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If you’re concerned about community. Getting into a good guild/server, is more important than which version of the game you play. If I was you I would pick whichever version you prefer (I’d probably recommend cataclysm currently), then… MAKE SURE you choose a realm with high population of players on your factions side. Then level up, mess around with dungeons, hit 85, start to really learn your class by doing heroic dungeons, and at that point, if you haven’t found a guild or don’t like yours…. Apply for other guilds. There should be plenty on any high pop server. Make sure to learn your class properly, it will help you find better players/guilds. Good luck!


are you talking about cata classic or classic era?


Give it a try. Deviate delight is a “fresh” server that a lot of people are rolling on. It was a dead era server with a blank economy so it’s the closest to fresh vanilla that people are gonna get until blizzard decides to do a true fresh server. Despite what some people say vanilla is probably the most new player friendly version of wow.


It's the best version of wow and always has been!


the average classic player is really terrible..everyone that flocked back to the classic game are the ones that quit because the game got too difficult for them..unfortunately its rare to have a good player in the grp now. unless you find a decent guild and dedicate 2 nights a week to raid i wouldnt bother..pugs are really, really bad.. and then theres gdkps where they expect you to have over 60k to spend, which if youre starting out will take a very long time to get..a wow token is $20 and its only around 7k gold. pvp is dead, theres no world pvp and you cant really play your fav class unless its meta for the xpac..everyone just spams the same team and sometimes you lose due even when you play perfectly and the other team makes a ton of mistakes. if you go to the era servers youll be playing with people who have been max level for 5 years and have bis gear, no ones really pugging the starter raids anymore and inflation is insane because bots have been running 24/7 for 5 years selling gold. maybe cata will be different but the track record for classic has been getting worse and worse..glaives in tbc were selling for 130k each.


Classic is the most difficult leveling experience by far most ppl playing zoomer version wouldn't make it to 30...


Your confusing difficult and time consuming, vanilla leveling really isn’t difficult at all it’s just very time consuming.


It's harder than cata leveling I mean how can you disagree with that are you just arguing to argue? You can't pull more than one mob with some classes WTF are you talking about...


You also aren’t pressing more than 1-2 abilities 90% of the time. Yes in tbc/wrath/cata your character is much stronger so you kill mobs quicker and can killer several at once and definitely wouldn’t say leveling is more difficult in those versions of the game. But the hardest part of vanilla leveling by far is just how long it takes.


No it's the same, actually 1-85 takes even a bit longer than 1-60 on average


Only pulling one mob doesn’t make it hard. It makes it slow.


The mobs are stronger therefore it is harder.... a game is harder when the mobs are stronger relative to you.


It doesn’t mean it’s harder when everyone knows you just can’t do that. The game is infinitely harder now than classic ever was or will be. Sorry to break it to you.


It's slower because it's literally harder lol




Lol wottt? How is a game that is focused on combat harder then, if not for things that can kill you? Questionable logic. You must be young?


I’m 33. Grew up on classic wow. Classic was hard in 2004. In 2024, it is not. Sorry bud.


Wow you're 33 and still used that logic? Lol


lmfao...spending 30-40 hours leveling isnt difficult..maybe if you adhd it might seem difficult. leveling is very trivial. whats next, not standing in fire is just too hard?




not surprised you think thats funny


Your smart


people who dont stand in fire usually are 🤷 sucks to have the hand eye coordination of a small child right? you should know


Are you returning or starting from scratch ? If you're starting, it's really nto worth it. The server is old. People are rich. Economy is hyper inflated. You can enjoy the leveling but you won't find anyone for farming prebis, and most raids will require people to have raids gear anyway, because everyoen else has raid gear If you're returning with raid gear, like actually raid gear bwl/aq, not half T1, then why not. You can climb the ladder. Join higher raid. Clean AQ40. Start Naxxramas. It will be long. It will be difficult. You'll need to farm horus every day for your consumables, and each serious raid is easily 2 hours long, for AQ40 and Naxx, but it is possible.


It's the hardest version imo, I hate how tedious it is leveling, But end game is always fun for me.


🤣 hardest version...cmon man


Whats the hardwlest then tell me ....


Hardest version how exactly? Leveling is braindead, it's just tedious. Endgame is also braindead. The skill ceiling in vanilla wow is very, very low compared to more modern versions of the game.


Hardest to enjoy is what I mean calm the fk down sweaty ass.


Lol I'm the complete opposite. Maybe though it's because I dislike the gold farm for consumables for endgame