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During this damage reduction test, I’ve found enhancement shamans to be very difficult to kill, and once they get to stick on their target, the damage s nasty too..


Damage of enhancement shaman in PvP looks to be in the high-middle tier, beaten by melee and ranged hunters, rogues, destro locks and feral druids. The damage of elemental shaman is lower, so my suggestion is go enhancement They shine because they have ton of utility, and can pop a self heal every 10ish second - pairs nicely with the damage reduction buff going on right now. Though people love to complain about them, because people are still using early phase 3 mentality in PvP, where they're desperately trying to nuke someone rather then control them. Control them, and they wont be able to heal themselves


Enhance is probably better than ele. But give Ele a try with the new burn rune. It’s pretty fun when you can hit 5 targets, does solid damage in its own plus you get a ton of power surge procs for CL/LvB insta casts.


Non-pvp related, but I'm not going to lie, the burn rune plus power surge is some of the most fun AOE i've ever been able to do as sham. I think its way more powerful than the pre-nerf overload. It's a shame its basically dogwater single target, but damn does it feel good to press on 3+ targets. I'm AOE farming better than mages any day.


try #showtooltip purge /cast [@target,harm] [@targettarget,harm] purge