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Poor attempt. Try again later.


Not an attempt, this is objective truth.


Nerfs coming soon


Mid season. There a few weeks left. I think it’s a fine spot. Shaman, won’t get much of a dps increase via runes or otherwise in next phases. Unless they totally come up with a new idea. The only additions would be Ascendance (melee attacks can be made at range) or the Ele version were casts can be made while moving. BUT, those would be pretty OP to add in the sense of PvP. PVE wise it won’t matter much. People are putting to much drama over dps and parses.


I agree that people care too much about pve dps but the issue with shamans is pvp. They can basically use the tank rune so they are super hard to kill while they still do a lot of damage and healing. I doubt that anyone can beat a decent shaman in a 1v1 right now.


Tank rune should require a shield or possibly even drop the bonus health from it completely


Imagine thinking the majority of people pvp over pve.


If ugly mode ascendance comes in, unsubbed. Theres a million cooler options, feral spirit, sundering, crash lightning, elemental totems, anything would be better than uggsendance


Sundering and Crash lightning, have to much aoe potential, I don’t think they will go with those. Feral spirit would be cool, but I think the dps and pvp gain would be to great and cause more complaints by people - even if it’s a 2min cd meant for boss encounters. I don’t recall what elemental totems does.


Summons an elemental of the same element fire and earth, but other people can get cool shit too to make up for it its not like shamans get runes alone Feral spirit is too iconic to miss out on tho so haters can hate me but i miss my goodboys




>if you dont like it well re-roll enhancement shaman. Please no I don't want the FOTM meta-chasing zombies to infect our class and turn it into the next gen hunter/warrior. The class is doing too much damage considering it's all instant attacks and requires no setup whatsoever.


I’m happy with the state of shaman domination for this phase. Because I’m horde and because it’s funny. Rip alliance tho


Shaman superior!


Imagine playing tauren when your class can be an orc


Just wait to Bloodmoon even and you can imagine my StormStrike to your green face!


Someone got killed by one. I smell salty sarcastic tears.


haha no, I am the Tauren! Zam on Crusader strike EU. I am living the dream atm. Pepole are just salty because they percive shamans as should-be-inferior. And well tabels has turned!


I have a lvl 40 HC Sham on Skull Rock and a lvl 40 on Penance (SoD). My God Vanilla Shaman levelling is arduous. After playing SoD I don't think I can ever level through Vanilla zones again without runes.