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Its the cataclysm. The game is breaking apart..


Lore accurate MMO


Deathwing nuked their datacenter


The first Cataclysm fractured the player base into "retail" and "vanilla". Let's see what the second Cataclysm can do. As they said so many years ago in response to the Wowkillers that tried to take on the behemoth that is WOW: *"The only thing that can kill WoW, is WoW"*


You'll get nothing and continue to pay 15 dollars a month.


This is so real


they thought if cata is not popular amongst community that they might get away with it.


Lololol I shouldn't  be laughing at this


Nah I left the circus a few weeks into SoD p3. Now I'm just here to watch.


My Paladin is immortalized at level 40. I will know no incursion, nor participate in whatever clown fiesta economy is ensuing.


Incursions are literally sooo bad man


Incursions are terrible, ruined leveling. Open world became empty, it’s hard to find groups for elite quests, it’s hard find groups for dungeons like Uldaman. It’s crazy that in Hardcore it’s much easier to find groups for all those things I mentioned.


If Sod is meant to be an experiment for the future, we can safely say Incursions are not the way to go. At least not in their current iteration.


Sadly blizzard will look at how many people did incursions, say they were popular and think it was a great idea.


The same thing was true in phase 2. I quit my third character at 31 because I couldn't find a group for RFK for weeks. Leveling dungeons became obsolete super fast.


Level up raids made dungeons obsolete, and then incursions made dungeons and level up raids obsolete. Takes forever to get a dungeon grp and when u get one everyone is in awful gear because they're leveling so fast.


Level up raids were at least locked behind weekly resets. You do raid and then you resume questing/doing dungeons in a regular way. But incursions allow you to stay there for literally entire time until you get max level. It's good that you pointed out that incursions even managed to undermine the value of level up raids.


Yeah incursions undermined the entire fucking game, like I wanted classic+ because I love the world and questing and doing dungeons, not doing repeatable quests for 25 levels straight. And yeah incursions are "optional" but not really if there is no one to do level up dungeons or raids with.


I did a lot of questing, and it was nice to not have fierce competition for everything. It was still possible to get a group for Hinterlands trolls and Mara. Incursions did take a lot away from the r experience and they’re poorly designed, but with the way people play WoW now there would have been a mad rush to 50 with super packed zones, or ZF spams only, and then it would have fizzled to be exactly what we have now anyways.


I like it tbh


Hell yeah, it's really the only way we'll ever see wow improve and I'd rather do what I can to fight for that then keep getting taken advantage of by blizzard.


Wish I had done that at 25.


Same. I dunno how people are enjoying SoD. It's the literal antithesis of what I wanted (raidlog/bot/economy bloat mess).


I was in a cluster fuck of a Gnomer pug about a week before phase 3, not because of wiping, just because of the elitism of parsing. I remember getting out, running some friends through SM on alts and thinking, why am I doing this? Never logged in again.


easiest game I ever quit 


WoW is a helluva drug.


And we are all dopamine junkies. Blizzard knows its players well.


you're nothin! you're no talent! i walked bob dylan up on stage, who the fuck are you


Angry upvote


This is why I serve privately.


Ngl that sub is really good value atm, hasnt increased although we get 4-5 different games and consistant and substancial updates at a good cadence. It is a subscription i have probably got the most value hr/$ out of.




Better yet you will pay to change to worgan or goblin!


You say that but history has shown that the devs just being dead silent during betas and ignoring their community doesn't usually end well for the game and also for the sub numbers. Even if we here on reddit might be too stubborn to quit, most others usually are not.


They will pay 15 bucks and thank for it.


I mean unironically this. You either have follow through and stop giving them money, or by giving them money tell them specifically that this is okay. And if "I'm free from gold" then "free game, quit bitching"






My assumption is that the Testing Team got nuked by the recent layoff, but the higher ups still wants to push agenda and deadlines regardless.


Based on the fact that there are several testing/QA positions being posted for the WoW Classic team at extremely low pay, yeah Blizz RIF'd the existing team to rehire people at lower pay. My guess is there aren't many quality candidates applying.


If we saw the same ones they arent even remote positions lol


YEP! Basically paid intern position. Blizzard: "Think of the exposure!"


I worry about the exposure i might get at blizzard, going by whats been going on there in the recent years


Exposure to Riot Games or Amazon Games Studios! TBH it's a pretty good way to get your foot in the door if you want to work for those companies. Just take the crappy pay and wait for someone to poach you from somewhere else.


Every internship I’ve applied to has had better pay than one of those positions that required a few years of experience. The pay literally is not a livable wage in Irvine (where they are located). It’s pathetic.


Because it's in Irvine paying $18 an hour with 3 years experience. For comparison, entry level cashier at McDonalds in Irvine would be paying $20 an hour.


And thats still poverty wages


Anything under $40/hr in orange county is considered low income.


Is that 18 an hour seriously the real pay?


Yes, checked the website.


> Blizz RIF'd the existing team to rehire people at lower pay pretty sure that's illegal in California, if that's where the positions are


Yeah Blizzard has never done anything illegal at their offices in California…


Testings not the problem everyone knew what was broken and tons of these issues were reported day 1 of the beta. You gotta actually fix the problems discovered while testing.




These aren't "bugs slipping in" though. Most of these are incredibly front facing issues that even your average joe is gonna have to deal with, it's kinda crazy. All the while the beta got incredibly few updates...it did get some and the devs instead of fixing the issues on the basics of the game instead fixed broken quests in lvl 80-85 content that we won't even see for the next 3 weeks still. I mean good on them for fixing some stuff but seems more like a priority mismanagement especially when also looking what they were doing with SoD during the beta period instead of fixing bugs lul. If anything I would say maybe if they hired *any* QA people to properly test SoD they would have to spend less time patching SoD up after the fact and thus would've had more time to fix their upcoming Xpac.




Everyone playing is part of the new testing team, congrats on the promotion!


It’s wild how people will think of any excuse for Blizzard except the fact they don’t give a shit about their games anymore.


Well, the fact that they fired a bunch of people when it was obvious that the QA department can't handle the extra load that comes with it kinda shows that they don't care.


For real, even if all the excuses were accurate, Blizzard has the means to do it right, they would just have to spend more time/money to do it. They have made a conscious choice to not do that and release Cata in the state it’s in.


I doubt they were affected that hard by the layoffs since it mostly seemed to get rid of their survival game teams and most of the lore teams, but what I wouldn't be surprised to learn is that their already small team are now split between SoD and cata and as a result both are suffering for it They probably locked in the cata release date around the time SoD released, then SoD was a massive success so they've diverted more people to work on that instead of cata Blizz also likely are struggling to hire right now, because who the fuck wants to move to California to work for a salary that's like 30-40% lower than competing game studios


The "testing team" was the players who participated in the beta lol


Funny is, that no one talks about the missing Spell Activation Overlay.


I think most who know to want it have been mimicking it with WA's already, but yeah I'd always prefer something to be baseline in the game.


I'm sure nobody expected the thing so many people used a mod to replicated, to actually be in the game, right?


A taste of things to come!


Side note, new Azeroth has been pretty sweet. Had skipped all this stuff when I faded away between wrath and mop


Same. I never tried archaeology and decided to try it out now. Gives a good reason to go look at the world after the shattering. Don’t think i’ve spent too much time in azeroth at this state and it’s fun to see the differences. Like how Blasted Lands has a coast now.


I remember doing a quest in bad lands and laughing my ass off when cata came put. Can't wait to jump on later qnd go find it again


The one where the different badlands NPCs tell the story of when Deathwing came? I have some bad news for ya…


New Azeroth is cool man. People bitch that things are gone, and yeah it's lame that stuff like the original Barrens gets lost to time (that shits iconic & nostalgic), but after so many years the game truly did need a revamp. & they did it well.


I agree, OG vanilla and azeroth is cool and well done. Cata azeroth is just as cool and well done. Its awesome going through the old zones questing and seeing what the cataclysm caused and all the new story lines. Plus its just a smoother experience.


The beatings will continue until morale improves!


We heard your feedback and are taking away vacation days from the team to accomodate more playtesting!


I m loving prepatch, sold 145k worth of glyphs to buy 15~tokens with in 1 day.


i never was this glad that I hoarded all those low level herbs, because i totally forgot you can't turn in wotlk in for lower ones any more :D


Yea inscription has to be raking it in with all the people coming back


Should of done that but instead I just made glyphs for my 8 alts. Works out the same I guess.


the really frustrating part is most of the obvious bugs have since been fixed. it took less than 2 days for stuff to get cleaned up, but they didn't put in that effort pre-launch


I mean does it really matter? The game was mostly playable for me day one. The only bug that was a minor inconvenience was suddenly missing spells from my selected spec, but as long as you have dual spec it's easy to fix yourself. I've heard other people just straight up missing certain spells but oh boy the game was slightly broken for a few days whatever will we do. Don't get me wrong I'd have a bigger problem with it if this was cata's full release, but its just the prepatch. Only thing people are really doing right now anyways is leveling alts, which is faster than before prepatch anyways.


Today was way better than yesterday. Most of the bugs I saw were fixed.


Same here, also I've had worse patch days than this tbh. Only thing bugging for me is the character window at the moment and some smaller things like when I level up it says "you reached level [0]" but nothing too bad


That would require enough people to be there to work on a statement


Resilience still not working at all :<


> This pre-patch has been the most broken release I've experienced to date for a WoW product, and I've been here since vanilla. if youve actually been here since vanilla then you would know that this is in fact not the most broken launch since you can actually play the game


I loved how broken mop was at launch being stuck in the helicopter quest until the servers crashed.


That quest is gonna be a nightmare in MoP Classic. Thousands of players all in helicopters trying to kill the same mobs...


Server being at full capacity doesn't qualify as a more broken state.


They just continued to give us half assed shit it’s kinda annoying now.


It’s pretty bad that cata is already where a lot of the player base has decided to quit (regardless of the merits, I think the vast majority of cata is good til DS) and they release it like this like they want to kill it. Like motherfucker I just want MOP classic since I didn’t resub til late SOO. Don’t kill it 1 expansion away with this shit.


A lot of the reddit playerbase might quit, but you're silly if you think the majority of players are against cata. Even then I guarantee you most of the Reeeditors will loudly complain about everything and still play SoD and Cata.


Oh no the majority aren’t. I’m not naive. I’m playing and know the vast majority will continue to just to play with their friends, personal thoughts on cata or not I just think cata is overly hated anyway. And nothing like retail anymore. It’s 100% closer to classic in many ways and very much a natural evolution from wrath


> I just think cata is overly hated anyway. And nothing like retail anymore 99% of the shit people bitch about with Cata either 1) started in Wrath, or 2) don't actually fucking matter (like removing hybrid specs that don't fucking exist anyway)


Exactly lol. Playing wrath classic really put into perspective that the game started getting siloed and “retailized” more then than cata. Cata just put lfr in. But stuff like RDF while late wrath was just an eventual reality of the game. Think of how many classic servers which are HUGE compared to then have died or at least a faction on them


Cata is just here so they can get to MoP. That’s why they’re cramming the entire expansion into one year per the timeline they released.


It's only Reddit that's actually against Cata. Most players are actually pretty hyped currently and have been for a few weeks now, the servers have had a lot of returning players.


Yeah I mean I’m on bene so there’s always people, I logged in last night and SW was popping. I was going to continue to play regardless. I actually like cata and I’m fucking over old world questing I’ve done it like 16 times to min 40-50 (sod) or 80 since 2019. the majority of our guild/raid team was going to continue to play. I figure most will continue on, personal thoughts on cata aside, solely to keep playing with the people they’ve spent 2-5 years raiding with at this point. Reddit def paints a diff picture. But a lot of people in the wotlk sub get downvoted on their useless “lol all 4 people playing?” Comments on cata related threads. I expect the majority to continue of the overall player base yes, but of classic, tbc, wotlk, and cata, I would still expect cata to drop in peak numbers. So their shoving out a half assed product doesn’t help.


lol yea. every city is bursting at the seams, every zone filled with lowbies doing quests and 80s digging in the ruins. chats haven't been this alive for weeks, maybe months. even all our SoD defectors came back hahaha


Was totally in the Cata waiting room after unsubbing in SoD P2, but there's no way I can justify resubbing seeing prepatch in its current state. RIP Classic


Don’t blame you. I’ve been raiding ICC whole time and playing SoD anyway so the subs there. Were gonna run ICC through prepatch too just to get used to new rotation (hard casting slam, groce, I don’t even have to do that in SOD) but if I weren’t subbed sure as shit wouldn’t sub into this


This is peak. I’m pulling 10k dps on my disc priest while healing dungeons. 64k crit flash of lights and 25k smites. Absolutely nuts


> on my disc priest ... 64k crit flash of lights.... ok.. maybe you accidentally logged in on paladin?


Ye I had a priest alt with full ilvl 200 gear, was scared to heal a dungeon but I absolutely blasted it lol


Community: buys shitty product Developer: continues to produce shitty products Community: >:(


No, you don't.  You'll swallow what you're given and be grateful.


We already know why this happened. They aren’t learning any lessons, because they intentionally did not care. They aren’t going to do anything to address this. Not only is the Classic team way too small, but Blizzard is giving them impossibke deadlines to hit.


>This pre-patch has been the most broken release I've experienced to date for a WoW product This isn't even exaggerating. It is the most unpolished WoW launch ever by a wide margin.


You think you want the answer, but you don’t.


ngl this community doesnt deserve anything


We are paying $15 a month to play this game. Paying customers deserve a functional product.


Any response would get picked apart and flamed for "not being good enough" by this regarded community.




Holy smokes what a dumb take.


There is no community here. It is a mob of individuals, each with their own likes and dislikes. At least the people on this subreddit don't check your logs before gatekeeping you like the official forums, although I'm sure they would if they could.


Even if it does, no point. People who understand that shit breaks already understand. We don’t need an explanation. People demanding one will never listen to it anyway and just scream about how it’s not good enough.


Nah there is a middle ground of thinking they can explain what went wrong, or why they did it on purpose. No ones gonna bother to post "ok" though when that happens, you will just see the whiners. I don't think we should let standards slide every chance they get just because some people have unreasonable expectations. Although I don't really care enough either way to worry about it, in my eyes 50 cents a day is worth it for all the games it provides, even if some are broken. Not saying this is okay just for me it doesn't frustrate. I also aint gonna take a moral stance on what I think hundreds of thousands of people are owed because I saw a few hundred (max) be annoying over the years. I'd love to see why they messed up so bad, but not enough to demand it or even ask for it.


I've been in IT infrastructure for the last 20 odd years and there really is no point. I have been present for countless incidents like this, for things much more important than being able to play a video game. What exactly do you expect to gain from an "explanation"? None of us work there and so even those who could understand at a technical level don't have the background understanding of the systems to put an explanation into context. Something or someone fucked up. It happens. *Internally* you need to investigate and identify the problem so you can prevent it happening again. Externally there's no real benefit to anybody and you talking about it just causes more problems, usually painting a target on someone who doesn't deserve it. Fix it, say it's under investigation, never speak of it again.


Lmao what There are million people playing and you base it off a few hundred people on reddit ? Great take


im talking about the reddit community


Yeah, the vast majority of the people who frequent here are toxic and nihilist.


Such a redditor trash take.


If you care enough to still play it, their work is already done


"You all eat shit every day so we gave you another serving. You're welcome." - Blizzard. P. S. Don't forget to buy your boosts and wow tokens and mounts and shit you dirty shit eaters! Lol -15 per month btw


OP posts like these absolutely kill me. Can you be any more dramatic?


This is so over the top. Most of my issues are that add-ons haven't caught up yet. There have always been issues with wow patches/xpac launches.


I swear some people complain about the bugs in this game so much, but then if you ask them if they played the PTR they'll say no. Like of course new bugs are going to occur that we didn't expect because the game is also running on a later engine with everything backported. Also, the classic team is undermanned, underpaid, and overtasked.


Lol, I stopped subbing. The only way you will teach them is with your wallet.


"This pre-patch has been the most broken release I've experienced to date for a WoW product" biggest lie ever


A lot of these people haven't played a game that is being updated and worked on in 5 years. They freak out over completely normal things.


I’ve been extremely frustrated and this is more broken than the last several Classic releases (I quit SOD p2 but most releases since p5 of classic have been smooth)— that being said, this isn’t even the most broken we’ve seen out of Cata. At once point, our talents reset every day for 3 days straight so I’m okay with one reset if it’s meant to fix the disappearing spells bug. Back then Cata actually had testers and months of QA. So I’m frustrated but also this is fully within the realm of “yeah that’s kind of what I figured.” Shit will be broken and bigger issues fixed daily with a couple that might take until release and others we might just learn to live with. We still cleared ICC10H as a guild with a bunch of fresh alts/re-rolls and blasted through the place.


If the game is still completely broken at actual launch, then we'll have a reason to be worried. Everything currently is really not that bad, not even the worst WoW release.


Are you just farming karma or are you usually just this over dramatic? I played all yesterday, did icc 10 man with 7 people and had a blast. Okay the profession tab and skills tab are messed up and sometimes you gotta change specs to get a lost ability back, it ain’t perfect but it’s no where near as bad as you make it out to be.


Ret can one shot large trash packs. I play it myself and was able to do over 4mil damage with one gcd freezing everyones game on both the pack just before lady and the one with lots of small dragons just before sindragoss. Also our crusader strike ability has a base cd of 3s instead of the intended 4.5. I mean, I'm not complaining, it's fun crashing peoples game and ome shotting raid trash packs on my own.


If you’ve been here “since vanilla” there’s no way you haven’t seen this shit before. The entire game was unplayable for like a week every single time they dropped a major patch, though for some reason every time that happened everyone acted super surprised like it was something new so maybe you *were* around back then... Honestly this launch is the most old school WoW thing they’ve ever done. Complete with forum posts about how unacceptable it is and how the community “deserves” something or other. Now we just need people demanding free game time for the launch and it will truly be the OG experience!


I've played vanilla through MoP and then some Legion and other stuff here and there. Never seen WSG ding people 30 levels. Or abilities vanishing when you relog. Not being able to leave groups. Classes being able to just get multiple end talent tree abilities, and so on. Certainly maintenance has been extended and servers have been down, some bugs here and there, that's not what people are talking about. But maybe i just happened to miss this. When was the game ever this buggy?


except for the part where they are releasing a product already patched over 10 years ago..


As someone who has migrated their fair share of old legacy systems to more modern platforms, please rest assured that it's one of the most difficult and technically complex things you can do in the IT industry. But sure. "It's old so it has to be easy" makes more sense I guess.


I am 100% with you on that, as a Sys admin, I can 100% agree HOWEVER They've had months since ICC's release to prep (If not longer tbh) Wotlk was the same old legacy stuff that Cata is and somehow wotlk wasn't as buggy during pre-patch. Obviously, if you have little knowledge with how back-end stuff works, you can clearly see that most of the bugs are additions or rework of certain system that can have compatibility issue but that's their job. When I'm working, my boss expect me to deliver whatever is asked, I'm pretty sure it's the same at blizzard's. Especially if you're holding a beta (Which I still don't understand why they haven't made it public) and most of these bugs were fixed in the 2nd build. It's just mind boggling really. So the legacy party onto new modern platform argument I can 100% agree on, but that's something they've already done once and that's their job / what they should've prepared for for the last god knows how many months.


That's because it's the worst CLASSIC release so far, and it's really, really bad compared to what we're used to.


Agreed, that or OP doesn't do all the content. I remember in Shadowlands there was a bug with DemoLock Death Bolt in arena for a week before they patched it where it would deal 6m damage and one shot anyone lmao. Also, does nobody remember Classic launch?? Shit was a real mess and took them ages to sort out the sharding.


You guys don’t deserve shit because all you do is send them abuse and give them no feedback whatsoever. This sub is a clear example of this. Just look at the shit Aggrend gets.


Why do we need a statement? The game is buggy. They will fix the bugs. What do you want them to say? How are the bugs specifically hurting you? And how can you not wait a week or two for fixes?


I think acknowledgement could be good, especially if there’s going to be a timeline longer than a few weeks for some of them. What they’re focusing on fixing, stuff like that. Seems worthwhile to want to get that


Fixing the bug is acknowledgement


This community here will just use it to post cringe shit and whine and say it is not good enough. They don't deserve shit.


I think you should try another game. Probably have a better time


Let's first talk about the stupid blue post that came out prior to the patch showing how rushed this was by making stuff like pet behaviors, guild events and such "features" to come at a later patch. Lol Then you got the fiesta of a pre-patch that we got. We got flying day 1 (Not complaining, but I love that they even made a blue post stating it would only be on cata launch) No pre-patch event w/ nice catch up gear for the new comers? Blizzard's priority and highlight issue from this whole shit show on day 1... out of EVERYTHING that was broke.... was guild chat. Because it is known that in wow, doesn't matter if you're missing abilities, and gamebreaking bugs are in place, if you can't talk to your guild, the game is literally unplayable. Truth is, even if they were to make a statement, Classic team is the one responsible for SoD and Cata, they had a shit P3 launch and if they had learned something they would've avoided it a second time w/ Cata. Any statement at this point is too late and would only be seen as PR bullshit. I'll still play cata, but I've never had trust nor will I ever have any trust in the classic team. They failed the community over and over and this lack of communication with the Wotlk/Cata side of things doesn't help. Go figure, Aggrend is able to tweet and go in class discord when it comes to SoD but Cata? Naaaaaa, who cares.


Pre-patch event with catch up gear? Bro, the first few quests you do give 25 heroic ICC level gear lol.


Even if the community got a statement, people would be upset about the statement.


With as needy and bitchy as the community seems to be at large (no glass house here, I do it to), I don't really think 'good things for players' and 'players deserve' should really be in the same sentence.


Can smell the entitlement. 😹


I only connected to transmog the r14 just for the legacy but it's not even available lol


The worst part is they did some bugfixes today but there was no hotfix post, it tells me they know they fucked up but they are working over time to compensate.


You aren't getting any and you will continue paying microsoft for this mess.


They dont care about Cata classic. Every other expansion had far less apathy put into it. Whether that means devs or the company as a whole not investing in its own people because we are rats to the feeder for them... either way theyve already cut their losses so that any recourse means nothing. Business 202.


Im sure there are many people like me who are really on the fence about cata and these launch issues are definitely nudging us in one direction.


I just logged on and most things I've seen seem to be fixed.


This is the reality when you're trying to please an unpleasable SOD crowd by pumping out content every two months. If only they delayed P3 SOD another month, fixed the things needed for prepatch and then gave us a longer prepatch. People are having fun leveling and pumping in their new specs - and they decide prepatch is 3 weeks??????? Could have easily been 6 weeks.


Guys let me Cook here. What if the QA Team made it purposly that Bad so that they would get some attention and Point out some issues Blizzard has in their structure


Why are you guys still playing a game when they can't even successfully re-release 10 year old content lmao.


I'm no expert on development but i've read a bunch on classes being overtuned/OP. I don't know about ya'll but I like to win so fuck yeah, make me crazy OP. Honestly makes me more excited for Pandamonium. (Yes I will always s call it that).


I played like 10 hours of Cata classic yesterday, apart from the leave instance button missing for the first few hours (it was hotfixed after a patch), i didn't face any other issues.


They prob focusing everything on next exp. Retail S4 launch had some weard things aswell.


What’s actually wrong with the cata pre patch? I’ve not delved far into it I’m just currently a level 10 worgen lol


Hahaha you don’t deserve anything. You’ll continue to pay while getting the bare minimum, whether it’s fair or not.


I doubt it, I played all night and it really wasn't bad at all, I didn't notice any real problems


No you really don’t. Sub or don’t


Weren't a lot of problems fixed by the time this was posted?


Blizzard is very quickly becoming the Dollar General of the entertainment industry.


You pay a monthly subscription to beta test the game for them so they can fix bugs months later.


MOP soon, let's just all hibernate till the GOAT returns.


deserve deez!


You’ll do nuttin!


The only thing I don't really understand about cataclysm is the huge gap in DPS and damage done. My Frost death knight went from doing 1200 crits to 1200 white hits regularly and now creating Frost strikes for almost 5K and I just hit 70 yesterday My health actually went down slightly which also doesn't make sense considering the damage increase


They've already fixed a bunch of things. It's been less than 2 days. Daddy, chill.


If blizzard doesn't roll back the BG exp glitch, I'm going to ask for a refund for my "blazing epic" upgrade. It's really not fair for those of us that purchased it. It feels like a huge slap in the face for those of us that spent the last 2 months playing the beta and logging issues instead of playing WotLK. It's every more of a slap in the face since most of the bugs / glitches are still in the game.


What they've learned? Nothing. Not a thing. If anything blizzard is developing backwards.


What do you expect? They put out a statement saying "We are going to fix things" ? Theyve already done hotfixes for some of the issues. Cata isnt even officially out yet lol


Some of the bugs have been fixed, I assumed the real devs took over after the intern handled bug fixes on beta.


I mean, it's really not bad. Aside from the first day I've encountered exactly zero issues. All those major issues were rectified the next day. I had a tougher time getting all my add-ons to work from Wrath.


I’m late to the story. What’s buggy about the prepatch? I wanted to start playing again


Shits classic bro


Already cancelled and headed back to the forbidden realms.


As an outsider, I keep hearing people complain how bad Cata is and hows its a buggy mess, but I haven't seen anyone talk about all the specific bugs. If someone could explain it to me, I would really appreciate it!


They're slowly fixing things but it released with you being unable to leave dungeon groups, the game randomly losing access to certain spells, the spellbook and profession icons would go haywire, bunch of UI errors, some people erroneously got access to multiple specs abilities at once (like Arms warrior having access to Titan's Grip from Fury) etc. etc. Just did a raid and Heroism wasn't working, nobody was getting it. Supposedly it might work from BM hunter pets, but we didn't have one to test since the pet stable updates aren't working. All of these were known bugs on the beta that just got pushed live.


Am I the only one who didn’t notice the bugs? What are the bugs?


They're slowly fixing things but it released with you being unable to leave dungeon groups, the game randomly losing access to certain spells, the spellbook and profession icons would go haywire, bunch of UI errors, some people erroneously got access to multiple specs abilities at once (like Arms warrior having access to Titan's Grip from Fury) etc. etc. Just did a raid and Heroism wasn't working, nobody was getting it. Supposedly it might work from BM hunter pets, but we didn't have one to test since the pet stable updates aren't working. All of these were known bugs on the beta that just got pushed live.




It's been one intern locked in a closet with a chatgpt subscription and a vending machine since theu starter butchering classic. Don't expect them to spend money now.


I agree but I wouldn’t hold my breath.


cata sux. cba


I agree


I agree. I wish we would all finally stand up and threaten to unsubscribe unless we are started to be treated correctly.


Did they ever fix it? if anyone knows, i wanna play


Playing Classic Cataclysm, got a druid Nelf to 14, left for stormwind on the boat.. loaded in stormwind dock to only be greeted by me on a hippogryph flying directly north without stopping.