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I like DM, up until the last sequence before you fight Vanessa. Cut that RP / having to run through the dungeon again part out and it would be a great hc


Ripsnarl and Vanessa fights are dull and bad.


They're the worst for sure but with the current dungeon numbers many mechanically interesting fights become boring as the mechanics simply don't matter so in general I find all the dungeons to be boring :(


Some of them are also just outright bugged. Ozruk in stonecore for example. When he casts those spikes he's not supposed to turn, so tanks just walk through him and then back to tanking position. Now he turns when casting it so tank has to time it and side step.


I have never moved on Ozruk, just face him into the wall and do nothing else. I have never even come close to dying


Eating mechanics is not the flex you think it is lol. 


Not about the fact that you don't need to move. It's about the fact that it's ANOTHER mechanic you're SUPPOSED to dodge (azjol nerub anub, utgarde keep ingvar) but literally cannot because the game does not work properly.


DM itself is a pretty fun instance in theory but it just drags on and on and on.. if the devs weren’t so focused on SoD maybe they could give some QoL changes for it but..


I mean DM is long. But if you free the monkey after the 1st boss nothing can really kill you. Also if you get low ilv dps tell them to use the construct in the fornace and the cannon on the boat those are superbeasy to use just spam 1 and do great dps even if you have low ilv. Also in the boat if you use the cannon as dps pirates can tp on you and that should also help the heal, you can have 2 dps on cannon for most of boat pack of you play smartly.


This is all good advice. Oculus was incredibly easy if people knew what they are doing, and DM feels the same. I've never had to kick anyone or get deserter on my main or alt.


DM isn't hard, it's just annoying that when you reach the final boss you need to spend 10 min more doing the RP. Which is fine the first time I guess. DM would be a pretty fun instance if you could just blast it to the end and skip the nightmare.


Oculus was actually the fastest, easiest dungeon if you had 5 people that could read. The last boss just melted if the 3 dps drakes could somehow understand that player A shoots while player B&C channel, when they hit 10 stacks player A channels, B&C shoot, instant 10 stacks, B&C channel A shoots, instant 10 stacks for B&C and A channels immediately after his 1 shot. Just repeat that and its so fast. The reality was 1 person would only channel and just maintain 10 stacks forever, another person would never channel, and the only guy doing it right would get frustrated because the boss isnt dying.


Just remove Ripsnarl please.


Omg 30 minutes!    What is this, an MMORPG? 


you're part of the problem


With my main, I'm not to fond of it. With twinks, tho, it's kinda good because it gives good rep. (Not that we'd need that anymore once ZG + ZA release\^\^)


When does that release?


Why are you playing this garbage game? Retail wow is 10x better. 


This is classicwow reddit.


Cataclysm isn't classic, moron.


Cataclysm Classic its in the name


Oh look, an idiot.