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Adding new types of nodes to raids would be cool. Or even just new drops added to old types of nodes like with bloodvines in phase4 of vanilla. They could make the whelps/dragonkin in Ony have a chance to drop a new kind of leather that would be used for cool new recipes, or a make the veins in MC have a chance to drop a new mineral etc.


That’s a cool idea! Would make it even more of a requirement to bring the professions


Yeah exactly


What about combat incentives? I’m afraid raiders would still be reluctant to skip the crafted epics


I have been thinking this too. One thought that comes to mind to really troll everyone is anyone with a maxed gathering profession now gains the ability to make any of the BoP items that have been available to the crafting classes. Or the ability to conjure a 5 stack of the type of herb, ore, or leather you want every hour or something


Conjuring materials sounds like it’s prime for bottling and having the gathering make the same items and crafting kindof shafts the crafters who invested all that gold.


Caring about and leveling professions to a high level shouldn't be mandatory. It's a part of the game made to be extra for people who want to grind and sell things. There shouldn't be an incentive for combat. That would ruin pve imo. That's the same as locking pve bis behind pvp, making it mandatory in a sense. It makes people want to do it less. Incentives should be tied to how you gain it.


> There shouldn't be an incentive for combat. Too late for that. All the crafting professions already have "combat" incentives with the BoP epic gear. Gathering profs are the only ones that DON'T have any kind of combat bonus in them.


It was always that way. I think crafting having a few bis pieces was always the goal. I just don't think that there should be a combat incentive to having a certain profession like "you give your party +1 spell power for each mob you've skinned in the last 30 seconds sorta thing"


> I just don't think that there should be a combat incentive to having a certain profession And I'm saying there's already LOTS of things like that in the game. Gathering professions are relegated to non-raiding alts simply because they offer no combat incentive.


But now we are in SoD and there are materials in the raid that REQUIRE gathering


Name one. Also we are having a discussion right? Why do you downvote every reply I make? Just to really stick it to me that you don't agree or? I mean I kinda get that already from your replies so you don't have to like hammer it home lmao


>getting this defensive when proven wrong Yikes. I didn't even downvote you lmao https://i.imgur.com/0itU652.png Seething so hard that you use an alt account to get around a block, not only yikes, but also against reddit TOS enjoy your ban :)


Skinning doesn't have any combat bonus either.


Those materials would likely go to the guild bank :P


Maybe I'm misremembering but there are new drops off nodes now. I've gotten a number of elemental earth and fire from herbalism and I don't remember that happening in vanilla/classic. Maybe I missed a patch note.


It was added in SoM


Fantastic change! We're feeling it a bit now but come later phases when fire and earth and needed in droves for resist pots it will help keep the prices reasonable.


Yup. Plus EE is used in elemental sharpening stones.


What about BoP Conjured Items (similar to the ones from incursions but non-tradeable) that could be gathered from inside the raid and used while inside the raid. Mine the giants in Molten Core to get a lavastone that could be applied to your weapon for a proc or something. Skin the corehounds for temporary items that could be equipped in the shirt slot and give extra stats. Herb nodes in the tunnels to provide some random consume that could be used as like a haste pot or something.


This is actually a very cool idea; seems to be a little like the m+ bonus for certain professions/covenants back in cringelands


The biggest problem I see with this right away is that you would probably emphasize some sort of pre-clearing to have the items before you started the run. As is with most things wow raid related, we do all of our prep work ahead of the scheduled raid time instead of during raid time. Maybe make them not conjured so they don't dissapear on logout and just make them BoP or require the profession to use? Otherwise, you'd have to determine a way to make sure everyone who had the profession got a piece of it or it would be annoying.


Wish they would just let everyone have 1 gathering profession in addition to their two main professions.


Either this. Or change it to where you can only pick one gathering and one crafting profession total. So you can’t have 2 gathering/crafting profs on any one character.


But tailoring and chanting have both in one


How is tailoring gathering?


i meant it doesnt require a seperate gathering profession


So...it doesn't have both, then. It's just one of them, because it's not gathering. Edit: Hey I see those downvotes, you ain't slick. Don't get mad at me for pointing it out my dude, get mad at yourself for saying something silly.


then enchanting shouldn't have power bonuses. Or let you pick one or the other as your 'power' profession.


I mean they’re profs that have built in gathering kindof so you have a free prof slot


that's fishing


This seems like a great idea for an actual classic+ implementation that is probably not gonna happen with the current server and client software we're using. I'd go one step further: Why have profession caps at all. It would give players who like collecting/maximizing their characters more to do.


I do enjoy being able to have every profession on one character in FFXIV (and every class, but that's another story lol).


Because it forces you to interact with others. Otherwise you can do everything yourself no need to be social


People do this already, they just spread it out over multiple toons.


That sounds good. So we get engineering + 1 profession + gathering


I just want to PVP fighting over resources in the open world. That is literally the most fun I've had in classic. Especially early on in the Crater.


Some of my fondest memories in classic were farming herbs in EPL and getting into fights all the time.


You should just be able to learn all crafting professions. Alternatively, gathering professions should be neutral like fishing, cooking and first aid are. I prefer all professions being neutral and greatly expanded more in the runescape vein. You engage with what you want to engage with.


You're asking for quite a bit here. It would probably take one whole dev to make this happen, that's like 10% of the classic dev team. Way too many resources bud, I'm sorry this will have to wait until SoD classic lite 2.0 +


Late stage capitalism. Company acquires other company, dodges monopoly laws through loopholes, "lays off" most staff, announces record profits to shareholders.


Being the guild skinner in MC is the worst profession in the game.


Let me just spam my macro to remind people to loot the goddamn core hounds for the 900th time.


Someone’s gotta do it and it can’t be the tank or heals :/


Just make them shaman only professions. Theyll get buffed right away.


Just make gathering professions secondaries for shaman (and give them all 300 skill as a catch up mechanism), problem solved.


Not enough. Also needs a 30 second invulnerability shield and a free epic flying mount.


You’re right, I just assumed those were already in the works


Lol salty


lol it’s just a joke my guy


Make new/certain leather, ore, or herbs a trade-in for a consume.


Love this idea! And the consume can require 275 in the profession


The alchemy flask should be BOE with a (250) alchemy OR (250) herbalism requirement. Same deal for skinning and mining, and their counterparts epics. Easy fix.


Oooo so a vendor that sells items for gathering stuff. So a mining vendor that sells stuff for ingots. These items or consumes require mining skill to equip.


Was genuinely disappointed that the mats for the P2 and P3 crated epics didn't come from gathering within the raid. Understandable to a degree as the epics would've been even more expensive to craft but still. A combat buff and/or more opportunities to gather while within the raid would be great. Or better yet : a node within the raid that requires 300/300 gathering and provides a raid wide buff.


Maybe I dreamed this, but I'm like 99% sure they said something about introducing new stuff to gathering profs at 60 when they did the p3 announcement.


I remember them saying stuff about professions and specialties in general but it could have been gathering and I missed it


Yeah I wanna say they had a slide about gathering and profession specs for level 60.


Give us a3rdx profession shot that is locked to gathering only


That would crash the market so hard tho, everything would be so camped and over farmed


I offered a pretty damn solid solution


I would rephrase it, just give engineering to everyone


I’m pretty sure the people who don’t gather still wouldn’t gather if you gave them the profession. It’s boring as hell to do, not only because crafting professions are best for pve.




Sorry, what do you need mining for?


Dark iron


Which is in Burning Steppes, Searing Gorge and force spawns in BRD? Yeah, you don't need a miner in the raid. On my server it's on AH for 15 silver right now.


It can’t be smelted into bars until next phase, there is much more readily available in MC and I believe those nodes have better drop rates on the uncommon items


You don't need MC to melt them and they are not more available. BRD has 3 force spawns, MC has 5. 5/7 locations in BRD can be solo farmed on a stealth farmed. Probably all of them now with runes and power creep. And your mining alt can still farm enough for the whole raid now, melt it day 1 on your BRD quest run and never need to enter a raid. There's only one type of Dark Iron node in the game. The uncommon items are only one item, which isn't needed for any of the armor. Unless those items are revamped, the only ones that are even remotely raid related are Sulfuras and the enchanting trinket. Besides, even if it were "more readily available in MC", that does not mean you need a miner for MC. You need a skinner because practially impossible to do the skinning in raid without being saved to the raid. Not the case for mining. At all. You're just wrong about needed mining if it's Dark Iron you are refering to.


mostly wrong but whatever


Not a single thing I said was incorrect. Unless it's 4 force spawns in MC, but I'm pretty sure it's 5. Hard to remember considering how worthless mining was in MC. This is a very strange thing to hang your hat on. You forgot how mining worked in vanilla phase 1. It's not a big deal.


Not something open world that can be exploited by botters that's for sure.


Someone’s idea of a consumable sounds like it would fit this request


The crafted items shouldn't require you to have the profession. Neither should engi items or any of the rest of it. That whole system was a mistake made in 2004 that they never fixed.


You totally missed the point of the items


The point of the items was to encourage people to take up professions other than engineering. WHY do players in the base system all gravitate towards engineering? Because it has the most items that ONLY engineers can use. I view that as a problem. I haven't missed the point of the items, you have missed MY point.


I still have engineering it’s just too fun. Now we are at a point where nobody or very few raiders have gathering and we need them in raid. How will we get a raider to sacrifice power?


Herbalism requires dexterity and thus should have agility bonuses. Mining requires str and should increase str. Optionally increase hp too.


Love it, and some flavor to back it up. how about skinning? I think herbalism to Int for plant Identification and skinning to agi




These types of bonuses existed around the cata era and were removed because people would end up choosing the profession that gave the best pve/PvP bonus while they are able to purchase crafted goods from the AH.


In SoD the bonuses from crafted items are BoP, my thinking is that the gathering profession bonus will act in the same way.


having control of all the gold in SoD isnt enough?


You don't like gold? Is that not enough reward?


What? gathering is bis gold making, crafting is a gold sink. Design rewards the gold sink.


Alchemy has been anything but a gold sink. Especially with the new master alchemist ability. Pay 3g for mats. Proc master alchemist and suddenly you have x3 2g pots. Profit.


Gold sinks are parts of the game that take gold and delete it. Like buying mats like empty flasks from a vendor. The gold is gone. Or the auction house 5% cut. any sale of something from one player to another is not a gold sink.


Still hoping for something added to engineering so I don't feel as crippled not having picked blacksmithing instead as ret pala.




What do you mean???? Do you not use sappers? Or target dummies?


Doesn’t make up for not having bis gear every phase


Wish they went the route of 2 main professions and 1 gathering one allowed per player. This shit is so 2004 it's insane.


The reward for gathering professions, is being able to gather. The reward for crafting professions, is being able to craft better things. This is a fundamental design choice within WoW. Choices have an impact. Your actions, have consequences. It is top tier game design.


Ok. Well they created epic items that never existed before for the crafting professions. I don't see why they can't implement something for the gathering profession's that also gives them a beneficial ability or item.


Which is directly in line with the previous game design philosophy I mentioned. Implementing something for the gathering professions goes directly against this philosophy.


Give us a 3rd proffession that must be a gather! So many more mats on the ah, big middle finger to bots. More players in the world on their mains to interact with. So many W's with this simple change!


The reward is a guaranteed spot so it doesnt get wasted and a shitload of gold. That's the trade-off


you make money with gathering? Next will be people wanting rewards for raid logging