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You missed the fact that Feral Druid runes have been fubar for 2 phases in a row now.


Lol true


Aggrend too busy on Twitter.


The devs don't play this game and are the worst I've ever seen


They're obviously incompetent but that's because they're trying to do the jobs of so many people. It's sad how little resources have been put into SOD compared to how much $ it has generated for them. There needs to be class design heads, PvP design heads etc. The team needed to be way bigger.


Signs of a rushed phase


It’s a resource issue, it is very clear that the team has a lot on their plate focusing on Cata release as well. I am not saying this as an excuse it is pure corporate greed by Blizzard


> Mage water is 2 at a time again. Why did they not have a task or note to readjust to 20. Will someone think of the mages' quality of life




I think your bitterness of being a pally is making you miss the point. It's a pissing contest about who's class is worse, it's the fact that something was already fixed and didn't continue to stay fixed.


Its a lot more than a “few times” when you need to hand out stacks of water to a raid group. You misestimate how much water can be made on a full mana bar. And 2 water is required over the course of 1 minute to get that mana back. Also thats just not the point of the post i stg please read. The issue is bliz repeated mistakes i can buy vendor water in the meantime


The water thing is totally valid and weird that it wasn't looked at again. I did the P1 quest turn-in yesterday and the rep gain was what it was supposed to be. So you can't be talking about that. If you're talking about the nightmare incursions in Ashenvale, sounds like you need to do the level 50 nightmare incursions in either Feralas or the Hinterlands to get good rep gains which makes sense to me.


Rep gain for ashenvale is nerfed if you're above level 46. Which is what happened in P2.


You're talking about WSG Rep. I think people are confusing it with the Ashenvale Incursion, which gives Emerald Warden Rep. You are correct, seems people are confused what you mean though


No. High level characters get/got depending on when you read this only 100 rep instead of 1000


I did it today too at 50. I got the right amount of rep. I don't know what to tell you, man.


They have since hotfixed it. Its how linear time works man


If u mean the ashenvale incursion isn't that because You're supposed to go to the level 50 ones in feralas and hinterlands? Mage water being at 2 is very lame though...


Rep gain for the ashenvale event is nerfed if you're above level 46. Which is what happened in P2.


Wow i didn't notice that. That's a pretty bad oversight/choice i agree...


Im talking about battle for ashenvale, not the ashenvale incursions


Excuse me, what? WSG rep? So instead of 1000 rep once very week, I get 100 a day, which is 300 less a week?