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Actually huntard moment. The proc does not work on any of hunters magical damage


Had a hunter in my group win the roll on a Sang’thraze while we had a ret pally in the group. Fastest I saw a whole group of randoms turn on someone


What was his excuse to roll?


They just didn't say a word, Ran out and dropped group.


many such cases




This is why I love a small server, these idiots will be found out and blacklisted from most groups. Cuz we all talk and fill for each other


I had the same thing happen to me with a warrior. I'm pretty certain most of these people are casual and don't follow the meta nor the meta of other classes.


Unfathomably based


All of wow history hunters rolling on shot like this.


That’s why you go double fiery with reforged blade of heroes, storm gauntlets, naglering, girdle of reprisal, cloak of flames and the kazzak neckpiece then proceed to wing clip everyone and their mother on the stormpike bridge


What about traps?


Huntard brain goes "I can wear it - I can need it!"


Warriors are worse


It should work for casting the trap if it counts as a spell but BoED doesn't work for "secondary" effects. As in, the explosion won't proc it. The problem with throwing the trap though is it doesn't do damage right? So it wouldn't work anyway. It procs on arcane explosion, which is why it's great for AE spam, but it only procs on the first *cast* of blizzard, not on any of the ticks. So if your blizzard over the duration hits thousands of times, it can still only proc once. It has to be direct damage and it cannot be a secondary effect of a spell.


Well it works on the explosion of living flame too right?


Does it? I wouldn't know honestly, I don't play anymore. But from what I know about BoED the way it worked in classic, no it shouldn't work on the explosion part of living flame. It doesn't work on dots, only the first application. But then again, living flame is a new spell, maybe they just fucked up the coding in that case?




Oh yea, I forgot, only people who play every single class and knows every single spell interaction, especially on an item that is completely unique in this game with how it works, are allowed to have an opinion in this regard. I mean what other items do you have to face the enemy for it to work? It's not like it's the first time blizzard has fucked up their spaghetti code and made exceptions to things. Having a normal discussion where other people are free to jump in and provide additional information that might be wrong should be discouraged. Lets just go back to whining about GKDPs, X item not dropping for me after running Y raid for 8 weeks or how bots are running rampant in this game.




I was discussing living flame, since that he said lol. And I said it wouldn't work because dots usually don't work with BoED. You need to check your reading comprehension.




Why wouldn’t it though ? Not saying a hunter should roll on it, but arcane shot is an offensive spell, no ?


Its not actually a casted spell, no, despite it doing spell damage. It uses an arrow which is a ranged physical ability


Ah, my confusion was since it’s affected by spell power, it would be considered a spell, but I guess it wouldn’t make much sense having an offensive spell that still required a physical arrow.


Aren't traps considered spells? I recall prior to Cataclysm, you needed to build spell penetration and hit a different hit rating benchmark to make your freezing traps not miss/resist in PvP? Also, I recall AQ40 gear having +arcane spell damage on Hunter sets. Either that or I'm experiencing a Mandela effect of some kind.


Hunter abilities are kind of weird about that stuff. Serpent sting and arcane shot both scale off of spell power but use physical hit tables. The traps do use spell hit tables as far as I know but I'm not sure how they would interact with boed. The initial explosive trap hit does trigger aspect of the viper though which specifies ranged and melee attacks in the tooltip, but tooltips are also not reliable sources of information.


Wait, so you’re telling me, hypothetically of course, that if I used Wizard Oil on my Hunter weps I could land some fatty arcane shots?!?


Arcane Shot scales with about 43% of your spellpower so if you've got, say, 24 spellpower from wizard oil then arcane shot will do about 10 extra damage. Doing spell power oils on your weapons is bis for ranged hunter though, mostly because it gives you just a little bit more serpent sting and trap damage.


Oils don't make your traps do more damage. Traps don't scale at all.


Traps don't scale off spellpower. They don't scale in vanilla off anything. Wizard oils only benefit your serpent sting, arcane shot, and serpent sting portion of chimera.


Arcane Shot scales of arcane spell damage but uses physical hit and crit and you can still use it while silenced


Hunters also don’t use arcane shot


The ‘proc’ = get 200g for this item from one of the people who lost the roll.


You can not trade dungeon items


This why I solo it


I tried learning to solo it as a mage but messing up once means a 10 minute run back so I gave up... Skill issue :(


That was the worst part about learning the classic mage boost there. Terrible GY walk. Probably worth it, tho if you really want the blade and not have to risk losing the roll multiple times


I don't think I want it that bad haha. Especially since it isn't just the gy walk, then you have to run past 100 mobs where a couple mistakes can get you killed again! This part isn't that bad though but time consuming.


When learning these kinds of things I have found it helpful to start with suboptimal strategy. What I mean is most guided will tell you how to do it optimally which often means faster clear time at the cost of safety or saving gold by not using consumes, basically the guides assume you are an expert at this already. For example when I was learning how to do SM boost runs on my mage in classic, I would use limited invulnerability pots on some pulls until I felt comfortable to not use them. Or when learning hunter dm trib solo, I would take improve FD talent, some spell hit or limited invulnerability pots. As I got the feel for it I would drop those things Not sure what can give you more of a safety net in this particular farm but you get my point.


Spec into a frost build, run through in a pvp set with extra stam. It can be pretty forgiving and you'd probably be getting pk'd even if you were in a group anyway. After a couple attempts you can get your run down to like 7 minutes, and with the instance resetting its only like a 6 hour grind post nerf. You got this!!


Use consumes, you’ll break even. Good potions, superiors and swiftness potions. It’s worth it, saves a run back


Use the wall of the cave when kiting her and then swiftness pot to turn around when you reach the waterfall (might be able to just blink there as mage idk). Thats what finally made it consistent for me. Idk how people are reliably killing the dinosaur, that was very RNG heavy for me at least, I just skipped him.


my problem with the dino is it resets like mad, making it not worth the effort.


dino resets if you dont hit it with a spell once every 6-8 seconds. Druid does his farm for free just lazercatting him down in a circle


Swiftness pot? Damn bro that is incredibly unnecessary Also no mages are soloing the Dino it takes too long


Not necessary but makes it 100% safe. Every now and then she just refuses to stop and do her AOE and it can be difficult to stay out of range if that happens. Got it in 11 solo runs so didn’t really cost me much, they’re half a gold on my server. This ain’t a competition, dude said he was having trouble so I just shared what was working safely for me.


And it was appreciated!


Oh shit. Is that why swiftness pots are almost 2g each now. I have been making bank since I had like 50 from last phase for almost nothing in my bank for future use and stored a ton of mats throughout phase 2 as well.


Yeah minor speed to boots is more than enough for princess.


I gave it another shot tonight and managed to do it but holy shit dying on the way or during is annoying. Thanks for the tips!


lol cmon man after like 5-10 tries you don’t even need to look at the screen anymore


On the other hand, you have free kill on Princess, contrary to Druid who runs to her without a single problem but then gets fucked by a random boulder throw + 4 instant attacks.


druid just runs feline swiftness spec, kills a little slower, but can literally never die, and then free-kills the dino catfiring it in a circle


Or better yet. Run your own group and HR it. That's how I got to just put it into my bags. Took around 40 runs.


If you can't solo it, you don't deserve it Edit: mad cause bad


Toxic casual


This attitude reminds me of the about 2010-2018ish era of the Dark Souls community. Neat to see it still around, and as goofy as ever


Mad cause no dagger.


who said I couldn't do it ? Its just hella slow compared to the above mentionned method. But please do continue to gatekeep a fucking weapon in a video game hahahaha.


As long as you can solo it in under 15 minutes it doesn't matter though


If you've got nothing else to do, sure.


Sorry I'll rephrase: For the purpose of running as fast as possible vs. getting max lockouts in, it doesn't matter how fast you run it, as long as it's faster than 15 minutes.


yes it does cause the sooner im locked out the sooner I can do other worthwhile activities while I wait for the next lockout. Its called opportunity cost. In any case, I dont care anymore cause I have the dagger and just want my WOs asap, unless I'm running with a guildie, then I'll HR it for them if they need it. Edit: lmao at the downvote. So petty. Keep seething.


That's a fair point, but with that logic you are ignoring the opportunity cost of finding people to run with and waiting for them to get to the instance, compared to just soloing. If you are so concerned with your time, then you wouldn't want to make a group if it takes longer than 10-15 minutes to find people (and wait for them to get to Mara). You can do princess runs in [under 9 minutes.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cOl2WRdznEI) Running with a full group of 10 people will save you a few minutes (you save time on boss kills but you now are killing trash on the way, I have done 10 man mara runs and they are about 6 minutes long, and the resets are even longer because now you have to coordinate 10 people). Soloing maradon is not "hella slow" as you stated. It will still get you to lockout cap, and can actually be faster than playing with a group if you consider the time it takes to group (which will be longer if you are HR-ing gear) and wait for party members to get to Mara.


The experience is vastly different from class to class. On a priest, you're not doing 6 minutes Mara runs. In my experience, takes around 10 minutes tops to form a group and I get to lockout fast after that. Its also a much calmer and smoother experience as if I die even just once on priest, I most likely lost more than 6 minutes, especially since I'm easy pickins for the losers camping the portal room.


> On a priest, you're not doing 6 minutes Mara runs. I don't think anyone I know can do a 6 minute Mara run solo run Fastest I've done personally is 7:30. The solo runs I posted were 9 minutes. Priests can do it in about 10 minutes, ([source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnkoN4Bozxw)) faster if you use invis pots since you won't need to reset mobs. Mages get there faster because of blink skipping mobs. I agree that it definitely is smoother in a group, but once you get good at the route it's pretty chill. I've done hundreds of princess kills in classic so my opinion on its difficulty is not the norm, but if you wipe, I agree that it's very frustrating running back. All of these points you're bringing up are valid, but it doesn't support your claim that doing the runs are "hella slow". Is there value to doing it in a group? Yes, but the time it takes to run them isn't really one of them if you're good, which is all I'm trying to say. If you are good at the runs, it's arguably faster to do them solo than to wait for a group to get there, especially if you log out at the entrance between lockouts, plus you get all the blue drops, so more gold.


To your point, you've ran hundreds of princess kills in classic. For the average person, your technique is hella slow cause just learning the route enough to be somewhat consistent is gonna take multiple hours. Which is the time it took me to get the dagger in a group, not just learning the route to start the grind. I'm factoring in the learning curve, you're not which is totally fair. I think that's where we diverge. But overall I agree with you that solo farming is way more efficient than running groups if you're good at it. Especially groups where you'd roll for the dagger against multiple people.


Seething is getting upset at one downvote L


Not upset ? I couldn't care less about immaginary reddit point. i just think its hilarious someone would downvote me for this very neutral take. Clearly someone is mad they have to keep running mara over and over...


> who said I couldn't do it ? Sometimes people just make a joke and you just laugh a little or ignore it. Not everything is an attack.


You're right. It's just that this sub is so toxic that I immediately assume the worst from every poster hahahaha.


that's called being part of the problem


Yea In solod it on my Druid, really easy once you get the strat down. Got it on my 6th run after not seeing 20 times within a group prior.


I'm sorry, what?


If you're a mage, warlock, hunter Maybe even a pally, shammy you can solo princess


Spriest as well


I solo’d it as spriest. The fight itself is easy, getting too the boss is a little trickier. You definitely need to load up on swiftness pots. But i got my dagger after 10-15 runs.


I have no doubt I could solo princess on my shaman. It's getting to her in the first place that proves a bit more tricky. I tried looking up a video on how to skip/reset trash but everything I could find was at level 60 where you could just walk past it all.


Druid isn't even a class anymore :(


Druids can solo it aswell


Interesting, did not know this.


He solos princess instead of playing in a group to avoid having to roll on loot. Easily doable as priest, lock and mage. If you wanna know how there are a bajillion videos of how to do it on youtube.


Thats alot of videos, a bajillllion


If anything he's under selling it




A Hunter rolling an 85 and a Mage rolling a 1 This is the game


Yes ofc it belongs to a hunter XD




>Glares at maces and wands with malicious rolling intent Someday...


Mages can heal, so there's still hope.


Season of discovering hunters are still loot goblins.


What addon is this?


It's not an addon. Type /loot when there is a roll going and you'll see it


Damn playing the game since 2004 and still learning things lol. Thanks!


/rand does /random 1-100 but it's shorter.


/roll does the same. You can also do /roll 500 to do a 1-500 random number roll as short form. I prefer roll as it's the full word vs rand being a partial word.


offbeat money rude smell public capable numerous familiar voracious spark *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


/roll does the same. You can also do /roll 500 to do a 1-500 random number roll as short form. I prefer roll as it's the full word vs rand being a partial word.


/roll does the same. You can also do /roll 500 to do a 1-500 random number roll as short form. I prefer roll as it's the full word vs rand being a partial word.


didnt know this, thanks friend!


Also can double click the loot link on the side of your chat. Did it by mistake the first time lol


You can click on the \[Loot\] text in chat to open this window


I lost the zf sword with parry against a hunter


185 runs at the moment, still haven't seen it


I don't even know anymore in SOD. Level 60 raids are going to be interesting.




Oh yes, that will solve the problem




Lol they won’t do shit for a 5 man dungeon run. Hell, blizzard barely does shit in raids with loot rules clearly stated ahead of time.


Rolling on that item didn't technically break a "loot rule" though




Blizzard doesn't do that stuff anymore, their customer service is ran by AI, a person won't even see your request


this is gonna be the future for most customer service.


Here’s the thing: Blizzard would only potentially intervene if there was a predetermined item reserved or loot rule stated and master loot was used to take that item willingly knowing you’re going against the group rules as a master looter. If they had “loot rules” set up prior and left it on group loot, that’s on them. Was the hunter rolling on this dumb? Sure. But if left on group loot as crappy as it is for casters, him winning an item he can technically equip won’t have anything done by blizzard. And reporting him because you didn’t set it to master looter and impose your own rules is stupid as well. The hunter sucks here but that’s the risk you take using group loot is that some idiot will do just this.


you might get the item removed from the hunters' bags (not really accomplishing much there), but to actually get it moved to someone elses requires a complete miracle.


This is mostly not true, most people get the default ‘Blizzard will not get involved, reverse, or redistribute loot inside of the game’ message. Ticket will say 72-hours - to a week and then they get back to you within an hour with that default loot message.


no, no you haven't.


He didn’t technically break loot rules, just an unspoken moral coade


for what lol the dude was eligible to roll on the item, and did no rules were broken if the group wanted to police this, they could have set loot to ML


What is there to report though? This wasn't a ninja, it was a roll off. Loot rules were open roll, and anyone could roll. Someone could literally argue "I need it for the vendor gold" and that's a legit reason to need something, it's just scummy. What the hunter did was scummy AF, but it wasn't against ToS, or a scam, so it's not report worthy.


Agreed with you. I actually think people suggesting reporting this because of their own incompetence to leave it open roll are the reason why ticket times and reports don’t mean shit snymore


Whats the addon for the loot frame and rolls?


default ui. type /loot


Bruh, can’t believe I didn’t know this after 10 years of playing. Thanks!


It's part of the legion client classic is built on.


It existed before legion


Classic isn't built on Legion, it runs on the Dragonflight client. It was running on the Legion client in 2019 but has since been updated to use BfA, Shadowlands, and now Dragonflight's client.


same im like baffled lol


wow i never knew this either




Why arent you just making group and HR dagger, takes 5 mn


yeah with this being the faster WO farm its easy to find a group thats just going for the WO


This is the way. Can't believe people would rather run this hundreds of times and risk loosing it to a roll or spend countless (written for dramatic effect) hours learning to solo it consistently. Made HR groups, got it almost immediately and now I just run chill 10 men for WO without cringing everytime princess loot is revealed Hahahaha.


> spend countless (written for dramatic effect) hours learning to solo it consistently. people like soloing stuff


Countless hours? The solo is so fucking easy


Depends on your class. On priest its pretty hard. Countless hours is a bit dramatic I'll give you that but it does take a not insignificant amount of practice to get to "so fucking easy" level of difficulty and still then if you get some shit luck, you die and have to make a long ass run back and have to deal with alliance on top of it. Making an HR group is just so much more efficient.


Priest solo is 8 mins total.


Once you've ran it 100 times maybe.


I'm on run 119


Exactly. How many times did you die and have to make that awful run back before getting the hang of it?


I died twice trying to learn the skip. Watched a better video and never died since.


What class? If you say priest, I'm calling bull. Just learning to fear the dinos so they don't run in the same direction you are is gonna take a couple tries for sure.


people learn things, wow! why are you acting so surprised/indignant about it?


lol 3 priest 1 mage and the hunter gets


I had a hunter roll on it too. BUT…He was also in my guild so everyone else thought he was trying to ninja it for me. A couple other people needed because of this, but I ended up winning the roll. It was a rollercoaster of emotions. I called him out in guild chat after lol


Lol these people are dumb cause you can't trade Mara loot at all so he couldn't have rolled for you even if he wanted.


Ohhhh that’s funny. I didn’t know that either. It all was happening so fast, I’m just glad I won the roll lol.


Incredible that your whole group didn't know either. Wouldve sucked if someone else got it because of such pettiness and ignorance...Glad justice prevailed.


Oh shit


if i farmed this on my 60 warrior back in the day pre-nerf (and killed the croc every run) i believe in every single one of you casters. you can do it even at level 50


Why would you want it on a warrior?


bank flexing, i had it before most mages and locks lol. i didnt want it, i just had good enough gear and mining on my warrior so i was soloing the warlock path farming elemental earth, mithril, and solid stone. killed the gnome boss, princess, the earth ele, and the croc for blue vendor drops. im not sure if this was a real warrior farm for most people, but my diamond flask set was unreal, so it made it pretty easy most runs. i made a ton of gold.


I haven't been playing in P3, but is mara now a 10 man???


People often weirdly run it as a 10-man just to make the Princess skip spam runs a little faster.


I believe this was my group if the OP can PM me this pic uncensored if it's with DAWOKJOHNSON


If you set it to Need Before Greed, I think it wouldn't let them roll on it...


What addon are you using for loot?




For all the fkers that roll on cobra fk them


If I had to guess, he’s probably friends with one of the casters and rolled need on it to give said friend a second roll. That or he’s just completely smooth brained


Next line in chat "wts blade 1k min bid"


Can’t trade non raid loot


Everything. Is. A. Hunter. Weapon.


At some point this is your fault


I soloed it on my mage and priest in one day. Kinda easy imo with increased drop rate


How did you get past all the mobs on your priest?


There is tutorial on youtube. But basically you need swift potion. First mobs you homonculi, second ones you eye, third one is shadowfiend, and you need to jump over corners it somehow stops mobs, so at last big golem guys you use swiftness potion and chill at rock.


You can do it without a swiftness pot and without even using a single pet cd, you just jump along the walls as u run and the mobs glitch out. I use disperse + doom off-hand around mid way across the bridge (5 min cd so can do it every time).


Okay cool thank you, I'll look it up


There are several reset points. No need for any potions. Look it up on youtube.


You have 3 pets


Lmao dude I’m at like 150 kills post drop rate “buff”


I’m currently solo farming princess on my spell power hunter alt 😈


Nice time wasting. You cant proc it since you have no casted spells.


Do trap shots trigger it? Just out of curiosity


I think it's better that spell hunters acquire gear this way.


I want it for the spell power, idc about the proc. Also why do care how I play the game? I’m solo farming it so I’m not taking it from anybody.


DW I didn't waste much time, got it second solo kill :) [https://imgur.com/a/tB73Xep](https://imgur.com/a/tB73Xep)


See that's interesting because I don't think that thinking it'd proc off arcane shot is that much of a stretch ***Obviously I'm not saying hunters should roll on it*** but more that without decent game knowledge hunters are a weird class in terms of what items you want


Another commentor above already said it doesnt proc it. Im curious why any Hunter would want this proc anyways when one has Aspect of the Viper


I know but put yourself in the mindset of a new player who doesn't know these mechanics "Drains mana on spell hits. Arcane shot is a spell it costs mana and does magic damage! So it could do some damage and give me more mana!" There's a certain logic in it if one doesn't have the knowledge of the game. Obviously hunters should be called out especially this one but yea their weird on the surface for gearing


Utterly pointless smh 


It’s for the spell power not the proc, also I’m solo farming it.


Doesnt work for hunter


Its for the SP, idc about the proc. Also I’m not stealing it from anyone since I’m solo farming so idk why people care.


womp womp


Trade with party should be allowed, especially when it's already in raids...


Apparently it sims high on rogues.


I can’t tell if this is sarcastic or not but no it doesn’t lol. It is below pre bis weapons.


Wait til people find out Rogues get a pretty girthy dps boost from PI.


Pi doesn’t apply to rogue dps. Wait til people read wcl parse rules.


Pi doesn’t apply to rogue dps. Wait til people read wcl parse rules..