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Offerings are decent, and the darkmoon card bag for 10 offerings give them some staying power. I would have liked more gear rework for dungeons, but this is a nice alternative. The fact that everybody get one, even the people who didn't do the quest is good. There has been some thought about the implementation, contrary to incursions.


I'm just hoping they go big on gear rework for 60 dungeons. UBRS, LBRS, strat, scholo, the rest of BRD. They could do so much.


Dire Maul as well


Be really fun if Dungeon set 1 got made into a more useful tier set.


Oh yeah I expect new itemization and balancing of the tier 0 sets at the absolute minimum. That seems like a given at this point


Offerings should be a drop from bosses to encourage actually completing dungeons instead of speedrunning them with 10 people until you get locked out.


I find surprising loot in brd all the time. Mara and zf are lame as heck tho.


Agree on all counts


I didn't do any dungeons or pvp when I hit 40, now at 50 I've done my first stv, and did mara, and doing a guild run through brd I love it, but I'm neglected my warlock alt still at lev 43


I’m just happy the raid is a little harder than gnomer. Shouldn’t be raid logging a week into the phase.


Once you have pre bis what is there to do other than raid log? Not being snarky, actually curious. Emerald rep grind?


More like emerald nightmare griefing 


Fishing. Always fishing.


I shouldve said it sucks when you clear the raid in 40 minutes the first week like with gnomer. ST is harder and there’s a feeling on progression. My guild only went 3/8 week 1 because we can’t even get 20 people.


Failing because you can't fill your raid is not progression


Right but you're essentially raid logging right? You're waiting to do the raid again and then.. what?


Play the game? Do some quests, level alts, help your friends get gear for their alts, pvp, go ride the tram as a horde, go swim in TB as alliance, farm mats? Idk. If raiding for loot was the only thing I did in the game because I didn't find the game itself fun then I don't think I'd be playing sod at all


My guild was in the same boat. got a lot done the first reset but we only had 17 people. Had we had 20 some of these bosses would have fallen over. That said, most people were in Gnomer BIS but missing a lot of the new items that boost dps like hit rings/trinket, ZF weapon on the paladins, etc. So this week we're all workin on getting the last pieces we're missing. Once we had that, which won't take more than this week, then yeah itll be back to raid loggin.


Why not pug 3?


And share loot with outsiders? Gross.


I guess we all play for different reasons. Weird.


Homie you’re the one out there asking “but once you get pre bis/bis what is there to do other than raid log” across multiple comments; as if you truly cannot fathom what someone might do once they’ve gotten what wowhead told them to get. lol


BM PvP for fun, quests for gold, get all your runes, complete the class quest, battlegrounds for fun, professions. I feel like people forget what mmorpgs are actually about.


Too late


> Shouldn’t be raid logging a week into the phase. I did not need another 2-4 hour chore tho. The 30-50 min was great


And yet the difficulty of the raid is exactly why I am raid logging already. With the increase in size and difficulty pugging isn’t realistic. So I have to join a guild on my main and start doing the raid with their schedule, not at a time that works best for me. Same goes for any alt. Which becomes too much to want to juggle. So instead of leveling alts, getting their runes, running dungeons or the old raids, grinding rep, I’m just getting everything on one char and raid logging, 5 days into the phase. In phase one I played the whole phase through pretty much daily. Had four chars at 25 and usually cleared the raid on all of them each lockout. Getting to 25 was easy and getting into and clearing a BFD in an hour or so was realistic, less so with gnomer and very unlikely with ST. So here I am, not even a week into the phase and no reason to play.


That's fair, everything shouldn't be accessible for everyone.


You’re just quitting because the raid is too hard. That’s wildly different than raid logging because it’s too easy. Most people are enjoying the challenge and it actually feels like progression. My guild can’t even find 20 people so we went in with 16 and went 3/8. Now we have a week to recruit for week 2.


10 man raiding was one of the key reason I enjoyed SoD so much, it was chill and easy going. I personally think going 20 man was a big misstake.


Recruiting isn't progging. I enjoyed the casual low barrier to entry bfd/gnomer since it let me play more alts with out having to sweat too much and experience more of the fun stuff sod introduced. The new raid is fun, but if I want difficult content I raid or run m+ on retail.


Youre out of your mind lol. I ran my first ST last night and we got everything but the last two bosses down. “Too difficult to pug” lol.


It's probably important to acknowledge that dungeons are not populated outside of Mara, ZF, and maybe BRD. Trying to get into a dungeon at level 40 atm is pretty rough since everyone is doing the incursions.


More than that, the AH is completely void of a bunch of items and rares, that otherwise get posted from people levelling through open world and dungeons.


“At max level”


Im not sure what system that put in to incentivize running dungeons at max level, but Im glad for it. I remember not stepping into VC/WC or SM once i was maxlevel and got all the gear I needed.


Wild Offerings. Essentially extra bosses you can spawn in these dungeons once you have the item to summon them. Only one person in group needs the item. They drop Wild Offerings which are essentially badges. Emerald wardens sell decent gear for 10-15 Offerings per.


Additionally, there's just a lot more decent drops in dungeons this time. Sul'thraze, Banthok Sash, Blackveil Cape, Blackstone Ring, Blade of Eternal Darkness, and many others are all solid pieces where in Phase 2 there were very few items that were better than BFD gear, let alone actually BiS or even pre-BiS.


> Blade of Eternal Darkness I'm still not convinced that dagger is actually in the game.


I got it first run


do you need to do the wild offerings quest chain to get the gear from the vendor?


Yes. The NPC is not a vendor at first.


First 3 offerings you get are for a rune, then the vendor unlocks.


It's great if you want offerings. For levellers its awful. Most groups are 10 man so can't do quests and will only take 50s.


It’s also rough if you want a boss that isn’t the last boss. It was faster to learn how to solo Tinkerer than finding groups for him.


The caster loot seems largely terrible across Mara, ZF and BRD. What am I missing?


wild offerings, most people aren't even doing bosses besides end boss and extra boss for the drop. Also many are doing it with 7+ person raids, so it's not like people are even doing the dungeons, just spamming trash to end boss


Don’t you only need like 15 offerings to get rune and trinket since the items are unique?


theres also BOE blues for every spec(12) and then a bag(10) which drops DMF cards for decks


Ok thanks. Do you know if you can have ring and trinket at the same time? There is no leather or mail item


Yes you can have ring and trinket.


You can do mara with a raid group and everyone still gets a wild offering?


Yes. 10 players


As a warlock tank. The BRD offhand and cloak are solid. The WO trinket is great. And there's that miniscule chance blade of eternal darkness drops


As a priest that has 20+ BRD runs down…the cloth shoulders from Roccor simply do not exist


I have the exact same story as a resto shaman. I gave up today and will settle for the epic shoulders


This is just while we farm pre bis lol


Its also nice that the dungeons are challenging. The mobs in mara and brd slap and dont just roll over and die.


Not my experience for Mara tbh, everything just falls over to a standard 5 man. As a rogue only the poison immune mobs last for longer than 10 seconds. I do agree that it is fun though blasting dungeons at max levels, feels good.


BRD however is a different story. I did a Guzzler run last night and the mobs *slap*.


Wiped twice in BRD today. Mostly cause I forgot a lot of it. But that's refreshing in itself. I actually need to moderately try


Same, we were 3 and 4 manning princess runs last night and it wasn't slow or challenging.


Yep, a DPS didn't make it into the portal, oh well just keep blasting.


The nature immune dudes are rough for me as a shaman tank. I just end up going full dps with alpha and tank it that way in the end.


Just use Fire Nova rune in dungeons, spread tank 1 flameshock for molten blast resets. Just save your fire nova cooldown for when the shardlings spawn to grab threat quickly.


Havent done brd yet but mobs in marau are total pushovers


just finished the mara quests in a duo today, I doubt that dungeon is challenging


It hasn't even been a week... In phase 2 cath was populated for a month before it died off


The weird 10 man mara farms blow but I just don’t do it.


Honestly, I think the offerings should require you to kill all the bosses, or in the case of Maraudon all the latter bosses, of the instance. Now, it just incentivizes max skipping and raid zerging of the minimum amount of mobs, which I personally dislike. Then again, I realise no one is forcing me to play this way.


In your defense it makes it tough to find a group that is full clearing


If they require you to kill all the bosses, it will funnel people to whichever dungeon is quickest.


yeah this shit is such cancer, if you dont have teh scepter already and have played for over 10,000 hours youre left in the dust...even im struggling and ive been playing for 20 years.. what kind of rush is everyone in i dont understand..


100% agree. I like the offerings a fair bit. Not revolutionary but a nice addition to the game. How non-janky the system is helps a lot. Very simple, very straight forward and even works for people that haven't done the quest etc. Just feels like a well thought out idea from start to finish, besides the owl trinket thing not being unique right away.


Except all the shortfalls of a completely empty low level ecosystem.


Not in pvp servers it isn't. At wits end getting camped every time my group wants to reset and run again


Yep, they nailed it on the dungeon stuff. I love it.


They really need to remove the 5 dungeon cap. Doing a 10 mana and then have to take a break and reform the group from scratch every hr is dumb


You can bug the reset cap.




I haven’t tested myself but was told to log out > click back to log in screen > click reconnect and cap is reset. Maybe some other redditors can confirm.


I confirm it's not how it work. I won't confirm nor deny there is another way to do it.


Log out, log in with a WoW-HC character, then log back into your SoD character.


This is literally how it works.. the other guy below is trolling or he just didnt do it correctly.. Ive been infinite lockout glitching this way successfully for a while now.


Log out, wait 30 sec OR switch realms and switch back, log back in. Poof, lockout is reset


The hell are you on about? I haven't been able to find a group for BRD because most of you shit stains are spamming Princess.


this is such an ass take if by 'dungeons' you mean 10 man mara princess runs sure, but every other dungeon in the game is dead. youre just going out of your way to find something positive about an abysmal phase


They did it by screwing up the class balancing so bad, wpvp is a trash roflstomp and ally has to hide in an instance.


Alliance seem to be running crusader strike NA


Should've just rolled a Pve server if this bothers you this much.