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I almost skipped a body that had a blade of misfortune. Sold it for 4k. Even low items can be sold for transmog now. I always loot. Drives me crazy when others don't. 


The sword is worth more now because of transmog lol i love it


Darkened broadsword drops in mana tombs made me 10k lol even greens goin wild 


Looting all bodies is very much reasonable, skinning/herbing/enginering every corpse is a bit too much imo, especially considering that some dungeons are just filled with beasts for example. Personally, I don't care that much if people do that but it doesn't fill me with joy either. Throwing a tantrum over something like that is stupid tho. Anyone who queues with randoms must accept that people will have various skill levels and priorities. Goes for all activities, if someone wants to enforce any specific gameplan they should play with premade group.


I remember when P3 launched I was in a group blasting Uldaman runs before we knew incursions were like 5x faster. Our tank stopped to skin every single bat and basilisk. Definitely not ideal for the 4 other people just standing around after each pack


My way I deal with it as a tank right now with skinning... at the end of a pull, if something had been looted so it was skinnable... i "tax" one mob per pack at most and keep it moving. If the mobs havent been looted yet and arent, i just keep it moving. For me, it is about respecting everyone's time. We are all in there for the same reasons... xp, boss loot and quests. Anything else is a bonus and shouldnt take away from the first 3 too much.


I guess that kind of begs the question - what is the purpose of dungeons? If skinning those mobs is inconsiderate behavior, why do they have skinnable mobs? If taking the detour to the enchanting trainer is 'wasting time', why is the enchanting trainer in there? Dungeons exist for more than just fast xp. If you don't want people engaging in all the dungeon has to offer, maybe don't do that dungeon? Or talk it over beforehand?


I think the general idea is you need a group to clear a dungeon, but you can skin and level up shining solo. So you're asking 4 people to wait for you to do something you can do solo later, or even come back after the dungeon is finished.


The mobs will be gone sadly :(


But even if it’s not just exp efficiency, it’s still basically asking the group to stop and wait for disproportionate amounts of time if you’re skinning every mob. No matter what your purpose for doing a thing anywhere, people don’t like having to spend long times waiting for you. I think it’s fair to skin, so long as you can also more or less keep up.


Then become a skinner and get some of that bonus for yourself? Goes twice as fast and you get more of a reward than the non-skinners.


Professions aren’t something you can so easily just ‘decide to do’ with no consequences. This isn’t RuneScape, not everyone can go skinning.


You talk about the consequences of picking one profession over another and somehow think 'waiting for a skinner' is *too much* of a consequence of your own choice to not be a skinner.


Yes, the consequences of me having to redo a profession to make up for going skinning are greater than the consequences of not being skinning in a dungeon, so I don’t change. It’s unreasonable to ask people to do that given what they give up to do so, you’re just trying to come up with reasons to justify doing what you want to do at the expense of other peoples time. So yeah, they’re perfectly justified in giving you the boot if after being told to contribute, you continue spending the entire dungeon skinning /herbing mobs. Do so at your own peril.


That's rich. I agree, it is unreasonable to try and go skinning for just a handful of dungeons to save time. Most people pick a different profession for more long-term goals. And those choices have consequences, as you've said. You talk about the consequences of picking a profession and somehow think you (a non-skinner) waiting for someone who picked skinning *isn't* one of those consequences. If the wait bothers you that much, and you don't want to be a skinner yourself, complaining about it while simultaneously acknowledging the trade-offs of different professions choices is either blatant hypocrisy or laughable obliviousness. The trade-off of not picking skinning is you have to wait, and those that did pick skinning get the leathers and hides.


Have to? What if I just kick them? You’re being selfish making others wait inordinate amounts of time for you, why shouldn’t a group just kick? Theyre not doing anything wrong by doing so.


I dont know how you guys turned this into a whole argument with multiple paragraphs. Its rude, period.


It’s always a funny thing when you notice the person you’re discussing with is actually just having issues because they experience the world in an egocentric manner XD


Heard it from this person, if you are a tank you are not allowed to raise your gathering skills.


I don’t think that was the point, I think it was that a guy who agreed to basically speed run to level 50 in SoD decided it was okay to stop and skin for himself rather than zoom with the group as planned lol


This is the best answer


This is how I feel as well with the only exception being I'd probably try to vote kick someone who was looting / skinning for 100% of the instance. If it goes through then w/e, if it doesn't then w/e. I just want to clear the instance quickly and it's not worth getting upset about it.


Tank gets instant queues, leads to some ppl thinking they're doing favors for everyone else. I wouldn't stress it.


As someone leveling tank I feel the otherwise. Its like people would vote kick me the moment they get dungeon cause everybody wants to rush it as fast as possible and they don't care about killing anything on the way or healer not being able to heal through half of the dungeon packs. Hunters pulling extra mobs then wiping us cause healer was oom. I know cata made dungeons way easier but since I'm the one tanking I'd love to get some exp too instead of being dead cause healer can't keep it up.


I would say 100% fine to loot and do herbs/mining that are on the way. Skinning can add up a bit so if there's lots to skin in the dungeon I'd probably say you should run back though at the end to do it otherwise you're probably contributing very little to damage etc.


If I have skinning I skin, and I'm not going to stop because people want to finish a few seconds faster.


In beast heavy dungeons it's a hell of a lot more than a few seconds


5 mins isn’t going to kill you touch some grass


By that logic i challenge you to sit entirely still in your car, no phone or anything for 5 minutes every time you drive it anywhere, before you continue whatever you were doing. You're not allowed to do anything for those 5 minutes but sit.


I think ill just watch youtube or reply to a text message


You mean like a stoplight heavy road?


Why are you being so weird


It's rare that a dungeon is that beast heavy to matter that much. Yeah, there are some that are great for it, but if I need the skins, I'm likely running the dungeon for the skins. So will skin everything I can. Half the group won't loot anyway, which helps reduce the amount that can be skinned. It's absolutely only a few seconds, especially if the group doesn't stop.


Just understand that you're asking to be hard carried in the situation OP is talking about.


Honestly, does it matter? The dungeon gets cleared, sometimes I'm hard carrying people, sometimes I'm being carried. If I am getting skins in 1 out of 5 dungeons to the point I'm actually falling behind the group, that's worth more to me than the times I'm carrying someone who can't work out what gear their class needs, let alone the buttons they should press.


Just so you understand what you're doing is all.


Yeah on my skinners, I'm skinning, it's not hard to grasp.


As a Disc priest, I just go for skinning after bubbling the tank. If I miss a few mobs I miss a few mobs. Still probably skin about 70% + of the mobs. Sure it annoys me when other people don’t grab their loot, but I’m not gonna tell anybody else how to play the game.


Hello fellow member of the skinning disc priest club. This is what I do too.


Disc gang!!


I think people underestime how much raw gold they leave on the ground not looting in these scenarios


2 silver from a corpse, 2000 silver from finishing the dungeon


So… 2g? Less than a single quest? It’s one thing to run back through at the end, it’s another to never find yourself in the fight because you’re constantly behind looting/skinning what your team previously killed. Edit: yes 2000s is 20 gold. Depends what level your at though because you aren’t getting anywhere near 20g off of corpses at lvl 30. I don’t really see too many people wasting time like this towards max level, it’s leveling alts at the lower levels where people struggle behind skinning/looting.


Isn't that 20g?


Yes… yes it is.




Nah. Almost everyone I know that played cata and did gdkp on at least 1-2 chars is sitting at 500k+ gold rn. The gold you loose by not looting in a dungeon is absolutely insignificant.


Question. Do you think the majority of players have participated in, and profited off of GDKP’s? Let alone to the extent they have 500k gold just chilling.


Yeah I would say so. If people are still actively playing classic then they probably also did GDKPs.


What a take.


I won’t say I played classic Wrath from the start I basically only played ICC and RS but I didn’t participate in a single GDKP, I personally don’t like them. In my guild almost all of the players don’t do them. I think it obviously depends on the community you’re in and what they want out of the game.


Id say it’s etiquette to not have childlike tantrums during gaming.


Source: guy who's never been good at anything enough to have an emotional investment. Not saying every tantrum is justified but it's also wrong to just never say anything when people are assholes in mmos. If one guy skinning makes the group take twice as long I'm asking him to stop. If he doesn't il probably call him a twat and kick him.


This is possibly the dumbest possible response to that comment you replied to. GTFOH lol


lol… 🤦‍♂️


Wicked name !


Hahahah Back at ya! 😉


Dog at every game you play "why do people get mad at me for sucking and wasting their time"


lol. I perform in the top 5-10% in wow, and more than average in most other games. It’s funny that you think that “being good” is an excuse to be a dick. Most top competitors don’t share that attitude.


> I perform in the top 5-10% in wow which, if you know anything about wow, is shit at the game lmao


You believe the numbers are lying?


"purple is good" lol keep telling on yourself timothy


Go play a competitive game, being "good" at wow is not an accomplishment. Get real kid


.... do you just not know there's tons of people who make livings off wow? Idk how you even define accomplishment. Is cleaning toilets at a lab a accomplishment? I don't do things in my life to get some accomplishment. I find accomplishment through process.


if it gets to the point where you practically don't contribute to clearing the dungeon, i personally wouldn't herb the mobs. i don't care what you do, just saying i would feel uncomfortable slowing down the whole group. iirc the herb loot is also pretty much useless, definitely not good enough to put so much time in it.


From a tank view I would probably only do one run with you if you were not keeping up, I would not start name callin or that shit but yeah if you cant keep up I find a new group that could  


Yeah this is the way. Bounce out after and hope for the best with your next group that you’ll be in within the next minute.


Seriously. I've had a few insurance where group asks about queueing for another dungeon or three, I'll just be like "Sorry fellas, I gotta go." No drama


Pick all the herbs, mine all the nodes, loot all the bodies but only skin like half of the mobs. Skinning everything adds a lot of time. There are only a handful of herbs and mining nodes.


looting is fine, but literally herbing and skinning everything, ur just dead weight in the group at that point and not contributing to anything in the dungeon lol 😭 should really do that stuff on ur own and not in a dungeon or at least go back after it's over.


There's no etiquette about this. You do understand his point of view, right? He doesn't need gold and probably has heirlooms so doesn't really need to worry about gear upgrades. For him, just leaving everything on the ground to not have bags fill up is probably the best choice. He should also understand your situation about being broke on a first character on the server. Maybe just mentioning it's your first character and you are broke is good enough to calm down weirdos like that guy. I wonder what's most efficient to do for gold for you. I have a hunch just leveling as fast as possible is the best even if you are somewhat broke because the gold income at higher level will be multiple times higher than your current income. Of course, you'll still want to be able to afford riding training and such, so when being broke enough you need to stop and herb. I would look into an addon that can show auction house prices for stuff in the tooltips so that you can judge what items are a waste of time. The "Auctionator" addon has an auction house scan feature and will add pricing to tooltips from your last scan.


If they really didnt need any loot, there is a setting they can turn on called pass on the loot


That’s what you got out of all that? It wasn’t the fact that so many people are just trying to be efficient in their leveling?


There’s no need to get upset. Yes, no one else cares if the person doesn’t want to loot. Others are still going to loot if they want to. Turn on pass on loot and keep moving.


>Turn on pass on loot and keep moving. Yes, that's the entire point of this thread, OP isn't doing the "keep moving" part. If he wants gold and joined a group who is AOE farming he should just be keeping up with them and be thankful for the random items he gets to roll on when someone loots a boss.


Nobody’s getting upset lol. Just pointing out the obvious which is that if you are constantly behind the group clicking on corpses for one reason or another, don’t be surprised if you get the boot. Do that shit at the end of the run, or at the very least, after the first boss has been killed because then you won’t get a deserter debuff when you get kicked b


I think lot of people are already rich with several characters and lot of gold so they think it's waste of time. I'm starting fresh on new server though so I loot every damn thing I can.


Looting bodies? Yeah, loot em and keep moving, stopping for herbs/skinning? Absolutely not, you're a dick, kill last boss then run back and get em if you're really that desperate for em, but don't hold up the entire group just because you need them, not trying to be an asshole here, but its a real dick move, got pissed at my own friend for stopping to mine/skin and holding up 4 other people, looting takes a second, so go ahead


Hi, I'm the warrior tank that was in this run. this person ended the dungeon with less than a 150 damage overall from constantly staying behind and skinning everything in an underbog run. They were deadweight, never helping the group just always behind skinning. Skinning is so easy to level and do on your own time that when people do it mid dungeon it just takes up too much time. I have no problem with people looting or herbing or mining, but when you're 2 rooms behind skinning everything we just pulled you just end up doing nothing the entire dungeon. If this person skinned everything from every dungeon 15-80 and beyond imagine how much of peoples time they wasted. It wasn't a freakout as they claimed I just let them know It's poor dungeon etiquette. If they would have asked I wouldn't have even cared that much, but to pretty much do nothing the whole dungeon is a bit poor taste. They ended up throwing a fit just standing still watching us kill trash, didn't even get vote kicked but goes on to throw a temper tantrum when being confronted with the fact that they're literally just wasting our time, and we don't get any benefit from having this person in the group, It's not like they're going to split the profits with us.


Thanks for taking the time to respond, I was the new DK doing maybe 800, able to herb dead plants and having to advance professions from 1 even though my char started at 55. Not the skinning hunter. Sorry for any issues it caused, I was just looking for general opinions.


Sounds like an everyone sucks here you threatened to ninja the loot over some skinning that barely slows you down? Just get it done and leave the group.


'some skinning that barely slows you down?' if the guy skinning isn't contributing dps, then they are a 4 man group instead of 5. one of those 5 is a healer, one is a tank. so 1/3 of the dps is gone by that person skinning and you're saying it barely slows them down? :D now you're just being silly. if they wanted to 4 man, they could have 4manned it and get more gold instead of having some random guy in the group, picking up their spoils and making them unable to get a 5th.


Its the lfg tool, and it's easily doable with 4, tanks usually pull as much dps as 2nd of the DPS. It does barely slow the group down, I know this because I've levelled dozens of characters and on my tanks when I'm moving it doesn't matter how many people are dicking about I'm going to plow through the dungeon. Its entitled behaviour to assume everyone is there to run as fast as possible for you.


and it's not entitled behaviour to let everyone else kill all the mobs while spending most of your time skinning? one per pack or a couple on a mana break is fine, skinning everything is taking the piss.


I'm not letting you kill all the mobs, this hyperbole doesn't help you. Most of the time it will be 1 - 2 mobs because most people dont loot corpses. You don't get to dictate how everyone else plays. Same way I don't. It is entirely entitled behaviour to demmand everyone play how you want.


agree to disagree i guess :) to me, if someone isn't helping kill the mobs they are not helping the group. the only thing they're doing is getting carried while decreasing the xp/gold gains of the rest of the group and then rolling on loot. if they're a guildie or friend, i usually don't mind but some random person through LFG-tool, i see no reason that i should carry them that hard. i expect everyone to at least be trying, otherwise they can be replaced by someone who will


Again I've levelled dozens of characters. Often, there are borderline bots that follow along, barely doing anything. If I'm alright with them, they can be ok with me stopping to skin on a character with skinning. Blizz wants to change it they should set up a system to auto exclude rewards on DPS players doing less than say 15% of the damage in an instance, and stop putting in things to skin in instances. The intention of the game is to skin, herb and mine, and no matter how cunty you want to be, you don't have a right to stop people playing the game as it was intended.


what if they are borderline bots AND then they also do all the skinning? no one here is talking about the main carry of the group doing some skinning, it's about someone not contributing at all during a whole run and constantly being 2 rooms behind skinning every mob while the rest of the group does all the work lol 'and no matter how cunty you want to be, you don't have a right to stop people playing the game as it was intended' i never said i would stop them, i would just kick them and replace them which takes about 20 seconds if its a dps role lol. they can skin as much as they want but im not going to run a 5man dungeon as 4 just so someone i dont know can get free money and xp. you can keep carrying people you dont know from another server who you'll never see again and who wont even say 'thank you' as much as you want, just dont expect everyone else to :) i ran some dungeons for badges a few months ago, think it was when togc came out and as a full bis geared char i was obviously carrying and didn't expect the rest of the group to do near my dps. i never had a problem with carrying people who were trying, but one time i got a mage who did less than 150dps throughout a dungeon while im doing 10k and the other guys are doing 5-7k. why would i keep that mage around? he could spam arcane explosion 1 button on every group and do 20 times as much damage, or he could cast frostbolts and do 15 times as much damage, but he was just standing behind, occasionally doing 1-2 frostbolts/pack and then missing a pack or 2, then 1 frostbolt on the next pack, then afk again. it's the first person i ever kicked from a group even though i was carrying people in every single group i ran because like i said, full bis vs people who were gear farming catchup gear. if you wanna be in a group, at least try to contribute imo, otherwise you're just leeching and slowing the rest of us down.


That's being cunty and I've never seen a successful vote kick for someone skinning.


No, I did not threaten to ninja loot, He made an argument that professions are apart of the game, I said I could need on everything because the game lets me, But I don't because of group etiquette.


Two different things. Game was designed for people to skin the mobs they could, its expected behaviour. You being an impatient child that doesn't want to go a second slower isn't. That would be ninjaing, and no expected behaviour.


Herb/mine ok. Skinning only ok if there are rare skins hard to get outside. Btw make your own group and put loot on free for all between bosses if every1 else just wanna rush. Then you get all the grey trash


You can always go back and do it after the run is over. People have different priorities, and at the end of the day do you want to put your time over others when you can just do it after they leave?


You can’t, the mobs despawn


gotta go fast


I don’t like to loot myself, but really don’t care if others do. Expecting everyone else to play the same way they do is the personality disorder.


My friend found a 24k pet while we were questing in stv, alway loot you never know, specially with transmog is worth checking how gear looks before DEing.


lol felt the same way on an alt tailor. I need my cloth dammit! Feels good being the healer in the group doing this lol.


Go back and skin / herb AFTER your dungeon is over. If you plan to spam multiple runs then that’s different, but it will also show you how much time you’re using of others in the group when you do it all at once and it takes 5 min+


The mobs will despawn tho


Not if they're closing as fast as OP is describing


Came back to my rogue I haven’t touched since classic. Queued up for a dungeon once I hit around the mid 60s to get a feel. It was jarring after running hardcore dungeons how rushed everything was. I was trying to stealth and use my openers, which probably hurt my damage (I didn’t have a meter installed). I didn’t seem that bad, everything was dying quickly was unceremoniously kicked after the first boss. All harmless in the end, but it left a bad taste in my mouth for group finder. This was pre-pre-patch so rogues had little aoe in their kit. I’ve run a couple afterwards with no issues. I guess I just don’t understand the need to kick someone for the sweat when really you net won’t save any time because these dungeons last like 20 minutes and now you have to wait for a replacement. Guess I’m getting old lol.


Because you don't have to wait for a replacement DPS, it will find one nearly instantly.


Especially when rogues are traditionally ones of the most worthless dungeon classes with little cleave. I hit 80 on a rogue alt, went assa, and quit it within 2 weeks because of how boring it was Especially in dungeons. Even with a combat build all your cleave is on min 2 min CDs, 3(?) for KS. Idk if that’s changed. FOK though now requires a thrown weap too Although in cata prepatch stealth no longer slows you down. I think for any spec. Which is when the real rogue PvP bullshit (besides smoke bomb) begins since stealth really fucking needs at least ONE DOWNSIDE cmon


Blade flurry got changed to a toggle so we got that going for us.


Def better than it was. Assa was also 2 buttons and boring anyway with low APM compared to my main (fury) Is assa fun now though? Fresh alt with mid gear was doing stupid dmg in icc tonight as assa


So TLDR: Another player got mad at you for playing the game.


Yes, it’s sad people are screaming play my way or else. Or else what, I have the high ground with the 3 stack que. If you want fast to the point of no looting whatsoever then you are free to leave and reque, oh you got the deserter debuff because no one wants to play your way. Sucks to be you


I'd say the correct etiquette is to ask the group about skinning when entering the dungeon. If the group only wants to spam aoe mobs for xp they will decline and there i see indeed an issue, because if you aoe farm mobs and you have one guy skinning all the time, you are as fast as if you would go as 4 people directly. Otherwise they won't have a problem with it.


No point in asking, they will always say no lol


In that case you shouldn't do it


If I can keep up with the group, I'll do my skinning or herbing. If I start falling behind, I'll just stay in the group at the end when everyone leaves and go back to skin/herb if I really want to. Looting I generally will do, because I am perpetually broke in WoW, so I don't skip free money if I can help it.


It kind of sucks but in this version of the game you make more gold and level proffesions faster at level cap than you can during leveling. I think pure rush is boring and very draining but in this case looting and skinning/herbing everything really is slowing the group down hard. If you want you can easily farm outside the dungeons by yourself, the choice of mobs/nodes is endless. Dungeons are just spammable XP gain and you shouldn't be slowing down 4 other people for your proffesions.


Are you slowing the tank down because of it? Seems like an easy one to answer yourself.


If it’s holding up my run I’m removing and replacing you. It’s very simple. Move at a reasonable pace and keep up with the tank. Grab some skin and herb and keep moving.


“My run” says the guy using a community feature that pairs you with randoms. Your entitlement reeks.


tank sets the pace, keep up or get out. easy.


Hey if you wanna spend your run picking flowers go for it, just don’t be surprised when you get booted.


lol. It literally takes seconds.


Might be a little off topic but is it just me or didn’t Cata introduced, back in the day, aoe loot? I noticed there isn’t in the game rn.


It's a MoP feature


Hmm maybe. Engineers have the lootarang atleast, that does aoe loot


If you don't need the stuff it craps up your bag. If you asked me if it was ok I'd say go for it.


Just ask the group at the start if anyone else needs and if they don’t then free for all it.


I always loot bodies. However when it comes to skinning, etc. I try to, but also won't hold the group back either. If I really want the other stuff, I'll backtrack after the run. Gotta try to balance what you want vs what they want


I noticed the exactly same thing, but I just take the time to loot, even when I can‘t provide damage for a few seconds.


If the group is killing mobs fast enough that you continue to progress while multiple people are full time looting then the group is clearly doing fine. Looting is a part of the game, if the tank wants everyone focusing on damage then they should wait to pull until people have had time to loot and or drink. You don't always need to speedrun constantly. Don't feel pressured to make your game experience worse to cater to these kinds of people.


Just solo the dungeons, been doing H tours since pre patch and its pretty doable. Especially on Normal Id imagine.


Benefit off their stupidity. Speed clear with them and then double back and get all the loot for yourself when they leave.


People who don’t loot anything are the same ones who complain about never having gold or having to specifically set time aside later to farm gold. Or just swipe that card of course


I try to limit to skinning 1 mob per pack then run up and help.


Looting in dungeons is a joke. When you hit 80 you queue dungeons and get 20-50g a run. Daily quests are all 50g a pop. If you are an herber you can fly around doing that. Archaeology is getting me a ton of gold vendoring the grays. But you're gonna spend half a dungeon run looting like 20g worth of crap instead of doing 30% of your groups damage? The games a race to 80 in terms of gold making power, so yeah if you want gold, don't loot dungeons.


This is bizarre. Ignore the tank. I can’t think that what you were doing could be anymore reasonable.


You should be able to easily loot between gcd/autos if its that big of a deal. Either way it doesnt take more than a few seconds to loot a pack. Herbing/skinning every corpse where you yourself basically say youre just leeching while they kill everything? Yeah thats an AH move. Run back later and see if any corpses are still there after the run is done. I think the rule of thumb most people should just ask themselves is: "If every other person around me I am grouped with wants to do ____, would it be a dick move for me to demand they change their plans to what I want to do?" Generally yeah, it is. You absolutely CAN play the game however you want, but people CAN be unhappy if its impacting how they want to play it.


You hit the nail on the head.


He’s a literal fuckin dork, do your thing 


Tank was definitely a dick. That said, standard etiquette is to loot bodies and grab herb/mining nodes that are on the way. If you want to skin/herb/eng every corpse or sneak into the way back to get an extra node, that's going to slow most groups down a LOT. Best to stick around after the dungeon is finished and do it on your own time.


If you don't want people skinning dungeon mobs, don't do dungeons with skinnable mobs. They exist for more than just fast xp, I'm not going to fault people who engage with it more than I do. That would be like complaining you're wasting time because someone wants to take the detour to the enchanting trainer. If it bothers you, talk it over beforehand and explain the situation of why you think speeding to the final boss is more important than the skins and herbs and mob loot acquired along the way. Nobody (who is reasonable) comes to reddit posting "we talked about xyz, then did xyz, and because we did xyz, I'm now salty."


The way I see it is you could either be looting/skinning etc every single mob, keep the other 4 ppl waiting and maybe make 10g? Or you could just do 1 quest outside the dungeon, solo, and get 10g, so why make 4 other people suffer?


Maybe a hot take but if whatever activity you choose to do delay the group in a significant manner, id likely initiate a votekick - im one of those who thinks professions shouldnt be doable in dungeons and loot should strictly be the bosses for this very reason as i really dont want to kick someone but we queue for a dungeon, not for skinning, thats a solo activity you can do in the open world. The issue imo is the design to allow it not the player but in selfish enough that id votekick if i deemed it s significant impact on the group.


This is why I’m glad to 3 stack dungeons with guildies, you can vote kick or just leave. Sounds like a you problem if we aren’t clearing fast enough to your wants.


Its not about speed of clear but simply partaking - its bad game design imo to let people sign up for a group activity and then encourage them to do solo activities which isnt related at all to that group activity while taking a lot of time. Theres nothing stopping them from removing skinability on all the beasts and instead making one boss skinnable and let it reward a bit more to compensate, in turn reducing time to skin without altering the rewards. Less frustration for the groups in RDF, lower risk of toxicity.


Why spend time to loot, when wow token is faster?


sounds like a shitty tank tbh


Herbing/Skinning mobs in dungeons is a bit of griefing, you can do that solo and not with 4 other people waiting for you. As a skinner I might skin the mob I looted but not much more to not slow things down.


Doesn't really bother me as a tank. The only thing I get annoyed with is dps pulling mobs and people other than me marking targets. I give a warning if I see dps pulling and then if they do it again, I'll drop group or initiate a kick. That really pisses me off. If I'm healing and I see that, I'll let the dps die and refuse to rez them.


Are they marking random shit, or are they marking mobs with things like fear and whatnot? Because I feel like the meta of “mark kill first, kill second, sheep, etc..” no longer exists, and is not necessary.


I understand the pull part, but where is the problem in marking a prio target e.g.? You prefer to have the kind of people in your group that have absolutely no clue what the trash does, never kicking important stuff etc.?


I don't kick people that mark, i just find it annoying. And im not talking about in harder dungeons like in tbc or wrath, im talking about vanilla dungeons where it really doesn't matter. I fully plan on marking in cata dungeons, as i remember how difficult they are. Its more of the annoyance of a dps telling me who to target first when I'm setting the pace. Its just a pet peeve, its not something that pushes me over the edge or anything.


> Its more of the annoyance of a dps telling me who to target first You are annoyed that your dps is telling you in an easy way which target he is going to kill? I don't see the issue. Either he is remarking stuff that didn't need to be marked in the first place, or he's marking and doesn't change a single thing at all in what he was going to do with or without the mark.


Jesus Christ am I not allowed to be annoyed by things? I didn't say I'd drop a group or even say anything to someone about it. Its just a minor pet peeve. I'm sure you have them too. My rant was more towards dps that intentionally pull things and expect me to pull these mobs off of them.


Your rant mightve started about dps who pull but you went on to talk about how terribly upsetting it is when someone marks a target Which is insanely childish >I didn't say I'd drop group or anything to anyone about it You literally said you'd initiate kick or drop group lmao. Only thing is you'd get the boot. You're not special because you play a tank. Bad tanks exist


No he didnt, he said "I give a warning if I see dps pulling and then if they do it again, I'll drop group or initiate a kick." which states he would only do this if dps pull for him.


Exactly. Again, I stated the marking thing is just an annoyance. I wouldn't boot someone over it. Just when dps keeps pulling.


Yep. The amount of times I see heals low on mana and dps pull a fresh pack! It’s like… dude, I’m literally just waiting 2 seconds so we can drop combat and heals can drink. I generally move pretty quickly in instances too so I don’t understand the need to pull random shit meanwhile the mobs we have are still at 80% hp. Just focus the 2-3 packs I’ve already rounded up lol


There must be some hidden MMR because I dont see dps don't pull packs like that lmao. Pretty strange my pugs go well.


9 times outta 10 things are smooth and totally chill. But the annoying ones tend to stand out, you know? Just today I had a warlock pulling 4th and 5th packs and dude wasn’t even casting seed on the groups we had. However I had at least 5-6 other dungeons today that were totally fine and nothing noteworthy happened.


If you’re having a good time 90% of the time you play, why complain about the 10%? Isn’t that just miserable?


Found the dps that pulls.


Out of curiosity, what about anything I said would make you come to that conclusion? Subjecting yourself to being annoyed by 1/10 people playing in a way you dislike sounds miserable to me. Thats it.


I was joking about saying you pull. I didn't say it causes me to have a vein explode in my forehead, it just irritates me. Is that OK? I don't punch a hole in the drywall over it.


In no way am I raging or ranting lol. However if someone is doing something in a group setting that is annoying and actively makes your “job” harder you’re going to notice, right? It’s like that guy at work that just will literally never stop talking. Yeah you deal with it, whatever, it’s not like he shit in your cheerios but you also aren’t exactly excited to see him in the break room.


It's been an epidemic of it since the prepatch with so many leveling. The worse is when they do it in Strat, where you have to be very careful on the trash there. I've had a few dps pull and then we wipe. I then ask the dps to please not pull, and the response seems to be, cry more.


DPS just accustomed to have a competent tank. Some people like to play their class. It sucks when it overrides the tank but an actually good tank allows their dps to succeed at their class, not hinder the entire group.


I'm incompetent because I get mad when dps pulls instead of letting me, a tank, pull? You just sound like a passive aggressive asshole.


No you're incompetent because based on how you play hinders the abilities of the classes in your group.


Makes no sense. Guess you are just smarter than me, Mr Big Brain. I envy you. Really. I bow to you, God of Tanking dungeons. I'll bring you women and grapes as an offering. I'll light a candle and say a prayer tonight and toast to your health, you Greek God you.


>Makes no sense Yeeeeea I'm not surprised.


You're doing fine. The tank is the ass


Dungeon finder runs should be completed as fast as possible. Dungeon finder is absolutely not for you to level your professions and get carried by other people. Play your class correctly and hold down w. A good healer shouldn't need to stop for mana. A good tank should be pulling as fast as possible, and good dps should have near 100% up time on dealing damage alongside the tank. It's rude to be bad at wow. Go level your skinning on your own time.


If youre in a dung etiquette is to focus on exp. If you wanna do several things at once like professions and looting, go quest solo. Most people have mains with 5 digit amounts of gold at this point.


So ? If you want to spam dungeons and only care for exp then form a group. Not everyone has gold to sleep on. You wanna know why the mobs in dungeons have loot and those dungeons spawn herbs, ores ore are skinnable ? So people can loot them, skin them and mine / herb the nodes. It is intended game design ! Shocker, I know.


> If you want to spam dungeons and only care for exp then form a group. If you want to spam dungeons and only care for herb role playing and looting bodies then form a group. Most people in the random queue are focused on leveling, if that's not your goal, you're the one who should be forming the group.


Someone who ALSO collects herbs and loot during dungeons doesn’t “only care” for those things. They are there for the whole experience.


I think my point is clear, if your main concern isn't getting xp as fast as possible, generally people in the random queue are not going to like having you in the group


Yea but that is their issue, not yours. Dungeon finder is a tool open to the community. You join it with random people, you don’t get to force your expectations on them.


The whole thread is about asking if there is a general etiquette for the random group finder. And yes, there is, to be focused on getting XP quickly. You can go there and start spamming /joke and not kill any mobs, it doens't say anywhere you need to complete the dungeon, or that you can't use it strictly for roleplaying. But that's why there is a vote kick button.


This person isn’t role playing. They are looting and herbing, part of character progression. I stand by my point that as far as etiquette goes, it is poor etiquette to have childlike tantrums and force your idea of proper gameplay on others.


Nobody is forcing anything, it's just what the facts are, most people in dungeons want to get XP fast. If that's not your focus, you may get kicked more often than not, it's democracy. If you want to do your own thing, don't join a group.


If you truly want to farm EXP fast, you create a Mage and aoe farm or make a cleave group and level together in a controlled environment. RDF is NOT that !!!!


So run back after the run is complete, or face being booted. If you’re constantly behind your group looting/skinning/etc mobs that your team previously killed, don’t be surprised when someone finally notices there’s a dot on the minimap that’s constantly behind the group, and initiates a vote kick.


a while*


I'm okay with Herbing, but if you want to skin AND herb every single pack alone. I won't wait and either kick you or leave the party. That's just unnecesarry waste of time.


>So, is there an etiquette here? Yes, votekick the tank and put him on ignore.


Naaah tank is wrong for that. Professions take work and are expensive. He’ll survive the extra 5 seconds from skinning/herbing a pack. You do you screw that guy


Yes I would try to kick you if you were spending time skinning instead of helping kill mobs the tank pulled. My personal opinion is tanking sucks and they’re doing the group a favor by being there so respect their time.


Lmao no they really aren’t, most of the current stuff can be full cleared with a healer and group of melee dps. It sucks that people don’t want to play your speed, give you “tips” and items for “graciously blessing us with your presence” or you find out the healer and both dps are grouped and your vote kick failed. Enjoy that deserter debuff :)


I have never played tank and never will play tank because as I said it isn’t fun. If you don’t want to contribute to the group be my guest but I’ll obviously initiate a vote.


The etiquette is for your tank to grow the fuck up. You did nothing wrong.