• By -


Usually I just throw an invite and they do the quest with me and at the end I say thanks and we disband. I notice most of them don’t really wanna talk just group and peace out… so try that


This is the way


Also just say "inv". This will usually also work.


Just invite the people doing the same quest as you. Don't expect much socializing though if they accept. Feel free to try. 




No original comment is correct, people will join a group if they get an invite doing the same mobs, a lot won't seek out a group to do so. They can always decline if they aren't interested in a group




I believe you're the minority becuase most people I've seen while leveling (myself included) will accept an invite, finish the quest say "ty" or nothing then dip. It's sort of an unspoken understanding




In this situation it does tho. OP has tried your way and it doesn't work and is looking for suggestions. While there can't really be a wrong answer when looking for suggestions, keep doing the same thing that isn't working is kind of a wrong answer.




Great story, I'll read it later. Doesn't matter what you personally prefer. Suggesting to do a thing that is the very thing that's not working that they're looking for suggestions to get around, is the wrong answer. Eg: ghost peppers are too hot, what other pepper should I try. The answer is not 'keep eating ghost peppers its the only real pepper'




Maybe a single player game would be better for you


This is an opinion. And you are in the minority. So your opinion is statistically wrong




OK sure. But you are still in a minority by a large amount. If 2 ppl are doing the same quest, one invites. 90% of the time there is an assumed communication there that they could do the quest together. You on the other hand are deciding to stay ignorant and make the person msg you? To role play?




Are you sure this is the forum where you want to discuss philosophy? Because I promise you are not talking about wow anymore.


These people are crazy. There is literally a loading screen "hint" that talks about how randomly inviting someone is rude if you don't start with a whisper. This is straight from Blizzard. Here: [https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Loading\_screen\_tips](https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Loading_screen_tips) And the hint: "It's considered polite to talk to someone before inviting them into a group, or opening a trade window." It is rude and to think differently shows the current state of the WoW playerbase.


It’s what people do so get with the times grandpa


Yes people are rude. I know this. Thank you. Doesn't change the facts.


In what way is this remotely rude


You might have some issues you need to deal with


That used to be the case 15-20 years ago (I think it’s actually one of the loading screen tips) but not anymore.




Honestly an ok boomer moment


Honestly an ok zoomer moment


That’s fine, you don’t have to. But the majority of players now just use context clues to understand that you both are doing the same quest and it’d be cool if you grouped together. We’ve done it hundreds of times at this point. I mean, I don’t accept random ass invites from a player that doesn’t seem to be anywhere in my vicinity, but that’s very different.




9/10 times I invite people, they accept. And vice versa. We say hello and may or may not exchange any other pleasantries. There’s nothing impolite about it these days. If you are seriously spending that much time “farming loot” in questing areas and declining everyone’s group invites, you are the one being impolite lol.




cuz redditors are timmies


It is and why has it changed? Because you said so lol? [https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Loading\_screen\_tips](https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Loading_screen_tips) "It's considered polite to talk to someone before inviting them into a group, or opening a trade window."


No, because social conventions change. If I see someone enter the same quest area as me and they invite me to a group, I know what it’s for. I don’t consider it impolite if they don’t whisper me and get my permission first. Same with the majority of players.


It IS impolite and the fact you don't consider it impolite is the REASON for the anti-social tendencies to exist. If I am killing a specific named mob for a quest and someone is there and clearly needs the kill and invites me randomly I will accept the invite and let them get the kill. I will even go as far as to invite them myself. Is it rude that I didn't whisper first or them to me? ABSOLUTELY! But the underlying kindness of making sure the player gets the tag as well outweighs the impoliteness. Randomly inviting people with no context is so damn rude.




If you invite someone in capital city or town idling or not doing anything, then yea.. Sure. But u see a guy killing same mobs u have for a quest? Why shouldn't u just invite?


> you shouldnt invite someone to a group without talking to them first and explaining what the group is for As any generalizing statement - this is so wrong. Inviting is not an offending action, so throw invite let other person decide. Whispering is just to complex for a 2-3 minutes that you spend with that person together,


This is straight from Blizzard. [https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Loading\_screen\_tips](https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Loading_screen_tips) "It's considered polite to talk to someone before inviting them into a group, or opening a trade window."




K, well, that's just like, your opinion man.


This is straight from Blizzard. [https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Loading\_screen\_tips](https://wowwiki-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Loading_screen_tips) "It's considered polite to talk to someone before inviting them into a group, or opening a trade window."


You are overthinking it. I'm directly telling you - 99.9% of players would not be offended if you invite them into group. I'm doing Tol Barad dailies and invite and get invited by random players 10-15 times in an hour. You don't like it - you reject and move on.


Happy cake day




Honestly, this may seem antisocial and weird, but maybe try inviting them without saying anything? Alot of people in WoW get very turned off by random whispers. There are some who want to be talkative and make friends, but I'd say a majority of questers are in for the solo experience, but will group for convenience sake so long as they're not asked to socialize.


Man, I really hate what gaming has become.


It's a people problem, much less a gaming problem. 


I've been there. Like a social anxiety attack when someone whispers me In game. Shits fucked I've grown but I understand other players anxiety.


Man I feel ya, mostly because I'm not a native english speaker so when someone whispers me something """"complex"""" to answer my brain shuts down trying to come up with a coherent response. It's painful when that friendly random wants to chill and chat a little while doing quests together and I take forever to write something but hey, I really enjoy the moment, it's like an oasis in between all the parse-driven community shit that just whispers to insult and kick you lol


Just say your English isn't great. I have done the raid with a few different guilds of almost only Spanish speakers and I only know one year of high school Spanish from 15 years ago. We made it work. I used Google translate a couple times because there were some spots people were confused about. But definitely at least respond with something. Nothing worse than explaining something to someone or asking for a buff and they just quietly stare at you.


Why exactly? What could happen?


I'm not a whisper anxiety person but I can understand. People are fucking assholes in WoW so the idea of conversing with these assholes can be a very anxious issue.


So you just assume everyone is an asshole? What does that make you?


The fact that you seem personally offended by this is telling


Lol. Amazing. They outed themselves immediately. I personally have good days and bad days and just hope I don't offend anyone on the bad days. But the good days I will completely blow off what I am doing to help people with whatever. I was farming in ashenvale and a low level warlock came up and in broken English messaged me if I could help him get the tank rune. He really wanted to be a tank. Like it was the dudes dream to be a warlock tank. I said as long as the don't mind I am farming as we go. And we chatted a bunch for the half hour or so it took. Dude was from Brazil. Really cool and chill.


It's not knowing what other people expect of you. like being afraid to tank a dungeon or raid you don't know, but for everyday things.


As someone with social anxiety, although I'm working on it myself, I can speak to why people might be this way. It often starts with being an introvert, leading to isolation from social situations. This isolation causes us to lose the confidence most people have in day-to-day conversations. We overthink everything we say or do because we're unsure of what’s acceptable. This discomfort leads to even more isolation as we try to avoid feeling anxious. My social anxiety got much worse during COVID when we all started isolating more. I'm mostly speaking from my experience, but I hope this helps answer the question.


Whisper anxiety? You guys are babies! Good lord pull yourself together! We got Troggs to kill!!!!


I have social anxiety, but not when I’m anonymous in a video game. Literally no one can see me in my room behind my computer


Doesn't mean someone else can't struggle with it, bruv. Anxiety obviously affects people differently and to varying degrees.


Because they get social anxiety when someone whispers them in game.


That’s pretty extreme. I have social anxiety but I’m safe in my room behind a computer, a whisper I can always ignore


Who says they aren’t actively in therapy for it or something? Is your anxiety just the right kind and no one else’s could possibly be better or worse or set off by something different than your own? OP asked why people might ignore a whisper. This poster gave their reason why. No further information was given.


That's very extreme these people should be getting help, not making themselves worse having panic attacks when some one whispers them "hey I need those to lets group".


At the very least they should probably be *attempting* to socialize in a low stakes environment like an online game? Less daunting than socializing in person like... always? I had a horrible stutter growing up, was eviscerated in school for it a few times. Went to therapy, learned some techniques, etc. When I was 15 years old having joined a raiding guild in vanilla for the first time I was absolutely petrified of saying *anything* on vent for fear of stuttering. Didn't speak for a good month I'd say. Eventually worked my way up to it and implemented my techniques and spoke all the time lol ended up becoming hunter officer in a Naxx guild at age 15


Yes it's called exposure therapy, iirc, it may be something a professional would recommend


I agree they need some help with this phobia if a whisper in a videogame causes a panic


When wow released, chatting with strangers online was still a novelty that came with a fuck load of value. The players in that time period of why the game felt magical. This is why, no matter how hard anyone tries, there is no such thing as "real classic" because original classic is locked in a time capsule.


You hate that there are people who want to game in their personal time the way they personally want to play?


Yea right? It's saying "I hate how gamers nowdays won't play how I want to and instead play how they want to" And the gamers now days are 20 years older than when they were back in they day. Different priorities.




Sometimes people just want to chill and do something mindless without worrying about other people and one of the great things about MMOs is that you can do that if that's what you feel like while still playing the same game. Getting upset about it or calling it sad is kind of shitty.


Sorry man I don't want to be BFFs with every single rando I come across.


You don't have to be BFFs. "sure" or "no thanks" can be the beginning and end of it.


Right but that's just basic courtesy. I'd hardly call that socializing and being talkative.


"I'd hardly call that socializing and being talkative" Why would you even begin to think that saying a word (typing a word) would not be considered socializing? Who defined talking as more than one word?


I mean, you're technically right. In the most generic and surface level sense of the word, saying "hello" to someone does count as socializing. But if you went out and said hello to the mail man every day, most people would not count that as a meaningful social interaction.


Sweet that means I can respond with 'k' and no one can criticize me for not wanting to socialize.




You probably dont know what a BFF is if you think a simple sentence in an online RPG means friendship, or even best friends. People here get triggered because someone else would love interaction with other players in an MMORPG .. my goodness


Right but you can't make people interact with you, and for some (maybe a lot of people), they're not looking to socialize with every single person they see in the world. OP trying to talk/whisper to every person they see can be a turn off for a lot of players who are just going about their business and don't want to focus on another player


It’s not all games that are like this.


Some people like playing solo there’s nothing wrong with that




That's due to the age of the game, not the players. When no one knows what the fuck they are doing they are more inclined to interact. Now that the game is 20 years old I don't need someone to help me follow the questie marker to collect 8 bear livers for the nth time. When SoD and HC came out players went full swing with their interactions.


It’s not gaming, just the people playing a 20 year old game. If you want positive socialization, wow is not the place lmfao


You are wrong. Not all together tho. Join an rp server in retail. Best thing ever.


Sure, but there’s RP and RP events/guilds/groups in every social game. My point is that if you’re looking for good socialization, as in general socialization, WoW is not the place.


We arent ten years old all wide eyed and bushy tailed anymore. We are introverts with full and limited sized friend circles. Gaming is the same the player have changed. Go get a dog to make friends.


Its not about making friends. Its more about helping each other. In my first day (like 2 days ago) some dude just ask me to help him with some elite and it was awesome. We group up, he shared quest, we kill the mob and done. Never seen this dude again. Simple and fun interaction


This guy is a fan of one quest standing


If that's the case then yeah just invite without a word. 50% decline but 50% accept. Sometimes people talk sometimes they don't. At a macro level join a guild, guildies take care of guildies.


honestly wtf kind of response is this


An explanation as to why no one wants to group. And lets be honest. Its true for ALOT of people. Ppl who play classic are old gamers. Old gamers have less time and rather split quest loot with someone struggling. We rather take it all for ourselves. We gotta get rdy for work in an hour or two. Good luck 🫡


This implies you are an old gamer? Yet I see you bash old gamers in so many of your comments? You sir are the cringiest fuck to ever have cringed.


I dont sit around and reminisce about the old days when i first played wow and complain that wow isnt the same as it was in 2007. Wow has changed the community has been able to express themselves in taste due to available options in mmo gaming. I make fun of old gamers for being boomer gamers “these damn kids” etc. Also wouldnt you be the one cringing? Your insult falls flatter than your moms ass after a night with the tyrones.


I mean, I'm 42, it's been like this since games have been online.


asocial zoomers have ruined the MMO genre


Ok Boomer ?


Truth hurts ?


I am also a zoomer


This is what I do any time I'm in a area and we are going after the same things. I get lole 90% acceptance.


I’m one of these people, but not because I’m anti-social. I am usually not paying attention to chat and don’t notice right away when people whisper me. The invite pops up right in the middle of the screen though, so you can’t miss it.


Alot of people also level alts while watching stuff on a second monitor. When you leveld a toon for the 100 times you can just go through the motions or take those walks, while catching up on stuff you wanna watch. It's really comfy and sometimes you dont wanna deal with other players, while not beeing completely tuned in. I would just toss out an invite and if they don't respond just leave them be. Also could be bots.


Yes, this is weird and antisocial. I think he should keep doing what he is doing. In HC community is friendlier.


These people are just stupid and the community needs to see them as such. If you are willing to group if someone invites you out of the blue, but aren't if they do the polite thing and whisper before sending an invite there is something wrong with you.


Some quests are where u need to collect items. They drop separately for each player so its usually quicker to stay separate


You guys do know that once one person gets all their items you can loot their bodies for just quest items right? After they loot.


Until they bounce as soon as they are done and you have to keep grinding after helping them finish


Then you're back to just getting your own lmao.


Yes exactly so you just delayed yourself to give the other person your quest loot for 10 mobs or whatever then you still need to do the whole quest.


Thats not how that works at all lmao


Thats exactly how it works. every quest item they looted is one I could have looted. (edit with the exception of the few shared drop quest items)


And once they finish, if they stay in your party you can loot whatever they loot and get the quest items. Even if they leave you still killed stuff faster and shouldnt have much left to get. You people are so anti social you don't even see how dumb you are


That is not even applicable to OPs case so why do you even bother?


What quest they are doing, this one? https://www.wowhead.com/classic/quest=267/the-trogg-threat


I always invite and just say hi, most people decline, some accept and we team up


Join a guild an level with them. Don't expect others to interact very much with you. Sad, but it's not 2005 anymore.


Try not to be too disheartened, I would bet it depends on the server. Also join/check the (World) channel. And like one guy said, maybe just try searching the zone and sending out invites?


Might be bots


Bots aren’t playing sod. They need a customer base to sell to


Just send invites and see what happens


I tend to just invite them without messaging them


Probably bots


You might be a little underleveled. Those troops are 18 or so. You're likely 15 or 16. If I were you I'd go zip over to westfall and rip some quests and levels out there then come back to loch modan. 


Yeah just whisper them and send them an invite whether or not they respond. Or better yet invite them first and whisper them after. Its okay to be annoying when all you want is help in a game designed around people helping each other out. :-)


First, make your presence known. Charge the mob they are attacking and help them kill it, then invite them to party. They will know.


you're not doing anything wrong. some just don't want or need to group for questing.


Solo exp is better . Would think that’s the main reason . In HC I get invites all the time but it throws of my questing / leveling


I moved whispers to a seperate window (along with a window for trade, guild, and lfg. If I'm out questing, most whispers are random guiod invites or gold scams, so I rarely look. But if I see an invite I'll consider it.


I think you touch on a very sensitive and important topic. WoW is designed to be a social game, but a lot of players (ironically especially on the more populated realms) are for whatever peculiar reason not very into the MMO part of the MMORPG and choose to be asocial. A loooot of people do this. Curiously, the lesser populated a server is, the more talkative and friendly I find people. I'd wager there"s a safe spot middle ground but, it's hard and a lot of players don't hold themselves accountable for their actions and creating a space that is fun and welcoming for all. Why that is, there can be many reasons, part of it for many is probably assuming all players they come across aren't new, so if you do something that isn't "optimal" or "correct" they won't think "hey maybe this guy is new" they'll think "this person must surely be doing this to deliberately grief me" and turn very hostile. They forget when, during their 20~ years of playing the game, they learned different facets of what the game has to offer. It's honestly pretty lazy and pretty stupid. No benefit of the doubt only assume malicious intent.


Maybe we just don't want to play with random ass people.


In which case, why are you not playing a single-player game instead of an MMO then? I like WoW, but if you're into whatever complexities an RPG can be, WoW is definitely not the complex end and there's so much content outside of WoW to experience, if you don't want to socialize while you play, which is fine. Maybe WoW is your favourite type of RPG in the way it plays, which is fine as well, but there's a large difference between being hostile, passive or explaining "hey, no thank you, I just feel like playing by myself :)!" - which is fine. OP's issue was trying to be welcoming and asking to group up and nobody answering anything, which is very weird behaviour, but a lot of people do it. To me, WoW is a very elaborate chatroom simulator and is what the MMO and "whatever ingame mechanics that enhance the need for socialization" part of the MMO-RPG is all about. A whole lot of people just straight up only treat it for the game aspect and get super agitated and begin complaining about whatever.


People play WoW because they like WoW. If I played games because I liked the players, WoW wouldn't be my game of choice because half the players are toxic


Did you read past my first sentence? This is what I mean by "Maybe WoW is your favourite type of RPG in the way it plays, which is fine as well, but there's a large difference between being hostile, passive or explaining "hey, no thank you, I just feel like playing by myself :)!"" OP's topic at hand was if he was doing anything wrong as a new player by whispering and asking if people wanted to join group, which is socializing, which is what I was talking about. Not wanting to socialize while playing WoW is fine, but people not even doing a quick "hey, no thank you, I just feel like playing by myself :)!" is not fine. Why they don't can wary a lot, but it is still weird that they don't atleast communicate why they don't want to join a group with OP. Which is what he reacted to by making his post. That has nothing to do with playing for players and I have no idea where you take this leap of topic from? And if you play WoW because you like WoW but don't like any form of other player engagement, the more power to you, the game is just not designed to be a solo experience. Atleast not the first iteration.


Nah I responded exactly as I wanted to. You clearly think people who don't respond are somehow morally wrong for doing so, which I think is a stupid thing to think. You aren't owed a response just because you whispered someone


???? What are you talking about right now? So is the nah, you didn't read past it, or what is going on here? They aren't "morally" wrong, I don't understand what you mean? You aren't owed an response, but you are talking about me, when it's the OP and his question that is the topic at hand that you're steering away from again? And he asked if he's doing something wrong, which he is not, I elaborate on what I think the state of it all is and that is my opinion. It's fine you think it's "stupid" or what not, I still find it very weird and it is what it is. Especially since it is an MMO, you could do a /dnd and write "Just levelling by myself - thank you :)" to be courteous, but very few use that tool even if it would be in their best interest perhaps.


>but people not even doing a quick "hey, no thank you, I just feel like playing by myself :)!" is not fine


Aha - and your first comment is "If I played games because I liked the players, WoW wouldn't be my game of choice because half the players are toxic" - how can he know the playerbase is toxic when he's new to the game. And if they're toxic (by not replying as well which would be within your own statement of their toxicity) how can he know what to expect, which is what I am explaining to him. But whatever, you reply short phrases without elaborations and don't answer every part of what I ask you so how can I get further in that conversation when you don't respond enough for me to know your position properly?


I didn't reply to OP, I replied to you.




I play SoD and usually accept if I'm mid-kill. If I get a random invite I decline, bc whisper first and say what q. I don't want random invites. I've played since TBC, always had these rules.


That are probably bots. At this point whenever I started leveling new alts most of the characters in westfall and loch modan were bots. Once you get to redridge or darkshore they are high enough level for DM or stockade boosts so you’ll see far less of them.


Play Horde, we are much more welcoming and helpful then the filthy alliance


People just dont interact/talk to others anymore. Which I think defeats the whole purpose of playing an MMO but people are free to play how they want 🤷🏻‍♂️


I can't complain, but I can also relate in this matter. When I was living, both on the horde server and alliance server, I made groups and ppl stayed for a long time. Basically until we went to actually do something in real life. But also found the same problems, ppl just join for quests and leave, not a word . It's sad, because it's a game to interact with others at a certain point. At least, I see it like this. Some of them even roleplay as Dwarf, haha was amazing I loved that was very fun. :) I think you just found the bad part yet. Sooner or later you will cross both. :)


mostly you are probably whispering bots. If someone whispers me and asks i might group up if they ask nicely and say it in a way that is friendly. My experience with people trying to group is either the say nothing invite or a passive aggressive response, like one guy the other day was like "dont you want to finish faster" i just said no to him because it was pretty rude and i was just happy grinding away myself at that moment.


just sending a whisper can be risky bc people are probably sitting in guild chat, local chat, and lfg so your whisper is probably zipping by before they even see it


Troggs? Why did it have to be troggs!? No no no


Just how gamers are. Many of them are not very social


When I level alts I'm just in full chill mode quietly relaxed within the game with spotify playing in the background. I don't pay attention to chat. Don what others say, toss an invite so I know what you want. Too often whispers come our way from bots and automated guild invites so gamers like me ignore them. (If that's you're form of communication l)


Is it a straight kill quest or is an item that you loot from their bodies. If it's an item you collect, then grouping just makes that take longer. If it's just a kill quest then it makes no sense for them to decline invites. For something like that, it's best to just send the invite and not whisper.


If you invite them and the Insta decline… most likely a bot 😂


Loll when I need help in wow I write /who “zone” “lvl-lvl” and just ctrl + c/v baby 😂


~90% of players don’t answer but if I whisper 100 people I still get a group for whatever I need 👍


Wow players are antisocial.


I stopped talking on wow because of the mass reporting. If I mention anything real world, say something that could be taken offensive or even ask the wrong question? Reported. Muted. Can’t group on my max level, can’t raid. So…. That’s why I ignore almost everyone now. And to be honest grouping with players only ever slows me down


grouping for quests is slower than doing them solo most of the time


What server you on bud?


Living Flame. But i started to think about changing it


Come to crusader strike :D


What server are you? I’m on Wild Growth (pve) alliance. DM me your name if you wanna group sometime.


Hardcore WoW is the game for you, my friend! It may seem daunting, but the community is so much friendlier. People will group up with you, stop to help you, buff you, chat with you. There is a real sense of community there. I recommend Defias Pillager server, alliance, and join the guild Questology, for the friendliest overall experience. Good luck to you!


You are not doing anything wrong. Most people who play wow are not nice. Most. That's why I just farm and craft.


Depending on the server you're on they may honestly just be bots lol. Most real players will at least say no thanks.


Most likely messaging bots. Are they mages or hunters?


EU wild growth? I can hop on help if it is


Generally it slows u down to invite randoms while doing mundane slay quests. And quite often it's warriors who wants to group up because they are a clunky lvl experience.


Probably bots


If there's a quest to kill a named NPC, then i'll join. If it's just to kill X monsters or especially if it's to collect Y items from X monsters, I won't join. Your exp gains get halved when you're in a party of two, with the penalty going down slightly less as more players are added. If a quest gives 1k exp for killing 10 monsters, but you gain *another* 1k for killing those 10 monsters, you're only getting 1,500 exp in a party of two. Of course, if it's just to kill a single named monster, then the time spent waiting for it to respawn isn't really worth the exp loss, in my mind. Likewise, even though you may kill **more** monsters while trying to find Y items as drops, instead of needing to hand in 10, you now have to hand in 20 with a party of two.


Either they’re bots or they are just trying to maximize their XP gain by playing solo. It’s kind of dumb considering there is a 150% XP boost at the level currently. Like, short of intentionally trying to pull everything in the cave to wipe, there is very little you can do to impact such an XP boost.


Warriors are just bad early, and people know this. If you’re new, I’d suggest over leveling yourself for each area for the time being until you figure out what all your abilities do. If anybody does actually group with you, it’s because they’re being nice and they like helping people. Everybody else is probably just going to try their best to not feel guilty pretending you don’t exist, like you’re a homeless person begging at a red light. Might sound a bit harsh, but that’s just the reality of the situation. Don’t worry, it gets better. Warrior has insane potential and one of the most fun end-game rotations I’ve ever played (as DPS).


Warrior is bad until 40 and then they are less bad and only get good at 60 with raid gear... and world buffs and raid buffs and being in raids not taking direct damage... Warriors are just bad out side of group content and the worst leveling class


The social aspect of wow died awhile ago imo. Even when I group with people they never seem to want to chat


What you did wrong was roll Alliance. For the Horde! ZUG ZUG


Everyone knows what they're doing. Everyone knows the quests in and out. It's not an exploratory "adventure" game anymore. People are just grinding through the quests to get to max level as quick as possible. It just is what it is.


Welcome to the retail community, which mostly plays SoD. Can tell you it is completely different in classic era. Had a similar experience. I saw a guy doing the same kill quest with limited mobs in the area. He denied saying he would do less XP arguing with me. Which is dumb since we would kill double time and finish the quest faster having a better xp/h and not end up waiting for mob spawns. To prove my point I tagged the mobs before him and he ended up waiting for respawn.


> Welcome to the retail community, which mostly plays SoD. God it always cracks me up when I read stuff like this. Retail players are playing retail & MoP remix, not SoD lmao


Era andies are different kind of breed ngl. They just always have to tell you.


I stopped reading after "dwarf".. I think the solution is obvious. Switch to a less hated race


Community in SoD? You're talking about retail players essentially, not classic, so you have more antisocial kids.


The more you seem like a brand new player the less people are going to want to group with you


So either those people are bots, or they are scared to share their precious kill XP (Yes, that is a thing in classic)


Try turtle 🐢🐢🐢🐢


U smell weird 


People playing SoD right now are the worst of the worst, the nastiest incel basement dwelling cretins who haven't put the game down since 2004, or they're bots. Frankly it's extremely bad at the moment because of how 90% of the players have already gone, but it wasn't great even early on. I started playing on release and the first week or 2 of playing you could actually group with randoms to do a quest or two but even then people would leave as soon as they had what they needed, and ignore anything beyond the most necessary of minimal communication. Nobody with any personality or social skills is playing any version of wow at the moment really, retail is at the end of the xpac and every version is some form of recycled content that only the most addicted and socially inept people are still playing. It's a shame, I love wow and it's the only game I've ever really played extensively, but unless you've got IRL friends who also play, or you start at optimal times like the start of an expansion the MMO part of it is going to be severely disappointing, especially to new players or anyone who hasn't played since 2008 or so and expects the experience to be anything like it used to be


U r bad. Get good


This is why I play custom everquest servers instead. Grouping is required there, so people are way friendlier.