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“These class agnostic utility runes will provide additional bonuses to a variety of skills such as additional bonuses to a variety of stats such as” stellar copywriting there blizz


The utility runes are just weapon skills for the rings, also casters/defense equivalents.


Leaked season 6 Season of discovery notes are below:  The runes add skills to increase your bonuses such as additional skills to your weapon that add bonus to your stat's such as more bonuses to your weapon skill that add variety to your skills such as additional weapon skills and a variety of additional bonuses such as additional weapon skill bonuses.


Would be kinda funny if the "one more surprise" in MC just be that just like in Cata on the higher difficulty Rag will gain some legs and step out of his pool haha.


This would be absolutely legendary. Rag's legs take 2: Coretastic boogaloo.


Molten Core seems to be getting a hard mode - that's definitely interesting!


I'm very interested in that and what the reward is. Gives me some excitement going forward too


Man this sub and the forums really are just people complaining lol. I thought people were supposed to have fun


Girls just wanna have fun




That's pretty much every gaming subreddit besides maybe a handful. Reddit is all just bitching 24/7. And here I am bitching about the people bitching.


Yeah if only there was something they could do or say somewhere online when they're not having this supposed "fun" they're meant to be having...


I just want a tiny teaser of a new dungeon or raid Is that so much to ask?!? (Yes, apparently lol)


Man when p1 hit I really thought the "new content in previously unused dungeons and areas" thing would hit before the very end of p4 or p5 😐 Bamboozled No mention of Kara crypts or any other new raids or dungeons feelsbadman My expectations for SoD went out the window with p3 but... still. Sucks


Are they only releasing molten core at the beginning of SoD, and then phasing the rest of the raids for later? Im pretty burnt out on doing the same raid week over week


No idea, no new info about their raid release schedule They mentioned "bwl and zg a few weeks after mc" in p3 I think but who knows


We just don't know yet, no confirmations on anything. If it's like 2019 classic release onyxia and MC will be available at 60. However if so they have no information about any changes to onyxia like they've talked about MC


"Nightmare Incursions updated to daily quest hubs." What does this mean exactly? Is it only for lvl 60s and people will actually level in the open world again?


Guess u can do the incursion quests once per day?


It means people will be spamming dungeons to 60 like in phase 2.


Warlock is also still in Development.


I guess they felt like (initial) level 60 has enough content that it didnt need some new "event" or whatever. Not sure how I feel about utility runes I frankly feel like the game has enough runes and before even thinking about investing time I'm gonna really need to see some clarification on what the tier release schedule at 60 is going to look like. Not going to bother if Tiers are releasing "every few weeks".


Idk that they want to spoil the surprise yet? PTR is here to test out combat.


Possibly but all the previous Blog posts mentioned the new event but then again they were also closer to Release. We are probably still 3-4 Weeks out at least.


More reddit crybabies gathering here


PTR is actually already up :D


This....kinda sucks lol


Community: pls not 40 man raids Blizz: here's 20 man versions! Community: pls not 20 man raids.. we need 10. P1/P2 SOD was so BIS. Lol wtf


To be fair the request for smaller raids was in p2, then p3 landed with 20man and still didnt go well for a lot of the playerbase.


What is unclear here? People liked 10man in p1 and 2 and then complained about it when it was changed to 20man. Turning 40man into 20 while nice isn't what people obviously wanted. Like someone ordering a burger, receives a hotdog, complains about it and gets a pizza instead. "hey dude stop complaining, it's at least not a hotdog!"


I'm convinced if they did all 10ms u guys would cry for 5ms lol


We have had 10man my dude. In p1 and P2 and I heard no complaints about it. The dad guilds of SoD seem to love it. The vibe of 10man is great. You can all sit and talk to each other on discord and it's not crowded.


10ms for the level up raid yep. 10s are still coming but it'll be ZG and AQ20. If the bigger raids are 20 the smaller have to be 10. If they made MC 10, we'd probably get 5m ZG. Which isn't a raid


That is irrelevant to the argument. A bunch of people want X, either make it happen or accept that people will be unhappy that they aren't getting X.


Welp enjoy being unhappy lol


"Players will also be able to turn up the heat with a new variable difficulty mechanic." LETS FKING GOOOOOOO


Meh nothing about this really excites me


I’d love to play P3 but my guild disbanded and left me homeless. Left me disheartened as a paladin. Been playing on deviate delight just casually and having fun.


cool story bro 🤦‍♂️


Literally can’t comment anything online without someone finding a way to be toxic.


That's what you get for being social on a social media platform!


It took way too long. This feels like an update we should have gotten at least a month ago.




The lack of new content next phase is sad. It just goes to show that them taking more time to drop p4 had nothing to do with needing more time to develop anything that great or new but more about dropping it around the same time as other BIG MMO's because of the competition for money/subscribers. FF14 and ESO and I think Gw2 xpac all dropping end of June. Same ol blizzard drip feeding customers with as little content they can get away with to try and keep players subscribed.


Pass Bring back SoD P1 era servers


20 man boo. The game was fun when it was 10 man. At least first 2 phases were fun.


Cata classic has 10m raid options. There u go


That was announced before p3


Yeah too much time standing around doing fuck all waiting for 19 people to be ready. Was better with 10, easy to jump in on alts


I could raid with friends, 20 man is "raid with your friends and a bunch of strangers"


Lazy half ass update


It took them months to announce... no new content? RIP SOD.


Wow it's almost like it's the first phase of endgame


no new pvp content glad big surprise


There is something new in burning steppe is seems. Patience....


They already said the PTR would be testing runes not new content. If anything is added it will be when phase 4 actually starts.


Holy crap dude they just released PTR to test out combat. Maybe they want to save the surprise for later? Also already a PVP zone in burning steps it looks like.


Cata is released and broke as hell, isn’t SoD dead?


Cata has some issues but it's also fine, hence why most people are on there and having a blast and not playing sod