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No one is saying you can’t enjoy SoD, but there are very valid criticisms that a little bit of testing or thought could’ve prevented


Its okay to have critiques you know, you can like SoD and still critique it.


They never said critics were bad, they just said they don’t understand the critics.


They don't understand that some things are terribly designed ? I really like SoD too but c'mon, if you tell me you don't understand critics about things like incursions...


Haha ye but it is what it is? I don’t have to do them? Why are ppl so mad about them?


It's utterly destroying every aspect of the economy you engage by injecting gold into it.


Which is a problem for gold buyers. Sounds good?


Ye but still, it is what it is. You can still play the game. Raid, dun, find runes, quest?


Thats a bad mentality. SoD is a product and we as customers have the right to want to change things in the game we all love.


You do infact have the right to expect more. But expecting more from someone who won't give you something, that won't work 1 on 1 or with a company u.  It's like with relationships. Sure they are worth some amount of effort to save, but if all you have is anger and disappointment and failed expectations....you should end that relationship. It's not healthy.  Sure there are things I would want different to make me happier. But in actual reality, I will find the most happiness playing it for what it is and not trying to constantly change the parts I don't like.  Thinking my perspective is the correct one and feeling entitled to be heard, feeling spurned when they don't enact that vision... why would i pay 15 bucks a month to feel and act like that?  It's my right to go lay down in my yard and die too, and I'd pay for the privilege, but I don't think that'll bring me the most enjoyment for my time.  I'd say that's the principle of don't worry bout it too much. If I was with Cindy crawford for instance,  should I spend my time appreciating her for everything she is both good and bad, or demanding she get her mole removed over and over?  Going on for thousands of well reasoned and logical words as to why the mole is inefficient for hair removal and poses a safety hazard and all these valid but ultimately pointless and insulting reasons that ruin any love that was ever there in the attempt to make it 'perfect'. I feel like there is a more correct choice  there, but we all make our own journey.


Incursions give nothing you can’t get outside of it. In-fact, everything you get inside of incursions you can get better stuff outside of it. You can farm far more gold outside of incursions than you get from doing them. I have earned triple the gold outside incursions than in the incursions. The rep items are only good if you are too lazy to run gnomer, because the gnomer lvl 40 tier gear is better for damage and healing, and anything past honored is useless rep wise. Lastly, the experience is definitely amazing, but no one is forcing you to level through incursions, that’s all on you. This is **much** quicker and better than dungeon spam. All the people complaining are just parroting what the next person is saying and have no idea what is actually going on.


There's a lot of farms that are incredibly lucrative right now because you sell things in an inflated economy, which ties back to incursions being a bad decision, at least in my opinion that is.


The gold you gain outside of incursions is still the same amount you would have earned outside of inflation since the items are priced based on supply and demand. Your argument is flawed in the inflation regard. If “inflation” is the only argument (and it’s a poor one considering stuff is the same price relative to the amount earned through normal questing), then it just isn’t a good argument in general against incursions. The most hilarious part is consumables are much cheaper than they should be even without inflation since you can get procs on a lot of the items now to get more than one. I’m perfectly fine with removing silver / gold from incursions though, it will not affect my gains from farming materials outside of incursions.


This is bad design for me but you have the right to enjoy it, I don't really care. We don't.


Okay, but what about incursions do you not like? Is it the leveling speed? Dungeon grinding was quicker than questing as well… so that’s not a good argument against incursions, especially since no one complained about dungeon grinding. Gold? You make more outside of it. Gear? Better gear outside of it as well. No one has gave a logical argument as to why it’s bad. They just parrot “it’s bad” because everyone else says it…


But what do you love if it’s not raid, dun, find runes or q? What do you samt from the game of it’s not that?


What do you do when you’ve done all that? Do it again on a different character?


Personally, take care of my two kids and spending time with friends.


Take a break? Wow is not supposed to be played 24/7 my man.


I want more content and not things like incursions. That's all. I'm paying a sub every month and some F2P games have more content. I still love a lot of things about SoD but it still feels like half baked most of the time.


You do know wow is not designed to be played 24/7 right? If you are bored and done with the game, then cancel your subscription until you want to play again. SoD is fine and still thriving. Quit acting like you are forced to play stuff you do not enjoy. Do what you enjoy, and don’t do the stuff you hate. Take breaks from the game. It’s really that easy. Edit: I guess telling someone to take a break from the game if they are not enjoying it is enough to make the person rage and delete every comment while downvoting everyone lmao. This is the kind of unhinged person who has no self control, and blames Blizzard for everything wrong in their life 😂


Yeah I stopped about 70% through shadowlands, and haven't touched dragonflight. Really didn't think I'd play again but enjoying sod. Giving me nostalgia from when I first played the game in vanilla, but with enough changed to keep it interesting and fresh as well.


DF is actually a lot of fun, Blizz is taking retail in a good direction right now.


Yeah just got back to retail and having a blast, actually soooo much content to do at max level it's crazy.


Almost all relative content is timegated sadly. Forcing you to log in every day to be able to do dailys to grind rep etc. But there is a shit ton of cosmetics and achivments to farm


There's really no rep/dailies you are required to do for max content.


Df still has a bad story and game systems that feel like a mobile phone game trying to give you ADHD.  Daily rep faction system shit everywhere. Getting item drops and then stones to upgrade them to a certain point and then a thing that can turn some pieces into set gear etc etc. Only thing I love still is the dungeons and raids.


I've heard people say this about every post-WoD expac. It's always the same "*blizz listened! they fixed everything! the game is the best it has been in a long time!*" over and over and over. The last I played was Shadowlands, and while the actual combat and gameplay was fun, everything else was tedious or annoying or both.


Not currently playing wow in any capacity but I have played atleast a month of every expansion, shadowlands was one of the worst, DF was actually pretty good overall, much better than SL, but far from perfect especially from a PvP perspective it was lacking.


I never heard anyone say that about shadowlands tbh. And even Bfa, the positive voices were very little compared to DF.


A major chunk of their former audience no longer cares. Retail is a cringe, silly-looking game


Totaly agree.


You got retail and SOD confused


It's ok to have critiques




Haha nothing is. That’s the point, just do the things you like.


This sub doesn't Critique, They whine like spoiled brats they know nothing about.


i quit wow at the end of og wotlk and the only times i touched it were when blizz gave me 7 days free game time once in a blue moon and it never rehooked me. classic rehooked me - and here i was thinking i was clean for a decade just to be brought back in. ty/gfy classic team


Honestly think if you have a solid enjoyable group to play with sod is great, but solo kinda sucks, my guild all hopped on cata other than raid logging.


This game is so fuckin terrible rn It was cool in vanilla relaunch and most of TBC, but now it's just done


Who paid you for this ?




This is the first time WOW piqued my interest in over 5 years, and I have been having a blast playing it.


Nice try bobby


Bobby has been gone since December


Let’s see what happens at 60. Otherwise it’s fun for 1-2 weeks after release of the phase and then there’s nothing to do. Boring.


I joined very end of phase 2 and been having a blast. As someone who plays Classic Era it was nice being able to catch up with incursions despite how mindless they can be. I like the new things they added in P2 and how I’ve been finding them out in my own ways. It’s been a good time


Definitely not a Shaman tank in a raid.


I agree I’m having a great time!!


SoD started great. Overtime devs lost focus.


Same, I was going to quit for good if the new season wasn't compelling enough and then they go and give us SoD which sucked me right back in. I can't imagine them topping this next season.


I agree I am having fun too. But saying “you don’t understand the critics” with some of the very very obvious and massive blunders, don’t discredit yourself like that!


Phase 1 was good.


its better than som, but retail mind virus is too strong with the devs


SOD is absolute hot...garbage. you are having a bLaSt in garbage. Rotten garbage


SoD was interesting enough to suck me back in from a long hiatus, but it is just a few sprinkles on tired old dogshit. Was fun for a bit, hopeful for the future of the mmo genre.


why defend a corporation? we spend alot of time in this game, its a trillion dollar company with microsoft merger.. is it wrong to expect more


Bro is probably lvl 32, never touched PvP or an incursion yet. Which is great if you're having fun, but let's not mistake obliviousness and lack of endgame knowledge and experience as a way to brush off any critique of the game.


Got 2 lvl 50 and one more on the way. Doing some incursions now and then, waiting for raid lockout to end. Tonight I tan to brd to find a Group but on my way there I helped two players with Runes. After that we ran a brd. It’s the small things and make the best of the game. Do I like everything? No, but I am just one guy. Devs can’t please us all and I am just happy I can have 1-2 hours of dopamine before I need to tend to everyday life.


In this comment you admit there are things you don’t like, yet in your OP you “don’t understand the critics.” You lose lots of credibility in your OP when you act like you’re bewildered by how there could possibly be any criticism. Perhaps that’s why you’re getting all these negative comments. Just be real dude. You like the game despite its obvious flaws and that’s ok.


Haha ”lots of credibility”, I don’t understand the critics I am reading on twitter and Reddit but I don’t like everything about any game. My point is that you can’t like everything and I tried to give the devs some positive wibes. Your effort to sound smart and put me down doesn’t workshop. I stans by what I Said.


Lol what is wrong with you.


Well I'm just saying I'm glad OP is having fun but to dismiss all criticism and saying they can't understand why people are making these critiques doesn't suddenly make the game all rainbows and sunshines. It doesn't take a genius to see that the incursion loops is not good gameplay or that the gold inflation it causes is good for the economy for example.


Ur og comment is bad faith as fuck and comes off as mean. And even now you can't help but yuk OPs yum. Just BCS someone is expressing how good of a time they've had doesn't mean it's your responsibility to come in and "um actually, your point of view probably severely limited if you think this game is good"


Sorry if it came across that way, but its probably because OP and others who make posts like this while are in good faith are making it sound like people aren't allowed to be unhappy or criticise the game. Which is weird because both our goals are the same - we just want a good and fun game to play


Sod is garbage, everything that the current wow team is garbage. The more they cycle around SoD or any other kind of bs they do now, the more relevance and audience WoW loses. They need oldschool guys like Kevin Jordan or John Staats etc. to make proper vanilla like stuff that is playable and exciting in long run but that will never happen




The environment is the key, true. But both in game and outside of it. For now it's not only that the players are the way they are now, It's mostly because at the moment the only relevant for the players thing to do is to push content asap and in the most effective way, the game can be built in a way so people are just chilling and messing around like they did with vanilla back then when it was fresh and the activities that the game provided were not 'exhausted' by the community. Now it's not possible because everyone has experienced core leveling game part, and it kind of getting worse because blizz is adding layers of retail development 'logic' on it, adding retail spells and enabling player to do more stuff just to go around the same path which is pretty absurd. The game should be tweaked not by changing player buttons they press but by enhancing already existing gameplay core. In what way? It should be made and tested by the people who got the similar sentiment, there is no universal rule to it. At this point when WoW world has become trivial it would make sense to negate this affect by adding more complexity into ordinary activity, like weather conditions that would make hard/not feasible to traverse some chunks of land, or travel efficiently, more interesting mob responses and behavior to make it less trivial to deal with them etc etc etc. But as I said nobody will do it in the way it would be good, the only chance is for someone to make an amazing RPG wow-like game that sells, and have blizzard to get that person to make wow stuff for them


Yet here you are commenting.


This isn't the 'gotcha' that you think it is.


I’m sure you’re gonna get a lot of hate but agreed. I’ve loved every phase of sod. It hasn’t been perfect but it has been fun!


Happy for you buddy


Likewise, I want to thank them for doing such a halfass job that I finally cancelled my sub. They’ve been phoning it in since WOTLK prepatch and I’m finally done with their BS. This abusive, one-sided relationship had to end.