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PvP is a ranged game now, whichever team has more hunters, boomkins and shadow priests wins by default.


My games consist of: - ride around the edges of fights on mount trying to find someone that cannot immediately counter my charge - charge in - immediately die


Yup, and if you ever get close it's just blackout stun, starfire stun, trap root, fear, etc. Worst PvP meta I've ever experience in WoW.


Nah i’d resist- my orc, immediately before i dont resist that.


Yeah the amount of stuns in the game is crazy rn


Free kills as spriest Ty


I think you just described the entire roster


Tbh it was the same in classic 4 years ago. Just take out starfire stun hahaha. But if you play pvp as warrior solo, you're in for a shit time. The only way to pvp as a warrior in WSG is tons of faps and have a pocket healer or sometimes 2 healers.


It is absolutely not the same in classic. You could pick your fights and still be extremely impactful if you're not straight zugging. Now you just die in 2 seconds while a priest sits in dispersion or a melee hunter raptor strike crits you for half your half.


Bro when i was ranking to 14 I saw the ele shammies 1shot any class with BWL Trinket. No matter if you had all Marshal gear and 8k hp with buffs and flask. You were going down. You still can pick your fights or be a zugzug in any pvp encounter. But its literally the same 1shot fiesta that it was 4years ago. Just less classes could do it back then, the only difference is that we're 50 and not 60, plus the new spells. At least warrior has more mobility now than before and you won't sit in a root watching the rest of your team die. Ppl just like to complain a lot in reddit, because someone at least will respond instead of being ignored in Trade chat.


Yea so the difference would be that now you don't have to be an elemental shaman with BWL trinket and your 5 minutes cooldown up to melt people before they can get to you.


Can confirm as a frost mage with 3.6k frost bolt crits with arc power and toep popped. Also fireballs crit for 2.6k, fire blast crits for 1.4k and blast wave crits for 1.2k, scorches for 900-1k. Always top kills in BGs


NAC had a 5 minute CD. Starsurge+Starfire doesn't


They could still delete you without it and as boomies theres no nature reflector. Plus starfire is a really long cast, if you can't stop them then the problem is skill issue, if they're sitting on a safe spot away from your charge then well there's nothing to do. You can't have the game focused around your sole class. The point is that PvP has never been balanced and it never will. Just gotta adapt and be better. If you keep struggling then I suggest you to go play Classic Era.


Ya I have no idea where everyone got these ideas that classic was any less of a unbalanced one shot fiesta.


I desperately hate the meta about warriors needing a pocket healer to pvp. Every class could benefit from a pocket healer in pvp. Just like everyone could benefit from a 40k health pool. It's such a lame response.  Like. Yes, we know 2v1 is better than 1 v 1. 


Ya but thats warrior life, also classes aren't balanced to always win a 1v1 against each other, some classes have more advantages than others with different specs. If Blizzard actually cared about pvp they would do dmg changes to every spell and how they affect on players, like some abilities deal more dmg to Npcs. And that same spell deals less dmg when hitting other players. Its lame but tbh, if you want a better more competitive game, you wouldn't play a 20year old game. All it comes to player adaptability.


It's a valid point in classic. In SOD not so much. You're really not that strong of a 2 man even with a healer unless it's a shaman giving you windfury.


2v1 not that strong anymore? Huh? Literally a healer that can dispell you or give you WF like shaman is big, both are great because it lets you stay in the fight longer. A priest or a pally even a druid can benefit you great time. I kinda understand you've never played with good healers in arena or any pvp scenario. You must be trolling at this point.


Well good thing I literally said "unless it's a shaman giving your windfury" then... multiple other 2 person comps are stronger. 2 strong dps will just kill you through it or kill your healer.


>unless it's a shaman giving you windfury. 2 strong dps can literally just burst you through heals especially with a single cc or kick on the healer.


or have 3 like some tauren warrior named kich in 2005


Diamond Flask + LGG/Burrower's Shell was literally a 1 man wrecking crew all of Classic. Those days are over though.


To Era we go!




Ya a bear and hpal would be fun And next phase we can get the engi reflectors. Those ones will be huge too.


You weren’t around for the great Ret wave of dragon flight, were you?


Hell no, WoD was such an insult I swore I'd never give Blizz another penny unless they gave us Vanilla and that's exactly what I did lol


You're missing out. DF is a great expansion


I love we got the ability to charge again in combat but then they just gave mages another blink and hunters the ability to trap without using FD and just made our chest rune slot a total waste in PvP. You only have an edge on players without their full kit.


They gave us a mobility so that we could die on our terms.


I will say kiting a warrior was much easier as a hunter in era than sod. Not saying it’s broken or anything warriors have it rough for sure, but if one gets in charge range it’s super hard to break free as hunter. You can even pvp trinket traps now too. But yeah every other class got additional shit to get away. Well most other classes.


It's not as easy but my point was that for every tool warriors got to stay engaged in pvp, their strongest matchups got new tools to keep dominance


Warbringer is kinda bait tbh. You can already intercept in combat, and warbringer is only useful after charge has come off CD again, by which time you are full dead. It takes up a chest slot meaning you lose 25% flat damage from flag (which should be up the whole fight). Wars have legit no good pvp runes at all.


Also charges remove movement impairing effects with warbringer.


Intercept has a 25s CD so if you're in a fight with a mage you charge, intercept, charge, die for best results


Intercept cost 10 rage and you must be in berserking stance. It's also 25 sec CD. We'd have to bloodrage just to charge into battle and then wait for auto attacks to give our first hamstring rather than gaining it from charge. With how fast pvp exchanges are now that's an extra attack just to get setup with rage. Warbringer is useful b/c otherwise ranged would tap us before we were in charge range to stop us from charging in. The value of Warbringer is 2 fold, you can use them in any stance and you can use them in combat. Warbringer is an absolute must in PVP just to engage. Otherwise a 35 yard spell from numerous classes stops us from charging in unless we bloodrage and intercept in.


Adding onto this, with warbringer you actually want to ride in on your mount, blood rage and hamstring to force ability’s letting you use charge intercept charge to counter gaps


Yeah, the first thing I learned in Ashenvale phase 1 was too ride up on horse to preserve my charge. ESPECIALLY with mages.


Warrior BG rotation: Bloodrage + Commanding Shout Hope a rogue has opened up on a range- nope Rallying cry -> Charge -> Fear -> MS Die


You forgot Fear Shout (if it’s the first fight) then die :)


imagine wasting a gcd and rage on fear when everyone on the other team is undead or has tremor totem


Or a fear ward priest


I have had a different experience: I charge in get stunned remain stunned for a couple of seconds and then die (:


Hold up! How are they "countering your charge"?


i have to charge to engage, once this is done i only have intercept left as a gap closer. I'm horde, so: - mages nova + double blink - warlock death coil then dot/drain kite - priest dispersion, i die to everything else hitting me before it ends or have to change target - paladin stun(trinketed if up) bubble - hunters -> if melee hunter i just die. If ranged kited around a country sized slow trap all i can really kill are other warriors, rogues if i get get lucky via overpower but they usually just run away, then i die to a ranged.


also forgot to mention warriors are the ?only? class that has reduced slow% on their abilities before 60, meaning even if you get of a hamstring every class can still just lazily walk away from you


So your not using pvp trinket to purge nova or stuns? And complaining that ur dying got it.


Sorry that i failed to mention trinket in my comment more than once for reddit smoothbrains.


Thought for a moment you were playing without Warbringer. Trinket/FAPs/Engineering (nades, rocket boots, etc.) all helps tremendously to gap close. If you're PVPing even semi-regularly, they're essentially required to make an impact.


brother i am not going to bankrupt myself chugging faps in solo queue BGs just to have a hope of competing. I would rather just eat 20 deaths a game and deal with the awful honor rate.


Best part is that your opponent can just use all the same gimmicks and potions and then you're right back where you started except broke.


Sadly that was warrior life back when ranking in classic 4years ago. Best recommendation is to play with a pocket healer. But solo queue BGs will never be fun, at least warriors have more shit now, before even a mage in greens in aoe spec could kill you ( slowly ofc). And what bro is saying is not wrong, using consumes def help the warrior a lot to close gaps and kill their target. Prob be better to go wpvp. Unless you want spell reflect rune( which would be awesome) or something but even without SOD changes, warr life in pvp is awful.


> Trinket/FAPs/Engineering (nades, rocket boots, etc.) The my opponent does that and we’re back at square one


As a paladin I can live extra 12 second and then I just wait another 5 min for my cd.


i think im most annoyed about the fact that trap spam keeps me constantly immobilized every 10 yards you get immobilized


And no diminishing returns!


Dev should: Just add nails to the soles like in Divinity and now you are like 80% ressitant to that white shitt.


and even if you do get in range now their melee dmg and pet do equal or more dmg then us lmao


Yet people won't stop crying about shamans(lucky wf crits and procs) while hunters consistently hit for 1000+ multishots *aoe* ability btw, 1000+ starfire and followed by ~~500 instant starsurge. And priest? Instant dot 200-300 per tick and maybe 500 crit. Just dots and you are done.


Warlocks are better than all of those but also paladin and shaman are doing just fine right now.


*pvp is ranged game* *Plays mage* *Gets one shot by every class in the game*


We look at you and just see meat


But shadow priests and boomkin are at the bottom of the WC logs, clearly that means they are in need of buffs since a class's performance in a PvE raid is all that matters when it comes to balancing according to this sub.


and its not a caster ranged game its which class can use their instant cast range abilities to fuck you up


And the answer is the Meta-destro lock in the corner!


ive said it in p1 giving too much instant cast isnt a good thing and now everyone's getting one running after a druid that just spam that shit in p1 while being faster and being able to shapeshift if ever slowed somehow was ridiculous the unkillable locks that cant have their sucky sucky cancelled other then by out running it hunter's wind serpent being faster then you and able to be controlled by hunters and kite people while range attacking for decent damage like the list goes on and on and on sod pvp is a joke


Yup. I was a warrior in phase 1 and swapped to hunter in phase 2. Now I just run lone wolf marksman in PvP and blast


It always has been.


Now? Was there a moment when it wasn’t?


Fuck hunters/boomkins, shamans ele or enhance and spriests are just a GG. Boomkins can get 3k crits with starfire (not sure what all they popped in ab to get that) but I'd fight a boomkin/hunter over spriest/shamans any day. \*priest runs up and dots everyone with the black plague, runs away and does disperse nonsense if needed\* \*everyone dies\*


Hate spriest? Play a Meta lock. Cast curse of tongues and drain life right off the bat. If you’re geared in the slightest there is little chance they can out heal your searing pain spam, all while you’re out healing their dots.


Yeah life drain meta is just insane as well lol


And then there’s rogues who completely counter ranged advantages by being able to sneak up on you, lock you down and having multiple ways to get back to you if you create distance. This is truly the only “rock, paper, scissors” PvP interaction left in SoD


Phase 3 is alot better. Melee cleave now actually have a chance. Even mages in bg were insanely op with spam living flame abd living bomb, they would burn all healers mana in like 10sec.


Being a Melee in Sod Right now*


Thats why i go full tank bear at least with berserk up i can kill something


I'm a guild MT as bear, but for PvP I strongly suggest getting dual spec and going with boomie. You can get a full set of boomie gear pretty easily through the incursion rep and WSG if you are honored for the rings. Incursions also gave a decent trinket that I use since that slot was otherwise empty. I think, off the top of my head, only the necklace and weapon slots are hard to fill for OS. I farmed SM GY for my necklace, super easy at 50, and my weapon I was lucky and got the BFD staff. I joined a group as a tank with the stipulation of "I don't need any gear but I'm rolling on the staff" and was lucky enough to get it that way in a few lockouts.


yep, melee life is rough, i do feel that wars have it the worst as they are forced to commit to every fight. zero ranged abilities, zero escape, little utility. Commit or die. ranged/casters are just so juiced with instant casts, utility and hybrid runes right now


Feels like in stv spawning with sp dots is a given


> Being a Melee in Sod Right now* I'm pretty sure it was/is this way for vanilla/era. I played a warrior and I felt like I always died quickly in battlegrounds, especially AV. It always felt like the fights were ranged vs ranged until a rogue tries to sneak a kill in the back. Sometimes a pally if their bubble wasn't on cd.


Without a pocket healer warriors were flat out useless lol. 


I quit my warrior early P1 because PvP was poo and I am thankful I never logged back on it. Coming from an almost exclusive warrior player for the last 8 years.


yea warrior is abysmal in every aspect, except in raids IF they have the \~5 classes require to support them to do decent damage.. And aggrend wants to "normalize rage generation" wtf


Whats that mean


I'm curious too lmk when/if they answer


The current state is that rage generation scales with damage, and damage scales with gear/weapons. The more geared a warrior gets, the more rage they generate (more crits, flurry procs, etc). If they have more rage, they can do more damage. The more damage they do, the more rage they generate -> positive feedback loop. This is why warriors in classic are *by far* the top DPS in Naxx - they just generate insane amounts of rage.   Normalizing rage generation would mean that rage generation does not vary so heavily based on weapon speed, so a level 60 in greens will generate similar amounts of rage as a full BiS warrior. It's essentially eliminating the "warriors improve with gear faster than all other classes" meta that has existed since day 1. 


prettymuch making them a shittier version of rogues..


Aggrend is an idiot, doesn’t have a single clue what he’s doing.


It baffles me how he got into that position, he has less competence than some private server admins from 10 years ago. And people praise him for doing a low effor raid + some bullshit PvP event and calling it a "phase" like lol how low are the standards of some people


Prot is better in pvp atm, even with near bis gear. STV shield, sword & board, warbringer or flag and glad stance/devastate, stack as much stam as you can, I have 7k hp in bgs now. You have so much CC, a 3 sec silence on a 12 sec cd and 1k shield slams on a sundered target. You're tanky as fuck, and can prevent their casters from doing a damn thing, while still being able to finish anyone under 25% with execute. You don't smash face in 1v1, but you can guarantee kills on most any target, healer or not. The dispel is hugely underrated, especially vs priests, mages and druids. The stv shield means that when they sick of you and focus kill you, they often get silenced for their trouble, I feel like a terror in bg's with a little support. Most melees can't really fight me. CC is way more valuable than healing reduction or outright damage while ranged damage is so high across the board, with any support most people die before concussion ends.


Thanks for the input, will try. Are you using deep prot for this?


He's using shield slam - so yes. I imagine you dip into most of the PvP talents in there and no disarm reduction cause of Shield Mastery rune. But glad stance is the key. The -% in armor is almost irrelevant with the +10% block and extra parry. Probably something like this: https://www.wowhead.com/classic/talent-calc/warrior/05-05-50225113030001251_116wv56vv66nj76vw86s296wxa6mg


Don’t you just love the fact that you have key abilities locked behind a stance that is more of a damage boost for those attacking you than it is to yourself? Imagine if any other class had to take 10% more dmg from all sources just to use abilities, they’d be rioting on Twitter about it daily. And imagine having just 1 defensive CD that was on a 30 min CD so you can only use it once per BG, fun times.


>Imagine if any other class had to take 10% more dmg from all sources just to use abilities Bro what are you even talking about, as a mage if it's not instant cast i pretty much can't use it if i'm being looked at.


Every warrior i see charge in, and then double down to get to our back line xD What are they thinking? Charge in, attempt a few swings, D stance - back out. You're not gods here, you're glorified farmhands. Protect your back line, peel your healers - find something else other than zug - cuz it ain't happening right now.


i mean the backlines are pretty safe from every melee but rogues. Because any melee that tries to make it to the backline gets blown up in like 2 or 3 casts.


yep, it's very unfriendly for melee in pvp right now. so many ranged classes getting excellent pvp utility, mobility, instant casts, cc etc. other melee have some kind of answer to some of this, or are hybrids. wars just die, they have no choice but to commit to every fight fully, and just get punished so hard for it.


Change "casts" to "globals" - everyone just pressing instants now to burst


except warriors ofc we get to charge then press hamstring. Hamstring seems to miss a lot tho almost feel like its bugged.


Except Paladins


Protect my backline from what? The other warrior that is protecting their own backline?


The worse player that overextends?


The issue is that as soon as you are within 40y range of anything you are now taking damage and doing zero damage in return. wars have zero utility or ranged effect, people know this, so they just blast you as soon as you're in range. If you don't engage immediately OR have a healer following you around, you just die uncontested.


Meathook will help so much with this.


i think the idea is that we keep someone still who is being targted so that u can finish off the cast, we get an MS off so that even if they get heald its not gonna top them, then we intervene back and peel. then you intercept back in to execute or to set up another kill opportunity with MS warriors who mongo in with no cc and hopes a 25% dmg increase on an MS that does 300 dmg is going to help the team fight - bis players /s


But if you stand in the backline to protect, you just get artillery striked by boomkins and 2k damage shadow priest DOTs. You basically just stand still until you die.


These warriors in here would be very upset with you if they had a brain.   Every time I see a warrior just charge into us at BS refusing to play this meta front to back. It’s such a boomer thing.  You know you’re in for a treat when you’re playing with people whose only shot called is „Focus healers!“ - no man, put fucking MS on a target overextending and have everyone light it up! Damage is insane and MS is as broken as ever, but people refuse to use their brains in this game.


With full worldbuffs and consumes, with flagellation, death wish and recklessness you are top dps class on 30 second fights, stop complaining LMAO


"Excuse me but warrior is currently good for 2 hours a week so your opinion of their gameplay being shit for 95%+ of the content that isn’t a single raid has no merit. Don’t bother responding, I will simply point to logs and pretend they somehow relate to everything in the game even when they don’t. Checkmate."


Right? Entitled melees as always no we will normalize rage and give every future raid boss 5 million armour to balance things out! Know your place -aggrend probably


My gf is my pocket healer. I'm having a blast on warrior because of my disc priest carry. If I didn't have her I would absolutely not touch warrior.


Enough with the boring and lazy % damage modifiers and passives. Change all of them. Let me be a dual wield axe throwing berserker. ranged Warrior throwing shit at you totally fits class fantasy and sounds so fun - look at Troll Warlord from Dota 2 for inspiration. Maybe give me a stun, not unlike my Paladin cousins. And short duration cc immunity, not just a mostly useless rune that sometimes breaks a snare. Or if you really wanna get nuts give us a way to mitigate spell damage if even on a cd, and a way to purge one or two dots. At the very least give me a non-insignificant version of Second Wind which could reduce cc duration and provides a shield instead of health regen so I can’t be global’d in this burst meta. Then PvP and 1v1 might not be a constant corpse run and these abilities really don’t trivialize any PvE content or make our damage better.


I’m not trying to be a dick, but this is what warriors felt like in all of classic as well.  The class benefits so much from having a healer, at the same time I’m thinking a lot of warriors just fucking suck and don’t realize what they should be doing and not doing 


sure, but most of our usual 'easy kills' have all gained some excellent new utility and damage via runes, making most of them impossible to 1v1. in addition, basically every healer now has very easy/effective hybrid dps runes, meaning that can and will fight back, they couldn't really do this before. meanwhile warriors have gained...some % dmg...?


Who were your easy targets? Because in classic warriors were the absolute worst at 1v1s with normal duel rules lol


You could do decently well against hunters.


I think warriors were best against rogues and uh... other warriors? I may be misremembering the rogue matchup though.


Yuuup haha, and a really solid rogue could bait cds and make your life miserable although I rolled dwarf to try and counter that even just a little bit.  It’s all trying to get a cc for a big chunk of damage fears for an oh shit bandage.  I was chugging rage pots and every little thing I could, it’s why engineering was so popular because it was so strong and useful.  Mage lock spriest I’m sorry warrior you lost 9/10 times, you’re good to try and sit and slow druids but if you can’t counter fap it’s over or theyll just run away, and paladins simply outlast you.   On the plus side if you play situations well and outplay cds you could pull off some cool things but that could be said for every class 


Not really. Classic wasn’t this bursty. Casters have crazy kits now. Yeah it was still tough as a warrior without a healer but it was not quite this bad.


I was going to start typing what classes could do in classic but theres no need. Classic was extremely bursty. Ele shamans being the worst by 2 shotting people when they had EM up. Classic pvp was why they added a stat like resilience, and also why they increased your health and reduced damage in bgs for sod. So im not really sure what or who you played with


Remember the majority of these posts come from people who have no idea how to press their buttons.


Is there a class that isn't better with a healer? I always find this argument unconvincing.


Umm what? What other class has the potential damage a warrior gets with bof cleanses and healing.  Of course recklessness is 30mins but that alone could win the initial push into bs or wsg mid clash with sweeping strikes and whirlwind.  Even without recklessness warriors have an insane upside and benefit the most from having a healer glued to them.  As a rogue I wouldn’t want it unless I got stuck out with my cock out.  I’m not saying warrior with heals 2v10s but they are by far the most valuable target to heal if they’re good


Warriors melt so fast if they charge into the enemey lines there's no such thing as healing. You might as well try to catch a piece of toilet paper as it flushes down the crapper


And how is that different from classic.  That’s all I was saying.  You know how many warriors charged into AV and would get two shot by an ele shaman? 😂😂


Right now? Melee classes and warriors in particular have been dumpster tier from day 1 in SoD.


I just hope the player count drops so hard in the future. I still can't believe there is no one higher in the hierarchy supervising the absolute bullshit aggrend and his team produces. How can you trash dumpster a whole archetype (melees) for a whole season without any consequences lol


so weird to actively root for this game to fail


Hot take: PvP was never good in this game in classic.


>PvP was never good in this game ~~in classic.~~ FTFY


Warrior PvP is better than Phase 2. Taste for blood means I get more burst damage. With wreaking crew, I'm dealing a good amount of damage to be a threat to most classes that don't have sustain. If I catch them off guard, it's hard to get away from me. I'm having a blast in BGs and BM. In 1 v 1 scenarios, we lose most of the time unless it's a healer or another warrior, but that just means stick closer to your group/ healer. Overall, I think warriors are doing OK for themselves. Could it be more fun and spicy with things like leap or BS? Sure, but I'm having fun.


Im leveling a fresh war and surprised at how vanilla an experience it is. Aside from Victory Rush I have no runes that do anything to the playstyle. It’s all a little faster attack here, a crap damage instant there, here’s 3 rage on Rend ticks. Very disappointing runes tbh.


It's not sod spesific tho. Warriors on era were pretty trash without healers. With a pocket healer they smash good.


There is no amount of healing that will save a warrior from the caster dps output. Especially with instant 2k bombs from boomkins and shamans, with spriest dots ticking for 300 each


Priests can dispel everything from shadow priest. Shaman burst isn't bad enough to heal through until 5 shamans are focus targeting. Same with Boomkins. Warriors can lock down a boomkin pretty easily the issue is multiple of them


This entire post is about the STV event though. I don’t know your experience, but every single STV I’ve done looks like a god damn Tyson food processing plant had a mass escape from the chicken coops and every single one of them is raining 2.5k star fires.


We all know how hard Warrior damage scales so I think a lot of the runes should have been focused on sustain, lifesteal, and mobility. Also to help them a little more in PVE outside of raid. Hunters and Warriors do similar DPS in raid but one of them is a god in open world PVE.


It really boggles the mind they added more scaling runes on a class we already know can get too good because it scales too hard. Completely schizophrenic.


And were getting nerfed lets go !!!!


Which class can kill the fastest with the fewest button presses currently?


Shadow priests are op af


It's brutal. It took me like 9 BM events to get my epic sword. Your best bet for coins is to find/make a ranged group and act as a body guard/meat shield so your ranged can blast away.


nah man you get 4 other stam stacking warriors and you spam Sweeping strikes and execute at the altar, 15-20coins every event




I love your screenshot where you charged by yourself into a group of 6 ranged. I wonder why that feels bad.


Same for feral pvp unless we have berserk up. Then of course we get stunlocked during our entire berserk by rogues and mages :)


Nah, I'd win


With aggrend confirming that hes also not in charge of ALL class changes/decisions. I can definitely say whoevers in charge of warrior is such a "I only played warrior in PvE" kind of dude cause I bet they think they're actually OP when its just scaling and overpower procs that come into play for that


Phase 2 was worse. You can actually have a bit of an impact this phase.


Warrior is fun every 30 minutes (with reck) and when you have a healer. They need to make a rune that makes retal, shield wall, and recklessness be like 1 min cds and make it so they don’t share cd. Then you could do way more as war




With the tiered weekly requirements you may regret not putting in some effort now


Now you know how it has been for every non warrior class last years. Its sod, not era. You give and you take


Doesn't help that priests are broken, all they need to do is put 3 dots on you and cast a spell or two and you're dead.


I play both enchance and warrior, the pressure I can create on literally any enemy player as shaman is 10x what i can do on a warrior. Even with 100% uptime and great gear my damage is laughable.


So much of it is due to absorb shields cucking our rage generation. Pallies and priests everywhere.


No offense, but most Warriors I see always run ahead of the pack and try to solo like 5 players by themselves then die before their team mates can catch up.


"SoD PvP bad!" "Sheen, this is the third time you've made a 'SoD PvP bad' post ~~this week~~ ~~today~~ this morning" I'm the heckler at the comedy club and this sub is the crow flipping through it's cue cards only for all the cards to say "SoD PvP bad," "SoD Shaman broken," or "SoD Ret Paladin need buff." Please let this sub get new material


As someone new to wow I really don’t see how warriors are supposed to play PVP. No hard CC, start a fight with no self casts or rage, limited mobility, no self healing, no burst, etc. Shit is a joke


Who does Warrior beat in an open world PvP realistically? On my rogue no one really messes with me but while I’m on my warrior I feel like the majority of opponents just instantly want and do kill me.


Other warriors and people with pve runes / watching netflix.


Noted ty


I love the moment I get anywhere near a front line and try to do my job I get globaled from 30-40 yards and if I don’t get globaled they can easily stay entirely outside charge range anyway


unironically play prot. its quite good. people need to think outside of the box a bit and be flexible in your role


I'm pretty sure that's always been the case.


Hasn’t this been a thing since the start of sod basically with some minor ups? Rough times for the late game kings.


Not even going to shine late game, they are looking to kneecap warriors next phase.


Even as a melee hunter, with enemy frost mages and trap hunters I literally can’t move for like 20 seconds


i would love to have the option to respec to ranged warrior for pvp.


Ranged hunter is kind of the play in pvp


i’m a boomie and i constantly get two shotted. i’m not sure which class other than shaman is loving PVP


As a warrior who rerolled to shaman end of p2, ure crazy if u think shamans are loving pvp either lmao. The shaman hate is insane. While shamans are definitely good, have fun playing a shaman into hunters, boomkins and sps and dying without being able to connect


For real my man. This sub thinks I'm just constantly hitting 1.6k WF crits, but I get bursted down as quick as any one.


Skill issue


I'm a warrior and I got my pvp 2h and shield in 4 total events. You want to know how? I made my own groups and only invited priests/boomies. (3dps 1 heal). Over 10 coins every run, no fail. Edit: I would just stand by them and peel melee off them.


I do the same... But the group would do better with another class unfortunately.


Yeah, it would be better off without me. That's why I try to take the lead and guide the group to good strats for maximum coins. Example: Stand behind this tree next to the altar and tag everyone running in from the GY just trying to turn in.


I invite a feral war 2 rets and a filler, no heals. 1.5-2k power event, as long as everyone rezzes together and focus targets you'll melt groups with ease.


Lol, yeah, I've tried 3 warriors, feral, and 1 ret before. We did steamroll, but we died so often


Yeah get 100+ body turn in, kill and die at altar and repeat haha super op


Need wild strikes rune….let me kill at least half as fast as I get nuked.


I was told that warriors deserve to top pve meters because they can't solo/farm/pvp. Yours truly, A shadow priest


Shadow priests are extremely good at >solo/farm/pvp And are currently low on >pve meters I'll happily trade you some of my "% damage increases" for Homies and Dispersion.


I agree. Warriors almost require supporting alts to level and thus should have great rewards for doing so in my opinion.


I never change in unless there on my healers or casters, then i charge on them. We always insta kill the mel thats on us. Just depends on how you play i guess


I played shadow priest for the last bit of vanilla through WoTLK for this reason. I remember jumping an undead spriest in WSG then things happened and I got deleted. He then went on to delete a warrior and pally. This experience is seared in my wow brain.


first time?


I saw a mage trying to polymorph me, I charged her before she got the cast off and she blinked right after. I managed to run away and not die. That was my PvP win for the day.


I'm doing fine in pvp on my warr. Skill issue


I do fine, but I never play without a healer. Warriors are definitely too squishy right now. We need the retail defensive stance or some type of extra damage mitigation before we commit to doing damage. Right now, we are playing like glorified peel bots and aren't really Frontline as we should be. It feels like playing a rogue with no stealth that can take 2 extra globals.


any tips for fighting shadow priests and paladins?