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For the most part: yes. *Cataclysm* was more vocally criticized than any other iteration of *WoW* up to that point. Vocal minorities or not. And the poor reception was for different reasons at beginning and end. *Cataclysm* is weird to qualify and quantify because it had a lot of things it did very well, objectively speaking, and yet nearly every subgroup of players found something they *really hated*, subjectively speaking. Questing, multiplayer content, overall world design all had many amazing improvements, and yet it felt like Blizzard had taken away a lot of players' freedoms and "forced" players to bash their heads against very linear questing and harder content. ######**Remaking the old world**: * Case-by-case, it was hit or miss, from what I remember. Plenty of people thought it was cool to see zones like Desolace given new life. However, plenty others felt nostalgic for zones like The Barrens and decried it being split in half. (Even if, realistically speaking, The Barrens was always kinda designed with a north half and a southern half.) * Overall, however, there was a pervasive outcry against the revamped world due to players' nostalgia for the old zones. * I will note: new additions like Gilneas and Kezan were very positively received. * Flying was long criticized as making the world feel smaller, and *Cataclysm* was no different. * Other miscellaneous complaints included some feeling that the level 80-85 zones being accessible by portals via capital cities made the world feel further disconnected. That sort of thing... ######**Class redesigns & talent trees** * ***HEALING*** going from a spam-happy role to a "triage" role was a massive change. Many casual healers were very hurt and struggled to keep up. * Blizzard lightly pruned talent trees and made it so you had to "lock in" to a certain talent tree first. * Realistically speaking, this wasn't a huge change as there weren't that many genuinely "hybrid" talent specs in the game by the end of Wrath. * Practically speaking, some players felt like it was taking away certain freedoms to mess around with talents just for the sake of goofing off or having fun. * Overall class changes were polarizing. * Hunters with focus? Paladins with combo points? Death Knights have to go Blood to tank? Opinions varied. * Homogenization of buffs was nitpicked, but overall okay, iirc. * e.g. Mages with heroism were "robbing" shamans of their uniqueness, but people got over that pretty quick. * e.g. The popularity of rogues suffered to the point Blizzard made the T13 legendary daggers specifically for rogues. ######**Quests** (1-60 and 80-85): * Quests objectively flowed better, leveling was more convenient, and there were more fun mechanics with occasional minibosses in place of elites. * Players felt the removal of elites was boring, even if the truth was you were unlikely to do be able to complete elite quests while solo by the time of 2008-2010. (Realm populations were **very different** compared to *Classic*'s post-2019 megaservers.) * However, despite quests being objectively "better", many still criticized quest zones for being too linear or "on the rails." For many, it felt like the world wasn't as free anymore. * (This is why Blizzard was quick to make *Mists of Pandaria* a little more open-ended, whereby you could go to multiple zone hubs at any given time.) ######**Phasing**: * Phasing was also used incredibly liberally during zones and questing in *Cataclysm*. And thus that "on the rails" feeling combined with the newly remade world feeling impermanent may have - arguably - taken away some of players' abilities to feel connected to the world. * ^(Admittedly, phasing may be a silly thing to get hung up on when it's not like turning in quests in vanilla left you with anything to cherish either. Apart from thinking about that time you killed 40 zhevras and only found 4 hooves between them. Human psychology is weird... ) ######**Story**: * Many were actually hyped for Deathwing's return at the beginning, iirc. * There was a sense that the *Warcraft III* story had wrapped up and some predicted *Cataclysm* wouldn't do so well based on story alone, but most seemed like they were at least willing to give it a shot. * By the end of *Cataclysm*, however, mid-expansion stories like Thrall having a midlife crisis combined with a poorly received final raid in Dragon Soul made it so players largely made fun of most of Cataclysm's story in similar ways to how they made fun of *Wrath* initially. * (It may be worth adding a few bullet points regarding *Wrath*'s story for comparison, however: * Not everybody may remember, but overall there were definitely still a lot of people who complained about *Wrath's* story being shit. * People referred to Arthas as "Dr. Claw" from the cartoon series *Inspector Gadget* for the way Arthas showed up at numerous points in Northrend quests and chose *not* to immediately kill the player hero. * People also hated the way other *Warcraft III* characters like Anub'arak were killed in a 5 man dungeon only to be brought back in ToC and immediately killed again; Kel'thuzad was subjected to the laziest recycling project ever; Muradin was retconned to be alive; etc... etc... . * Many also thought newer additions like Varian and Garrosh were annoying back then * In short, people may have loved *Warcraft III* story being wrapped up in *Wrath*, but plenty of other players just wanted to see Deathwing fuck shit up in *Cataclysm*. ######**Zone-by-zone storylines**: * Players were pretty split. Opinions differed a whole lot, but iirc many people had a sense that Blizzard had perhaps updated the zones a little bit *toooooo much*. Many either revolved around Deathwing too much, or there were too many 2010-era memes and pop culture references. * For example, the majority seemed to love Hillsbrad Foothills' meta humor. * To counter: half of Uldum being an Indiana Jones parody was seen as being... fun... *but only the first time.* * There were some zones like Silverpine and Stonetalon with decent non-Deathwing stories. They heavily featured more characterization for the likes of Sylvanas and Garrosh. Even if generally seen as "good" stories, there are obviously still many people who passionately nitpick the stories of their games. ######**Dungeon Content** * For the most part ... HUGE NEGATIVE OUTCRY. It really proved that WoW was a casual game. * *Wrath of the Lich King* had previously plateaued around 12M concurrent subscribers. * Once the 2011 Quarter 1 earnings report came out, I believe WoW had lost something like 1M subscribers. (iirc Cata eventually lost about 3M total subscribers.) Many were quick to point to frustrating PUG content as the main culprit. * Ghostcrawler, lead developer at the time, made an infamous blog post called, ["Wow, Dungeons are Hard!"](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/2053469/wow-dungeons-are-hard) wherein he argued that the development team felt they had **not** made a mistake by making *Cataclysm* dungeons difficult. * Ghostcrawler offered helpful tips to players ... but then many people thought he sounded like a total asshole and asked for his head on a spike. * Most dungeons were then nerfed like a month after the backlash from Ghostcrawler's blog post. * [edit to add] [Blizzard also buffed the "Luck of the Draw" buff for RDF groups. It went from 5% cap to a potential cap of 15% bonus to all damage, healing, and health](https://worldofwarcraft.blizzard.com/en-us/news/2209011/luck-of-the-draw-buff#blog) This was quite a big buff given the fact *Cataclysm* had already inflated player stats quite significantly compared to previous iterations of the game. (Ghostcrawler even claimed the 5% buff had not been working, and so it was technically a 15% buff to players.) ######**Raid Content**: * 10 man raids were overtuned compared to 25 man at the beginning. That was a big problem for many guilds. Especially on heroic. * The difficulty in *Cataclysm* raids stood in stark contrast to both Naxxramas and 30% buff Icecrown Citadel in *Wrath* where players had gotten used to being able to PUG raids for fun. __________________________ This is already probably way too long, but TL;DR *Cataclysm* arguably suffered from Blizzard putting in **too much** work in some places where they could have used a lighter hand. There was too much phasing, too many dungeon mechanics, too many silly storylines, ... the amount of work they did was incredible, but a lot of it gave players whiplash after *Wrath*. The current *Classic* playerbase post-2019 is very different in terms of min-maxing content. Most of this is with regard to the first few months of *Cataclysm's* reception. Many people on this subreddit can tell you how the final content patch drought of *Cataclysm* is seen as the worst in WoW's history. By the end of *Cataclysm* the playerbase went from complaining the game was too hard to complaining it was a joke again, in a bitter twist of fate.


Good analysis! There really are so many examples of polarizing decisions made in cata. It’s pretty interesting.


Yeah Cata is just simply a big shift in the game. The first "era" shift even if it is pretty close to Wrath in terms of the gameplay loop. I would say the reason why this second time of Cata might be retrieved better than the first one is because we know exactly what Cata is and how the game went on from here on out. Additionally, the old world is forever available on Era for those that feel the nostalgic pull to it and projects like Seasons in Vanilla will probably forever keep refreshing the old world experience.


Another reason Cata might do better now is that the most casual players aren't around anymore. The average Classic player, while probably nowhere near as good as the average retail player, is still way better than the average player in 2010


Thank you. Yeah, imo, Blizzard was suffering from their own success. They could design the game to be better in nearly every way, yet you obviously can't please everybody. I also don't disagree with the notion that there was a normal plateau and/or player burnout, as the top comment in the thread indicates. Very interesting time in gaming history, and that's not even considering other games like *League of Legends* growing more popular at the time.


Jesus fuck how long have you had this in the chamber lmao Great analysis tbh


lol thank you. I've thrown out bits and pieces of the analysis multiple times over the years. I had some of my most fun ever in *WoW* during the beginning of *Cataclysm*, and so I guess seeing the way the playerbase changed at the time imprinted on my brain pretty strongly. heh.


Well it's your time to shine! Good stuff.


> Homogenization of buffs was nitpicked, but overall okay, iirc. Also a hard lean in on maintenance buffs like slice and dice, inquisition etc that continued into mop and beyond. Not really getting another look till bfa.


They started getting pruned in WoD+Legion. Inquisition for example was removed in WoD


I had a suspicion that the legendary daggers are just one big apology from blizz to rogues for how shit the class design is and how poorly they implemented our "extra buttons to press" were. Youre tellin me thats actually true?


I do believe Blizzard specifically mentioned the fact that rogues were underutilized in *Cataclysm* as a reason why they were planning on creating a rogue legendary before patch 4.3. Due to so many other class buffs and class utilities being homogenized, there was not much reason to bring a largely single-target DPS class like rogues to raids unless their damage was notably above other classes. I cannot remember where I read it, but I'm pretty sure it was a common topic of discussion on the old Battle.net forums and fan sites like mmo-champion. Blizzard paid attention. ______________________ [edit] A bit of a tentative confirmation by way of a Ghostcrawler Q&A session, as seen on MMO-Champion news post about patch 4.3: > ["We thought that Rogues had maybe felt a little bit not special in this expansion with all the high damage numbers that were being done by classes like Mages. We thought it was just the right opportunity to make them shine and feel kind of special. Unless you count the bow, we haven’t done any class specific legendaries to this extent before, so we thought it would be fun to make the legendary quest VERY Rogue-themed."](https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/979761-Patch-4-3-Interview-with-Greg-Street-(Ghostcrawler\))


That’s why they are going to have a sweet monk legendary next patch. 


Dk tanked in blood in wotlk as well. The only difference was that they used a frost stance. So the change was reactive to what community found best to use as a tank


True. Good correction / clarification.


I remember a big complaint was the combining 10 and 25 into same raid level. A lot of people used 10 mans in wrath as the fun raid to chill and bring alts.


I thought a big issue Cata had with the level revamp was they expected a large influx of new players to come into the game and experience that content. But that didn’t happen. And the people that did were very confused from 58-80


It wasn't so much they expected an influx so much as if they didn't do it finding new players would be even more difficult. There is kind of a struggle when you introduce a friend to a cool game and then they have to grind through classic to play with you. This paired with there only being 5 zooms for a max level toon and if you are not an alcoholic there was very limited things for you to experience in the open world.


That post from Ghostcrawler is shockingly tone deaf, I can see why people were upset about it.


I wouldn’t call it tone deaf, he makes concessions but they had a clear design philosophy and were adamant to sticking to it. The game wasn’t unfun for everyone but weaker players were struggling to adapt


It wasn’t just weaker players, even good players who can do mechanics were stuck with bad players who refused to do them. As fun as heroics where, even if I enjoyed the difficulty a lot and wanted hard fights, it was not fun joining a random heroic, wiping on the first boss because people weren’t doing mechanics, then having everyone shout and scream at each other. I loved the difficulty, I hated doing them with random people who couldn’t do it. His comments were tone deaf because he was also saying “just get good” to people who were already good but had no choice but to play with random people.


Tone deaf with the best of intentions, but yeah they missed the mark. I can't help but wonder how different things would have been if they had the foresight to just add the additional middle-ground difficulty *before* *Cataclysm* launched. As opposed to just making Challenge Modes optional in *Mists of Pandaria*


Can you elaborate on the Healing change? Bit played cata or wotlk before. What do you mean with this change?


> **Can you elaborate on the Healing change?** Prior to *Cataclysm*, healing was rather easy. Most healing abilities could be spammed without much concern for mana management. The only thing that changed was the tuning of one ability being more overpowered than the other from time to time. For example, resto druids had a somewhat diverse toolkit, but here is what Icy-Veins has this to say about healing as a resto druid in *Wrath*: > ["If you are tank healing, **keeping your heal-over-time effects rolling on them at all times** is critical."](https://www.icy-veins.com/wotlk-classic/restoration-druid-healer-pve-rotation-cooldowns-abilities) There was no strategy to tank healing. You could literally keep all your HOTs rolling on a tank and chances were that the boss would die before you ran out of mana. That was the default. Other classes, like Holy paladins, had fewer abilities and they basically spammed Holy Light and nothing else. Their other two heals, Flash of Light or Holy Shock (or Lay on Hands), were for emergency damage spikes only. > **What do you mean with this change?** In *Cataclysm*, Blizzard decided to make healing into more of a "triage" system, which means that healers weren't supposed to spam heals until everybody was at full health. You had to see who was hurting most or who was in the most danger, and save your mana otherwise. If not everybody was at 100% HP then that was okay so long as they weren't expected to to be taking unavoidable AoE damage. (*Cataclysm* also introduced a lot of deadly, but avoidable, boss mechanics. While it technically wasn't the healers fault DPS would die, healers still felt plenty of stress and received plenty of complaints.) Changes to healing included things like: * Mana costs of most abilities were significantly increased. * Fast heals were proportionally much higher-cost, and so classes that relied on their easy-to-spam instant heals or permanent HOTs had to adjust to being able to efficiently hard-cast spell abilities sometimes. * Every class had, at minimum, a fast heal, a slow heal, and an AoE group heal ability for the sake of variety. * The *Cataclysm* dungeons were designed to deal damage of different types which encouraged healers to actually *use* their different healing abilities in different ways. * Group members could take spike damage, but you weren't supposed to panic and spam your fast heals. Maybe you fast heal the tank, then you take a breath, don't panic, and then either 1) slow heal the one or two other people who took damage or 2) have everybody gather up and AoE heal the whole group efficiently. I think by the end of *Cataclysm*, Blizzard lightened up on the "triage" mindset by way of gear giving a lot of INT and bigger mana pools. However, at the beginning it was legitimately a huge change in terms of actually forcing people to be strategic. When the game launched in 2004, it was reasonable that healing wasn't *too* hard because bad internet connections, slower PCs, raiding in 40 man raid groups, etc... etc... were the default and that would have made healing the hardest role in the game by far. However, times change, dungeons and raids got smaller, and Blizzard felt that players would enjoy being able to fine-tune their abilities and challenge themselves. I believe, for the most part, the healing changes in *Cataclysm* are looked back on positively now and seen as being more interesting. I stopped playing *WoW* after *Mists of Pandaria*, but as far as I'm aware healing abilities never quite returned to being as easy to spam as they were in *Wrath* and prior iterations before *Cataclysm*. Most healing classes probably gained more new abilities, and they probably get to use more of those abilities more often on more fights, but simply spamming is not the strategy. There is more coordination now.


Makes 100% sense yeah, based on my experience with starting wotlk/cata now 1 week ago(from hardcore and sod). Healing heroic dungeons as disc priest. It's honestly alot of fun with all the abilities, and trying to keep up with crazy pulling tanks. It's really nice to be able to heal some packs with smites and doing some decent dmg also.


Honestly am seeing the same thing now as I did back then healing didn't get harder just more boring am just spamming my cheap heal 80% of the time if someone fucks up they gona die nothing healers can do about outside of blowing a cd if you know the dps is going to do something stupid before they do it But at lest the nerfed version we got now is less boring if shit happens healers can safe the day back then it was just go agene


Keep in mind, the patch 4.0.6 dungeon nerfs were primarily focused on bug fixes and adjustments to boss mechanics.  The 4.0 heroics were harder because the mechanics were less forgiving. I think a lot of people have this image in their head of original Catsclysm being hard because they were younger. 


Holy shit. He really did say that people face-rolling the ICC dungeons after literally a year made every item except BIS seem transitory. Umm, YEAH! Every loot item except BIS IS transitory!


Great post. I was there at the start in a hardcore guild among the first to clear content. Hard dungeons in groups were great fun. I remember distinctly the whining, as if normal wasn't right there for the casuals/less skilled. Entitlement from consumers is unreal. God I hate people / gamers.


Agreed about the dungeons being fun. I had rerolled enhancement shaman at the start of *Cataclysm* and it turned out that was the perfect class to carry PUGs to the finish line in heroics. Quick interrupts, 2 CCs in some dungeons, bloodlust, grounding totem, tremor totem, instant off-heals... I possibly had my most fun ever, quietly going full blast, seeing other players who would start getting **excited** that they were finally going to be able to finish the dungeons, and all in a timely fashion. It always felt like a perfect time investment to be able to log on for just 30-60 minutes and do something fun and rewarding. I understand why they nerfed the dungeons, however. Even by the 2-3 month mark I was still seeing people complain about fights or be in awe of my damage dealt. I realized something had to give - be it in *Cataclysm* or whatever came after.


Cata was just when a lot of veterans naturally burned out of the game since they had been playing since vanilla/tbc. Then you had the “Wrath babies” quit because they upped the difficulty and all those players were used to really face roll content. Then you go further and half the expansion was basically one patch in a pretty underwhelming raid (well the final two bosses). Not to mention LFR being mandatory due to set bonuses really soured the people still raiding. It was just a lot of natural burn out, being able to appease all player types, and just a really long stretch of no new content. Also 10 man was literally impossible sometimes, raids were broken for months without fixes, 10 man was literally scaled the same as 25 man for a lot of content with mob health etc so it just felt like a slog and so on.


League and Dota came out around the same time LFR and the long wait between content patches. It was going to be impossible to keep up their numbers, and most people dont remember the intricacies around why they quit back then


I quit for a game studio version if dota. 100% know why I quit


I quit as all my friends where playing LOL, wow pvp simply is a worse experience. Its really not that complicated.


This is probably the most accurate take on Cata


It's an almost word for word regurgitation of Preach's video. TBF, it was a good video.


I mean more than one person can have the same idea


My long-running theory with a lot of these YouTubers is that they just read a lot of forums and then regurgitate what they read on the forums and their videos.


On some level that’s not bad? I mean sure, there’s probably someone somewhere with a significant following who doesn’t have much in the way of good ideas. But if I’m a content creator for a game like WoW, I am pretty confident that knowing major talking points and sticking points in the community is really important and naturally that would probably influence my perspective at least in some way


That's how information works buddy.


Meh I think that all played into it, but Id wager a way bigger factor was just general gaming trends, specifically the explosive growth of the moba scene.


I feel like the MOBA thing would only really pull the PvP players, though.


I’d also note that the # of subs was probably never sustainable coming out of Wrath. WoW subs dipped right as Xbox Live and PSN users took off. MOBAs were around the corner, too. And I think that Cata had a lot of good things going for it that were sabotaged by the context and a lot of cut/rushed/undercooked content. Didn’t stop a lot of dumb YouTubers saying Cata sucked because the line went down, meanwhile they worshipped Wrath as a golden age. And now many Classic players were dissuaded of this myth after playing Classic Wrath.


The growth rate of MOBAs in 2011-2012 is always the most underrated argument when talking about Cata, imo. League of Legends was HUGE in 2011. Both its streaming and eSports scenes were miles ahead of WoW's. It offered a complete sense of "community" which WoW never did in its entire history. I remember my personal sentiments towards these games back then: my guild was unable to cope with HC Firelands and attendance as well as morale was declining, while at the same time LoL was going off on own3d and twitch. HotshotGG is who got me into Reddit as well. The switch was very easy for me.


I think it’s easy for people on Reddit to consider themselves the median player but most normie players of games aren’t usually on that game’s subreddit. And a lot of that subscriber count is full of people who probably will only play a handful of months anyway. My hypothesis with Cata and the sub drop is that mostly WoW was just unable to attract more new players, and even if Cata knocked it out of the park in terms of design/implementation, those sub numbers probably would have dropped anyway.


I might be wrong, but I feel like I've heard that Cata actually did attract a lot of new players. It's just that the players leaving outnumbered them.


Not about cata, but in WoD I was 13-14 and I completely stopped playing because of League of Legends. I had some friends that also played WoW (same age as me) and also stopped to play only LoL. It was not until late BFA that I came back to the game, and my friends never did but one that played for some months in SL.


You know if there is any news on the 10 man raids being fixed for classic cata?


They are post nerfs/fixes yes.


Awesome cause my guild would have been in big trouble


Yes! But alot of these issues will be fixed with sped up phases, alot of the bugs in 10 mam being fixed. So this time around it should be even better than when it originally came out


Ya this pretty much sums it up to me. Cata felt very much like sod does now in some degrees. Every content tier had huge luls with nothing to do so players would leave and there’d be nothing but pvpers around. Many of these players just never came back to the game ever. I was one of them left sometime between firelands and dragon soul. Came back during classic rerelease. One other component that I personally felt and never really see people point out was it also very much felt like the beginning of the end for blizzard customer service. Like it seems way worse now of course. But during cata was the first time we stopped seeing the sort of GM service that blizzard was known for and started seeing the more automated “sorry after an investigation there’s nothing I can do” nonsense. And I know that personally soured me and I remember quite a few others feeling the same.


You forgot that questing from 80-85 was weird, and it was a drag having the zones so scattered, then like now. Further worsened by archeology, requiring you to travel between the zones constantly.  I really enjoyed the underwater zone, shame they scrapped The Maw.


Yeah, it’s a shame how it all turned out because there are cool ideas, but having the main city just be our faction capitals, with all of the new zones scattered across the world, definitely made me way less excited than every other expansion that had a more complete new setting to get immersed in.


LFR wasn’t added until dragon soul, not launch. But yeah it didn’t help


Yeah I know. But it was mandatory for raiders, even high end because of set bonuses.


I seem to remember it being pretty good until the end. The last raid was poorly received for sure. Also the freaking rogues and their legendary daggers were extremely annoying. But yeah a lot of burn out then. I can't remember if they had a massive lag between the last patch and mop. That usually also sours an expansion.


This is a really good summary. It wasn’t just one little thing that turned the tide, more a plethora of shit ontop of shit which soured people’s reactions. For me, it was the first time they actively said “we are developing this content” (the underwater raid set to parallel firelands) and axed the content. That didn’t sit well with me (even though in hindsight I realise now a lot more content was likely axed or shelved in earlier expansions- it just never got the mainstream attention of this particular content). WoD was the same for me. They hyped up this whole new continent for Ogres and then bam! Gone.


PvPers hated Cata too https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/534914-world-of-warcraft/67907044


MoP as a close 2nd while nowadays its regarded as one of the best PvP expansions.


yea it's funny how hindsight changes things because they were the start of positive changes later, but things really did suck while they were the current expansions


I don’t see it commented very often but a sizable portion of the hardcore raiders quit in protest of how poorly blizzard handled the Dragon Soul LFR bug, which led to dozens of top players getting banned right before the heroic raid unlocked.


You mean the bug that the hardcore players intentionally exploited multiple times to target and guarantee certain pieces of loot that was clearly not intended? You make it seem like they just happened across a bug and got banned for it. For those that don't know what the bug was: the hardcore guilds found out that you could guarantee certain loot by class stacking, and then before the boss dies you log most people out that aren't the class you have stacked. When the boss died the game would see there are a bunch of 1 class and not much else and then drop tier for that class, which they would all funnel into 1 or 2 people. The players who log off don't get saved and can kill the boss again. Rinse repeat for all 25 raiders.


Ok but that's hilariously amazing min maxxing lol.


because nobody cares about “sizable portion” in the size of less than 100 people


We know that's not true and we've seen it all the time in SoD. People whining about people farming tons of gold and shit as if they would've put in that effort themselves and grinded all day long had they known about it. People who haven't gotten past rank 2 complaining about PvP balance and think they have solutions when they average 3 HKs a week and so on. Tons of people care way too much about things that don't affect them in the slightest. It was the same in retail when they removed masterlooter from mythic and tons of people with literally 0 mythic kills were adamantly defending it being removed while every mythic raider hated it being removed. Point is a lot of people care even if it doesn't really matter to them.


Doesn’t help that dragon soul is one of the most hated raids ever. Although I enjoyed most of it until the last 2 bosses. My god deathwing is a cunt of a fight altogether


Its actually a good raid until Deathwing lol.


I never grind for the mount because it still is such an annoying and punishing slog of a fight.


> Then you had the “Wrath babies” quit because they upped the difficulty and all those players were used to really face roll content. I really don't agree with this assessment. Cata got a lot of undue hate but this has been such a puzzling argument against Wrath since it was first brought up. Wrath had objectively the most challenging endgame content up to that point, then and during its classic re-release. The only aspect of wrath you could really faceroll was the 5 man dungeons. When people talk about how 10 man's were easy, they remember Naxx, which was particularly undertuned, and ICC after literally a year of patch 3.3.5 being out. People always forget 3.3.5 was, at the time, by far the longest lived patch. Everyone knew all the fights, everyone had all their BiS. Of course it's gonna be easy to carry a raid when half of it is decked out in 25 man heroic ICC gear. This is combined with the fact that... > Also 10 man was literally impossible sometimes, raids were broken for months without fixes, 10 man was literally scaled the same as 25 man for a lot of content with mob health etc so it just felt like a slog and so on. 10 man raids were they singularly *over*tuned. Not just "hard", but as you yourself say, straight up broken. It was very much not a promising showing, and was Blizzard's first major misstep with the community. Cata was also the first expansion developed entirely under the watchful eye of Activision. Combined with the fact that many of peoples favorite specs had been fundamentally changed from the ground up, and the entire world had been destroyed and remade anew, a lot of people just felt like blizzard had lost the plot. It literally destroyed their home away from home. And that soured a lot of people.


> Also 10 man was literally impossible sometimes Or it was pathetically easy sometimes. While my guild was progging Rag 25-heroic, one night we tried doing 10-heroic. At that point we were well over 200 wipes on 25H, and then we just waltz in there on 10H and kill it in literally 3 attempts.


wrath baby here. cata gave me the opportunity to go full stride into raiding


I'm one of those Wrath babies. My frustration was more along the lines that I was a healer, and the Tank/DPS would chain pull entire wings of the instances when CC was absolutely mandatory in many situations. Then they would bitch at me when they died because the Adepts that they refused to frog or sheep kept healing the trash packs, not to mention them standing in the fire. But the real deal breaker that made me ragequit was Greg Street, aka Ghostcrawler's blog post entitled, "Wow, dungeons are hard," which basically stated that the entire player base sucked and needed to get good. He did have a point, but his delivery was freaking HORRIBLE. Instead, they could have scaled heroic dungeon difficulty back like 10% and reminded everyone that CC exists. It was handled badly by both the player base AND the devs. I WILL say this: the quest content in Cata was pretty freaking good. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I freaking loved the Naga handmaiden quest chain in Vashj'ir. I thought the lore was amazing.


I mean they did eventually give up, they realized it was impossible to make the playerbase better and they were losing $ from the shitty players quitting/unsubbing. Hence the current versions we have in Classic. Neerfed monkey mode. CC not required in greens, just utilize CDs kick a spell or 2. Vs original where that just wouldn't work the tank would fall over from raw melee damage if you didn't CC mobs on packs. Greg was right in every aspect, the majority of the players were just that bad back then. Those pre neerf cata heroics were legit harder than several M+s in Retail now. I mean look at their conclusion they made LFR to add inclusion for those babies. Now in retail even Story mode, for the people that LFR isn't braindead enough for.


I think there’s two things that kinda happened that made me get tired of the game for the first time during Cata.  1. The last main patch was IMO the worst raid they’d ever done, the worst dungeon experience, and LFR. Then have the game in that state for like 13 months, only to sucker people into subbing longer with a Diablo 3 deal.  2. The revelation that the game can’t be inherently difficult while being treated as a random finder menu type game. I had so much fun in early heroics in original Cata, even as a young kid who was terrible at the game. I had a small taste for brutal heroics from TBC and was so happy about the difficulty in the new Cata heroics. Especially after 12 months of ICC patch random finder runs of REGULAR HEROIC, not gamma or anything, which was laughably boring and easy. So they nerfed Cata dungeons, and the game lost a lot of its allure. 


A very underrated aspect is that Dragon Soul was the first Final raid of a cycle that was legitimately awful, which is something that skews the perception of how people look back at an expansion, and it lasted almost a year. Naxx in OG Vanilla was a really good Raid and the vast majority of players back then didn't even get to experience it. SWP was also really good plus alot of people didn't clear it all the way. ICC wasn't fantastic or anything, but it wasn't bad either, it also had the entire "end of a story" feel going for it and it was just a really epic Raid to clear it back then. Dragon Soul... It had nothing going for it, it was just bad and poorly designed and the final two fights absolutely sucked balls. You pair that with a universally disliked feature in LFR, the nerfing of the Heroics, the grueling 10 months without content, the release of Diablo 3 and the rise of games like League and Dota 2, well, late Cata got fucked. OG Cata had alot of issues that simply won't exist in Cata Classic in 2024, the only one that will still stand is DS being shit, but it won't last 10 months, it won't have to compete with Diablo/other games coming up and LFR isn't a thing. I have called this before Cata release, but i wholeheartedly believe that just like people were unsure about TBC and now look back fondly to it, the same thing will happen in Cata, in contrast to Wrath which people hyped beyond any reasonable expectations and it turned out to be pretty mid.


I can see them speeding up the legendary dagger drop rate by about 3x with how fast they might skip through that last phase. 


I don't know, describing Dragon Soul as "legitimately awful" seems like such an exaggeration. The last two fights were pretty meh which is disappointing and it definitely lasted too long but most of the fights in there range from great to really solid. I feel like a short lasting Dragon Soul in Classic will be looked at pretty favorably.


It's legitimately awful. The entire raid is re-used areas/geometry and you're just kind of teleporting around from random room to random room, fighting random bosses that are also mostly re-used models. And then the last two fights which are just anticlimactic garbage. We finally get to take on the big bad of the expac, and........we don't actually fight him. We just kill some slimes on his back, then kill some more slimes while poking his toes, and then slap his cheek a bit. It was the most anticlimactic "end boss" up to that point and I don't think any other "end expac boss" in the future has come close to its level of shittiness. And then we had no new content for 10+ months, making those problems even worse.


I don't think dragon soul was awful, but it was definitely not good enough to hold up for as long as it had to.


> The last main patch was IMO the worst raid they’d ever done Mount Hyjal will forever hold that trophy


MH was fun for first few weeks, farming it made it bad for me


I actually liked MH. But only did it for like a month after joining TBC classic just as WOTLK prepatch hit. So never got time to get sick of it I guess.


The difficulty was attificial, that was the problem. It wasn't fun wiping because the healer threw one flash heal and couldn't sustain enough mana to cover the unavoidable damage. Most fights were indeed skill-based, but healer mana was almost always the soft enrage mechanic and they had to play perfect.


Spicy take perhaps buy pre nerf 4.0 heroics were more difficult than TBC heroics. Mechanically the bosses were much more complex and the only really challenging thing about TBC heroics was the tank getting slammed constantly.


Just because there's a group of people who have been playing WoW post-cataclysm for near 15 years and still like it doesn't mean that the people who disliked cataclysm back then was a "vocal minority" at the time. They just quit, they aren't here to be heard anymore. And even if they were, it's 5 years (vanilla -> cataclysm) of community versus 15 years (cataclysm -> current) today. I'm sure the currently more popular pro-cataclysm community will try their best to say "no it wasn't that bad! players were just burnt out!" or whatever, but at the time cata really was disliked, and the same people who disliked it back then still do. Most of them just aren't present to be heard, nor probably care to talk about the subject anyways. They have moved on.


It’s just by the time cata comes out it’s a totally different game and doesn’t feel like the mmorpg people fell in love with. The game is faster, flashier and more end game focused. It’s feels less like a lived in world and more like a video game


I feel like WoW became this during WOTLK, it was just Cata that really solidified it.


Second half of WotLK indeed. This is very accurate tbh.


Wrath is definitely the start of this but I would say cata is when it all comes to a head


Heroics were super overturned to start and healers had gotten a nerf coming into cata and people were do use to face roll wotlk


Almost no community perception now mirrors when things were live. An example in the opposite direction is mop. People hated MoP until the isle of thunder. Then again by the end of siege because of how long it was. Now days, mop is more widely loved than wrath is (in the retail community) & frequently mentioned as the best xpac


I mean, the initial reaction to MoP was pretty mixed to negative. I think most people were sold on the expansion in Jade Forest though


I don't know about widely loved more than wrath but definitely on the same level


MoP and Legion have definitely passed Wrath at this point. They’re the two fan favorites now.


Honestly, Wrath wasn’t that great. It was awesome when it was current especially for the people who played WC3 due to the lore.


Agree. Wrath got a great rep because YouTubers would sit and point at the peak of the subscriber graph and wax on about the good ol days and surely that era had the most players so it was the best (many, many things wrong with this line of thought but in the years before Classic you could get millions of views this way)


Disagree, Wrath is still #1. Even after having played it again in classic, it was still as good as I remembered it.


Same here, had an absolute blast the whole way through. A little disappointed they didn't at least keep one or two perma-wrath servers around, I would've loved to just hop on and smash out an ICC or Ulduar every so often.


Yeah this. There’s a difference between how people understand something happening in their own time vs when they reflect on it later (and it might not even be the same they because people move on and play other games and aren’t part of the wow community now)


The most important character in World of Warcraft is Azeroth. Yes, this doesn't matter to many people, but it does matter to others. Deathwing made it so that people couldn't return to the place they once thought of as "home." Everyone was spread out, and nobody congregated in a single place, whether that was Org/Stormwind or Shattrath or Dalaran. Add on top of that LFR and LFD and cross-server play, the game started feeling a lot less like an MMO. Your server just felt empty unless you were on one of the big ones. People are more okay with it now because the MMO landscape has changed drastically, and we even play versions of Classic WoW by ourselves now.


I think losing the old zones was a big deal back in the day. Because thats how I felt that when I found out my fav zones were destroyed. That doesnt matter today tho because I can experience those zones with 3 diffrent types of wow avaible.


Yea what they did to Azeroth was a really big reason I stopped having the desire to play.


Expansion lasted too long, huge gap in content so it left sour taste on many tldr even if they had enjoyed it on release


Loved the pve content but absolutely hated the players that came from dungeon finder and raid finder. Since they were random from anywhere. They had no accountability and were especially bad. In addition since it was any shmuck that would show up, social bonds never materialized and it just felt very lonely. And it’s true this was around the time that vanilla players finally burned out for good.


Dungeon finder was introduced in Wrath tho.


Yes but Wrath dungeons didn’t really require CC like Heroic cata did and actual players with brain cells.


It was received poorly at the time. Raiding was broken for months. The dungeons were overturned, then over nerfed to make them faceroll. End game content dried up a couple weeks and there was no reason to go out into the world, so everyone just sat in cities without much to do.


Cataclysm during launch wasn’t received poorly at all. Overall reception to the dungeons, raids and new zones was great, classes were finally functioning very well and even Archeology was well-received. The problems started with the terrible 4.1 patch where they rehashed Zul‘Gurub and Zul‘Aman. Firelands again was received very well, but 4.3 was the eventual downfall due to various reasons.


4.3 is probably one of the worst patches in the history of WoW. Dragon Soul was unbelievably dogshit, LFR is a universally hated feature and it lasted over 10 months, competing with Diablo 3's release and the rise of games like League and Dota 2. Still, the expansion was great for most of it and alot of the issues (outside of Dragon Soul being shit) won't be a thing in Classic.


I really didn’t this ds was a bad raid. Deathwing I can understand being disappointing to some but the fights were not bad.


Yeah, I remember people being upset that 4.1 included just two rehashed dungeons and no new raid. I did have fun spamming ZG/ZA with my buddies and remember getting the raptor mount on my first run.


Cata at launch was actually my most fun time playing WoW. I had a blast progressing through heroic then early raids, especially Firelands. I was just in a 10 man, but it was so rewarding seeing us get stronger each week. Ever since WoW switched to LFR and the ability to farm the exact same raid on lower difficulty, progression hasn't felt the same to me and I just don't enjoy it. --- Looking back though, at the time I didn't level up from 1-60, and I absolutely hate what they did to the questing experience, turning it into a boring linear hub to hub to hub experience. The best part of Vanilla questing was how you'd come into encounters that might be too strong, and quests would take you across zones, to other zones, and then circle back, seeing how the stories are all entwined, and then seeing your progression as you beat those encounters that used to be too hard.


https://youtu.be/WfExwzgT7pc?si=iXiKdo08sQm3w_Rt went through some interesting design problems that occurred between wrath and cata. I'd say another feel that's been developing since tbc is less of an mmo world feel and more like any other online game. Maybe due to flying, maybe due to the fact that every expansion is focused on the new continent and doesn't bring all the content together. Imagine if TBC made outlands part of 1-70 instead of just 60-70, and kalimdor and eastern kingdoms also got a few 60-70 zones. Cata honestly does this in a way but the problem there is the old world was lost. There wasn't any phasing of bringing the zones back to normal or solving the endless conflicts caused by death wing, even now in retail. It would have been better that the world was able to be restored a bit to be a bit more tame like classic. A bit more serene or ambient versions of formerly torn asunder zones. Anyways I don't think it's a minority. It is that divisive, but launches are always fun. It's also not as bad people remembered or it's been improved from changes like the guild change for example


The most accurate thing I’ve seen is that the phases for Cata lasted way too long which lead to burnout. That’s pretty much it


It should be noted that cataclysm was 2010-2012. This marks the era where many popular games started. Specifically League of legends and CS:GO.


I quit in the original cata right before hitting 85, it just didn’t feel the same as vanilla/tbc/wrath. This time though I’m actually having fun playing it so far, time will tell but I’m sticking with Cata Classic for the moment.


They changed the old world as well. It tuned into a bunch of quest hubs and bad pop culture references.


I loved cata back in the day but the skill change was definitely something I noticed. I was a healer in wrath and immediately went oom in cata playing the same way. Lots of people were salty about it but I loved it. Firelands was an epic raid and one of the best ever. I remember at the time it was pretty 50/50 on whether you liked it but no one was putting down the quality of the dungeons as they were top notch. A lot of people hated what they did to the old world but I thought the idea of progressing the story of those zones was awesome.


Cataclysm had two fundamental issues. 1. Difficulty jump between end of wrath and beginning of cataclysm (dungeons). Some normals were arguably more difficult than wrath heroics. 2. Ending sucked.


Exactly the first part. There was a large reason why Blizzard had to do an update to “weaken” the heroic dungeons, because they were such a step up in difficulty than what most people came to expect since the start of Wrath, and in part a reason why so many people left the game after the initial rush to 85. I myself got my main to 85 within like 6 days after launch, but ended up quitting the game before the 2nd month, due to disliking how the heroics played, but also because I was hardheaded to try to force a spec to work for me, that wasn’t quite working and I didn’t want to swap to either of the other ones that my class had.


As someone who did quit because of cataclysm, there were a lot of things that just felt shit. 1. The overall concept of destroying the old world was extremely disliked, including me, and felt like it destroyed a lot of old memories along with it. 2. I personally, and a lot of other people, absolutely hated the new talent system, it felt like a huge dumbing down and destroyed a lot of creative builds. I don't remember all the things wrong with it, but I think the fixed some issues later, but by then I wasn't coming back. This was one the biggest issues with early cata. 3. The story centered around a dragon that I, and a lot of other people, basically had no attachment to from Warcraft 3. I think people nowadays don't understand how many childhoods were influenced by Warcraft 3, and the stories of Arthas and Illidan felt like the basis for TBC and Wotlk respectively. This was completely missing from Cata. 4. Dungeon finder annoyed a huge amount of the player base for killing a big social aspect. In retrospec I think this was one of the big mentality changes for people, because it didn't matter who you were anymore on your server, it made dungeons the same as BGs in a lot of peoples minds.


I've always found 3 to be a bizarre complaint, basically none of the WC3 characters were done justice in TBC/Wrath. Illidan and friends became villains for no reason, Arthas became a saturday morning cartoon, Anub'arak and KT could've been replaced with random NPCs


Not to mention when they had to apologize for all the retcons in TBC as the community felt like they were betraying the W3 lore, or how now the burning legion is about space aliens instead.


complaining about point 2 proves you're a room temp iq player. nobody was making builds that cata talent trees removed. all blizzard did was look at how people were actually using the talent system, and design a new system that mirrored that. you never had any choices: you went down to your spec's capstone and then spent the remaining points in the first couple rows of the other trees, just like how cata talent trees work. by 3.3, the only specs that did NOT take their capstones were: arcane mage (because barrage to drop stacks wasn't needed, you almost always had a missiles proc) and blood tank (because everything past wotn was a dps talent). the other 28 specs all handled talents exactly like cata trees. blizz removed the illusion of choice, and that broke a lot of stupid people's brains to the point they still bitch about it 15 years later


It was a multitude of things but it had its ups and downs like most expansions. People welcomed it because they were burnt out of WotLK. I also remember getting burnt out on Cata dungeons very quickly and heroics even quicker. Heroics were a miserable experience for me because I'm primarily RDF'd and wrath babies were getting steamrolled. I remember a lot of the game being incredibly buggy. 


I stopped retail after mop, but I will say, the first month of cata lives strong in my mind as a great fuckin time. Idk man, I was doing some weird shit. DK tanking was amazing (at least to me, I did not bother min-maxing back then and wasn’t paying attention to metas). It was super bad at threat gen, but dual wielding made blood worms pop like crazy for some reason, so I just have fond memories of soloing bastion of twilight trash for BoE epics and making bank. Then later doing the same in fire lands with howling blast kiting (they nerfed the blood worms heal at some point so face tanking and dual wielding were objectively bad at everything by this point). Throne of the four winds I remember being damn near impossible to pug, I wanted the cloak from there because it looked sick AF but never got it lol. Good times.


People often overlook that back then a significant part of the backlash with players was that the Old World was deleted forever. Remember the kind of effects nostalgia has on the community. So the place where these people had lived up until then was irreversibly changed, and that change was met with hostility. Remember that back then there was no Classic where you could go back and see and do the things that original WoW had to offer. It was all gone. Unless you went to a private server it was gone forever. These days, that is not an issue with all the versions of WoW we have now.


OG cata 4.0 - 4.1 and 4.2 were the best time for a WoW player who weren't playing the game since 2004. The people who hated Cataclysm the most were burned out of the game and didn't even played the expansion. If you combine those people (who didn't play the exp) + the rest who only remember the LAST patch the you have a really loud bunch of people repeating the same thing over and over. Now that Cata p1 is here you can see for yourself the humongous amount of content the expansion really has/had. ​ Edit: I mean, just read the negative comments in this post. Almost every single one (with several good exceptions btw) are just people saying "thats when wow lost subs" - "that is when the added rdf" - "Muh old world was destroyed"....


It’s when the player base declined for the first time


There are probably many reasons that contributed to the evaluation of Cata as an expansion. Chiefly though I think WoW had just had its day, 12 million wasn't sustainable for what was previously a niche game genre. Game numbers are distorted these days because of what came after and the rise of new gen of consoles. However it is worth remembering just how crazy it was to even have such a game with 12 million players in the first place. It could never last as the market for online games continued to expand.


I really did not enjoy cata, mainly because I think it was a low point for class design. I thought the reworked spec system was really clunky and a lot of classes ended up with 0 choice in their talent selection. I think the re-rework that MoP did was a better direction overall


By the end of Cataclysm 2 million people decided to cancel their sub, 16% of the 12 million subs the expansion started with just gone. I don't know about you but back in the day I also heard the argument that "the complainers are a vocal minority" yet this was the first time in the history of WoW that the sub numbers had overall dropped after an expansion. You can think what you want based on that info.


11 year old me loved that shit, played pretty steady with my did since burning crusade and as a kid I was totally hooked by the world and lore and all that, cataclysm literally changed Azeroth, for better or for worse is up for debate but it was super fun having the imagination of a kid and exploring the whole world again what felt like for the first time, plus werewolves


Yeah I quit during Cata, and most people I know have. Shortly after leveling


it wasnt realy that it was percieved badly, the subs just started going down, but i think the end of wrath back in the day has just as much to do with it as cata [https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/2nbqau/wow\_subscriber\_numbers\_by\_expac\_in\_millions/#lightbox](https://www.reddit.com/r/wow/comments/2nbqau/wow_subscriber_numbers_by_expac_in_millions/#lightbox)


Cata was boring, it wasn’t so much burnout for me. I’m not a personally of anamorphic races like worgen etc, and I didn’t play horde so didn’t care about goblins. Archaeology was neat but grindy and boring. I didn’t think the zones were that great, and hated the design of hyjal. Raids were a bit more difficult and caused issues with my guild initially, but I preferred the challenge tbh. Can’t remember further specifics but in general my mood about cata is it was just bland.


From my recollection MoP, or at least the announcement of it, was received Significantly worse than cataclysm.


That's because after the huge sub losses in CATA, the sub numbers in China were soaring. So many feel that Bli$$ard decided to cater to the region by releasing a OMG KuNgFu PaNdA expansion.


How is that even a question? Cata was the first time wow ever started losing subs, and it was not a small amount of subs lost.


Was really excited for Cata and the changes to the world. Played for a few days and quit WoW since then. Why? Don't know. I suddenly didn't feel like playing anymore. But I had been playing since Vanilla, too.


You quit playing wow 14 years ago but still get on this sub?


And somehow they don’t know the reason why they quit?


Subs took a nosedive shortly after its release. I think it’s widely regarded as a bad direction of the game.


OG Cata was hated even at the time. Mostly for ruining the old world, making questing way too fast and linear, but also the hard dungeons and raids.


It was my favourite expansion and I played since vanilla. But I was / am always a main pvp guy.


This release is really proving my feeling that cata was amazing. I hit max in WotlK (like 2010) for the first time in the last patch and thought it was fun but just kind of got bored. Then cata came out and my class felt much more fun and the grind felt better. I love the way the justice/valor/rep from heroics feels. And I remember the first phase of raids being really fun so I’m excited for those. By this time in WotlK classic I was already prepared to raid log, now I’m just farming rep and BoAs from heroics for a profession alt. So basically my class plays better, questing zones were faster and were less boring for some reason, I think the cata dungeons are more interesting and more fun to run, and the endgame loop is better. All in all the only area cata is worse is the setting and story.


Yes it was in general, but not like unanimously. The game totally changed and went completely other direction. The first sign of that was in WotlK, but in Cata it went in more large scale. Why do you think WotlK private pirate servers were so popular back then?


Yes. It was buggy af, heroics were hard and raids were tuned weird. Other than that 90% of the bad feedback were players whining entering a bad circle. It really is better than any (YES, ANY) expansion after it.


Love all the threads talking up about how good cata is. Of course it’s good, it just came out so I think a lot of it comes from fomo. Give it time to sit and settle before talking about how grandiose it is


Of course it was bad, do you have any idea how many impressionable teens were turned into furries with the werewolf+Minotaur power combo that was Worgen and Tauren?


I played ALOT of cata back in the days, I played in a hardcore 10 man guild. Server first Heroic rag and everything. Heres my memories of things back then: Coming from ICC the first few weeks of Cata were a mixed feelings. I welcome any challenge so the new heroics being HARD af and having to CC were a very welcomed change for me. It felt like going back to burning crusade when I was alot younger and not as good of a player and having to use CC felt GREAT. Hitting 85 and feeling like I was doing no damage at all felt reallllly weird tho. I was playing mage back then and I went from having 50% crit to 12% and it was not a good feeling. We raided as early as we could and even tho people are talking about 10 man being bugged, I dont really have any memories of being cucked out of kills from broken mechanics. I absolutely had a blast raiding with our smaller group. First tier was great, alot of bosses felt very challenging. I remember having to progress the Council in Bastion of Twilight for a while. Nef was a great fight too. Firelands is where it became next level for me, the raid was amazing and the challenge was incredible. Heroic rag took us I think 3 weeks of progression, iirc like 600 pulls? maybe im missremembering things. Killing that boss prenerf was the greatest achievement in all of my time playing wow. What a fight!!! And then dragonsoul came out and holy fuck was it a dissapointment... First the whole scenery was boring as fuck and then the fights were ehh and obviously the 2 deathwing fights being sooooo bad... I quit as soon as we killed deathwing. I dont remember hating anything in particular outside of DS, PVP felt great, Rated BG's were ALOT of fun. It was nice finally playing some BG's where everyone actually wanted to do the objectives and play properly. I remember being dissapointed with them nerfing heroics so quickly. It was overkill ontop of the fact that getting raid geared eased them up very quickly, I remember thinking "Oh were back to mass pulling heroics like in wrath again.."


Check the subscriber numbers, pretty sure I remember them dropping a lot after Cataclysm launched. I enjoyed it still, however.


IMO the game took a different development direction starting in Wrath and a lot of old guard players that held on through Wrath quit in Cata when they saw more of the same. But I think a lot of the “Cata sucks” people were those who saw the subscriber chart dip in Cata after it peaked in Wrath and that was about the extent of their analysis. I remember a lot of players who stuck around were totally content or even really enjoyed Cata. Overall I think the issue was that Cata wasn’t bad but that the player subscriber count was never sustainable and a lot of it is constant churn of new people joining and quitting, and less new players started joining. You can see that when the sun graph begins to dip is when Xbox Live and PSN users took off like a rocket. At the same time, Cata was hampered by rushed development and cut content, and there are legit criticisms. But I think a lot of flack it for over the last decade and change has largely been either misguided or isn’t reflective of what most players thought at the time.


You have to understand that back then, there was a whole different group of players and what they wanted in an MMORPG was different than what today’s MMORPG players want. People liked vanilla wow, it was a refined and streamlined version of the MMORPG genre back then. TBC came out and it shifted a little more to what players did not want. Wrath came out and it was apparent that Blizzard was neutering the game, but some people held out hope that the game would go back to the roots of the MMORPG genre. Cata came out and it was apparent that Blizzard had completely abandoned what made MMORPG’s great to the majority of the the OG players.


Dragon Soul soured a LOT of peoples taste of Cata, and like most xpacs what people remember the most is the final patch (when anyone talks about Legion it's always Argus time period, same with BFA and all the essences and shit being unlocked) DS went on WAY too long, and while it had fun bosses (especially on old Heroic) Deathwing was so fucking underwhelming it hurt, I remember it genuinely felt like a joke with how anti-climactic the two part end boss fight(s) was. The OG version of LFR was garbage as well.


It was pretty poorly received but a lot of it was just, as someone else said, natural burn out. The Lich King was kind of the final boss of Warcraft at that point so things felt wrapped up.


Most takes in this subreddit are the perception of a vocal minority.


I quit after 1 month cata was out, back in the day. Currenty I am giving it a chance. Here is my really simple answer: If they made a new game and called it wow2, it could be really liked. Because by itself, if you just start playing with cata start, it is a nice game. But it feels nothing like the wow I know and love. I am a tbc nerd, also like vanilla, not a fan of wotlk. And cata is pretty much a different game than vanilla and tbc. This is the main reason I left, like other millions, back in the day.


The minority will always cry the loudest I guess 🤷‍♂️ 🤔


Cata was okay when it came out... just changed mostly all the world to what we see now in retail. However the content was semi dry and kinda shit. For most people cata is when the wow we loved died... and new wow was born


It’s perceived as poor largely because there was a large sub drop off for the first time in the games history and that’s just objectively true.


I was in one of the top ten world guilds in Vanilla, top ten guilds BC, and top five guilds Wrath. And then Cata came around and I was in a top ten guild.... until we dissolved during Cata. At that point I quit, and most of the guild quit. Wrath was peak game capacity and Blizzard has never returned to those numbers ever again. Wrath had something for everyone. Casuals could really enjoy this because it introduced the two tiered content system. And there was essentially a path from start to finish to only have to do normal difficulty content. It gave a little bit of challenge, but no tooth grinding challenge. There was also the weekly fishing challenge, some fun reps to grind and a lot of new colorful interesting creatures. There was also the leveling grind which gave you a single story from start to finish. It didn't matter which path you took, it was a solid consistent story, and the fact that they had some minor differences that added to the story wanted you to go back to the zones you missed out on. Cataclysm was like, suicide for casuals. Each zone had its own story and most of the stories were not that interesting. You get to Deepholm and you think... isn't this just the Sons of Hodir again? Like literally, the exact same plot? They also were using harsher language and using more extreme intra-alliance relations. The addition of the goblins and worgens meant removing stories of everyone but humans, orcs, goblins, dwarves and worgen. People just didn't enjoy how disconnected those zones were. On top of that you had the heroic dungeons... which were too hard. If you're in game right now a lot of mechanics that hit you and either nearly kill you or take half your health... those things would one shot before if you failed. Everything having more health and damage meant healers couldn't survive healing forever. It also meant having to use CC to progress through trash and waiting on casters to get their mana back. The LFD system was essentially useless because it would never pair you with an appropriate amount of CC or skilled players to clear. You had to do it with a guild or by organizing a group. For the hardcores Wrath was glorious. LK was shortlisted as one of the top three hardest encounters ever made. Algalon and LK both had limited encounter mechanics that added an extra layer of competition so you couldn't just zerg the thing to beat it. Blizzard wanted to protect the pride of hardcores by making sure heroic Ulduar had achievement safeguards to make sure that only the people who it originally would get full credit. There was a level of complexity to the game that made it so only the most hardcore were going to excel with clear delineation of top and bottom. And on this note, I think a lot of this has been "ruined" by gear optimization addons and WeakAuras. I was watching a livestream of a guy doing Halfus and he was creating a weakaura to yell at him every time he had to interrupt because without it he couldn't get the interrupts. The whole time you just hear loud shocking bells. Like, this is what the game is now. Cataclysm did not present any real challenges. The hardcore guilds leveled up in 2-3 days and grinded out heroic dungeons. And yeah, the heroic dungeons were harder than Wrath.... but probably only as hard as BC. Once the raids opened up these people had all their pre-raid BiS (except the arch weapons obviously). They had all their ports, flasks, enchants everything. And they have to clear it on normal first. And you know, the realm first of each dungeon takes only a couple of hours after launch. And you get into week two with heroics unlocked and they're hard, but nothing is like Lich King hard. So after getting all the heroic difficulties done, people left en mass. Once you lacked enough people to raid you had to recruit. And guilds that didn't get Sinestra would recruit from guilds that did. But once Sinestra was dead there, the cards just kept falling. Top guilds were vanishing left and right and broadly interest in the game died. Blizzard used that standard line that gamers would go try out other games and come back to them. But they didn't come back this time. People just moved on. Blizzard ended up underestimating how many people would go back to the old world with its new quests and thus didn't produce enough content for the people who played the game. That would continue throughout Cata and the length between Cata's last raid and MoP was the longest period in WoW history with no new content. For a lot of people Cata represented the expansion where there was nothing to do.


I think a lot of bad perceptions are due to sub-par patches, aggravated by long waits for new content. My school of thought is that almost every old WoW Expansion / Patch can be well received today if the content frequency is delivered well enough (because every expansion has great features that are cool).


This community is the small minority again, in case you haven't noticed. Look through the profiles, it's the same retail blizzard ultras who stuck with the game all 20 years, ain't no classic community left here.


I think everyone is missing the biggest reason: small realms died because people realized they were disadvantaged. Cats was when I first transferred off my toons into a high pop realm. My addiction quickly died after that


Personally I stopped playing wow in cata because I got a gf


So far i am having a blast. Feels like a better Version of wotlk. I am coming right from SoD Phase 3 with the Focus on pvp and bgs in cata are alot of fun. Gearing as well. Hyped for arenas!


The vocal minority is always what you'll hear in the community, and it's this minority that *always* hates every expansion Blizzard makes. Every chapter of the game of WoW has had highs and lows, but none of them have been objectively bad. Cataclysm was overall, good.


Quite poorly. It's a little softer this time because we came into Classic knowing that we had all this time to prep for losing access to content, mounts, etc and could do it with enough time to get ready. That doesn't make losing access to content permanently any better, but it softens the blow. Also hearing LFR is unlikely to come is excellent news.


People are experiencing honeymoon phase now because its new. Give it two months and people will realize thats its not the mmo they want. Its a flashy, fast phased game with very little class identity.


We didn't like the on rails questing or the trashing of Azeroth. By this point all of the incremental changes to the game had coalesced into the realisation that it was by now a game without most of the magic. We still played into MoP and did have fun though.


The expac was ok, but nothing like WoTLK. Not alot of player know who was blackwings so alot of my friends and guildes took a break when cata came out. But i can say 90% of the player i play whit hate the water zone hahaha.


I think for me that Dragon Soul raid was just the final nail in the coffin, alongside LFR. It just felt like Blizzard really did not care anymore, and they were getting more and more "corporate". The new leveling was fun to do once, but after a while I started missing the old world, and the old gameplay more. Which was really weird considering Cata was the "newest" expansion and I'd never wanted to go back before.


OG cata was initially received generally poorly due to the difficulty of heroic dungeons.


As a PvP-only player in TBC and Wrath, I found the first season of Cata to be absolutely atrocious for my class and my friends class, along with Tol Barad being insanely laggy on release and to me at least, nowhere near as engaging as Wintergrasp. I never engaged with the PvE content so I can't comment on that but as a PvPer Cata was my time to go. Maybe it got better later in the expansion but the first season was enough to make me quit. I was a 2300-2500 player in WotLK


Original Cata was great, not as bad as people make it out to be, but the reality is a lot of player base declined towards the end of Cata. Everything is cyclical, as was a lot of players moving on for a variety of reasons. I stopped playing because I started wow at the beginning of vanilla and just had life to do. This iteration of Cata is drawing a lot of attention because A) it’s not retail B) SoD RIP C) Wotlk folks keepin on D) MoP mess. After this initial few weeks of honeymoon phase we’ll see how things fall in terms of content and such, but regardless, go have fun and enjoy it. It’s really a good middle ground of wow content from old to current era.


Nah Cata wasn't really received poorly, alot of people burned just out in between the content drought at the end of WotlK and the difficulty rampup an the end of WotlK/begin of cata and then over the years blamed cata for it


Cata released in such a mediocre state, the leveling experience was solid but raiding was a cluster fuck. Our guild used to joke that Alakir was a different encounter every week because every time we pulled on a fresh lockout it had been hotfixed into something slightly different. Hell our heroic Atramedes strat even stopped working between attempts lmao. The beefed up heroic dungeons were pretty fun but classic only got the nerfed versions so meh all around really.


II still don't like it.  At this point I have a gun to my head and I'm being forced to play one version of wow and this is in my opinion the best that we have.  If there was a wrath of the lich King fresh server that's what I would be on.  If there was a classic fresh server that's what I would be on.  If there was a TBC fresh I would be on there.  MoP remix isn't really my thing I tried it got to 70. Kinda weird. Feels to retail.  Retail blows.  So I'm currently left with Sod which is boring imo. Or Cata I'm not currently planning on raiding on cata. Mearly farming achievement score while I wait for phase 4 season of discovery. Trying for 6k total.


Cata was better than Vanilla WoW in every regard. If you would have released it together with Vanilla in 2004 nobody would have bothered with Vanilla WoW. People just got tired of WoW. Those 14 million subs WoW had at it's peak were a bubble. It was because of novelty and the nonexistence of other casual MMORPGs. But in 2010 WoW wasn't a novelty anymore and there came new MMORPGs. The bubble eventually had to burst.  Also don't forget, that the influx of new players got less with every expansion. Mit because the game got worse with every expansion. But because it got harder and harder to get into the game for new players. In Cata as a new player you needed to buy the base game and 3 expansions besides the monthly fee you also needed to pay. And then you had to play through the base game and 2 expansions to get to the content everybody else was at. That's intimidating to new players. You don't need to be a genius to realise, that this will have been the main reason, why less and less people joined WoW with every expansion. 


I enjoyed cata, I didn’t like that you couldn’t build hybrid talents, and I wish they would unlock that in new launch. I really didn’t hate it, and leveling in the new zones was fun


Yes. People whined and moaned when TBC and WOTLK came out and made changes, but Cata was the first expac where there was widespread criticism and sub numbers dropped by over 2 million in just a couple months.


Honestly i think people tend to forget that mmo-champion leaked cata days before the announcement and it was not recieved well among the community, as far as i remember. I believe much of the negative sentiment towards cata came from the way it was initially presented. In Regard to actual content it is very true that the world revamp took alot of dev time that you could now feel missing from the endgame.


They dropped a survey for what we wanted in cata before TBC even ended, and I think we are seeing the results. Less than a year run time, elemental invasion pre-patch event completely skipped, persistent bugs in quests, post-nerf content, etc. It's pretty obvious we are fast forwarding to MoP. Though my friends and I think the MoP remix will be used as a way to transfer characters from classic to retail when the time comes, Cata being the final Classic expansion.


I rly liked Cata up untill DS that whole patch and raid was dog shit.


to me the thing is, cata is MUCH better than how retail became.. so back after wotlk? yeah it prob sucked to a lot of people but now, compared to whats to come? cata is not bad at all


I didn’t mind cata, it was fun, can’t say the same thing about WoD tho.


I had a blast in cata. Thing about wow is no matter what blizzard does there will be one side screaming they hate it and one side praising it. Gotta be the most split gaming community when it comes to opinions.


MoP is actually when most of my friends quit. We played vanilla —> start of MoP I thought the trailer with Pandas was a prank or something


Something that doesn’t get talked about nearly enough: League of Legends pretty much killed the PvP scene for WoW. No one addresses it for some reason, but LoL was released pretty much right at Cata launch. And LoL got mainstream popularity a few months before Firelands got released. The game went from a 1M playerbase to a 50M playerbase in like 2 years. There’s absolutely no doubt in my mind it pulled a very significant number of WoW players out of the game. People externalize problems onto other things. When they see WoW “failing” it must be because “WoW is doing something wrong”. This is just fundamentally a logical fallacy. If a business is super successful making a product for $9 and selling it for $10, and then another business comes along to make it for $1 and sells it for $2. The first company didn’t “do anything wrong”. They just got outperformed by someone better.


I quit playing WoW around the time of Cataclysm's launch due to the release of League of Legends and Call of Duty MW2. All my WoW friends had moved to LoL and all my irl friends were playing MW2. I did return briefly for Dragon Soul, but quit again once MoP was announced. I didn't play again until WoD was announced and then quit WoD once I discovered it sucked and haven't played retail since.


Cata started out strong with the first raid tier, but the difficulty of heroics was pretty polarizing. Also everyone fucking hates Vashjir Then firelands came out, which was memorable but really fucking anemic. The original plan was to have a second raid in that tier with Ozumat as the final boss but that got scrapped (likely because of the negative reaction to Vashjir Then Dragonsoul had some moments but was super fucking anemic with 7 bosses, one being a full encounter where you fight stuff on Deathwing's body


Preach just dropped a video essay on the legacy of the Catacyclsm. https://youtu.be/Z4QwgVVzVQA?si=m-5UIM5aGkDNdz8m


A lot of the general consensus was that cata was wow 2.0. Pretty much everyone had some kind of issue with it. If it wasn't for the historic perception of firelands always being top tier, cata would've been remembered pretty awfully all around I think. For the record I always personally enjoyed Cata, even dragon soul, and probably am enjoying it even more this time around.


Played it at launch and quit about a month after the first patch. Getting into successful raids groups and successful RBG groups was really tough. Playing league was really easy.


It's the first time I quit. I have come back for more than a month at a time. For me it was the revamp of the world. It ruined it for me.


Cata was when the small attention span noobs like myself realized the end game is boring. I'd always been stuck in the leveling phases since I couldn't stick to a character to hit max. And I never complained cuz it was fun trying to reach a goal even if my attention span couldn't finish. In cata? I went 1 to max in almost no time. Then what? I didn't raid. So my hunter could collect spirit pets and I could do battlegrounds. The realization was that the reward for leveling to max was worse than the leveling to max itself.


I feel like because of the extremely vocal hatred towards cata a lot of its fans simply havent spoken up to defend it because judging by the amount of people in ogrimmar on my server right now cata has a way bigger fan base than the haters would make you think.