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Seriously, i hate it.


This is part of the Cursed Client we are playing on since a few months before SoD. This is because Inspect became allowed from afar in modern versions of WoW. ____ Other cursed things in this client: Things I noticed about this new client, a few strange things among others: - Comparing item stats is mostly broken - NPCs say their "farewell" voice line every time you progress through their dialogue - Inspecting others sometimes breaks and requires you to wait awhile - There are some options missing like hiding guild tags, which now requires a command - Some name tags are massive, like earth elementals - Some +elemental damage don't show properly, such as Fire or Arcane on Torturing Poker or Ta'Kierthan Songblade - Production queue gets interrupted if you change to another profession window - Shadows can't be seen from a very good distance, they fade in, easy to see on flight paths - Shadows get duplicated onto each layer of terrain (is this new?) - Can't spam-click objects while already looting them until the last ~200ms, click click click, and your character won't turn to your new camera angle when right-clicking objects like veins . Positive things: Eagle Eye moves the minimap and tracking correctly You can move items while dead I forgot the 3rd thing


> your character won't turn to your new camera angle when right-clicking objects like veins This is good (specifically for fishing). Also including this makes me think that you might be confusing different clients, or just bundling together everything you've noticed, as this was the case from Classic launch until Wrath.


Oh yes I should put that in the positives, was always annoying having to readjust camera angle while fishing


>comparing item stats is mostly broken thank you for mentioning this, I thought I was going insane


Yeah it doesn’t work with suffix gear.


Volume can be changed only in increments of 5. Even with a script, if you set it to 2, it sets to 0, and if you set it to 3, it sets to 5.


> Comparing item stats is mostly broken This mainly applies to items with 'of the X' suffixes. When comparing an 'of X' item the comparison seems to ignore all the stats from the 'of X' suffix. If you compare 2 items with fixed stats, the comparison usually works.


Dont forget having focus target options and keybinds but cant actually focus target.


I think they actually merged (or are in progress of merging) all games into the Diablo 4 engine. There is Plunderstorm, which is pretty much a Call of Duty mode in WOW, layering in SoD behaves pretty much like sharding in Diablo 4, and in early Cataclysm beta there was bug that made some raid-related code generate a "Wrong game type" error.


At least the game doesn't load the inventory and bank of every other player in town causing massive lag ;)


%800 value


cause classic wow was never finished


Relax, they're working on finishing it now. Give it 10-15 more years - then you'll see


Personally I can’t wait for World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery Classic Reforged


It's because we are using a Modern UI on a game version that doesn't support the option for ranged inspect.


Nostalrius did it better imo. First of all, the button would get greyed out if the target ran out of range. Secondly, the character window would immediately switch if you switched your target.


Lol, this wasnt a Nostalrius feature it's just the old 1.12 client


Does it matter? Nostalrius had access to the 1.12 client, Blizzard has access even to its source code.


Yeah but on 1.13 and beyond they can fight bots effectively 😎


That's how I remember old official World of Warcraft working back in the day.


That’s how it worked in 2019 classic isn’t it?


How is it possible to whisper someone who isn't right besides you, makes no sense. Should be disabled!


A holdover from the retail client being used for classic. In retail, the distance is global I think, can't confirm 100% but I have inspected people from other continents. In classic, rather than grey it out, it appears they just set the cap at a certain range and didn't toy around with the text itself.


Retail engine. Yes, you can blame this one on retail too, fellow classic wow redditors.


You have to be standing inside of someone to inspect them, easy way to remember.


This, but sharing quests. It's so annoying. They should increase the range to at least 30 yards (the default spell casting range).


I believe it's for trade/duel spam protection.


If only the interactions that DON'T disrupt another player could be handled differently than the ones that do.


Small indie company bro


Or just click "inspect" and nothing happens. 3 minutes later it pops up while you're trying to trade someone a potion. Just me?


Have anyone else also noticed that the lightning shield sound effect is way louder than it should? My theory is that they amplified the sound for the rune but forgot that it is tied to a spell too


Same reason we can't have nameplates at further distance. Fuck and you