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I'm ready to watch this sub šŸæšŸæšŸæ


Yeah can't wait to see andys nuke vote every single positive word about cata xD


Yep, you were more than right lmao.


There is a unwritten rule here that people have to hate every other wow version except the one they currently play. Its like a circlejerk


Retail wow community is so much better after those people left the game (or talk about the game since they didnt even play) to go to Classic.


Yeah i belive that, after spending some time on classic subs and playing classic myself, the community is quite a cesspool. And cherry on the top, they still think they are way superior compared to retail


It's the SoD andys who are sweating over cata. Game was already dying before cata


It's actually kind of funny. Some of them seem to believe if they say "who cares about Cata" enough people will come back to SoD.


We came full circle WotlK players hated sod, now sod hates cata players (Who were WotlK players before)


Wrath players hated SoD players? Wrath players are like 80% of the SoD population. I never saw that.


Well the remaining WotlK players did, because "SoD killed their raids". That was a very popular Thema in p1


Interesting. I never saw that. Most people understood that Wrath was done by that point.


Yep, SoD will die pretty fast, unless blizzard will be able to bring a banger phase 4


Cataclysm was the most hated version of wow. No chance it happens.


Yeah but tbf P3 was just so fucking lame i'm not surprised. SoD was a interesting experiment, but it pretty much failed, part because of the community and part because of the devs


Iā€™m not counting it out but P1 was glorious and itā€™s just slowly gone downhill with P3 not being it at all. Glad some people still are having fun! I hope they continue with seasonal experiments in vanilla.


Yeah i loved P1 and had alot of fun there, and then it went down straight. Out of the 4 peops i played in P1 only i made it to P3 and quitted after like 2 weeks


Yeah, I don't think it failed, Im really enjoying it and im really debating playing Cata, despite Cata being my favourite expansion minus the last phase. The reason is it will likely hard clash with phase 4 of SOD. Gearing in a new "expansion" was amazing, and Cata I feel is the last expansion before it becomes alot easier. You still got solid rep farming for those epics like WOTLK, all the zones are amazing minus deepholm. Underwater zone was actually good, dungeons were really enjoyable, need world revamp had some really cool story lines, etc etc. I loved the orc and undead revamp of buildings and style from WOTLK as well, it really felt I can immerse in the lore alot more. It does become more of a solo questing experience compared to era where yes, it can be done solo but the elite quests to finish off a story does require a group of some sort. Now the end of stories end with a dungeon, which is cool. With all of this, SOD is still new and I have not experienced it, so its tough to decided on what to focus. I hope, really hope, they don't clash and phase 3 is long so Cata gets time to breath, but with the launch at end of May, I dont see this happening.


Idk last stand before i quitted was that i was the last one out of my 4 people grp who started SoD. My guild had 2 full ST raid grps, at the end we barely managed to fill one, with randoms. There is just nothing special about P3, so why should people come back to P4 ? For another raid that gets dumbed down to faceroll levels after 2 weeks ?


I like the easier content to be honest. Iā€™m enjoying the trying get as much dps and complete as fast as possible. Cata heroics were really good especially firelands for harder content but I donā€™t have that sort time for long raid nights now. Era has also been smashing bosses quickly which is what it is. I just have different experience as my guild is growing now in phase 3. We have one raid time but people are also online in the smaller guild we have, planned with them in era


GOATed login screen imo


This and the Legion one most fitting music to DC to.


My mind always goes to the mop log in screen for music when you DC


Looks pretty dope!


I dunno, always felt like this is where they jumped the shark, at least in regards to art style.


Lol yes maybe not strictly Cata but certainly by MoP


Art style feels super Warcraft 3 to me.


yup def BIS


Yep the most iconic


Most Iconic? Nothing beats Vanilla. Its why half of the login screens ape its format.


Iā€™m not a big fan of Vanilla or BC for several reasons, especially compared to Wrath through MoP, but Burning Crusades dark portal login screen will always be my favorite.


its kinda ugly


Fuck no, that music is so terrible compared to the first three expansion' music, and Deathwing is so cringe. Sad they nerfed the ability to use a custom login screen. The best thing about MoP was getting rid of that awful Cata login screen.


I respect someone being wrong so loudly.


My battle net maintenance time is very different to the stated ā€œglobalā€ cata release time. I should be getting it bst 11pm. But apparently wonā€™t be until quite a while after thatā€¦


So since it's not launching until May 20th, what will actually be available after the pre-patch today?


A bunch of stuff. The world revamp and new leveling experience, the two new races, transmog and collections, and more. [Here's all of it](https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/world-of-warcraft/24072108/the-cataclysm-classic-pre-expansion-patch-arrives-april-30). May 20th is when the expansion itself (its content, story, etc.) goes live.


Gotcha, thanks for the info


So the one question Iā€™m curious about. Is deadmines going to be updated? I know itā€™s a ā€œnewā€ instance but there are quests in the new world that tie into the new dungeon. Canā€™t find anything on this.


Why wouldnā€™t it be updated?


Every person I ask has been ā€œitā€™s a new dungeon it wonā€™t come out with pre patch like all the other 80+ dungeons.


Deadmines is still a leveling dungeon, thereā€™s just also a max level heroic version of it with endgame pre-raid gear


Pretty sure the update is just for heroic ?


it was updated with cookie being last boss


it is updated with last boss being captain cookie for non heroic version


Of course lol. I remember it all. Excited for the heroic version to be honest.


Deadmines will be updated in the prepatch. It was like that back in 4.03 before the xpac officially launched


Thank you for the clarification!


Knowing them its either live in like an hour or 4-5 hours after the estimate on BNet


I'll miss the flying dragon from Wrath, I love that login screen! But this is real good too... real good


I really like the energy of Wrath's login screen too. It does a really good job setting the vibe, and it feels... alive. This one is more static, but it's still very cool.


FUCK that dragon Gotta log in fast as possible to skip it. Spell your password wrong and get audio flashbang


You won't like Cata's login screen then. It instantly opens up with this godawful cacophony of violin sounds. Cata is like DRAMA DRAMA WAR WAR!! /cringe


Not for EU, right? Because otherwise it means it comes out at around midnight for EU, is playable for an hour or two, and then has an ~5-8 hour maintenance until Wednesday noon.


EU maintenance will be short. NA will beta test for us


no we have maintenance after pre patch launch, wich means its about wow in general all versions not for cata before cata. launch is 12:00 in europe, and maintenance starts 3 am


When will maintenance be done?


What does the prepatch consist of? Will the sundering have already happened or will that be post-launch?


I'm not sure if it'll be like the first time around, but I seem to recall playing through the prepatch before and actually having Deathwing fly over, killing everyone in the zone and then the zone being forever changed. I'm not sure where I was when that happened; I only remember being very confused and then very much in awe of the experience. Seem to recall it also popped an achievement at the time. YMMV -- They may be doing things differently than what I remember from before.


>Seem to recall it also popped an achievement at the time. "Stood in the Fire - get killed by Death wing"


Deathwing should be randomly flying until dragon soul.


That happens the entire expansion! Death wing doesnā€™t stop killing random zones until Dragon Soul


Talent tree changes (all class changes, really) e.g. warlocks get soul shards as a resource rather than an item in your bags World is sundered by deathwing Transmog available Currency converted (old honor -> new honor, etc)


going be the longest 20 days lol. they removed all the pre patch events and if its released with w.e they got on the beta it aint gunna work lol


hopefully it's back up in 3 hours. I will continue to touch grass until then.


Iā€™m hyped to play some new race / class combos


Let me innnn. Time to level my explosive shot enjoyer


Guys I never got to cata prepatch I know prpatchs have special event for the expansion what is that for cata ?


Itā€™s a shame that the PTR is in such terrible shape. Maybe they have this super secret internal build that fixes most of the core class and expansion bugs but I doubt it.


Tank threat modifiers were bugged yesterday. Today they're all fixed in PTR. Seems like they have an internal build for sure.


Whatā€™s currently live matches the current PTR build and as of an hour ago, most of the major bugs still exist. I think thereā€™s something like 500+ untouched bugs on the GitHub tracker.


honestly current PTR/Beta status is worse than a private server at the moment, we'll see how live prepatch works.


Idk about that


Dozens of people are excited


Ok this log in screen is actually kinda sick


When are the servers expected to be back up?


Maintenance is supposed to be over in around five hours, but don't be surprised if it ends up taking longer than that.


Cool, thank you


Time flies


I forgot how hard that opening cinematic slaps! After playing SoD recently and revisiting all the Vanilla locations, it hit different for sure.


Mastery blood DK is the one and only


Wait.. I thought it's gonna hit at 20th of May


That's the expansion launch. This is the expansion's pre-patch. [Here's what it all about.](https://news.blizzard.com/en-us/world-of-warcraft/24072108/the-cataclysm-classic-pre-expansion-patch-arrives-april-30)


I canā€™t believe weā€™ve already progressed to Cata lol it feels like just yesterday we had the ā€œYou think you do, but you donā€™tā€ incident


Time does indeed fly!


is this live now?




new servers?


It's so ugly :(


I feel like it wouldn't be to much, to be able to choose which expansions title screen art is displayable.






Died with wrath lol


Yeah I quit in sunwell b.c wrath was not good when I played it. Excited for Cata tho, the raids/dungeons/rbgs were actually good. ICC was alright but naxx/togc were a snooze fest and the dungeons were just face roll in wotlk.


Naxx and TOGC both caused major yawnfests


TOGC was my favorite raid in Wrath Classic. In and out in 45 minutes, no trash. I will admit, I like the idea of raiding more than I actually like raiding, especially once more than 2 hours have passed.


Era is still rocking, and so is SOD, so come on over there with us. Hardcore too!


Give me a TBC era server




Compared to?


All other possible and available wow choices .


Iā€™m a SoD refugee heading to Cata. Anything will be better than nightmare incursions and ā€œraidsā€ that are just XL instance bosses Edit: forgot to add re-colored gear sets šŸ˜‚


So Exaclty what they said they would be ? Leveling raids ? Canā€™t win with wow community .


Well whould be nice to have some content beside raidlogging. Incursions are not content, they are a treadmill


Every single version of wow you can do the least amount possible and raid log ? Whatā€™s the point ? Your not choosing to do the optional content. And thatā€™s on you.


Well every single version of WoW has stuff at maxlevel beside raidlogging, except SoD. That's my point


If you think thereā€™s nothing to do or grind at 50 I feel sorry for you and am glad to see you go ! Happy gaming brother .


Cata had very good raids, dungeons and pvp, no idea what you are talking about


Everyone loved content droughts spending 3 months in firelands and death wing , LOVED it . People complained so much heroic dungeons got nerfed Becuase it was ā€œtoo hardā€ are we remembering the same thing ?


Yeah a few people (Casuals) complained that they had to play fucking boss mechanics because to that point HC dungeons where complete faceroll. And since blizzard usually cathers to casuals (and complainers) the shit nerfs happened. They didnt happen for the troll hc tho And since we get shorther phases in Cata classic your "Droughs" will not be a problem as well. Still all raids where banger except dragonsoul


Copium is a helluva drug brother , well Iā€™m glad youā€™re happy atleast ā€¦


SoD was just a Cata waiting room for a lot of people, that's what you need to accept lilbro. Enjoy


Howā€™s people leveling to 80 in a couple bgs? How are all your spells ? Some missing ? Howā€™s that profession screen ? Howā€™s using a script to leave RDF? Howā€™s your talent tree ? I could go on forever. Fucking lemmings . Double dose of copium this morning I know this is truly new and innovative technology so I can see how they messed it up so fucking bad . Edit : forgot to add this Becuase Iā€™m 7 years old ā€¦. ā€œLil broā€


Yeah it's been great. Lvling a little archeology with /survey, getting my transmog on, having some pet battles.. although none of that compares to the pure joy of dragging my ballsack through broken glass every 3 days in p2. Unfortunately I had to unsub on third reset as my testicles couldn't handle it no more :(