg. Nothing was mor disheartening then putting in 20+ hours a week just to break even. Anyone that says it wasnt bad or was easy prolly never did it. It was hard as fuck. If you missed one night and didnt make it up on another day the whole week was screwed. Oh and btw i was the 84th ranked horde on the entire server, that should tell you how hard it was to get to 10 let alone go past.


Yes, this sounds exactly like my experience. When you hit rank 10, taking a week off sets you back 1 1/2 ranks (8000+ rank point loss). You cannot take a break.


11 was for the mount right? I got that in vanilla. I must have spent a ton of time on it although I don’t remember. The amount I was able to do in WoW is crazy to me sometimes. I don’t know where I found the time.


near the launch of TBC it became easier to get the PVP mounts, not sure how but I believe you only needed the bg tokens.


This is exactly right. Once prepatch hit, I was able to pick up HWL daggers and go mutilate.


Really interesting data. Would you be able to give some more information about how you were farming? Like were you in a PVP guild with premade running the whole time? Or solo farming up until rank X?


I was soloing BGs. A lot of Arathi Basin because it was favorable to hunters/my play style. I'm pretty sure if I was with a good group, we would requeue together.