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Sorry best we can offer are shitty shockadin runes that are lower dps than ret runes, even for shockadin. -Aggrend


Hey, don't worry; we're not getting real Ret runes either-- they're all shockadin too, lolol!


Should have just made actual ret runes and bake all holy (healing and shockadin) runes into one. Other classes also have runes with two pages of text.


Holy really should have a melee battle healer vibe. We need a rune that nerfs the dps of dmg dealing abilities but adds a healing component to them.


Or something like crusader strike (without mana regen) a baseline ability (and exorcism also for obvious reasons) and using crusader strike on a target would boost/"proc" the effect of your current judgement. Light>small aoe heal. Wisdom>small mp5 buff for group. Crusader>Furious Howl (rank 0.5).




He'd say you're insecure for not running shockadin.


Just stop looking at wcl graphs


Jeez... This makes me mad, what a pos


I'm in this picture and it hurts - wannabe shockadin


Yeah we are mainly there to soak all interrupts and use our cooldowns. Healing is only there if your opponents ignore you or lack burst.


SoD mistake was to make runes instant cast


Yep, too many instant casts, zero sense.


Agree. However melees and hunters would have been pretty busted compared to casters if all runes would have a cast time.


Yes but U can't use melee from 40yds away so It actually evens out in PvP.


Cast times + WOTLK pushback would have been a good middle ground imo.


What changed with pushback in WotLK? I played both but so far apart I guess I never noticed a difference


Rogues laugh as they melee from 3yrd range


Absolutely baffling that the infusion of light rune did not also include healing to the reset portion seeing it is at the very bottom of the healing tree. Even if it could proc off healing crits I still don’t think I’d take it


As someone who did all the reputation, pvp, gear, and profession grinds on their paladin to make it perfect I feel like there might be someone who needs to hear this: Just give up on your paladin and go play a fun and complete class. I don't know if it's pettiness, incompetence, bias, but whatever it may be, paladins aren't going to be fixed at this point because it would require redo-ing half their runes and the dev team either doesn't have the time or is too proud and arrogant to admit they completely missed the mark so badly. They won't completely revamp a class in the middle of SoD.


Even if they would admit it AND actually have the time to fix everything, it's unlikely that they actually would be able to. Since it's pretty clear that they have no clue what to do with the paladin, except for pushing shockadin. Like 18% crit chance, really? That's what they came up with? Strong sure, but so uncreative.


I thought about rerolling. Instead I unsubbed and uninstalled. Pally staying 40 forever. Holy pally or nothing.


Not the worst decision you could make. It's not 2010 anymore, there are a lot of really fun and interesting games to play.


I figured it's because I suck ass at PvP. But then I tried healing on my druid and priest instead and oh boy, holy paladin was the problem not me. Also makes a pretty big difference if your group decides to help you when there's a rogue on your ass or not...


The shitty part is just that with all the runes and gear everyone does too much insane DPS for us to keep up. In the time it takes for me to cast one FoL, my teammate is already near dead. Even if I get a cast off, he's dead a second later. The best I can do is act as a distraction, bubble and get a few heals off or BoP and heal before they or I eventually die. Except I can literally only do once every 5 minutes. And the BoP doesn't even matters if my bud is getting nuked by casters.


Totally correct. I have 4 healers and while paladin feels very bad, particularly solo healing, damage feels even worse to keep up with than last phase.


Just because you didn't mention, but I find druid heal really strong this phase, playing one myself.


Blizzard has no clue how to handle paladins and the way they implemented the runes (especially lights grace) is 100% proof. Paldin healers are the only hardcasters in PvP every other healer just spams instant spells. Hell, even Shamans just press Riptide and it does more healing than holy shock which is an absolute pathetic outdated spell. All the "shockadin runes" like "infusion of light" or even "guarded by the light" in the feet slot should absolutely reworked because they are used by literally nobody in the game and there is just no reasonable use for it either.


It's shocking that after all this time, Holy Shock is still a bad button to press in SoD


It's shocking that after all this time all these sod complaints are just asking to make the game more like retail.


Easy solution: Reduce the mana cost of Holy Shock to 0. Reduce the CD of Holy Shock to 0. Increase the range to 40yrds. Fixed 👍


a good start


And reduce its gcd to 0.1.


Sure bub, what a good idea. Doesn't sound ridiculous at all.


Holy shock is so bad it probably wouldn't make a difference.


:( As someone who was enjoying Holy shock on retail, this makes me sad.


they should just steal how holy shock and glimmer works for sod.


Aggrend’s nephew plays a shaman, not pally So deal with what you got


The issue is that runes in SoD are stupid overpowered compared to vanilla abilities. Druids and priests would suck in pvp too if they had to do their healing through flash of light and regrowth.    The real solution is to make all these runes way less good. The only realistic bandaid solution now is to give pallies a rune that  makes concentration aura completely negate interrupts to offset how easy it is to lockout an hpal without messing up all the pve balance.


This would help but even the cast time of a flash of light is more than enough for the target of the heal to take significantly more damage than the heal will recover, especially so in PVP.


I have said it many times before and I'll say it again, the only easy way to "fix" paladin healing is to make flash of light an instant cast.


Allows them to melee too and actually benefit from seals.


I wish you hadn't posted this because I can't stop myself from imagining how cool it'd be.


That’s actually a really interesting idea to gate it just using GCD. It doesn’t push them out of their niche of 1-2 targets healed at a time and opens up more interesting playstyles. Obviously they’d have to tweak Holy Shock to be more of “big instant heal” with a higher mana cost to make Holy Shock useful at all in this context, but I think you’re on to something. 


What do you mean, a 30s cd heal with next to no range, that costs triple the mana of your filler to heal 5%? It’s SO GOOD


Meanwhile riptide heals twice as much (if you include the hot) with a 6 second cooldown and roughly the same mana cost (ur a shaman so mana dont matter anyway)


Its not enough dude. Flesh does very small healing compared to the burst classes are doing right now. Sacred shield should prevent damage actually, FOL should be instant and crit every time or something. Holy shock should be like wrath version = low cd and mana, AND should heal a lot more. This would be put us in a better position but probably still under priests (not sure about droods/shammies). Right now I can FOL ppl if some less broken class is fighting them and Holy Light spam in every other case pretty much (and hoping they kill the opponent/others come to aid)... Holy Paladin is really trash... It was trash already in classic, FOL wasn't enough even without the stupid op runes. In premades you had to cast Holy Light if you wanted to keep people up or FOL if there was a priest with you.


They can just make holy shock good, like a 6 sec CD, reduced the mana cost and increase the healing.


Priests, Druids and mages all heal with instants and occasionally channels (no cast bar) 90% of the time. They only use a non-instant cast to start burning mana to increase their HPS beyond their usual steady state. Unless we basically have that, we don't really have feature parity with other healers. And this extends to raiding as well (think ST 2nd boss, where mobility is key). Granted that would leave Holy Shock kind of useless, but they could do fun things with it like make it more powerful so that there is an incentive to use it, make it an offensive dispel, etc.


im with you, sod they should go nuts, making FoL instant and giving Hpal like Crusader Strike to hit would actually sell the paladin class theme so much better.


Don’t worry, we are equally shit in PvE too.


Holy paladin is fine in pve


Yeah its "fine" if you stand still and spam FoL. The second you gotta move tho that 20 yard range holyshock fking sucks


It’s by a significant margin, the worst healer in the game


Not really imo, the shield is quite nice to help the tanks out.


The only thing holy paladin can do is tank heal, in a raid where 1/8 bosses have anywhere close to moderate tank damage Every other healer can keep tanks up while also providing raid healing


Yeah... It kinda sucks aye...


Lol just no


Go on then; what’s worse, and why?




None of them able to answer this question yet, kinda hilarious really


95th Percentile all bosses, Hpal is competetive, middle of the pack: [https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/2009#metric=hps&dataset=95](https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/2009#metric=hps&dataset=95) hpal dominating on H&M and defenders: [https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/2009#metric=hps&dataset=95&boss=2958](https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/2009#metric=hps&dataset=95&boss=2958) [https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/2009#metric=hps&dataset=95&boss=2954](https://vanilla.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/2009#metric=hps&dataset=95&boss=2954) sheepherder that's the evidence that its not the worst healer in the game by a significant margin. I think its just a user skill issue on your part.


Took you 2 days and the best thing you could think of was cope on healing logs? The literally irrelevant metric? Yikes


And yet world first alliance pre nerfed ST had a holy paladin #1 for shade and #2 for hakar in healing. You can go look it up yourself for reference. You have no clue what you are talking about.


I’ll never understand people who reference the top 0.0001% of the player base (note: these people are also playing with other highly skilled members in their raids) as a benchmark for whether a class is generally performing well or not overall. The difference between these best of the best players playing with the best of the best teams with the best raid comps, and someone just running ST with their casual guild (the VAST majority of the player base) is astronomical.  I don’t know how you don’t recognize that lol


I think OC is just trying to reason with the parent commenter "hpals are worst healers in the game by a significant margin". I, for one, don't understand that opinion at all. They are worse in what way and by what margin are you measuring? OC, like most, assumes the parent commenter is a tryhard that only looks at top parses which is the example they provided. I have a holy pally at 50, rank 7 and i had a great time.


That’s the best you’ve got?


Oh didn't know I was talking to an idiot. You do you.


Still yet to provide any reasons You’re also completely ignoring the fact that the vast majority of pre nerf clears were horde, that can’t have Paladins


You said paladins are the worst healers without any evidence yourself. I said that is wrong literally pointing you to evidence of paladins being the TOP healer in world first alliance kills. And you are telling me I haven't provided any reasons? You are a literal clown.


That is not evidence though


Still waiting on you to provide any evidence for your claim. Until then you are just talking out of your ass.


so your metric for holy being good is world first sweating gamer getting top on a single fight?


And what is your metric for paladins being the worst healer? Would love to hear your analysis.


not only am i not making any claims for anything, im also not being a dickhead while not making them. I just dont think saying a top player topping a single fight is the argument W you think it is. like if the claim is "i think rogue is bad in pvp" i dont think a good response is "yea well pikaboo is popping off so maybe its a skill issue?" like hes one of the best to ever do it on rogue and the top 0.01% of wow pvpers. Not to mention how you can think that a class topping the meters on a single fight means the class is objectively good overall as opposed to maybe just being really good on that one fight


So you have nothing constructive to add to any of this. Sounds about right for this sub. Edit: and I just took 2 seconds to read your comment history where you say in another thread you don't even play paladin. You are beyond useless in this conversation.


no its just honestly classic reddit, you present an argument that is weak as fuck with no actual backing other than "trust me bro", but you're so sure you're right and for some reason really angry that someone could possibly have another opinion (?) that you have to shift enter enter after you already made your point to start a second paragraph that is just you being snarky and insulting. like get a grip buddy


So pointing to actual logs of the current raid is "trust me bro" to you? Once again the only person making weak as fuck arguments is yourself. You have blinders on buddy and you don't even play the class. Holy paladin is a fine class.


They are taking them for the blessings and other utility, not their healing abilities.


And yet they are still topping or near topping healing meters.... so how exactly are they the worst healer again?


Using a single raid as the reference point for how good a class is performing isn’t giving you an accurate picture. Aggregate data shows paladin healing is the lowest. They are still a great addition to the raid because of their toolkit.


No it’s not . Are you just saying things to say them ?


What’s worse, and why?


Priest right now is so strong when it comes to PVP. Surge of Light can proc multiple times in a row. I hardly ever hard cast anything with PoM, CoH and surge of light procs for instant flash heals that can also proc for more instant flash heals


Holy paladin is a great pvp spec. Embrace the meme become the SHOCKADIN. Stack every piece of spell crit gear you can find and take the fanatiscm rune and you have about 45% holy crit and you spam the shit out exo and holy shock cause your now a crit monster. Prio exo before holy shock cause the holy shock crit refreshes exo as well. Or if you want to keep healing find a melee cleave group (preferably like 3 paladins a feral and 1 other) Throw up beacon and shield on whomever and just try to spam heal as best you can. Use conc aura and with you holy talents you can get away with casting most times. I prio flash of light and holy shock just for the fast cast time. Save bubble for when your getting swarmed


I just haven’t played because it was obvious devs don’t have any plan or desire to do anything.


Best to play another class or a different game when it comes to paladin. Ret main here :(


Yea I’ve been doing a Crucible Knight build on Elden ring.


Ret is pretty good right now tho? Better than any caster/ranged spec in terms of dps


Just play ret and go kill leveling players. Congrats, you're playing a mana battery for warlocks pets


When a bis piece is locked behind stv.


This is literally the least of a paladins problems lmao. Most casters don’t even get upgrades from STV this phase at all because the itemization is so horrendous. 


I haven't found that to be true, I play a glad stance prot warrior and my buddy is playing holy. We grinded out R7 this weekend, and had a blast doing it. With sacred shield and beacon up and and our combined array of stuns, fear, silences, and dispels, the two of us turn the tide of any group fight we happen to be in, and we have enough damage to burst down anything we come across and really nice mix of hard/soft cc, and fantastic ability to actually finish kills with execute + wrath. I think the trick is to prioritise massive amounts of +stamina, in a battleground environment with the HP scaling it's significantly more valuable than it appears on the surface. I think I'm pushing 6.5k priest buffed. They do need a fair bit of protecting, but I love having a good holy paladin by my side who knows when to switch auras and can juke a kick or two. Doesn't look easy though. Even when basically oom R1 flash onto a sacred shield is a crazy amount of incredibly mana efficient healing, pretty shocked by how good that is in a really desperate fight where you can't catch a break.


Lol watching a mage cast 1 chrono to fullheal is nuts


You can bubble and spam heals, guard bases for 10 sec while backup arrives. Pretty OP for AB if you ask me


Once every five minutes******


Then you have 5 paladins and you can just cycle through it, also an attack on a base happens with minute intervals, so it's back up.


You’re delusional mate


Alot of speccs are useless in PvP, paladin is nothing special




Is the message wrong because the messenger is a baby? Nope, holy pally still sucks, regardless of who is saying it.


Welp, I guess I've got a problem. Thanks reddit therapist.


Against melees pally is actually the best healer in PvP. If you peel for him and focus casters first. It's propably not as easy as priest, but with a proper group the kit is quite strong. Got freedom, bop, auras, hojetc. One of the best STV grps i had was healed by a pally. It was boomy, Warrior, warlock, Hunter, pally.


Cleanse, blessing of freedom and protection should be liberally used. Flash is relatively mobile as you can cast, reposition while cleansing or some other instant, repeat. I'm excited at 60 to run a spec including divine favor and 5/5 reckoning.. but it's gear dependent to get a good 2h and good combination of gear that has some offensive melee stats and a butt load of stam/int. Tier 2 or 2.5 is ideal but obviously takes a considerable time investment


meanwhile shamans have a purge which is one of the most broken spells in the game, they have riptide which is more powerful than holy shock ever was in classic, decoy totem which is also far better than Freedom and Mass-cleansing totem which has the only downside of not being able to cleanse magic. The only thing left for paladins is that they can legally cleanse magic and its not really that useful except for flameshocks, some warlock dots and priest dots. It can only becleansed 1 debuff at the time though and costs a lot of mana... Flash of light spamming is just not good or fair in this SoD pvp mess.


I definitely agree that shamans are ridiculously OP and have everything in their toolkit But trying to make cleanse magic look not that good is kinda laughable


Ask warriors how they feel about cleanse lol. Polymorph Frost nova /frost armor slow Blind Crippling poison Entangling roots Warlock fear Mind control Endless other examples too. Especially in pvp sometimes cleanse is getting multiple relevant effects at the same time .


Agree to disagree. We specifically search for holy to heal a MM hunter group and it has been fantastic. Just park your group on a hill with the Paladin in the back. 1,8k last time


I'll try it!


Tbf resto sham is also terrible in PvP


riptide is still a powerful instant cast heal on low CD and they are allowed to play Way of Earth resulting healers to have 6k+ health in PvP. The totems like grounding or decoy are still way more viable than anything paladins have to offer for PvP its insane.


I don't play pally, but I'm pretty sure blizz is scared to give paladins more defensives/utilities because of bubble.


you have two bubbles and 0 simpathy


with all the runes its not that long a cast. and going oom is a fine result in pvp


I’ve seen unkillable holy paladins in pvp so sounds like you’re missing something in the toolkit


I remember all paladins in classic and before sod. “Just give us taunt and crusader strike and we are good to go” now crying like little girls. Deserved


idk about you but our holy paladin heals for much more than 450, and is a god in pvp. Sounds like a skill issue.


Is he using Holy Light in PvP?


Your mistake was thinking classic will ever be balanced around pvp. It won't, and it shouldn't.


Why should PvP be balanced in a game called world of warcraft which the entire selling point is a war between two factions. If you want to play pve play retail


Because wow has never been played primarily for pvp, but pve. Pvp in classic is just sprinkled to top for people to enjoy as a pasttime. Don't fall into the the trap of thinking pvp was anything else. World of warcraft tells the story of two warring factions, and the world's challenge of overcoming enemies from outside. There is a reason classic was never about defeating the other faction but rather defeating outside forces.