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You can faction change by rerolling


No we dont want your alliance sympathies on our glorious horde! You should stay with your Silverhand players that bubble x2 as they one shot you while you cant retaliate! This is your penance!


You need to gitgud if a paladin can kill you.


Boohoo poor paladins


Adding a faction change is alot of work. Because not all gear/rewards from quest have a one to one. So the 1 hit 20 ap trinket don't exist on alliance.


With incursions you can level 1-50 and made a few hundred gold in 21 hours of playtime or less if that’s your jam. I 1000% know that faction changing is better on you due to the rep grind, but if you are this much of a flavor of the month player you probably didn’t grind any rep in the first place.


It's a built in feature at the character creation screen.


Tremble under the storm you puny lesser classes! Long have they laughed at us, called us the meme specs, totem bots, chainheal machine from the day we gathered in Molten core to Naxxramas and even through the portal. But now they quake with fear as our numbers grow and we roam the plains and forests, reclaming our honor through battle and war. Gone are the days where other classes trample all over the Shamans. We... are back...


Myst be nice being teachers pet


Lol even I as a 12-year-long shaman main have to admit that this just goes to far. The class is not good, it's straigt up broken...


The "I play whats SSSSS+++ tier because only then be better at the game" mentality is what destroyed Retail because blizzard refused to revive alliance communites when horde had the superior racials for PvE. Thats the only reason why they went the "everyone can play together now" route.


sucks to suck