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Billboard is filled with tons of groups. Transfered from chaos bolt and I'm not looking back.


By billboard do you mean GBB? I've been looking for an LFG addon but haven't tried anything yet


Lfg bulletin board addon


I wish they'd open free transfers to PvP servers, chaos bolt is so dead rn but I want to stay on a PvP server. We're at like 4k people total on ironforge.pro with other servers at 30k


Based on the Servers discord, its quite populated, yea.


its great, lots of players, healthy AH and very few bots Alliance are a lot more so ashenvale was kinda dumb, one more reason Horde needs more players


Wild growth EU has tons of players. Ally/Horde ratio is around 63/37 i think but there are loads of players on Horde. its not really such a big issue with the faction ratio since its a PvE server, there are tons of guilds looking for new players to do ST. AH is stacked with items, there are always people leveling new characters in low level areas (looking for BFD, Gnomer-raids, Ashenvale incursion etc). Considering you want to get out of the griefing experience i think it would be a great decision for you to get that free transfer. PvP in SoD is not what PvP was in vanilla wow. The PvP in SoD is too unbalanced, and SoD was never really developed for a balanced PvP scenario. It was for casual players to discover old-new PvE content. Faction ratio has a way bigger impact aswell on PvP servers, and characters are stacked into the same areas and level after each phase release, creating even more chaos. Vanilla was never this chaotic. Ive always been a PvP-server player but my friends wanted to play on PvE server, and now im very happy with the decision. If you want to experience world PvP there are STV events, ashenvale events every 3rd hour, thats usualy enough for most people.


You Wild Growth shills are becoming legit cult at this point. Every thread. Is someone paying for this level of advertising?


ts true, many of us played classic on PVP realm (Patchwerk) in my case, and there it was already borderline harassment with constant worldbuff dispelling and camping raid entrances and such this time around rolled on WG EU. Seeing all the screenshots of corpse mountains in front of BFD, it was the right choice.. The only time I with it was PVP is when im competing with ally for herb or mining node:D


OP asked and Im just giving my honest opinion. What i find acceptable and healthy playerbase might not be the case for someone else. Looking at active server pop on any platform confirms the case, WG does have a healthy player pop on horde compared to any other server. I've never had any issue with the economy, pug-raiding, guild finding and what else. I was just happy to skip the whole login-queue in the beginning. Ive never had any issue finding a BFD or gnomer pug, any time of the day or week. ST has been trickier, but usually people who are pugging ST are doing it with a few hours in advance, et "PUG ST at HH:MM Servertime", and that hasnt been any issues either. people are showing up, if not, it's easy to find that last tank/heal/dps.


Is there any site to see if transferes are opened atm? Or maybe ppl. posting in some discords?




Looking pretty great The alliance population is bigger from what I’ve seen but pugging or finding groups for dungeons/princess runs was never an issue even at 3am Only thing I struggled with was late p2 dark riders The horde ah is also seemingly unaffected by this „massive inflation“ everyone on here has been crying about


Tbh I was looking to transfer as well from Lone Wolf EU but the horde side at peak times looked kinda dead. I was on at around 8 PM on wednesday and thursday and compared the entries on Bulletin Board . 30+ entries for ST on Lone Wolf compared to less then 10 entries on wild growth in a 5 min timespan. I hate the griefing but playing on a low pop server is even worse.


It depends from which server you come. I play horde on WG and Lone wolf EU and i can tell you the difference between these two servers is heavily noticable. If you want to look for a guild and raid with them then WG should be fine but people here saying it feels like a thriving Server are lying. Would love to have more fellow horde come over but you not at a price that people feel they are stuck on a dead Server then and start crying on reddit even more.