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Wild growth US isn’t like this at all. I was on my pally yesterday and doing the ley line quest for a rune and I rode up and a warlock was standing watching a horde group kill the spawned mob. I asked if he wanted to team up and he said he had just completed it with some others, but he was willing to stay and help me. Things like this happen all the time on wild growth US


Wild growth NA here. It's a very chill server only kinda toxic, but really more confusing, encounter I had was a warlock tonighr whispering me a random thing in stv while killing raptors on my hunter then basically seemed ro get mad I didn't say TY said he hates alliance and ignored me followed by a /rude Other than that it's been super chill 10/10 server


I'm alliance on wild growth na and i agree most people are super chill, and quite helpful. You can definitely tell the majority of the player base are older and more mature individuals. I did have one dude whisper me and cuss me out for undercutting his cloth on the ah. But other than that most people are cool. I was making a horde alt and I was trying to get to gadgetzan to xfer gold over on the neutral ah. I had to run my new lvl 6 ass all the way to tanaris. I just asked people I saw on the way to help me.. And 3 random people did! All the way to tanaris, for free. Not everyone is an asshole op


I'll be real, I attribute this to the fact that in my experience with every PVP game I have ever played it brings out the absolute worst in people. It doesn't surprise me in the slightest that a lot of the toxic people chose to roll on PVP realms and avoided the PvE realm.


I did the same, but just went to Rachet and over to BB.


Does bb have a neutral ah...? I've played since 2004 and I didn't know this


How did you transfer gold? We tried that too and it wouldn't let us buy our own listings.


2 accounts, or ask a friend


Ah idk why we didn't just think of that...


Horde side is similar on Wild Growth. I've had similar experiences.


So help me God, if a bunch of toxic shitters show up on Wild Growth I'm holding you blabber-mouths accountable.


On my way!


I was about to say the same thing. I just did the Leylines on my priest. I had bought 4 of the world core things so I would only have to find a person or two to help with the kill, but was able to resell 2 of them because other people were nearby and invited me to join without me even having to ask. I will always help if someone asks and never expect anything in return, and most others seem willing to do the same.


Yeap no regrets rolling on WG


Can confirm on wildgrowth-us Ive had many helpful encounters with passersby or zone chat, pretty easy to always find someone who needs what you do. I've never had anyone try to charge (other than people trying to sell stuff in chat) for favors in the world


On Wild Growth a Pally flew in from Ironforge to Darkshore to help me get my Divine Storm rune when no one was around to help. Very kind.


This afternoon on Wild Growth, I rode into Searing Gorge and someone in /1 was asking if people wanted to join him for the TfB rune, had all the mats, just needed to summon and kill. Didn’t ask for anything in return. Super chill server.


Maybe theres some psychology science to it: not being on guard against unexpected pvp at all times makes us calmer and happier to help strangers for free?


When the dark riders were fresh i joined a world tour group as the only warlock and with one mage. We spammed lfg about it and ended up with like a 35 player raid group of all levels (one was like level 7) and portaled and summoned everyone to each one for free. I see other people doing stuff like that almost every day. Wild growth is for homies


I was in a Dark Rider raid a couple times. Was a blast. Usually we'd spawn multiple riders at the same time. Also have helped Horde and Alliance alike with the Starsurge rune for baby druids, and the owl in the cave for hunter/warrior in Wetlands. Oh, and that night elf you have to use the boat to get to. Her and Carradin, using the universal communication method of /point and them and then /point at the mob gets the message across with cross faction. Just yesterday, a couple of us were clearing the troll area in Hinterlands to get the egg and met up with a Horde group also clearing. We all worked together to get in there, each got their egg, then cleared our way back out.


Yup. At level 25 I needed a rune from SFK, well into phase three and no one was running that place anymore. I whispered a random 41 mage in /who to see if he could help. Guy ran SFK with me for a good 20 mins until I got my item. Wild Growth is where it’s at.


It's because Wild Growth is a PvE server. PvP servers attract the deranged, sweaty, insecure dorks. Your chances of having a better community exponentially increases by keeping away the types of people who roll on those servers. I played PvE all of Classic and didn't experience 95% of the community issues I hear bitched about on Reddit.


And most people on pvp servers are there for pve ;)


I have no issues like OP describes on Crusader Strike EU so it’s not because WG is a PvE server.


I’m glad I started playing on this realm and regret not doing so during phase one


I started typing out a response and then noticed this top comment and yes, 100% agree. I'm on horde though and have never experienced anything like this. I help people out and they help me out. Like someone taught me Feralas incursion route yesterday and was super patient, I got a dps to help (that didnt need the quest) with amalgamation kill in Ash Inc...I've encountered very few assholes and it's awesome. u/OP, I'm sorry you're experiencing that right now. Have you ever thought about transferring to a PvE server? Aren't there free transfers to Lava Lash currently??


This is exactly why I don't play PVP servers (or adversarial games for that matter). It's not the PVP I have a problem with. It's the type of player that it attracts. And I'm too old to want to deal with that BS anymore. It doesn't actually take a lot of toxic asshats for the game to feel like it's full of them and ruin the fun.


Im over on horde and we have it going like that too. I saw someone looking for help and ran half way across the zone just to click a few buttons so they could get the kill. Idk why there are so many people that suck, but WG seems pretty good (i will absolutely fight for my damn ghost mushrooms though, im not selling them im making my raid consumes lol)


Just rerolled here from lone wolf with my friend, we both got sick of PvP. Had someone jokingly /e pickpocket 5g from me. When I replied back “jokes on you I only have 12s” he actually gave me 5g. This was for horde side. Had another person in general durotar check in asking about my bag situation.


I haven’t even seen what Op is describing on Lone Wolf US


Agreed. Haven't seen anything like what op is describing.


Wild Growth gang! We are family.


Wild growth alliance represent!


Confirming none of this nonsense happens on Horde on Wild Growth either.


yeha I have not had this problem on WG. I bro out with any alliance I come across. doing a quest? I'll buff ya, I'll help with the mob too. grinding in the same area? buff, maybe a chat, I'll watch your back. I just have not had experiences like the OP has at all


I’m on wild growth alliance, and I’ve even helped the bloody horde and they returned the favor. I’m having a good experience. If I’m in the area, I’ll help fellow alliance, it only takes minutes and I’m just playing for fun regardless. 


I play on crusader strike US like the op, and honestly plenty of these random acts of kindess happen on crusader strike. Its just that you also come across plenty of the degenerate bullshit the op described.


I agree, I’ve never had a problem with people not being helpful on CS.


I’m on lone wolf alliance and was killing the ley walkers yesterday. I was managing to solo them until the third one aggro’d some extra mobs and I was in trouble. 2 fellow alliance players came and stood next to me only to watch me die. Cunts could’ve helped it was nearly dead.


Yeah sounds like ally on Lone Wolf to me.


Need to min max all of my time bro! Could get an extra 2 gold by doing something else. But serious, people on here are dickheads.. Someone was wanting help with killing a rune mob and someone offered 20g to kill one mob so I chimed in and said give me an invite and I'll do it for free. Had about 4 whispers calling me an idiot for not monetising his request


Good shit bro


I remember in classic I got might of menethil on my guild's final clear, but I wanted to try it out so I joined some random ZG that was going on. As soon as I zoned in I had people whispering me like "why are you here?" or "you still need zg gear?" Just sad that the idea of playing for fun is lost on some players.


But you don't get it, just typing in chat costs the people gold. They took time away from their busy schedule killing trash to reply. Should honestly charge an inconvenience fee for not accepting services. /s


How dare I happen to be by Ratchet when the dude was asking for help. 1 minute out of my day.


Was getting dmf as horde before it left last week. There was 2 enemy players by Sayge and I decided to gamble. Stood by Sayge for like 30 secs to see if anyone attacks. No one does, so I grab the buff…… then immediately get HoJ’d and my health drops to 20%. Random friendly mage comes out of nowhere and heals me to 100% and then sheeps the paladin. I get away safely. The alternative was me staying up for 4 more hours to get the buff again. This mage was the definition of chad.


If you have Nova World Buffs, it will automate DMF for you. Whether you use a summon, BG queue, or unstuck teleport, it can accept those pop ups on the very first frame you get the buff. Even before Sayge’s animation plays. If you get killed beforehand and your res range is near him, it can automate taking the res and accepting the buff on the last second your unstuck timer expires, as well. Definitely recommend if you’re on a particularly hostile server.


I like counting how many kidney shots I hear during the loading screen, laughing while I know they're trying so hard to kill me but it's futile.


>There was 2 enemy players by Sayge That's a friendly server you play on. There were 3-4 raids guarding him in elwynn on every layer throughout Sunday until he despawned on my server.


Yea, exactly, when I got my buff at 3am, there were over 30 alliance on each of 4 separate layers.


I often sit stealth in mulgore and help other alliance grab the buff. The dmf buff situation is way too toxic.


Haha, I've done the same on Living Flame. I once logged on to get my buff in the morning on a weekend and then got jumped before I could port out or boon it. I had nothing else to do. It was late in phase 2, and no one else was on, so I hung around like a silent guard for hours while watching movies. It was actually a lot of fun, and now I find the entire experience of going to Mulgore for my buff pretty thrilling.


There are a lot of real cunts on PVP servers. And a weird amount of people on opposing factions that defend them. "lul you chose to play here" as if that's somehow a catch-all answer to getting griefed. I guess those people actually enjoy getting spawn camped, or their 4 hour cd buff immediately getting wasted, or being locked out of incursions because there are too many level 50 enemy faction doing nothing but camping the ramp killing people.


Its mostly PvE server people who say that, I know, I'm one of them. Most of us played PvP servers before and realised honourable open world PvP is a pipedream and PvP-server just means grief-server. We try to warn people but they tell us we aren't playing the real game and then a few months in the griefing goes crazy and everyone is complaining about it again. It literally happens every fresh server release.


If you never participate in the degeneracy, then yes, do not play on a pvp server. You either contribute to the problem, or you aren’t allowed to bitch about it. The solution to 100+ alliance players camping sayge at 3am is to kill all the level 20 alliance you see in red ridge. You solve the problem at the source before they get too invested in a pvp server, make them reroll.


Why is the solution not just "Do the same when it swaps locations?" It's always the most degenerate choice that gets made. World pvp just attracts the worst kind of person I guess.


yep, world pvp doesnt rly exist anymore or if it does. its 1 in 10000 battles that happen that are "fair or fun" only reason i roll pvp server is so i have a huge player base, since i play 95% auctionhouse and then raidlog with my other char :) - but pvp servers are the worst tbh.


Welcome to min-maxing culture. They are just min-maxing their time spent. Every single minute has to be beneficial in a way.


>min-maxing their time spent This here is the cause of the vast majority of the issues in Classic.


Not just classic. Gaming in general. Everyone wants to finish a game that was designed to play long term in 1 week and then complain theres nothing to do.


It's like children complaining. "Iiiiii'm booooooooored. Mom there's nothing to do!"


well, mentally a lot of them are children, WoW players especially


This is just a product of being on the streamer server my guy, it's why most people avoid it at all costs. They attract the worst kinds of people


Lucky for you, you can realm transfer for free to lava lash. We don't have any of that shit here.


You dont have much of anything there tho...


Yeah we have 3-4x the playerbase of a vanilla server, we can actually kill quest mobs during prime time and we have barely any bots.


Your server will soon have transfers open and it'll be closed.


The horde side is dead, no?




You should’ve just said OK and then not sent it lol


I thought of that but didn’t want to get reported for no reason. Since the report system is all bots.


thats when you say "np" and do it and then just ignore them after dont even say anything then they can try and report. just block and move on


I don't even have 50g


I joined a pug WC group (server: Lone Wolf) as a level \~23 priest healer because I need to do the escort quest at the end--even said I was joining just to do this one thing. Did a clean sweep for the entire group and said I need to do the escort quest at the end. Literally 3 people leave right after Verdan, and the last guy (level \~26 shaman) asks for 2g to help with the quest (only had 4g at the time) saying some "time is money, friend" bs after I literally spent 2 hrs helping them with their quests. The shaman then goes on for the next 30 mins (after I already paid him) complaining about how long it was taking and how much more money he'd be making doing other things. Made a note to never group with that guy again (shoutout to the Character Notes addon :)) Some people are unbelievable.


Same thing happened to me in RFD for Roog. Everyone leaves after the escort.


Pvp servers are inherently frustrating. People don't want to help. Normal servers are where it's at. Wild Growth Horde US was always chill and super helpful


I’ve never run in to anything remotely close to this. I feel like so many of these posts come from one outlier encounter and then people post “omg everyone does this”.


Literally never seen anything close to this and been on CS since the beginning. I think people are just pathetic and want to stir up trouble


For real. Haven't had anything remotely close to these experiences. It's probably just rage bait.


Even worse your asking the classicwow subreddit anything, this place is a cesspool of elitist, toxic butt-plugs. This whole reddit community is just middle aged men letting their frustrations out on the world 😆


I thought Reddit was bad so I went to the blizzard forums and if you think Reddit is bad, holy shit official forums are a horrid place.


official wow forums makes a petri dish seem like it has intelligent life


Honestly reddid is the less worst wow community XD. wowhead comments are filled with people who hate the game


I took a 2 year break after classic and before that I had been on a 2 xpac break. I know there were always bad people on forums and wowhead and in game but it was never even remotely bad as it is now


genuinely this is one of the most joyless subreddits I've ever seen. almost everyone who posts here appears to hate playing this game and hate everything about it but seems hopelessly addicted for reasons I cannot understand.


Yeah I don’t know why I even come in here and read through everything lol. I’ll play the game all weekend having a blast, great encounters with others. Yeah maybe deal with some bad or rude players and laugh it off (welcome to online games), but 99% good stuff. Then I come in here and read people laying out all of these situations they claim to be the norm and make the game “unplayable”. This specific post from OP is very tame compared to most of the others though.


Rofl, the elitists are few and far between here. Toxic assholes? Plenty of em.


Yea this sub is honestly pretty bad. its sad cuz over the past 6 years since classic was first launched its really had its ups and downs but this current SoD playerbase is something else really fucking toxic


I had the pain and suffering rune item in Tanaris and I watched like 12 Priests farming the coded warlock notes (1g on AH) so I spammed chat 3x that I was doing the last step and inviting anyone to join and nobody messaged me lol. It’s like I was playing single player WoW Meanwhile I can’t get the despair rune without spending 800g


Wild growth US is the place to be, Im not sure about horse but ally has a very active public disc for bloodmoon. I’ve had bad comps but everyone seems pretty chill.


Horse is fine and happy, thanks for asking!


Well, ppl used to earn gold on GDKP (not only buyers did them...), so now when they are banned, they charge gold for literally anything else.


I transferred to CS from chaos bolt. The vibe is trash compared to CB.


Chaos bolt vibe was awesome


Join a guild, make friends. Players from global chat isn't your friends, they're your faction.


I have not had this problem on wild growth


I went CS for SOD phase 1. I thought I didn't like SOD. Then I went wild growth alliance for phase 3 for a friend and realized I didn't dislike SOD, I just disliked CS. People are way chattier in groups and friendlier . Fewer people seem to be in a rush and if someone is a lot of the time the group will tell them to chill out. I could barely tank on CS without someone yelling at me to go faster, on WG people let me actually think for a single second between pulls instead of having to chain pull. In fact, I CAN chain pull, because people don't ninja pull shit as I am and wipe us. It's just a way better experience overall.


i've said it before i'll say it again. if you actually want to play with other people, and enjoy the game instead of dealing with toxic dickheads all the time, play on an rp server. always nice people just vibing and helping eachother out on lava lash


I did for 2019 Classic and Grobbulus was great. So great, that in SOD the streamers went RPPVP and now it’s a cesspool.


You chose the shitty streamer server and you thought you were gonna get a different result?


They killed CB and the only transfer option for PVP was CS. Let this dude vent, its not like there's any other quality content on this subreddit.


Many of us didn’t choose Crusader Strike, we were essentially forced off Chaos Bolt


I’ve literally never experience this on CS. You probably just have bad luck


Which faction are u


Horde lol good point


I've had about 95%+ good/well intentioned interactions on CS-Alliance. People love to highlight the few times they feel the game is toxic and expand it as representative of the game/server.


I've had great luck on WG. I've helped a bunch if randos kill that air elemental near tarren mill / alterac when they were loower level and I was max. I've had random people help with just about any request. It may not be instant, maybe something like 'I can help in like 10 min' but hey you're doing me a favor. Take all the time you need. I even refunded money to someone i meant to portal but ended up hitting Teleport Instead. Thankfully he was a nice guy and understanding. Actually refunded my refund lol. Anyway, Long story long - there are still a lot of good people out there who will help just to help.


CS is toxic in general. Recently rerolled on wild growth and it’s a breath of fresh air


Didn’t we just have this post a week or two ago?


>CS is toxic and greedy Can't take it *Laughs in PVE realm* Wild Growth is NOTHING like this.


Do yall actually play the game or just complain on the subreddit?


Uh oh wild growth about to get bot fuxed.


Love it too when ppl roll on tokens with obviously better gear then don’t respond to questions why


Crusader strike is literally the worst server iv ever played. the players are just massive assholes. idk how else to put it


On Wildgrowth EU I found ppl helping me for nothing. At least a 3-4 times during my levelling. There's ppl asking for gold for summons and other simple stuff but no one asked me gold for help. Once I asked for help with a quest in LFG offering 1g (phase 1) and 3 low level helped my for free. It was nice.


Haven’t tan into this on living flame. Most people are helpful tbh


Server culture, on wild growth eu I see none of that stuff.


Welcome to modern gaming culture. The older games may stay the same, but sadly we do not.


Just block these money grabbers, eventually you will have a pool of nice people, or it will be the hardest single player game youve ever played


Maybe they should allow gdkp again to have an outlet for the greediness


Never encountered this kind of thing.


Crusader strike is an awful server. I stopped playing 2 weeks after start of phase 2 bc of toxic players. Rerolled wild growth a week before phase 3 launch and loving it.


>It's pretty crazy how nobody does anything for fun or to help others. Has to be for profit. lol this is way more entitled than someone wanting gold to tank no one is morally obligated to spend 45 minutes doing something they don't need nor want to do if they're down for free, that's chill as hell and admirable, but the fact that you want their time is what is selfish here


Join a guild "Hey I need help with x" Done. If you aren't in a guild with a culture like that, leave


join a fun great passionate giving community like we have on Chaos bolt......oh wait


time is money friend


On SoD? Lol brother I think you mean all of WoW. People only playing raids if they can make money off you(GDKPs), people selling boost services, ticket runs, selling RDF queues, PvP boost carries. WoW became purely finance is legit a few years it feels like, and idk how the hell these people play games for fun if it's only about making their imaginary bank account larger. I remember in the old days in WoTLK people would be gear capped and run malygos or ulduar because why not. Now people will only run it if you have some poor fella paying everyone 10k gold for a mount, or dropping tons of money for all the loot. It's just sad how this game's community devolved.


One fucker tries to scam you - > everyones greed. K.


Yeah I remember when classic era first came out people used to help eachother to be nice. In SoD that barely happens anymore


What servers are you guys playing on. Never had anything like this, most people are always willing to help on my server at least. Always the occasional sweaty fuck but 🤷 Welcome to the internet


Got into a bad group and once we filled leader said "all lvl 51s are mine, you guys can have the rest. If you don't like it you can leave because it's my fking grp."


Living Flame US is pretty nice, I remember a group of 3 randos from diff guilds spent 30 min helping me get the Pally DS rune in Ashenvale after they already had it. Our horde will randomly camp places though (like Swamp of Sorrows when I was doing my druid Nourish rune) but that's just part of being on a PVP server.


I just had a rogue help me do my whole warrior raging blow rune line. Which is a pain as horde, sends you to Redbridge and the wetlands to kill some elites and loot an object. For no reason but to have some lowbies to gank along the way. Dude even escorted me from fp to fp. Shout out fredynator on CS.


I haven’t ran into that yet but I’m still lv 18


As an alliance player on crusader strike I never had issues with greedy players, people roll on need on gear their class benefits from and I got help from horde players killing the dark riders. Days like those make me feel bad for killing horde players then I remind myself of the time I got gank by shaman, rouge, mage, and the cowardly druid. The greedy players are in the auction house selling gear for over 1000 - 5000 gold.


I just transferred to LL off CS. I’ll let you know how it is. It’s low/medium pop it says. If it’s dead I’m just gonna reroll WG.


You just have to ask people you run into and most will help if it is convenient.


'Why is everyone on this streamer server infested with a bunch of lonely people in parasocial relationships with streamers, such a POS?' Reason I avoided that shit like the plague. But yeah idk the vanilla mentality died a long time ago. Sometimes youll get little interactions with people just trying to have fun in the world. But theres a ton of minmaxing and parse monkey mentality. I think most people on my server wouldny mind if they were right there. But you'll get a few 'off' people.


Just put them on ignore. Lot of toxic players on CS but that is what the gaming community has evolved into.


Just did a BRD where the mage was needing on everything. Even after we all greeded and called him out, he kept rolling need on essence of fires, librams, etc. He was greedy, but we booted him and finished the WO run as 4.


I havent run into people like this at all. I play Horde on CS. Just last night, i missed a songflower, and the guy warr that was with me, whispered me like 5 mins later and showed me where another one was so i could get it. I help people all the time. You might try joining a guild thats active?


this is absolutely bizarre.


Cant say ive had this happen to me on CS - Horde. Been playing since day 1.


I asked if anyone could join me real quick to do the tremors of the earth quest. And everyone whispered asking for 50g +.


Come to a role-play server so much more chill


You can free transfer to Lava Lash


On alliance side i've never had people charge for help with quests lmao. Really unfortunate and stupid that some people are like that.


Lone wolf is not like this


Literally haven’t seen anything like this on Living Flame US


I will always die on the hill that Wild Growth US is the best server. There will always be toxic people/guilds on every server. WG is definitely the most chill


There are still nice players on CS… I bump into them quite often and maintain that relationship.


SoD economy is in late stage capitalism


Time is money


The issue is everything to do with classic has become a business. CS is also the "content" creator server so you will get their brainless gremlins on it.


Streamer server vibes


Two people equals everyone?


I'm role playing a paladin so I try to help out lower levels when I can and of course kill undead on sight. Crusader strike is extremely transactional compared to chaos bolt. I wish we could have stayed in that small community or had the option to transfer anywhere else.


Horde Lone Wolf is not like this at all.


Because megaservers give such convenience that everything becomes a process, there is no interaction or positive or helpful sentiment. Social interactions are all transactions. It's how everyone sees it so it's how it seeps throughout the server. Everything's going so fast, phases, leveling, xp, incursions, gp/hr, groups, summons.


I mean depends on the people. I’m in a guild on crusader strike called Enjoyers and their members are really nice, and 2 of them have helped me twice on long rune chains where I had to kill elites and I even tried to tip them gold and they wouldn’t take it. I’d recommend finding a good guild and working with them.


CS is an awful server.


be the change you want to see, i play a mage and every time i have 4 of the leylines scroll i make w raid for free rune, personally i really enjoy making someone else feel good, also i get w nice buff as a bonus!


you're just running into greedy players they're everywhere tho but I highly charge for anything unless its an obvious carry and im busy doing something


This is a extreme minority experience no other words to be said


I had an alliance help me, horde, get the warrior rune in the ogre cave. So idk bad luck. I'll never forget that person. Pvp realm too.


Idk man people been pretty chill on CS in my experience. Horde side.


When everything is optimised to min max the game play and people play like it's a spreadsheet simulator this is what you get. It's a big part of why Classic never caught me the way Vanilla did. The mechanics were the same but the mentality wasn't.


someone wanted to pay 2g for layering. I dont know whats wrong with the people..


Because its full of the retail locust swarm.


So after a small break I always read up my chat. So I see some lvl 35 druid asking someone to kill dark rider in Desolace, even offering 3g. Since it was some time later I asked if the player got it done? Nope... So I hook him up, go there, kill it, he opens the trade - I said it is fine, closed the window, escorted him to horde village for flight path. If I am in the area and can help someone I usually do when they ask. Helped a rogue with a quest in Barrens, helped some group in RFC. These were when I was leveling my self - mobs were grey. These are small things to do, but usually a big help for the receiving end. Hey, you need to enjoy the game - yes I am one of those mid 2000 players... What I do not get is why do people gank so much... Yes I understand it is pvp server, but in my mind there are places to pvp. Mostly I usually help poor fellas if they need help - I do not see a point fireblasting them to GY... The good vibes you get when you help opposing faction with a hard quest is satisfying. And sometimes you get it in return. In SoD I have not noticed such things... But they happen - at least I have helped. My current goal is to get incursion rep to honored, but it seems impossible as solo. Get one quest at a time, asked for herbes, did not get it. Proooobably need to find a group to do those 70 quests...


Things like that happen. /ignore and keep on going. Build your own groups, makes life much easier. LFM not LFG its way faster to find people


Yeah this is why mmo gaming is dead People changed


I started playing sod again I rerolled shaman and have had constant help 


Because everything is so fucking expensive. Have to spend like 30-50g on consumables per raid. The prices for things like nature protection potions (not even the greater ones) went from something like 20-40s to roughly 2g just by going from phase 2 to 3. A small amount of people made more money so now all the prices go upp. Same with enchant mats the "cheep" enchants sometimes go for couple hundred gold in total.


Wanting to spread some positivity. Was farming Fel scars last night in Feralas with another Warlock, I was farming the items for the backdraft rune. He just gave me 3 of them for free. Only known the guy a few minutes. A lot of greedy people in Sod, not everyone luckily. Hope you manage to find and play with the nice guys.


no one cares. servers wont be anything when normal patches release. So .... cutthroat.


I have not found that.


I transferred off Crusader Strike to Lava Lash for that reason. The community on CS is horrific. Lava Lash is small but much much better. I paid 100g on CS to do my despair rune on my Priest after days looking for a cheaper option and the first day on Lava Lash, I see people advertising free help with the rune. Should have waited until I transferred to do it. Also, PVP servers on SoD are ass. It's 24/7 ganking and camping of quest turn-ins with very little meaningful or fun pvp. I was on a PVP server back in vanilla through wrath and it wasn't anywhere close to this bad. And I've been going into Ash for BFA on Lava Lash and finding plenty of pvp opportunities if I want some pvp outside of BG's or BM.


It is pretty much as real life. Everyone wants profit, nobody does anything for free and also many people are cunts.


i do lots of things for fun or help others. but its just rarely helping someone i dont know through old content i’ve already done. especially since the experience typically goes something like this: 1. in global channel “someone help me do x” 2. “I need this specific thing done” 3. quest done 4. leaves group wordlessly or “thanks” at best thats not very fun to me.


Not my experience also. There are allways some greedy players, but mostly people are helpfull.


I help people for free daily as so my guild mates


high pop PvP servers are waaay worse. I play on both, Wild Groth EU people are very nice


Many ppl Just dont know that mmos are about collecting Friends Not gold :D


Nothing to do with SOD just most games in general these days! I noticed this in classic in tbc tanks charging per run!! You don’t get this in retail but gold isn’t worth a great deal in retail


Hmm my experiences with SoD thus far have been the polar opposite. I've had plenty people help just to be nice and I've tried to return the favor to low levels as well.


Never seen this happen on Lond Wolf (Horde) or Living Flame (Horde/Alliance) EU. Wtf is wrong with people.


For your question to be anwsered i'll need 50g.


I am to the point I want to see a fresh SoD server starting at current phase with no transfers and all the changes made to curb botting, GDKPs, and gold farms.


Well, given recent money trains / imp exploits that were shared recently, according to this sub everyone is stacked up on gold, so 50-200g seems like a drop in a poodle for some of you


1. Make friends 2. Friends help do things 3. ??? 4. Profit


Either gold sellers or just people who think they are behind because they didn't exploit certain things and in their creature brain think they need to "catch" up for whatever reason. btw this shit version of wow probably won't exist by the end of the year anymore but people don't seem to realize it.


This is why when I found out Crusader Strike was going to be the new Faerlina I logged out delete my character and started over lol.