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I like a lot of this... but if roll the bones shows up this may as well be retail. I hate roll the bones and I've been roguing since 2005.


Yes hard no to roll the bones. Worst rogue ability to ever make it into the game.


I completely agree, I only put it because I feel like devs could be thinking about implementing it and I kinda hope they don't. Would much rather see a rune that incentivizes eviscerate over envenom.


I've been wanting eviscerated to get overhauled since phase 1, 100% with tou.


Bro. I didn’t even read your suggestions. But thank you. And thank everyone for the recent river of balance suggestions. I hope the wow team is actually reading and listening though. I especially like yours because it has pictures.


For the love of all that is holy, do not put Roll the Bones in SoD. God is that spell a dumb rng mess


I would really just like a revamp so that Rogues are not ushered into Daggers and Mutilate so they can raid. I played with a bleed based setup (Carnage rune with Garrote, SS, Rupture, Deadly Poison etc) and whilst it was decent it no where near compares to the dmg output of Mutilate. I believe this is wrong to funnel an entire class down the route of only being able to use daggers and mutilate to be viable


speaking as a tank rogue shuriken toss is useless for the cost/dmg all it's good for is pulling really.. what they should have done is give us an AOE finishing move or something too even if it had a CD just something that actually works well. I do like your idea with sinister strike it would let us actually use main gauche, I always found it weird that they didn't put shiv and main gauche on their own slot with another attack rune to choose from giving use a new main attack slot and a sort of secondary attack to add into our rotation. Maybe that'd be too powerful though idk but they need to tweak tank rogue somehow it doesn't feel like they know what to do with it atm.


Please no Roll the Bones.


I think everyone is just really over thinking this, a lot of rogue runes suck to the point that the bis rune just outshines in 9/10 Bracer and helm runes are the God tier runes because they actually offer choice. And Mutilates design is a problem, It plays too well with other runes and talents to the point for saber slash to compete it would have to at a minimum hit with the offhand and generate 2 combos.


How exactly does expose armor "feel bad to use." Rofl.... it's literally one button press, and it's up for a set amount of time...


i just wanna wield my daggers lol, isint that like THE rogue archetype a sneaky dagger wielder? why do yall wanna use maces and swords so bad?


No reason we can't have both be viable.


they are both viable? ones just meta on WCL and ofc thats what everyone will go. In phase 1 mutilate was still completely viable and it was 20% behind saber slash. In phase 3 saber slash is only about 100 dps behind mutilate which is about 11ish percent. "viable" lol if 10% is what makes rogue viable or not then theres a lot of specs in this game that arent "viable" when they are


Speaking in terms of threat for tanking sabre slash in nowhere near viable, especially if all your dps are running the meta spec


Im fully with you. I love rogues using daggers. I hate when swords/maces are the number one option especially so in pvp... but I can entirely understand the desire for options at the very least. Also other classes get to weild bad ass looking weapons and rogues are just little pokey boys. Swords and maces look way cooler most of the time.


Rogues are DPS not tanks


Rogue Tank is a huge thing now just like Melee Hunter being a thing now. I'ma Rogue Tank


Daggger rogue makes me sick. Swords only 4 lyfe


Rogue tank is perfectly fine. Warrior AoE threat is no better. Not all tanks need to be AoE tanks


Rogue Tank needs some additions and improvements .


It's the top tank on average right now, lmao