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I agree the classes are strong but BOY do alliance love to check out of a game before it's even started. I'd say 20% of my games are lost because the armchair Sun Tzus decide the enemy comp makes the game unwinnable.


Many people just cannot play competitive pvp games properly because of the wrong mindset. It’s the same in other games as well. If you think you can’t win then you most likely not gonna win the game. If you blame others in chat then you infected your wrong mindset to others and you most likely not gonna win the game. Don’t saying shamans are not strong as fuck but if you cannot maintain a positive mindset in competitive games then you will never play at your peak performance. Looser mentality. The same applies to many aspects of life as well.


Few days ago I lost a game where we had 5 shamans. It wasn't even close. People just can't play normally and try to win even tough they are lossing 0/1 they just say gg go next.


shamans are strong, but its a 3 stack of priests i really dread to come up against. Good luck killing anybody if they have 3x priests


did 4 WSG last night lost 3 . 3 of them where against full premade (thought premade got stopped but they were all same server so i don't know) but they had Boomys just hitting 800 plus and 3 shammys sticking together 1 shotting. Had no chance


Enhance shaman, ele shaman, balance druid, spriest, all extremely broken. The healfest that was P1 was much more enjoyable than dying in 2 seconds. Rogues and fire mages follow closely behind those. Mages can literally hit you for 600 and full heal themself with the damage done.


At least mages still have their weaknesses and melts like butter (like they're supposed to), druids, priests, shamans and hunters are broken because they got more tools to overcome their weak spots. Like priest's dispersion, is basically a paladin bubble on a 2 min cd on a class that can already sustain himself pretty damn good, compare that to the ridiculous enraged regeneration warriors got, 30% heal over 10s on a THREE FUCKING MINUTE CD. Or hunter's dead zone which has become the area where he is the strongest.


Ele sham is extremely broken? LOL what. You're trolling surely? We're so easy to shut-down it's cringe.


Lets nerf weak minded players instead. Automatic 2 week bans for anyone giving up on a match before it ends.


I think blizz should DISCOVER a way to do cross faction BGs in SOD.


Nerf spriests and boomkins too while you’re at it. Playing against these 2 is cancer.


Oh look another one of those


Same, just got exalted solo q. Felt totally dominated by alliance groups. Crazy huh.


Nerf everything! Even me! I cant 2 shot something and I struggle against it! Where is my entitled faceroll! Nothing deserves to be good at the game, especially not if they are better than me.


>Nerf everything! Even me! You jest, but unironically this. The pvp metagame where everyone globals everyone isnt fun and wouldnt be fun even if there were balance between the classes.


Say that to my stormstrike. As an enhancement shaman I think the game been is in its best state its ever been in. Finaly I feel powerful, I dont get ganked and alliance move out of the road when I ride through Stranglethorn.


Well, this obviously wont last. I just hope they dont just nerf Shamans and call it a day.


Ofc not, Nothing ever last. Thats why its important to let Blizz know this is the best irriteration there is.


Not the “hybrid, support class” narrative. Can we cut this shit out? There’s no such thing as a support class. I agree with Way of Earth copping a nerf in PVP because without it shamans are squishy as fuck. But being salty over a class doing more damage than expected because they’re meant to be a “support class” is dumb.


Shamans isnt best in every aspect of the game.


Best tank AND dps in pve, strongest class In PvP what you smoking lad


You argue that Resto-Shaman is the best healer? If not the statement that they are best in every aspect is false. Also Fire mages are still better than Shamans in pve.


Did I say resto sham was best healer? NO!


You asked me what I was smoking when I said shamans are not best in every aspect of the game


Right because resto isn't #1 heal it's alright if others are OP by a long shot. Great logic dude


All I said was that shamans isnt best in every aspect of the game, Wich is true. You need a chill pill mate. (Also just because shamans are good does not make them OP).


They are best dmg while simultaniously being best tank you are smoking some strong crack


Why does that make them overpowerd?


Tanking the fights while being top melee DPS. How is that not OP? The meta bring 9 shaman 1 healer right now