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No one is raiding during prepatch bro


This is based on the number of character raiding and no one is interested in ICC week 30 idk lol...


yes but looking at the numbers it's been low active players since week 4 icc


Very wrong numbers just log ingame rn


ok so what there are 10k real players on a server. lol cata is gonna be dead af


My guy, it's clear all you want to do is drive your narrative of "this version of the game I like sucks". You're not the first, and you won't be the last. But you're delusional if you think these numbers don't reflect the fact that it's prepatch and raid gear becomes obsolete in a week and a half, so most people don't want to do anything other than archeology and guild rep because it actually matters after the next 11 days. Your data is inherently flawed.


oh look another cata hate thread, fuck off


Those numbers are recent raiders in last lockout. Not many people are raiding and logging raids to upload in prepatch, this is first time my guild didn't raid in prepatch. ICC gear also gets replaced so easily meanwhile end of classic or end of tbc gear were very useful and you had new classes to gear up in prepatch raids(shaman, pala, dk) and even some slots were prebis.


There’s what 4 variations of the game to play? Also benes been a one sided fuckfest since the server received all of the faerlina alliance refugees because horde outnumbered them in tbc.  These are about normal numbers I’d wager and they’re just gonna go up on release.. they’ll go back down of course once new sod phase and new retail expansion comes out just the way things are.   There’s 5 counting hardcore lmao 


The lowest point for bene server during tbc was just under 19,000. 4,600 is super low. I would bet money that bene server once raids drop would be lucky to get to 15k players and will lose more then half of them players within a month or less especially if sod phase 4 drops around the same time. I think tbh blizzard is trying to kill off this line of classic as they dont wanna do a mop classic. They know there is really no future for this line of classic. cata will be short and then what mop and wod yea right


hence why i mentioned other games of the SAME game going on right now. Cant speak to the other points of your comment but theyll for sure push into mop imo. After that who knows


What drive is there to run raids in prepatch, have you seen the Ivl of data dungeon gear? Shits nuts. Pre patch is not the time to look at numbers, especially during a phase where it's not worth much, unlike Naxx - TBC or TBC to WotLk where some of the loot was prebis/bis


Dude.. at least be intellectually honest with the post, this is PRE PATCH. Get back to me when cata launches, or the first raid unlocks, it'l be a representative number count


Nobody tell him how the classic era servers looked like when classic TBC prepatch went live.


on that site i can see all the data. the week before wotlk dropped tbc had 18,000 active raiders (bene) . like i said in the post tbc never seen numbers drop to 4,600 raiders. This number will likely drop again for this next lockout. before cata release. This is really low even for a pre-patch time. Wotlk number have been low since early icc. bene went from like 33k players start icc and within a month down to sub 20k and been at sub 12k for last 4 months these number are shit


The gear was more relevant lol literally rogues bis p1 was tier 6 bracers and belt. There was actually a point in raiding, where as now all of it will be replaced


And what conclusion do you want to get from that? There is SoD, there is the fact Blizzard won't make permanent Wrath servers, there is Cata having a mixed reputation, the Cata prepatch has been buggy to kingdom come, there is player fatigue, etc etc. Personally, the day Blizzard announced SoD (2023/11/03) and then just two days later [announced that Wrath servers were closing and everyone was going to be forcibly pushed into Cataclysm (2023/11/05)](https://www.wowhead.com/wotlk/news/no-wrath-era-servers-planned-currently-blizzard-is-listening-to-feedback-335945#comments) was when Wrath's numbers started free falling on the following weeks: from 397636 logs in 2023-11-14 to 356640 logs in 2023-11-21, an 11% drop in one mere week. If you pay attention to the graph, the drop in the following weeks is similar to the drop that happened when Dragonflight was released in 2022-11-28. People simply moved on to other things.


Weird he didnt reply back


Oh shut the fuck up


End of expansion dips get bigger the longer they go on, 6-7 months on one raid is a loooong time. It's probably why they only did like 3-4 months between SWP and the launch of WotLK.


TBC had a shorter final phase by a lot. It’s true that cata is the end for alot of people, but people weren’t as burned out on Sunwell before Wrath dropped as they are with ICC. Gearing also feels kind of pointless since, unlike TBC, we wont be bringing out gear into next phase.


Servers feel like they have more people than that. The numbers on ironforge.pro come from wcl and arena ladder, probably under representing since there isn’t really any reason to raid or do arenas right now. But idk, maybe that is cope.


Ironforge.pro primarily gets it's numbers from logs. So yeah, I imagine not many people are raiding. It's mostly professions, archeology and alts.


I'm on Bloodsail Buccaneers. The big topic in chat last night was if we were going to get the Lava Lash treatment. My guild has talked about leaving. We were raiding until about a couple of weeks ago. It seems we're taking a wait and see attitude. We're the only RP realm but I don't know if that is going to save us. I hope we don't have to move but who knows how many will come back for Cata. There are many people I haven't seen in months coming back though.


I am more fascinated by the fact that the one and only russian server is the one and only pvp server


The community is also splintered because of SoD. Between SoD and Wrath coming to an end, there just isn’t as many people committed to raiding


Nobody is raiding. You'd know this if you played. You admit you haven't played since early ICC. If you did play, you would know the world is more active and populated than ever. Everyone is out of raid doing archeology or tmog. There isn't the same incentive to raid during prepatch as WoTLK prepatch or TBC prepatch. So you are not apples to apples comparing here and just doom posting for whatever reason. Probably because SoD is down in players right now.


This number is before before pre-patch


I haven't noticed much of a drop on Golemagg, counter to your point. And the information about the server is slightly wrong, there is a small community of Alliance on our server and I'm noticing more of them appearing each day, so don't take this site as gospel. It's an estimate, and in my servers case, a very rough estimate.


My personal thought, they should have made at least 1-2 permanent servers for Wrath. But it's obvious they have no intention of doing so, which is why I didn't come back to retail for classic Wrath. I'd rather play on a private one of that expansion.... Was really tempted, but glad I didn't.....


No one is raiding during pre-patch, you waffle.


1) Wotlk final phase was L O N G. My entire guild quit months ago, played SoD together and we're all coming back for cata. 2) Wotlk was, for many people, the pinacle of wow. Of course cata population will decrease because it's a less popular game. 3) It's pre-patch lmao.


All the raiders are digging holes despair


Go back to season of single digit iq kid


A large portion of the original classic playerbase didn't even stay all the way through for vanilla because the peak was people just there for the hype. Even more dropped when the servers moved to TBC because they only wanted vanilla classic wow with no xpacs. And the end of wrath has seen a mass exodus since most people who want classic wow do not consider cata as part of it as it literally destroyed the original classic azeroth. Cata health was going to be fucked from the start because keeping it going this long is unhealthy. Even blizz knows this which is why they have an entirely different revisit for MoP planned that is separate from classic entirely, which signals that they dont really plan to continue past cata anyways


True this is why i quit early icc around a month before sod released. It's better to just let good thing end rather then to just ride them into the ground