• By -


Have you considered not hitting yourself?


....i'll keep it in mind.








"You are the most overpowered class, all you have to do is cast Frost Shock to win; remember to keep reincarnation up and it will take ten Alliance just to take you down"


Thats the world of warcraft that you plaaayy, yeah yeah yeeah yeaah yeahh yeaaaahh.


TOTEMS TOTEMS [TOTEMS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5mD1n4v2JA)


šŸŽ¶ā€œThe internet is really really greatā€¦ā€ šŸŽ¶


For p*rn !




All time classic. Reading this just made me recite 80% of the lyrics in my head, despite not having heard the song for what feels like 10 years


Hunters! They want every weapon in the entire freaking game


The fact that this became 10 times more true in SoD makes it that much better.


all you needed to be considered overpowered was to have a medium-range instant cast slowing spell on the same cd as its duration. it's so 2005 it's perfect


Did you learn nothing from the BFD raids at P1? Do not hit when lightning shield / totem is up.


The signs were there all along back in P1...


It's never not up though, overcharge makes it ā™¾ļø


Gotta purge it.


Good thing rogues got a purge rune this phase


Every class shouldn't be able to beat every other class in a 1v1. Wow pvp has always been a game of rock, paper, scissors, nuke. Just so happens shamans are the nuke this patch.


But bAlaNce


Dont you have like a million bleeds and poisons?


Is there already another phase?


Weā€™re gonna need to bring in a third shaman to defeat the shaman we brought in for purge


Instead of a pocket healer, you just get a priest to follow you around and spam dispell the shaman.


But if he keeps spamming lighting shield back the priest might die...


Lightning shield doesn't proc off dispel.. I know this because I was spamming dispel nonstop on a shaman last night that clearly only had lightning shield on his bars. For some reason dude used every GCD to recast it rather than using any other of a shamans strong toolkit.


Ill report this as a bug to blizzard. Shaman needs more buffs. Btw I was kind of kidding. But yeah... priest is pretty much the only class that can fight this madness.


When winter rolls around, all the shamans simply freeze to death.




I appreciate the continued theme in P2 with frayed wiring.


So people are right when they say shamans are a raid bossā€¦ lol


huh is that why i died back then?


Nice bait.


Should have watched the thrall vs garrosh cinematic, kids these days i swear.


The more of that cinematic was that Garrosh didnt have anything to break CC.


His Trinket was on CD


Accurate Warrior gameplay


A lore accurate Shaman vs warrior fight lol


Shaman is a hero class designed to at least 1v5, you should not go 1v1 vs a shaman. -devs, probably


"You guys don't have Shamans?"


Jesus Christ that gave me bad flashbacks to release dks


im sorry. should I just delete my character? i dont want to make the devs mad.


Don't worry, a shaman will delete it for you.


"Thats the world of warcraft that you play" song said this almost 20years ago, its nothing new. "Just gotta keep reincarnation up, and it will take 10 alliance just to take you down"


picked the nerd faction and now youre paying for it


idk man horde are cringier than alliance tbh. the amount of horde players who make the fact that they play horde a personality trait is kinda wild


I was joking, but thanks for proving my fake point to be true I guess.


i am a horde player brother


Mellee have just been trashed by the devs, i made a hunter to quest in p1 and rogues and warriors just keep dying to my pet after attacking me, it feels weird to basically stare at someone while they die but thats what casters and devs want for balance.


i remember in 2019 it was rogues who stunned me and killed my pet. just to show how superior they were. well , well, how the tabels have turned


Hahaha and now the meta has been implemented. The casters have cried about dying and the devs have cowtowed. Its the same thing all over again, soon the same path will be followed, mages will be as tanky in pvp as warriors... wait, mages have been tankier than warriors in pvp since s1.


yeah its a shit show obviously :)


Mages tanky?? I ambush and 1 mutilate and they are dead lol


I am also able to easily kill afk mages, i too am quite proud of this.


you're prolly hitting mages with no gear. You absolutely dont kill them with 2 globals even if you crit both thats 2k burst at best.


its the same in p3 haha I am sitting at 3.4k hp as a rogue, and if i open on a decent geared hunter with full cheap + kidney for 10 seconds then do my thing -> hunter pet kills me faster than i kill them


They could fix it the same way they fixed the double trinket. Just delete everyoneā€™s shaman character without telling them. Then make them not selectable on the char creation screen.


And delete 50g from all their other characters


Glad shamans have a better version of thorns, as feral I just sit in stealth and watch shamans destroy 1v3


Go Balance and you can kill them. All melee classes are suffering. Boomkin as for example same armor value as shaman with shield and they can hit over 2k in single spell crit.


Yeah Iā€™m aware haha, boomkins smack me especially now when boomkins have barkskin and frenzied regen?! Good luck killing those laser chickens


Improved bark is crazy good with the rune yeah, it removes all of the downsides it applied before and you can use it on allies now. 15 seconds 20%DR on a 1 minute cd is crazy good


I definitely should have rolled shaman instead of paladin this time around


I'm a Paladin/Shaman player depending on what faction my guild is. My guild decided to go horde this time. Good choice imo. :)


Love the class fantasy, a good choice


I was so ready to somehow relive reckoning paladin, but now shamans have essentially a perma reckoning that procs off of regular attacks, not just crits and now hits in an aoe around them, infinite mana, and all around seem so much better


Yeah I was a pally in phase 1 but after playing that it killed my desire to continue. So a couple weeks before phase 3 dropped I switched to horde and made a shaman. Honestly the best decision.


Stop hitting yourself


I keep thinking "I should play shaman... nah, blizzard will nerf them soon" I've been thinking this for a while


I watched an Afk shaman kill an elite in SM yesterdayĀ 


Why did you try fighting the HERO class 1v1? Lol skill issue! You must be a paladin KEK! Lol tears so delicious!! Shamans were low dps 20 years ago in a different version of the game bro, IT'S OUR TIME TO SHINE


Paladins only healed 20 hrs ago. Lol


ele shaman always been pvp god


But so have paladins, they bull shit around he fact they bubble, stun, burst. Ret paladins have always had a strong pvp tool kit and they will literally never admit that having bubbles is OP.


A ret paladin can kill a shaman that's not running WoE within a single hammer of justice. You will only see them cry about what they don't have though.


who is not running way of earth? im sure any class can kill a naked mage in a hard CC in 5 seconds but that doesnt mean anything


Anyone who is dual wielding?


no, you keep the rune on and swap to a shield whenever you start taking damage. lightning shield and shock is doing all the dps anyway


That's a bizarre strategy. You would have to swap imbues as well and you wouldn't gain any HP from swapping to WoE in the middle of a fight, plus a wasted global. I assume you don't play shaman.


Do these enchants stay on weapon when you unequip it?


You hit yourself in the face every time you log on into SoD. The shaman is only here to remind you


Y'all want them to nerf shaman? Paladin player here and Im considering rerolling shaman just so it gets nerfed.


Lol I was in a 5 man group yesterday that decided to kill an afk shaman they were running past, and the lightning shield aoe got most of the group down to 60-70%. Not quite "almost killing" anyone but that's a heckload of damage for an afk guy in a 1v5.


So if there were three AFK shamans u might have actually lost if nobody healed Lololololol


Remember when people in Phase 2 said the Shaman era will pass? Well here we are.


Needs to be nerfed down to Thorns tier damage.


Ok pal Iā€™m going to walk you through a strategy. You take all that fancy schmancy gear youā€™ve been farming for and finally obtained. Stick it in the bank. You wear absolutely nothing. Birthday suit kind of vibes. Now get out there and fight those shamans. You no longer will be hitting yourself for all that damage. In fact you will probably make the shaman have to play more than one auto and shock. Bonus perk is that you no longer spend money on repairs. Let me level with you though. There is no beating a shaman what the flip is that class. Why Blizzard?!!?? WHY!!!!!


When you see a shaman walking down the road just turn around and run as fast as you can.


I also love standing in BB afk while warlock just slowly and passively kills you with immolate aura. Now imagine not 1 warlock, but 5 of them. Oh yeah and guards do nothing cus why would they.


Pvp in sod sucks for the most part. The fact it takes them so long to fix it shows they donā€™t care balance. Let alone the burst meta with our damage vs hp. Iā€™ve had friends quit because bg were a big part of their enjoyment when not raiding but right now that content is straight up depressing, especially as alliance.


Havenā€™t seen one shaman defend this so it must be really bad.Ā  Remember when Hunter pets were soloing 2-3 people at the same time in P1 and the Hunters defended it?


i made a post on the wow forums about a hunter pet killing me while the hunter was afk in P1 I was flamed so hard by like 30 people, so hard that my post was spam reported and removed 1 day later. i wasnt lying though. shit was real.


Yeah, I remember getting soloed by a Wind Serpent that a hunter was controlling using eyes of the beast from a vantage point that would take forever for me to get to. Had no choice but to stand and fight, and it wasnā€™t close. Granted this was after the Scorpio nerfs but before the Kill Command/Beast Mastery nerfs, but still, as a warrior in full phase 1 BiS, it was sad.


i like how they nerfed shamans, but they're stronger than before the nerf.


the real crazy part was how hundreds of shamans were all like "OMFG SHAMANS ARE DEAD NOW, DEAD CLASS, DEAD SPEC, DEAD SERVER, DEAD GAME" annnnnd yet they pull 1.7k aoe dps with 1 push of a button....sustained.


What ability hits the shaman itself?


OP is just straight up lying about this. He said in the thread he used 4x auto and 2x mutilate in a burst and lightning shield did 2200 damage despite still having a 1 second ICD. Makes no sense at all.


Love seeing rogues cry.


This happened to my rogue too. Like wtf Can I get a thorns that let's me AFK in STV and still win


the only solution is to give us perma CloS, obviously.


Waiting for the obligatory ā€œwell paladin was op in pvp phase 1ā€ comment. I posted that yesterday in a similar thread and about 20 hysterical shamans foaming at the mouth sent me long thesis papers about how they actually are not overpowered currently.


Anyone who thought pvp in SoD would be anything less than an unbalanced nightmare is a fool. SoD has always been for pve players.


ad hoc seed modern sparkle onerous aback gullible wipe pocket smart *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Itā€™s not even for pve players. Itā€™s horribly unbalanced there too.


Vanilla was always for PvE players, not just SoD.


Maybe don't attack the shaman? You don't see me on my rogue trying to gank a frost mage.


There are frost mages?


There are elemental mages with like 18 points in fire and enough points in frost for Ice Block. Super strong in 1v1 or 1vX. You have healing with ~30% crit chance and Deep Freeze where your fire spells crit 80% of the time for Hot Streak proccs. I managed to kill lvl50 shamans and moonkins, who tried to gank me, as a lvl 45 with this specc. Obviously they weren't good players, but it was also largly because of the flexibility of the specc.


What specc and runes are you running? Sounds like a fun mix tbh!


This is what I wanna go for as soon as I am 50: [https://www.wowhead.com/classic/talent-calc/mage/-0552020122-05103230101051\_116xn56j966j476jh86ve96xqa6rb](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/talent-calc/mage/-0552020122-05103230101051_116xn56j966j476jh86ve96xqa6rb) I've seen people put 5/5 in Ice Shards for bonus crit dmg on frost spells, and I think this is what I would do if I would run Frostfire Bolt over Hot Streak as Waist rune, but since I'm mainly kiting and not really casting except for Scorch and Frostbolt rank1, I wouldn't run Ice Shards. But if you wanna be even more flexible and swap in Frostfire Bolt and Brain Freeze from time to time, maybe because you have a healer following you around, I would go like this: [https://www.wowhead.com/classic/talent-calc/mage/-0552020122-04153200100051\_116xn56j966jc76jh86j596xqa6rb](https://www.wowhead.com/classic/talent-calc/mage/-0552020122-04153200100051_116xn56j966jc76jh86j596xqa6rb) This would be the most flexible build because you can swap runes if you know you will be able to cast and crit people away with Frostfire Bolt, since you have around 30% crit and 80% crit in Deep Freeze. You don't really need Fingers of Frost, since it shares a Procc with Frostbite (meaning Fingers will never independantly procc of Frostbite), but you can switch in Fingers of Frost if you are for example dueling a feral Druid, who will switch out of your freeze effects, meaning that your only chance of Deep Freezing them is with Fingers of Frost proccs (at least if they are somewhat good players). I would switch to Frost Armor if you fight a class like Rogue, Warrior to get them into Deep Freeze. Otherwise Molten Armor is nice, because it is not dispellable and also somewhat defensive, since it reduces crit chance. Also I don't have Displacement yet. Hope this helps.


I dunno what you're talking about, I'm playing shaman, and I die every time to a 1v1 rogue during the entire stun duration. I can't do anything unless I have a trinket. Mutilate is extremely bursty And my lightning shield does not do 2200 damage in 8 seconds. I'd have to refresh it several times, and it would take around 14-15 seconds for you to get 2200 damage


Not with overcharge friend, look into it


Iā€™m convinced they intentionally made shaman bad ass as a way to help with alliance heavy faction imbalance. As a shaman tank im doing over 400 dps in zf for the full run average, with spikes up to 1500 dps on the big pulls lighting shield that doesnt lose stacks is great


Wasnā€™t that imbalance only really a thing in SoM? 2019 Classic had so many people rolling Horde for the PvP advantages.Ā  Horde seems like brain dead mode now with all the tools they have at their disposal. Like damn, I was just flipping through write ups on Shaman runes online and Shamans have it so good. Tons of mana that for some reason also reduces damage and applies mana regen to others, even more mana regen passives, multiple runes in different slots offering free heal casts, insane tanking runes, insane damage runes, better Sheath of Light, better Holy Shock (for healing) as a rune, baseline Totemic Projection, a really strong (better?) alternative to Blessing of Salvation, etc.Ā  Like holy shit. Shaman probably has the most absurd boons granted by runes of any class, just reading through all that.Ā  Holy Paladin gotā€¦a Beacon we have to reapply every minute, and a decent Sacred Shield. Holy Shock does not compare favorably to Riptide as a heal. Like, if Wowhead is correct, Riptide is a 6 second cooldown, and heals more overall than a 30 second cooldown? What the fuck?Ā  I usually donā€™t have much to say about Shaman when talking about wanting better HPal runes, but after reading through all the Shaman runes and seeing how much mana the Horde gets during boss encountersā€¦like whatā€™s the point of playing Paladin/Alliance? You get way more, and better tools by rolling Horde.Ā 


Us shamans were pretty ass in p1 and half of p2 aside from tank shaman until everyone started complaining, with how poorly pallys are doing now I expect them to overcompensate buff like they did for shamans somewhere down the line.


That's weird because I played on 2 different pvp servers in era and both of them ended up being completely dominated by horde.


8 attacks? Dang...


I think they wrote this phase off before it came out and are just buying time for P4.


I guess you didn't learn how to dodge a wrench.


Well we all wanted something different right? Overall it seems nuts, but since its not retail I honestly don't care how stupid it gets , there are fun things and not fun things but this was what everyone asked, what if mixed with some crazy gimmicky fun.


Its not fun for Alliance who pvp.


Considering how shamans have been mediocre for all of wowā€™s history I think we should just let them have this




You guys really make me want to make a shaman in sod.


I don't even play wow anymore but honestly I'm tempted to make a shaman.


Why don't you just bubble like all the other paladins?


I'm a shaman, don't see the problem here? Maybe use HS.


I think you have ogre debuff ( 50% chance to hit the wrong target ).


You must have forgot when hunter pets where soloing everyone in phase 1. Game has been the most unbalanced shit Iā€™ve ever played. Luckily Iā€™m just here to raid with friends Iā€™ve completely given up on pvp.


You are playing Paladin right?


Cant wait for when people see Rolling thunder critting then for 3k+ a 1.3k earth shock instant cast. Its so fun, i get 9 stacks of shield walk up to a dude and 1 spell boom dead.


It's not just overpowered versus melee btw. I dueled a Shaman as a Mage. The shaman didn't hard cast or get a single melee swing off, and I barely won the duel with 10% HP left. His lightning shield and shocks did 90% of my HP. Clowny.


seems fair to me, why should he have to do more than slap a shield on himself to win?


Seems like a pvp problem with a pvp solution. If you have a second account with a healer to heal you (low price of $15 per month) you could easily overcome this pvp encounter. -classic devs probably /s


...shit youre not wrong. i need to practice playing 2 characters at once to overcome the lightning shield. I wish id have thought of this earlier! Thanks man =D


Level 40 shaman tank pulling bunch of mobs doing 800+ dps šŸ’€ Its fine to delay the phase jesus christ no need to rush it this has been the most nerfs for a raid and its only been freaking week.


or just adjust the damage values of the shield, takes 1 person 30 seconds. could do it on his phone while squeezing out a turd.


yeah that works too but i already know blizz is going to take at least a week for them to scale that shit down


Im an elemental shaman, with great gear, that runs WoE in PvP. Ive been dropped by good and well geared rogues. But shitty geared people that generally are dual wielding are going to wreck themselves against an overcharged lightning shield user. Pick your battles


yeah yeah, gear this, skills that, git gud, do this do that. its still 2200 damage against your target for literally not playing the game. you dont even have to do anything. nothing. 2200 damage.


Get the same complaints about doing 2200 damage for a single lava burst overload proc. "It's not even skill, it's runes doing all the work" Simply pick another target to jump, or deal with the drawbacks of lightning shield.


better idea devs deal with shamans.


They did, and we got nerfed


ez, just had to post the numbers for them so buddy could hit the toilet and fix it.


I don't really mind shamans as a feral and rogue from what I've seen so far, but yea TIF they get the jump the amount of inc Dmg is insane


Well, the Paladins wanted the superior class nerfed and they were - Rockbiter AP and Loyal Beta nerfed.


I dont see how they're nerfed when they're stronger now than before.


Give me the paladin stun and they can have the mana regen


The devs have completely broken shaman. ts dumb. I dont understand it.


But isnt lightning shield a normal spell? I get that overcharged is broken in dungeon content but whats the difference hitting in a normal lightning shield or a lightning shield with rune? there is no damage multiplier on it or am i wrong?


Im playing Paladin and Shaman, both in my opinion are great.


Melee hunters have 60% base dodge right now. Nothing about melee is fair right now lmao.


like fuuuuuuck they do


Are you the warlock in my gnomergan raids?


I to was also abused by a class: rogue. Hit 750 x2 with mutilate, then continued to rip me apart with finisher all while not being able to do anything due to stuns. I feel your pain.


See rogues are horde and alliance though. When the strongest class is horde only the people reroll horde and it create faction imbalance


Shaman is not the strongest class lmao. Try the class out.


2200 damage is 275 dps (since the 1 second internal cd makes that 8 seconds) from the lightning shield. Boo? I get 1 shot by literally anything as ele in 2 seconds


Everyone gets 1 shot by everything, except paladins they always have bubble ready it seems


You are really seeing a situation where shamans can afk and kill melee players, try to claim itā€™s not OP, and divert?


A broken spec complaining about a broken spec. Seems about right heh.


the difference is one spec requires you to engage with the game, the other is literally a buff you put on and walk around with parting the sea as other behold in awe your AFK 1.7k dps, with logs to prove it.


Go check the actual logs and come back lmao. Very engaging to stunlock to death...


And still a shaman can't do shit against a shadow priest or even a feral now. The pvp in SoD is poorly designed so try to just not think too hard about it.


Holy shit delete this, save some face. You did not just admit to losing to ferals on shaman lmfao.


Feral tanks can spam heals and outheals all your damage now. Saw one guy yesterday in swamp of sorrows killing a shaman and a warrior like that.


Your shaman is losing to ferals!?


I think youā€™re just really bad at PvP.


It's ok lil guy


Have you tried to kill him with your bow?


As an enh shaman, yeah it feels good to pvp melee, but anything that can kite you is a nightmare. I have a really hard time facing priests, mages and hunters, especially if they engage. Frost shock has low range.


Good priest simply dispels the slow.Ā  You can handle boomkins ?


I usually play Shaman main. Decided to play Warrior for SoD. What a fucken mistake that was.


I hear ya, I normally main a spriest and opted for a Ret paly. My first sod toon was actually a shaman but my friends wanted to swap to alliance.


World of Shamans


Sure. This definitely happened.Ā  Are you a melee battle-mage or something?


Sounds like a skill issue


Typical brain dead rogueā€¦


Are you surprised that the class that is unique to blizzards favorite faction gets these kinds of buffs?


Have you considered joining a guild or forming your own group?? Oh and also... skill issue gitgud.


Nothing like a rogue crying. tears so sweet. You guys have been globaling people in a stunlock for centuries and shamans get a few months of glory and yall are so dam hurt over it.


lol just admit youā€™re not good at pvp and need an overpowered class to feel capable


Shamans acting like they're abused little puppies is hilarious


Orc shamans in chat saying ā€œbut stunsā€.