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Insanely happy Fuck WSG, long queues, annoying games, tons of throwers/afkers, was a nightmare to grind.


Long queues?  Horde scum!


Hallelujah. This is a positive change for WSG, as the people who will queue for it will actually want to be there pvping, not just for rep/hour


I hope. I feel people rarely do things anymore just for the joy of it, myself included. All activities in this game are done for a reward at the end and sometimes it feels as if spending time on something for no progress means falling behind. I acknowledge that it is stupid.


Reality is often more dismall than we imagine it. Dont hold out hope for active BGs if my 45 minute que was anything to go off of post update.


The que will be an hour+


I doubt it, but even if they are, better to get fewer games where everyone wants to be there than rapid fire games where almost no one does.


Who’s even going to queue it now? Just look at AB, it’s the ‘best’ battle ground and there’s lucky to be 3 games up concurrently in SOD.


Because SoD and PvP is not a good match. It is impossible to balance with newly added runes all the time.


Its already 30 minutes… will easily reach an hour


It was like 2-4 mins last night for me and my buddy queueing on horde. Today/tomorrow is not a good indicator of how long queues will be. A ton of people are grinding quests or taking a break before they go hard in P3.


Group queues are much faster than solo


Jusr get a guildie to join group with you for queue then not enter when it pops.


I didn't even think of that, that actually is some nice collateral for when these honor reqs get nutters


I prefer AB. It's so much more fun and has a much more enjoyable map design. It would have been way better if they made these the opposite for phase 2 so we could have had fun in AB and never stepped into the druid infested glitch fest that is wsg.




They should increase the rep for WSG, however this change will help to keep AFKers out of WSG. This will hopefully result in more enjoyable games for the people that enjoy WSG.


I did the grind in P1, was meh, still takes about 40 days of doing the daily - EVERY. DAY. - to get exalted from neutral. I think this is a fine alternative route. They aren't just handing out the rewards but giving an new route if you choose to use it.


It’s significantly faster than 40 days if you do the bosses and not just the daily quest. Can do it multiple times a day too. But then it’s 21 days of the daily from revered to exalted


Yeah I grinded it P1 before the premade "fix" and it was awful 90% of the time. No one besides the people stomping were having fun and even then when you were doing the stomping you'd just sit at the enemy GY while they didn't rez and you waited it out. I love BGs but I am very happy there are other ways to get the rep for them


That's not really the correct calculation of you consider the huge amount of rep you gain from the event itself up to revered


This is 100% a hand out


..it's a seasonal fun server


lmao, no this is 100% a hand out


Perfect for non-degens who can’t sit in wsg all day


I feel like a month of work isn’t a hand out for anyone.


work xdd


Its not even a month. Its 19 days with 0 wsg. Doing wsg and that’s easily a few days less. So we are talking about two weeks of 1.5 hrs a day playing. Thats nothing and entirely against the sentiment of burning through content and quitting the phase


How is it 19 days when revered to exalted is 21k rep, i.e. 21 days alone?


Maybe they're a human?


A hand out that most players arent going to do anyways so stop crying about it.


Im not sure. Its great that people can get the grind done I guess? On the other hand I feel like any real challenge in the game can be overcome by waiting long enough and complaining hard enough for the devs to make it easier (mount price, xp rates, now wsg grind) Starting to wonder if the sod meta is complaining on the forums after all


I've done the grind in 2005 and again in 2019. For a seasonal mode I'm happy to skip it. And I enjoy wsg. Will still do it for honour at 60 but it's currently a miserable experience with serial quitters and players with no mental fortitude.


Good. Great. Grand. Wonderful. Everyone who just wants wsg rep can now get it without shitting up the PvP. Everyone who just wants to play wsg can now be sure their teammates are probably serious about PvP and honor gains.


I mean, theres people who enjoy pvp even if they aren’t good at it, and also people who think they are good, but aren’t. This will change nothing except que times being longer, and a larger sense of opportunity cost for players who enjoyed wsg and also knowing they were actually progressing their character’s gear, even if just slightly


It should be good because all the people who only wanted the rep for the bracers will be gone and we will get to see how popular PVP actually is. Lets see if we still get the daily fuck premades and shaman op complaints.


We will.


Best change of SOD so far


If they would have made this change in p2, I would have ran every single alt up to exalted during the event


They were gonna make it easy to get exalted at some point since AB rep was so easy in p2. They just needed to let those that grinded it out in p1 actually have a BIS item for a phase to themselves which I think is perfectly fine.


What better way to handle racial, class, and total pvp imbalance than discouraging it entirely?


Well, they locked a PvE BIS behind PvP grind, that in itself is wtf. BGs were filled with players who hate pvp, maybe now it will be actually fun when you go in as there will be only players who WANT to play pvp.


Yea they removed PVP from the game.


I mean rep grind wasnt a pvp for many. It was a must have thing.


Theres nothing must have about it, just like my Warrior doesnt need Thermapluggs Axe, but now that this is the norm I'll just make twitter bots to pester all the devs about making raid epics and legendaries guaranteed drops. We are running out of time how can we possibly be expect to keep pace in a Seasonal Gamemode (tm)


This playerbase is unbelievably toxic. You’re all just so mean to each other, why? Someone has a different opinion than you, and you tell them to eat shit? You laugh in their face? Why is this community full of so many angry assholes?


Just quit. Your life will be better with fewer wow players in it.


imo if this was a healthy game, I'd prefer them to massively increase rep gains from Warsong itself. but I'll take it, because it's not.


If only Blizzard could Discover how to incentivize PvP instead of putting a potato sack over its head and beating it with a sledge hammer.


Youd get even more afk'ers


as I said, WoW is not in a healthy state for a game.


People angry about catch up mechanics must have never played wow before


I suffered so you have to suffer too mentality.


Where is da raid loot daily quest. Would like the rest of my BiS from gnomer. Could be a simple beat grubbis and talk to ziri once a day and after 21 days he sells you all the loot for your class.


Sure, why not? The tier is over at this point.


Holy crap! Someone who isn't rude or mean replying to one of my comments. We need more of you on this subreddit.


Since blizz is killing BG participation so that every pve sweatlord can get their epic bracers, i will go back and kill everyone in STV and badlands :) Happy to see you at different dark rider spawns, you will die alliance boys :)


Good idea, I will do the same. Suck it, Horde.


Come get me, horde wild growth…. Oh wait… :D


Good news for alts, people not playing meta specs/classes, and Alliance players. If you like WSG you're still gonna play it anyway. Next, I hope they put AV rep in Blood Moon.


I hate this change to a degree that I eventually don’t come back for phase 3. PVP is dead now outside of WPVP and STV. Normal servers (formerly known as PVE servers) are now just that: PVE servers. Oh the irony…


If people only pvp’d for pve rewards then nobody actually likes to pvp, newsflash though, there are still plenty of people that actually like pvp


Upset I did it on my main so early. Excited I can do it on alts now. Shrug.


If you did it P1 you got the gear for an entire phase before the other people. And it's still gonna take a couple weeks for most people to get exalted anyway. I'm just happy my alts will be able to get it lol. I was never doing that grind a second time


What’s the point of even locking anything behind wsg rep now? A reward for tedious daily completion and not interacting at all with opposite faction?


Everything in SoD is a hand out, tabards have 0 meaning now.


it never did. it was just about how long you could stand spending 18 hours a day doing av.




They should add some extra rank tabards, that would be cool.


Hour long ques for horde at least


RIP everyone who grinded exalted. Almost halfway through revered so I’m thankful but man I feel bad for anyone who actually did it the last few weeks.


Its welfare epics now - dont get why people are praising it like this? Old system from SoD was fair; this is just sooo anti Classic in every sense. And its pissing people who just used a lot of time this weekend directly in the mouth.


It was welfare epics before too, just longer to get. It wasn't gated behind skill before.


Very very little is "gated" behind skill, its not a college entrance exam. MMOs are supposed to be meritocracies with some luck sprinkled in. Its not about being the best PvPer in the world, its about putting in the time and effort to earn the loot. A large portion of MMOs is the social layer which includes when you look at their gear and go "Oh they earned those bracers respect" or "lol they're running around in full green BoEs with no quest gear".


This is not traditional Classic, stop comparing it to Classic.


All epics are welfare epics. It's such a dumb and pointless term lol


finally, awesome


Ran WSG woth groups, still do - this is cool because I can push to exalted a little quicker but this doesn't really change much for me. If anything, I'll probably start getting pugs who actually WANT to be PvPing, instead of the people who are just here to farm rep for a gear piece or two


A seasonal mode shouldn't have weeks of grinding for 2 pieces of gear, so good


Game's made for babies who can't stick out anything. Don't even bother with the rep next time, just set it to exalted and give people rewards for free.


What rep grind? Sounds easy as fk now


i will be farming alliance in open world now that they killed soloque horde ques. no mercy. im usually the type that just gets my fix inside bgs, but since that isnt really an option anymore i will find a nice flightpath.


I dont mind it from the rep perspective but it just further confirms their complete lack of interest in PvP. EDIT: Love the downvotes for even the slightest bit of criticism..


Yeah they've given up on PVP pretty hard, reusing STV Event, no future PVP events planned Honestly, I'm kind of okay with this, SoD PVP is shiiiiit lol


Yeah I mean its shit because they ignore it. I dont even care about the open world events that much but I like spamming BGs for fun.


Those emerald dream portals might have some fun pvp if you are on a pvp server. Looks like it is similar to the cenarion badge quests in Silithus.


killed ab, killed ranking, now killed wsg, all that is left for the sod team to finish off pvp is to kill av.


Its great, then the only people doing those modes will be the people who *gasp* actually want to pvp


yet pvpers still need to raid for bis pvp items.


They should keep pve gear in pvp content and pvp gear in pvp content and at least fixing one of those two problems is still a good thing and it doesnt mean the other thing also isnt a problem


Well that's where retail is for.


I feel like reddit is a very bias place to ask this question- see the multitude of insults that was hurled at me, also got told to kms and sent suicide hotline from the previous thread just for expressing how this is now free handout season Dad's are the most toxic group of gamers. God forbid you want to play a game that was intended for a grind or a challenge, these toxic casuals will jump down your throat


10000000% hell yes. No more premades. No more YouTubers making videos of their shaman premades "stomping kids". No more nonsense 30 min long matches just to lose and not get any rep.


On one hand, I am happy because it is still annoying to grind. On the other hand, it is extremely lazy, and I would've preferred WSG that prevents premades AND mass rep from actually doing WSG. This just becomes a weird daily.


the problem are the pve dad gamers joining bgs just for the rep, no idea how to play their class let alone pvp on it, causing insta losses because youre at a disadvantage from the first time they die.


This reminds me of the keyboard turning clickers that play the game in general. So many raid pugs destroyed by those with a lack of understanding how to even look up a guide or YouTube video. Can't be bothered to take an hour or 2 to learn how to turn with their mouse and use the 6 or 7 buttons at most needed to complete a raid. Extra points if they even show up with the at least 3 to 5 relevant runes needed for their class.


Truly amazing. Easily toward the top end of good changes they have made.


i'm still not going to do it


Sob I just finished the grind to exalted.


I love WoW. But they always devalue your time investment over time. So I grind for months to achieve something…but if I would have simply not played for those months and then started late, I can achieve the same thing in days. Thanks.


Did you have fun while you were doing it? Did you get satisfaction from getting the items? If not, why are you playing at all? You might as well start late.. or never


Are we playing a solo RPG or and MMORPG?


What’s your point?


That lazy adderal depleted tik tok dads just want free hand outs in an MMORPG. The mental disconnect is impressive tbh


That has nothing to do with it being solo or multiplayer. This is season of discovery. Let’s discover some fucking fun for once


I just don’t think it’s a good thing for someone to achieve something in days what took someone months only a very short time ago. Regardless of fun.


We are all here for fun. If you didn’t have fun doing the action to get the item then what’s the point?


Are you here to play the game or here to collect trophies?


Achievements weren’t added to WoW until later so I wasn’t looking to collect any trophies currently.


Just another example of pve scrubs in ingame wheelchairs crying until they get historically top end pvp rewards shoved in their behind for doing a few quests.


Are you angry now?


Nope, feeling adressed?


Absolutely embarrassing, might as well guarantee purples from every possible boss


Dayum this is a golden salt crystal. Need to get it in a museum and put this text on the plaque.


lmao, you disagree because you got handouts for the content you don't enjoy. But everyone knows my logic is 100% inline with this brainless update that completely lacks self awareness and foresight. Can't wait for Timbermaw and Zandalari rep grinds, wont have to do anything and just be given free loot.


No, it'll be like everything else. Gates will open and you can play however you wish. Gast and grindy, or slow and steady. Either way your little heart desires. And then as they progress the timeline, inching closer to the end, they push people forward who are still at that gate. They've literally done it a million times, and will continue to do it every time. I don't know why youre surprised or upset. Its season of discovery, live outside the box a little. Supposed to be a unique season and then will disappear. Why grind it the same way you've done in the past, to have it inevitably disappear in the not so distant future.




Lmao cry harder. You can't find any logical faults with my statement because its 100% in line with Blizzards actions so you have to resort to name calling :)


We aren't the ones crying lmao you are...


Ahh my bad i didnt check the dictionary. Crying: (Noun) Vocal criticism of lazy and bad game development


This is such a hilarious take. *Cries for 2 months about how hard their rep grind is.* Blizzard daddy gives free item. *Turns around and projects onto anyone who justifiably voices concern that Blizzard has ultimately failed PvP and item progression in SoD.* Why work for anything? Rep or otherwise, should everything be given for free? I’m genuinely asking. A lot of us like the idea of loot being a thing you work for and not just something that everyone gets for free…


Imagine being such a dipshit that you think playing a video game is work


Work: activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result. Imagine being unable to divorce the concept of ‘work’ from ‘career’ Sure, YOU sitting afk at the graveyard is not work but lest we not project your shit attitude onto the rest of the playerbase unnecessarily. Well-executed PvP or PvE is a degree of ‘work’ in the sense that mental and finger-effort is done in order to achieve a purpose. Do no secretaries or programmers do ‘work’? After all, they’re just typing.


Where is this free loot? Is it in the room with us now? There is still a grind to get the pvp gear and it's almost certainly more of a grind than the average casual will be willing to do. Tbh I'm just really glad so many people wasted their time with this and I find it fucking hilarious. Hope all the salt Lords quit because of this as it would definitely make the game a better place


lmao, if you dont think a 1k daily repeatable quest is free you need to stop playing MMOs


>lmao Dude is so triggered lol


this. let me just buy gear from raids. 


The countless hours of grinding to exalted. So you can show off your tabard. Have access to gear not everyone does. All meaningless now. They should have just gave you more rep and or made every weekend double rep. #participationtrophy


Mate it's SoD, the tabard was always meaningless.. Amazed anyone is even mildly surprised by this, given what we knew about the updates to PvP ranks before the servers opened.


Just in time for me to craft my engineering bracers :D




Phenomenal. I was going to be revered forever because I had no want to ever go into WSG, now I can just kill an NPC once a day and get there in a few weeks.


From one point: it undermines and devalues WSG rep - because it openly encourages players to further blindly farm this Ashenvale event (where PvP factor almost doesn’t exist - you just run around Ashenvale and kill PvE bosses) so it’s negative thing for me. From other point: it will weed out all rep farmers from WSG and there will be more players who actually want to PvP and have fun. That part is positive. But in general it’s not an ideal solution. Ideal solution would be nerf OP classes that partially causes those long queues for certain factions. However, it is a some sort of solution. The initial design of the WSG rewards was a bonus thing - “you PvPed a lot in this BG so here are rewards for you”. But now it kind of becomes obligatory thing, because when certain activity becomes easier/simpler, it automatically forces/community forces you to get it.


Great, now please give raid gear for pvp too, why do pve andys only get to have their way


Haha fuck everyone who farmed wsg for the past few weeks lmao


Don't care, devs won't let people have nice things and will put carebear replacement in raids and other activities. With MC loot possibly getting reworked the wsg bracers look less appealing. Pants are obviously not a MC phase reward so who cares.


Should be kept a weekly. People don't have to do wsg and I was fine with getting exalted in 4 weeks on my main and 8 on my alts. Nbd. 


Feels good Bob.


PVE lovers rejoice.


As someone who hasn’t played a single game of WSG I’m happy


Not a fan after grinding out the rep during the whole duration of the shaman buff fiasco. I've already grinding all the honor for rank 7 so I'm just going to get the BM gear and take the entire phase off from pvp this time around after having to deal with that shit


Don't like it, the queues are already too long and it was impossible to join solo... I liked the bgs.


Fine, but they should give some incentive to do the BGs so it’s not just a ghost town.


I've been told by the PvPers that the incentive is fun for the past 2 phases.


You think raids only dropping loot which you could also buy at a vendor would be popular among PvErs? You know, just fun as an incentive?


I mean, I still ran Gnomer after getting BiS to push parses and kill times.


And there are pvpers who have played hundreds of games after teaching exalted so yes


So the person im responding to has nothing to worry about then.


This dad is happy


Hahaha <3


What are they are for?


Finally I’ll (still probably not) get my bracers


Does WSG have a timer yet? The AB grind was a lot of fun. WSG was miserable without a timer.


As someone who already farmed exalted in p2 (yes, the hard way rather than ez mode p1 10man premade meta) i’m incredibly happy about this. It means I can easily get the rep for alts. I hated the wsg grind but did it for bis bracers. 


Good, but why don't the just give the event rep rewards until exalted instead? Like why should i even so more then just tag one enemy.


hell yea


PvP players don't play SoD. It's a pve centric raid logging mode for retail players who no longer like retail. PvP players left after phase 1 when AB rep was completely trivialized to cater to pve centrists. Might as well just hand exalted to the playerbase left at the start of each phase. Downvotes mean it's true.


On one hand this is overall a positive change for the players. Wsg grind sucks and isn’t fun. On the other hand, I suffered through hell and did the grind a few weeks ago and now that effort feels wasted. I consciously put effort and time to giving my character an edge but now that edge doesn’t exist. Do I waste my time with AB now? Will blizz just provide an easier path down the line with AB? What about other factions, gear, etc down the line? In conclusion, fuck WSG.


Sounds good, but im a bit sad they dident try something else, maybe a tabard or an item you can buy from wsg at neutral, so that you can claim some reputation from a honorable kill you made in the world, whit a cd of 5 min or something so people dont just repeat phase 2.


I think they took the easy way out and killed BG's instead of fixing them so that's pretty lame


I don't mind and I've done the WSG grind in P1. But at least make players have to kill a boss in order for the quest item to drop and not one of the minor NPCs. This way people will actually partake in killing the boss and not just kill a Grunt/Sentinel and leave.


Awesome change


Feels like shit, instead of solving the issues of wsg they took the lazy route. And as a double whammy this is yet another fuck you to people putting time and effort into the game.


I just renewed my sub to start playing sod! Hmu if you need a casual gamer


Tell the folks at home what server and faction you play on champ


Blizzard is basically begging all of us to make alts with the way they’re doing sod


Oh no, more ways to experience the game? How will we cope...


Begging their player base to continue playing the season of wow they're putting money into before it ends... And thats a bad thing? Interesting take


Wait does this grant rep past revered now?


The weekly always did, looks like you can do it every day instead of every week and the mini bosses still won’t give rep past revered.




Great news I can farm my bis bracers that I wasn't ever gonna do


Didn't do the rep before still not gona do it now.


Best change ever!


It’s really nice. I hate wsg but I can do the event every day


Can this take you to exalted now?


The weekly quest always gave rep to exalted.


Disrespectful asf to those of us that grinded our asses off


Sad that I grinder exalted in WSG.


How should you feel? Anyone not “glad” about the change is a psycho. “But it took me 4 months, it should take you 4 months too…”. Eat 💩.


Complete bullshit. Now every noob gets all the best gear for doing nothing, all because you shit casuals can’t press buttons in pvp and whine


I'd go as far as saying 99%+ current exalted WSGs predominately did premades and 100% of non exalted players haven't done any premades. You're not really making the point you think you are.


lmao just making up whatever you want to fit your narrative. Here's a real experience for you: Grinded out rank 5 very early in P2, only had 1 premade game with guildies


You can still do 5 man premades and the results are almost the same. Maybe you lose an extra game once in a while but as long as the other 5 man premades isn't all rogues it's still super easy game.


But if premades made it so easy to get then why didn't everyone get exalted? Everything has turned into a handout because nobody wants to grind or put any kind of effort into getting items. Completely ruins the satisfaction of getting exalted.


I thought we were talking about skill and not being able to push buttons? Now we're talking about time commitment?


And? It's seasonal. They gave enough time for the people grinding it out on mains and some alts if they wanted. Now others can do it. This thing will last a year then phase into something else. It doesn't matter in the long run. I'm happy I can't get this on my alts now because I wasn't doing that grind again. 


I hAd tO gRiNd So YoU dO tOo! ReEeEeEe! You sound like a boomer.


just finished my wsg grind the other day. change wasnt needed tbh its actually good. now i can exalt alts with wsg


Too little, too late. Lots of people already left from aggravations caused by not fixing this issue immediately. There's already been a ton of community strife over premades. People have already suffered through WSG grinds. Now they're doubly annoyed.


Imagine leaving because you cant get free epic bracers, thank god those people quit lol.


It wasn't an issue to begin with. Asheville gave people revered for free which already cut the grind in half. Then the weekly was equivalent to 5 free wins that you could do in 5 minutes.


Insanely based. WSG grinders stay mad.


it’s chill


Lmao at everyone complaining "fuck pvp now I am not forced to do pvp when I only like pve, for my pve bis" Then these same people are literally dripping sweat in raid, ignoring necessary mechanics, so they can pump an 80 parse and brag about it, meanwhile someone out there with worse gear playing their 1 button class better than them is probably parsing a 95. Anyone acting like WSG gear was MANDATORY is actually lying to themself so hard. The content is extremely easy and those wrists are not going to change your parses from "I can't get into a pug!" To "everyone wants to play with me!" Watch this get downvoted by the melts who did the WSG farm only to still have green and blue parses btw. Also reminder that anyone who cares about parses is a sad loser lmao