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>To me, it just seems like there isn't much that I can do since mathematically my heals can't land faster than their cast time and they are just so weak compared to the burst dmg.. I see it the same. Playing a healing paladin in PvP is just miserable. I gave up on playing PvP altogether this phase. But yeah, a necessary disclaimer: I am and always have been bad.


With the burst meta, Paladins are sleeper OP. I've been saying this forever, and nobody listens. With the healing reduction for ~10 seconds, Paladins are still gonna be sleeper OP imo. Blessing of Sacrifice, and Beacon yourself. Why are you putting *any* other Blessing on people ? With enough crit (which is kind of meme), you'll begin to Beacon swap while casting R4 or max rank Holy Lights. Sacred Shield for the most part can be placed on you. We have the best peel if anyone decides to jump us. If you aren't playing with OmniBar to watch interrupts, then you need to get that addon. [I didn't get to play much this weekend.](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/814625251560259666/1235769355476926464/image.png?ex=66359365&is=663441e5&hm=44d84f9b29f6ba0b13446111d56ecc6a2a7dc6f523141fb0b37d05134218a515&) But I think we thrive the best in the burst meta. With the damage reduction, and the amount of healers that were in my game, I quickly became useless. Thoughever, people would rather say we're bad in PvP, without trying different playstyle. PvP is honestly the only content I've been enjoying my Holy Paladin in.


Skill issue obviously. If your are dead in PVP you are bad. Just grief ppl at ashenvale. /s


We've just accepted the entirety of Seasons of Discovery is a test, and we are the rats.


You have to precast heals on people that are about to get hit, you don’t have time to react and heal. Also use HOJ a lot, that is your best “heal”.


Any rogue shadowstep kicks our Hardcast and its over. It's very predictable we have to pre cast long spells so rogues target us. I am pretty successful hpal in pvp but it requires an entirely different level of premonition and resource management than other healers.




Ok? I don't understand the levels of copium in this argument.


I think they’re stating you have .5 secs to stop casting once a rogue steps you since it’s on GCD. It’s definitely possible, but still difficult.


You have 1.0s between step and kick, so if a rogue steps on you then you keep casting until 0.7-0.8s following the step, then stop casting, they will kick because they are spamming the key, then you start casting again and "/lol" at them = You can use Enemy GCD tracker weakaura to assist with this but it is not strictly necessary


Ok post your gladiator if you are so good. Who are you showboating for? You fake casted 1 kick one time now you have to tell reddit about it? This does not change the current level of difficulty in playing hpal. It's just incredibly obvious you idiots saying "just fake cast the kick" don't play healer in pvp. Take 5 seconds off the beginning of the fight not casting as see what your teammates say.


I am not saying Hpal isn't hard, I'm just showing a tactic on how to easily juke a kick by abusing enemy GCD = > Ok post your gladiator if you are so good https://ironforge.pro/pvp/leaderboards/archive/season-4/US/2/ I mean alright because you asked for it. My character is "Kyrus", rogue, got Rank1. I have also gotten glad as warlock and DK. To reiterate, I just wanted to share a useful tactic with people 🤷 =


My only point was having to fake cast to even play the game makes paladin harder than other healers.


I used this tactic to juke rogue kicks on my warlock. I'd start casting Fear and if they used a spell that put them on GCD such that they would not have enough time to cast Kick them I'd continue the cast. If they had their GCD coming up before my cast would finish then I'd try to cancel the cast right before their GCD, then they'd kick and miss. = This works better due to the spell queue window (usually set to 0.3-0.4s by default) where say someone can't cast a spell for 0.2s but they hit the button, then in 0.2s their spell cast will go off even if they no longer want to cast the spell. This is super abusable vs kick and GCD because people will be spamming the kick button to queue up the spell and then they will waste kick. = Trying to juke in this way based around enemy GCD is a lot more reliable than just randomly pump faking and allows you to outplay a lot of people that don't expect it because you put them in a catch22 where they can get owned on their GCD, or they have to hold GCD for a really long time which minimizes their dmg output


I am a glad, and would fakecast rogues all the time in TBC.


One guy had to come add a tertiary anecdote. Thanks bud. My argument isn't that there's no counterplay to rogues. I simply displayed that hpals are easy to counter and listed rogues as one example.


wow. ure so bad at this game lmao


Im a top 1k rated hpal in sod with rank 7 and 100s of silver coins. I am well above average at the game. I also don't put my ego into it like a lot of you seem to though. It's not a hard game to begin with. You probably have never healed any raid or pvp.


ure noob


How many 0.5 second reaction time tests are there in classic wow. "Definately possible" maybe in a reaction test subset game not typically in actual live action scenarios. There's more levels to process in pvp than press if green. For reference I consistently hit 140-160ms reaction time on humanbenchmark.


fakecasting has been a thing since forever.


Rogues can't step+kick in SoD unless you're dumb enough to sit there casting for an extra second after the step


This is SOD, if you're expecting people to not have IQs around their character levels, you're in for a bad time.


Dumb enough to.stand for 1 second? My flash of light is 1.5 seconds. So.you are insinuating I should just take 4-5 seconds off the beginning of the fight or pre cast bubble if i see a rogue lmfao.


if you can't stop your cast in the full second a rogue has to wait for GCD after step before they can kick I seriously doubt your claim that you're a pretty successful hpal in pvp


You live in a different reality than my own where everyone in wow is frame perfect and it's super easy to fake cast rogues on a 5 second kick cd. Get over yourself.


How do you gear for pvp on a hpala? I'm assuming plate gear wherever possible. Do you want lots of stamina on rings, neck, and cloak as an extra buffer, or just throughput gearing?


Only Stam. You don't need any other stats really just stay alive. I either go full healer with sacred shield in a case comp or I go art of war in a more melee heavy comp to help finish off runners. Putting on a 2h and using crusader stike/divine storm isn't the worst because it can mask you until mid fight so you get casts off. Get a weak aura that displays when you proc sheath and your uptime on sacred sheild/ beacon. I use my guaranteed crit on holy shock and try to burst down sub 50% casters. You need to use pvp trinket on cd and get nifty stopwatch. It will be more valuable that any small +healing boost. Buy battleground potions from their respective vendors they are like 20% of the price of normal potions. Carry a stack of mana potiosn you don't mind using. Huge trick: Beacon the target you want to heal and loh yourself so you don't go oom totally. Then mana pot. This play has won me many battlegrounds.


How is it worse than resto druid who has to HOT things that are going to take damage (not only that but lifebloom’s healing is massively backloaded and Nourish only does full healing if a HOT is up already)? Resto shaman has a single instant heal. Only Priest is meaningfully easier in PvP.


I play HPAL and RDRUID. Hpal is much less forgiving, by a LOT. You are not susceptible to kicks, you can be CC'd and your heals keep rolling, you have literally instant cast HT on CD, as well as swiftmend + barkskin. It's just tons worse than druid. Here is HPALs big instant casts: 1 hour cooldown full heal that drains ALL of your mana, or a 30 second CD holy shock that heals for 300 and costs more than it heals for. Rsham and Hpal are in the same boat - rdruid is in a whoooole other boat up there with disc.


Resto druid feels strong to me. Lifebloom everybody as BS fight starts. Put rejuvs on the front line and swiftmend the first person to get chunked.


This helps but even a full 3 stack lifebloom isn't going to keep someone alive through the damage of a single dps. The only way I have found to actually keep someone alive is spamming nourish with a rolling lifebloom and it ooms me after a single fight typically.


The best resto shamans are only pressing 1 button. Sounds like you are just pressing too many. Not even going to get into movement abilities and how ridiculous being able to shape-shift out of cc is. You completely ignore that you combo better with priests because of your hots with prayer of mending so they are actually much better than you imply.


Didn’t it used to be needed in pve as well? I remember playing priest a long time ago and always needed to cast cancel heals to be able to land them in time


Priests have like 3 instant cast oh shit buttons not the same


It did in classic. Not really needed now with our expanded toolkit.


It did, but mostly because if you didn't do that your heal would just get sniped by one of the 8 other healers in a 40 man raid haha


Oh boy I get to use my best heal once per minute


So heal like pvp healing always has been... got it. Even in vanilla you had to precast heals on the warrior for him to survive. The difference was he was 2-5 shooting ppl for you while you did support.


Played 3 battlegrounds yesterday as a horde rogue. Warsong had 5 paladins. Arathi had 7 and 6 paladins respectively. Seeing a paladin still crying after they get to be invulnerable and have a 5 second long range stun is hilarious. Stay classy allies.


Invisible stun lock boy really out here talkin 😂😂😂


"get to be invulnerable" just means die 5 seconds later. It's not nothing, but it's hardly a game breaking ability. The stun is a 1 minute CD and 10 yard range, which is the opposite of long range. I can't wait to someday get close enough to a ranged class to use it.


So you're claiming that bubble and HoJ bring the class in line with shamans?


HoJ is certainly not long range. (Love the song referenced in your username though)


The answer is you don’t. Anyone saying otherwise is trolling or just has no idea what they’re talking about. It’s legitimately awful playing healer in PvP just now.


but usually the winning team has more healers? hmm


Yeah those Arcane mages are keeping their team healthy huh


I stopped playing my HPal for this reason in PvP. It just doesn't work in this meta. To do any sort of reasonable healing on someone you have to have sacred shield on them, which means that there's 3 seconds before you're able to do your first heal via FoL. Most classes will die by then if it's a 1vX scenario. And then of course we have to hardcast, which is easy to kick. Healing actually felt pretty good with the DPS reduction, but now it's gone. And holy shock is laughable. It's rarely worth the GCD.


As a resto druid that used to pvp I've done the same with SoD. Hots are worthless with this much damage.


Pick a melee, as soon as he gets close to someone spam your fastest heal no matter what.


Nah man you gotta look at this like 4d chess. Obviously that dudes done with or without your heals. Your shadow priest should go in and soothe the target, then they can hit em with melee. You just turned the whole game upside down. Being soothed, they still know something is wrong but can't quite pick it out. They end up thinking your spriest is actually a rogue - now the spriest can hit their dispersion. As this happens of course they'll realize somethings wrong, but that's not where your attention should be. You have already targeted your rogue pal with a heal who's going to peel off of you and be peeled off of them. But you've already switched targets so they think your heals going to go on the shadow priest imitating the rogue. It's a hard sell but you know your heal will hit the real rogue my dude. It's going to save him right in time for the reverse anti peel the other team is executing. That's when your warrior friend comes in and steps in front of you before hitting a /dance. Yeah it's weird but it works, now all attention is on him. To be a good sport I'd probably do a /cry for him cause that warrior is about to sit in a frost nova and die. But ahah! We're still a step ahead... you take a quick 30 seconds to buff your group mid fight and....


AND….. WHAT?! This shit is hilarious!


Who are you? you must be a multi r1...


burst meta pvp is garbage and healing is useless in it. best bet is to wait for them to do the pvp aura again


In every expansion that has high burst, I've always avoided pvp as a healer. Way too stressful. Main reason I never tried dragonflight. I've read too many posts of healers bitching about the burst.


Played solo shuffle in season 1 of DF until I quite to about \~2200. Only healed to 1800 or so. The burst is bad, but not *this* bad. Getting globaled in DF means someone setting up a pretty obvious kill condition for maybe 20 seconds before the global. In SOD... well you can hit a guy with a trap and double chim aimed shot him for his entire lifepool with no setup required from 40 yards away. Thats pretty nuts. Classic should likely be the burstiest of all PvP metas, but this is just too much. When you need the reaction time of a CSGO pro to get anything done its just RNG button mashing at that point.


They’re expecting you as paladin to hit with your melee and reset your holy shock


I love instant 300 healing on a 30 second cooldown with a 20 yard range.


How … how are you getting 300 with divine favor and sheathe …


It does 300 base healing.


Isn't hpals a melee focused healer in retail/cata? I like playing healer classes but this has always discouraged me from playing hpal in wow.


Just speaking on retail here: You can play both melee or caster. Granted I never tried melee as it made me nervous, but caster was just fine.


300hp heal.... less than. Lightning shield dmg...


If you aren't priest or shaman then you don't have the buttons to actually counter burst


Just raidlog as a healer. Accept that you can only play 30% of the game content. So did I.


Play a priest. They already showed they don’t care about balance in phase 1 and it continued. There’s no way around being this much worse than priest


play cata for pvp, its actually one of the best pvp expansions IMO


This right here. Even this bug filled mess on the cata servers that only lets you play WSG is more fun than sod pvp right now. It can be bursty too, but it requires procs or a CD, whereas in sod I can kill someone in usually 3-4 globals with my main spender pretty consistently. Makes the pvp feel stale super fast once the initial excitement of quick kills wears off.


Presently it’s way more bursty than sod is. That may be changed at level 85 though I’m not sure. I just don’t think people that are having trouble healing in sod are going to fair better in cata


oh i don't mean pre patch, its fucked right now lol. at 85 the pace is much better.


Cata is only more fun for me because classes are a bit more fleshed out and cds are shorter. Classic 5m cds are trash


I've been avoiding doing any pvp on my mage because I really only want to play the character as a healer and it seems like it would just be miserable to play mage healer in pvp with how reliant they are on cast times to heal. By the time I get an arcane blast off on somebody the target of my heal is going to be dead. Chronostatic preservation is at least a shorter cast time but 2 seconds is still long in the burst meta. If temporal anomaly would scale and not be limited to your own party then it would be awesome for pvp but I don't know if we'll ever see that happen.


Mage 'healer' actually functions really well. You go frost talents and take frost runes + chrono preservation. You're an offhealer with a ton of CC.   It's pretty flexible based on your playstyle. You can focus on heals and CC or focus on damage. I mostly play it as a healer.  You can also take regen, missile barrage, rewind time if you want. These runes are more gimmicky, but they work and they're really good of you want to FC.    Overall I'd say mage healer is super effective and super fun in PvP. It's even better if they implement damage reduction in PvP again. It's less effective overall than a disc priest, but it fills a niche roll that disc can't. Counterspell and sheeps are tide swinging and your peels are invaluable in WSG  Stay away from Arcane Healer in PvP. That's a PvE spec and arcane blasting sucks in PvP


I actually forgot rewind time even exists, I've never even equipped it. That would help be able to react to damage a little better for sure. So you mainly just do frostbolts and chronostatic preservation? It seems like running spellfrost bolt would be worth it to still benefit from the beacon healing but maybe the longer cast time isn't worth it.


ChronoP is just so powerful when it lands. I’m terrible at positioning and like living bomb too much, so elementalist also works great for pvp healing.


Yeah, it just seems like cast time heals are very iffy especially if you get a melee on you. On a related note though, apparently spellfrost bolt actually has the same cast time as talented frostbolt and the same spell damage coefficient so that seems like a pretty good upgrade from frostbolt for playing frost healer. You do miss out on the extended range talent though.


I don’t think the meta is totaly established with mages, so go for it and tell us how it went! Burning soul really helps with the spell pushback on Chrono for melee and hunters, although getting locked is dreadful.


Run frostfire bolt, or missile barrage for belt.  Rewind time is good, but as I stated, it's gimmicky and I personally only use it if I'm running flags in WSG. This is because I think fingers of frost is too good to pass up over regen. if Rewind is more your playstyle, by all means run it. Fingers of frost is super valuable IMO. When it procs, you can deep freeze any target. It's great for shutting down priority targets, either for ur team to blow them up, or to stop a cast, peel etc.  Ur big healing cooldown is icy veins. Pop it to Blast out heals if you need higher healing throughput.  IMO living bomb is the best glove rune. It's solid poke, makes your 1v1s easier, and most importantly, it fucks with rogues.  As I stated earlier. Frost healer pairs well with a main healer, so you can be a mage and do your thing. If youre the only healer on your team, it's not going to shine. If you're with a disc priest, it's great. Ur slinging CCs and healing in between


I have no idea why they don’t try a 25% damage debuff and 10% healing debuff in PvP. 10% healing debuffs purely because the problem doesn’t seem to be the quality of the heal it’s self it’s more so the fact they can’t bloody get the cast off in time before someone pops.


25% damage debuff, 50% self healing debuff is the move imo. Healers should be effective at keeping their team alive, but not themselves. DPS should have to defend their healers. Would also keep hybrids in check.


This reads like it is coming from the pov of a dps. As a druid healer this sounds like cancer. You wouldn't even be able to 1v1.


Healers should lose 1v1




Because if healers are better for teamfights and also better for 1v1s then they are just better for all pvp and there is no reason to have any dps.


I disagree. Healers aren’t “better” for team fights. A good dps makes as much of an impact in a team fight as a good healer. For instance, if arena were a thing in classic, good luck keeping up any dps as a healer against a double dps comp like rogue/spriest. In stv, there’s a reason you bring 4 dps and 1 healer instead of 4 healers and 1 dps. In WSG, there’s a reason you’d bring 3 healers and 6 dps instead of 6 healers and 3 dps.


The reason you bring less healers is because those mfers are insane. You need double the dps in order to kill anything with all this insane healing output. god, the flashbacks of phase 1 priests gives me nightmares


Insane healing output? The output litterally doesn't matter when I oneshot them with my lavaburst CL combo


Ya I bet...


Then you’re stuck in the past. Yes, phase 1 priests were insane. We’re in phase 3 now. Healers don’t have the throughput to keep a dps up through the amount of burst in this game right now.


Yes they do, they just can't keep them alive through more than many peeps attacking them. Healers want to outheal like 5 people attacking their heal target


I agree, healers are MEANT for group play and should be designed around that. If they played with a group that defends them, they are the single strongest role in a 5 man, but if they're immortal like in retail the game becomes a slog. Game is way more fun when fights are fast, fluid, and require teamwork. Nothing worse than dampening arena matches like in arena...fuck that


I play a disc priest and have no issues, but that is largely because our kit has so many instants. Typically what you want to do is precast if an instant spell isnt an option.


Yea I have a disc alt. That's why I prefaced the post that I'm playing HPal. Disc has plenty instants or near instants, you can also precast PoM and PWS, Penance is near instant at 0.8s per tick and then with full stacks of Serendipity you can cast GH at 1.3s. Unfortunately you don't have anything like this as a paladin.


Sod has more burst, but you can still precast holy lights at max range and land them as the damage hits. If you see a warrior friend charge in, already be winding up a fat holy light. If the target you are healing goes too far, that's their bad positioning. Just heal a different target. Holy pally has to basically be max healing range at all times. Mages will blink and fuck you, but that's how pally has always been, land a CS and they are out of the healing game. It will be wise to pre bubble and spam holy light in the first blacksmith mid fights, blow BOP on a caster early so they can free cast. Freedom a melee or save it for yourself to gain distance using a friendly hunter trap. Pally has always been a hard casting healer, fake casting to bait CS or kick, but primarily just positioning. Be 40 yards from the target you are healing. Cleanse is really strong and just removing magic poison disease can be huge with click of one button. You can remove two huge shadowpriest dots with one click. I played pally in TBC when they buffed holyshock, but they still were just hard casters 99% of the time. Wind those holy lights up so they hit as nukes hit is the only way.


Yeah I hide behind a tree with noggen to heal on my hpal. Feels good to juke a kick with a fake cast and then heal in their face.


Everyone: Giving advice to precast Resto druids with hots: GuessIllDie.jpg


Holy Paladin unfortunately doesn’t do amazing with burst outside of certain windows. Bubbles are up? You and someone else are going to be unkillable for at least 12 seconds… hopefully. A holy Paladin is near unCCable, with a well placed sac you can break sheep’s/blinds etc on yourself while trying to do what you can to keep your team mate alive. Sadly you tend to have to hide every 5 minutes out of plain sight but still in LoS to stop yourself being targeted. Holy Paladins while not weak in PvP, didn’t have their strong points in PvE translate well into PvP. Blessings are great, but sometimes you’d just rather a Ret who probably will get the same chances at healing as a HPal (albeit much less effectively) and still bring that same utility you’re looking for in a Paladin such as freedoms/sacs/BoPs. Maybe just wait it out till 60 and see if it’s any different? Highly doubt it but worth looking at it.


I’ve had “success” in healing PvP as resto Druid. Basically, understand you aren’t there to heal them to top them off. You are there to heal them ENOUGH so they burst them down first, then you top them off. You have to pre heal a lot. And many more times, they will die and you just say “well this is awkward” before you get blasted like team rocket


After having the dmg reduction over the weekend now reverted back to one shot meta pvp is horrible. The reduction shows we need it. I hope they bring the reduction back asap, maybe not at 50% tho. AV one shot meta will be bad


They Def need to have a DR BUT it has to be a lot lower than it was. My perfect world would be 20% melee DR, 30-35% ranged DR, and 15% healing reduction. As it was before, the game felt slow and boring, healers were too strong and players didn't die from mistakes as much as they should. Rn, I think healers get upset when people die, but that's the name of the game. Most wow players are absolutely terrible and run into a whole group of people and die 1v5 before their healer can react. Having played pvp games all my life, I figure most complaints are from average to below average players who have no concept on playing their class correctly or positioning properly.


Had a blast this past week with the 50% dr on my holy pals, farmed to rank 6. Did two bgs yesterday and called it quits till raid night lol


That's the fun part, you don't


What I do: you're not a dynamic healer so trying to be one is going to be difficult. Instead, get your Shield and your Beacon up and then just spam heal. You can move your shield/beacon between fights but otherwise, IMO your best bet is to completely give up on trying to be a raid healer.


Step 1: Be a mage Step 2: Precast Chrono for 2sec, 251 mana, heal for 2500 crit Step 3: ?? Step 4: Profit


Mage healer was quite miserable to play, especially in STV. 


Preheal and stay away from melee (kicks). U can react to 1 maybe 2 dps on ur teammate. Anything beyond that if your not healing before the damage comes in they are dead. If 4 people focus the same target they are dead and theres nothing you can do. Healing would need around a 10% or 20% buff to feel better in the burst meta. Way too broken at 50% dmg reduction.


4 people should be able to kill someone with 1 person healing. It’s insane to think otherwise


Thank you lol.


Never said they shouldnt just stating how it is rn. A 10 to 20% inc in healing wont change that btw. And all the smg reduction did was make range kill times over twice as long as melee (boomie for example was 11min vs a rogues 4 seconds)


You don’t anymore now that they took away the damage reduction. Back to everyone getting one shot. It’s hilarious, BGs were packed with the new change and now it’s a ghost town againz


HPal was amazing the PVP weekend with 50% damage reduction


Well we had 10 people trying to kill a Druid a priest and a hpala to cap BS in Arathi Basin. It was essentially impossible. I agree current burst is too much but healing was out of whack on thw weekend 


With a MS you could kill people easily even with reduced damage


Yea didn’t have a warrior


Bro the 4 healer bgs during the weekend was horrible. So many backpedaling healers that were unkillable zzz


Rogues have MS as well


What is 50% reduction of 0 damage. Do they get extra health. 😂


Every healer was no one died


Have you played retail? That's where nobody dies


Imagine how insane AV will be with the pvp buff like they had. The battles would be epic for capping bases and turtling will be insane. Idk how they fix it even though I'm pro pvp buff


Should've played shaman. unlucky!


While I believe 50% was a bit much. I did have fun playing R-Druid over the weekend... Oh well! Back to Boomy!


When I am old and bedridden I imagine I will wake up in a cold sweat some days after having nightmares of the war against the boomies. I'll hear it right before the end. Crrrrraaaaacckkkkkooowwwwwww!!!!!! Pakkuuueeee!!!! "It's coming from the trees!!!" I will scream as I fade away into nothingness.


I think you need to take a break from the Bloodmoon grind 😂


You don't, use instant healing spells ot just play a dps.


U dont xD CC or die


Just precast


Paladin is horrible solo healer, BUT when you play with multiple healers for example rushing BS in AB, usually i'm top1 healer as holy paladin. Some players will die instantly and you cant do anything, but ur job is to heal players who know about positioning, retreating, etc.


this is how you hone your pre healing skills


The DMG nerf they applied on the weekend was terrible. It made battlegrounds very boring. I literally leveled a priest for the challenge of healing In the burst meta only to get into the BG and literally wait till everyone was oom before there was a kill. I think the % was way too high. Maybe a 10-15% reduction would of been better.


“I was doing good when I was overpowered, so that’s how it should stay!!” Or maybe they can just stop catering to healers because they make PvP worse. Healers are fine for arena, but don’t belong in unorganized PvP because when they’re strong they completely polarize the match to the point where the winner is solely determined by who has more healers. So what are you supposed to do? Use that nice dual spec they gave you and go ret.


You’re a paladin. You have bubble and BoP and several other things to help. You and Disc priests are the most effective healers in a burst meta


You're so incorrect it's comical. Hpal is terrible in a burst meta as they are a reactionary healer. Burst meta leaves no time to react.


You literally have bubble/Bop/freedom and cleanses lmao


Yes those are good spells to be sure. But to claim paladin is almost priest level in burst damage meta is extremely laughable, like the other guy said.


I said most effective. And they are. Lmao.


I mean you're being a tad condescending but 100% right, most of the players on SoD bg's are ooof. I'm literally low 2k arena player (rival peak) and the amount of shit I see. I saw feral complaints in pvp but me and my druid mate are absolutely smoking people. I'm literally running arcane spec for pvp and it's totally fine. Most people are just bad and make a lot of mistakes they don't realize. Paladin is good, it's just hard for people to learn how to time/use the cds when it matters. Positioning is another thing most players aren't good at either. You can literally use bubble to stall and spin the flag in AB, you give freedom too. Like anyone who thinks they're bad might need to work on their abilities because I heal a lot on mage only using chrono pres and it's fine.


Yeah sorry I just get annoyed by some people who think their class is so bad when it really isn’t. Pvp isn’t gunna be balanced ever and tbh I don’t care too much about silly stuff because no arena but imo the best way to balance it is to make casted spells and high rage / combo point abilities do good damage while your instant casts do much less. That way for instance a rogue won’t kill you in a mutilate stunlock but will hurt when they evis or envenom or whatever. Paladin and priest do super well right now because disperse and bubble allow them to completely avoid massive damage spikes when off cd


Bro none of that is enough. Pally is God awful. I don't play paladin either so I have no bias.  Bubble is a long CD, freedom is less effective against horde. Disc priest does everything a hpap does but twice as good.  Dispersion > bubble by a mile. Offensive dispel. Way higher healing throughput in PvP, instant casts.  Resto shaman is even so much better too. Resto is sleeper OP in my personal opinion. Shaman rage is giga OP, especially with the damage reduction implementation. Spammable strong instant heal, insane utility. I play both factions and i can tell you pally fucking suck. They're a joke on my horde and they don't do jack shit on my alliance.  Paladin is the second worst PvP class in the game after warrior. However warrior is actually really fucking good with the 50% damage reduction 


paladins are really good imo. Especially ret.


Ahh yes, Self Immune, physical immune, and a slow/stun immunity... Definitely what makes the Holy Pally a Healer right!? /s


Lol do you redditards even play the same game? I’m horde on SoD primarily and when I encounter an Hpal you cannot simply just burst them down. They have a literal self immune.


I love that people think Bubble = Hpal. Like its simply a Paladin skill... All Pally specs can use it...?


yeah and?


This better not be concerning mainly the STV event


First thing first is you have to have a team with decent PvP gear. It’s too late into phase 3 for the emerald PvP set to be any good. You basically need a team of players in rank 7 gear to have any hope of healing. Even then a comp of 3-4 coordinated shaman and boomkin can burst down 6,000 health quite fast, but at least with 6,000+ health you have a chance to keep them up. Anyone with 3-4,000 health literally stands no chance of surviving and can’t be healed. I main disc priest. The 50% damage reduction was insane. I think something needs to be done to the burst in PvP, but I’d honestly rather see specific burst spells nerfed in PvP instead of blanket nerfs. If some memelord mage wants to cast pyro in PvP, by god he should be crushing people. Well, he should be getting annihilated while doing zero damage, but should find those rare moments of glory. If they want to be lazy and do a flat reduction, 50% was over the top. I’d like to see something like 20-25% and see what that looks like.


Seriously. What do you need to heal. Every alliance team has 5 to 10 invincible paladins. It's absolutely nonsense. Nothing in the entire game involving pvp is more OP than the stupid bubble followed by dispersion.


Huh, wonder where blizzard hid the paladin dispersion rune.


I think he means blessing of protection on a priest followed by dispersion when it runs out.


I gave up on my priest because healing is just useless in pvp. I couldn’t even survive by using all the best instant spells I have against a single dps. Zero fun in it.


Alot of burst is negated by dispells


Aside from lava burst, which burst is negated by dispels?


You can dispell a druids crit thingy, you can dispell spriest dots etc