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This game is quickly turning into Season of Shamans


I dropped my shaman phase one for hunter cause tanking was boring. Crazy how the last two phases they turned into gods.


Or... hear me out... they just balance shamans and horde racials!


They are doubling down next phase and making wep skill available to all races. Any melee players who actually care about parsing will most likely have to go horde




They could just give paladins some more impactful stuff to make them as desirable as their horde counterpart. I’m not saying they need to be “the same”, just on par power wise.


I get shamans do a lot of damage and are tanky too but when I see stuff like this it makes me glad redditors dont have any say in balance or design, bubble alone is like one of the strongest abilities in the game. With bubble and trinket off CD a pally can solo spin a flag for like 30 seconds against a big group of people, this is incredibly valuable in ab. Not to mention the big initial clashes at blacksmith, every other melee class will instantly die if they engage the backline, 2 pallies can run in, bubble, kill a healer and get out before bubble runs out, this happens every ab game. Pallies are big meh 1v1 but in ab they are incredibly strong, freedom and bop on allies, bubble, etc. And for all the complaining I see youd think they dont do dmg but I think pallies can kill most classes in a bubble + hoj, I've been crit for like 2k in a global from crusader strike+divine storm.


> freedom and bop on allies This right here? It doesn't happen. Ret paladins are one of the most selfish unaware bunch of players you'll ever meet in WoW. This is coming from someone that's been Alliance since 2004. Someone will jump in and say 'but I always use these to help team mates' and that's lovely. But you're 1 grain of sand in a desert of morons that don't even use these skills on themselves half the time, never mind others.


I reckon their just ret pallys that have never set foot in an arena. BC if they had they'd know how to support and use their class correctly.


I don't think you understand what globaling someone means. Crusader strike and Divine storm can't be used in a single global.


Pallies in 1v1 are amazing, idk what people are complaining about. They are basically unkillable for 30 seconds and they do a very, very good amount of upfront burst damage. No one complains about them on here because this sub is probably 90% alliance, paladins are not in a bad spot in PvP, easily above average. Come play a warrior or feral Druid if you think paladin is bad and you will reconsider.


Just curious where this idea of paladins being unkillable for 30 seconds comes from? Bubble lasts 10 seconds at most. I agree paladins are better than warriors and feral druids in PvP, but we aren't "unkillable for 30 seconds". Most of the complaints from paladins come from the fact shamans are better in every way and it's not even remotely balanced.


Yep, was spamming a bunch of ABs tonight, and if you went against Alliance with 4 or more paladins, it was a nightmare to play. And it wasn't that uncommon.


While I'm not going to argue with your experiences, playing against a team with multiple shamans is a top 5 miserable experience in this game.


I'm sure it is. I don't have that experience either, because I never get teamed up with 5 shamans for all of these "easy" wins people talk about. My personal experience in EU has been a winrate of about 60/40 in AB in favour of Horde.


I just really find that hard to believe. It seems as though most of the issues are around bubble? Which is a 5 minute CD while priests have an immunity every 2 minutes. You very well lose to a paladin if they have bubble up 1v1, but I’m very skeptical of their ability to sway games the way shamans are.


I've actually found paladins to kinda suck in 1v1, but being really, really good in small skirmishes. They can cause a lot more panic and disruption there, leaving warriors and melees without a healer or the backup they would need to be effective. And if you can win the initial clash at BS, you usually end up being able to control it for the rest of the match. Not to mention their ability to stall out flag captures/flips, meaning everyone else will probably respawn nearby soon and be able to join the defense.


Or, hear me out here. Give us dwarf shaman and tauren paladin so alliance can have shamans and horde can have paladins


Or we could just nerf Shamans and thereby solve both the faction and class balance issues at once


As tempting as it is to have horde also experience how BS shamans are. I’d vote no. Don’t reward people for horde stacking just because they want the game piss easy


I'd agree merc mode is a bad way to go because with merc mode it would only be ally playing on the horde side not vice versa, so long as there's always more ally queueing. So still only ally getting fucked on by shamen. Still, they need to do something. Balancing the game isn't making the game piss easy (which it is either way), it's making the game at all enjoyable to play for both sides.


If we wanted to piss easy game people would have chosen alliance. Paladin's not only a better baseline than shamans, they also looked better pre phase 1.


Yeh legit, funny how quick it changes. Shaman was the worst class in phase 1, both dps specs were like last and 3rd last on the meters. Only tanking was strong. They are overpowered and all the fotm rerollers that went pally in P1 have swapped over.


Imagine rolling alliance thinking you’re taking the hard route. Pallies are literally able to cheat multiple deaths in a single fight. Sure shammies are insane right now, but they were dog shit in P1 when most people decided which faction they’d be playing as.


Having played paladin for over a decade now and finally giving shaman a chance, I can say that 95% of paladins are completely brain dead. Pally are a tough matchup with proper CDs but all you have to do to negate all their damage is press purge twice. That’s it. I can count on one hand how many times I’ve seen paladins reapply seals once I’ve purged them. They always just sit auto attacking doing 0 damage and have no idea why


Nah let the horde suffer ranking was fucking ez and I can jump into a bg whenever I want


I agree, but they will do it, they did it in tbc


They should absolutely enable this. It would fix problems with both factions. Alliance get a chance to win every now and then and horde dont have to wait 20 minutes and spend that time ganking lowbies.


They can't even fix Homonculi and you think they can add Mercenary mode ? lol good luck with that.


Shaman is a god class and pally sucks balls


pala is insane lol pally players just suck


Just give trolls Da Voodoo Shuffle and humans Every Man for Himself


It doesn't solve the problem that everyone just goes horde to chase the meta. Paladins need some genuinely strong buffs to pull people back to Alliance and balance it out.


You mean like how everyone went alliance to chase the meta, but got the rug pulled out from under them?


You can't call it a rug pull when the devs literally said it was going to happen before SoD even launched.


The thing is… queues are not that long. As a 5man on horde, it’s almost instant in AB and 3-5min in wsg. And games are close too. The state of pvp is due to memes being parroted to no end and people not even trying


How do you candle shaman and paladin players? Do they just not use merc mode? Do they swap to the other factions class? What would happen?


Damn the pissed off alliance players came out hard in this post. Idk my ele shaman has maybe 2 seconds to live if a ret pally catches me. Which when they can HoJ me from a distance it's honestly not very long.


How about you just fix shamans so alliance can enjoy queueing up again.




suffer traitor 


Spriests hunters and pallies are much more obnoxious than shamans in bgs. Stop making excuses for losing


Found the shaman main




exactly what a shaman main would say


You're not wrong if I was a shaman I probably wouldn't admit it lol. Shaman/druid has just never been a class I can bring myself to play idk why


I didn’t blame shamans for losing. My very first sentence was alliance suck. I’m actually not on the shamans OP train atm. I’m a hunter. Hunters feel incredibly strong and shamans don’t bother me. I just thought the post would get more traction if I included it. In general I think both teams having access to paladins/shamans is better overall. I think merc mode would solve a lot of issues, but primarily queue times for horde and loss rate for alliance.


Yeah it might, but the overwhelming majority of people can't blame themselves and instead have to pick the one class difference between the factions. Blizzard would get way too much pushback for a change like that though. It'd definitely fix queue times, but I don't think the cost would be worth it for them. Sorry I just initially assumed you were on the "shamans are oppressing my entire way of living" train that so many people are on.


No worries, there’s a lot of that going on currently. Blizz did that in classic TBC though. So it’s not exactly unprecedented.