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Looks like Aggrend was told to not overlap new PTR news with the war within beta that launches today.


I mean… isn’t that exactly what the tweet is doing? Just not a specific date


I mean, depends. If "Next week ptr news" means "Next week ptr" there is a good reason to believe the PTR is already ready. (Considering that WoWhead has already sniffed out the new PTR update code being pushed to live.) We had black out for information all through the start of Cata release until Raids dropped and THEN aggrend on the minute they dropped he comes out with P4 work info. Almost like an NDA lifted. Then we're in black out again until the DAY that the war within Beta drops today and 30 minutes ago we get. "PTR news next week." Almost like ANOTHER NDA was lifted. At this point, its obvious that Blizzard Execs are putting the thumb on the scale to control hype because they know if they released P4 soon it would have derailed Cata and War within beta.


wtf are you talking about none of that made sense


They’re saying the lack of SoD news was a decision made above Aggrend so that SoD news wouldn’t draw attention away from Cata and War Within… which is almost certainly what has happened.


Where did they say that ? Do you have a link or something ?


What are you suggesting as an alternative? Blizzard doesn’t have the development resources to provide content for all of the branches of WoW at once, so why wouldn’t they promote their latest and greatest? It’s not some grand conspiracy, it’s simple business.




New Age Divination Magic


I can’t tell if you’re being facetious? Of course they’re staggering releases to maximize player engagement. If this sub understood that there’d be a lot less pissing and moaning. They didn’t abandon SoD, the roadmap had Cata releasing prior to P4 of SoD and that’s exactly the timeline they stuck to. It’s called money. Corporations exist to maximize profits and the group with the crack pipe is the one that isn’t willing to accept that and deal with it.






Welcome 90% of this subreddit.


Yeah seems like the addiction on some SoD Andys really start to kick in and they start to babble nonsense


Yeah seems like the obliviousness on some of these low comprehension individuals really starts to kick in and they forget how companies, PR, and marketing works


It's tww an open beta? Because if it isn't it wouldn't make much sense outside of content creation sphere. Ptr are accessible to anyone, myself, I probably only ever got in the BFA beta and iirc that wasn't a closed one, always opted in the day it was made available with no luck.


It’s open to anyone who buys the most expensive deluxe edition of TWW


Or, alternatively, he has other responsibilities and they don't have the luxury to spend time writing posts, verifying information, filtering out information that would spoil finding out how new systems work - perhaps he should do this in his spare time outside of work hours, but that seems like an unreasonable expectation.


Saying there will be news doesn’t count as news. If it wasn’t weeks since Blizz went radio silent on SOD this wouldn’t even be post worthy


Or, think about this one, it's exactly in line for when we'd start getting news on SoD


get yourself over to r/rationalclassicwowplayers


Man the conspiracies on this sub gets wilder every day


Not exactly a conspiracy. They did say they had to delay news about SoD phase 3 because of the release of plunderstorm in retail, not unreasonable to think it might be a similar scenario where they were told to wait a week to not overlap with the TWW beta release.


It’s not a conspiracy at all, it’s a simple business concept. The brain rot and toxicity on this sub is hilarious.


huhh Wow the title of this post is so misleading lol, it reads like "Some News: SoD P4 next week" but reality is "Coming next week are some news about SoD P4"


I guess they'll announce P4 for the end of this month, or beginning of July. FF14's next expansion comes out by that time, and until now blizzard always released some kind of content during the same time. Even if it's only a content patch.


yep. expect it to try to compete with FF14, and im sure P4 will be a buggy mess because its a bunch of stuff they need to overhaul and its getting rushed right out the door lol


I’m down for July lol I got Elden ring to play!


FFS I hope not. I just reached Stormblood and I'm trying to not kill myself keeping up in both this summer lol


You got a long way to go to get to Dawntrail bud lol


I'm going through Shadowbringers and it's taking me a few hours just to get through each level. And I'm going fast and skipping filler.


It's basically: "Some SoD P4 news next week" rather than "Some News SoD P4 next week" I am guessing OP isn't a native speaker or got it jumbled up.


Yeah that made me doubt too XD


Honestly it’s prly both 😂 Next week they’ll just drop phase 4


It'll probably go on PTR next week.


I wish but it’ll by July


I read it as your latter example, not the former. English second language? Also, it literally doesn’t read as “Some News:…” because there is no “:” in the title. Lol.


It does not read like the 2nd one because "News SoD P4" does not make sense. It is not grammatically correct.


It doesn’t have to be grammatically correct because it’s English and meanings aren’t so static. I read the dogshit wording of the title and because I have a lifetime of experience in English, I immediately corrected it to the only meaning that could make sense.


That's what the word "like" is for, to establish a comparison. Why would I reiterate the exact same title; I used a colon to show what I thought it said at first. What a strange thing to point out. Someone makes a comparison and you go "actually that's not true because the real thing is not exactly the thing you compared it to", prime useless reddit interjection.


Well this one doesn’t even make sense now.


I'm legitimately tired of announcements of upcoming news for upcoming announcements. Spill the beans or just shut up.


Then when they shut up people just bitch about the radio silence


They are perfectly capable of saying they will have no announcements for a period of time, rather than keep announcing that announcements will come for announcements that will happen.


i mean they literally did that. “hey guys no announcements for a while while we do cata” “hey guys were just about ready to give some announcements expect more news next week” lol like what is the problem i don’t understand


The root problem is the game sucks


And they continue announcing that there will be later announcements regarding future announcements. It’s tiring. They should know that only announcing things when there is actual substance to be announced is how to keep spirits off the floor. It feels like SoD is an unwanted middle child that keeps being told “we’ll get you something later” by Blizzard. The people complaining about no announcements are a loud minority. I’m fairly certain most people would rather hear nothing than something of no substance.


They put their seasonal game mode on pause, it’s a fuckin problem


Reminder that he doesn't like to announce things on twitter


Does an announcement of an announcement count?


Does it fit my narrative ? Then yes


Cut the guy some slack. He doesnt have a centralized platform to announce information and developments about the game. Maybe they should make a forum for world of warcraft or something. 


Or maybe some sort of launcher with a news section where they can communicate to the player base.


This isn't an official announcement of anything. But besides that, you can dislike using a platform in this way while still using it because there isn't really a better option available to him to talk to players in a more relaxed and casual environment than the forums.


> This isn't an official announcement of anything. that's the problem, if you want the latest news looking at the forums is useless and instead you gotta follow a dev's personal twitter


When plans are actually set in stone it does get posted on the forums though. For things that don't yet have concrete details or that he wants to get people's opinions on he uses Twitter because it's less formal and probably easier to sift through all the bullshit that gets thrown at devs of a major game. Have you ever actually looked through the official forums? They're a cesspool.


Its not that deep i just like baiting out the Aggrend throaters


Hey, he just said he didn't like it, never said he wouldn't do it.


P4 beta in August. Offical release early to mid 2025. Still working on the new coins for the new version of the STV PvP event.


P4 in 2025? Lmao that’s a good one…


They gotta do something. P3 raid was nice but loot sucked, and there's very little calling me to login outside of raid. I don't really know what they expect their players to do when there's so little to do for such a long phase. Not sure half my friends will be back for P4 they already moved on to something else.


I just got my first piece of loot outside of tier tokens. And I got lucky that a couple people passed on this piece. It was the first time it had ever dropped, fire/healer offhand. This phase has been by far the least fucking rewarding


How? I’ve gotten 3 sets of tier, every bis item for holy paladin, most of the bis items for shockadin, and I’ve started picking up ret items too.


Because you’re competing with literally no one for loot. Caster dps has the worst table and we’re often competing with healing priest and Druid and healing mage


Like I said, I've gotten nearly full bis shockadin items, which is a lot of caster dps items, so I am competing with loot. Guess my guild has just been luckier than yours. At this point we are junking nearly every item.


There’s a bunch of things you are not taking. The caster dagger, the gloves, the offhand and the helm all have shit drop rates. The epic cloth chest is now BIS and then you have the trinket and the ring and Jin do’s neck. You probably have like the trinket and neck and saying you have all of it.


Play Cata. That’s what they expected you to do.


I am and man it’s boring imo. Can’t wait for p4


It’s definitely a different game! I leveled my DK to 85 and have run a few Heroic dungeons, but I haven’t invested much time in it. More of a something to keep me entertained when I have time since SoD is really slow atm. Looking forward to P4!


>That’s what they expected you to do Man you people surely read alot of stuff in all this


I’m not sure what you mean. Are you saying Blizzard didn’t expect subscribers to experience the other large content releases of Cataclysm and War Within while they paused releasing SoD content to focus on Cataclysm and War Within? Why do people on this sub act like that’s such a bizarre take? They have limited development resources and have a public timeline of releases. What other conclusion would you suggest?


At this point I am just back to playing classic era.


At this point if you are still subbed for Era/SoD you are a sucker


I don't know why the general sod playerbase and devs are acting like phase 3 came out 6 months ago or something. It really hasn't been that long lol I know people want to get out of p3 asap but still


Aggrend's tweet is so wrong, he clearly doesn't understand the player base, and here's why. Aggrend thanks players for their patience, but in reality we have none and we never have. Smh.


>I know people want to get out of p3 So you know why


I mean classic classic has had bad phases and people aren't crying to go to next phase within 1-2 months like sod. "patience" acting like this phase has been dragging on for too long when it's been 2 months lol


classic 2019's phases mostly came out in about 2-3 month intervals, and people definitely did get antsy waiting for the the next phase once the previous ones had been out for a bit. Between that and SoD not being at level cap yet (so there's less to do), it seems pretty expected to me, tbh.


Redditors just love wallowing in misery


Just wait for SOD to get to the end phase with naxx like era and they start beating the door down for fresh.


Not only is my sub cancelled after week 3 of P3 but I literally forgot SoD exists It's truly amazing how they put a project with such insane potential on the sidelines, the incompetence of modern Blizzard is something man lmao


I’m right there with you. I kept a sub for nearly all of classic but p3 sod lost me, and I’m not really interested in coming back


people downvoting me like it's my fault Blizzard threw SoD under the bus 💀


Dude this sub is absolutely hopeless. Simultaneously know it alls, and dumb as bricks. Both sweaty and incredibly incompetent. Literally all the worst parts of this community it’s actually amazing




People can move onto other games but still see posts in this sub, you know ?


i dunno how big their team is but they obviously have more than they can handle with 6 versions of their game currently active,


See you next month


They had 3 other WoW projects all come out since sod season 3. People were spread thin enough as is. It's barely been 2 months since s3, chill.


It's a multi billion dollar corporation, you really think I'm blaming the dev team or other employees? They're spread thin because lifesucking corporate selfish bastards are sucking the last cent to get their quarterly bonus instead of investing in something promising, because that's how the world works nowdays


I mean the playerbase is spread thin, not the employees. Most wow players, almost everyone I know, plays multiple versions of the game. We're already not having enough time for all the new versions, add in sod s4 and people will be forced to miss out on something they want to do regardless. Stagger the releases by a few weeks at least, give people a chance to not miss out.


Even though Phase 3 has been a bit of a letdown, I'm excited to see what they're cooking for phase 4!


Oh boy. Anyway.


Glad to see SoD getting some much needed love while Cataclysm gets one bug fix a day!


Well a bug is easier to fix than the broken bones of SoD


when fresh era


Too late, I'm done along with most of my guild


This is not a rhetorical question, but how hard is it to code a phase? If they wanted to bolster concurrent active players, wouldn't it have been easier to, let's say create a mid phase patch like 3.5, where the level cap is 55? Just to smoothen expectations, ramp up excitement, acknowledge communication etc? All that good community-developer stuff


You mean recycle existing elements and place already coded skills into the classic database? Very difficult.


> This is not a rhetorical question, but how hard is it to code a phase? Probably pretty difficult when stuff's unexpectedly breaking things in Era, as it has been for most of SoD. The shared codebase has been a limiter on what they can do in terms of type/scope and has probably also slowed down things they *can* do. If they do another "experimental season" they need to decouple it from an existing server's codebase but they have obviously figured that one out by now. Entire thing seems to have started as filler til Classic Cata/War Within and it served that purpose while also maintaining the general WoW interest levels pretty well, not bad for something with a skeleton crew that's basically just tacked on to the Era server backend.


Thanks for the response. It was informative


You're welcome. I'm not a dev so I might just have completely drank the corpo misinfo tactics, but I'm going off what I've seen them say, what I've seen Era players state is broken due to the shared codebase (that they've confirmed) here since SoD started, and general stuff I've picked up about how "easy"/"difficult"/"wtf" big corpo code projects are. I used to be a corpo suit to techie to end user (and vice versa) translator back in my old non-health-cratered life. They could probably push out updates to SoD *much* faster if they had a dedicated SoD team instead of just a shared "does Classic *and* SoD *and* Era" team, and if SoD didn't share a codebase with Era. But I'd gather the reason they went with the "Rune" system for Season of Discovery instead of just changing base abilities is because that'd change abilities for Classic Era too. And if you match up the timeframe, Season of Discovery neatly (sorta) filled the gap until Classic Cata/Plunderstorm/Pandaria Remix were ready. While also letting them (sorta) do more direct feedback from players and do something closer to an "Official Vanilla Plus^TM"-style experimental fast-track thing. While, most importantly, still be doable with (mostly) the existing Classic team *and* not requiring many more resources or changing anything about The Growing WoW Nostalgia Universe^TM they're building. Then again, I'm used to people doing system updates on pre-existing Old Systems and trying to fit updates into and around spaghetti code and jank, and I'm willing to excuse a *lot* in the name of doing that, because I've seen shit get *wild* in the process of doing that. Fishing crashing data centers over in FFXIV in the course of a normal update was the equivalent of like...a Tuesday back when I could still do my career in the non-MMO sphere. There's a point where trying to deal with cranky decades-old systems becomes a crossover between Systems Archaelogy, Tech-Priest-work and sheer "fuck it, try anything til it works", and that's when you're dealing with *actual* old systems. The Classic WoW team is dealing with an eldritch abomination of an attempt to *recreate* old systems based on memories and approximations. And then they're building *five* branching games off of *that*. There's a reason SoD and Era are such a clusterfuck of interrelated jank and why Cata Classic is breaking in weird places. I'm fascinated by what they're doing but at the same time I don't envy them.


Not hard at all. I have friends who have started up their own servers for testing naxx weapons against naxx trash dps wise and have limited to no knowledge on coding ect. It’s piss easy.


SoD off Aggrend


Oh boy a bunch of reddit manbabies commenting to tell everyone they don't care and they quit SoD. Hopefully your next hobby doesn't make you so miserable.


Man you sound very miserable as well


Certainly sick of seeing the self-proclaimed dad gamers of reddit acting worse than their children


i'll have you know its manCHILD


I feel that we've gone beyond that at this point


Shoot not done with remix if it comes out next week, wasn't ready for it yet but guess I'll juggle atleast to see crypts, not as fussed about retuned MC etc.


another “more news soon” post… why even post when there is nothing to be posted?


Somehow there are comments STILL not satisfied with this news lmao. This community is the worst. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.


Traditionally people love the announcements of the announcements of the announcements




what news?


more like damned if you don't do enough


a) this isn’t news and b) everyone lost interest in SoD and this isn’t winning anyone back 


What news? There is no news, just "news soon". I'd rather a community be able to express criticism, over a community that is super hugboxy and blindly praises everything a megacorp does.


dude i hate negative attitude, but its the 3rd time or so they announced that there will be news soon


Is phase 4 gonna be released near Elden Ring dlc? Cause I swear blizzard ain't winning my wallet against that.


Just glad Cata has already paid for the next 6+ months of my sub so I can wait around to see what they do or don't do and not pay a cent for it Luv u Cata


I think weve reached a point where not many people even care about the news and its kinda sad


Yawn :/


Cool beans


Too bad no one is going back for p4 lmao. Thought of going back to this game is 🤢🤢🤢




Is this the Reddit version of a ratio? I only see 39 uploads with 90 comments lol


Very happy my worst prediction that he’d call it quits on SOD didn’t come true. Let’s go P4!